This module provides an (almost) complete wrapper around the Basecamp API ( It is written in Python and based upon the excellent ElementTree package (
Licended under the MIT License
# Import ElementTree and the Basecamp module. import elementtree.ElementTree as ET from basecamp import Basecamp bc = Basecamp('', 'API_KEY') # Fetch one todo list from its ID xml = bc.todo_list(14499317) items = ET.fromstring(xml).findall('todo-items/todo-item') # Let's use the ElementTree API to access data via path expressions: for item in items: print item.find("content").text
This code is built from the code of Quentin Pleplé ( forked from github at (
Which code is built from the code of Jochen Kupperschmidt [email protected] (see under the MIT Licence.
And added some suggestions from Greg Allard (see