diff --git a/articles/NSSH.html b/articles/NSSH.html index c592efcdcc..597346187e 100644 --- a/articles/NSSH.html +++ b/articles/NSSH.html @@ -313,19 +313,6 @@
A. According to the NRCS General Manual, Title 430, Part 402, "The National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) is a nationwide partnership of Federal, regional, State, and local agencies; private entities; and institutions that cooperatively inventory, investigate, classify, interpret, disseminate, and maintain information about the soils of the United States and its trust territories and commonwealths. The cooperators promote the understanding and appropriate use of soil information. NRCS provides leadership for the NCSS." The NCSS coordinates technically and operationally at national, regional, and State levels. Its activities relate to the technology for the collection, management, and presentation of information about the properties, patterns, and responses of soils and to other joint concerns, such as training and coordinated research and operations. Workshops, meetings, and conferences at each level resolve concerns and address proposals and recommendations for the cooperative soil survey (see also part 601, subpart A, section 601.0 of this handbook).
-B. The National Cooperative Soil Survey Conference The national conference primarily discusses subjects of national concern to NCSS. The Soil and Plant Science Division director calls the conference in odd-numbered years after consulting with the conference steering committee. NRCS publishes the proceedings of the conference and distributes copies to the cooperators in NCSS. The conference bylaws specify the objectives, membership, and committees. Refer to part 602, subpart B, section 602.10, for the bylaws of the NCSS Conference. Guidance on conducting NCSS conferences is provided in section 602.15.
-C. NCSS Regional Conferences The NCSS regional conferences primarily discuss subjects of regional concern. Each region convenes a soil survey conference in even-numbered years. The four regions correspond to the agricultural experiment station regions and are the North Central, Northeast, Southern, and Western. The conference steering committee publishes the conference proceedings and distributes copies to regional NCSS cooperators and others. The conference bylaws specify the objectives, membership, and committee responsibilities. Refer to part 602, subpart B, sections 602.11, 602.12, 602.13, and 602.14, for the bylaws of the four NCSS regional conferences. Guidance on conducting NCSS conferences is provided in section 602.15.
-D. NCSS State Conferences The NCSS State conferences primarily discuss subjects of State concern. The NRCS State soil scientist annually convenes a State conference. Attendees include cooperators and others who contribute to NCSS activities and principal users of soil survey information within the State. Working agreements govern activities of NCSS within the State.
-E. Joint Regional or State Conferences Joint regional or State conferences between two or more regions or States may be held with the agreement of the participants involved.
-Working agreements are a basis of understanding for cooperative work with other agencies and organizations. These agreements include memoranda of understanding (MOUs) and reimbursable agreements. NRCS or any public agency may initiate working agreements relating to soil survey and ecological site activities. If another Federal agency initiates a working agreement, the name of the document and the format may be different from those used by NRCS. Cooperators operate within their own sphere of authority. Title 120, General Manual, Part 401, provides policy guidelines on agreements. An MOU is not a contract, and the plans and specifications agreed upon and contained therein are not legally binding for the agencies that sign it. The MOU may provide for other working agreements, such as cooperative agreements or interagency agreements, for transfer of funds, services, space, or equipment.
The materials provided in this repository are generally defined somewhere within the NSSH. For now, only top-level links to whole sections of the handbook are available.
These links connect to eDirectives which are the official sources of standards of this nature.
