- share from terminal
- export to csv
- test multiple spreadsheets cases - remove spreadsheetId dependency from client
- cleanup the client, use only a create_request(body,fields,id) and build the body etc from model only
- batch request -> see how its used https://developers.google.com/drive/v3/web/manage-sharing
- handle requests in better modular way
- Catch timout error and show an apropriote error rather than whole stack trace
- loop in worksheet like csv, for row in wks:
- compalitable with pandas
- improve the authorizing - use only refresh tokens once autheticated (look at pgsheets)
- add non local authorizaton
- add python 3 support
- add search sheets/cells by regex
- fix/add formula support
- add google app engin support
- font, cell colorsupport
- use logger
- comment ability
- add querrying for recodes ? (https://github.com/yoavaviram/python-google-spreadsheet)(https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/querylanguage)
- add row/column freezing support
- add and backup option (save the whole sheet/wks)
- while creating sheets we should be able to specify path in drive(http://sheetsync.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial.html#folders)
- specify another sheet as template while creating ssheet(http://sheetsync.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial.html#templates-for-formatting)
- compalitable with numpy
- ability to wks[1][1] = 'test value'
- add sorting (https://developers.google.com/sheets/reference/rest/v4/spreadsheets/request#sortrangerequest)
- make linking optional and work with the offline copy, when linking is renabled maybe sync the changes to cloud with batch update
- offline option - usefull for smaller sheets
- combine adj batch requests into 1
- take values upload limit by api in to consideration?
- impove data range (protected range,)
- save the batch requests, offline , and load later and push it?
- while fetching records try to cluster and find diffrent tablular datas (https://developers.google.com/sheets/guides/values)
- write more examples
- write offline tests using mocks
- write tests for different authorizations (non local, using tokens etc)
- update time is not instantanious