diff --git a/beestation.dme b/beestation.dme
index 0b12a3cdacb9a..c8b9894027ab7 100644
--- a/beestation.dme
+++ b/beestation.dme
@@ -1719,6 +1719,7 @@
 #include "code\game\turfs\turf_integrity.dm"
 #include "code\game\turfs\turf_texture.dm"
 #include "code\game\turfs\closed\_closed.dm"
+#include "code\game\turfs\closed\indestructible.dm"
 #include "code\game\turfs\closed\minerals.dm"
 #include "code\game\turfs\closed\walls.dm"
 #include "code\game\turfs\closed\wall\material_walls.dm"
diff --git a/code/__DEFINES/icon_smoothing.dm b/code/__DEFINES/icon_smoothing.dm
index b44212904c64c..36ae1b2cfd66a 100644
--- a/code/__DEFINES/icon_smoothing.dm
+++ b/code/__DEFINES/icon_smoothing.dm
@@ -102,7 +102,11 @@ DEFINE_BITFIELD(smoothing_flags, list(
 #define SMOOTH_GROUP_WINDOW_FULLTILE_PLASTITANIUM S_OBJ(23)	///turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass, /obj/structure/window/plasma/reinforced/plastitanium
 #define SMOOTH_GROUP_WINDOW_FULLTILE_SHUTTLE S_OBJ(24)	///obj/structure/window/shuttle
-#define SMOOTH_GROUP_LATTICE  S_OBJ(30)					///obj/structure/lattice
+#define SMOOTH_GROUP_LATTICE S_OBJ(30)					///obj/structure/lattice
+#define SMOOTH_GROUP_GIRDER	S_OBJ(31)					///obj/structure/girder
+//their icon will be implemented in a future update
+//#define SMOOTH_GROUP_BLOOD_GIRDER S_OBJ(32)				///obj/structure/girder/cult
+//#define SMOOTH_GROUP_CLOCK_GRIDER S_OBJ(33)				///obj/structure/girder/bronze
 #define SMOOTH_GROUP_AIRLOCK S_OBJ(40)					///obj/machinery/door/airlock
 #define SMOOTH_GROUP_TABLES S_OBJ(50)					///obj/structure/table
diff --git a/code/game/objects/structures/girders.dm b/code/game/objects/structures/girders.dm
index c1f0df23f3199..3226e5030bab7 100644
--- a/code/game/objects/structures/girders.dm
+++ b/code/game/objects/structures/girders.dm
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
 	name = "girder"
-	icon_state = "girder"
-	desc = "A large structural assembly made out of iron; It requires a layer of iron before it can be considered a wall."
+	desc = "A large structural frame made out of iron; It requires a layer of materials before it can be considered a wall."
+	icon = 'icons/obj/smooth_structures/girders/girder.dmi'
+	icon_state = "girder-0"
+	base_icon_state = "girder"
+	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
+	smoothing_groups = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_GIRDER)
+	canSmoothWith = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_GIRDER)
 	anchored = TRUE
 	density = TRUE
@@ -312,30 +318,43 @@
 	new /obj/structure/girder/cult(loc)
+// Displaced girder
 	name = "displaced girder"
-	icon_state = "displaced"
+	desc = "A large structural frame made out of iron; It requires a layer of materials before it can be considered a wall. This one has unachored from the ground."
+	icon = 'icons/obj/structures.dmi'
+	icon_state = "displaced_girder"
+	base_icon_state = null
+	smoothing_flags = NONE
+	smoothing_groups = null
+	canSmoothWith = null
 	anchored = FALSE
 	girderpasschance = 25
 	max_integrity = 120
+// Reinforced girder
 	name = "reinforced girder"
-	icon_state = "reinforced"
+	desc = "A large structural frame made out of iron; This one has been reinforced and It requires a layer of plasteel before it can be considered a reinforced wall."
+	icon = 'icons/obj/smooth_structures/girders/reinforced_girder.dmi'
+	icon_state = "reinforced_girder-0"
+	base_icon_state = "reinforced_girder"
 	state = GIRDER_REINF
 	girderpasschance = 0
 	max_integrity = 350
-//////////////////////////////////////////// cult girder //////////////////////////////////////////////
+//////////////////////////////////////////// cult girders //////////////////////////////////////////////
+///they will get a proper smoothing icon later :D, but not today, courier pigeon's word! 4/09/24
 	name = "runed girder"
 	desc = "Framework made of a strange and shockingly cold metal. It doesn't seem to have any bolts."
