BIP39 Mnemonics for multicore
A module for multicore that implements Mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys.
This library is distributed in both the npm packaging systems.
npm install multicore-lib #this to install multicore-lib since it is a peerDependecy
npm install multicore-mnemonic
There are many examples of how to use it on the developer guide section for mnemonic. For example, the following code would generate a new random mnemonic code and convert it to a HDPrivateKey
var Mnemonic = require('multicore-mnemonic');
var code = new Mnemonic(Mnemonic.Words.SPANISH);
code.toString(); // natal hada sutil año sólido papel jamón combate aula flota ver esfera...
var xpriv = code.toHDPrivateKey();
See on the main multicore repo for information about how to contribute.
Code released under the MIT license.
Copyright 2013-2019 BitPay, Inc. Bitcore is a trademark maintained by BitPay, Inc.