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Bioinformatic Components

evanbiederstedt edited this page Apr 29, 2019 · 1 revision

Bioinformatic Components for the Variant Calling Script

For the script, the pipeline performs the following:

delly call -> delly filter
snppileup -> facets
manta -> strelka

NOTE: manta -> strelka and mutect2 were lifted and modified from Sarek's implementation at

Input File columns: "idTumor idNormal bamTumor bamNormal baiTumor baiNormal"

Outputs: They are found in ${params.outDir}/VariantCalling/<tool_name>

Variables used in pipeline:

genomeFile: reference fasta

idTumor: tumor sample name

idNormal: normal sample name

bamTumor: tumor bam

bamNormal: normal bam

Execution on lsf:

nextflow run --sample test_inputs/lsf/test_somatic.tsv -profile juno --outDir $PWD

Execution on aws:

nextflow run --sample test_inputs/aws/test_somatic.tsv -profile awsbatch

You can also specifiy which specific tool(s) you want to run with the --tools <toolname(s), comma-delimited> flag.

If --tools is not specified, runs all tools, currently delly,facets,manta,strelka2, mutect2, and msisensor.

Tool name delly will run processes dellyCall,makeSamplesFile, and dellyFilter.

Tool name manta runs ONLY process runManta; manta and strelka2 needed to run process runStrelka.

Tool name facets runs process doSNPPileup and doFacets.

Tool name mutect2 runs process runMutect2.

Tool name msisensor runs process runMsiSensor.

Example run of only delly, manta, strelka2` on lsf:

nextflow run --sample test_inputs/lsf/test_somatic.tsv -profile juno --outDir $PWD --tools delly, manta, strelka2

Input File columns: "sequenceType idTumor idNormal bamTumor bamNormal baiTumor baiNormal"

Outputs: They are found in ${params.outDir}/VariantCalling/${idTumor}_${idNormal}/<tool_name>

Variables used in pipeline:

genomeFile: reference fasta

sequenceType: Either exome or genome; currently un-used

idTumor: tumor sample name

idNormal: normal sample name

bamTumor: tumor bam

bamNormal: normal bam

delly -- SV Caller

For now we assume that we want all five variants of SV performed for delly call; sv_variant is defined before the process is initiated in a list named sv_variants.

We use nextflow to iterate through that list, submitting the processes in parallel.

delly call \
  -t "\${sv_variant}" \
  -o "\${outfile}" \
  -g ${genomeFile} \
  ${bamTumor} \

The next step, delly filter, requires a sample input file that contains a tumor ID and a normal ID that's considered "control"; this is done in the process makeSampleFile:

echo "${idTumor}\ttumor\n${idNormal}\tcontrol" > samples.tsv

These sv_variant processes are then fed to another process dellyFilter.

delly filter \
  -f somatic \
  -o "\${outfile}" \
  -s "samples.tsv" \

MuTect2 -- SV Caller

Running mutect2 consists of three processes: CreateIntervalBeds, runMutect2, indexVCF, runMutect2Filter, and combineMutect2VCF.

The output of combineMutect2VCF is later then sent to process combineChannel to be merged with strelka2 output into one MAF file.


Before running mutect2, we use SplitIntervals (in process CreateIntervalBeds) against interval file human.b37.genome.bed. Currently we only split into a scatter-count of 10; we can adjust in the future.

  gatk SplitIntervals \
    -R ${genomeFile} \
    -L ${intervals} \
    --scatter-count 10 \
    -O interval_beds

Currently our implementation of process runMutect2 has hard-coded -Xmx parameters; should be adjusted later.

NOTE: A run of mutect2 will create a certain number of processes for each of the subsequent steps based on how many splits are performed above (currently set at 10), up until combineMutect2VCF.

gatk --java-options "-Xmx8g" \
  Mutect2 \
  -R ${genomeFile}\
  -I ${bamTumor}  -tumor ${idTumor} \
  -I ${bamNormal} -normal ${idNormal} \
  -O "${idTumor}_vs_${idNormal}_somatic.vcf"
Index, Filter, and Combine

The outputs from runMutect2 - mutect2Vcf is indexed with tabix (from process indexVCF):

  tabix -p vcf ${mutect2Vcf}

This creates a .tbi file stored in mutect2VcfIndex. They are then fed into FilterMutectCalls (from process runMutect2Filter):

  # Xmx hard-coded for now due to lsf bug
  gatk --java-options "-Xmx8g" \
    FilterMutectCalls \
    --variant "${mutect2Vcf}" \
    --output "${outfile}"

All generated, filtered mutect2 vcf files are then submitted to process combineMutect2VCF. This uses bcftools concat | bcftools sort to create the final mutect2 output VCF.


  bcftools concat ${mutect2Vcfs} | bcftools sort --output-type z --output-file ${outfile}

