- Basic Disassembler with Adressing - PROGESS
- Add Memory Mapping Hints to Memory Viewer, includig toolbar to turn on and off - OPEN
- Basic stepping through code - OPEN
- Connector for real MEGA65 hardware - OPEN
- Watches and Breakpoints - OPEN
- List Dialog to search the registers with Peek if the search result is >= 10 rows - OPEN
- Code Wizards for Mapping and DMA operations - OPEN
- registers.txt: Add VIC IV - PROGRESS
- registers.txt: Add SID - OPEN
- registers.txt: Add CIAs - OPEN
- opcodes-4510.txt: Add all opcodes - OPEN
- UI to show and edit color palettes - OPEN
- Basic UI and Memory Viewer - DONE
- Edit Memory - DONE
- Connector for XEMU - DONE
- Tools to view Memory Mappings - DONE
- Register Lookups - DONE
- MemorySelectionDialog: Doubleclick will select memory area - DONE
- registers.txt: Add VIC II - DONE
- registers.txt: Add VIC III - DONE