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File metadata and controls

155 lines (124 loc) · 8.53 KB


Liftbridge provides limited configuration through command-line flags and full configuration using a configuration file. Flags will always take precedent over settings in the configuration file.

The configuration file is passed in using the --config flag:

$ liftbridge --config liftbridge.conf

To get a full list of the CLI flags, use the --help flag:

$ liftbridge --help
   liftbridge - Lightweight, fault-tolerant message streams

   liftbridge [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


     help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --config FILE, -c FILE                      load configuration from FILE
   --server-id value, --id value               ID of the server in the cluster if there is no stored ID (default: random ID)
   --namespace value, --ns value               cluster namespace (default: "liftbridge-default")
   --nats-servers ADDR[,ADDR], -n ADDR[,ADDR]  connect to NATS cluster at ADDR[,ADDR] (default: "nats://localhost:4222")
   --data-dir DIR, -d DIR                      store data in DIR (default: "/tmp/liftbridge/<namespace>")
   --port value, -p value                      port to bind to (default: 9292)
   --tls-cert value                            server certificate file
   --tls-key value                             private key for server certificate
   --level value, -l value                     logging level [debug|info|warn|error] (default: "info")
   --raft-bootstrap-seed                       bootstrap the Raft cluster by electing self as leader if there is no existing state
   --raft-bootstrap-peers value                bootstrap the Raft cluster with the provided list of peer IDs if there is no existing state
   --help, -h                                  show help
   --version, -v                               print the version

Configuration File Format

The configuration file format borrows from the NATS configuration format. It is a flexible format that combines the best of traditional configuration formats and newer styles such as JSON and YAML.

The config file format supports the following syntax:

  • Mixed Arrays: [...]
  • Nested Maps: {...}
  • Multiple comment types: # and //
  • Key value assigments using:
    • Equals sign (foo = 2)
    • Colon (foo: 2)
    • Whitespace (foo 2)
  • Maps can be assigned with no key separator
  • Semicolons as value terminators in key/value assignments are optional

Example Configuration File

An example configuration file is shown below.

listen: localhost:9293
data.dir: /tmp/liftbridge/server-2
log.level: debug

# Define NATS cluster to connect to.
nats {
    servers: ["nats://localhost:4300", "nats://localhost:4301"]

# Specify message log settings.
log {
    retention.max.age: "24h"

# Specify cluster settings.
clustering { server-2
    raft.logging: true
    raft.bootstrap.seed: true
    replica.max.lag.time: "20s"

Configuration Settings

Below is the list of Liftbridge configuration settings, including the name of the setting in the configuration file and the CLI flag if it exists.

Name Flag Description Type Default Valid Values
listen The server host/port. string localhost:9292
host The server host. string localhost
port port The server port. int 9292
tls.key tls-key The private key file for server certificate. This must be set in combination with tls.cert to enable TLS. string
tls.cert tls-cert The server certificate file. This must be set in combination with tls.key to enable TLS. string
log.level level The logging level. string info [debug, info, warn, error]
data.dir data-dir The directory to store data in. string /tmp/liftbridge/namespace
batch.max.messages The maximum number of messages to batch when writing to disk. int 1024
batch.wait.time The time to wait to batch more messages when writing to disk. duration 0
metadata.cache.max.age The maximum age of cached broker metadata. duration 2m
nats NATS configuration. map See below
log Stream write-ahead log configuration. map See below
clustering Broker cluster configuration. map See below

NATS Configuration Settings

Below is the list of the configuration settings for the nats part of the configuration file.

Name Flag Description Type Default Valid Values
servers nats-servers List of NATS hosts to connect to. list nats://localhost:4222

Log Configuration Settings

Below is the list of the configuration settings for the log part of the configuration file.

Name Flag Description Type Default Valid Values
retention.max.bytes The maximum size a stream's log can grow to, in bytes, before we will discard old log segments to free up space. A value of 0 indicates no limit. int64 0
retention.max.messages The maximum size a stream's log can grow to, in number of messages, before we will discard old log segments to free up space. A value of 0 indicates no limit. int64 0
retention.max.age The TTL for stream log segment files, after which they are deleted. A value of 0 indicates no TTL. duration 168h
cleaner.interval The frequency to check if a new stream log segment file should be rolled and whether any segments are eligible for deletion based on the retention policy or compaction if enabled. duration 5m
log.roll.time The maximum time before a new stream log segment is rolled out. A value of 0 means new segments will only be rolled when segment.max.bytes is reached. Retention is always done a file at a time, so a larger value means fewer files but less granular control over retention. duration value of retention.max.age
segment.max.bytes The maximum size of a single stream log segment file in bytes. Retention is always done a file at a time, so a larger segment size means fewer files but less granular control over retention. int64 1073741824
compact Enables stream log compaction. Compaction works by retaining only the latest message for each key and discarding older messages. The frequency in which compaction runs is controlled by cleaner.interval. bool false

Clustering Configuration Settings

Below is the list of the configuration settings for the clustering part of the configuration file.

Name Flag Description Type Default Valid Values server-id ID of the server in the cluster. string random id string with no spaces or periods
namespace namespace Cluster namespace. string liftbridge-default string with no spaces or periods
raft.snapshot.retain The number Raft log snapshots to retain on disk. int 2
raft.snapshot.threshold Controls how many outstanding logs there must be before taking a snapshot. This prevents excessive snapshots when a small set of logs can be replayed. int 8192
raft.cache.size The number of Raft logs to hold in memory for quick lookup. int 512
raft.bootstrap.seed raft-bootstrap-seed Bootstrap the Raft cluster by electing self as leader if there is no existing state. bool false
raft.bootstrap.peers raft-bootstrap-peers Bootstrap the Raft cluster with the provided list of peer IDs if there is no existing state. list
raft.logging Enables logging in the Raft subsystem. bool false
replica.max.lag.time If a follower hasn't sent any replication requests or hasn't caught up to the leader's log end offset for at least this time, the leader will remove the follower from ISR. duration 10s
replica.max.leader.timeout If a leader hasn't sent any replication responses for at least this time, the follower will report the leader to the controller. If a majority of the replicas report the leader, a new leader is selected by the controller. duration 10s
replica.fetch.timeout Timeout duration for follower replication requests. duration 3s
min.insync.replicas Specifies the minimum number of replicas that must acknowledge a stream write before it can be committed. If the ISR drops below this size, messages cannot be committed. int 1 [1,...]