Releases: nanostudio-org/nanogallery2
Releases · nanostudio-org/nanogallery2
nanogallery2 v2.1.0
- new: API methods 'closeViewer', 'minimizeToolbar', 'maximizeToolbar', 'paginationPreviousPage', 'paginationNextPage', 'paginationGotoPage', 'paginationCountPages'
- fixed: single touch to open thumbnail when no hover effect defined
- fixed: lightbox support for empty top-left or top-right toolbar
- fixed: option 'galleryMosaicL1' renamed to 'galleryL1Mosaic'
- fixed: options 'touchAnimation' and 'touchAnimationL1'
- fixed: #82 option 'thumbnailAlbumDisplayImage'
- fixed: incorrect .nGY2GThumbnailSub size
- fixed: functions NGY2Item.thumbSet(), NGY2Item.imageSet(), NGY2Item.thumbSetImgHeight(), NGY2Item.thumbSetImgWidth()
nanogallery2 v2.0.0
- new: mosaic layout
- new: video support (Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion)
- new: image slider in thumbnail (see option 'thumbnailSliderDelay')
- new: value 'fillWidth' for option 'thumbnailAlignment' (is also the new default value)
- new: option 'thumbnailBaseGridHeight' for cascading layout
- new: markup content source supports the ID attribute
- new: option 'viewerTransitionMediaKind' to enable/disable media transition in lightbox
- new: module support
- new: callback fnProcessData for Flickr data
- enhanced: option 'thumbnailOpenOriginal' for all data types
- enhanced: added keyword 'auto backup' to default value for 'blackList'
- enhanced: loading.gif embeded in CSS file
- changed: the lightbox is nor more closed when the user clicks/touches the area outside the image
- fixed: #67 viewer opens even if cutom viewer defined (broken in v1.5.0)
- fixed: image swipe left/right closes the lightbox
- fixed: #56 #68 destroy method issue -> warning: browser back to non existing location could happen
- fixed: #70 overflow-x: hidden; not working after exit gallery
- fixed: Flickr - album list blocked by hidden albums
- fixed: #69 message 'error: no image to process.' no more displayed
- fixed: #77 link to the photo on flickr leads to photostream instead of album
- fixed: #78 exif time now handeld as string format
- fixed: image on selected thumbnail not visible
nanogallery2 v1.5.0
- new: swipe down to close lightbox
- new: thumbnail image dominant color in stacks
- new: thumbnail gradient color during image download (see galleryTheme)
- new: lightbox option 'viewerImageDisplay'
Possible values : 'upscale' to upscale images to fullscreen, 'bestImageQuality' for highest quality on high DPI screens like retina - new: define multiple thumbnails per item (url and size) - API and markup content source
- enhanced: lightbox image zoom and swipe
- removed: open image in Google Photos (broken since changes by Google)
- fixed: #51 - thumbnail to navigate up not displayed correctly
- fixed: Flickr incorrect image resolution
- fixed: thumbnail to navigate up displayed even without parent album
- fixed: option 'photoset' not a real alias of 'album'
- fixed: sorting for images/albums defined with HTML markup or javascript
- fixed: package manager compatibility
- fixed: incorrect cursor pointer when lightbox disabled
- fixed: endless loop if image/gallery in location hash does not exit (markup or javascript content)
- fixed: internal lightbox started although third party lightbox defined
- misc performance enhancements and bugfixes
nanogallery2 v1.4.1
- fixed: incorrect font version embedded in nanogallery2.woff.css
nanogallery2 v1.4.0
- new: display thumbnail's images smoothly when fully downloaded (option 'thumbnailWaitImageLoaded')
- new: gallery display animations (options 'galleryDisplayTransition' and 'galleryDisplayTransitionDuration')
- new: tags support with nanoPhotosProvider2
- new: API functions to search in title and tags ('search2', 'search2Execute')
- enhanced: blurred image display during image download (thumbnails)
- enhanced: thumbnails display animations
- changed: default thumbnail background color from black to gray
- fixed: #46 rotate internal viewer doesn't resize gallery
- fixed: #46 hover effect 'toolsAppear' works only with one toolbar
- fixed: #46 hover effect issue on touch/mobile device
- fixed: #48 browser navigation back to root album doesn't work
- fixed: #48 API function displayItem
- fixed: image display quality in Chrome
- fixed: misc small issues
nanogallery2 v1.3.0
- new: #3 Auto hide tools on image view after inactivity. Use the option viewerHideToolsDelay to define the delay in ms.