-Error in cpp_pdf_combine(input, output, password) : /home/runner/work/SoilKnowledgeBase/SoilKnowledgeBase/inst/extdata/NSSH/pdf/44204.wba.pdf: unable to find trailer dictionary while recovering damaged file
LINK | |||
602 A | -Conferences of the NCSS, Subpart A | -General | -LINK | -
602 B | Conferences of the NCSS, Subpart B | General | LINK |
606 A | Working Agreements, Subpart A | Operations And Management | LINK |
606 B | Working Agreements, Subpart B | Operations And Management | LINK |
607 A | Initial Soil Survey Preparation, Subpart A | Operations And Management | LINK |
607 B | Initial Soil Survey Preparation, Subpart B | Operations And Management | LINK |
608 A | Program Management, Subpart A | Operations And Management | LINK |
608 B | Program Management, Subpart B | Operations And Management | LINK |
609 A | QC/QA* and Soil Correlation, Subpart A | Operations And Management | LINK |
609 B | QC/QA* and Soil Correlation, Subpart B | Operations And Management | LINK |
610 A | Updating Soil Surveys, Subpart A | Operations And Management | LINK |
610 B | Updating Soil Surveys, Subpart B | Operations And Management | LINK |
614 A | Applying Soil Taxonomy, Subpart A | Soil Classification | LINK |
614 B | Applying Soil Taxonomy, Subpart B | Soil Classification | LINK |
617 A | Soil Survey Interpretations, Subpart A | Soil Interpretations | LINK |
617 B | Soil Survey Interpretations, Subpart B | Soil Interpretations | LINK |
618 A | Soil Properties and Qualities, Subpart A | Soil Interpretations | LINK |
618 B | Soil Properties and Qualities, Subpart B | Soil Interpretations | LINK |
621 A | Soil Potential Ratings, Subpart A | Soil Interpretations | LINK |
621 B | Soil Potential Ratings, Subpart B | Soil Interpretations | LINK |
622 A | Interpretive Groups, Subpart A | Soil Interpretations | LINK |
622 B | Interpretive Groups, Subpart B | Soil Interpretations | LINK |
624 A | Soil Quality, Subpart A | Soil Interpretations | LINK |
624 B | Soil Quality, Subpart B | Soil Interpretations | LINK |
627 A | Legend Development and Data Collection, Subpart A | Soil Survey Field Procedures | LINK |
627 B | Legend Development and Data Collection, Subpart B | Soil Survey Field Procedures | LINK |
629 A | Glossary of Landform and Geologic Terms, Subpart A | Soil Survey Field Procedures | LINK |
629 B | Glossary of Landform and Geologic Terms, Subpart B | Soil Survey Field Procedures | LINK |
630 A | Benchmark Soils, Subpart A | Soil Survey Field Procedures | LINK |
630 B | Benchmark Soils, Subpart B | Soil Survey Field Procedures | LINK |
631 A | Soil Survey Investigations, Subpart A | Soil Survey Field Procedures | LINK |
631 B | Soil Survey Investigations, Subpart B | Soil Survey Field Procedures | LINK |
638 | Soil Data Systems | Soil Survey Information Systems | LINK |
639 A | National Soil Information System (NASIS), Subpart A | Soil Survey Information Systems | LINK |
639 B | National Soil Information System (NASIS), Subpart B | Soil Survey Information Systems | LINK |
644 A | Delivering Soil Survey Information, Subpart A | Soil Survey Publications | LINK |
644 B | Delivering Soil Survey Information, Subpart B | Soil Survey Publications | LINK |
647 A | Soil Map Development, Subpart A | Soil Maps | LINK |
647 A | Soil Map Development, Subpart A | Soil Maps | LINK |
648 A | Digital Soil Mapping | Soil Maps | LINK |
648 B | Digital Soil Mapping | Soil Maps | LINK |
649 A | Land Resource Areas, Subpart A | Soil Maps | LINK |
649 B | Land Resource Areas, Subpart B | Soil Maps | LINK |
651 | Advance Soil Survey Information | Information Delivery | LINK |
655 | Technical Soil Services | Information Delivery | @@ -479,1655 +472,1650 @@|
