This function is mainly intended for the processing of NASIS pedon/horizon
+data which may or may not contain multiple colors per horizon/moisture
+status combination. simplifyColorData
will "mix" multiple colors
+associated with horizons in d
, according to IDs specified by
, using "weights" (area percentages) specified by the wt
+argument to mix_and_clean_colors
+Note that this function doesn't actually simulate the mixture of pigments on
+a surface, rather, "mixing" is approximated via weighted average in the
+CIELAB colorspace.
D.E. Beaudette
diff --git a/search.json b/search.json
index 5589b4f0..f7878831 100644
--- a/search.json
+++ b/search.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-[{"path":"","id":"ecologicalsite","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"ecologicalsite","title":"fetchNASIS(from='pedons') Columns","text":"Ecological Site table records official list range forest ecological sites maintained NRCS described Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool (EDIT). table records identifier name ecological site. complete ecological site characterization resides EDIT database. official list ecological sites maintained EDIT.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"pedon","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"pedon","title":"fetchNASIS(from='pedons') Columns","text":"Pedon table contains information collected time soil profile description made. data relates profile whole.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"petaxhistmoistcl","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"petaxhistmoistcl","title":"fetchNASIS(from='pedons') Columns","text":"Pedon Taxonomic History Moisture Class table provides clear identification intended taxonomic moisture class, even though moisture class implied higher taxonomic level. class classes listed table describe representative situation pedon.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"petaxhistory","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"petaxhistory","title":"fetchNASIS(from='pedons') Columns","text":"table records taxonomic classification history pedon record time first described classified field throughout life data record.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"petxhistfmother","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"petxhistfmother","title":"fetchNASIS(from='pedons') Columns","text":"Pedon Taxonomic History Family Criteria table lists taxonomic characteristics, classes coatings permanent cracks, apply pedon. characteristics listed table, group, describe representative situation pedon.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"phorizon","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"phorizon","title":"fetchNASIS(from='pedons') Columns","text":"Pedon Horizon table lists horizons pedon. horizon thickness greater zero (low=5, RV=8, high=12), horizon exists throughout exposure profile. horizon thickness includes zero (low=0, RV=1, high=3), horizon may exist places, may exist places. Horizons two distinct parts, E/B E&Bt, recorded twice. characteristics first part; another row, using depths thicknesses, characteristics part.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"phsample","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"phsample","title":"fetchNASIS(from='pedons') Columns","text":"Pedon Horizon Sample table describes relationship soil horizon description types data may database relate specific horizon, .e. laboratory analysis results.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"phtexture","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"phtexture","title":"fetchNASIS(from='pedons') Columns","text":"Horizon Texture table lists texture, terms lieu texture, texture modifier class shown Pedon Horizon table. unmodified texture term listed Pedon Horizon Texture table; modifiers listed Pedon Horizon Texture Modifier table. example, gravelly loamy sand shown “GR-LS” Pedon Horizon table, “ls” table, “gr” Pedon Horizon Texture Modifier table.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"site","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"site","title":"fetchNASIS(from='pedons') Columns","text":"Site table describes locational information characteristics particular geographic location. site may specific location point soil profile description taken, may spatial area chosen treated single point. Various kinds data soil profile descriptions, lab data, vegetative data, etc. may linked site database.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"sitebedrock","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"sitebedrock","title":"fetchNASIS(from='pedons') Columns","text":"table records kind(s) bedrock layers observed site. Multiple layers bedrock can described.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"siteecositehistory","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"siteecositehistory","title":"fetchNASIS(from='pedons') Columns","text":"table records history ecological site correlation Site table record.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"siteobs","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"siteobs","title":"fetchNASIS(from='pedons') Columns","text":"Site Observation table records date various observation analytical data collected specific site location. Soil site properties may change time also recorded . site revisited later date additional data collection, new row appropriate date entered table. Separate tables exist properties may multiple entries.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"sitepm","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"sitepm","title":"fetchNASIS(from='pedons') Columns","text":"Site Parent Material table lists individual parent materials, vertical sequence, soil site developed. Parent Material Group Name shown Site table.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"transect","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"transect","title":"fetchNASIS(from='pedons') Columns","text":"Transect table used record groupings pedons stops along transects.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"introduction","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Introduction","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"web coverage service (WCS) provided gSSURGO gNATGSO map unit key grids UCDavis California Soil Resource Lab SoilWeb server. grids raster representation gSSURGO gNATSGO map unit keys (mukey) conterminous United States resolution 30m. GeoTIFF format used ensure maximum compatibility. Cell values map unit keys, encoded unsigned 32-bit integers. standard spatial reference grids Albers Equal Area Conic (NAD83) coordinate reference system (\"EPSG:5070\"). grids ‘LZW’ compressed internally tiled efficient random access. grid topology cell values identical rasters contained within gSSURGO gNATSGO File Geodatabases (FGDB). files backing WCS re-created annually SSURGO annual refresh October 1st. typically -sync official version data hosted Soil Data Access early November. Map unit keys can change time, especially soil survey areas updated last fiscal year. addition standard CONUS gSSURGO gNATSGO grids, web coverage services also provided: Raster Soil Survey (RSS) products 10m resolution (EPSG:5070). STATSGO2 (2016) 300m resolution (EPSG:5070). SSURGO HI (EPSG:6628) PR (EPSG:32161) 30m resolution. ISSR-800 soil property grids.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"setup","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Setup","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"Get latest CRAN version soilDB, terra sf following examples. terra required handling raster data. sf terra may used handling vector data inputs web coverage service functions, examples demonstrate usage packages purpose. general soilDB functions take spatial inputs, terra objects used input, terra objects returned. Consider also installing latest development versions GitHub r-universe:","code":"install.packages(c('soilDB', 'terra', 'sf')) install.packages(c('soilDB', 'terra', 'sf'), repos = c('', '', '') )"},{"path":"","id":"grid-selection","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Setup","what":"Grid Selection","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"basic usage examples coverage services can accessed mukey.wcs(). See mukey.wcs manual pages details. ISSR800.wcs similar function makes available variety pre-aggregated 800m resolution properties derived gNATSGO. link detailed ISSR800 vignette future.","code":"# select gSSURGO grid, 30m resolution x <- mukey.wcs(aoi = aoi, db = 'gssurgo', ...) # select gNATSGO grid, 30m resolution x <- mukey.wcs(aoi = aoi, db = 'gnatsgo', ...) # select RSS grid, 10m resolution x <- mukey.wcs(aoi = aoi, db = 'RSS', ...) # select STATSGO2 grid, 300m resolution x <- mukey.wcs(aoi = aoi, db = 'statsgo', ...) # select various ISSR-800 grids, details below x <- ISSR800.wcs(aoi = aoi, var = 'paws')"},{"path":"","id":"gssurgo","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Setup > Grid Selection","what":"gSSURGO","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"Excerpt gSSURGO documentation. gSSURGO Database derived official Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database. SSURGO generally detailed level soil geographic data developed National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) accordance NCSS mapping standards. tabular data represent soil attributes derived properties characteristics stored National Soil Information System (NASIS). gSSURGO data prepared merging traditional vector-based SSURGO digital map data tabular data statewide extents, adding statewide gridded map layer derived vector layer, adding new value-added look table (Valu1) containing “ready map” attributes. gridded map layer file geodatabase raster ArcGIS file geodatabase. raster vector map data statewide extent. raster map data 10-meter cell size approximates vector polygons Albers Equal Area projection. cell (polygon) linked map unit identifier called map unit key. unique map unit key used link raster cells polygons attribute tables. Due file size, raster layer conterminous United States available 30-meter resolution.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"gnatsgo","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Setup > Grid Selection","what":"gNATSGO","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"Excerpt gNATSGO documentation. gNATSGO databases contain raster soil map units 70 related tables soil properties interpretations. designed work SPSD gSSURGO ArcTools. Users can create full coverage thematic maps grids soil properties interpretations large geographic areas, extent State conterminous United States. Please note State-wide geodatabases contain 10 meter raster CONUS database contains 30 meter raster. gNATSGO database composed primarily SSURGO data, STATSGO2 data used fill gaps. RSSs newer product relatively limited spatial extent. RSSs merged gNATSGO combining SSURGO STATSGO2 data. extent RSS expected increase coming years.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"raster-soil-survey","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Setup > Grid Selection","what":"Raster Soil Survey","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"Excerpt RSS documentation. Raster Soil Survey reference products soil survey work completed using digital soil mapping methodologies. Digital soil mapping production georeferenced soil databases based quantitative relationships soil measurements made field laboratory environmental data may represented either discrete classes continuous soil properties. digital traditional soil mapping use conceptual soil-landscape model means organizing environmental information discrete divisions. primary difference two approaches digital methods exploit quantitative relationships environmental information, traditional methods utilize subjective approach approximate relationships environmental information spatially represent divisions represented. experimental, 300m gridded representation STATSGO 2 provided SoilWeb web coverage service. official USDA-NRCS product.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"statsgo","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Setup > Grid Selection","what":"STATSGO","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"Excerpt STATSGO2 Documentation. Digital General Soil Map United States STATSGO2 broad-based inventory soils non-soil areas occur repeatable pattern landscape can cartographically shown scale mapped 1:250,000 continental U.S., Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands 1:1,000,000 Alaska. level mapping designed broad planning management uses covering state, regional, multi-state areas. U.S. General Soil Map comprised general soil association units maintained distributed spatial tabular dataset.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"thematic-mapping","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Setup","what":"Thematic Mapping","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"Thematic mapping analysis soil information requires connecting grids tabular data sources, either using local files Soil Data Access (SDA) web-service. soilDB package provides many convenient interfaces SDA. Note SDA yet contain tabular data raster soil surveys.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"caveats-limitations","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Setup","what":"Caveats / Limitations","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"Requests limited images sizes 5000x5000 pixels, approximately 1 degree x 1 degree (longitude, latitude) 30m.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"web-coverage-service-requests-using-bounding-boxes","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Setup","what":"Web Coverage Service Requests Using Bounding Boxes","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"buffer applied single WGS84 coordinate can used create bounding box (BBOX): can create terra SpatVector containing single point, create 1000m radius circular polygon around point buffer():","code":"library(terra) library(soilDB) # example point, WGS84 coordinates p <- vect( data.frame( lon = -118.55639, lat = 36.52578 ), crs = \"EPSG:4326\" ) # 1000m buffer applied to WGS84 coordinate # radius defined in meters b <- buffer(p, 1000) # query WCS # result is in EPSG:5070 mu <- mukey.wcs(b, db = 'gSSURGO') # inspect plot(mu, legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE, main = attr(mu, 'layer name')) box() # add buffer, after transforming to mukey grid CRS plot(project(b, \"EPSG:5070\"), add = TRUE) # add original point, after transforming to mukey grid CRS plot(project(p, \"EPSG:5070\"), add = TRUE, pch = 16)"},{"path":"","id":"manual-creation-of-bounding-boxes","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Setup > Web Coverage Service Requests Using Bounding Boxes","what":"Manual Creation of Bounding Boxes","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"Sometimes convenient specify BBOX created website single point specified WGS84 coordinates. Arbitrary spatial objects can used input. SoilWeb provides two keyboard shortcuts map interface: Press 'b' copy current bounding box coordinates, returned : -118.6609 36.4820,-118.6609 36.5972,-118.3979 36.5972,-118.3979 36.4820,-118.6609 36.4820. five coordinates pairs form rectangular polygon, geometry can represented Well-Known Text. Press 'p' copy link center coordinate, returned :,-118.52943,z13 Right-clicking anywhere map interface also generate link coordinates zoom level.","code":"library(sf) library(soilDB) library(terra) # paste the five coordinates comprising the BBOX polygon here bb <- '-118.6609 36.4820,-118.6609 36.5972,-118.3979 36.5972,-118.3979 36.4820,-118.6609 36.4820' # convert WKT string -> sfc geometry wkt <- sprintf('POLYGON((%s))', bb) x <- st_as_sfc(wkt) # set coordinate reference system as GCS/WGS84 st_crs(x) <- 4326 # query WCS mu <- mukey.wcs(x, db = 'gSSURGO') # inspect plot(mu, legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE, main = attr(mu, 'layer name')) box() # add original BBOX, after transforming to mukey grid CRS plot(st_transform(x, 5070), add = TRUE)"},{"path":"","id":"map-unit-key-grids","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Map Unit Key Grids","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"Use mukey.wcs() function access chunks CONUS “map unit key” grids. area interest (AOI) can defined manually, , automatically extracted sf, sfc, bbox, SpatRaster, SpatVector, Spatial* RasterLayer objects. resulting grid integers (mukey; map unit key) represents unique map units within specific soil survey areas; grid isn’t useful . make grids useful, join data Soil Data Access (SDA) local files create thematic maps based map unit key. SSURGO data specific soil components, depths, properties within map unit can aggregated aggregate values 1:1 mukey, resulting values can used symbolize map.","code":"# make a bounding box and assign a CRS (4326: GCS, WGS84) a <- st_bbox( c(xmin = -114.16, xmax = -114.08, ymin = 47.65, ymax = 47.68), crs = st_crs(4326) ) # fetch gSSURGO map unit keys at native resolution (30m) mu <- mukey.wcs(aoi = a, db = 'gssurgo') # check: print(mu) #> class : SpatRaster #> dimensions : 147, 219, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr) #> resolution : 30, 30 (x, y) #> extent : -1365495, -1358925, 2869245, 2873655 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) #> coord. ref. : NAD83 / Conus Albers (EPSG:5070) #> source(s) : memory #> varname : file22391324dd56 #> categories : mukey #> name : mukey #> min value : 144983 #> max value : 1716001 plot( mu, main = 'gSSURGO map unit keys', sub = 'Albers Equal Area Projection', axes = FALSE, legend = FALSE )"},{"path":"","id":"ssurgo-polygons-from-sda","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Map Unit Key Grids","what":"SSURGO Polygons from SDA","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"possible retrieve vector geometries SDA SDA_spatialQuery() function. Standard SSURGO map unit polygons can obtained addition soil survey area polygons STATSGO map unit polygons. vector data stored delivered geographic coordinate system (WGS84), whereas WCS grids generally use locally relevant projected coordinate system (\"EPSG:5070\" CONUS). Overlaying SSURGO polygons map unit key grids therefore require simple transformation. First get intersecting SSURGO polygons SDA SDA_spatialQuery() transform AEA coordinate reference system used CONUS gSSURGO / gNATSGO (\"EPSG:5070\"). Inspect result overlaying SSURGO polygons 30m map unit key grid.","code":"# because mu is a SpatRaster, result is a SpatVector object (GCS WGS84) p <- SDA_spatialQuery(mu, what = 'mupolygon', geomIntersection = TRUE) p <- project(p, crs(mu)) plot(mu, main = 'gSSURGO Grid (WCS)\\nSSURGO Polygons (SDA)', axes = FALSE, legend = FALSE) plot(p, add = TRUE, border = 'white') mtext('CONUS Albers Equal Area Projection (EPSG:5070)', side = 1, line = 1)"},{"path":"","id":"grid-resolution-specification","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Map Unit Key Grids","what":"Grid Resolution Specification","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"Requesting map unit key grids resolution 30m possible, suitable quick “preview” data. example, possible get larger areal extent data requesting grids coarser resolution (e.g. 800m). However, pixels represent categories (unique map units) selected nearest-neighbor; generalization used convert source 30m grid coarser scale. coarser representation data can used inspection general patterns. Detailed analysis based derived property data sets aggregated 30m results.","code":"# make a bounding box (in California) and assign a CRS (GCS WGS84 / EPSG:4326) a.CA <- st_bbox(c( xmin = -121, xmax = -120, ymin = 37, ymax = 38 ), crs = st_crs(4326)) # fetch gSSURGO map unit keys at ~800m # nearest-neighbor resampling = this is a \"preview\" # result is a SpatRaster object x.800 <- mukey.wcs(aoi = a.CA, db = 'gssurgo', res = 800) plot( x.800, main = 'A Preview of gSSURGO Map Unit Keys', sub = 'Albers Equal Area Projection (800m)\\nnearest-neighbor resampling', axes = FALSE, legend = FALSE )"},{"path":"","id":"raster-soil-survey-data","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Map Unit Key Grids","what":"Raster Soil Survey Data","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"specific RSS (state-level) data sets can downloaded (map unit key grids, tabular data) Box: Please note tabular data Raster Soil Surveys yet available via Soil Data Access.","code":"# Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory extent; specified in EPSG:5070 a <- st_bbox( c(xmin = 1129000, xmax = 1135000, ymin = 1403000, ymax = 1411000), crs = st_crs(5070) ) # convert boundary sf polygon a <- st_as_sfc(a) # gSSURGO grid: 30m resolution (x <- mukey.wcs(a, db = 'gSSURGO', res = 30)) #> class : SpatRaster #> dimensions : 267, 200, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr) #> resolution : 30, 30 (x, y) #> extent : 1129005, 1135005, 1402995, 1411005 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) #> coord. ref. : NAD83 / Conus Albers (EPSG:5070) #> source(s) : memory #> varname : file22394d520975 #> categories : mukey #> name : mukey #> min value : 545800 #> max value : 545887 # gNATSGO grid: 30m resolution (y <- mukey.wcs(a, db = 'gNATSGO', res = 30)) #> class : SpatRaster #> dimensions : 267, 200, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr) #> resolution : 30, 30 (x, y) #> extent : 1129005, 1135005, 1402995, 1411005 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) #> coord. ref. : NAD83 / Conus Albers (EPSG:5070) #> source(s) : memory #> varname : file2239451fd6c5 #> categories : mukey #> name : mukey #> min value : 545800 #> max value : 3244759 # RSS grid: 10m resolution (z <- mukey.wcs(a, db = 'RSS', res = 10)) #> class : SpatRaster #> dimensions : 800, 600, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr) #> resolution : 10, 10.0125 (x, y) #> extent : 1129005, 1135005, 1402995, 1411005 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) #> coord. ref. : NAD83 / Conus Albers (EPSG:5070) #> source(s) : memory #> varname : file223975d194d0 #> categories : mukey #> name : mukey #> min value : 3244721 #> max value : 3244759 # graphical comparison par(mfcol = c(1, 3)) # gSSURGO plot( x, axes = FALSE, legend = FALSE, main = attr(x, 'layer name') ) plot(a, add = TRUE) # gNATSGO plot( y, axes = FALSE, legend = FALSE, main = attr(y, 'layer name') ) plot(a, add = TRUE) # RSS plot( z, axes = FALSE, legend = FALSE, main = attr(z, 'layer name'), ext = x ) plot(a, add = TRUE)"},{"path":"","id":"statsgo-1","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Map Unit Key Grids","what":"STATSGO","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"Continuing example , can use db='statsgo' compare gSSURGO product Digital General Soil Map United States (STATSGO2). STATSGO data provided 10x nominal resolution gSSURGO (300m v.s. 30m) reflect relative generality product.","code":"(statsgo <- mukey.wcs(a, db = 'statsgo', res = 300)) #> class : SpatRaster #> dimensions : 27, 20, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr) #> resolution : 300, 300 (x, y) #> extent : 1129005, 1135005, 1402995, 1411095 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) #> coord. ref. : NAD83 / Conus Albers (EPSG:5070) #> source(s) : memory #> varname : file2239816ae8d #> categories : mukey #> name : mukey #> min value : 659074 #> max value : 664845 # graphical comparison par(mfcol = c(1, 2)) # gSSURGO plot( x, axes = FALSE, legend = FALSE, main = attr(x, 'layer name') ) # STATSGO plot( statsgo, axes = FALSE, legend = FALSE, main = attr(statsgo, 'layer name') )"},{"path":"","id":"hawaii-ssurgo","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Map Unit Key Grids","what":"Hawaii SSURGO","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"new 30m SSURGO map unit key WCS based \"EPSG:6628\" coordinate reference system added Hawaii. example bounding box centered southern coast Kauai.","code":"# paste your BBOX text here bb <- '-159.7426 21.9059,-159.7426 22.0457,-159.4913 22.0457,-159.4913 21.9059,-159.7426 21.9059' # convert WKT string -> sfc geometry wkt <- sprintf('POLYGON((%s))', bb) x <- st_as_sfc(wkt, crs = 4326) # query WCS mu <- mukey.wcs(x, db = 'hi_ssurgo') # make NA (the ocean) blue plot( mu, legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE, main = attr(mu, 'layer name'), colNA = 'royalblue' )"},{"path":"","id":"puerto-rico-ssurgo","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Map Unit Key Grids","what":"Puerto Rico SSURGO","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"new 30m SSURGO map unit key WCS based \"EPSG:32161\" coordinate reference system added Puerto Rico. example bounding box centered eastern coast Puerto Rico.","code":"# paste your BBOX text here bb <- '-65.7741 18.1711,-65.7741 18.3143,-65.5228 18.3143,-65.5228 18.1711,-65.7741 18.1711' # convert WKT string -> sfc geometry wkt <- sprintf('POLYGON((%s))', bb) x <- st_as_sfc(wkt, crs = 4326) # query WCS mu <- mukey.wcs(x, db = 'pr_ssurgo') # make missing data (NA; the ocean) blue plot( mu, legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE, main = attr(mu, 'layer name'), colNA = 'royalblue' )"},{"path":"","id":"thematic-mapping-1","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Thematic Mapping","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"following example BBOX + resulting gSSURGO map unit key grid used thematic mapping examples:","code":"# make a bounding box and assign a CRS (4326: GCS, WGS84) a <- st_bbox( c(xmin = -114.16, xmax = -114.08, ymin = 47.65, ymax = 47.68), crs = st_crs(4326) ) # convert bbox to sf geometry a <- st_as_sfc(a) # fetch gSSURGO map unit keys at native resolution (~30m) mu <- mukey.wcs(aoi = a, db = 'gssurgo')"},{"path":"","id":"map-unit-aggregate-values","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Thematic Mapping","what":"Map Unit Aggregate Values","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"“Mapunit Aggregate Attribute” table records variety soil attributes interpretations aggregated component level single value map unit level. aggregated one appropriate means order express consolidated value interpretation map unit whole. Use get_SDA_muaggatt() function, write query SQL submit via SDA_query().","code":"# copy example grid mu2 <- mu # extract raster attribute table for thematic mapping (rat <- cats(mu2)[[1]]) #> ID mukey #> 1 144983 144983 #> 2 144984 144984 #> 3 144985 144985 #> 4 144986 144986 #> 5 145005 145005 #> 6 145009 145009 #> 7 145010 145010 #> 8 145011 145011 #> 9 145012 145012 #> 10 145015 145015 #> 11 145017 145017 #> 12 145019 145019 #> 13 145020 145020 #> 14 145056 145056 #> 15 145057 145057 #> 16 145058 145058 #> 17 145059 145059 #> 18 145060 145060 #> 19 145068 145068 #> 20 145069 145069 #> 21 145070 145070 #> 22 145076 145076 #> 23 145079 145079 #> 24 145118 145118 #> 25 145183 145183 #> 26 145195 145195 #> 27 145208 145208 #> 28 145250 145250 #> 29 145253 145253 #> 30 145264 145264 #> 31 145269 145269 #> 32 145275 145275 #> 33 145278 145278 #> 34 145328 145328 #> 35 145329 145329 #> 36 145340 145340 #> 37 145343 145343 #> 38 145385 145385 #> 39 1715935 1715935 #> 40 1716001 1716001 # optionally use convenience function: # * returns all fields from muaggatt table # * along with map unit name # tab <- get_SDA_muaggatt(mukeys = as.numeric(rat$mukey), query_string = TRUE) .sql <- paste0( \"SELECT mukey, aws050wta, aws0100wta FROM muaggatt WHERE mukey IN \", format_SQL_in_statement(as.numeric(rat$mukey)) ) # run query, result is a data.frame tab <- SDA_query(.sql) # check head(tab) #> mukey aws050wta aws0100wta #> 1 144983 7.26 14.02 #> 2 144984 7.31 14.14 #> 3 144985 7.36 14.27 #> 4 144986 7.06 13.19 #> 5 145005 5.21 9.34 #> 6 145009 5.49 9.16 # set raster categories levels(mu2) <- tab # convert grid + RAT -> stack of property grids aws <- catalyze(mu2) # plot, set a common range [0, 20] for both layers plot( aws, axes = FALSE, cex.main = 0.7, main = c( 'Plant Available Water Storage (cm)\\nWeighted Mean over Components, 0-50cm', 'Plant Available Water Storage (cm)\\nWeighted Mean over Components, 0-100cm' ), range = c(0, 20) )"},{"path":"","id":"interpretations-for-soil-suitability-limitation","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Thematic Mapping","what":"Interpretations for Soil Suitability / Limitation","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"can use get_SDA_interpretation() function return interpretation ratings specific components, aggregated map unit level. , produce maps using two interpretation rules: 'ENG - Construction Materials; Roadfill', 'AWM - Irrigation Disposal Wastewater'. graph can see different suitability rating classes class_ENGConstructionMaterialsRoadfill correspond range fuzzy values (rating_ENGConstructionMaterialsRoadfill). Next, can view ratings thematic map:","code":"# copy example grid mu2 <- mu # extract RAT for thematic mapping rat <- cats(mu2)[[1]] rules <- c('ENG - Construction Materials; Roadfill', 'AWM - Irrigation Disposal of Wastewater') tab <- get_SDA_interpretation( rulename = rules, method = \"Weighted Average\", mukeys = as.numeric(rat$mukey) ) # check head(tab) #> areasymbol musym muname mukey #> 1 MT629 101 McCollum fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 144983 #> 2 MT629 102 McCollum fine sandy loam, 2 to 4 percent slopes 144984 #> 3 MT629 103 McCollum fine sandy loam, 4 to 8 percent slopes 144985 #> 4 MT629 104 McCollum fine sandy loam, gravelly substratum, 0 to 2 percent slopes 144986 #> 5 MT629 120 Niarada gravelly loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes 145005 #> 6 MT629 123 Niarada gravelly loam, cool, 15 to 30 percent slopes 145009 #> rating_ENGConstructionMaterialsRoadfill rating_AWMIrrigationDisposalofWastewater #> 1 1.00 0.00 #> 2 0.98 0.05 #> 3 0.98 0.68 #> 4 1.00 0.15 #> 5 0.98 0.19 #> 6 0.12 1.00 #> class_ENGConstructionMaterialsRoadfill class_AWMIrrigationDisposalofWastewater #> 1 Well suited Not limited #> 2 Moderately well suited Slightly limited #> 3 Moderately well suited Moderately limited #> 4 Well suited Slightly limited #> 5 Moderately well suited Slightly limited #> 6 Poorly suited Very limited #> reason_ENGConstructionMaterialsRoadfill #> 1
#> 2 Low strength (0.778); Dusty (0.785) #> 3 Low strength (0.778); Dusty (0.785) #> 4 #> 5 Dusty (0.981); Dusty (0.981); Dusty (0.902) #> 6 Slope (0.08); Dusty (0.975); Slope (0.08); Dusty (0.981); Depth to bedrock (0); Slope (0) #> reason_AWMIrrigationDisposalofWastewater #> 1 #> 2 Filtering capacity (1); Too steep for surface application (0.08) #> 3 Too steep for surface application (0.68); Too steep for surface application (0.68) #> 4 Filtering capacity (1); Filtering capacity (1); Droughty (0.918) #> 5 Droughty (0.133); Large stones on the surface (0.141); Droughty (0.117); Filtering capacity (1); Droughty (0.918); Slow water movement (0.372) #> 6 Too steep for surface application (1); Too steep for sprinkler application (1); Droughty (0.061); Too steep for surface application (1); Too steep for sprinkler application (1); Large stones on the surface (0.141); Droughty (0.117); Droughty (1); Too steep for surface application (1); Too steep for sprinkler application (1); Depth to bedrock (1); Large stones on the surface (0.684); Filtering capacity (1); Too steep for surface application (1); Droughty (0.918); Too steep for sprinkler application (0.395) # set ordered factor levels (for nice label/legend order) tab$class_ENGConstructionMaterialsRoadfill <- factor( tab$class_ENGConstructionMaterialsRoadfill, levels = c( 'Not suited', 'Poorly suited', 'Moderately suited', 'Moderately well suited', 'Well suited', 'Not Rated' ), ordered = TRUE ) par(mar = c(4, 12, 3, 3)) boxplot( rating_ENGConstructionMaterialsRoadfill ~ class_ENGConstructionMaterialsRoadfill, cex.main = 0.7, main = 'ENG - Construction Materials; Roadfill', ylab = \"\", data = tab, horizontal = TRUE, # fuzzy ratings on X axis las = 1 # rotate axis labels 90 degrees ) vars <- c( 'rating_ENGConstructionMaterialsRoadfill', 'rating_AWMIrrigationDisposalofWastewater' ) # set raster categories levels(mu2) <- tab[, c('mukey', vars)] rating <- catalyze(mu2) # inspect plot( rating, axes = FALSE, cex.main = 0.7, main = c( 'Construction Materials; Roadfill\\nWeighted Mean over Components', 'Irrigation Disposal of Wastewater\\nWeighted Mean over Components' ) )"},{"path":"","id":"component-level-properties","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Thematic Mapping","what":"Component-level Properties","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"Soil “components” members (land types) map unit. map unit may contain several distinct soil non-soil areas. widely-used property calculated standard part SSURGO soil map unit components “steel corrosion potential”. also use get_SDV_legend_elements() get standard Soil Data Viewer colors selected property/interpretation. Another example thematic mapping “simplified component parent material group”. First, set new AOI following examples: use get_SDA_pmgroupname() obtain tabular parent material information relate map unit keys: can also inspect mapunit-level hydric rating derived default aggregation method get_SDA_hydric().","code":"# copy example grid mu2 <- mu # extract RAT for thematic mapping rat <- cats(mu2)[[1]] tab <- get_SDA_property(property = 'Corrosion of Steel', method = 'DOMINANT CONDITION', mukeys = as.integer(rat$mukey), miscellaneous_areas = TRUE) # get soil data viewer standard colors for corsteel cols <- get_SDV_legend_elements(\"attributecolumnname = 'corsteel'\") # set raster categories levels(mu2) <- tab[, c('mukey', 'corsteel')] # set active category activeCat(mu2) <- 'corsteel' # plot plot( mu2, col = cols$hex, axes = FALSE, legend = \"topleft\" ) #,-96.70175,z14 # make a bounding box and assign a CRS (4326: GCS, WGS84) a <- st_bbox( c(xmin = -96.7696, xmax = -96.6477, ymin = 36.5477, ymax = 36.6139), crs = st_crs(4326) ) # fetch gSSURGO map unit keys at native resolution (~30m) mu <- mukey.wcs(aoi = a, db = 'gssurgo') plot( mu, legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE, cex.main = 0.7, main = 'gSSURGO Map Unit Key Grid' ) # copy example grid mu2 <- mu # extract RAT for thematic mapping rat <- cats(mu2)[[1]] # simplified parent material group name tab <- get_SDA_pmgroupname(mukeys = as.integer(rat$mukey), miscellaneous_areas = TRUE) # set raster categories levels(mu2) <- tab[, c('mukey', 'pmgroupname')] # set active category activeCat(mu2) <- 'pmgroupname' plot(mu2, legend = \"topleft\", axes = FALSE) # copy example grid mu2 <- mu # extract RAT for thematic mapping rat <- cats(mu2)[[1]] # simplified parent material group name tab <- get_SDA_hydric(mukeys = as.integer(rat$mukey)) levels(mu2) <- tab[, c('mukey', 'HYDRIC_RATING')] # set active category activeCat(mu2) <- 'HYDRIC_RATING' plot(mu2, legend = \"topleft\", axes = FALSE)"},{"path":"","id":"several-horizon-level-soil-properties","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Thematic Mapping","what":"Several Horizon-level Soil Properties","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"get_SDA_property() function soilDB general interface aggregated SSURGO/STATSGO tabular data via SDA. used obtain component-level property previously (steel corrosion), now use aggregate several horizon-level property values specific depth interval. Derive aggregate soil properties, merge raster attribute table (RAT). Inspect just plant available water 0-25cm. Plot aggregate soil properties.","code":"# extract RAT for thematic mapping rat <- cats(mu)[[1]] # variables of interest vars <- c(\"dbthirdbar_r\", \"awc_r\", \"ph1to1h2o_r\") # get / aggregate specific horizon-level properties from SDA # be sure to see the manual page for this function tab <- get_SDA_property(property = vars, method = \"Dominant Component (Numeric)\", mukeys = as.integer(rat$mukey), top_depth = 0, bottom_depth = 25) # check head(tab) #> areasymbol musym muname mukey #> 1 OK113 1 Apperson silty clay loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes 623396 #> 2 OK113 4 Coyle loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes 623399 #> 3 OK113 7 Keokuk very fine sandy loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 623402 #> 4 OK113 10 Bethany silt loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes 623405 #> 5 OK113 11 Bethany silt loam, 3 to 5 percent slopes 623406 #> 6 OK113 12 Bethany-Pawhuska complex, 1 to 5 percent slopes 623407 #> dbthirdbar_r awc_r ph1to1h2o_r #> 1 1.45 0.18 6.15 #> 2 1.40 0.18 5.70 #> 3 1.43 0.17 7.30 #> 4 1.35 0.20 6.20 #> 5 1.30 0.20 6.30 #> 6 1.34 0.20 6.30 # convert areasymbol into a factor easy plotting later tab$areasymbol <- factor(tab$areasymbol) # set raster categories levels(mu) <- tab[, c('mukey', vars)] # list variables in the RAT names(cats(mu)[[1]]) #> [1] \"mukey\" \"dbthirdbar_r\" \"awc_r\" \"ph1to1h2o_r\" # convert categories associated with keys to values mu2 <- catalyze(mu) plot(mu2$awc_r) box() plot(mu2[['dbthirdbar_r']], cex.main = 0.7, main = '1/3 Bar Bulk Density (g/cm^3)\\nDominant Component\\n0-25cm') plot(mu2[['awc_r']], cex.main = 0.7, main = 'AWC (cm/cm)\\nDominant