~/Library/Application Support/Anki2
Usage Official Python library for the OpenAI API
Please extract the wordlist data from this page? In response please provide a JSON array with objects containing following properties: "word", "forms", "examples". The word property holds a string. it's the basic form of the word without any forms. The forms is a string array representing the different forms. In case of a noun it the plural form. In case of verb It's the conjugations. Please enhance it to make those full words. Not just endings. The examples property is a string array enlisting the examples provided in the document. "C:\Users\mucsi\Pictures\b1-test.png"
As an explanation:
- MicrosoftGraph delegated permissions -> these are "scopes" in OAuth parlance -> use azuread_service_principal_delegated_permission_grant
- MicrosoftGraph application permissions -> these are "roles" in OAuth parlance -> use azuread_app_role_assignment
- to allow other application to access your own (as an application) -> use azuread_application_pre_authorized
Material icon library: