Once the catalog is installed, you are ready to upload applications!.
The NAPPTIVE Catalog is highly inspired by the way container registries work. The applications uploaded by a user will be available to all the users who have access to the catalog.
- Applications
- Catalog Client
- Upload an application
- Download an applications
- Remove an application
- List avaiblable applications
- Get Summary
- Get application info
Each user will have a repository whose name will match their username. It will be in this repository where you must upload your applications.
An application in the catalog is a collection of YAML entities that specify which elements are involved in its deployment. In order to fully identify the application, a metadata file is required. This enables a better discovery of what is available on the catalog. To upload an application, please include a metadata.yaml file with the other elements of the application, with the following content:
apiVersion: core.napptive.com/v1alpha1
kind: ApplicationMetadata
# Name of the application, not necessarily a valid k8s name.
name: "My App Name"
version: 1.0
description: Short description for searchs. Long one plus how to goes into the README.md
# Keywords facilitate searches on the catalog
- "tag1"
- "tag2"
- "tag3"
license: "Apache License Version 2.0"
url: "https://..."
doc: "https://..."
# Requires gives a list of entities that are needed to launch the application.
- my.custom.trait
- my.custom.scope
# K8s lists Kubernetes specific entities. This provides a separation between OAM entities in an orchestration-agnostic environment, and applications that specifically require Kubernetes.
- apiVersion: my.custom.package
kind: CustomEntityKind
name: name
# The logo can be used as visual information when listing the catalog so the user recognizes more easily the application.
- src: "https://my.domain/path/logo.png"
type: "image/png"
size: "120x120"
As for the layout of the application YAML we recommend:
|- metadata.yaml
|- README.md
|- app_cfg.yaml
|- <opt_directory>
| |- OAM_entity.yaml
| \- K8s_entity.yaml
|- OAM_entity.yaml
\- K8s_entity.yaml
Adding a README.md
file will also help consumers of the application understand how it is intended to be deployed, how parameters interact, etc.
There is a client to manage catalog operations. Visit github repo.
$ catalog --help
The catalog command provides a set of methods to interact with the Napptive Catalog
catalog [flags]
catalog [command]
$ catalog
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
info Get the principal information of an application.
list List the applications
pull Pull an application from catalog.
push Push an application in the catalog.
remove Remove an application from catalog.
summary Get te catalog summary.
A user will upload in his repository as many applications as he wants. The application name must comply with the following rule:
To upload an application, execute:
$ catalog push <repo>/<appName>:<version> <application_path> --catalogAddress localhost --catalogPort 37060 --useTLS=false
SUCCESS <repositiry>/<appName> added to catalog
at this moment, the application is ready for everyone that wants to use it.
A user can download any available application by executing:
$ catalog pull <repo>/<appName>:<version> <application_path> --catalogAddress localhost --catalogPort 37060 --useTLS=false
SUCCESS application saved on ./<appName>.tgz
all the application files will be downloaded in appName.tgz file.
To remove an existing application, execute:
$ catalog remove <repo>/<appName>:<version> <application_path> --catalogAddress localhost --catalogPort 37060 --useTLS=false
SUCCESS <repo>/<appName>:<version> removed from catalog
To receive all the applications available in the cataglog, execute:
$ catalog --catalogAddress localhost --catalogPort 37060 --useTLS=false list
repository/appName:version Application name
To receive a summary of the number of applications available in the catalog:
$ catalog summary --catalogAddress localhost --catalogPort 37060 --useTLS=false
<num> <num> <num>
To get the information of an application, execute:
$ catalog --catalogAddress localhost --catalogPort 37060 --useTLS=false info <repo>/<appName>:<version>
<repo>/<appName>:<version> Application Name
<application description>
<readme file>