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File metadata and controls

275 lines (204 loc) · 6.9 KB


Arc is an infrastructure automation tool similar to Ansible, but using Lua for scripting. It allows you to define tasks that can be executed on remote systems via SSH.


Clone the repository and build the project:

git clone
cd arc
cargo build --release

The binary will be available at target/release/arc.


Arc uses a Lua script (arc.lua by default) to define targets and tasks.

Basic Example

-- Define a target system["frontend-server"] = {
    address = "",
    user = "root",
}["api-server"] = {
    address = "",
    user = "root",
    port = 42,  -- defaults to 22 if not specified

-- Define a group of systems
targets.groups["web-servers"] = {
    members = {"frontend-server", "api-server"}

-- Define tasks
tasks["check_nginx"] = {
    handler = function (system)
        local result = system:run_command("nginx -v")
        return result.exit_code == 0
    tags = {"nginx"}

tasks["install_nginx"] = {
    handler = function (system)
        local nginx_installed = tasks["check_nginx"].result

        if nginx_installed == false then
            return system:run_command("apt install nginx -y")
    dependencies = {"check_nginx"},
    tags = {"nginx"}

Running Tasks

To run all tasks on all systems:


To run tasks with a specific tag:

arc --tag nginx

To run tasks on specific a group:

arc --group web-servers

CLI Reference

Arc provides several command-line options:

    arc [OPTIONS]

  -v, --verbose...     Enable verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)
  -t, --tag <TAG>      Filter tasks by tag
  -g, --group <GROUP>  Run tasks only on specific groups
  -d, --dry-run        Perform a dry run without executing commands or modifying the file system
  -h, --help           Print help information


Run tasks with the "nginx" tag:

arc -t nginx

Run tasks on the "web-servers" group with verbose output:

arc -g web-servers -v

Run tasks with multiple tags and groups:

arc -t nginx -t security -g web-servers -g database-servers

Perform a dry run without executing commands:

arc --dry-run

API Reference

System API

The system object is provided to task handlers and represents a connection to a remote system.


  • name: The name of the system as defined in
  • address: The IP address of the system
  • port: The SSH port of the system
  • user: The SSH user used to connect to the system


  • run_command(cmd): Execute a command on the remote system

    • Parameters: cmd (string) - The command to execute
    • Returns: A table with the following fields:
      • stdout: Command standard output
      • stderr: Command standard error
      • exit_code: Command exit code
  • read_file(path): Read a file from the remote system

    • Parameters: path (string) - Path to the file
    • Returns: A table with the following fields:
      • path: Path to the file
      • content: Content of the file
  • write_file(path, content): Write a file to the remote system

    • Parameters:
      • path (string) - Path to the file
      • content (string) - Content to write
    • Returns: A table with the following fields:
      • path: Path to the file
      • bytes_written: Number of bytes written
  • rename_file(from, to): Rename a file on the remote system

    • Parameters:
      • from (string) - Original path
      • to (string) - New path
  • remove_file(path): Remove a file from the remote system

    • Parameters: path (string) - Path to the file
  • remove_directory(path): Remove a directory from the remote system

    • Parameters: path (string) - Path to the directory
  • create_directory(path): Create a directory on the remote system

    • Parameters: path (string) - Path to the directory
  • set_permissions(path, mode): Set permissions for a file or directory

    • Parameters:
      • path (string) - Path to the file or directory
      • mode (number) - Permissions mode (e.g. tonumber("755", 8))
  • metadata(path): Get metadata for a file or directory

    • Parameters: path (string) - Path to the file or directory
    • Returns: A table with the following fields:
      • path: Path to the file
      • size: Size in bytes
      • permissions: Permission mode
      • type: Type of file ("file", "directory", or "unknown")
      • uid: User ID
      • gid: Group ID
      • accessed: Last access time
      • modified: Last modification time

File System API

The fs object provides access to the local file system.


  • read_file(path): Read a file from the local file system
    • Parameters: path (string) - Path to the file
    • Returns: Content of the file as a string

Templates API

The template object allows rendering templates using the Tera templating engine.


  • render(template_content, context): Render a template with given context
    • Parameters:
      • template_content (string) - Template content
      • context (table) - Variables to use for template rendering
    • Returns: Rendered template as string

Format API

The format object provides utilities for working with JSON.


  • to_json(value): Convert a Lua value to JSON

    • Parameters: value (any) - Value to convert
    • Returns: JSON string
  • to_json_pretty(value): Convert a Lua value to pretty-printed JSON

    • Parameters: value (any) - Value to convert
    • Returns: Pretty-printed JSON string
  • from_json(json_string): Parse a JSON string to a Lua value

    • Parameters: json_string (string) - JSON string to parse
    • Returns: Parsed Lua value

Task Definition

Tasks are defined using the tasks global table:

tasks["task_name"] = {
    handler = function(system)
        -- Task implementation
        return result
    dependencies = {"other_task"}, -- Optional
    tags = {"tag1", "tag2"}, -- Optional
    groups = {"group1", "group2"}, -- Optional
  • handler: The function that implements the task. Takes a system object and returns a result.
  • dependencies: Array of task names that must be executed before this task.
  • tags: Array of tags associated with the task, used for filtering.
  • groups: Array of group names this task should run on. If not specified, the task runs on all groups.

Within a task, you can access the result of a previously executed dependency using:

local result = tasks["dependent_task"].result

Target Definition

Targets define the systems and groups that tasks will run on.

Systems["system_name"] = {
    address = "ip_or_hostname",
    user = "ssh_username",
    port = 22, -- optional, defaults to 22


targets.groups["group_name"] = {
    members = {"system1", "system2"}, 