602 | -A | -602.0 Definition | -|
602 | B | 602.10 Bylaws of the National Cooperative Soil Survey Conference | |
602 | B | 602.11 Bylaws of the Western Regional Cooperative Soil Survey Conference | |
602 | B | 602.12 Bylaws of the Northeast Cooperative Soil Survey Conference (Revised | |
602 | B | 602.13 Bylaws of the North Central Regional Soil Survey Conference (Revised | |
602 | B | 602.14 Bylaws of the Southern Regional Cooperative Soil Survey Conference | |
602 | B | 602.15 Conducting NCSS Conferences | |
606 | A | 606.0 Definition | |
606 | A | 606.0 Policy and Responsibilities | |
606 | B | 606.10 Template Statement of Commitment for Soil Survey and Ecological Site Inventory Projects | |
607 | A | 607.0 Purpose | |
607 | A | 607.1 Policy and Responsibilities | |
607 | A | 607.2 Preliminary Survey Activities | |
607 | B | 607.10 Reference Materials for Soil Surveys | |
607 | B | 607.11 Example of a Procedure for Geodatabase Development, File Naming, Archiving, and Quality Assurance | |
608 | A | 608.0 Definition and Purpose | |
608 | A | 608.1 Responsibilities and Organization | |
608 | A | 608.2 Soil Survey Area Designation | |
608 | A | 608.3 Areas of Limited Access, Denied Access Areas, and Areas Not Completed | |
608 | A | 608.4 Determining Workloads | |
608 | A | 608.5 Priorities for Soil Survey Activities | |
608 | A | 608.6 Planning Workflow | |
608 | A | 608.7 Goals and Progress | |
608 | A | 608.8 Developing Other Schedules for Soil Survey Operations | |
608 | A | 608.9 Status Maps | |
608 | B | 608.10 Long-Range Plan for Initial Soil Surveys | |
608 | B | 608.11 Annual Plan of Operations for Initial Soil Surveys | |
608 | B | 608.12 Goal and Progress Guidelines | |
608 | B | 608.13 Business Area Responsibilities for Goals and Progress | |
609 | A | 609.0 Definition and Purpose of Quality Control and Quality Assurance | |
609 | A | 609.1 Policy and Responsibilities for Quality Control and Quality Assurance | |
609 | A | 609.2 Soil Correlation | |
609 | A | 609.3 Seamless Soil Survey | |
609 | A | 609.4 Quality Control Reviews | |
609 | A | 609.5 Quality Assurance Reviews | |
609 | A | 609.6 Field Assistance Visits | |
609 | A | 609.7 Final Soil Survey Field Activities for Initial Soil Survey Projects | |
609 | A | 609.8 General Soil Maps, Index Maps, and Location Maps | |
609 | B | 609.10 Format for Correlation Document | |
609 | B | 609.11 List of Soil Property or Quality Attributes for Joining | |
609 | B | 609.12 Quality Control Template for Initial Soil Surveys (subject to change to | |
609 | B | 609.13 Outline of Items Considered in an Operations Management Review or | |
609 | B | 609.14 Initial Field Review Checklist for Initial Soil Surveys | |
609 | B | 609.15 Quality Assurance Worksheet for Initial Soil Surveys (subject to change | |
609 | B | 609.16 Progress Field Review Checklist for Initial Soil Surveys | |
609 | B | 609.17 Final Field Review Checklist for Initial Soil Surveys | |
609 | B | 609.18 Project Review Checklist for MLRA Soil Surveys | |
609 | B | 609.19 Quality Assurance Worksheet for MLRA Soil Surveys (subject to change | |
610 | A | 610.0 Definition and Purpose | |
610 | A | 610.1 Policy and Responsibilities | |
610 | A | 610.2 Inventory and Assessment | |
610 | A | 610.3 Update Strategies | |
610 | A | 610.4 Project Plan | |
610 | A | 610.5 Prioritizing and Ranking | |
610 | A | 610.6 Long-Range Plan | |
610 | A | 610.7 Annual Plan of Operation (APO) | |
610 | A | 610.8 Certification of Soils Data | |
610 | A | 610.9 Publication of Soils Data | |
610 | B | 610.10 Agency Resources Concerns | |
610 | B | 610.11 Information Items for the Inventory and Assessment | |
610 | B | 610.12 Resources for the Inventory and Assessment | |
