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Package manager:

  • NPM

βš™οΈ API Documentation

Backend deployed at:

Contest and Deployment


πŸ’» Getting started

To get the server running locally:

use admin

and in the same mongo instance create a letsmovehomie user and Fastwerds password:

  user: "letsmovehomie",
  pwd: "Fastwerds",
  roles: [{ role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }]
  • Now that your local MongoDB is setup enter npm start in your terminal to start the local server.
  • npm test to start server using testing environment


Seeding all 392 Cities:

  • To seed your local MongoDB with our 392 cities, install mongo-seeding-cli

  • The file for seeding is inside /data-seeding/1-cities/index.js for more information about the file structure: Seeding MongoDB database the right way

  • Then execute seed --db-name production ./data-seeding in your terminal this command will seed all 392 cities in your local MongoDB

Seeding avg_commute_time_score

  • run node ./calculation-seeding/calcScores.js to calculate the letter grade (A, B, C, D, E) for each city in our database.

Inside our Digital Ocean Droplet:

  • Remember to restart the node server by executing pm2 restart index in the terminal

MongoDB Database Backup:

  • To create a backup of the current MongoDB database: mongodump -d production -o ~/mongoBackups/date-of-backup

  • To restore a backup: mongorestore ~/mongoBackups/date-of-backup/


  • MongoDB


We used:

  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • Passport.js
  • Cors(Middleware)


  • Jest
  • Chai
  • SuperTest
  • dmibpj3wx

πŸ“š API

  • DuckDuckGo
  • This API is used to get the summary of the cities.


🌎 URL:

🏒 Users Web Routes

Method Endpoint Access Control Description
POST /register users Registers a new user.
POST /login users Sign in a user .
GET /auth/google users Sign in using google.
GET /auth/facebook users Sign in using facebook.

🏒 Users IOS Routes

Method Endpoint Access Control Description
POST /signup users Registers a new user.
POST /signin users Sign in a user .

πŸ‘₯ User Profile Routes

Method Endpoint Access Control Description
GET /profile users See the users profile.
PUT /profile users Able to edits the saved list.
POST /profile/cities users Able to delete the saved list.
DELETE /profile/cities users Deletes cities from your saved list.

🏒 Users Likes/dislikes router

Method Endpoint Access Control Description
POST /likes users Save user likes.
Delete /likes users Delete user likes .
POST /dislikes users Save user dislikes.
Delete /dislikes users Delete user dislikes .
GET /info users Delete user dislikes .

🏒 Users factors router

Method Endpoint Access Control Description
POST /factors users Save user Factors.
Delete /factors users Delete user Factors.
Put /factors users Update user Factors.

🏒 City Router

Method Endpoint Access Control Description
GET /city/all/ public Returns only the _id and name fields of all 5037 cities.
GET /city/topten-score_total public Returns top ten cities with all of their data.

🏒 [DS internal] City Router

Method Endpoint Access Control Description
POST /city/ds public Endpoint fetching data from DS side.
POST /city/spec-ds public User's [dislikes] to filter results.
POST /city/visiual public Endpoint fetching data from DS side.
GET /city/jobs public Endpoint fetching data from indreed API.

🏒 City Search

Method Endpoint Access Control Description
POST /city/ public
Returns cities requested in bodybody {
    ids: [] // list of ids that you want data back on
    model: {} //object with same keyvalues of the data you want in the list of                    objects
POST /city/search public
Returns cities that contain search termbody
  "searchTerm": "miami"
POST /city/top public
Returns The Top cities based on Categoryquery
    q: "", //forced name filter use this to only grab a particluar state.Defaults to null
    filter: "", //name of the key value of the data model you wanna sort by. Defaults to Scoretotal
    limit: Number, //Number of items you want back. Defaults 10
    order:"" //asc for bottom or none for top. Defaults to top

    model: {} //object with same keyvalues of the data you want in the list of                    objects
POST /city/location public
Return an array of cities sorted by distanec of the passed in location.query
    lat: Number, //latitude of the location
    lng: Number, //longitude of the location
    zoom: Number, //google zoom helps determine how far to look
    rand: Number //Get a random set back, automatically does this if zooom < 7
    limit: Number // sets the number of elements
  "model": Object // sets the elements you want back from the db

BASE URL /profile

Method Endpoint Access Control Description
GET / private Retrieve user data object
GET /cities private Retrieve user saved cities
POST /cities private add user saved cities
DELETE /cities private delete user saved cities

