diff --git a/R/fetchOSD.R b/R/fetchOSD.R
index bc543e64..974de359 100644
--- a/R/fetchOSD.R
+++ b/R/fetchOSD.R
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
 #'   \item{pmkind}{empirical probabilities for parent material kind, derived from the current SSURGO snapshot}
 #'   \item{pmorigin}{empirical probabilities for parent material origin, derived from the current SSURGO snapshot}
 #'   \item{mlra}{empirical MLRA membership values, derived from the current SSURGO snapshot}
+#'   \item{ecoclassid}{area cross-tabulation of ecoclassid by soil series name, derived from the current SSURGO snapshot, major components only}
 #'   \item{climate}{experimental climate summaries from PRISM stack (CONUS only)}
 #'   \item{NCCPI}{select quantiles of NCCPI and Irrigated NCCPI, derived from the current SSURGO snapshot}
@@ -380,6 +381,7 @@ fetchOSD <- function(soils, colorState = 'moist', extended = FALSE) {
 	    pmkind = res$pmkind,
 	    pmorigin = res$pmorigin,
 	    mlra = res$mlra,
+	    ecoclassid = res$ecoclassid,
 	    climate.annual = annual.data,
 	    climate.monthly = monthly.data,
 	    NCCPI = res$nccpi,
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-fetchOSD.R b/tests/testthat/test-fetchOSD.R
index 94e8b199..80cbfe5a 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-fetchOSD.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-fetchOSD.R
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ context("fetchOSD() -- requires internet connection")
 ## these are the elements of the list returned when extended=TRUE
 ## update here as-needed
-extended.table.names <<- c("SPC", "competing", "geog_assoc_soils" ,"geomcomp", "hillpos", "mtnpos", "terrace", "flats", "shape_across", "shape_down", "pmkind", "pmorigin", "mlra", "climate.annual", "climate.monthly", "NCCPI", "soilweb.metadata")
+extended.table.names <<- c("SPC", "competing", "geog_assoc_soils" ,"geomcomp", "hillpos", "mtnpos", "terrace", "flats", "shape_across", "shape_down", "pmkind", "pmorigin", "mlra", "ecoclassid", "climate.annual", "climate.monthly", "NCCPI", "soilweb.metadata")
 test_that("fetchOSD() works", {