-	icon = 'icons/obj/cult.dmi'
-	icon_state= "cultgirder"
+	icon = 'icons/obj/structures.dmi'
+	icon_state = "bloodcult_girder"
+	base_icon_state = null
+	smoothing_flags = NONE
+	smoothing_groups = null
+	canSmoothWith = null
 	can_displace = FALSE
 /obj/structure/girder/cult/attackby(obj/item/W, mob/user, params)
@@ -425,8 +444,12 @@
 	name = "wall gear"
 	desc = "A girder made out of sturdy bronze, made to resemble a gear."
-	icon = 'icons/obj/clockwork_objects.dmi'
-	icon_state = "wall_gear"
+	icon = 'icons/obj/structures.dmi'
+	icon_state = "clockcult_girder"
+	base_icon_state = null
+	smoothing_flags = NONE
+	smoothing_groups = null
+	canSmoothWith = null
 	can_displace = FALSE
 /obj/structure/girder/bronze/attackby(obj/item/W, mob/living/user, params)
diff --git a/code/game/turfs/closed/_closed.dm b/code/game/turfs/closed/_closed.dm
index d5c58225c5352..b58f97fde3f99 100644
--- a/code/game/turfs/closed/_closed.dm
+++ b/code/game/turfs/closed/_closed.dm
@@ -18,212 +18,3 @@ CREATION_TEST_IGNORE_SELF(/turf/closed)
 /turf/closed/get_smooth_underlay_icon(mutable_appearance/underlay_appearance, turf/asking_turf, adjacency_dir)
 	return FALSE
-	name = "wall"
-	icon = 'icons/turf/walls.dmi'
-	explosion_block = 50
-	resistance_flags = INDESTRUCTIBLE
-/turf/closed/indestructible/TerraformTurf(path, new_baseturf, flags, defer_change = FALSE, ignore_air = FALSE)
-	return
-/turf/closed/indestructible/acid_act(acidpwr, acid_volume, acid_id)
-	return 0
-	to_be_destroyed = FALSE
-	return src
-	return
-	return
-/turf/closed/indestructible/turf_destruction(damage_flag, additional_damage)
-	return
-	name = "strange shuttle wall"
-	icon = 'icons/turf/shuttleold.dmi'
-	icon_state = "block"
-	name = "sandstone wall"
-	desc = "A wall with sandstone plating. Rough."
-	icon = 'icons/turf/walls/sandstone_wall.dmi'
-	icon_state = "sandstone_wall-0"
-	base_icon_state = "sandstone_wall"
-	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
-	baseturfs = /turf/closed/indestructible/sandstone
-	icon_state = "corner"
-	name = "Space Station 13"
-	icon = 'icons/blank_title.png'
-	icon_state = ""
-	layer = FLY_LAYER
-	bullet_bounce_sound = null
-	. = ..()
-	SStitle.splash_turf = src
-	if(SStitle.icon)
-		icon = SStitle.icon
-/turf/closed/indestructible/splashscreen/vv_edit_var(var_name, var_value)
-	. = ..()
-	if(.)
-		switch(var_name)
-			if(NAMEOF(src, icon))
-				SStitle.icon = icon
-	desc = pick(strings(SPLASH_DESC_FILE, "splashes"))
-	. = ..()
-	icon = 'icons/turf/walls/riveted.dmi'
-	icon_state = "riveted-0"
-	base_icon_state = "riveted"
-	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
-	smoothing_groups = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_CLOSED_TURFS)
-	canSmoothWith = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_CLOSED_TURFS)
-	icon = 'icons/turf/walls/plastitanium_wall.dmi'
-	icon_state = "plastitanium_wall-0"
-	base_icon_state = "plastitanium_wall"
-	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
-	icon = 'icons/turf/walls/uranium_wall.dmi'
-	icon_state = "uranium_wall-0"
-	base_icon_state = "uranium_wall"
-	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
-	icon_state = "alien1"
-	icon_state = "wall3"
-	name = "window"
-	icon_state = "reinforced_window-0"
-	base_icon_state = "reinforced_window"
-	opacity = FALSE
-	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
-	smoothing_groups = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_WINDOW_FULLTILE)
-	opacity = FALSE
-	icon = 'icons/obj/smooth_structures/windows/reinforced_window.dmi'
-	. = ..()
-	icon_state = null //set the icon state to null, so our base state isn't visible
-	underlays += mutable_appearance('icons/obj/structures.dmi', "grille") //add a grille underlay
-	underlays += mutable_appearance('icons/turf/floors.dmi', "plating") //add the plating underlay, below the grille
-	name = "window"
-	icon_state = "plastitanium_window-0"
-	base_icon_state = "plastitanium_window"
-	opacity = FALSE
-	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
-	opacity = FALSE
-	icon = 'icons/obj/smooth_structures/windows/plastitanium_window.dmi'
-	. = ..()
-	icon_state = null
-	underlays += mutable_appearance('icons/obj/structures.dmi', "grille")
-	underlays += mutable_appearance('icons/turf/floors.dmi', "plating")
-	name = "CentCom Access"
-	icon = 'icons/obj/doors/airlocks/centcom/centcom.dmi'
-	icon_state = "fake_door"
-	name = "dense rock"
-	desc = "An extremely densely-packed rock, most mining tools or explosives would never get through this."