πŸ“œ Data Models

🏒 Cities Model:
   grade_business_freedom: String,
  grade_commute: String,
  grade_cost_of_living: String,
  grade_economy: String,
  grade_education: String,
  grade_environmental_quality: String,
  grade_healthcare: String,
  grade_housing: String,
  grade_internet_access: String,
  "grade_leisure_&_culture": String,
  grade_outdoors: String,
  grade_safety: String,
  grade_startups: String,
  grade_taxation: String,
  grade_tolerance: String,
  grade_total: String,
  grade_travel_connectivity: String,
  grade_venture_capital: String,

  "air-pollution-telescore": Number,
  "airport-hub-index-detail": Number,
  "airport-hub-telescore": Number,
  "apartment-rent-large": Number,
  "apartment-rent-medium": Number,
  "apartment-rent-small": Number,
  avg_commute_time: Number,
  avg_commute_time_score: String,
  "business-freedom": Number,
  "business-freedom-telescore": Number,
  "cleanliness-telescore": Number,
  "company-profit-tax-rate": Number,
  "company-profit-tax-rate-telescore": Number,
  "consumer-price-index-telescore": Number,
  "corruption-freedom": Number,
  "corruption-freedom-telescore": Number,
  "cost-apples": Number,
  "cost-bread": Number,
  "cost-cappuccino": Number,
  "cost-cinema": Number,
  "cost-fitness-club": Number,
  "cost-import-beer": Number,
  "cost-public-transport": Number,
  "cost-restaurant-meal": Number,
  "cost-taxi": Number,
  cost_of_living: String,
  country: String,
  "coworking-spaces-telescore": Number,
  "crime-rate-telescore": Number,
  "culture-art-galleries-telescore": Number,
  "culture-art-galleries-venue-count": Number,
  "culture-cinema-telescore": Number,
  "culture-cinemas-venue-count": Number,
  "culture-comedy-clubs-telescore": Number,
  "culture-comedy-clubs-venue-count": Number,
  "culture-concerts-telescore": Number,
  "culture-concerts-venue-count": Number,
  "culture-historical-sites-telescore": Number,
  "culture-historical-sites-venue-count": Number,
  "culture-museums-telescore": Number,
  "culture-museums-venue-count": Number,
  "culture-performing-arts-telescore": Number,
  "culture-performing-arts-venue-count": Number,
  "culture-sports-telescore": Number,
  "culture-sports-venue-count": Number,
  "culture-zoos-telescore": Number,
  "culture-zoos-venue-count": Number,
  "currency-urban-area": String,
  "currency-urban-area-exchange-rate": Number,
  "drinking-water-quality-telescore": Number,
  "elderly-people": Number,
  elevation: Number,
  "elevation-peaks": Number,
  "elevation-peaks-telescore": Number,
  "employer-social-taxes-cap-soc-sec": Number,
  "employer-social-taxes-other": Number,
  "employer-social-taxes-soc-sec": Number,
  "english-skills-detail": Number,
  "english-skills-telescore": Number,
  "events-count": Number,
  "events-last-12-months": Number,
  "events-telescore": Number,
  full_name: String,
  "funderbeam-total-startups": Number,
  "funderbeam-venture-capital-telescore": Number,
  "funding-accelerator-names": String,
  "funding-accelerators-detail": Number,
  "gdp-growth-rate": Number,
  "gdp-growth-rate-telescore": Number,
  "gdp-per-capita": Number,
  "gdp-per-capita-telescore": Number,
  geoname_id: Number,
  "gun-death-rate": Number,
  "gun-death-score-telescore": Number,
  "gun-ownership": Number,
  "gun-ownership-score-telescore": Number,
  "gun-score-telescore": Number,
  "healthcare-cost-telescore": Number,
  "healthcare-life-expectancy": Number,
  "healthcare-life-expectancy-telescore": Number,
  "healthcare-quality-telescore": Number,
  "human-cities-page-urls": String,
  "income-tax-telescore": Number,
  "labor-restrictions": Number,
  "labor-restrictions-telescore": Number,
  "lgbt-detail-adoption": String,
  "lgbt-detail-age-of-consent": String,
  "lgbt-detail-changing-gender": String,
  "lgbt-detail-conversion-therapy": String,
  "lgbt-detail-discrimination": String,
  "lgbt-detail-donating-blood": String,
  "lgbt-detail-employment-discrimination": String,
