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167 lines (118 loc) · 4.52 KB

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167 lines (118 loc) · 4.52 KB


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                    Developed by: Luna (nao3301 & lupa)                      
                    Version: 0.2.X2 beta    
                    Modules: 18
Usage : redsec
  ~ [command]

Dedsec is a command line tool which can be used for pentesting. This tool supports Linux, and it is planed also for Mac and windows.


use arrowkeys to use history, use tap for auto completion

~ help
	command		description

	exit    	closes the programm
	bash    	opens bash ( come with exit back to Dedsec )
	lip     	shows your ip adress
	time    	display local time
	help    	helpS
	delglo  	deletes all globals
	setglo  	set globals, which then will be used by the modules
	show    	shows you the modules


~ show
	command		description

	scan    	scans other clients in your network
	turtcon 	connects to your Lan-Turtle (ssh)
	shhh    	starts a listener (for example for the reverse shell )
	timeattack	timeattack a port
	ninjamode	ninjamode
	dedpscr 	cracks password hash with wordlist (dictionary attack)
	ssh     	sets ssh-connection to a client
	map     	detect wifi netwoks around
	kicknick	kicks one target out of the network
	ducky   	opens the DuckToolkit to encode ducky scrips
	pinecon 	connects to your WIFI-Pineapple (ssh + firefox)

Platforms tested :

  • Kali Linux
  • Arch Linux
  • elementary OS

Platforms comming :

  • Mac
  • Windows


Please mind that not erverything is finised and some requirements could be missing.

But we are woking on the install script.


you need ruby and scapy

git clone the repo

sudo gem install net-ping


ruby redsec.rb

more details are comming soon


you need homebrew git clone the repo

chmod +x



ruby redsec.rb

more details are comming soon


more details are comming soon


You are invited to use, optimize and change redsec! Just do whatever you want! Because it is still in beta feel free to tell us any improvements, we will fix any issues as fast as possible. If you add anything to the code and you consider it worth sharing please make an issue for it. We are looking forward to it! For any other questions contact us. We will try to help you as much as we can.


Tool developed by @nao3301 & @lupa1969



  • help
  • modules


  • autocompletion
  • example

Tanks to