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How to install Passwork using Docker

Docker installation

Install Docker CE (
Get root privileges and update packages info

sudo –i
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade 

Install Git

apt-get install git 

Load configuration files

Create a new directory /server and clone configuration files from public git repository:

mkdir /server
git clone /server

Download Passwork Sources

Remove file from the destination folder:

rm /server/sites/prod/.gitkeep

Clone the repository using your login and password:

git clone /server/sites/prod
cd /server/sites/prod/
git checkout v3

Create Passwork config.ini file from example

cp /server/sites/prod/app/config/config.example.ini /server/sites/prod/app/config/config.ini

Run Nginx in Docker

docker run -d --name=nginx \
--restart unless-stopped \
-p 80:80 -p 443:443  \
-v /server/conf/nginx:/server/conf/nginx \
-v /server/conf/php:/server/conf/php \
-v /server/conf/ssl:/server/conf/ssl \
-v /server/conf/postfix:/server/conf/postfix \
-v /server/log/nginx:/server/log/nginx \
-v /server/log/php:/server/log/php \
-v /server/log/syslog:/server/log/syslog \
-v /server/sites/:/server/sites/ \
passwork/nginx-php7 \
/bin/bash -c "/server/run"

Run MongoDB in Docker

docker run -d --name=db \
--restart unless-stopped \
-p 27017:27017 \
-v /server/conf/mongo:/server/conf/ \
-v /server/log/mongo:/server/log/ \
-v /server/data/mongo/:/server/data \
passwork/mongo \

Take into account that 27017 port is open for everybody without authentication. You may want to set up your firewall to block incoming connections to the 27017 port. Or you can bind a local IP address:

docker run -d --name=db \
--restart unless-stopped \
-p \
-v /server/conf/mongo:/server/conf/ \
-v /server/log/mongo:/server/log/ \
-v /server/data/mongo/:/server/data \
passwork/mongo \

This says to Docker to bind 27017 port with your local IP Check the both containers are running:

docker ps

Restore a database from backup

Copy the initial backup to Mongo container’s folder:

cp -r /server/sites/prod/dump/ /server/data/mongo/dump

Execute mongorestore tool in Mongo container: docker exec -i db mongorestore /server/data/dump

Set up Passwork config.ini

Find out IP address of the container with database:

docker inspect db | grep IPAddress

It will return:

"IPAddress": "",

Find section [mongo] and specify IP of your HOST server.

mcedit /server/sites/prod/app/config/config.ini
connectionString = mongodb://
dbname = pwbox
useCreds = false
username =
password =

Useful commands

Copy dexec utility:

cp /server/dexec /usr/bin/dexec

Bash to container:

docker exec -it <container> bash

Restore correct permissions:

/server/docker-nginx-permissions nginx

Reload Nginx without stopping:

/server/docker-nginx-reload nginx
/server/docker-php-reload nginx

Docker containers run with autostart feature. It means that Docker automatically launches containers again if a root process is down (the roots process are nginx and mongodb).

If you need to stop container you need to disable the autostart feature before:

/server/docker-norestart <container>

Don't forget to enable the autostart:

/server/docker-autorestart <container>

When the containers are not autostartable you can stop the services:

/server/docker-nginx-stop nginx
/server/docker-mongo-stop db

If the containers are autostartable these commands just restart the services.

Hard way to stop any container:

docker stop <container>

Use it in emergency case because it can corrupt containers data.

Structure of files

Configuration files:


Data (mongo database):






Example: How to edit nginx/php configuration

Edit configuration files:

mcedit /server/conf/nginx/
mcedit /server/conf/nginx/nginx.conf
mcedit /server/conf/php/php.ini

Restart nginx and php-fpm:

/server/docker-nginx-reload nginx
/server/docker-php-reload nginx

Mail Configuration

Docker container uses Postfix to send emails. Postfix configuration files are stored at


Feel free to edit them to configure Postfix for your goals.
Don’t forget to reload Postfix to apply changes:

docker exec -i nginx service postfix reload

Sign up: Open your host in browser. You should see a sign up page.

Fill in login and password for the first user. This user will become an owner and administrator. Click Upload keys and select .lic and reginfo.json file.

Legacy license installation.

If you have reginfo.php instead of reginfo.json then you can upload the keys manually. Extract archive with registration keys and move .lic and reginfo.json (or reginfo.php) to "/var/www/app/keys/" directory.