diff --git a/content/profile/maythithtun.mdx b/content/profile/maythithtun.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bacd31e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/profile/maythithtun.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+name: May Thit Htun
+description: I'm a junior frontend developer driven by a deep love for JavaScript!!.
+image: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/134473935?v=4"
+ - Frontend
+ - JavaScript
+ - ReactJS
+ - Tailwind CSS
+import ContriSquareBox from "@/components/Contributors/ContriSquareBox/ContriSquareBox";
+import SpacingDivider from "@/components/Common/SpacingDivider/SpacingDivider";
+{" "}
+ - 👋 Hi, I’m @May Thit.
+ - 👀 I’m interested in Front End Development.
+ - 😘 I'm in love with JavaScript & currently learning JavaScript and ReactJS.
+ - 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on open-source Free Projects.
+ - ☕ I also like coffee.
+ - 😉 You can reach me for a coffee date.
+ - 🖥️ See my [portfolio](https://novarista.netlify.app/)
+ - 📫 How to reach me [maythit1345@gmail.com](mailto:maythit1345@gmail.com) (or) [facebook](https://www.facebook.com/Nova.1302).
+ ```javascript
+ const coffeeScript = () => {
+ const code = "Just as coffee awakens the senses, JavaScript awakens my passion for coding!";
+ }
+ coffeeScript();
+ ```