610 | B | 610.13 Sample Project Evaluation Worksheet | |
610 | B | 610.14 Project Plan Checklist | |
610 | B | 610.15 Example of a Project Evaluation Ranking Procedure | |
610 | B | 610.16 Project Description Examples | |
614 | A | 614.0 Definition and Purpose | |
614 | A | 614.1 Policy and Responsibilities | |
614 | A | 614.2 National Soil Classification System | |
614 | A | 614.3 Use of the National Soil Classification System in Soil Surveys | |
614 | A | 614.4 Soil Taxonomy Committees, Work Groups, and Referees | |
614 | A | 614.5 Procedures for Amending Soil Taxonomy | |
614 | A | 614.6 The Soil Series | |
614 | B | 614.10 Flow Chart of Amendment Process | |
614 | B | 614.11 Example of an Official Soil Series Description in HTML | |
614 | B | 614.12 Explanation and Content of a Soil Series Description | |
614 | B | 614.13 Rounding Numbers from Laboratory Data | |
614 | B | 614.14 Significant Digits for Soil Property or Quality Measurements Used as Criteria | |
617 | A | 617.0 Purpose | |
617 | A | 617.1 Responsibilities | |
617 | A | 617.2 Interpretations for Map Unit Components and Map Units | |
617 | A | 617.3 Developing and Maintaining Interpretation Guides and Ratings | |
617 | A | 617.4 Reviewing and Implementing Soil Interpretative Technologies | |
617 | A | 617.5 The National Soil Information System | |
617 | A | 617.6 Presenting Soil Interpretations | |
617 | A | 617.7 Updating Soil Interpretations | |
617 | A | 617.8 Coordinating Soil Survey Interpretations | |
617 | A | 617.9 Writing Soil Interpretation Criteria | |
617 | A | 617.10 Documenting Soil Interpretation Criteria | |
617 | A | 617.11 Requirements for Naming Reports and Interpretations | |
617 | A | 617.12 Interpretation Overrides | |
617 | B | 617.20 Example of Descriptions for Documenting Interpretations Example Documentation of Interpretations | |
618 | A | 618.0 Definition and Purpose | |
618 | A | 618.1 Responsibilities | |
618 | A | 618.2 Collecting, Testing, and Populating Soil Property Data | |
618 | A | 618.3 Soil Properties and Soil Qualities | |
618 | A | 618.4 Albedo, Dry | |
618 | A | 618.5 Artifacts in the Soil | |
618 | A | 618.6 Available Water Capacity | |
618 | A | 618.7 Bulk Density, One-Third Bar | |
618 | A | 618.8 Bulk Density, Oven Dry | |
618 | A | 618.9 Bulk Density, Satiated | |
618 | A | 618.10 Calcium Carbonate Equivalent | |
618 | A | 618.11 Cation-Exchange Capacity NH4OAc pH 7 | |
618 | A | 618.12 Climatic Setting | |
618 | A | 618.13 Continuous Inundation Class, Depth, and Month | |
618 | A | 618.14 Corrosion | |
618 | A | 618.15 Crop Name and Yield | |
618 | A | 618.16 Diagnostic Horizon Feature - Depth to Bottom | |
618 | A | 618.17 Diagnostic Horizon Feature - Depth to Top | |
618 | A | 618.18 Diagnostic Horizon Feature - Kind | |
618 | A | 618.19 Drainage Class | |
618 | A | 618.20 Effective Cation-Exchange Capacity | |
618 | A | 618.21 Electrical Conductivity | |
618 | A | 648.22 Electrical Conductivity 1:5 (volume) | |
618 | A | 618.23 Elevation | |
618 | A | 618.24 Engineering Classification | |
618 | A | 618.25 Erosion Accelerated, Kind | |
618 | A | 618.26 Erosion Class | |
618 | A | 618.27 Excavation Difficulty Classes | |
618 | A | 618.28 Exchangeable Sodium | |
618 | A | 618.29 Extractable Acidity | |
618 | A | 618.30 Extractable Aluminum | |
618 | A | 618.31 Flooding Frequency Class, Duration Class, Inundation Type, and Month | |
618 | A | 618.32 Fragments in the Soil | |
618 | A | 618.33 Free Iron Oxides | |
618 | A | 618.34 Frost Action, Potential | |
618 | A | 618.35 Gypsum | |
618 | A | 618.36 Horizon Depth to Bottom | |
618 | A | 618.37 Horizon Depth to Top | |
618 | A | 618.38 Horizon Designation | |