Manta to Strelka2 -- small variant caller \
--normalBam ${bamNormal} \
--tumorBam ${bamTumor} \
--reference ${genomeFile} \
--runDir Manta

python Manta/ -m local -j ${task.cpus}

mv Manta/results/variants/candidateSmallIndels.vcf.gz \
mv Manta/results/variants/candidateSmallIndels.vcf.gz.tbi \
mv Manta/results/variants/candidateSV.vcf.gz \
mv Manta/results/variants/candidateSV.vcf.gz.tbi \
mv Manta/results/variants/diploidSV.vcf.gz \
mv Manta/results/variants/diploidSV.vcf.gz.tbi \
mv Manta/results/variants/somaticSV.vcf.gz \
mv Manta/results/variants/somaticSV.vcf.gz.tbi \

mantaCSI is Manta_${idTumor}_vs_${idNormal}.candidateSmallIndels.vcf.gz, made in manta step and passed to strelka2 \
--tumor ${bamTumor} \
--normal ${bamNormal} \
--referenceFasta ${genomeFile} \
--indelCandidates ${mantaCSI} \
--runDir Strelka

python Strelka/ -m local -j ${task.cpus}

mv Strelka/results/variants/somatic.indels.vcf.gz \
mv Strelka/results/variants/somatic.indels.vcf.gz.tbi \
mv Strelka/results/variants/somatic.snvs.vcf.gz \
mv Strelka/results/variants/somatic.snvs.vcf.gz.tbi \

combineChannel; bcftools filter, norm, and merge

The combineChannel process just takes the VCF files from the combineMutect2VCF and runStrelka processes into one Channel, vcfOutputSet. This allows parallel job submission for each VCF.

Process runBCFToolsFilterNorm performs three commands to the ${vcf} file: tabix to index it; bcftools filter to filter the file and output a zipped vcf; and bcftools norm to perform a normalization step.

  tabix -p vcf ${vcf}

  bcftools filter \
    -r 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,MT,X,Y \
    --output-type z \
    "${vcf}" | \
  bcftools norm \
    --fasta-ref ${genomeFile} \
    --output-type z \
    --output "${outfile}"

bcftools merge

The process runBCFToolsMerge loads vcfFilterNormOutput as input.

Each ${vcf} in vcfFilterNormOutput is first indexed with tabix and then fed into bcftools merge. The output is an uncompressed VCF file so that it can be processed by vcf2maf.

Output is sent to channel vcfMergedOutput.

  for f in *.vcf.gz
    tabix -p vcf \$f

  bcftools merge \
    --force-samples \
    --merge none \
    --output-type v \
    --output "${idTumor}_${idNormal}.mutect2.strelka2.filtered.norm.merge.vcf" \


Process runVCF2MAF takes the VCF file in channel vcfMergedOutput and runs vcf2maf to make one MAF file.

The hard-coded paths in the below script are relative to the container used by the process.

  perl /opt/ \
    --input-vcf ${vcfMerged} \
    --tumor-id ${idTumor} \
    --normal-id ${idNormal} \
    --vep-path /opt/vep/src/ensembl-vep \
    --vep-data ${vepCache} \
    --filter-vcf ${vcf2mafFilterVcf} \
    --output-maf ${outfile} \
    --ref-fasta ${genomeFile}

snp-pileup to doFacets -- CNV caller

doFacets.R requires a counts file, so snp-pileup is ran first in process doSNPPileup.

output_filename = idTumor + "_" + idNormal + ".snppileup.dat.gz"
snp-pileup -A -P 50 --gzip "${facetsVcf}" "${output_filename}" "${bamTumor}" "${bamNormal}"

Process doFacets needs parameters generalized, but for now it is shown below:

snp_pileup_prefix = idTumor + "_" + idNormal
counts_file = "${snp_pileup_prefix}.snppileup.dat.gz"
genome_value = "hg19"
TAG = "${snp_pileup_prefix}"
directory = "."

/usr/bin/facets-suite/doFacets.R \
--cval 100 \
--snp_nbhd 250 \
--ndepth 35 \
--min_nhet 25 \
--purity_cval 500 \
--purity_snp_nbhd 250 \
--purity_ndepth 35 \
--purity_min_nhet 25 \
--genome "${genome_value}" \
--counts_file "${counts_file}" \
--TAG "${TAG}" \
--directory "${directory}" \
--R_lib latest \
--single_chrom F \
--ggplot2 T \
--seed 1000 \
--tumor_id "${idTumor}"

msisensor -- MicroSatellite Instability detection

msiSensorList is defined in references.config

output_prefix = "${idTumor}_${idNormal}"

msisensor msi -d "${msiSensorList}" -t "${bamTumor}" -n "${bamNormal}" -o "${output_prefix}"
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