- Show a confirmation notice when you exit edit mode by pressing ESC in the markdown inputs.
- Add the tribe button to link stories from tree.taiga.io with gigs in tribe.taiga.io.
- Errors (not found, server error, permissions and blocked project) don't change the current url.
- Attachments image slider
- New admin area to edit the tag colors used in your project
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Add sprint title on search results for user stories (thanks to @everblut)
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Ability to create url custom fields. (thanks to @astagi).
- Blocked projects support
- Moved from iconfont to SVG sprite icon system and redesign.
- Redesign 'Admin > Project > Modules' panel.
- Add badge to project owners
- Limit of user per project.
- Redesign of the create project wizard
- Transfer project ownership
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- New design for the detail pages slidebar.
- Added 'Assign to me' button in User Stories, Tasks and Issues detail pages. (thanks to @allistera).
- Attachments:
- Upload attachments on US/issue/task lightbox.
- Attachments image gallery view mode in detail pages.
- Drag files from desktop to attachments section.
- Drag files from desktop in wysiwyg textareas.
- Project:
- Add a logo to your project.
- Denotes that your project is looking for people and add an explanation.
- Discover section:
- List most liked and most active project (last week/month/year or all time).
- List featured project.
- Search projects:
- Full text search with priorities over title, tags and description fields.
- Order results alphabeticaly, by most liked or more actived.
- Filter by 'use kanban', 'use scrum' or 'looking for people'.
- i18n.
- Add swedish (sv) translation.
- Add turkish (tr) translation.
- Sticky project navigation bar.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- [118n] Now taiga plugins can be translatable.
- New Taiga plugins system.
- Now superadmins can send notifications (live announcement) to the user (through taiga-events).
- Statics folder hash to prevent cache problems when a new version is released.
- Implement websockets heartbeat messages system for taiga-events.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Ability to create single-line or multi-line custom fields. (thanks to @artlepool).
- Ability to date custom fields. (thanks to @artlepool).
- Add custom videoconference system.
- Make burndown chart collapsible at the backlog panel.
- Ability to choose a theme (thanks to @astagi).
- Inline viewing of image attachments (thanks to @brettp).
- Autocomplete for usernames, user stories, tasks, issues, and wiki pages in text areas (thanks to @brettp).
- Support authentication via Application Tokens.
- User onboarding: improve placeholders and add joyriders.
- i18n.
- Add italian (it) translation.
- Add polish (pl) translation.
- Add portuguese (Brazil) (pt_BR) translation.
- Add russian (ru) translation.
- Improve performance: Show cropped images in timelines.
- Caps lock warning in login and register form.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Menus
- New User menu
- New project menu design
- Home
- Change home page for logged users, show a user dashboard with
working on
- Change home page for logged users, show a user dashboard with
- Proyects privacity
- Enabled public projects
- Improve SEO, fix meta tags and added social meta tags
- About project detail
- New projects list design
- New project detail page design
- Add project timeline
- User profile
- Now, access to edit user settings is out of a project
- New User profile view
- Add activity timeline to user profiles
- With the activity of my contacts on mine
- With the activity of the user on others
- Add user contacts to user profile
- Add project list to user profile
- Backlog panel
- Improve the drag & drop behavior of USs in backlog panel
- Select multiple US with
in the backlog panel
- Global searches:
- Show the reference of entities in search results (thanks to @artlepool)
- Autofocus on search modal
- i18n.
- Add deutsch (de) translation.
- Add nederlands (nl) translation.
- Improve performance: remove some unnecessary calls to the api.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Make Taiga translatable (i18n support).
- i18n.
- Add spanish (es) translation.
- Add french (fr) translation.
- Add finish (fi) translation.
- Add catalan (ca) translation.
- Add traditional chinese (zh-Hant) translation.
- Add Jitsi to our supported videoconference apps list
- New contrib plugin for letschat (by Δndrea Stagi)
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Added custom fields per project for user stories, tasks and issues.
- Add to the Admin Panel the export to CSV sections.
- Reorganized the Admin Panel.
- New contrib plugin for hipchat (by Δndrea Stagi)
- Plugin based authentication.
- Added Taiga Style Guide in support Pages to enhance open source design.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Taiga webhooks
- Created admin panel with webhook settings.
- Not showing closed milestones by default in backlog view.
- In kanban view an archived user story status doesn't show his content by default.
- Now you can export and import projects between Taiga instances.
- Improving performance.
- Email redesign.
- Support for contrib plugins (existing yet: slack, hall and gogs).
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Gitlab integration:
- Create Admin Panel with the Gitlab webhooks settings.
- Bitbucket integration:
- Create Admin Panel with the Bitbucket webhooks settings.
- Added team members section.
- Exit a project feature.
- Taskboard enhancements: Collapse of columns (task statuses) and rows (user stories).
- Use enter to submit lightboxes forms.
- Improved concurrent edition to avoid double edition.
- Upgrade to AngularJS 1.3.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- GitHub integration (Phase I):
- Add button to login/singin with a GitHub account.
- Create Admin Panel with the GitHub webhooks settings.
- Show/Hide columns in the Kanban view.
- Differentiate blocked user stories on a milestone.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- US/Task/Issue visualization and edition refactor. Now only one view for both.
- Multiple User stories Drag & Drop in the backlog.
- Add visual difference to closed USs in backlog panel.
- Show created date of attachments in the hover of the filename.
- Show info about maximun size allowed for avatar and attachments files.
- Add beta ribbon.
- Support for custom text when inviting users.
- TAIGA loves Movember! The logo has a beautiful mustache this month.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Promote an issue to a user story.
- Changed configuration format from coffeescript file to json.
- Add builtin analytics support.
- Fix bug related to stange behavior of browser autofill and angularjs on login page.
- Fix bug on userstories ordering on sprints.
- Fix bug of projects list visualization on project nav on first page loading.
- Redesign for taskboard and backlog summaries
- Allow feedback for users from the platform
- Real time changes for backlog, taskboard, kanban and issues
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes