Long form | short form | example |
number | nu | set nu |
tabstop | ts | set ts=3 |
expandtab | ex or et | set ex |
noexpandtab | noex or noet | set noex |
autoindent | ai | set ai |
smartindent | si | set si |
shiftwidth | sw | set sw=3 |
nowrap | nowrap | set nowrap |
Long form | short form | example |
cindent | ci | set ci |
softtabstop | softtabstop | set softtabstop=3 |
:set nu ai et ts=3 sw=3 nowrap
Description | example |
indent by shiftwidth | >> << |
indent n lines by shiftwidth | n>> n<< |
re-indent | == |
re-indent n lines | n== |
re-indent entire file | gg=G |
indent on brace | >% <% =% |
indent from marker | >'a |
indent when pasting | cmd |
no indent | set paste |
normal | set nopaste |
Description | example |
split window | :sp |
resize window | :res +5 |
move split | ctrl-w arrow or + - |
no highlight | :noh |
undo | u |
re-do | ^r |
repeat last cmd | . |
retab | :retab |
open term | :term |
set paste mode | :set paste |
unset paste mode | :set nopaste |
Description | example |
record macro | q-a |
end record | q |
play | n@a where option n is the number of repeats |
:1,10norm! @a | Apply macro in reg a to lines 1-10 |
:%norm! @a | Apply macro in reg a to all lines |
g/pattern/normal! @a | run macro a on all lines that match the pattern |
let @a='ctrl-r ctrl-r a' | Paste current macro, put in .vimrc to save a macro |
- w W b B e E - chars w/o a space
- ^ - firdt non blanch char
- g_ - last non blank char
- ctrl-d u - half page
- n% - % pos in file
- fd - forward to char d
- Fd - backwards to char d
- G -end of file
- 22gg - line 22
- dtb - delete to char b
- ctA - change to A
- cc - change line
- % - brace match
- set showmatch
- ^o - go back prev position
- ^i - go forward position
- gi - goto last position when in insert mode
- :jumps - see jump list
- z<t|z|b> top, middle, bottom
- z or zt -current line to top of page
- #z or zt - line # to top
- zz or z. - curren line to middle
- #zz or #z. - line # to middle
- z- or zb - current line to bottom
- #z- or #zb - line # to bottom
- scrolling
Registers in Vim let you run actions or commands on text stored within them. To access a register, you type "a before a command, where a is the name of a register. If you want to copy the current line into register k, you can type
Show registers :reg
Where k is the register name:
- "ky - yank line to register k
- "Ky - append to a register by using a capital letter
- "kp - paste reg k
- "+y - copy to clipboard
- "+p - paste from system clipboard on Linux
- "*p - paste from "mouse highlight" clipboard on Linux
example: copy a word to reg a:
- v w "a y
- "a yw
copy as usual --> ^r" or paste a reg ^rk or ^r ^w
- ^v block select mode
- gv reselect block
- v/ select to search term Insert with block mode
- c-v
- mv cursor (down)
- I
- (enter text)
Description | example |
list marks | :marks |
set marker to a | ma |
goto a line of marker a | 'a |
goto line and column of marker | `a |
next or prev mark line | ]' [' |
next or prev mark column | ]` [` |
delete from cursor pos to marker | d'a |
delete marker a | delm a |
del all markers | delmarks! |
Marker names
- a-z mark within file
- A-Z mark between files
- split [file] -^ws or ^wn
- vsplit [file] -^wv
- :help split
show files:b #
open file in window^w
close all but^wc
toggle^w j,k
(bottom, top), h,l (left, right)^w(+-)
resize (horiz) :resize +n|-n|n^w(<>)
resize (virt) :vert resize +n|-n|n^w_
zoom horizontal window^w|
zoom vertical window^w=
equal size#^w(+-)
^w R
^wHJKL ??
- ^w window command mode
- R window up/left
- r window down/right
- L window to far right
- H window to far left
- J window to top
- K window to bottom
- x ^x current window to closest to right
- N leave terminal mode (i to enter back into terminal mode)
- :help window-moving
- :tabs
- :tabnew
- :tabn - next
- :tabp - prev
- :tabc - close
- :tabo - close all but
- :tabf
- :tabl
- :tabm [#]
:n,md delte lines . through m, where n or m can be . or $
- dgg - delete from cursor to beginning
- dG - delete from cursor to end
- d0 or d^ - delete from cursor to start of line
- d$ - delete from cursor to end of line
- dta - delete forward until letter 'a'
- dTa - delete backward until letter 'a'
- / - of course you can do the standard search
- * - search forward word under cursor
- # - search backwards word under cursor
- seach selected text - yank text - q / p
:wv [file] - save viminfo to optional specified file :rv [file] - restore viminfo :mks file - save session vim -S file
- run ctags -R -> vim will see tag file
- ^-] - find tag
- ta - goto tag name
- also ta, tn, tp
- :set list -> show control char, spaces and tab chars
- set listchars=tab:!·,trail:·, -> custom chars
set ts=3
set ai
set nu
set nowrap
set expandtab
set sw=3
set cursorline
set smartindent
filetype on
let @s='J<80>kh<80>kd'
function Cpp_filt()
if mode()=="v"
let [line_start, column_start] = getpos("v")[1:2]
let [line_end, column_end] = getpos(".")[1:2]
let [line_start, column_start] = getpos("'<")[1:2]
let [line_end, column_end] = getpos("'>")[1:2]
if (line2byte(line_start)+column_start) > (line2byte(line_end)+column_end)
let [line_start, column_start, line_end, column_end] =
\ [line_end, column_end, line_start, column_start]
let lines = getline(line_start, line_end)
if len(lines) == 0
return ''
let lines[-1] = lines[-1][: column_end - 1]
let lines[0] = lines[0][column_start - 1:]
echom join(lines, "\n")
map #2 o<ab;le>^M <tr>^M