Simple Twitter CLI client for learning basics of Ruby. See current state for the defails. We will continue with demo next Wendsday.
The config file goes to ~/.tweetrb/config.yml
and looks like this:
key: consumer_key
key_secret: consumer key secret
access_token: access token
access_token_secret: access token secret
bitly_account: yrbitlyacnt
bitly_password: pwd
- Show timeline
tweeterb -l [-c COUNT]
- Tweet something
tweetrb -t "I'm sending this tweet with tweetrb"
- Shorten links
tweetrb -t "The link will be shortened"
- Retweet
tweetrb -r [HASH] [-f filter]
# if filter not specified or too general, you will be asked for more
# specific one. Use any word that the tweet contains.
ruby test/parse_options_test.rb
- basic scructure
- parsing options basics
- executable script
bin/tweetrb -l -c 10
# prints the parsed options
- default values for options
- load settings
- connect to Twitter
- parse results
- display tweets
- send tweet
- shorten links
- retweet