618 | A | 618.39 Horizon Thickness | |
618 | A | 618.40 Hydrologic Group | |
618 | A | 618.41 Landscape, Landform, Microfeature, Anthroscape, Anthropogenic Landform, and Anthropogenic Microfeature | |
618 | A | 618.42 Linear Extensibility Percent | |
618 | A | 618.43 Liquid Limit | |
618 | A | 618.44 Organic Matter | |
618 | A | 618.45 Parent Material, Kind, Modifier, and Origin | |
618 | A | 618.46 Particle Density | |
618 | A | 618.47 Particle Size | |
618 | A | 618.48 Percent Passing Sieves | |
618 | A | 618.49 Plasticity Index | |
618 | A | 618.50 Ponding Depth, Duration Class, Frequency Class, and Month | |
618 | A | 618.51 Pores | |
618 | A | 618.52 Reaction | |
618 | A | 618.53 Restriction Kind, Depth, Thickness, and Hardness | |
618 | A | 618.54 Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity | |
618 | A | 618.55 Slope Aspect | |
618 | A | 618.56 Slope Gradient | |
618 | A | 618.57 Slope Length, USLE | |
618 | A | 618.58 Sodium Adsorption Ratio | |
618 | A | 618.59 Soil Erodibility Factors, USLE, RUSLE2 | |
618 | A | 618.60 Soil Erodibility Factors for WEPP | |
618 | A | 618.61 Soil Moisture Status | |
618 | A | 618.62 Soil Slippage Potential | |
618 | A | 618.63 Soil Temperature | |
618 | A | 618.64 Subsidence, Initial and Total | |
618 | A | 618.65 Sum of Bases | |
618 | A | 618.66 Surface Fragments | |
618 | A | 618.67 T Factor | |
618 | A | 618.68 Taxonomic Family Temperature Class | |
618 | A | 618.69 Taxonomic Moisture Class | |
618 | A | 618.70 Taxonomic Moisture Subclass (Subclasses of Soil Moisture Regimes) | |
618 | A | 618.71 Taxonomic Temperature Regime (Soil Temperature Regimes) | |
618 | A | 618.72 Texture Class, Texture Modifier, and Terms Used in Lieu of Texture | |
618 | A | 618.73 Von Post Humification Scale | |
618 | A | 618.74 Water, One-Tenth Bar | |
618 | A | 618.75 Water, One-Third Bar | |
618 | A | 618.76 Water, 15 Bar | |
618 | A | 618.77 Water, Satiated | |
618 | A | 618.78 Water Temperature | |
618 | A | 618.79 Wind Erodibility Group and Index | |
618 | B | 618.80 Guides for Estimating Risk of Corrosion Potential for Uncoated Steel | |
618 | B | 618.81 Guide for Estimating Risk of Corrosion Potential for Concrete | |
618 | B | 618.82 Crop Names and Units of Measure Refer to the NASIS-related metadata at | |
618 | B | 618.83 Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures for the AASHTO System | |
618 | B | 618.84 Potential Frost Action | |
618 | B | 618.85 Distribution of Design Freezing Index Values in the Continental United States | |
618 | B | 618.86 Estimating LL and PI from Percent and Type of Clay | |
618 | B | 618.87 Texture Triangle and Particle-Size Limits of AASHTO, USDA, and Unified Classification Systems | |
618 | B | 618.88 Guide for Estimating Ksat from Soil Properties | |
618 | B | 618.89 Guide to Estimating Water Movement Through Bedrock for Layers Designated as R and Cr | |
618 | B | 618.90 Rock Fragment Modifier of Texture | |
618 | B | 618.91 Soil Erodibility Nomograph | |
618 | B | 618.92 Kw Value Associated With Various Fragment Contents | |
618 | B | 618.93 General Guidelines for Assigning Soil Loss Tolerance “T” | |
618 | B | 618.94 Texture Class, Texture Modifier, and Terms Used in Lieu of Texture | |
618 | B | 618.95 Wind Erodibility Groups (WEG) and Index | |
618 | B | 618.96 Key Landforms and Their Susceptibility to Slippage | |
618 | B | 618.97 Example Worksheets for Soil Moisture State by Month and Depth | |
618 | B | 618.98 NASIS Calculation for Estimating AASHTO Group Index | |
618 | B | 618.99 NASIS Calculation for Estimating Cation-Exchange Capacity | |
621 | A | 621.0 Definition and Purpose | |
621 | A | 621.1 Responsibilities | |
