- Ontoportal Stack Changes:
- Disable deprecated ssh cyphers and kexalgorithms to make vulnerability scanners happier
- improve robustness of the firstboot and hostname_lookup scripts
- Ontoportal Stack Changes:
- OntoPortal Stack Changes:
- OntoPortal Stack Changes:
- tomcat v9.0.63
- Disable TLS 1 and weak ciphers in apache and nginx
- OntoPortal Stack Changes:
- bioportal_web_ui v6.7.1
- ontologies_api/ncbo_cron v5.22.3
- ruby v2.7.6
- tomcat v9.0.62 installed from source
- redis instances are renamed goo -> goo_cache and http -> http_cache
- Addressed log4j/log4shell CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability
- OntoPortal Stack Changes:
- bioportal_web_ui v6.5.1
- ontologies_api/ncbo_cron v5.22.1
- solr upgraded to 8.11.1
- ruby 2.6.9
- annotatorplus
- https is enabled in nginx for the api on port 8443.
- Known Issues:
- deployment of proper TLS/SSL certificates is required for the full enablement of HTTPS
- AllegroGraph is removed because it is not fully supported at this time. This reduced the size of OVF down to 1.7Gb
- OntoPortal Stack Changes:
- bioportal_web_ui v6.5.0
- Known Issues:
- OntoPortal footer displays incorrect version of the appliance.
- OntoPortal Stack Changes:
- bioportal_web_ui v6.4.0
- ontologies_api/ncbo_cron v5.22.0
- solr upgraded to 8.8.2
- ruby 2.6.7
- https is enabled in Apache/Web_UI using self-signed certificates.
- Fixed:
- Updated AlegroGraph to v7.0.4 RC3 to address goo compatibility issues.
- OntoPortal Stack Changes:
- bioportal_web_ui v6.2.0
- ontologies_api/ncbo_cron v5.19.0
- Ruby on Rails v5.2
- CentOS 7.9
- OntoPortal Web UI displays a maintenance page until firstboot process is completed.
- OntoPortal Stack Changes:
- bioportal_web_ui v5.9.5
- ontologies_api/ncbo_cron v5.18.1
- nginx downgraded to v1.16 which is included in epel yum repo
- ruby 2.6.6
- Fixed:
- Application Stack updates:
- CentOS upgraded to 7.9
- disable root passwod. Users have to use centos user login for SSH access.
- Fixed:
- Packaging:
- appliance packaging is fully automated with packer, puppet, deployment and bootstrap scripts.
- OS Changes for VMWare ova package:
- CentOS 6 is upgraded to CentOS 7.7
- console based firstboot configuration is removed.
- eth0 is configured to do DHCP by default
- root is required to change initial password on first login
- Application Stack changes:
- Apache, MariaDB, memcached, tomcat, redis are installed from EPEL repo
- Nginx updated to 1.17
- Solr updated to 8.2
- Java 11
- ruby 2.5.7
- AllegroGraph v6.4.1 is installed but not activated.
- Directory structure is changed:
- bioportal_web_ui is movded from /srv/rails/bioportal_web_ui to /srv/ontoportal/bioportal_web_ui
- ontologies_api is moved from /srv/ncbo/ontologies_api to /srv/ontoportal/ontologies_api
- ncbo_cron is moved from /srv/ncbo/ncbo_cron to /srv/ontoportal/ncbo_cron
- virtual_appliance which includes deployment, configs and utilities are moved to /srv/ontoportal/virtual_appliance
- application data lives in /srv/ontoportal/data. One option for expanding storage would be to mount a new disk there after coping all data
- Ontoportal Stack changes:
- bioportal_web_ui v5.9.3
- ontologies_api and ncbo_cron v5.16.0
- biomixer is updated to support https
- new: annotatorplus proxy
- Appliance includes deployment scripts for performing limited minor and patch version updates of Ontoportal application components.
- Appliance customization process is changed:
- /srv/ontoportal/virtual_appliance/appliance_config/site_config.rb for setting basic customization such as hostname, Site Name and Organzation.
- /srv/ontoportal/virtual_appliance/appliance_config/ customization and overwrites for ontoportal components such as UI and API
- /srv/ontoportal/virtual_appliance/appliance_config/deployments contains application deployment scripts
- experimental support for AllegroGraph
- Updated Ontoportal branding