-	icon = 'icons/turf/mining.dmi'
-	icon_state = "rock"
-	name = "mountainside"
-	desc = "An extremely densely-packed rock, sheeted over with centuries worth of ice and snow."
-	icon = 'icons/turf/walls.dmi'
-	icon_state = "snowrock"
-	bullet_sizzle = TRUE
-	bullet_bounce_sound = null
-	name = "iced rock"
-	desc = "Extremely densely-packed sheets of ice and rock, forged over the years of the harsh cold."
-	icon = 'icons/turf/walls.dmi'
-	icon_state = "icerock"
-	name = "bedrock rock"
-	desc = "An extremely densely-packed rock, most mining tools or explosives would never get through this."
-	icon = 'icons/turf/mining.dmi'
-	icon_state = "rock_dense"
-	name = "thick paper wall"
-	desc = "A wall layered with impenetrable sheets of paper."
-	icon = 'icons/turf/walls.dmi'
-	icon_state = "paperwall"
-	name = "necropolis wall"
-	desc = "A seemingly impenetrable wall."
-	icon = 'icons/turf/walls.dmi'
-	icon_state = "necro"
-	explosion_block = 50
-	baseturfs = /turf/closed/indestructible/necropolis
-/turf/closed/indestructible/necropolis/get_smooth_underlay_icon(mutable_appearance/underlay_appearance, turf/asking_turf, adjacency_dir)
-	underlay_appearance.icon = 'icons/turf/floors.dmi'
-	underlay_appearance.icon_state = "necro1"
-	return TRUE
-	name = "necropolis wall"
-	desc = "A thick, seemingly indestructible stone wall."
-	icon = 'icons/turf/walls/boss_wall.dmi'
-	icon_state = "boss_wall-0"
-	base_icon_state = "boss_wall"
-	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
-	canSmoothWith = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_BOSS_WALLS)
-	explosion_block = 50
-	baseturfs = /turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss
-	opacity = FALSE
-/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss/get_smooth_underlay_icon(mutable_appearance/underlay_appearance, turf/asking_turf, adjacency_dir)
-	underlay_appearance.icon = 'icons/turf/floors.dmi'
-	underlay_appearance.icon_state = "basalt"
-	return TRUE
-	name = "wall"
-	desc = "A wall made out of a strange metal. The squares on it pulse in a predictable pattern."
-	icon = 'icons/turf/walls/hierophant_wall.dmi'
-	icon_state = "wall"
-	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_CORNERS
-	smoothing_groups = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_HIERO_WALL)
-	canSmoothWith = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_HIERO_WALL)
diff --git a/code/game/turfs/closed/indestructible.dm b/code/game/turfs/closed/indestructible.dm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e55e335430871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/game/turfs/closed/indestructible.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+//here be (almost) all of the indestructible walls, they have been properly categorized under this file now.
+	name = "wall"
+	icon = 'icons/turf/walls.dmi'
+	explosion_block = 50
+	resistance_flags = INDESTRUCTIBLE
+/turf/closed/indestructible/TerraformTurf(path, new_baseturf, flags, defer_change = FALSE, ignore_air = FALSE)
+	return
+/turf/closed/indestructible/acid_act(acidpwr, acid_volume, acid_id)
+	return 0
+	to_be_destroyed = FALSE
+	return src
+	return
+	return
+/turf/closed/indestructible/turf_destruction(damage_flag, additional_damage)
+	return
+////Service "walls"////
+//splash screen
+	name = "Space Station 13"
+	icon = 'icons/blank_title.png'
+	icon_state = ""
+	layer = FLY_LAYER
+	bullet_bounce_sound = null
+	. = ..()
+	SStitle.splash_turf = src
+	if(SStitle.icon)
+		icon = SStitle.icon
+/turf/closed/indestructible/splashscreen/vv_edit_var(var_name, var_value)
+	. = ..()
+	if(.)
