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Restarting Actor System using Cake Pattern

Suppose that you have a multi node Akka Cluster that communicates over network. There might be problems that block communication, maybe at least one of your node is under heavy load, they will not be able to communicate in a healthy manner and you are going to see some log messages like

Association to [akka.tcp://[email protected]:2555] having UID [-1595655826] is irrecoverably failed. UID is now quarantined and all messages to this UID will be delivered to dead letters. Remote actorsystem must be restarted to recover from this situation.

You can find further information for quarantine state in this article.

If Actor System is not restarted, you will see those kind of warning logs Couldn't join seed nodes after [2] attempts, will try again. seed-nodes=[akka://[email protected]:2556]

So, now your node is unreachable by other nodes, but it still runs (might be harmful). To make it run healthier again, we should restart the Actor System and initialize evey piece of our "environment".

Rest of the tutorial will be based on Cake Pattern, if you are not familiar with Cake Pattern, there are some nice articles:1, 2, 3

Let's get start with our first and foremost cake:

Akka System Component

trait AkkaSystemComponent {

  val akka: AkkaSystem
  trait AkkaSystem {
   val system: ActorSystem


trait DefaultAkkaSystemComponent extends AkkaSystemComponent {

  override lazy val akka: DefaultAkkaSystem = new DefaultAkkaSystem

  class DefaultAkkaSystem extends AkkaSystem {

    override val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("Main")


You can use this cake to inject ActorSystem dependency that you will need sometimes, also in project, i added some additional fields like selfAddress, actorMaterializer, etc.

And here is our Mock cake that simply does nothing. You should replace your own cakes here.

Mock Service Component This component compromised of MockService and MockServiceActor. I divided them to just to be able to test bussiness logic class and Actor separately and easily.

trait MockServiceComponent {
 val mockService: MockService
 val mockServiceActor: ActorRef

trait MockService {
 def init(implicit context: ActorContext): Unit

class MockServiceActor(mockService: MockService) extends Actor with ActorLogging {

 override def preStart(): Unit ="MockService started")

 override def receive = Actor.emptyBehavior

object MockServiceActor {
 def props(mockService: MockService): Props = Props(new MockServiceActor(mockService))

trait DefaultMockServiceComponent extends MockServiceComponent {
 this: AkkaSystemComponent =>

 override val mockService: MockService = new DefaultMockService

 override val mockServiceActor: ActorRef = akka.system.actorOf(MockServiceActor.props(mockService))

class DefaultMockService extends MockService {
 override def init(implicit context: ActorContext): Unit = ()

Now we have an "environment" class that includes everything we need when we restart the system.

So lets get start with EnvironmentRestarter class.

We need to restart ActorSystem and get rid of running harmful threads(or actors)

 object EnvironmentRestarter extends LazyLogging {

  def startAndSupervise(environment: => BaseEnvironment): Unit = {"Environment is starting...")

    //wait until ActorSystem terminates
    Await.result(environment.akka.system.whenTerminated, Duration.Inf)

    logger.warn("ActorSystem is terminated, starting again in 10 seconds...")


startAndSupervise method starts the given environment and waits for the Actor System to be terminated, when it terminates, it will start the environment again and again...