Component\\n0-25cm') plot(mu2[['ph1to1h2o_r']], cex.main = 0.7, main = 'pH 1:1 H2O\\nDominant Component\\n0-25cm')"},{"path":"","id":"sand-silt-and-clay-at-a-soil-survey-area-boundary","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Thematic Mapping","what":"Sand, Silt, and Clay at a Soil Survey Area Boundary","title":"Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data","text":"example great exact join soil survey areas. case one soil survey published 1979 2004. First, setup BBOX query map unit key WCS. derive aggregate sand, silt, clay (RV) values largest component, taking weighted mean 25-50cm depth interval. also take sand clay values calculate surface texture class comparison.","code":"# extract a BBOX like this from SoilWeb by pressing \"b\" bb <- '-91.6853 36.4617,-91.6853 36.5281,-91.5475 36.5281,-91.5475 36.4617,-91.6853 36.4617' wkt <- sprintf('POLYGON((%s))', bb) # init sf object from WKT x <- st_as_sfc(wkt, crs = 4326) # get gSSURGO grid here mu <- mukey.wcs(aoi = x, db = 'gssurgo') # note SSA boundary plot(mu, legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE) # extract RAT for thematic mapping rat <- cats(mu)[[1]] # variables of interest vars <- c(\"sandtotal_r\", \"silttotal_r\", \"claytotal_r\") # get thematic data from SDA # dominant component # depth-weighted average # sand, silt, clay (RV) tab <- get_SDA_property(property = vars, method = \"Dominant Component (Numeric)\", mukeys = as.integer(rat$mukey), top_depth = 25, bottom_depth = 50) # check head(tab) #> areasymbol musym muname mukey #> 1 MO091 73306 Gressy-Gatewood complex, 3 to 8 percent slopes, rocky 691980 #> 2 MO149 73321 Alred-Gatewood complex, 1 to 8 percent slopes 2502332 #> 3 MO149 73322 Alred-Gatewood complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes 2502334 #> 4 MO149 76002 Batcave-Farewell complex, 1 to 3 percent slopes, frequently flooded 2503322 #> 5 MO149 76046 Secesh silt loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes, rarely flooded 2503473 #> 6 MO149 76047 Secesh-Tilk complex, 1 to 3 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 2503476 #> sandtotal_r silttotal_r claytotal_r #> 1 23.00 59.00 18.00 #> 2 28.69 51.11 20.20 #> 3 28.69 51.11 20.20 #> 4 40.00 40.00 20.00 #> 5 25.65 49.00 25.35 #> 6 26.91 48.08 25.02 # set raster categories levels(mu) <- tab[, c('mukey', vars)] # convert mukey grid + RAT -> stack of numerical grids # retaining only sand, silt, clay via [[vars]] ssc <- catalyze(mu) # create a copy of the grid texture.class <- ssc[[1]] names(texture.class) <- 'soil.texture' # assign soil texture classes for the fine earth fraction # using sand and clay percentages values(texture.class) <- aqp::ssc_to_texcl( sand = values(ssc[['sandtotal_r']]), clay = values(ssc[['claytotal_r']]), droplevels = FALSE ) r <- c(ssc, texture.class) # graphical check plot( r, cex.main = 0.7, main = paste0(names(r), \" - 25-50cm\\nDominant Component\") )"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Authors","title":"Authors and Citation","text":"Dylan Beaudette. Author. Jay Skovlin. Author. Stephen Roecker. Author. Andrew Brown. Author, maintainer.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"citation","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Citation","title":"Authors and Citation","text":"Beaudette, D., Skovlin, J., Roecker, S., Brown, . (2023). soilDB: Soil Database Interface. R package version 2.7.8. ","code":"@Manual{, title = {soilDB: Soil Database Interface}, author = {Dylan Beaudette and Jay Skovlin and Stephen Roecker and Andrew Brown}, note = {R package version 2.7.8}, url = {}, year = {2023}, }"},{"path":"","id":"installation","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Installation","title":"Soil Database Interface","text":"Get stable version CRAN: Get development version GitHub:","code":"install.packages('soilDB', dependencies = TRUE) remotes::install_github(\"ncss-tech/soilDB\", dependencies = FALSE)"},{"path":"","id":"website","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Website","title":"Soil Database Interface","text":"CRAN Package: Package Manual: Algorithms Quantitative Pedology (AQP) Project:","code":""},{"path":"","id":"citation","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Citation","title":"Soil Database Interface","text":"","code":"## To cite soilDB in publications use: ## ## Beaudette, D., Skovlin, J., Roecker, S., Brown, A. (2023). soilDB: ## Soil Database Interface. R package version 2.7.10. ## ## ## A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is ## ## @Manual{, ## title = {soilDB: Soil Database Interface}, ## author = {Dylan Beaudette and Jay Skovlin and Stephen Roecker and Andrew Brown}, ## note = {R package version 2.7.10}, ## url = {}, ## year = {2023}, ## }"},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"functions-by-data-source","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Functions by Data Source","title":"Soil Database Interface","text":"fetchSDA fetchSDA_spatial SDA_query SDA_spatialQuery get_SDA_hydric get_SDA_interpretation get_SDA_muaggatt get_SDA_pmgroupname get_SDA_property get_SDA_coecoclass get_SDA_metrics get_SDA_cosurfmorph downloadSSURGO createSSURGO fetchGDB ROSETTA fetchKSSL fetchOSD siblings OSDquery seriesExtent taxaExtent mukey.wcs ISSR800.wcs parseWebReport fetchNASISWebReport fetchSCAN SCAN_SNOTEL_metadata fetchHenry fetchNASIS dbConnectNASIS (alias NASIS()) dbQueryNASIS createStaticNASIS fetchSoilGrids","code":""},{"path":"","id":"miscellaneous-functions","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Miscellaneous Functions","title":"Soil Database Interface","text":"estimateSTR STRplot KSSL_VG_model simplifyFragmentData simplifyColorData uncode code get_NOAA_GHCND","code":""},{"path":"","id":"tutorials-and-demonstrations","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Tutorials and Demonstrations","title":"Soil Database Interface","text":"fetchKSSL SDA_query fetchOSD SCAN/SNOTEL Data","code":""},{"path":"","id":"related-packages","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Related Packages","title":"Soil Database Interface","text":"aqp sharpshootR SoilTaxonomy","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get 800m gridded soil properties from SoilWeb ISSR-800 Web Coverage Service (WCS) — ISSR800.wcs","title":"Get 800m gridded soil properties from SoilWeb ISSR-800 Web Coverage Service (WCS) — ISSR800.wcs","text":"Intermediate-scale gridded (800m) soil property interpretation maps aggregated SSURGO STATSGO data. maps developed USDA-NRCS-SPSD staff collaboration UCD-LAWR. Originally educational use interactive thematic maps, data suitable alternative gridded STATSGO-derived thematic soil maps. full size grids can downloaded .","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get 800m gridded soil properties from SoilWeb ISSR-800 Web Coverage Service (WCS) — ISSR800.wcs","text":"","code":"ISSR800.wcs(aoi, var, res = 800, quiet = FALSE)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get 800m gridded soil properties from SoilWeb ISSR-800 Web Coverage Service (WCS) — ISSR800.wcs","text":"aoi area interest (AOI) defined using Spatial*, RasterLayer, sf, sfc bbox object, list, see details var ISSR-800 grid name (case insensitive), see details res grid resolution, units meters. native resolution ISSR-800 grids (WCS) 800m. quiet logical, passed curl::curl_download enable / suppress URL progress bar download.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get 800m gridded soil properties from SoilWeb ISSR-800 Web Coverage Service (WCS) — ISSR800.wcs","text":"SpatRaster (RasterLayer) object containing indexed map unit keys associated raster attribute table try-error request fails. default, spatial classes terra package returned. input object class raster sp packages RasterLayer returned.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get 800m gridded soil properties from SoilWeb ISSR-800 Web Coverage Service (WCS) — ISSR800.wcs","text":"aoi specified SpatRaster, Spatial*, RasterLayer, SpatRaster/SpatVector, sf, sfc, bbox object list containing: aoi bounding-box specified (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) e.g. c(-114.16, 47.65, -114.08, 47.68) crs coordinate reference system BBOX, e.g. 'OGC:CRS84' (EPSG:4326, WGS84 Longitude/Latitude) WCS query parameterized using rectangular extent derived AOI specification, conversion native CRS (EPSG:5070) ISSR-800 grids. Variables available WCS can queried using WCS_details(wcs = 'ISSR800').","code":""},{"path":"","id":"note","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Note","title":"Get 800m gridded soil properties from SoilWeb ISSR-800 Web Coverage Service (WCS) — ISSR800.wcs","text":"still issues resolved related encoding NA Variables natural zero (e.g. SAR) 0 set NA.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get 800m gridded soil properties from SoilWeb ISSR-800 Web Coverage Service (WCS) — ISSR800.wcs","text":"D.E. Beaudette .G. Brown","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get 800m gridded soil properties from SoilWeb ISSR-800 Web Coverage Service (WCS) — ISSR800.wcs","text":"","code":"if (FALSE) { library(terra) # see WCS_details() for variable options WCS_details(wcs = 'ISSR800') # get wind erodibility group res <- ISSR800.wcs(list(aoi = c(-116, 35, -115.5, 35.5), crs = \"EPSG:4326\"), var = 'weg', res = 800) plot(res) }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Develop a Water Retention Curve from KSSL Data — KSSL_VG_model","title":"Develop a Water Retention Curve from KSSL Data — KSSL_VG_model","text":"Water retention curve modeling via van Genuchten model KSSL data.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Develop a Water Retention Curve from KSSL Data — KSSL_VG_model","text":"","code":"KSSL_VG_model(VG_params, phi_min = 10^-6, phi_max = 10^8, pts = 100)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Develop a Water Retention Curve from KSSL Data — KSSL_VG_model","text":"VG_params data.frame list object parameters van Genuchten model, see details phi_min lower limit water potential kPa phi_max upper limit water potential kPa pts number points include estimated water retention curve","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Develop a Water Retention Curve from KSSL Data — KSSL_VG_model","text":"list following components: VG_curve estimated water retention curve: paired estimates water potential (phi) water content (theta) VG_function spline function converting water potential (phi, units kPa) estimated volumetric water content (theta, units percent, range: {0, 1}) VG_inverse_function spline function converting volumetric water content (theta, units percent, range: {0, 1}) estimated water potential (phi, units kPa)","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Develop a Water Retention Curve from KSSL Data — KSSL_VG_model","text":"function developed work measured estimated parameters van Genuchten model, generated Rosetta model. , VG_params following format conventions: theta_r saturated water content, values range {0, 1} theta_s residual water content, values range {0, 1} alpha related inverse air entry suction, function expects log10-transformed values units 1/cm npar index pore size distribution, function expects log10-transformed values (dimensionless)","code":""},{"path":"","id":"note","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Note","title":"Develop a Water Retention Curve from KSSL Data — KSSL_VG_model","text":"practical example given fetchSCAN tutorial.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"references","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"References","title":"Develop a Water Retention Curve from KSSL Data — KSSL_VG_model","text":"water retention curve estimation","code":""},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Develop a Water Retention Curve from KSSL Data — KSSL_VG_model","text":"D.E. Beaudette","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Develop a Water Retention Curve from KSSL Data — KSSL_VG_model","text":"","code":"# basic example d <- data.frame( theta_r = 0.0337216, theta_s = 0.4864061, alpha = -1.581517, npar = 0.1227247 ) vg <- KSSL_VG_model(d) str(vg) #> List of 3 #> $ VG_curve :'data.frame':\t100 obs. of 2 variables: #> ..$ phi : num [1:100] 1.00e-06 1.38e-06 1.92e-06 2.66e-06 3.68e-06 ... #> ..$ theta: num [1:100] 0.486 0.486 0.486 0.486 0.486 ... #> $ VG_function :function (x, deriv = 0L) #> $ VG_inverse_function:function (x, deriv = 0L)"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Work with NASIS Choice Lists — NASISChoiceList","title":"Work with NASIS Choice Lists — NASISChoiceList","text":"Create (ordered) factors interchange choice names, values labels lists input vectors.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Work with NASIS Choice Lists — NASISChoiceList","text":"","code":"NASISChoiceList( x = NULL, colnames = names(x), what = \"ColumnPhysicalName\", choice = c(\"ChoiceName\", \"ChoiceValue\", \"ChoiceLabel\"), obsolete = FALSE, factor = TRUE, droplevels = FALSE, ordered = TRUE, simplify = TRUE, dsn = NULL )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Work with NASIS Choice Lists — NASISChoiceList","text":"x named list vectors use input NASIS Choice List lookup colnames vector values column specified . E.g. colnames=\"texcl\" =\"ColumnPhysicalName\". Default: names(x) (x named) passed get_NASIS_column_metadata(); Column match x . Default \"ColumnPhysicalName\"; alternate options include \"DomainID\", \"DomainName\", \"DomainRanked\", \"DisplayLabel\", \"ChoiceSequence\", \"ChoiceValue\", \"ChoiceName\", \"ChoiceLabel\", \"ChoiceObsolete\", \"ChoiceDescription\", \"ColumnLogicalName\" choice one : \"ChoiceName\", \"ChoiceValue\", \"ChoiceLabel\" obsolete Include \"obsolete\" choices? Default: FALSE factor Convert result factor? Default: TRUE droplevels Drop unused factor levels? Default: TRUE (used factor=TRUE) ordered result ordered factor? Default: TRUE (use DomainRanked true choices) simplify list result length 1 reduced single vector? Default: TRUE dsn Optional: path local SQLite database containing NASIS table structure; default: NULL","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Work with NASIS Choice Lists — NASISChoiceList","text":"list \"choices\" based input x converted consistent target set levels (specified choice) via NASIS 7 metadata. factor=TRUE result factor, possibly ordered ordered=TRUE target domain \"ranked\" domain (.e. ChoiceSequence logical meaning). factor=FALSE result character numeric vector. Numeric vectors always returned choice \"ChoiceValue\".","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Work with NASIS Choice Lists — NASISChoiceList","text":"","code":"NASISChoiceList(1:3, \"texcl\") #> [1] cos s fs #> 21 Levels: c cl cos cosl fs fsl l lcos lfs ls lvfs s sc scl si sic sicl ... vfsl NASISChoiceList(1:3, \"pondfreqcl\") #> [1] none rare occasional #> Levels: none < rare < occasional < frequent NASISChoiceList(\"Clay loam\", \"texcl\", choice = \"ChoiceValue\") #> [1] 17 NASISChoiceList(\"Silty clay loam\", \"texcl\", choice = \"ChoiceName\") #> [1] sicl #> 21 Levels: c cl cos cosl fs fsl l lcos lfs ls lvfs s sc scl si sic sicl ... vfsl"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get/Set Options for Encoding NASIS Domains as Factors — NASISDomainsAsFactor","title":"Get/Set Options for Encoding NASIS Domains as Factors — NASISDomainsAsFactor","text":"Set package option soilDB.NASIS.DomainsAsFactor returning coded NASIS domains factors.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get/Set Options for Encoding NASIS Domains as Factors — NASISDomainsAsFactor","text":"","code":"NASISDomainsAsFactor(x = NULL)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get/Set Options for Encoding NASIS Domains as Factors — NASISDomainsAsFactor","text":"x logical; default FALSE","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get/Set Options for Encoding NASIS Domains as Factors — NASISDomainsAsFactor","text":"logical, result getOption(\"soilDB.NASIS.DomainsAsFactor\")","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get/Set Options for Encoding NASIS Domains as Factors — NASISDomainsAsFactor","text":"","code":"if (FALSE) { NASISDomansAsFactor(TRUE) }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"NASIS 7 Tables, Columns and Foreign Keys — NASIS_table_column_keys","title":"NASIS 7 Tables, Columns and Foreign Keys — NASIS_table_column_keys","text":"dataset contains NASIS 7 Tables, Columns Foreign Keys","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Search full text of Official Series Description on SoilWeb — OSDquery","title":"Search full text of Official Series Description on SoilWeb — OSDquery","text":"R interface OSD search Section OSD Search APIs provided SoilWeb. OSD records searched PostgreSQL fulltext indexing query system (syntax details). search field (except \"brief narrative\" MLRA) corresponds section header OSD. results may include every OSD due formatting errors typos. Results scored based number times search terms match words associated sections.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Search full text of Official Series Description on SoilWeb — OSDquery","text":"","code":"OSDquery( everything = NULL, mlra = \"\", taxonomic_class = \"\", typical_pedon = \"\", brief_narrative = \"\", ric = \"\", use_and_veg = \"\", competing_series = \"\", geog_location = \"\", geog_assoc_soils = \"\" )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Search full text of Official Series Description on SoilWeb — OSDquery","text":"everything search entire OSD text (default NULL), mlra may also specified, arguments ignored mlra comma-delimited string MLRA search ('17,18,22A') taxonomic_class search family level classification typical_pedon search typical pedon section brief_narrative search brief narrative ric search range characteristics section use_and_veg search use vegetation section competing_series search competing series section geog_location search geographic setting section geog_assoc_soils search geographically associated soils section","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Search full text of Official Series Description on SoilWeb — OSDquery","text":"data.frame object containing soil series names match patterns supplied arguments.