released this
31 May 16:23
Front end improvements:
Improve questionnaire process. #1939 #1998
Increase size of "sub map links" (hide pins, permalink, etc) #2003 #2056
Edge-to-edge email layout on narrow screens #2010
Add default placeholder to report extra fields. #2027
Clicking the "Click map" instruction banner now begins a new report #2033
Homepage postcode input is now marked up as a required input #2037
Improved cursor/display of the new report pin. #2038
Asset layers can be attached to more than one category each. #2049
Cobrands hook to remove phone number field. #2049
Check recent reports for any hidden since cached. #2053
Asset layer attribution automatically shown. #2061
The .internal-link-fixed-header positioning is now much simpler. #2117
Added UI to view multiple wards at once on /reports. #2120
Stop asset layers obscuring marker layer. #1999
Don't delete hidden field values when inspecting reports. #1999
Fix text layout issues in /reports/…/summary dashboard charts.
Fix post-edit issues on admin report edit page.
Truncate dates in Open311 output to the second. #2023
Fix check for visible sub map links after 'Try again'.
Stop race condition when making a new report quickly.
Set a session timezone in case database server is set differently.
Fix SQL error on update edit admin page in cobrands. #2049
Improve chart display in old IE versions. #2005
Improve handling of Open311 state changes. #2069
Don't strip whitespace from user passwords. #2111
Make OpenGraph description translatable.
Stop double-escaping title in alert-update email.
Use inspection states in response template admin.
Fixed CSS padding/overflow bug during sidebar "drawer" animations. #2132
Response template containing double quote now works.
A few small display issues with RTL text display.
Improve handling of loading spinner display. #2059
Admin improvements:
Inspectors can set non_public status of reports. #1992
Default start date is shown on the dashboard.
Users with 'user_edit' permission can search for users/reports. #2027
Don't send sent-report emails to as-body/as-anonymous reports.
Show Open311 service code as tooltip on admin category checkboxes. #2049
Bulk user import admin page. #2057
Add link to admin edit page for reports. #2071
Deleted body categories now hidden by default #1962
Display contents of report's extra field #1809
Store user creation and last active times.
Add scripts to anonymize inactive users and reports,
email inactive users, or to close reports to new updates.
Admin ability to close reports to new updates. #43
Open311 improvements:
Fetch problems over Open311 #1986 #2067
Option to send multiple photos over Open311 #1986
Allow Open311 service definitions to include automated attributes #1986
Optionally supress blank Open311 update errors #1986
Fetch/store external status code with Open311 updates. #2048
Response templates can be triggered by external status code. #2048
Enable conversion from EPSG:27700 when fetching over Open311 #2028
Add CORS header to Open311 output. #2022
Nicer Open311 errors. #2078
Development improvements:
Cobrand hook for adding extra areas to MAPIT_WHITELIST/_TYPES. #2049
send-comments warns about errors when called with --verbose #2091
Add HTML email previewer.
Add some Cypress browser-based testing.
Upgrade Vagrantfile to use Ubuntu Xenial. #2093
Add validation to cobrand-specific custom reporting fields.
Drop support for IE7, improve IE8 support. #2114
Add ability to have category extra help text.
Cobrand hook for showing all states in filter.
You can’t perform that action at this time.