  "lgbt-detail-homosexuality": String,
  "lgbt-detail-housing-discrimination": String,
  "lgbt-detail-marriage": String,
  "lgbt-index": Number,
  "lgbt-index-telescore": Number,
  "life-expectancy": Number,
    "geohash": String
       "latitude": Number,
       "longitude": Number
  "median-age": Number,
  "meetups-detail-total-events": Number,
  "meetups-groups": Number,
  "meetups-members": Number,
  "meetups-telescore": Number,
  name: String,
    default: null,
    unique: true
  "network-download": Number,
  "network-download-telescore": Number,
  "network-upload": Number,
  "network-upload-telescore": Number,
  photo: String,
  "pisa-detail-happiness": Number,
  "pisa-detail-math-high-performers": Number,
  "pisa-detail-math-low-performers": Number,
  "pisa-detail-math-mean-scores": Number,
  "pisa-detail-reading-high-performers": Number,
  "pisa-detail-reading-low-performers": Number,
  "pisa-detail-reading-mean-scores": Number,
  "pisa-detail-science-high-performers": Number,
  "pisa-detail-science-low-performers": Number,
  "pisa-detail-science-mean-scores": Number,
  "pisa-maths-ranking": Number,
  "pisa-ranking": Number,
  "pisa-ranking-telescore": Number,
  "pisa-reading-ranking": Number,
  "pisa-science-ranking": Number,
  population: Number,
  "population-size": Number,
  "population-ua-center-density": Number,
  "population-ua-density": Number,
  "quality-of-universities-telescore": Number,
  "rent-index-telescore": Number,
  "restaurant-price-index": Number,
  score_business_freedom: Number,
  score_commute: Number,
  score_cost_of_living: Number,
  score_economy: Number,
  score_education: Number,
  score_environmental_quality: Number,
  score_healthcare: Number,
  score_housing: Number,
  score_internet_access: Number,
  "score_leisure_&_culture": Number,
  score_outdoors: Number,
  score_safety: Number,
  score_startups: Number,
  score_taxation: Number,
  score_tolerance: Number,
  score_total: Number,
  score_travel_connectivity: Number,
  score_venture_capital: Number,
  "seaside-access-telescore": Number,
  short_name: String,
  "spoken-languages": String,
  "startup-climate-investors": Number,
  "startup-climate-new-startups": Number,
  "startup-climate-new-startups-telescore": Number,
  "startup-climate-scene-telescore": Number,
  "startup-climate-startups-telescore": Number,
  "startup-jobs-available": Number,
  "startup-jobs-available-telescore": Number,
  "startup-salaries": Number,
  "startup-salaries-detail": Number,
  state: String,
  "tax-vat": Number,
  "time-overhead-company-taxes": Number,
  "time-to-open-business": Number,
  "time-to-open-business-telescore": Number,
  time_zone: String,
  "tolerance-towards-minorities-telescore": Number,
  "traffic-index-telescore": Number,
  "train-transport-telescore": Number,
  "unemployment-rate": Number,
  "universities-best-ranked-name": String,
  "universities-best-ranked-rank": Number,
  "urban-greenery-telescore": Number,
  "weather-av-day-length": Number,
  "weather-av-number-clear-days": Number,
  "weather-av-number-rainy-days": Number,
  "weather-av-percent-chance-clear-skies": Number,
  "weather-av-possibility-sunshine": Number,
  "weather-average-high": String,
  "weather-average-low": String,
  "weather-sunshine-amount": String,
  "weather-type": String,
  "workfrom-coworking-spaces-count": Number
πŸ‘₯ User Model:
  _id: String,
  name: String,
  email: String, UNIQUE
  password: String,


{ "_id": "5dcc64cafe92aa0017751599", "name": "Fredo", "email": "", "location": "Atlanta,GA", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI1ZGNjNjRjYWZlOTJhYTAwMTc3NTE1OTkiLCJuYW1lIjoiQXJ5YSIsImVtYWlsIjoic3Rpbmt5QGJhYnkuY29tIiwibG9jYXRpb24iOiJIaWdobGFuZCwgQ0EiLCJpYXQiOjE1NzM2NzYyMzQsImV4cCI6MTU3Mzc2MjYzNH0.bSuZwNb-azgeiDl5jT7nDGDLhIDOApkjLJ8kzyE0mMA" }

iOS Endpoints - User's favorite cities



  headers: {
    Authorization: "token"
  "city_id": "535358409283535",
  "city_name": "Seattle, WA",
  "city_photo": ""


