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File metadata and controls

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A replication package of DupPredictor original work. If you are using this source code, please cite our paper.


Note: all the experiments were conducted over a server equipped with 80 GB RAM, 2.4 GHz on twelve cores and 64-bit Linux Mint Cinnamon operating system. We strongly recommend a similar or better hardware environment. The operating system however could be changed.


  1. Java 1.8
  2. Mallet
  3. Postgres 9.3 - Configure your DB to accept local connections. An example of pg_hba.conf configuration:
# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     md5
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5
  1. PgAdmin (we used PgAdmin 3) but feel free to use any DB tool for PostgreSQL.

  2. Maven 3

Installing the app.

  1. Download the SO Dump of March 2017. We provide two dumps where both contains the main tables we use. They differ only in posts table. In Dump 1, the table is stemmed and had the stop words removed. Also it has the synonyms of tags and code blocks already extracted. In Dump 2, the table contains the original raw content. The next steps are described considering the fastest way to reproduce DupPredictor, in other words, for Dump 1. If you desire to simulate the entire process, including the stemming and stop words removal, follow the instructions available in preprocess step, then proceed with the next steps.

  2. On your DB tool, create a new database named stackoverflow2017. This is a query example:

CREATE DATABASE stackoverflow2017
  WITH OWNER = postgres
       ENCODING = 'UTF8'
       TABLESPACE = pg_default
       LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.UTF-8'
       LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.UTF-8'
  1. Restore the downloaded dump to the created database.

Obs: restoring this dump would require at least 100 Gb of free space. If your operating system runs in a partition with insufficient free space, create a tablespace pointing to a larger partition and associate the database to it by replacing the "TABLESPACE" value to the new tablespace name: TABLESPACE = tablespacename.

  1. Assert the database is sound. Execute the following SQL command: select title,body,tags,tagssyn,code from posts where title is not null limit 10. The return should list the main fields for 10 posts.

  2. Assert your Mallet instalation is sound. In a Terminal, go to your Mallet folder and execute the command: bin/mallet --help. This should return a list of commands.

  3. Assert Maven is correctly installed. In a Terminal enter with the command: mvn --version. This should return the version of Maven.

Setting Parameters

Edit the file under src/main/resources and set the parameters bellow "##### INPUT PARAMETERS #####". The file comes with default values for simulating DupPredictor original work. You need to fill only two variables: spring.datasource.password=YOUR_DB_PASSWORD and mallet.dir = YOUR_MALLET_DIR. Change spring.datasource.username if your db user is not postgres.

Obs: the file have 3 steps, where in each one you can set parameters. Default values for


mallet.dir = PATH_TO_MALLET/mallet-2.0.8

##--------------------------step 1---------------------
useLDA 	   = false
numTopics  = 100
buildMalletTopicFiles = false
runMalletCommands     = false
loadVectorsToDB       = false

##--------------------------step 2---------------------
estimateWeights = false
trainingPercentOfQuestions = 20

##--------------------------step 3---------------------
calculateRecallRates = true
observation = simulating duppredictor
closedDuplicatedNonMastersLimit = 1528
#closedDuplicatedNonMastersLimit = 
allQuestionsByFiltersLimit    =  2000000
#allQuestionsByFiltersLimit    =  
maxResultSize = 1000
#testingPercentOfQuestions = 10
testingPercentOfQuestions = 100

tagFilter = 

#The paper extracts the first 2M posts < 2011-10-01. You can change the year to more a recent one, ex: 2013-10-01. 
maxCreationDate = 2011-10-01
lote = 1

Running the experiment with the preprocessed database (recommended)

  1. Leave the file with default values. In a terminal, go to the Project_folder and build the jar file with the Maven command: mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true. Assert that duppredictor.jar is built under target folder.

  2. Go to Project_folder/target and run the command to execute DupPredictorRep: java -Xms1024M -Xmx70g -jar ./duppredictor.jar. The Xmx value may be bigger if you change the "maxCreationDate" parameter to a more recent date.

Obs: this experiment lasts approximately 35 hours. The complete test where LDA is enabled takes too long, so the default parameters have LDA disabled. If you want to perform a full test, go to the the next section.

Running the experiment with the raw database (optional)

  1. Edit the file

There are 2 possibilities:

a) Estimating weights: set the variables estimateWeights = true, calculateRecallRates = false. Leave the others in their default values. This will simulate the estimation of weights phase of the paper. See the results for the weights.

b) Running the app with topics enabled:

First, enable topics by setting useLDA = true, buildMalletTopicFiles = true, calculateRecallRates = false. Leave the other variables in their default values. Run the app (see Running the experiment - the quickest way). After this, assert that in folder mallet.dir/topics contains almost 2 milion text files.

Second, run mallet commands (this is a lot faster than running through the app): in a terminal, go to your mallet.dir folder and execute bin/mallet import-dir --input topics --output topic.mallet --keep-sequence. Use the generated file topic.mallet to train topics by executing the command: bin/mallet train-topics --input topic.mallet --num-topics 100 --output-state topic-state.gz --output-topic-keys topics_keys.txt --output-doc-topics topics_duppredictor.txt.

Third, set variables: useLDA = true, buildMalletTopicFiles = false, loadVectorsToDB = true, calculateRecallRates = true. Leave the other variables in their default values. Run the app (see Running the experiment - the quickest way). This experiment lasts approximately 54 hours.


The results are displayed in the terminal but also stored in the database in tables experiment and recallrate . The following query should return the results:  

select, e.numberoftestedquestions, e.observacao as observation,r.recallrate_100,r.recallrate_50, r.recallrate_20,r.recallrate_10,r.recallrate_5
from experiment e, recallrate r
where = r.experiment_id
and app = 'DupPredictor'
--and e.estimateweights=true
--and e.lote=100
order by desc

this query shows the number of tested questions, the observation filled in file and several values for recall rates. You can uncomment and e.estimateweights=true to filter only the results for option Estimating weights phase or and e.lote=100 to filter your experiment by its id (100 in this case). You can also select any column from tables experiment and recallrate.



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