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Search full text of Official Series Description on SoilWeb — OSDquery","text":"See webpage information. family level taxa derived SC database, parsed OSD records MLRA derived via spatial intersection (SSURGO x MLRA polygons) MLRA-filtering possible series used current SSURGO snapshot (component name) logical : & logical : | wildcard, e.g. rhy-something rhy:* search terms spaces need doubled single quotes: ''san joaquin'' combine search terms single expression: (grano:* | granite) Related documentation can found following tutorials overview soil series query functions competing soil series siblings","code":""},{"path":"","id":"note","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Note","title":"Search full text of Official Series Description on SoilWeb — OSDquery","text":"SoilWeb maintains snapshot Official Series Description data.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"references","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"References","title":"Search full text of Official Series Description on SoilWeb — OSDquery","text":"USDA-NRCS OSD search tools:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Search full text of Official Series Description on SoilWeb — OSDquery","text":"D.E. Beaudette","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Search full text of Official Series Description on SoilWeb — OSDquery","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ # find all series that list Pardee as a geographically associated soil. s <- OSDquery(geog_assoc_soils = 'pardee') # get data for these series x <- fetchOSD(s$series, extended = TRUE, colorState = 'dry') # simple figure par(mar=c(0,0,1,1)) plot(x$SPC) # }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Query USDA-ARS ROSETTA Model API — ROSETTA","title":"Query USDA-ARS ROSETTA Model API — ROSETTA","text":"simple interface ROSETTA model predicting hydraulic parameters soil properties. ROSETTA API developed Dr. Todd Skaggs (USDA-ARS) links work Zhang Schaap, (2017). See related tutorial additional examples.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Query USDA-ARS ROSETTA Model API — ROSETTA","text":"","code":"ROSETTA( x, vars, v = c(\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"), = FALSE, chunkSize = 10000, conf = NULL )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Query USDA-ARS ROSETTA Model API — ROSETTA","text":"x data.frame required soil properties, may contain columns, see details vars character vector column names x containing relevant soil property values, see details v ROSETTA model version number: '1', '2', '3', see details references. logical, include bootstrap standard deviation estimated parameters chunkSize number records per API call conf configuration passed httr::POST() verbose().","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Query USDA-ARS ROSETTA Model API — ROSETTA","text":"Soil properties supplied x must described, order, via vars argument. API use names column ordering must follow: sand, silt, clay, bulk density, volumetric water content 33kPa (1/3 bar), volumetric water content 1500kPa (15 bar). ROSETTA model relies minimum 3 soil properties, increasing (expected) accuracy additional properties included: required, sand, silt, clay: USDA soil texture separates (percentages) sum 100\\ optional, bulk density (moisture basis): mass per volume accounting >2mm fragments, units gm/cm3 optional, volumetric water content 33 kPa: roughly \"field capacity\" soils, units cm^3/cm^3 optional, volumetric water content 1500 kPa: roughly \"permanent wilting point\" plants, units cm^3/cm^3 Rosetta pedotransfer function predicts five parameters van Genuchten model unsaturated soil hydraulic properties theta_r : residual volumetric water content theta_s : saturated volumetric water content log10(alpha) : retention shape parameter [log10(1/cm)] log10(npar) : retention shape parameter log10(ksat) : saturated hydraulic conductivity [log10(cm/d)] Column names specified vars retained output. Three versions ROSETTA model available, selected using v = 1, v = 2, v = 3. version 1 - Schaap, M.G., F.J. Leij, M.Th. van Genuchten. 2001. ROSETTA: computer program estimating soil hydraulic parameters hierarchical pedotransfer functions. Journal Hydrology 251(3-4): 163-176. doi: doi:10.1016/S0022-1694(01)00466-8 . version 2 - Schaap, M.G., . Nemes, M.T. van Genuchten. 2004. Comparison Models Indirect Estimation Water Retention Available Water Surface Soils. Vadose Zone Journal 3(4): 1455-1463. doi: doi:10.2136/vzj2004.1455 . version 3 - Zhang, Y., M.G. Schaap. 2017. Weighted recalibration Rosetta pedotransfer model improved estimates hydraulic parameter distributions summary statistics (Rosetta3). Journal Hydrology 547: 39-53. doi: doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.01.004 .","code":""},{"path":"","id":"references","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"References","title":"Query USDA-ARS ROSETTA Model API — ROSETTA","text":"Consider using interactive version, copy/paste functionality : Rosetta Model Home Page: Python ROSETTA model: Yonggen Zhang, Marcel G. Schaap. 2017. Weighted recalibration Rosetta pedotransfer model improved estimates hydraulic parameter distributions summary statistics (Rosetta3). Journal Hydrology. 547: 39-53. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.01.004 . Kosugi, K. 1999. General model unsaturated hydraulic conductivity soils lognormal pore-size distribution. Soil Sci. Soc. . J. 63:270-277. Mualem, Y. 1976. new model predicting hydraulic conductivity unsaturated porous media. Water Resour. Res. 12:513-522. Schaap, M.G. W. Bouten. 1996. Modeling water retention curves sandy soils using neural networks. Water Resour. Res. 32:3033-3040. Schaap, M.G., Leij F.J. van Genuchten M.Th. 1998. Neural network analysis hierarchical prediction soil water retention saturated hydraulic conductivity. Soil Sci. Soc. . J. 62:847-855. Schaap, M.G., F.J. Leij, 1998. Database Related Accuracy Uncertainty Pedotransfer Functions, Soil Science 163:765-779. Schaap, M.G., F.J. Leij M. Th. van Genuchten. 1999. bootstrap-neural network approach predict soil hydraulic parameters. : van Genuchten, M.Th., F.J. Leij, L. Wu (eds), Proc. Int. Workshop, Characterization Measurements Hydraulic Properties Unsaturated Porous Media, pp 1237-1250, University California, Riverside, CA. Schaap, M.G., F.J. Leij, 1999, Improved prediction unsaturated hydraulic conductivity Mualem-van Genuchten, Submitted Soil Sci. Soc. . J. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1980. closed-form equation predicting hydraulic conductivity unsaturated soils. Soil Sci. . J. 44:892-898. Schaap, M.G., F.J. Leij, M.Th. van Genuchten. 2001. ROSETTA: computer program estimating soil hydraulic parameters hierarchical pedotransfer functions. Journal Hydrology 251(3-4): 163-176. doi: doi:10.1016/S0022-1694(01)00466-8 . Schaap, M.G., . Nemes, M.T. van Genuchten. 2004. Comparison Models Indirect Estimation Water Retention Available Water Surface Soils. Vadose Zone Journal 3(4): 1455-1463. doi: doi:10.2136/vzj2004.1455 . Zhang, Y., M.G. Schaap. 2017. Weighted recalibration Rosetta pedotransfer model improved estimates hydraulic parameter distributions summary statistics (Rosetta3). Journal Hydrology 547: 39-53. doi: doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.01.004 .","code":""},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Query USDA-ARS ROSETTA Model API — ROSETTA","text":"D.E. Beaudette, Todd Skaggs (ARS), Richard Reid","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get SCAN and SNOTEL Station Metadata — SCAN_SNOTEL_metadata","title":"Get SCAN and SNOTEL Station Metadata — SCAN_SNOTEL_metadata","text":"data compiled several sources represent progressive effort organize SCAN/SNOTEL station metadata. Therefore, records may missing incorrect.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"format","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Format","title":"Get SCAN and SNOTEL Station Metadata — SCAN_SNOTEL_metadata","text":"data frame 1092 observations following 12 variables. list(\"Name\") station name list(\"Site\") station ID list(\"State\") state list(\"Network\") sensor network: SCAN / SNOTEL list(\"County\") county list(\"Elevation_ft\") station elevation feet list(\"Latitude\") latitude station list(\"Longitude\") longitude station list(\"HUC\") associated watershed list(\"climstanm\") climate station name (TODO: remove column) list(\"upedonid\") associated user pedon ID list(\"pedlabsampnum\") associated lab sample ID","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Query Soil Data Access — SDA_query","title":"Query Soil Data Access — SDA_query","text":"Submit query Soil Data Access (SDA) REST/JSON web-service return results data.frame. 100,000 record limit 32Mb JSON serializer limit, per query. Queries contain statement JOIN condition limit number rows affected / returned. Consider wrapping calls SDA_query function can iterate logical chunks (e.g. areasymbol, mukey, cokey, etc.). function makeChunks can help iteration.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Query Soil Data Access — SDA_query","text":"","code":"SDA_query(q)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Query Soil Data Access — SDA_query","text":"q valid T-SQL query surrounded double quotes","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Query Soil Data Access — SDA_query","text":"data.frame result (NULL empty, try-error error)","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Query Soil Data Access — SDA_query","text":"SDA website can found query examples can found library query examples can found SSURGO (detailed soil survey) STATSGO (generalized soil survey) data stored together within SDA. means queries specify area symbol may result mixture SSURGO STATSGO records. See examples SDA Tutorial details.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"note","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Note","title":"Query Soil Data Access — SDA_query","text":"function requires httr, jsonlite, xml2 packages","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Query Soil Data Access — SDA_query","text":"D.E. Beaudette","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Query Soil Data Access — SDA_query","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ ## get SSURGO export date for all soil survey areas in California # there is no need to filter STATSGO # because we are filtering on SSURGO area symbols q <- \"SELECT areasymbol, saverest FROM sacatalog WHERE areasymbol LIKE 'CA%';\" x <- SDA_query(q) #> single result set, returning a data.frame head(x) #> areasymbol saverest #> 1 CA011 8/28/2023 9:44:47 PM #> 2 CA013 9/12/2023 8:16:32 PM #> 3 CA021 9/6/2023 8:39:55 PM #> 4 CA031 8/31/2023 10:37:14 PM #> 5 CA033 8/28/2023 9:47:32 PM #> 6 CA041 9/11/2023 11:41:42 PM ## get SSURGO component data associated with the ## Amador series / major component only # this query must explicitly filter out STATSGO data q <- \"SELECT cokey, compname, comppct_r FROM legend INNER JOIN mapunit mu ON mu.lkey = legend.lkey INNER JOIN component co ON mu.mukey = co.mukey WHERE legend.areasymbol != 'US' AND compname = 'Amador';\" res <- SDA_query(q) #> single result set, returning a data.frame str(res) #> 'data.frame':\t54 obs. of 3 variables: #> $ cokey : int 24044962 24601226 24047878 24051493 24067614 24610752 24613003 24069065 24044875 24044696 ... #> $ compname : chr \"Amador\" \"Amador\" \"Amador\" \"Amador\" ... #> $ comppct_r: int 45 10 3 3 10 10 85 5 3 3 ... #> - attr(*, \"SDA_id\")= chr \"Table\" ## get component-level data for a specific soil survey area (Yolo county, CA) # there is no need to filter STATSGO because the query contains # an implicit selection of SSURGO data by areasymbol q <- \"SELECT component.mukey, cokey, comppct_r, compname, taxclname, taxorder, taxsuborder, taxgrtgroup, taxsubgrp FROM legend INNER JOIN mapunit ON mapunit.lkey = legend.lkey LEFT OUTER JOIN component ON component.mukey = mapunit.mukey WHERE legend.areasymbol = 'CA113' ;\" res <- SDA_query(q) #> single result set, returning a data.frame str(res) #> 'data.frame':\t609 obs. of 9 variables: #> $ mukey : int 459154 459204 459205 459208 459208 459208 459208 459209 459209 459209 ... #> $ cokey : int 24793311 24793145 24793604 24793157 24793158 24793159 24793156 24793317 24793320 24793318 ... #> $ comppct_r : int 100 100 100 5 85 5 5 5 2 3 ... #> $ compname : chr \"Water\" \"Gravel pits\" \"Water\" \"Positas\" ... #> $ taxclname : chr NA NA NA NA ... #> $ taxorder : chr NA NA NA NA ... #> $ taxsuborder: chr NA NA NA NA ... #> $ taxgrtgroup: chr NA NA NA NA ... #> $ taxsubgrp : chr NA NA NA NA ... #> - attr(*, \"SDA_id\")= chr \"Table\" ## get tabular data based on result from spatial query # there is no need to filter STATSGO because # SDA_Get_Mukey_from_intersection_with_WktWgs84() implies SSURGO p <- wk::as_wkt(wk::rct(-120.9, 37.7, -120.8, 37.8)) q <- paste0(\"SELECT mukey, cokey, compname, comppct_r FROM component WHERE mukey IN (SELECT DISTINCT mukey FROM SDA_Get_Mukey_from_intersection_with_WktWgs84('\", p, \"')) ORDER BY mukey, cokey, comppct_r DESC\") x <- SDA_query(q) #> single result set, returning a data.frame str(x) #> 'data.frame':\t337 obs. of 4 variables: #> $ mukey : int 462527 462527 462527 462554 462554 462554 462555 462555 462555 462558 ... #> $ cokey : int 24613423 24613424 24613425 24613451 24613452 24613453 24613021 24613022 24613023 24613673 ... #> $ compname : chr \"Alamo\" \"Madera\" \"San Joaquin\" \"Corning\" ... #> $ comppct_r: int 85 10 5 85 5 10 85 5 10 85 ... #> - attr(*, \"SDA_id\")= chr \"Table\" # }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Query Soil Data Access by spatial intersection with supplied geometry — SDA_spatialQuery","title":"Query Soil Data Access by spatial intersection with supplied geometry — SDA_spatialQuery","text":"Query SDA (SSURGO / STATSGO) records via spatial intersection supplied geometries. Input can SpatialPoints, SpatialLines, SpatialPolygons objects valid CRS. Map unit keys, overlapping polygons, spatial intersection geom + SSURGO / STATSGO polygons can returned. See details.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Query Soil Data Access by spatial intersection with supplied geometry — SDA_spatialQuery","text":"","code":"SDA_spatialQuery( geom, what = \"mukey\", geomIntersection = FALSE, db = c(\"SSURGO\", \"STATSGO\", \"SAPOLYGON\"), byFeature = FALSE, idcol = \"gid\", query_string = FALSE, as_Spatial = getOption(\"soilDB.return_Spatial\", default = FALSE) )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Query Soil Data Access by spatial intersection with supplied geometry — SDA_spatialQuery","text":"geom sf Spatial* object, valid CRS. May contain multiple features. character vector specifying return. 'mukey': data.frame intersecting map unit keys names, 'mupolygon' overlapping intersecting map unit polygons selected database, 'areasymbol': data.frame intersecting soil survey areas, 'sapolygon': overlapping intersecting soil survey area polygons (SSURGO ) geomIntersection logical; FALSE: overlapping map unit polygons returned, TRUE: intersection geom + map unit polygons returned. db character vector identifying Soil Geographic Databases ('SSURGO' 'STATSGO') query. Option STATSGO works = \"mukey\" = \"mupolygon\". byFeature Iterate features, returning combined data.frame feature uniquely identified value idcol. Default FALSE. idcol Unique IDs used individual features byFeature = TRUE; Default \"gid\" query_string Default: FALSE; TRUE return character string containing query sent SDA via SDA_query as_Spatial Return sp classes? e.g. Spatial*DataFrame. Default: FALSE.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Query Soil Data Access by spatial intersection with supplied geometry — SDA_spatialQuery","text":"data.frame = 'mukey', otherwise sf object. try-error event request made error query.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Query Soil Data Access by spatial intersection with supplied geometry — SDA_spatialQuery","text":"Queries map unit keys always efficient vs. queries overlapping intersecting (.e. least efficient) features. geom converted GCS / WGS84 needed. Map unit keys always returned using = \"mupolygon\". SSURGO (detailed soil survey, typically 1:24,000 scale) STATSGO (generalized soil survey, 1:250,000 scale) data stored together within SDA. means queries specify area symbol may result mixture SSURGO STATSGO records. See examples SDA Tutorial details.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"note","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Note","title":"Query Soil Data Access by spatial intersection with supplied geometry — SDA_spatialQuery","text":"Row-order preserved across features geom returned object. Use byFeature argument iterate features return results 1:1 inputs. Polygon area acres computed server-side = 'mupolygon' geomIntersection = TRUE.