Report from Digitalocean managed Kubernetes cluster.
Cluster size: 5 Nodes CPU Optimized droplet - 8 vCPU 16 GB RAM
Estimated droplet cost's for cluster: $800/month
Mainflux services scaled to 5 instances
- Mqtt adapter
- Things
- Envoy
Publisher pool: 10 000
Subscriber pool: 1
Test durition: 5min
RPS: 1
QoS Level: 2
In this scenario, 10 000 publishers connets and sends 1 one message every second, one subscriber is receiving all those messages.
No message loss was detected.
NOTE: Graphs Time unit is microsecond.
We see total number of messages 3M
We see total number of messages per second (PRS) is 10 000
We see total number of messages per second (PRS) is 10 000
Useful facts:
- Max latency was up to 20sec
- 95% Of clients had latency from 5sec up to 15sec under high load
- Avarge latency was 5sec without pekas
We see Publish received ACK RPS
We see Total Publish received ACK Latency
Useful facts:
- Max latency was up to 8sec
- 95% Of clients had latency from 0.5sec up to 6sec under high load
- Avarge latency was ~2sec without pekas
Results metrics
Results metrics are generated by mzbench tool
Digitalocean Kubernetes cluster node's insights during testing