621 | A | 621.2 General | |
621 | A | 621.3 Developing Soil Potential Ratings | |
621 | A | 621.4 Steps in Preparing Soil Potential Ratings | |
621 | A | 621.5 Collecting Data | |
621 | A | 621.6 Definition of Soil Potential Classes | |
621 | A | 621.7 Soil Potential Index Concept | |
621 | A | 621.8 Procedures for Preparing Soil Potential Ratings | |
621 | A | 621.9 Defining Soil Use, Performance Standards, and Criteria for Evaluation | |
621 | A | 621.10 Terminology for Limitations and Corrective Measures | |
621 | A | 621.11 Format for Presenting Soil Potential Ratings | |
621 | B | 621.12 Analysis of Preparations and Procedures for Soil Potential Ratings | |
622 | A | 622.0 Definition and Purpose | |
622 | A | 622.1 Procedures and Responsibilities | |
622 | A | 622.2 Land Capability Classification | |
622 | A | 622.3 Farmland Classification | |
622 | A | 622.4 Highly Erodible Land - Highly Erodible Soil Map Unit List | |
622 | A | 622.5 Hydric Soils | |
622 | A | 622.6 Ecological Sites | |
622 | A | 622.7 Windbreaks | |
622 | A | 622.8 Wildlife Habitat | |
622 | A | 622.9 Plant Name, Common | |
622 | A | 622.10 Plant Name, Scientific | |
622 | A | 622.11 Ecological Site ID | |
622 | A | 622.12 Ecological Site Name | |
622 | A | 622.13 Earth Cover, Kind | |
622 | B | 622.20 Prime and Unique Farmlands | |
624 | A | 624.0 Definition and Purpose | |
624 | A | 624.1 Quality Concepts | |
624 | B | 624.10 Soil Quality Test Kit (Instruction Manual) | |
624 | B | 624.11 References | |
627 | A | 627.0 Definition and Purpose | |
627 | A | 627.1 Policy and Responsibilities | |
627 | A | 627.2 Field Studies for Legend Development | |
627 | A | 627.3 Map Units of Soil Surveys | |
627 | A | 627.4 Map Unit Components | |
627 | A | 627.5 Terms Used in Naming Map Units | |
627 | A | 627.6 Phases Used to Name Soil Map Units | |
627 | A | 627.7 Soil Performance Data Collection | |
627 | A | 627.8 Documentation | |
627 | A | 627.9 Ecological Site and Soil Correlation Procedures | |
627 | B | 627.10 Miscellaneous Areas | |
627 | B | 627.11 Example of Form NRCS-SOI-1, “Soil-Crop Yield Data” | |
627 | B | 627.12 Instructions for Completing Form NRCS-SOI-1, “Soil-Crop Yield Data” | |
627 | B | 627.13 Identification Legend of Map Unit Symbols and Names | |
627 | B | 627.14 Form NRCS-SOI-37A, “Feature and Symbol Legend for Soil Survey” | |
627 | B | 627.15 Ecological Site and Soil Correlation Checklist | |
627 | B | 627.16 Ecological Site Checklist | |
627 | B | 627.17 Matrix of Investigation Intensity of Soil Surveys and Documentation | |
629 | A | 629.0 Definition and Purpose | |
629 | A | 629.1 Responsibilities | |
629 | A | 629.2 Definitions | |
629 | A | 629.3 References | |
629 | B | 629.10 Lists of Landscape, Landform, Microfeature, and Anthropogenic Feature Terms Contained in the Glossary | |
629 | B | 629.11 List of Materials or Material-Related, Structure, or Morphological-Feature Terms Contained in the Glossary | |
629 | B | 629.12 Genesis-Process Terms and Geologic Time Terms Contained in the Glossary | |
629 | B | 629.13 North American Glacial Episodes and General Geologic Time Scale 1, 2 | |
629 | B | 629.14 Till Terms | |
630 | A | 630.0 Definition and Purpose | |
630 | A | 630.1 Policy and Responsibilities | |
630 | A | 630.2 Criteria for Selecting or Revising Benchmark Soils | |
630 | A | 630.3 Maintaining a Record of Benchmark Soil Data Needs | |
630 | B | 630.10 Sample Narrative Record for Benchmark Soils | |
631 | A | 631.0 Definition and Purpose | |
631 | A | 631.1 Policy and Responsibilities | |
631 | A | 631.2 Kinds of Projects | |
631 | A | 631.3 Laboratory Investigation Methods | |
631 | A | 631.4 Field Investigation Methods | |
