- Add feature for user to change border colors of RadioButtons (PR by @patuoynageek)
- Multiple default values can be added now
- default value is now of list type for checked box(Fix #24)
default value of autoWidth is now set to false
Same Lable value is possible now Fix #22
FontStyle can be applied now Fix #22
a property 'absoluteZeroSpacing' is introduced to make sure that there is no spacing in between buttons if required
- fontSize is no longer avaliable instead ButtonTextStye class is introduced
Some Optimizations and resolved default selection bug in radio buttons
Features Added:
- WrapAllignment Added
- Spacing property ( Pull Request by @devomar615 )
Features Added:
- Added Wrap property to wrap verticle buttons
- Added default checked button for CustomRadio button
- Added a better way to set default values
Features Added:
- Auto width for horizontal button
- Buttons are now scrollable in both orientation
- Font Size parameter added
Initial Release. Custom Flutter widgets that makes Checkbox and Radio Buttons much cleaner and easier.
- GroupedBox Button
- Radio Button