From 60037f8ac8782366092b495b0399f0af0a3f3a04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew Gene Brown <>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2024 06:59:45 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] get_chorizon_from_SDA: concatenate many:1 texcl, lieutex
 within RV chtexturegrp

 R/get_component_from_SDA.R | 86 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/get_component_from_SDA.R b/R/get_component_from_SDA.R
index 36269489..254cce61 100644
--- a/R/get_component_from_SDA.R
+++ b/R/get_component_from_SDA.R
@@ -622,46 +622,55 @@ get_chorizon_from_SDA <- function(WHERE = NULL, duplicates = FALSE,
                                   childs = TRUE,
                                   nullFragsAreZero = TRUE,
                                   droplevels = TRUE,
-                                  stringsAsFactors = NULL
-                                  ) {
+                                  stringsAsFactors = NULL) {
   if (!missing(stringsAsFactors) && is.logical(stringsAsFactors)) {
     .Deprecated(msg = sprintf("stringsAsFactors argument is deprecated.\nSetting package option with `NASISDomainsAsFactor(%s)`", stringsAsFactors))
   q.chorizon <- paste("
-  SELECT", if (duplicates == FALSE) {"DISTINCT"}
-  , "hzname, hzdept_r, hzdepb_r, texture, texcl, lieutex,
-     fragvol_l, fragvol_r, fragvol_h, 
-     sandtotal_l, sandtotal_r, sandtotal_h, 
-     silttotal_l, silttotal_r, silttotal_h, 
-     claytotal_l, claytotal_r, claytotal_h,
-     om_l, om_r, om_h, 
-     dbthirdbar_l, dbthirdbar_r, dbthirdbar_h,
-     ksat_l, ksat_r, ksat_h,  
-     awc_l, awc_r, awc_h, 
-     lep_r, sar_r, ec_r, cec7_r, sumbases_r, 
-     ph1to1h2o_l, ph1to1h2o_r, ph1to1h2o_h,
-     caco3_l, caco3_r, caco3_h, 
-     kwfact, kffact, c.cokey, ch.chkey
-  FROM legend l INNER JOIN
-       mapunit mu ON mu.lkey = l.lkey",
-  if (duplicates == FALSE) { paste(" INNER JOIN
-  (SELECT MIN(nationalmusym) nationalmusym2, MIN(mukey) AS mukey2
-   FROM mapunit
-   GROUP BY nationalmusym) AS mu2 ON mu2.mukey2 = mu.mukey
-  ")
-  } else { paste(" INNER JOIN
-   (SELECT nationalmusym, mukey
-    FROM mapunit) AS mu2 ON mu2.mukey = mu.mukey
-   ")
+    SELECT ", ifelse(!duplicates, "DISTINCT", ""),
+     " hzname, hzdept_r, hzdepb_r, texture, texcl, lieutex,
+       fragvol_l, fragvol_r, fragvol_h, 
+       sandtotal_l, sandtotal_r, sandtotal_h, 
+       silttotal_l, silttotal_r, silttotal_h, 
+       claytotal_l, claytotal_r, claytotal_h,
+       om_l, om_r, om_h, 
+       dbthirdbar_l, dbthirdbar_r, dbthirdbar_h,
+       ksat_l, ksat_r, ksat_h,  
+       awc_l, awc_r, awc_h, 
+       lep_r, sar_r, ec_r, cec7_r, sumbases_r, 
+       ph1to1h2o_l, ph1to1h2o_r, ph1to1h2o_h,
+       caco3_l, caco3_r, caco3_h, 
+       kwfact, kffact, c.cokey, ch.chkey
+    FROM legend l INNER JOIN
+    mapunit mu ON mu.lkey = l.lkey",
+  if (duplicates == FALSE) {
+    paste(
+      "INNER JOIN
+       (SELECT MIN(nationalmusym) nationalmusym2, MIN(mukey) AS mukey2
+        FROM mapunit