  "_id": "5d7acebe82c76cf25955b4e5",
  "name": "Carlos",
  "email": "",
  "cities": [
    "city_id": "535358409283535",
    "city_name": "Seattle, WA",
    "city_photo": ""



  headers: {
    Authorization: "token"
  "city_id": "535358409283535"


  "_id": "5d7acebe82c76cf25955b4e5",
  "name": "Carlos",
  "email": "",
  "cities": []
iOS Endpoints - Update user's information - password, name, email, etc



  headers: {
    Authorization: "token"
JSON BODY WITH FIELDS TO UPDATE (Not all fields are required)
  "name": "Changed Name",
  "email": "",
  "password": "changedPassword"
NOTE: If password field is sent, there is a function that will hash the new password before storing to database.


  "_id": "5d7acebe82c76cf25955b4e5",
  "name": "Changed Name",
  "email": "",
  "cities": [

⚠️ Environment Variables

In order for the app to function correctly, the user must set up their own environment variables.

Please create a .env file that includes the following:

MONGO_USERNAME= MongoDB username
MONGO_PASSWORD= MongoDB username's password
MONGO_HOSTNAME= URI of where MongoDB is hosted
MONGO_PORT= MongoDB port
MONGO_DB= MongoDB name

GOOGLE_CLIENTID= Google Authentication API Client ID
GOOGLE_CLIENTSECRET= Google Authentication API Client Secret

FACEBOOK_CLIENTID= Facebook Authentication API Client ID
FACEBOOK_CLIENTSECRET= Facebook Authentication API Client Secret

COOKIE_KEY= Cookie Key for Passportjs

πŸ“‘ Actions - TODO

🚫 This is an example, replace this with the actions that pertain to your backend

getOrgs() -> Returns all organizations

getOrg(orgId) -> Returns a single organization by ID

addOrg(org) -> Returns the created org

updateOrg(orgId) -> Update an organization by ID

deleteOrg(orgId) -> Delete an organization by ID

getUsers(orgId) -> if no param all users

getUser(userId) -> Returns a single user by user ID

addUser(user object) --> Creates a new user and returns that user. Also creates 7 availabilities defaulted to hours of operation for their organization.

updateUser(userId, changes object) -> Updates a single user by ID.

deleteUser(userId) -> deletes everything dependent on the user

🀝 Contributing

When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.

Please note we have a code of conduct. Please follow it in all your interactions with the project.

πŸ•· Issue/Bug Request

If you are having an issue with the existing project code, please submit a bug report under the following guidelines:

  • Check first to see if your issue has already been reported.
  • Check to see if the issue has recently been fixed by attempting to reproduce the issue using the latest master branch in the repository.
  • Create a live example of the problem.
  • Submit a detailed bug report including your environment & browser, steps to reproduce the issue, actual and expected outcomes, where you believe the issue is originating from, and any potential solutions you have considered.

β˜„οΈ Feature Requests

We would love to hear from you about new features which would improve this app and further the aims of our project. Please provide as much detail and information as possible to show us why you think your new feature should be implemented.

πŸ›  Pull Requests

If you have developed a patch, bug fix, or new feature that would improve this app, please submit a pull request. It is best to communicate your ideas with the developers first before investing a great deal of time into a pull request to ensure that it will mesh smoothly with the project.

Remember that this project is licensed under the MIT license, and by submitting a pull request, you agree that your work will be, too.

πŸ“œ Pull Request Guidelines

  • Ensure any install or build dependencies are removed before the end of the layer when doing a build.
  • Update the with details of changes to the interface, including new plist variables, exposed ports, useful file locations and container parameters.
  • Ensure that your code conforms to our existing code conventions and test coverage.
  • Include the relevant issue number, if applicable.
  • You may merge the Pull Request in once you have the sign-off of two other developers, or if you do not have permission to do that, you may request the second reviewer to merge it for you.

πŸ‘ Attribution

  • These contribution guidelines have been adapted from this


πŸ–₯ Frontend Documentation for details on the frontend application of our project.

πŸ“± iOS Documentation for details on the mobile iOS application of our project.