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Query Soil Data Access by spatial intersection with supplied geometry — SDA_spatialQuery","text":"D.E. Beaudette, .G. Brown, D.R. Schlaepfer","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Query Soil Data Access by spatial intersection with supplied geometry — SDA_spatialQuery","text":"","code":"if (FALSE) { if (requireNamespace(\"aqp\") && requireNamespace(\"sf\")) { library(aqp) library(sf) ## query at a point # example point p <- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(x = -119.72330, y = 36.92204), coords = c('x', 'y'), crs = 4326) # query map unit records at this point res <- SDA_spatialQuery(p, what = 'mukey') # convert results into an SQL \"IN\" statement # useful when there are multiple intersecting records <- format_SQL_in_statement(res$mukey) # composite SQL WHERE clause sql <- sprintf(\"mukey IN %s\", # get commonly used map unit / component / chorizon records # as a SoilProfileCollection object # request that results contain `mukey` with `duplicates = TRUE` x <- fetchSDA(sql, duplicates = TRUE) # safely set texture class factor levels # by making a copy of this column # this will save in lieu of textures in the original # `texture` column horizons(x)$texture.class <- factor(x$texture, levels = SoilTextureLevels()) # graphical depiction of the result plotSPC(x, color = 'texture.class', label = 'compname', name = 'hzname', cex.names = 1, width = 0.25, plot.depth.axis = FALSE, hz.depths = TRUE, = 'center-center') ## query mukey + geometry that intersect with a bounding box # define a bounding box: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax # # +-------------------(ymax, xmax) # | | # | | # (ymin, xmin) ----------------+ b <- c(-119.747629, -119.67935, 36.912019, 36.944987) # convert bounding box to WKT bbox.sp <- sf::st_as_sf(wk::rct( xmin = b[1], xmax = b[2], ymin = b[3], ymax = b[4], crs = sf::st_crs(4326) )) # results contain associated map unit keys (mukey) # return SSURGO polygons, after intersection with provided BBOX ssurgo.geom <- SDA_spatialQuery( bbox.sp, what = 'mupolygon', db = 'SSURGO', geomIntersection = TRUE ) # return STATSGO polygons, after intersection with provided BBOX statsgo.geom <- SDA_spatialQuery( bbox.sp, what = 'mupolygon', db = 'STATSGO', geomIntersection = TRUE ) # inspect results par(mar = c(0,0,3,1)) plot(sf::st_geometry(ssurgo.geom), border = 'royalblue') plot(sf::st_geometry(statsgo.geom), lwd = 2, border = 'firebrick', add = TRUE) plot(sf::st_geometry(bbox.sp), lwd = 3, add = TRUE) legend( x = 'topright', legend = c('BBOX', 'STATSGO', 'SSURGO'), lwd = c(3, 2, 1), col = c('black', 'firebrick', 'royalblue'), ) # quick reminder that STATSGO map units often contain many components # format an SQL IN statement using the first STATSGO mukey <- format_SQL_in_statement(statsgo.geom$mukey[1]) # composite SQL WHERE clause sql <- sprintf(\"mukey IN %s\", # get commonly used map unit / component / chorizon records # as a SoilProfileCollection object x <- fetchSDA(sql) # tighter figure margins par(mar = c(0,0,3,1)) # organize component sketches by national map unit symbol # color horizons via awc # adjust legend title # add alternate label (vertical text) containing component percent # move horizon names into the profile sketches # make profiles wider aqp::groupedProfilePlot(x, groups = 'nationalmusym', label = 'compname', color = 'awc_r', col.label = 'Available Water Holding Capacity (cm / cm)', alt.label = 'comppct_r', = 'center-center', width = 0.3 ) mtext( 'STATSGO (1:250,000) map units contain a lot of components!', side = 1, adj = 0, line = -1.5, at = 0.25, font = 4 ) } }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Graphical Description of US Soil Taxonomy Soil Temperature Regimes — STRplot","title":"Graphical Description of US Soil Taxonomy Soil Temperature Regimes — STRplot","text":"Graphical Description US Soil Taxonomy Soil Temperature Regimes","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Graphical Description of US Soil Taxonomy Soil Temperature Regimes — STRplot","text":"","code":"STRplot(mast, msst, mwst, permafrost = FALSE, pt.cex = 2.75, leg.cex = 0.85)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Graphical Description of US Soil Taxonomy Soil Temperature Regimes — STRplot","text":"mast single value vector mean annual soil temperature (deg C) msst single value vector mean summer soil temperature (deg C) mwst single value mean winter soil temperature (deg C) permafrost logical: permafrost presence / absence pt.cex symbol size leg.cex legend size","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Graphical Description of US Soil Taxonomy Soil Temperature Regimes — STRplot","text":"Soil Temperature Regime Evaluation Tutorial","code":""},{"path":"","id":"references","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"References","title":"Graphical Description of US Soil Taxonomy Soil Temperature Regimes — STRplot","text":"Soil Survey Staff. 2015. Illustrated guide soil taxonomy. U.S. Department Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Center, Lincoln, Nebraska.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Graphical Description of US Soil Taxonomy Soil Temperature Regimes — STRplot","text":"D.E. Beaudette","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Graphical Description of US Soil Taxonomy Soil Temperature Regimes — STRplot","text":"","code":"par(mar=c(4,1,0,1)) STRplot(mast = 0:25, msst = 10, mwst = 1)"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get SSURGO Data via Spatial Query — SoilWeb_spatial_query","title":"Get SSURGO Data via Spatial Query — SoilWeb_spatial_query","text":"Get SSURGO Data via Spatial Query SoilWeb Data currently available SoilWeb. data snapshot \"official\" data. snapshot date encoded \"soilweb_last_update\" column function return value. Planned updates function include switch determine data source: \"official\" data via USDA-NRCS servers, \"snapshot\" via SoilWeb.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get SSURGO Data via Spatial Query — SoilWeb_spatial_query","text":"","code":"SoilWeb_spatial_query( bbox = NULL, coords = NULL, what = \"mapunit\", source = \"soilweb\" )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get SSURGO Data via Spatial Query — SoilWeb_spatial_query","text":"bbox bounding box WGS84 geographic coordinates, see examples coords coordinate pair WGS84 geographic coordinates, see examples data query, currently ignored source data source, currently ignored","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get SSURGO Data via Spatial Query — SoilWeb_spatial_query","text":"data returned function depend query style. See examples .","code":""},{"path":"","id":"note","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Note","title":"Get SSURGO Data via Spatial Query — SoilWeb_spatial_query","text":"SDA now supports spatial queries, consider using SDA_spatialQuery() instead.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get SSURGO Data via Spatial Query — SoilWeb_spatial_query","text":"D.E. Beaudette","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get SSURGO Data via Spatial Query — SoilWeb_spatial_query","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ # query by bbox SoilWeb_spatial_query(bbox=c(-122.05, 37, -122, 37.05)) #> area_ac areasymbol mukey musym #> 1 1123.9 ca087 455958 182 #> 2 749.0 ca087 455891 115 #> 3 586.7 ca087 455889 113 #> 4 523.9 ca087 455920 144 #> 5 459.8 ca087 455934 158 #> 6 267.7 ca087 455935 159 #> 7 231.4 ca087 455921 145 #> 8 175.0 ca087 455947 171 #> 9 165.9 ca087 455894 118 #> 10 150.3 ca087 455909 133 #> 11 149.7 ca087 455918 142 #> 12 131.9 ca087 455955 179 #> 13 117.3 ca087 455919 143 #> 14 107.1 ca087 455953 177 #> 15 84.9 ca087 455936 160 #> 16 83.8 ca087 455893 117 #> 17 83.8 ca087 455927 151 #> 18 73.9 ca087 455940 164 #> 19 73.0 ca087 455886 110 #> 20 72.3 ca087 455960 184 #> 21 66.2 ca087 455950 174 #> 22 57.3 ca087 455949 173 #> 23 54.5 ca087 455959 183 #> 24 47.2 ca087 455951 175 #> 25 43.7 ca087 2833423 130 #> 26 43.2 ca087 455892 116 #> 27 37.4 ca087 2833403 131 #> 28 33.6 ca087 455924 148 #> 29 31.2 ca087 455882 106 #> 30 28.2 ca087 455877 101 #> 31 26.6 ca087 455881 105 #> 32 25.6 ca087 455876 100 #> 33 25.3 ca087 455901 125 #> 34 22.2 ca087 455954 178 #> 35 19.8 ca087 455874 185 #> 36 19.1 ca087 455933 157 #> 37 17.2 ca087 455912 136 #> 38 16.8 ca087 455890 114 #> 39 15.4 ca087 455911 135 #> 40 14.2 ca087 455880 104 #> 41 11.7 ca087 455887 111 #> 42 7.0 ca087 455915 139 #> 43 5.9 ca087 455946 170 #> 44 5.0 ca087 455922 146 #> 45 4.7 ca087 455956 180 #> 46 3.5 ca087 455910 134 #> 47 3.0 ca087 455941 165 #> 48 1.4 ca087 455948 172 #> muname #> 1 Zayante coarse sand, 5 to 30 percent slopes #> 2 Ben Lomond-Felton complex, 50 to 75 percent slopes #> 3 Ben Lomond-Catelli-Sur complex, 30 to 75 percent slopes #> 4 Lompico-Felton complex, 50 to 75 percent slopes, MLRA 4B #> 5 Nisene-Aptos complex, 50 to 75 percent slopes #> 6 Pfeiffer gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes #> 7 Lompico variant loam, 5 to 30 percent slopes #> 8 Soquel loam, 2 to 9 percent slopes #> 9 Bonnydoon-Rock outcrop complex, 50 to 85 percent slopes #> 10 Elkhorn sandy loam, 2 to 9 percent slopes #> 11 Lompico-Felton complex, 5 to 30 percent slopes #> 12 Watsonville loam, thick surface, 2 to 15 percent slopes #> 13 Lompico-Felton complex, 30 to 50 percent slopes, MLRA 4B #> 14 Watsonville loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes #> 15 Pfeiffer gravelly sandy loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes #> 16 Bonnydoon loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes #> 17 Maymen stony loam, 30 to 75 percent slopes #> 18 Pits-Dumps complex #> 19 Ben Lomond sandy loam, 5 to 15 percent slopes #> 20 Zayante-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 75 percent slopes #> 21 Tierra-Watsonville complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes #> 22 Sur-Catelli complex, 50 to 75 percent slopes #> 23 Zayante coarse sand, 30 to 50 percent slopes #> 24 Tierra-Watsonville complex, 30 to 50 percent slopes #> 25 Elder sandy loam, 2 to 9 percent slopes, MLRA 14 #> 26 Bonnydoon loam, 5 to 50 percent slopes, MLRA 4B #> 27 Elder sandy loam, 9 to 15 percent slopes, MLRA 14 #> 28 Los Osos loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes, moist #> 29 Baywood loamy sand, 15 to 30 percent slopes #> 30 Aptos loam, warm, 30 to 50 percent slopes #> 31 Baywood loamy sand, 2 to 15 percent slopes #> 32 Aptos loam, warm, 15 to 30 percent slopes #> 33 Danville loam, 2 to 9 percent slopes #> 34 Watsonville loam, thick surface, 0 to 2 percent slopes #> 35 Water #> 36 Nisene-Aptos complex, 30 to 50 percent slopes #> 37 Elkhorn-Pfeiffer complex, 30 to 50 percent slopes #> 38 Ben Lomond-Felton complex, 30 to 50 percent slopes #> 39 Elkhorn sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes #> 40 Baywood loamy sand, 0 to 2 percent slopes #> 41 Ben Lomond sandy loam, 15 to 50 percent slopes #> 42 Fluvaquentic Haploxerolls-Aquic Xerofluvents complex, 0 to 15 percent slopes #> 43 Soquel loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes #> 44 Los Osos loam, 5 to 15 percent slopes #> 45 Watsonville loam, thick surface, 15 to 30 percent slope s #> 46 Elkhorn sandy loam, 9 to 15 percent slopes #> 47 Riverwash #> 48 Soquel loam, 9 to 15 percent slopes #> soilweb_last_update #> 1 2023-09-11 #> 2 2023-09-11 #> 3 2023-09-11 #> 4 2023-09-11 #> 5 2023-09-11 #> 6 2023-09-11 #> 7 2023-09-11 #> 8 2023-09-11 #> 9 2023-09-11 #> 10 2023-09-11 #> 11 2023-09-11 #> 12 2023-09-11 #> 13 2023-09-11 #> 14 2023-09-11 #> 15 2023-09-11 #> 16 2023-09-11 #> 17 2023-09-11 #> 18 2023-09-11 #> 19 2023-09-11 #> 20 2023-09-11 #> 21 2023-09-11 #> 22 2023-09-11 #> 23 2023-09-11 #> 24 2023-09-11 #> 25 2023-09-11 #> 26 2023-09-11 #> 27 2023-09-11 #> 28 2023-09-11 #> 29 2023-09-11 #> 30 2023-09-11 #> 31 2023-09-11 #> 32 2023-09-11 #> 33 2023-09-11 #> 34 2023-09-11 #> 35 2023-09-11 #> 36 2023-09-11 #> 37 2023-09-11 #> 38 2023-09-11 #> 39 2023-09-11 #> 40 2023-09-11 #> 41 2023-09-11 #> 42 2023-09-11 #> 43 2023-09-11 #> 44 2023-09-11 #> 45 2023-09-11 #> 46 2023-09-11 #> 47 2023-09-11 #> 48 2023-09-11 # query by coordinate pair SoilWeb_spatial_query(coords=c(-121, 38)) #> ogc_fid areasymbol musym mukey soilweb_last_update dist_meters #> 1 1494050 ca077 220 462112 2023-09-11 92.17456302 # }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Web Coverage Services Details — WCS_details","title":"Web Coverage Services Details — WCS_details","text":"List variables databases provided soilDB web coverage service (WCS) abstraction. lists expanded future versions.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Web Coverage Services Details — WCS_details","text":"","code":"WCS_details(wcs = c(\"mukey\", \"ISSR800\", \"soilColor\"))"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Web Coverage Services Details — WCS_details","text":"wcs WCS label ('mukey', 'ISSR800', 'soilColor')","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Web Coverage Services Details — WCS_details","text":"data.frame","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Web Coverage Services Details — WCS_details","text":"","code":"WCS_details(wcs = 'ISSR800') #> var description #> 4 caco3_kg_sq_m Total CaCO3 (kg/m^2) #> 8 cec_025cm CEC at pH 7 0-25cm depth (cmol[+]/kg) #> 9 cec_050cm CEC at pH 7 0-50cm depth (cmol[+]/kg) #> 7 cec_05cm CEC at pH 7 0-5cm depth (cmol[+]/kg) #> 18 clay_025cm clay percent 0-25cm depth #> 17 clay_05cm clay percent 0-5cm depth #> 19 clay_2550cm clay percent 25-50cm depth #> 20 clay_3060cm clay percent 30-60cm depth #> 32 drainage_class Soil Drainage Class #> 6 ec_025cm EC 0-25cm depth (dS/m) #> 5 ec_05cm EC 0-5cm depth (dS/m) #> 38 greatgroup Soil Taxonomy: Greatgroup #> 31 hydgrp Hydrologic Soil Group #> 42 lcc_irrigated Land Capability Class, irrigated #> 43 lcc_nonirrigated Land Capability Class, non-irrigated #> 3 om_kg_sq_m Total Soil Organic Matter (kg/m^2) #> 10 paws total plant available water storage (cm water) #> 12 paws_025cm plant available water storage 0-25cm depth (cm water) #> 11 paws_050cm plant available water storage 0-50cm depth (cm water) #> 14 ph_025cm pH 1:1 H2O 0-25cm depth #> 13 ph_05cm pH 1:1 H2O 0-5cm depth #> 15 ph_2550cm pH 1:1 H2O 25-50cm depth #> 16 ph_3060cm pH 1:1 H2O 30-60cm depth #> 22 sand_025cm sand percent 0-25cm depth #> 21 sand_05cm sand percent 0-5cm depth #> 23 sand_2550cm sand percent 25-50cm depth #> 24 sand_3060cm sand percent 30-60cm depth #> 29 sar SAR, entire profile #> 30 series_name Soil Series Name #> 26 silt_025cm silt percent 0-25cm depth #> 25 silt_05cm silt percent 0-5cm depth #> 27 silt_2550cm silt percent 25-50cm depth #> 28 silt_3060cm silt percent 30-60cm depth #> 36 soilorder Soil Taxonomy: Soil Order #> 2 ssurgo_pct SSURGO data available, fraction of 800x800m grid cell #> 1 statsgo_pct STATSGO data available, fraction of 800x800m grid cell #> 35 str Soil Temperature Regime #> 37 suborder Soil Taxonomy: Suborder #> 40 texture_025cm Soil Texture Class, 0-25cm #> 39 texture_05cm Soil Texture Class, 0-5cm #> 41 texture_2550cm Soil Texture Class, 25-50cm #> 33 weg Wind Erodibility Group #> 34 wei Wind Erodibility Index"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Create a SQLite database or GeoPackage from one or more SSURGO Exports — createSSURGO","title":"Create a SQLite database or GeoPackage from one or more SSURGO Exports — createSSURGO","text":"Create SQLite database GeoPackage one SSURGO Exports","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Create a SQLite database or GeoPackage from one or more SSURGO Exports — createSSURGO","text":"","code":"createSSURGO( filename, exdir, pattern = NULL, include_spatial = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE, header = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, ... )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Create a SQLite database or GeoPackage from one or more SSURGO Exports — createSSURGO","text":"filename Output file name (e.g. 'db.sqlite' 'db.gpkg') exdir Path containing containing SSURGO spatial (.shp) tabular (.txt) files. pattern Character. Optional regular expression use filter subdirectories exdir. Default: NULL search subdirectories SSURGO export files. include_spatial Logical. Include spatial data layers database? Default: TRUE. overwrite Logical. Overwrite existing layers? Default FALSE append existing tables/layers. header Logical. Passed read.delim() reading pipe-delimited (|) text files containing tabular data. quiet Logical. Suppress messages output database read/write operations? ... Additional arguments passed write_sf() writing spatial layers.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Create a SQLite database or GeoPackage from one or more SSURGO Exports — createSSURGO","text":"Character. Vector layer/table names filename.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Create a SQLite database or GeoPackage from one or more SSURGO Exports — createSSURGO","text":"","code":"if (FALSE) { downloadSSURGO(\"areasymbol IN ('CA067', 'CA077', 'CA632')\", destdir = \"SSURGO_test\") createSSURGO(\"test.gpkg\", \"SSURGO_test\") }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Create a memory or file-based instance of NASIS database — createStaticNASIS","title":"Create a memory or file-based instance of NASIS database — createStaticNASIS","text":"Create memory file-based instance NASIS database selected tables.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Create a memory or file-based instance of NASIS database — createStaticNASIS","text":"","code":"createStaticNASIS( tables = NULL, new_names = NULL, SS = TRUE, dsn = NULL, output_path = NULL, verbose = FALSE )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Create a memory or file-based instance of NASIS database — createStaticNASIS","text":"tables Character vector target tables. Default: NULL whatever tables listed DBI::dbListTables connection typ used. new_names Optional: new table names (match length vector matching tables dsn) SS Logical. Include \"selected set\" tables (ending suffix \"_View_1\"). Default: TRUE dsn Optional: path SQLite database containing NASIS table structure; DBIConnection. Default: NULL output_path Optional: path new/existing SQLite database write tables . Default: NULL returns table results named list. verbose Show error messages attempts dump individual tables? Default FALSE","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Create a memory or file-based instance of NASIS database — createStaticNASIS","text":"named list results calling dbQueryNASIS columns NASIS table.","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Create local NASIS database connection — dbConnectNASIS","title":"Create local NASIS database connection — dbConnectNASIS","text":"Create connection local NASIS database DBI","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Create local NASIS database connection — dbConnectNASIS","text":"","code":"dbConnectNASIS(dsn = NULL) NASIS(dsn = NULL)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Create local NASIS database connection — dbConnectNASIS","text":"dsn Optional: path SQLite database containing NASIS table structure; Default: NULL","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Create local NASIS database connection — dbConnectNASIS","text":"DBIConnection object, returned DBI::dbConnect(). dsn DBIConnection, attribute isUserDefined result set TRUE. DBIConnection created internal NASIS connection process, isUserDefined set FALSE.","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Query a NASIS DBIConnection — dbQueryNASIS","title":"Query a NASIS DBIConnection — dbQueryNASIS","text":"Send queries NASIS DBIConnection","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Query a NASIS DBIConnection — dbQueryNASIS","text":"","code":"dbQueryNASIS(conn, q, close = TRUE, ...)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Query a NASIS DBIConnection — dbQueryNASIS","text":"conn DBIConnection object, returned DBI::dbConnect(). q statement execute using DBI::dbGetQuery; (named) vector containing multiple statements evaluate separately close Close connection query? Default: TRUE ... Additional arguments DBI::dbGetQuery","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Query a NASIS DBIConnection — dbQueryNASIS","text":"Result DBI::dbGetQuery","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"matching helper — .get_SRI_gdb_names","title":"matching helper — .get_SRI_gdb_names","text":"matching helper","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"matching helper — .get_SRI_gdb_names","text":"","code":".get_SRI_gdb_names(gdb)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"matching helper — .get_SRI_gdb_names","text":"gdb character.