631 | A | 631.5 Investigations Planning | |
631 | A | 631.6 Requesting Assistance | |
631 | A | 631.7 Laboratory Databases | |
631 | B | 631.10 Research Work Plan Checklist | |
631 | B | 631.11 Example Research Work Plan | |
631 | B | 631.12 Example of a Soil Characterization Work Plan | |
638 | 638.0 Definition and Purpose | ||
638 | 638.1 Procedures and Responsibilities | ||
638 | 638.2 Components of the National Soil Information System | ||
638 | 638.3 Managing Soil Spatial and Tabular Databases | ||
638 | 638.4 Soil Survey Goals and Progress | ||
638 | 638.5 Distribution of Soils Data | ||
639 | A | 639.0 Definition and Purpose | |
639 | A | 639.1 Policy and Responsibilities | |
639 | A | 639.2 Soil Survey Application Security Policy | |
639 | A | 639.3 NASIS Organization and Database Objects | |
639 | A | 639.4 Guidelines for Changing, Adding, or Deleting Soil Property Data Elements | |
639 | B | 639.10 Proposed Amendment to Soil Data Dictionary | |
644 | A | 644.0 Definition and Purpose | |
644 | A | 644.1 Types of Soil Survey Delivery | |
644 | A | 644.2 Policy and Responsibilities | |
644 | A | 644.3 Soil Survey Products | |
644 | A | 644.4 Development of Point Data | |
644 | A | 644.5 Development of Detailed Soil Survey Information | |
644 | A | 644.6 Development of a Complete Soil Survey Publication | |
644 | A | 644.7 Development of the U.S. General Soil Map | |
644 | B | 644.10 Sections of a Soil Survey Publication | |
644 | B | 644.11 Record Sheet for Collating State Orders for Published Soil Surveys | |
644 | B | 644.12 Example of Letter to Senator - Notification of Availability of Soil Survey | |
647 | A | 647.0 Definition and Purpose | |
647 | A | 647.1 Procedures and Responsibilities | |
647 | A | 647.2 Imagery | |
647 | A | 647.3 SSURGO Characteristics | |
647 | A | 647.4 Data Capture Specifications | |
647 | A | 647.5 Archiving | |
647 | A | 647.6 Digital Map Finishing and Print-on-Demand Maps | |
647 | A | 647.0 Definition and Purpose | |
647 | A | 647.1 Procedures and Responsibilities | |
647 | A | 647.2 Imagery | |
647 | A | 647.3 SSURGO Characteristics | |
647 | A | 647.4 Data Capture Specifications | |
647 | A | 647.5 Archiving | |
647 | A | 647.6 Digital Map Finishing and Print-on-Demand Maps | |
648 | A | 648.0 Definition and Purpose | |
648 | A | 648.1 Accuracy and Uncertainty | |
648 | A | 648.2 References | |
648 | B | 648.10 Glossary | |
648 | B | 648.11 Digital Soil Mapping Workflow | |
648 | B | 648.12 Raster Soil Survey Areas | |
648 | B | 648.13 Metadata | |
648 | B | 648.14 References | |
649 | A | 649.0 Definition and Purpose | |
649 | A | 649.1 Policy and Responsibilities | |
649 | A | 649.2 Descriptions | |
649 | A | 649.3 Land Resource Area Attributes | |
649 | A | 649.4 Cartographic Standards | |
649 | A | 649.5 Names and Symbols | |
649 | A | 649.6 Coding System for Hierarchical Land Resource Areas for Ecological Sites | |
649 | A | 649.7 Establishing or Revising Land Resource Areas | |
649 | A | 649.8 Publication | |
649 | B | 649.10 References | |
651 | 651.0 Definition and Purpose | ||
651 | 651.1 Policy and Responsibilities | ||
651 | 651.2 General | ||
651 | 651.3 Restrictions | ||
651 | 651.4 Providing Quality Assurance, Quality Control, and Review | ||
651 | 651.5 Labeling of Advance Soil Survey Information | ||
655 | 655.0 Definition | ||
655 | 655.1 Types of Service | ||
655 | 655.2 Policy | ||
655 | 655.3 Responsibilities | diff --git a/pkgdown.yml b/pkgdown.yml index 3707119e36..70cb2931e9 100644 --- a/pkgdown.yml +++ b/pkgdown.yml @@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ pkgdown: 2.0.6 pkgdown_sha: ~ articles: NSSH: NSSH.html -last_built: 2022-07-26T02:49Z +last_built: 2022-07-27T19:52Z