+		switch(var_name)
+			if(NAMEOF(src, icon))
+				SStitle.icon = icon
+	desc = pick(strings(SPLASH_DESC_FILE, "splashes"))
+	. = ..()
+//cordon "wall"
+	name = "cordon"
+	desc = "The final word in problem solving."
+	icon_state = "cordon"
+//Will this look good? No. Will it work? Probably.
+	. = ..()
+	if(isobserver(AM))
+		return
+	if(ismob(AM))
+		var/mob/interloper = AM
+		interloper.death()
+	if(ismecha(AM))
+		var/obj/vehicle/sealed/mecha/fuckphazons = AM
+		var/mob/living/carbon/interloper = fuckphazons.occupants
+		interloper?.death()
+		qdel(interloper)
+	qdel(AM)
+	return TRUE // The blessed cordon freeman
+////non-smoothed walls////
+//old shuttle
+	name = "strange shuttle wall"
+	icon = 'icons/turf/shuttleold.dmi'
+	icon_state = "block"
+	icon_state = "corner"
+	icon_state = "alien1" //they are var edited in map, to be changed later because who the hell tought it was a good idea to do so?
+	icon_state = "wall3"
+	name = "CentCom Access"
+	icon = 'icons/obj/doors/airlocks/centcom/centcom.dmi'
+	icon_state = "fake_door"
+	name = "dense rock"
+	desc = "An extremely densely-packed rock, most mining tools or explosives would never get through this."
+	icon = 'icons/turf/mining.dmi'
+	icon_state = "rock"
+	name = "mountainside"
+	desc = "An extremely densely-packed rock, sheeted over with centuries worth of ice and snow."
+	icon_state = "snowrock"
+	bullet_sizzle = TRUE
+	bullet_bounce_sound = null
+	name = "iced rock"
+	desc = "Extremely densely-packed sheets of ice and rock, forged over the years of the harsh cold."
+	icon_state = "icerock"
+	name = "bedrock rock"
+	desc = "An extremely densely-packed rock, most mining tools or explosives would never get through this."
+	icon = 'icons/turf/mining.dmi'
+	icon_state = "rock_dense"
+	name = "thick paper wall"
+	desc = "A wall layered with impenetrable sheets of paper."
+	icon_state = "paperwall"
+	name = "necropolis wall"
+	desc = "A seemingly impenetrable wall."
+	icon_state = "necro"
+	explosion_block = 50
+	baseturfs = /turf/closed/indestructible/necropolis
+/turf/closed/indestructible/necropolis/get_smooth_underlay_icon(mutable_appearance/underlay_appearance, turf/asking_turf, adjacency_dir)
+	underlay_appearance.icon = 'icons/turf/floors.dmi'
+	underlay_appearance.icon_state = "necro1"
+	return TRUE
+////smoothed walls////
+	name = "sandstone wall"
+	desc = "A wall with sandstone plating. Rough."
+	icon = 'icons/turf/walls/sandstone_wall.dmi'
+	icon_state = "sandstone_wall-0"
+	base_icon_state = "sandstone_wall"
+	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
+	baseturfs = /turf/closed/indestructible/sandstone
+	icon = 'icons/turf/walls/riveted.dmi'
+	icon_state = "riveted-0"
+	base_icon_state = "riveted"
+	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
+	smoothing_groups = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_CLOSED_TURFS)
+	canSmoothWith = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_CLOSED_TURFS)
+	icon = 'icons/turf/walls/plastitanium_wall.dmi'
+	icon_state = "plastitanium_wall-0"
+	base_icon_state = "plastitanium_wall"
+	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
+	icon = 'icons/turf/walls/uranium_wall.dmi'
+	icon_state = "uranium_wall-0"
+	base_icon_state = "uranium_wall"
+	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
+	name = "window"
+	icon = 'icons/obj/smooth_structures/windows/reinforced_window.dmi'
+	icon_state = "reinforced_window-0"
+	base_icon_state = "reinforced_window"
+	opacity = FALSE
+	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
+	smoothing_groups = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_WINDOW_FULLTILE)
+	opacity = FALSE
+	. = ..()
+	icon_state = null //set the icon state to null, so our base state isn't visible
+	underlays += mutable_appearance('icons/obj/structures.dmi', "grille") //add a grille underlay
+	underlays += mutable_appearance('icons/turf/floors.dmi', "plating") //add the plating underlay, below the grille
+	name = "window"
+	icon_state = "plastitanium_window-0"
+	base_icon_state = "plastitanium_window"
+	opacity = FALSE
+	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
+	opacity = FALSE
+	icon = 'icons/obj/smooth_structures/windows/plastitanium_window.dmi'
+	. = ..()
+	icon_state = null
+	underlays += mutable_appearance('icons/obj/structures.dmi', "grille")
+	underlays += mutable_appearance('icons/turf/floors.dmi', "plating")
+	name = "necropolis wall"
+	desc = "A thick, seemingly indestructible stone wall."