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"matching helper — .get_SRI_gdb_names","text":"gdb character.","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get SSURGO ZIP files from Web Soil Survey 'Download Soils Data' — downloadSSURGO","title":"Get SSURGO ZIP files from Web Soil Survey 'Download Soils Data' — downloadSSURGO","text":"Download ZIP files containing spatial (ESRI shapefile) tabular (TXT) files standard SSURGO format; optionally including corresponding SSURGO Template Database include_template=TRUE.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get SSURGO ZIP files from Web Soil Survey 'Download Soils Data' — downloadSSURGO","text":"","code":"downloadSSURGO( WHERE = NULL, areasymbols = NULL, destdir = tempdir(), exdir = destdir, include_template = FALSE, extract = TRUE, remove_zip = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE, quiet = FALSE )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get SSURGO ZIP files from Web Soil Survey 'Download Soils Data' — downloadSSURGO","text":"SQL clause expression used filter records sacatalog table. Alternately can spatial object supported SDA_spatialQuery() defining target extent. areasymbols Character vector soil survey area symbols e.g. c(\"CA067\", \"CA077\"). Used lieu argument. destdir Directory download ZIP files . Default tempdir(). exdir Directory extract ZIP archives . May directory yet exist. ZIP file extract folder labeled areasymbol directory. Default: destdir include_template Include (possibly state-specific) MS Access template database? Default: FALSE extract Logical. Extract ZIP files exdir? Default: TRUE remove_zip Logical. Remove ZIP files extracting? Default: FALSE overwrite Logical. Overwrite re-extracting directory already exists? Default: FALSE quiet Logical. Passed curl::curl_download().","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get SSURGO ZIP files from Web Soil Survey 'Download Soils Data' — downloadSSURGO","text":"Character. Paths downloaded ZIP files (invisibly). May exist remove_zip = TRUE.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get SSURGO ZIP files from Web Soil Survey 'Download Soils Data' — downloadSSURGO","text":"specify Soil Survey Areas like obtain data use clause query sacatalog table areasymbol = 'CA067', \"areasymbol ('CA628', 'CA067')\" areasymbol LIKE 'CT%'. Pipe-delimited TXT files found /tabular/ folder extracted SSURGO ZIP. files named tables SSURGO schema. header / files column names. See Soil Data Access Tables Columns Report: details tables, column names metadata including default sequence columns used TXT files. function returns try-error /areasymbols arguments result Several ESRI shapefiles found /spatial/ folder extracted SSURGO ZIP. prefix soilmu_ (mapunit), soilsa_ (survey area), soilsf_ (special features). also TXT file prefix soilsf_ describing special features. Shapefile names a_ (polygon), l_ (line), p_ (point) followed soil survey area symbol.","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Estimate color mixtures using weighted average of CIELAB color coordinates — estimateColorMixture","title":"Estimate color mixtures using weighted average of CIELAB color coordinates — estimateColorMixture","text":"Estimate color mixtures using weighted average CIELAB color coordinates","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Estimate color mixtures using weighted average of CIELAB color coordinates — estimateColorMixture","text":"","code":"estimateColorMixture(x, wt = \"pct\", backTransform = FALSE)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Estimate color mixtures using weighted average of CIELAB color coordinates — estimateColorMixture","text":"x data.frame, typically NASIS containing least CIE LAB ('L', '', 'B') kind weight wt fractional weights, usually area hz face backTransform logical, mixed sRGB representation soil color transformed closest Munsell chips? performed aqp::rgb2munsell() default: FALSE","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Estimate color mixtures using weighted average of CIELAB color coordinates — estimateColorMixture","text":"data.frame containing estimated color mixture","code":""},{"path":"","id":"note","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Note","title":"Estimate color mixtures using weighted average of CIELAB color coordinates — estimateColorMixture","text":"See aqp::mixMunsell() realistic (slower) simulation subtractive mixing pigments.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Estimate color mixtures using weighted average of CIELAB color coordinates — estimateColorMixture","text":"D.E. Beaudette","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Estimate Soil Temperature Regime — estimateSTR","title":"Estimate Soil Temperature Regime — estimateSTR","text":"Estimate soil temperature regime (STR) based mean annual soil temperature (MAST), mean summer temperature (MSST), mean winter soil temperature (MWST), presence O horizons, saturated conditions, presence permafrost. Several assumptions made O horizon saturation undefined.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Estimate Soil Temperature Regime — estimateSTR","text":"","code":"estimateSTR( mast, mean.summer, mean.winter, O.hz = NA, saturated = NA, permafrost = FALSE )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Estimate Soil Temperature Regime — estimateSTR","text":"mast vector mean annual soil temperature (deg C) mean.summer vector mean summer soil temperature (deg C) mean.winter vector mean winter soil temperature (deg C) O.hz logical vector O horizon presence / absence saturated logical vector seasonal saturation permafrost logical vector permafrost presence / absence","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Estimate Soil Temperature Regime — estimateSTR","text":"Vector soil temperature regimes.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Estimate Soil Temperature Regime — estimateSTR","text":"Soil Temperature Regime Evaluation Tutorial","code":""},{"path":"","id":"references","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"References","title":"Estimate Soil Temperature Regime — estimateSTR","text":"Soil Survey Staff. 2015. Illustrated guide soil taxonomy. U.S. Department Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Center, Lincoln, Nebraska.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Estimate Soil Temperature Regime — estimateSTR","text":"D.E. Beaudette","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Estimate Soil Temperature Regime — estimateSTR","text":"","code":"# simple example estimateSTR(mast=17, mean.summer = 22, mean.winter = 12) #> [1] thermic #> 10 Levels: gelic cryic frigid isofrigid mesic isomesic thermic ... isohyperthermic"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get a SoilProfileCollection from a SSURGO file geodatabase — get_component_from_GDB","title":"Get a SoilProfileCollection from a SSURGO file geodatabase — get_component_from_GDB","text":"Functions load flatten commonly used tables SSURGO file geodatabases, create soil profile collection objects (SPC).","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get a SoilProfileCollection from a SSURGO file geodatabase — get_component_from_GDB","text":"","code":"get_component_from_GDB( dsn = \"gNATSGO_CONUS.gdb\", WHERE = NULL, childs = FALSE, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL ) get_legend_from_GDB( dsn = \"gNATSGO_CONUS.gdb\", WHERE = NULL, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, stats = FALSE ) get_mapunit_from_GDB( dsn = \"gNATSGO_CONUS.gdb\", WHERE = NULL, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, stats = FALSE ) fetchGDB( dsn = \"gNATSGO_CONUS.gdb\", WHERE = NULL, childs = FALSE, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get a SoilProfileCollection from a SSURGO file geodatabase — get_component_from_GDB","text":"dsn data source name (interpretation varies driver - drivers, dsn file name, may also folder, contain name access credentials database); case GeoJSON, dsn may character string holding geojson data. can also open database connection. text string formatted SQL clause (default: FALSE) childs logical; FALSE parent material geomorphic child tables flattened appended droplevels logical: indicating whether drop unused levels classifying factors. useful class large number unused classes, can waste space tables figures. stringsAsFactors deprecated stats Return statistics (number mapunit keys per legend; number components, major components per mapunit, total hydric component percentage)? Default: FALSE","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get a SoilProfileCollection from a SSURGO file geodatabase — get_component_from_GDB","text":"data.frame SoilProfileCollection object.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get a SoilProfileCollection from a SSURGO file geodatabase — get_component_from_GDB","text":"functions return data SSURGO file geodatabases use simple text string formatted SQL clause (e.g. = \"areasymbol = 'IN001'\". columns within target table can specified (except fetchGDB() currently can target one table (e.g. legend, mapunit component) time clause).","code":""},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get a SoilProfileCollection from a SSURGO file geodatabase — get_component_from_GDB","text":"Stephen Roecker","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get a SoilProfileCollection from a SSURGO file geodatabase — get_component_from_GDB","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ ## replace `dsn` with path to your own geodatabase (SSURGO OR gNATSGO) ## ## ## download CONUS gNATSGO from here: ## ## # dsn <- \"D:/geodata/soils/gNATSGO_CONUS.gdb\" # le <- get_legend_from_GDB(dsn = dsn, WHERE = \"areasymbol LIKE '%'\") # mu <- get_mapunit_from_GDB(dsn = dsn, WHERE = \"muname LIKE 'Miami%'\") # co <- get_component_from_GDB(dsn, WHERE = \"compname = 'Miami' # AND majcompflag = 'Yes'\", childs = FALSE) # f_in_GDB <- fetchGDB(WHERE = \"areasymbol LIKE 'IN%'\") # }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get data from Henry Mount Soil Temperature and Water Database — summarizeSoilTemperature","title":"Get data from Henry Mount Soil Temperature and Water Database — summarizeSoilTemperature","text":"function front-end REST query functionality Henry Mount Soil Temperature Water Database.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get data from Henry Mount Soil Temperature and Water Database — summarizeSoilTemperature","text":"","code":"summarizeSoilTemperature( month2season(x) fetchHenry( what = \"all\", usersiteid = NULL, project = NULL, sso = NULL, gran = \"day\", = NULL, = NULL, pad.missing.days = TRUE, soiltemp.summaries = TRUE, tz = \"\" )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get data from Henry Mount Soil Temperature and Water Database — summarizeSoilTemperature","text":" data.frame containing soil temperature data x character vector containing month abbreviation e.g. c('Jun', 'Dec', 'Sep') type data return: 'sensors': sensor metadata | 'soiltemp': sensor metadata + soil temperature data | 'soilVWC': sensor metadata + soil moisture data | 'airtemp': sensor metadata + air temperature data | 'waterlevel': sensor metadata + water level data |'': sensor metadata + sensor data usersiteid (optional) filter results using NASIS user site ID project (optional) filter results using project ID sso (optional) filter results using soil survey office code gran data granularity: \"hour\" (available), \"day\", \"week\", \"month\", \"year\"; returned data averages (optional) starting date filter (optional) ending date filter pad.missing.days missing data (\"day\" granularity) filled NA? see details soiltemp.summaries soil temperature (\"day\" granularity ) summarized? see details tz Used custom timezone. Default \"\" current locale","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get data from Henry Mount Soil Temperature and Water Database — summarizeSoilTemperature","text":"list containing: sensors sf data.frame object containing site-level information soiltemp data.frame object containing soil temperature timeseries data soilVWC data.frame object containing soil moisture timeseries data airtemp data.frame object containing air temperature timeseries data waterlevel data.frame object containing water level timeseries data","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get data from Henry Mount Soil Temperature and Water Database — summarizeSoilTemperature","text":"Filling missing days NA useful computing index complete data , estimating (mostly) unbiased MAST seasonal mean soil temperatures. Summaries computed first averaging Julian day, averaging days year (MAST) just days occur within \"summer\" \"winter\". approach makes possible estimate summaries presence missing data. quality summaries weighted number \"functional years\" (number years non-missing data combining data Julian day) \"complete years\" (number years data >= 365 days non-missing data). See: Henry Mount Soil Climate Database fetchHenry Tutorial","code":""},{"path":"","id":"note","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Note","title":"Get data from Henry Mount Soil Temperature and Water Database — summarizeSoilTemperature","text":"function back-end database much work progress.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get data from Henry Mount Soil Temperature and Water Database — summarizeSoilTemperature","text":"D.E. Beaudette","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data from SoilWeb snapshot — fetchKSSL","title":"Get Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data from SoilWeb snapshot — fetchKSSL","text":"Download soil characterization morphologic data via BBOX, MLRA, soil series name query, KSSL database.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data from SoilWeb snapshot — fetchKSSL","text":"","code":"fetchKSSL( series = NA, bbox = NA, mlra = NA, pedlabsampnum = NA, pedon_id = NA, pedon_key = NA, returnMorphologicData = FALSE, returnGeochemicalData = FALSE, simplifyColors = FALSE, progress = TRUE )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data from SoilWeb snapshot — fetchKSSL","text":"series vector soil series names, case insensitive bbox single bounding box WGS84 geographic coordinates e.g. c(-120, 37, -122, 38) mlra vector MLRA IDs, e.g. \"18\" \"22A\" pedlabsampnum vector KSSL pedon lab sample number pedon_id vector user pedon ID pedon_key vector KSSL internal pedon ID returnMorphologicData logical, optionally request basic morphologic data, see details section returnGeochemicalData logical, optionally request geochemical, optical XRD/thermal data, see details section simplifyColors logical, simplify colors (morphologic data) join horizon data progress logical, optionally give progress iterating multiple requests","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data from SoilWeb snapshot — fetchKSSL","text":"SoilProfileCollection object returnMorphologicData FALSE, otherwise list.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data from SoilWeb snapshot — fetchKSSL","text":"experimental interface subset commonly used data snapshot KSSL (lab characterization) NASIS (morphologic) data. Series-queries case insensitive. Series name based \"correlated \" field (KSSL snapshot) present. \"sampled \" classification promoted \"correlated \" \"correlated \" classification missing. returnMorphologicData TRUE, resulting object list. standard output fetchKSSL (SoilProfileCollection object) stored named element \"SPC\". additional elements basic morphologic data: soil color, rock fragment volume, pores, structure, redoximorphic features. 1:many relationship horizon data \"SPC\" additional dataframes morph. See examples ideas \"flatten\" tables. returnGeochemicalData TRUE, resulting object list. standard output fetchKSSL (SoilProfileCollection object) stored named element \"SPC\". additional elements geochemical mineralogy analysis tables, specifically: geochemical/elemental analyses \"geochem\", optical mineralogy \"optical\", X-ray diffraction / thermal \"xrd_thermal\". returnGeochemicalData include additional dataframes geochem, optical, xrd_thermal list result. Setting simplifyColors=TRUE automatically flatten soil color data join horizon level attributes. Function arguments (series, mlra, etc.) fully vectorized except bbox.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"note","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Note","title":"Get Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data from SoilWeb snapshot — fetchKSSL","text":"SoilWeb maintains snapshot KSSL NASIS data. SoilWeb snapshot developed using methods described : Please use link live data.