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File metadata and controls

100 lines (81 loc) · 9.39 KB


This folder contains a collection of the scripts and notebooks I wrote as part of my capstone project for the Data Science Bootcamp I participated in at Propulsion Academy in Zurich.

Note: Only part of the code written during the project is included as I excluded all the code not written by me.


The goal of this project was using open data (web-scraped and public data) and Python (pandas, scikit-learn) for predicting e-commerce credit default.

We used the following sources of data:

  • web archives (14.6 Million webpages) of French (.fr) domains, including the web-technologies used by them
  • a relational database (mySQL) including the economic and legal data of 28 million French establishments
  • an XML database containing all publications made by the French public gazette, including decisions relative to solvency procedures.

We worked with the following volumes:

Base volume Subset
14.6 million web archives 14,874 e-commerce domains
14,874 e-commerce domains 3,573 SIRENs
3,573 SIRENs 3,063 rows (excluding foreign companies and individual entrepreneurs)
3,063 rows 89 bankruptcies (2,9%)
Financial features
3,063 rows 868 rows with no missing values
868 rows with no missing values 25 bankruptcies (2.8%)
Non-financial features
3,063 rows 3,045 rows with no missing values
3,045 rows with no missing values 88 bankruptcies (2.9%)


This part of the project essentially consisted in iterating through a database of 14.6M pages of web archives for identifying e-commerce domains (based on the technology used by the website) and their corresponding company ID (also know as SIREN).

Feature extraction

This part of the project consisted mainly in iterating through the domains/SIRENs identify for extracting:

  • the label (bankrupt vs. non-bankrupt)
  • financial features traditional used in credit risk assessement
  • non-financial features which could help assess solvency.

The following features could be extracted:

name type description shape missing values %missing values
label label 1 = subject to a "procédure collective" 3573 0 0.00%
LTdebt-to-equity numerical solvency ratio 3573 2350 65.77%
current_ratio numerical liquidity ratio 3573 2351 65.80%
debt-to-assets numerical solvency ratio 3573 2093 58.58%
debt-to-equity numerical solvency ratio 3573 2093 58.58%
debt-to-income numerical solvency ratio 3573 2412 67.51%
financial_leverage numerical solvency ratio 3573 2091 58.52%
profitability numerical profitability ratio 3573 2459 68.82%
quick_ratio numerical liquidity ratio 3573 2351 65.80%
balance_sheet_type categorical C = complet, S = simplifié, K = consolidé 3573 2043 57.18%
nb_domains numerical number of domains by SIREN 3573 0 0.00%
employer boolean 1 yes, 0 no 3573 0 0.00%
legal_form categorical legal form of company 3573 15 0.42%
type_capital categorical F = fixed capital, V = variable capital and EI = entreprise individuelle (no capital per se) 3573 22 0.62%
ccy_capital categorical ISO code of currency of capital amount 3573 505 14.13%
sub-region categorical département 3573 23 0.64%
region categorical région (according to new region system) 3573 23 0.64%
activity_class categorical activity according to 'nomenclature activité' 3573 501 14.02%
years_since_creation numerical years since creation 3573 28 0.78%
amount_capital numerical maximum of 'capital' and 'capital actuel' 3573 505 14.13%
personality_type boolean 1=PP, 0=PM 3573 0 0.00%
https_flag boolean 1=use https, 0=do not use https 3573 0 0.00%
own_email_domain boolean 1=own email domain 3573 0 0.00%
trust_av_flag boolean 1=member of avis vérifés 3573 0 0.00%
trust_sag_flag boolean 1=member of société des avis garantis 3573 0 0.00%
trust_ts_flag boolean 1=member of Trusted Shop 3573 0 0.00%
trust_flag boolean 1=member of any of the above 3573 0 0.00%
translation_in_english boolean 1 = webpages in English 3573 0 0.00%
nb_languages numerical number of languages found by wappalyzer 3573 0 0.00%
tech_ecommerce categorical PrestaShop, WooCommerce, Magento, Other 3573 0 0.00%
tech_cms boolean 1 = presence of a content management system 3573 0 0.00%
tech_widgets boolean 1 = presence of links to social media or other sharing options 3573 0 0.00%
tech_analytics boolean 1 = presence of analytics tools 3573 0 0.00%
tech_enhanced_advertisment boolean 1 = use made of search engine optimizers, advertising-networks, and/or marketing-automation 3573 0 0.00%
tech_interactiveness boolean 1 = presence of blogs and/or live-chat apps 3573 0 0.00%
tech_enhanced_security boolean 1 = presence of captchas and/or a Content Delivery Network 3573 0 0.00%
region_bin categorical North, South or Paris 3573 0 0.00%
activity_class_bin categorical Commerce de détail, de gros or other 3573 0 0.00%
nb_reviews numerical Number of reviews on Trustpilot 3573 3289 92.05%
trust_score numerical Review score on Trustpilot (from 0 to 10) 3573 3289 92.05%


This folder essentially contains a pipeline for:

  • Preparing the features
    • read a Googlesheet where the feature selection is performed (1= include)
    • split between train and test
    • scale the features and transform them into NumPy arrays
    • resample the train data due to class imbalance
  • Modeling
    • for a given threshold, save the best model’s (obtained through grid search) precision, recall, ROC curve to a .docx file