+        GROUP BY nationalmusym) AS mu2 ON mu2.mukey2 = mu.mukey
+      "
+    )
+  } else {
+    paste(
+      "INNER JOIN
+       (SELECT nationalmusym, mukey
+        FROM mapunit) AS mu2 ON mu2.mukey = mu.mukey
+      "
+    )
-   component    c    ON c.mukey      = mu.mukey   LEFT JOIN
-   chorizon     ch   ON ch.cokey     = c.cokey    LEFT OUTER JOIN
-   chtexturegrp chtg ON chtg.chkey   = ch.chkey AND rvindicator = 'Yes' RIGHT JOIN
-   chtexture    cht  ON cht.chtgkey  = chtg.chtgkey
+  "INNER JOIN component c ON c.mukey = mu.mukey   
+   INNER JOIN chorizon ch ON ch.cokey = c.cokey    
+   INNER JOIN (SELECT ch2.chkey, texture,
+                     STRING_AGG(texcl, ',') texcl, 
+                     STRING_AGG(lieutex, ',') lieutex
+                    FROM chorizon ch2
+                    LEFT JOIN chtexturegrp chtg ON chtg.chkey = ch2.chkey AND rvindicator = 'Yes' 
+                    LEFT JOIN chtexture cht ON cht.chtgkey = chtg.chtgkey
+                    GROUP BY ch2.chkey, chtg.texture) texagg ON texagg.chkey = ch.chkey
        (SELECT SUM(fragvol_l) fragvol_l, SUM(fragvol_r) fragvol_r, SUM(fragvol_h) fragvol_h, ch2.chkey
         FROM chorizon ch2
@@ -672,15 +681,12 @@ get_chorizon_from_SDA <- function(WHERE = NULL, duplicates = FALSE,
   "ORDER BY c.cokey, hzdept_r ASC;")
   # exec query
   d.chorizon <- SDA_query(q.chorizon)
-  ## TODO: might be nice to abstract this into a new function
-  # hacks to make R CMD check --as-cran happy:
-  metadata <- NULL
-  # load local copy of metadata
-  load(system.file("data/metadata.rda", package = "soilDB")[1])
+  # get metadata
+  metadata <- get_NASIS_metadata()
   # transform variables and metadata
   if (!is.null(d.chorizon) && nrow(d.chorizon) > 0){
@@ -813,7 +819,7 @@ get_chorizon_from_SDA <- function(WHERE = NULL, duplicates = FALSE,
         d.chfrags[idx] <- lapply(d.chfrags[idx], function(x) ifelse(, 0, x))
-      d.chorizon <- merge(d.chorizon, d.chfrags, all.x = TRUE, by = "chkey")
+      d.chorizon <- merge(d.chorizon, d.chfrags, all.x = TRUE, by = "chkey", sort = FALSE)
   # } else {

From bc0cba6b4216faa7b877109e2580f5b05a1d799c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew Gene Brown <>
Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 05:52:24 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] left join for horizonless components

 R/get_component_from_SDA.R | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/get_component_from_SDA.R b/R/get_component_from_SDA.R
index 254cce61..8e80b353 100644
--- a/R/get_component_from_SDA.R
+++ b/R/get_component_from_SDA.R
@@ -663,8 +663,8 @@ get_chorizon_from_SDA <- function(WHERE = NULL, duplicates = FALSE,
   "INNER JOIN component c ON c.mukey = mu.mukey   
-   INNER JOIN chorizon ch ON ch.cokey = c.cokey    
-   INNER JOIN (SELECT ch2.chkey, texture,
+   LEFT JOIN chorizon ch ON ch.cokey = c.cokey    
+   LEFT JOIN (SELECT ch2.chkey, texture,
                      STRING_AGG(texcl, ',') texcl, 
                      STRING_AGG(lieutex, ',') lieutex
                     FROM chorizon ch2