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"references","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"References","title":"Get Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data from SoilWeb snapshot — fetchKSSL","text":"","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data from SoilWeb snapshot — fetchKSSL","text":"D.E. Beaudette .G. Brown","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data from SoilWeb snapshot — fetchKSSL","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ library(aqp) # search by series name s <- fetchKSSL(series='auburn') #> 14 pedons loaded (0.06 Mb transferred) # search by bounding-box # s <- fetchKSSL(bbox=c(-120, 37, -122, 38)) # how many pedons length(s) #> [1] 14 # plot plotSPC(s, name='hzn_desgn', max.depth=150) ## ## morphologic data ## # get lab and morphologic data s <- fetchKSSL(series='auburn', returnMorphologicData = TRUE) #> 14 pedons loaded (0.09 Mb transferred) # extract SPC pedons <- s$SPC # if (requireNamespace(\"farver\")) { # ## automatically simplify color data (requires farver) # s <- fetchKSSL(series='auburn', returnMorphologicData = TRUE, simplifyColors=TRUE) # # check # par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) # plot(pedons, color='moist_soil_color', # } # }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Query data from Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data Mart via Soil Data Access or local SQLite snapshot — fetchLDM","title":"Query data from Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data Mart via Soil Data Access or local SQLite snapshot — fetchLDM","text":"LDM model diagram:","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Query data from Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data Mart via Soil Data Access or local SQLite snapshot — fetchLDM","text":"","code":"fetchLDM( x = NULL, what = \"pedlabsampnum\", bycol = \"pedon_key\", tables = c(\"lab_physical_properties\", \"lab_chemical_properties\", \"lab_calculations_including_estimates_and_default_values\", \"lab_rosetta_Key\"), WHERE = NULL, chunk.size = 1000, ntries = 3, layer_type = c(\"horizon\", \"layer\", \"reporting layer\"), prep_code = c(\"S\", \"\"), analyzed_size_frac = c(\"<2 mm\", \"\"), dsn = NULL )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Query data from Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data Mart via Soil Data Access or local SQLite snapshot — fetchLDM","text":"x vector values find column specified , default NULL uses constraints single column name tables: lab_combine_nasis_ncss, lab_webmap, lab_site, lab_pedon lab_area bycol single column name lab_layer used processing chunks; default: \"pedon_key\" tables vector table names; Default \"lab_physical_properties\", \"lab_chemical_properties\", \"lab_calculations_including_estimates_and_default_values\", \"lab_rosetta_Key\". May also include one : \"lab_mir\", \"lab_mineralogy_glass_count\", \"lab_major_and_trace_elements_and_oxides\", \"lab_xray_and_thermal\" necessary select appropriate prep_code analyzed_size_frac analysis (see Details). character. custom SQL clause, overrides x, , bycol, CASE corr_name NULL LOWER(corr_name) ELSE LOWER(samp_name) END = 'musick' chunk.size Number pedons per chunk (queries may exceed maxJsonLength) ntries Number tries (times halve chunk.size) returning NULL; default 3 layer_type Default: \"horizon\", \"layer\", \"reporting layer\" prep_code Default: \"S\" \"\". May also include one : \"F\", \"HM\", \"HM_SK\" \"GP\", \"M\", \"N\", \"S\" analyzed_size_frac Default: \"<2 mm\" \"\". May also include one : \"<0.002 mm\", \"0.02-0.05 mm\", \"0.05-0.1 mm\", \"0.1-0.25 mm\", \"0.25-0.5 mm\", \"0.5-1 mm\", \"1-2 mm\", \"0.02-2 mm\", \"0.05-2 mm\" dsn Data source name; either path SQLite database, open DBIConnection (default) NULL (use soilDB::SDA_query)","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Query data from Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data Mart via Soil Data Access or local SQLite snapshot — fetchLDM","text":"SoilProfileCollection successful query, try-error site/pedon locations can found NULL empty lab_layer (within sites/pedons) result","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Query data from Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data Mart via Soil Data Access or local SQLite snapshot — fetchLDM","text":"chunk.size parameter set large Soil Data Access request fails, algorithm re-try query smaller (halved) chunk.size argument. attempted 3 times returning NULL Currently lab_area tables joined \"Soil Survey Area\" related records. requesting data \"lab_major_and_trace_elements_and_oxides\", \"lab_mineralogy_glass_count\", \"lab_xray_and_thermal\" multiple preparation codes (prep_code) size fractions (analyzed_size_frac) possible. default behavior fetchLDM() attempt return topologically valid (minimal overlaps) SoilProfileCollection. achieved setting prep_code=\"S\" (\"sieved\") analyzed_size_frac=\"<2 mm\". may specify alternate additional preparation codes fractions needed, note may cause \"duplication\" layers measurements made different preparation fractionated samples","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Query data from Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data Mart via Soil Data Access or local SQLite snapshot — fetchLDM","text":"","code":"if (FALSE) { # fetch by ssa_key res <- fetchLDM(8297, what = \"ssa_key\") # physical properties correlated as taxonomic subgroup \"Typic Argialbolls\" res <- fetchLDM(x = \"Typic Argialbolls\", what = \"corr_taxsubgrp\", tables = \"lab_physical_properties\") # fetch by area_code (SSA only) res <- fetchLDM(\"CA630\", what = \"area_code\") }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get a pedon or component data SoilProfileCollection from NASIS — fetchNASIS","title":"Get a pedon or component data SoilProfileCollection from NASIS — fetchNASIS","text":"Fetch commonly used site/pedon/horizon mapunit component data NASIS, returned SoilProfileCollection object. function imports data NASIS R SoilProfileCollection object. \"flattens\" NASIS pedon component tables, including child tables, several manageable data frames. Primarily functions access local NASIS database using ODBC connection. dsn argument allows specify path DBIConnection SQLite database. argument = \"pedon_report\", data can read NASIS Report 'fetchNASIS', either text file URL (specified url). primary purpose fetchNASIS(= \"pedon_report\") importing datasets larger 8000+ pedons/components. value nullFragsAreZero significant impact rock fragment fractions returned fetchNASIS. Set nullFragsAreZero = FALSE cases many data-gaps NULL rock fragment values interpreted NULL. Set nullFragsAreZero = TRUE cases NULL rock fragment values interpreted 0. function attempts boilerplate work extracting site/pedon/horizon component data local NASIS database. Pedon IDs missing horizon data, errors horizonation printed console. Pedons combination horizons (e.g. B/C) erroneously marked errors due way stored NASIS two overlapping horizon records. Tutorials: fetchNASIS Columns fetchNASIS Pedons Tutorial fetchNASIS Components Tutorial","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get a pedon or component data SoilProfileCollection from NASIS — fetchNASIS","text":"","code":"fetchNASIS( from = \"pedons\", url = NULL, SS = TRUE, rmHzErrors = FALSE, nullFragsAreZero = TRUE, soilColorState = \"moist\", mixColors = TRUE, lab = FALSE, fill = FALSE, dropAdditional = TRUE, dropNonRepresentative = TRUE, duplicates = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, dsn = NULL ) get_concentrations_from_NASIS_db( SS = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, dsn = NULL ) get_phfmp_from_NASIS_db(SS = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, dsn = NULL)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get a pedon or component data SoilProfileCollection from NASIS — fetchNASIS","text":"determines objects fetched? Default: 'pedons'. Alternately, 'components', 'pedon_report'. url string specifying url NASIS pedon_report (default: NULL) SS fetch data currently loaded selected set NASIS entire local database (default: TRUE) rmHzErrors pedons horizon depth errors removed results? (default: FALSE) nullFragsAreZero fragment volumes NULL interpreted 0? (default: TRUE), see details soilColorState Used = 'pedons'; colors used generate convenience field soil_color? ('moist' 'dry') mixColors mixed colors calculated (Default: TRUE) multiple colors populated moisture state horizon? FALSE takes dominant color horizon moist/dry state. lab phlabresults child table fetched site/pedon/horizon data (default: FALSE) fill include pedon component records without horizon data result? (default: FALSE) dropAdditional Used ='components' duplicates = TRUE. Prevent \"duplication\" mustatus == \"additional\" mapunits? Default: TRUE dropNonRepresentative Used ='components' duplicates = TRUE. Prevent \"duplication\" non-representative data mapunits? Default: TRUE duplicates Used ='components'. Duplicate components instances use (.e. one legend data mapunit used ; optionally additional mapunits, /non-representative data mapunits?). include columns get_component_correlation_data_from_NASIS_db() identify legend(s) component used . stringsAsFactors deprecated dsn Optional: path local SQLite database containing NASIS table structure; default: NULL","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get a pedon or component data SoilProfileCollection from NASIS — fetchNASIS","text":"SoilProfileCollection object","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get a pedon or component data SoilProfileCollection from NASIS — fetchNASIS","text":"D. E. Beaudette, J. M. Skovlin, S.M. Roecker, .G. Brown","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get NCSS Pedon laboratory data from NASIS — fetchNASISLabData","title":"Get NCSS Pedon laboratory data from NASIS — fetchNASISLabData","text":"Fetch KSSL laboratory pedon/horizon layer data local NASIS database, return SoilProfileCollection object.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get NCSS Pedon laboratory data from NASIS — fetchNASISLabData","text":"","code":"fetchNASISLabData(SS = TRUE, dsn = NULL)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get NCSS Pedon laboratory data from NASIS — fetchNASISLabData","text":"SS fetch data currently loaded selected set NASIS entire local database (default: TRUE)#' dsn Optional: path local SQLite database containing NASIS table structure; default: NULL","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get NCSS Pedon laboratory data from NASIS — fetchNASISLabData","text":"SoilProfileCollection object","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get NCSS Pedon laboratory data from NASIS — fetchNASISLabData","text":"function currently works Windows, requires 'nasis_local' ODBC connection.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get NCSS Pedon laboratory data from NASIS — fetchNASISLabData","text":"J.M. Skovlin D.E. Beaudette","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get component tables from NASIS Web Reports — fetchNASISWebReport","title":"Get component tables from NASIS Web Reports — fetchNASISWebReport","text":"Get component tables NASIS Web Reports","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get component tables from NASIS Web Reports — fetchNASISWebReport","text":"","code":"fetchNASISWebReport( projectname, rmHzErrors = FALSE, fill = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = NULL ) get_component_from_NASISWebReport(projectname, stringsAsFactors = NULL) get_chorizon_from_NASISWebReport( projectname, fill = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = NULL ) get_legend_from_NASISWebReport( mlraoffice, areasymbol, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL ) get_lmuaoverlap_from_NASISWebReport( areasymbol, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL ) get_mapunit_from_NASISWebReport( areasymbol, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL ) get_projectmapunit_from_NASISWebReport(projectname, stringsAsFactors = NULL) get_projectmapunit2_from_NASISWebReport( mlrassoarea, fiscalyear, projectname, stringsAsFactors = NULL ) get_project_from_NASISWebReport(mlrassoarea, fiscalyear) get_progress_from_NASISWebReport(mlrassoarea, fiscalyear, projecttypename) get_project_correlation_from_NASISWebReport( mlrassoarea, fiscalyear, projectname ) get_cosoilmoist_from_NASISWebReport( projectname, impute = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL ) get_sitesoilmoist_from_NASISWebReport(usiteid)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get component tables from NASIS Web Reports — fetchNASISWebReport","text":"projectname text string vector project names inserted SQL clause (default: NA) rmHzErrors pedons horizonation errors removed results? (default: FALSE) fill rows missing component ids removed (default: FALSE) stringsAsFactors deprecated mlraoffice text string value identifying MLRA Regional Soil Survey Office group name inserted SQL clause (default: NA) areasymbol text string value identifying area symbol (e.g. IN001 %) inserted SQL clause (default: NA) NULL (default: TRUE) droplevels logical: indicating whether drop unused levels classifying factors. useful class large number unused classes, can waste space tables figures. mlrassoarea text string value identifying MLRA Soil Survey Office areasymbol symbol inserted SQL clause (default: NA) fiscalyear text string value identifying fiscal year inserted SQL clause (default: NA) projecttypename text string value identifying project type name inserted SQL clause (default: NA) impute replace missing (.e. NULL) values \"Not_Populated\" categorical data, \"RV\" numeric data 201 cm \"RV\" also NULL (default: TRUE) usiteid character: User Site IDs","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get component tables from NASIS Web Reports — fetchNASISWebReport","text":"data.frame list results.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get component tables from NASIS Web Reports — fetchNASISWebReport","text":"Stephen Roecker","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Official Series Descriptions and summaries from SoilWeb API — fetchOSD","title":"Get Official Series Descriptions and summaries from SoilWeb API — fetchOSD","text":"function fetches variety data associated named soil series, extracted USDA-NRCS Official Series Description text files detailed soil survey (SSURGO). data periodically updated made available via SoilWeb.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Official Series Descriptions and summaries from SoilWeb API — fetchOSD","text":"","code":"fetchOSD(soils, colorState = \"moist\", extended = FALSE)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Official Series Descriptions and summaries from SoilWeb API — fetchOSD","text":"soils character vector named soil series; case-insensitive colorState color state horizon soil color visualization: \"moist\" \"dry\" extended TRUE additional soil series summary data returned, see details","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Official Series Descriptions and summaries from SoilWeb API — fetchOSD","text":"SoilProfileCollection object containing basic soil morphology taxonomic information.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get Official Series Descriptions and summaries from SoilWeb API — fetchOSD","text":"overview soil series query functions competing soil series siblings SPC SoilProfileCollection containing standards \"site\" \"horizon\" data competing competing soil series SC database snapshot geog_assoc_soils geographically associated soils, extracted named section OSD geomcomp empirical probabilities geomorphic component, derived current SSURGO snapshot hillpos empirical probabilities hillslope position, derived current SSURGO snapshot mtnpos empirical probabilities mountain slope position, derived current SSURGO snapshot terrace empirical probabilities river terrace position, derived current SSURGO snapshot flats empirical probabilities flat landscapes, derived current SSURGO snapshot shape_across empirical probabilities surface shape (across-slope) current SSURGO snapshot shape_down empirical probabilities surface shape (-slope) current SSURGO snapshot pmkind empirical probabilities parent material kind, derived current SSURGO snapshot pmorigin empirical probabilities parent material origin, derived current SSURGO snapshot mlra empirical MLRA membership values, derived current SSURGO snapshot ecoclassid area cross-tabulation ecoclassid soil series name, derived current SSURGO snapshot, major components climate experimental climate summaries PRISM stack (CONUS ) NCCPI select quantiles NCCPI Irrigated NCCPI, derived current SSURGO snapshot metadata metadata associated SoilWeb cached summaries 1. query soil series exist entirely outside CONUS (e.g. PALAU). - Climate summaries empty data.frames summaries currently generated PRISM. working solution uses DAYMET. 2. query data within CONUS, OSD morphology missing due parsing error (e.g. formatting, typos). - Extended summaries present morphology missing SPC. warning issued.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"references","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"References","title":"Get Official Series Descriptions and summaries from SoilWeb API — fetchOSD","text":"USDA-NRCS OSD search tools:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get Official Series Descriptions and summaries from SoilWeb API — fetchOSD","text":"D.E. Beaudette, .G. Brown","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Official Series Descriptions and summaries from SoilWeb API — fetchOSD","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ library(aqp) # soils of interest s.list <- c('musick', 'cecil', 'drummer', 'amador', 'pentz', 'reiff', 'san joaquin', 'montpellier', 'grangeville', 'pollasky', 'ramona') # fetch and convert data into an SPC s.moist <- fetchOSD(s.list, colorState='moist') s.dry <- fetchOSD(s.list, colorState='dry') # plot profiles # moist soil colors par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(s.moist, name='hzname', cex.names=0.85, axis.line.offset=-4) #> `axis.line.offset` is now deprecated, please use `depth.axis` argument plot(s.dry, name='hzname', cex.names=0.85, axis.line.offset=-4) #> `axis.line.offset` is now deprecated, please use `depth.axis` argument # extended mode: return a list with SPC + summary tables x <- fetchOSD(s.list, extended = TRUE, colorState = 'dry') par(mar=c(0,0,1,1)) plot(x$SPC) str(x, 1) #> List of 18 #> $ SPC :Formal class 'SoilProfileCollection' [package \"aqp\"] with 9 slots #> $ competing :'data.frame':\t84 obs. of 3 variables: #> $ geog_assoc_soils:'data.frame':\t77 obs. of 2 variables: #> $ geomcomp :'data.frame':\t11 obs. of 9 variables: #> $ hillpos :'data.frame':\t11 obs. of 8 variables: #> $ mtnpos :'data.frame':\t1 obs. of 9 variables: #> $ terrace :'data.frame':\t8 obs. of 5 variables: #> $ flats :'data.frame':\t5 obs. of 7 variables: #> $ shape_across :'data.frame':\t11 obs. of 8 variables: #> $ shape_down :'data.frame':\t11 obs. of 8 variables: #> $ pmkind :'data.frame':\t18 obs. of 5 variables: #> $ pmorigin :'data.frame':\t33 obs. of 5 variables: #> $ mlra :'data.frame':\t47 obs. of 4 variables: #> $ ecoclassid :'data.frame':\t59 obs. of 5 variables: #> $ climate.annual :'data.frame':\t88 obs. of 12 variables: #> $ climate.monthly :'data.frame':\t264 obs. of 14 variables: #> $ NCCPI :'data.frame':\t11 obs. of 16 variables: #> $ soilweb.metadata:'data.frame':\t24 obs. of 2 variables: # use makeChunks() for iteration over larger sequences of soil series s.list <- c('musick', 'cecil', 'drummer', 'amador', 'pentz', 'reiff', 'san joaquin', 'montpellier', 'grangeville', 'pollasky', 'ramona') # make a vector of chunk IDs, with 2 series / chunk ck <- makeChunks(s.list, size = 2) # split original data by chunk IDs # iterate over resulting list # run fetchOSD() on pieces # result is a list of SoilProfileCollection objects x <- lapply(split(s.list, ck), fetchOSD) # flatten into a single SPC x <- combine(x) # there should be 11 profiles length(x) #> [1] 11 # }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get a SoilProfileCollection from a PedonPC v.5 database — fetchPedonPC","title":"Get a SoilProfileCollection from a PedonPC v.5 database — fetchPedonPC","text":"Fetch commonly used site/horizon data version 5.x PedonPC database, return SoilProfileCollection object.