My VueJS interpretation for the famous "Biscuit Machine" task
nvm use
npm install
npm run serve
Then visit your http://localhost:8080/
- Oven's initial temperature is 200, just so it's closer to 220 - the starting point of the machine
- I added a "burned biscuits" functionality - if there are biscuits for more than 5s in the oven (while paused), they will be burned
- The requirements are on the page, just so it's easier to compare and validate
- I used VueJS, instead of Angular or React, because for a task of such scale I thought it would be easier to construct
- I used a basic EventHub, instead of Vuex, since it's faster to prototype. For a different project I might choose Vuex
- All movements (motor rotation, animations, oven heating and cool down) are based on 1s intervals