- new: compatibility to nanoPhotosProvider2 (
- new: possibility to display dominant color gradient (blurred images) during image load (on thumbnails, not supported by Google Photos or Flickr data source)
- new: thumbnail display transitions, new possibilties: 'flipDown', 'flipUp', 'slideUp2', 'slideDown2', 'slideRight', 'slideLeft'
- new: thumbnailDisplayTransition 'slideUp' and 'slideDown': distance can be defined (example: 'slideUp_200')
- new: share to
- new: #39 lightbox single tap/click to go to next/previous image (to remove the single tap delay, set option 'viewerZoom' to false)
- new: album level 1 specific options: 'fnThumbnailL1DisplayEffect', 'thumbnailL1DisplayTransition', 'thumbnailL1DisplayTransitionDuration', 'thumbnailL1DisplayInterval'
- new: #30 callbacks in HTML markup mode
- new: enhanced compatibility to browser without CSS Transform support
- new: ImagesLoaded now in version 4.1.1
- new: screenfull.js now in version 3.2.0
- changed: removed share button from to top right toolbar (can be changed with the option 'viewerTools')
- fixed: low image quality in some cases
- fixed: share to Google+
- fixed: old Picasa albums not retrieved (for data before 09/02/2017)
- fixed: #14 Slideshow stop on iPhone/android
- fixex: #34 Image description - filename no more used in title by default
- fixed: #37 Error using custom colors for colorSchemeViewer breaks nanoGallery2
- fixed: #38 Fullscreen icon when opening in fullscreen
nanogallery2 v1.2.1
- fixed: Google Photos albums not displayed (with NANOGP -
- fixed: kind 'google' for (old) Picasa data
- fixed: #31 pagination 'pageChanged' event only fired with next/previous
- fixed: parameter 'galleryLastRowFull' ignored in justified layout
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nanogallery2 v1.2.0
- new: thumbnails hover effects can now be chained and syntax has been enhanced with new options
- new: stack motions effects on thumbnails - options 'thumbnailStacks' and 'thumbnailL1Stacks' to add N stacks behind the thumbnails (thanks to Mary Lou from Codrops for the inspiration -
- new: options 'thumbnailStacksTranslateX', 'thumbnailStacksTranslateY', 'thumbnailStacksTranslateZ', 'thumbnailStacksRotateX', 'thumbnailStacksRotateY', 'thumbnailStacksRotateZ', 'thumbnailStacksScale'
- new: color scheme option 'stackBackground'
- new: options 'thumbnailL1GutterWidth' and 'thumbnailL1GutterHeight'
- new: #23 define a specific image for download (options 'downloadURL' or 'ngdownloadurl')
- new: #21 option 'thumbnailDisplayOutsideScreen' to let the thumbnails always displayed even if not visible on screen (may impact performances)
- new: parameter 'itemsBaseURL' ignored when source of an image is an full URL
- new: #20 option 'data-ngcustomdata' (additionaly to 'ngcustomdata')
- new: thumbnail icon 'display' to open a thumbnail even if selection mode is activated
- changed: hammer.js v2.0.8
- changed: 'viewerDisplayLogo' default value set to false
- changed: access to old Picasa content now included in module google2
- fixed: #28 - Setting navigationBreadcrumb borderRadius does not have impact
- fixed: parameter 'galleryMaxItems' not working with data source 'google2'
- fixed: parameter 'descriptionFontSize' ignored
- fixed: image zoom with mouse wheel on Firefox
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nanogallery2 v1.1.0
- new: custom tools for thumbnails ('custom1..10' and the associated icons (icons.thumbnailCustomTool1..10))
- new: support for custom buttons on thumbnails
- new: callback on click on thumbnail's custom tool - fnThumbnailToolCustAction(action, item)
- new: events 'itemSelected.nanogallery2', 'itemUnSelected.nanogallery2'
- new: data-attribute case insensitive for items definition
- enhanced: image display toolbars handling (custom buttons, custom elements, definition order...)
- fixed: small bugs
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nanogallery2 v1.0.0
- new: options to set the size of images and thumbnails
- new: options to set EXIF properties with javascript
- new: API option 'refresh' to display again the current gallery
- new: API option 'instance' to get the reference of the gallery instance
- new: API option 'search', display thumbnails with title containing the search string
- new: callbacks 'fnGalleryRenderStart', 'fnGalleryRenderEnd', 'fnGalleryObjectModelBuilt', 'fnGalleryLayoutApplied'
- changed: default thumbnail toolbar for albums - thumbnailToolbarAlbum : { topLeft: 'select', topRight : 'counter' }
- changed: default thumbnail toolbar for imgae - thumbnailToolbarImage : { topLeft: 'select', topRight : 'featured' }
- changed: default value of 'thumbnailDisplayInterval' from 30 to 15
- enhanced: high DPI screen, like Retina, support for self hosted content when image size defined
- fixed: misc issues with kind 'google2'
- fixed: zoom image in/out for self hosted content
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