The aim of this package is to provide a set of functions to interact with CERN’s LDAP servers, allowing to lookup users by login and full name and the membership of user groups. The output is normally displayed in read-only buffers. Below you can find a list of variables that can be customised and also the commands that this package provides. It’s recommended though to read the documentation of each variable and function as this document typically contains only summaries and brief explanations.
Even though it’s obviously tailored to the CERN context and hence with a rather small audience, this package might also serve as inspiration for others learning how to talk to LDAP servers using Emacs.
This Emacs package has no affiliation whatsoever with CERN or the CERN IT department and it’s hence not maintained as part of any CERN project.
However, the current maintainer (who turns out to be working for CERN
at the moment) will be happy to discuss changes and give a helping
hand but please note that developing cern-ldap.el
is not part of his
paid job.
The source code is available in Sourcehut and automatically mirrored to Github for convenience:
- Sourcehut
- Github (mirror)
The latest version (current master
) of this software can be
installed directly from MELPA. Firstly, configure MELPA (upstream
instructions). Then, refresh the local package list and install
M-x package-refresh-contents RET M-x package-install RET cern-ldap RET
See above for instructions on how to setup MELPA first.
(use-package cern-ldap
:ensure t
(cern-ldap-buffer-name-format "*LDAP (%t) %l*")
(cern-ldap-user-full-name-matching-type 'strict))
Example installation with use-package
using a local copy:
(use-package cern-ldap
:ensure nil
:load-path "~/.emacs.d/local-packages/cern-ldap.el"
(cern-ldap-server-url "ldap://localhost:1389"))
Don’t forget to clone the source code into the load path specified above (or any other of your choice).
- Add the following to ~~/.doom.d/packages.el~:
(package! cern-ldap)
- Include your customisations in ~~/.doom.d/config.el~, for example:
(use-package! cern-ldap
(cern-ldap-buffer-name-format "*LDAP (%t) %l*")
(cern-ldap-user-full-name-matching-type 'strict))
Send patches and/or comments to the mailing list.
The package allows the user to customise the behaviour of the code in several ways. Here’s just a list of the customisation variables for quick reference:
For more information just run M-x customize-group cern-ldap
or read
the documentation of each of the variables listed above, for example
by running M-x describe-variable cern-ldap-server-url
These commands will always prompt for user input using the minibuffer.
- Lookup a user (or several) by physical location. With prefix argument, return more information. Only primary accounts will be listed.
- Lookup a user by login. With prefix argument, return more information.
- Lookup a user (or several) by full
name. The search query is enclosed in
by default, making the search query more greedy (seecern-ldap-user-full-name-matching-type
). cern-ldap-group
- Lookup the members of a group by name. With prefix argument, do it non-recursive.
Please refer to the built-in help of each function for further information.
The following commands fish the required input from the current
buffer, either from the active region or from the word/line at
point. The word is collected with superword-mode
enabled so for
instance groups with dashes are picked up.
Please refer to the built-in help of each function for further information.
No keybindings, keymaps or global minor modes are provided. It’s up to the user to configure them to their liking.
It might be a good idea to pack these commands in a transient menu, for example:
(transient-define-prefix my/cern-ldap-dispatch ()
"Dispatch CERN LDAP related commands."
[["LDAP user (by login)"
("U" "Dwim" cern-ldap-user-by-login-dwim)
("u" "Ask" cern-ldap-user-by-login)]
["LDAP user (by full name)"
("F" "Dwim" cern-ldap-user-by-full-name-dwim)
("f" "Ask" cern-ldap-user-by-full-name)]
["LDAP user (by location)"
("L" "Dwim" cern-ldap-user-by-location-dwim)
("l" "Ask" cern-ldap-user-by-location)]
["LDAP group"
("G" "Dwim" cern-ldap-group-dwim)
("g" "Ask" cern-ldap-group)]])
- Support for paginated LDAP results is limited in Emacs so, at the moment, it’s not possible to discover the membership of groups for which the server decides to split the results. The CERN LDAP servers start enforcing pagination when there are more than 1500 results returned. For the time being groups this big will be signalled as “empty”.