- A powerful best practice layout rendering mechanism.
- Best practice folder and naming structure.
- A well rounded set of packages to build typical websites.
- YAML Constraints to easily manage where node types should be available.
- It provides the most used smartphone and tablet sizes as preview modes.
- All rendering is based on Fusion and AFX.
- neos/seo allows you to configure SEO and social media settings.
- neos/redirecthandler-neosadapter automatically creates a redirect when you change/move a page and neos/redirecthandler-ui for manual management.
- neos/neos-googleanalytics adds your Google Analytics tracking code and Google Tag Manager.
- carbon/compression compresses the HTML output.
- shel/neos-hyphens allows editors to add shy characters.
- codeq/unicodenormalizer handles broken German umlauts.
- flowpack/cachebuster adds automatic cache busting for assets in the frontend.
- neos/nodetypes-contentreferences provides a reference content node type.
- sitegeist/lazybones makes it easy to create responsive lazy-loaded images.
- carbon/link provides powerful link helpers.
- carbon/includeassets provides an easy way to include your assets (css, js).