+	icon = 'icons/turf/walls/boss_wall.dmi'
+	icon_state = "boss_wall-0"
+	base_icon_state = "boss_wall"
+	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
+	canSmoothWith = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_BOSS_WALLS)
+	explosion_block = 50
+	baseturfs = /turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss
+	opacity = FALSE
+/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss/get_smooth_underlay_icon(mutable_appearance/underlay_appearance, turf/asking_turf, adjacency_dir)
+	underlay_appearance.icon = 'icons/turf/floors.dmi'
+	underlay_appearance.icon_state = "basalt" //should it be basalt and *only* basalt if in the future we add different locations that have something else as a base ground?
+	return TRUE
+	name = "wall"
+	desc = "A wall made out of a strange metal. The squares on it pulse in a predictable pattern."
+	icon = 'icons/turf/walls/hierophant_wall.dmi'
+	icon_state = "wall"
+	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_CORNERS
+	smoothing_groups = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_HIERO_WALL)
+	canSmoothWith = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_HIERO_WALL)
diff --git a/code/game/turfs/closed/wall/mineral_walls.dm b/code/game/turfs/closed/wall/mineral_walls.dm
index 6dcd409cc3e94..64cf73ab13098 100644
--- a/code/game/turfs/closed/wall/mineral_walls.dm
+++ b/code/game/turfs/closed/wall/mineral_walls.dm
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
 	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
 	canSmoothWith = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_SILVER_WALLS)
-	custom_materials = list(/datum/material/silver = 4000)
 	max_integrity = 600
@@ -171,7 +170,6 @@
 	smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
 	canSmoothWith = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_WOOD_WALLS)
-	custom_materials = list(/datum/material/wood = 4000)
 	max_integrity = 200
 	damage_deflection = 0
diff --git a/code/game/turfs/closed/wall/misc_walls.dm b/code/game/turfs/closed/wall/misc_walls.dm
index 25bf34ac5e914..c6f57925ca90a 100644
--- a/code/game/turfs/closed/wall/misc_walls.dm
+++ b/code/game/turfs/closed/wall/misc_walls.dm
@@ -128,27 +128,3 @@
 	girder_type = /obj/structure/girder/bronze
-	name = "cordon"
-	desc = "The final word in problem solving."
-	icon_state = "cordon"
-//Will this look good? No. Will it work? Probably.
-	. = ..()
-	if(isobserver(AM))
-		return
-	if(ismob(AM))
-		var/mob/interloper = AM
-		interloper.death()
-	if(ismecha(AM))
-		var/obj/vehicle/sealed/mecha/fuckphazons = AM
-		var/mob/living/carbon/interloper = fuckphazons.occupants
-		interloper?.death()
-		qdel(interloper)
-	qdel(AM)
-	return TRUE // The blessed cordon
diff --git a/icons/obj/smooth_structures/girders/girder.dmi b/icons/obj/smooth_structures/girders/girder.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..d9d231bb74f80
Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/obj/smooth_structures/girders/girder.dmi differ
diff --git a/icons/obj/smooth_structures/girders/reinforced_girder.dmi b/icons/obj/smooth_structures/girders/reinforced_girder.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e680c6c6bec83
Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/obj/smooth_structures/girders/reinforced_girder.dmi differ
diff --git a/icons/obj/structures.dmi b/icons/obj/structures.dmi
index b4a61d65025ed..6d910c02c5bad 100644
Binary files a/icons/obj/structures.dmi and b/icons/obj/structures.dmi differ
diff --git a/icons/turf/walls.dmi b/icons/turf/walls.dmi
index 1d749763c0b3c..169173812ebdf 100644
Binary files a/icons/turf/walls.dmi and b/icons/turf/walls.dmi differ
diff --git a/icons/turf/walls/reinforced_wall.dmi b/icons/turf/walls/reinforced_wall.dmi
index 35d64734e1493..cfa8e0eacb6fd 100644
Binary files a/icons/turf/walls/reinforced_wall.dmi and b/icons/turf/walls/reinforced_wall.dmi differ
diff --git a/icons/turf/walls/wall.dmi b/icons/turf/walls/wall.dmi
index 651227fe8de21..7c3565ce57797 100644
Binary files a/icons/turf/walls/wall.dmi and b/icons/turf/walls/wall.dmi differ