This guide will ensure that you have all the necessary information needed to be an effective contributor to Openapi-forge
We are actively looking for contributors to help increase the Forge's capabilities and robustness
- Does the issue already exist? Remember to check the open and closed tickets
- A short and clear title of the bug
- Forge version (and generator versions if it relates to the generators)
- Reproduction steps or a link to a project that shows the bug
- Expected and actual behaviour
- A short and clear title of the new feature / improvement
- A more detailed description of the new feature / improvement (adding code snippets if you desire)
- Fork the repos you will need to work on. You may also need the generators
- Have you contributed before? If not, look for issues with the 'good first issue' label
- Is it assigned to anyone else? If so, post a message to see if the assignee is still working on it
- Is it assigned to you? If not, post a message stating your intent so that the maintainers and other contributors know what is being developed
- Do you understand the issue fully? If not, ask on in the issue. We are all here to help you contribute
- Link issue that PR addresses
- Link any related PRs This could happen when forge and generator needs updating
- Have you added tests?
- Are all workflow steps passing?
- Is it ready for review? If not, create a draft
You can test openapi-forge on all of the language generators from one command:
% openapi-forge help test-generators
Usage: openapi-forge test-generators [options]
Test language specific generators.
-g, --generators <gens> Narrow down the generators to test. Each letter is a generator, combine letters to test multiple generators, options are:
c (CSharp), t (TypeScript) (default: "ct")
-c, --csharp <csharpPath> Sets the location of the CSharp generator. Default is a directory called 'openapi-forge-csharp' in the same location as
openapi-forge (default: "./openapi-forge-csharp")
-t, --typescript <typescriptPath> Sets the location of the TypeScript generator. Default is a directory called 'openapi-forge-typescript' in the same
location as openapi-forge (default: "./openapi-forge-typescript")
-l, --logLevel <level> Sets the logging level, options are: quiet ('quiet', 'q' or '0'), standard (default) ('standard', 's' or '1'), verbose
('verbose', 'v' or '2') (default: "1")
-h, --help display help for command
If the testing doesn't work you may be using the wrong script-shell configuration in npm. To keep scripts working in both Unix and Windows machines the shell expected in the project is git-bash. To change your shell type you can run the command below, changing the file location if you have your git-bash executable is in a different location:
npm config set script-shell "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe"
You can have the locations of the forge and generators in custom locations with custom names but you will need to input the relative file paths into the testing commands of the forge nad generators. Below is the file structure needed to use the testing commands with the default locations:
- The branch
is used to auto-generate the Github Pages webpage. DO NOT USE THIS BRANCH!!! - This project uses semantic-release which enforces Angular Commit Message Conventions & Angular Verbs. Ensure you are writing your commit messages correctly. Husky hooks have got your back for ensuring correct format but will not prevent the use of wrong types.
- The NPM scripts below can help you fix failing workflow steps:
npm run test:generators
npm run format:check:all
npm run format:write:all
npm run lint:check:all
npm run lint:write:all