Prepare a skeleton of your plugin. In this example we use tool_vuejsdemo
Obtaining Vue.js (v2.5.9. in this example)
- Download as amd/src/vue.js
- Download as amd/build/vue.min.js
Prepare the Mustache template, for example templates/app.mustache:
<div id="app">
<h1>[[ message ]]</h1>
In your own AMD module, for example amd/src/demo.js:
define(['tool_vuejsdemo/vue'], function(Vue) {
"use strict";
function init() {
new Vue({
delimiters: ["[[", "]]"],
el: "#app",
data: {
message: "It works!"
return {
init: init
Note custom delimiters - Vue.js uses '{{ }}' by default but that would collide with the Mustache syntax.