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get a SoilProfileCollection from a PedonPC v.5 database — fetchPedonPC","text":"","code":"fetchPedonPC(dsn) getHzErrorsPedonPC(dsn, strict = TRUE)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get a SoilProfileCollection from a PedonPC v.5 database — fetchPedonPC","text":"dsn path PedonPC version 6.x database strict Use \"strict\" horizon error checking? Default: TRUE","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get a SoilProfileCollection from a PedonPC v.5 database — fetchPedonPC","text":"SoilProfileCollection class object","code":""},{"path":"","id":"note","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Note","title":"Get a SoilProfileCollection from a PedonPC v.5 database — fetchPedonPC","text":"function attempts boilerplate work extracting site/horizon data PedonPC local NASIS database. Pedons errors horizonation excluded returned object, however, IDs printed console. See getHzErrorsPedonPC simple approach identifying pedons problematic horizonation. Records 'taxhistory' table selected based 1) recent record, 2) record least amount missing data.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get a SoilProfileCollection from a PedonPC v.5 database — fetchPedonPC","text":"D. E. Beaudette J. M. Skovlin","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Rapid Carbon Assessment (RaCA) data — fetchRaCA","title":"Get Rapid Carbon Assessment (RaCA) data — fetchRaCA","text":"Get Rapid Carbon Assessment (RaCA) data state, geographic bounding-box, RaCA site ID, soil series query SoilWeb API. interface data experimental delivery service include latest soil organic carbon (SOC) measurements. Please use current RaCA distribution need lab measured SOC rather SOC estimated VNIR. interface updated sometime calendar year 2022 include latest soil morphology, taxonomic classification, measured SOC values. detailed coordinates sample sites also available.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Rapid Carbon Assessment (RaCA) data — fetchRaCA","text":"","code":"fetchRaCA( series = NULL, bbox = NULL, state = NULL, rcasiteid = NULL, get.vnir = FALSE )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Rapid Carbon Assessment (RaCA) data — fetchRaCA","text":"series soil series name; case-insensitive bbox bounding box WGS84 geographic coordinates e.g. c(-120, 37, -122, 38), constrained 5-degree block state two-letter US state abbreviation; case-insensitive rcasiteid RaCA site id (e.g. 'C1609C01') get.vnir logical, associated VNIR spectra downloaded? (see details)","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Rapid Carbon Assessment (RaCA) data — fetchRaCA","text":"pedons: SoilProfileCollection object containing site/pedon/horizon data trees: data.frame object containing tree DBH height veg: data.frame object containing plant species stock: data.frame object containing carbon quantities (stocks) standardized depths sample: data.frame object containing sample-level bulk density soil organic carbon values spectra: numeric matrix containing VNIR reflectance spectra 350--2500 nm","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get Rapid Carbon Assessment (RaCA) data — fetchRaCA","text":"VNIR spectra associated RaCA data quite large (gzip-compressed VNIR spectra record 6.6kb), requests data disabled default. Note VNIR spectra can queried soil series geographic BBOX.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"references","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"References","title":"Get Rapid Carbon Assessment (RaCA) data — fetchRaCA","text":"","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get Rapid Carbon Assessment (RaCA) data — fetchRaCA","text":"D.E. Beaudette, USDA-NRCS staff","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Daily Climate Data from USDA-NRCS SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network) Stations — fetchSCAN","title":"Get Daily Climate Data from USDA-NRCS SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network) Stations — fetchSCAN","text":"Query soil/climate data USDA-NRCS SCAN Stations.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Daily Climate Data from USDA-NRCS SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network) Stations — fetchSCAN","text":"","code":"fetchSCAN( site.code = NULL, year = NULL, report = \"SCAN\", timeseries = c(\"Daily\", \"Hourly\"), ... ) SCAN_sensor_metadata(site.code) SCAN_site_metadata(site.code = NULL)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Daily Climate Data from USDA-NRCS SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network) Stations — fetchSCAN","text":"site.code vector site codes. NULL SCAN_site_metadata() returns metadata SCAN sites. year vector years report report name, single value ; default 'SCAN', example options include individual sensor codes, e.g. 'SMS' Soil Moisture Storage, 'TEMP' temperature timeseries either 'Daily' 'Hourly' ... additional arguments. May include intervalType, format, sitenum, interval, year, month. Presence additional arguments bypasses default batching functionality provided function submits 'raw' request API form.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Daily Climate Data from USDA-NRCS SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network) Stations — fetchSCAN","text":"list data.frame objects, element name sensor type, plus metadata table; different report types change types sensor data returned. SCAN_sensor_metadata() SCAN_site_metadata() return data.frame. NULL bad request.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get Daily Climate Data from USDA-NRCS SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network) Stations — fetchSCAN","text":"Possible ground sensor types include: 'SMS' (soil moisture), 'STO' (soil temperature), 'SAL' (salinity), 'TAVG' (daily average air temperature), 'TMIN' (daily minimum air temperature), 'TMAX' (daily maximum air temperature), 'PRCP' (daily precipitation), 'PREC' (daily precipitation), 'SNWD' (snow depth), 'WTEQ' (snow water equivalent),'WDIRV' (wind direction), 'WSPDV' (wind speed), 'LRADT' (solar radiation/langley total). function converts -ground sensor depth inches cm. temperature values reported degrees C. Precipitation, snow depth, snow water content reported inches.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"scan-sensors","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"SCAN Sensors","title":"Get Daily Climate Data from USDA-NRCS SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network) Stations — fetchSCAN","text":"Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) sensor measurements reported hourly.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"snotel-sensors","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"SNOTEL Sensors","title":"Get Daily Climate Data from USDA-NRCS SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network) Stations — fetchSCAN","text":"Snow Telemetry (SNOTEL) sensor measurements reported daily. See fetchSCAN tutorial additional usage visualization examples.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"references","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"References","title":"Get Daily Climate Data from USDA-NRCS SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network) Stations — fetchSCAN","text":"See Soil Climate Analysis Network home page information SCAN program, links associated programs SNOTEL, National Weather Climate Center. can get information available web services, well interactive maps snow water equivalent, precipitation streamflow.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get Daily Climate Data from USDA-NRCS SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network) Stations — fetchSCAN","text":"D.E. Beaudette, .G. Brown","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Daily Climate Data from USDA-NRCS SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network) Stations — fetchSCAN","text":"","code":"if (FALSE) { # get data x <- try(fetchSCAN(site.code=c(356, 2072), year=c(2015, 2016))) str(x) # get sensor metadata m <- SCAN_sensor_metadata(site.code=c(356, 2072)) # get site metadata m <- SCAN_site_metadata(site.code=c(356, 2072)) # get hourly data (396315 records) # x <- try(fetchSCAN(site.code=c(356, 2072), year=c(2015, 2016), timeseries = \"Hourly\")) }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get SSURGO/STATSGO2 Mapunit Data from Soil Data Access — get_component_from_SDA","title":"Get SSURGO/STATSGO2 Mapunit Data from Soil Data Access — get_component_from_SDA","text":"Functions download flatten commonly used tables Soil Data Access, create soil profile collection objects (SPC).","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get SSURGO/STATSGO2 Mapunit Data from Soil Data Access — get_component_from_SDA","text":"","code":"get_component_from_SDA( WHERE = NULL, duplicates = FALSE, childs = TRUE, droplevels = TRUE, nullFragsAreZero = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL ) get_cointerp_from_SDA( WHERE = NULL, mrulename = NULL, duplicates = FALSE, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL ) get_legend_from_SDA(WHERE = NULL, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL) get_lmuaoverlap_from_SDA( WHERE = NULL, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL ) get_mapunit_from_SDA(WHERE = NULL, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL) get_chorizon_from_SDA( WHERE = NULL, duplicates = FALSE, childs = TRUE, nullFragsAreZero = TRUE, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL ) fetchSDA( WHERE = NULL, duplicates = FALSE, childs = TRUE, nullFragsAreZero = TRUE, rmHzErrors = FALSE, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL ) get_cosoilmoist_from_SDA( WHERE = NULL, duplicates = FALSE, impute = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get SSURGO/STATSGO2 Mapunit Data from Soil Data Access — get_component_from_SDA","text":"text string formatted SQL clause (default: FALSE) duplicates logical; TRUE record returned unique mukey (may many per nationalmusym) childs logical; FALSE parent material geomorphic child tables flattened appended droplevels logical: indicating whether drop unused levels classifying factors. useful class large number unused classes, can waste space tables figures. nullFragsAreZero fragment volumes NULL interpreted 0? (default: TRUE), see details stringsAsFactors deprecated mrulename character. Interpretation rule names rmHzErrors pedons horizonation errors removed results? (default: FALSE) impute replace missing (.e. NULL) values \"Not_Populated\" categorical data, \"RV\" numeric data 201 cm \"RV\" alsoNULL (default: TRUE)","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get SSURGO/STATSGO2 Mapunit Data from Soil Data Access — get_component_from_SDA","text":"data.frame SoilProfileCollection object.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get SSURGO/STATSGO2 Mapunit Data from Soil Data Access — get_component_from_SDA","text":"functions return data Soil Data Access use simple text string formatted SQL clause (e.g. = \"areasymbol = 'IN001'\". functions SQL queries wrap around SDAquery() format data analysis. Beware SDA includes data SSURGO STATSGO2. areasymbol STATSGO2 US. just SSURGO, include = \"areareasymbol != 'US'\". duplicates argument set TRUE, duplicate components returned. necessary data returned NASIS, one unique national map unit. SDA duplicate map national map units, one legend exists . value nullFragsAreZero significant impact rock fragment fractions returned fetchSDA. Set nullFragsAreZero = FALSE cases many data-gaps NULL rock fragment values interpreted NULLs. Set nullFragsAreZero = TRUE cases NULL rock fragment values interpreted 0. Additional examples can found Soil Data Access (SDA) Tutorial","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get SSURGO/STATSGO2 Mapunit Data from Soil Data Access — get_component_from_SDA","text":"Stephen Roecker","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Spatial Data from Soil Data Access by mukey, nationalmusym or areasymbol — fetchSDA_spatial","title":"Get Spatial Data from Soil Data Access by mukey, nationalmusym or areasymbol — fetchSDA_spatial","text":"method facilitates queries Soil Data Access (SDA) mapunit survey area geometry. Queries generated based map unit key (mukey) national map unit symbol (nationalmusym) mupolygon (SSURGO) gsmmupolygon (STATSGO) geometry legend key (lkey) area symbols (areasymbol) sapolygon (Soil Survey Area; SSA) geometry). Soil Data Access query returns geometry key identifying information map unit area interest. Additional columns map unit legend table can included; see add.fields argument.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Spatial Data from Soil Data Access by mukey, nationalmusym or areasymbol — fetchSDA_spatial","text":"","code":"fetchSDA_spatial( x, by.col = \"mukey\", method = \"feature\", geom.src = \"mupolygon\", db = \"SSURGO\", add.fields = NULL, chunk.size = 10, verbose = TRUE, as_Spatial = getOption(\"soilDB.return_Spatial\", default = FALSE) )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Spatial Data from Soil Data Access by mukey, nationalmusym or areasymbol — fetchSDA_spatial","text":"x vector map unit keys (mukey) national map unit symbols (nmusym) mupolygon geometry legend keys (lkey) soil survey area symbols (areasymbol) sapolygon geometry. geom.src=\"mlrapolygon\" x refers MLRARSYM (major land resource area symbols). .col Column name containing map unit identifier \"mukey\", \"nmusym\"/\"nationalmusym\" geom.src mupolygon \"areasymbol\", \"areaname\", \"mlraoffice\", \"mouagncyresp\" geom.src sapolygon; default determined .numeric(x) TRUE mukey lkey nationalmusym areasymbol otherwise. method geometry result type: \"feature\" returns polygons, \"bbox\" returns bounding box polygon (via STEnvelope()), \"point\" returns single point (via STPointOnSurface()) within polygon, \"extent\" returns aggregate bounding box (extent polygons, geometry::EnvelopeAggregate()) ), \"convexhull\" (geometry::ConvexHullAggregate()) returns aggregate convex hull around polygons, \"union\" (geometry::UnionAggregate()) \"collection\" (geometry::CollectionAggregate()) return MULTIPOLYGON GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, respectively, mukey, nationalmusym, areasymbol . case latter four aggregation methods, groups aggregation depend .col (default \"mukey\"). geom.src Either mupolygon (map unit polygons), sapolygon (soil survey area boundary polygons), mlrapolygon (major land resource area boundary polygons) db Default: \"SSURGO\". geom.src mupolygon, use STATSGO polygon geometry instead SSURGO setting db = \"STATSGO\" add.fields Column names mapunit legend table add result. Must specify parent table name prefix column name e.g. mapunit.muname. chunk.size Number values x process per query. Necessary large results. Default: 10 verbose Print messages? as_Spatial Return sp classes? e.g. Spatial*DataFrame. Default: FALSE.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Spatial Data from Soil Data Access by mukey, nationalmusym or areasymbol — fetchSDA_spatial","text":"sf data.frame corresponding SDA spatial data symbols requested. as_Spatial=TRUE returns Spatial*DataFrame sp package via sf::as_Spatial() backward compatibility. Default result contains geometry attribute table containing unique feature ID, symbol area symbol plus additional fields result specified add.fields.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get Spatial Data from Soil Data Access by mukey, nationalmusym or areasymbol — fetchSDA_spatial","text":"function automatically \"chunks\" input vector (using makeChunks()) map unit identifiers minimize likelihood exceeding SDA data request size. number chunks varies chunk.size setting length input vector. working many map units /large extents, may need decrease number order chunks. Querying regions complex mapping may require smaller chunk.size. Numerically adjacent IDs input vector may share common qualities (say, soil survey area region) cause specific chunks perform \"poorly\" (slow error) matter chunk size . Shuffling order inputs using sample() may help eliminate problems related , depending obtained set MUKEY/nationalmusym query. One feasibly use muacres heuristic adjust total acreage within chunks. Note STATSGO data fetched CLIPAREASYMBOL = 'US' avoid duplicating state national subsets geometry. prototype interface, geom.src=\"mlrapolygon\", provided obtaining Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) polygon boundaries. using geometry source x vector MLRARSYM (MLRA Symbols). geometry source MLRA Geographic Database v5.2 (2022) (yet) part Soil Data Access. Instead SDA, GDAL utilities used read zipped ESRI Shapefile remote URL: Therefore, additional fetchSDA_spatial() arguments currently supported MLRA geometry source. future mlrapolygon table may added SDA (analogous mupolygon sapolygon), function updated accordingly time.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get Spatial Data from Soil Data Access by mukey, nationalmusym or areasymbol — fetchSDA_spatial","text":"Andrew G. Brown, Dylan E. Beaudette","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Spatial Data from Soil Data Access by mukey, nationalmusym or areasymbol — fetchSDA_spatial","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ # get spatial data for a single mukey single.mukey <- try(fetchSDA_spatial(x = \"2924882\")) #> Using 1 chunks... #> Chunk #1 completed (n = 1; 0.2 secs) #> Done in 0.2 secs; mean/chunk: 0.2 secs; mean/symbol: 0.17 secs. # demonstrate fetching full extent (multi-mukey) of national musym full.extent.nmusym <- try(fetchSDA_spatial(x = \"2x8l5\", by = \"nmusym\")) #> Using 1 chunks... #> Chunk #1 completed (n = 3; 1.4 secs) #> Done in 1.6 secs; mean/chunk: 1.4 secs; mean/symbol: 0.52 secs. # compare extent of nmusym to single mukey within it if (!inherits(single.mukey, 'try-error') && !inherits(full.extent.nmusym, 'try-error')) { if (requireNamespace(\"sf\")) { plot(sf::st_geometry(full.extent.nmusym), col = \"RED\", border = 0) plot(sf::st_geometry(single.mukey), add = TRUE, col = \"BLUE\", border = 0) } } # demo adding a field (`muname`) to attribute table of result head(try(fetchSDA_spatial(x = \"2x8l5\", by=\"nmusym\", add.fields=\"muname\"))) #> Using 1 chunks... #> Chunk #1 completed (n = 3; 1.8 secs) #> Done in 2 secs; mean/chunk: 1.8 secs; mean/symbol: 0.67 secs. #> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 6 fields #> Geometry type: POLYGON #> Dimension: XY #> Bounding box: xmin: -121.034 ymin: 38.01706 xmax: -120.9596 ymax: 38.24938 #> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84 #> mukey areasymbol nationalmusym mukey.1 areasymbol.1 nationalmusym.1 #> 1 462101 CA077 2x8l5 462101 CA077 2x8l5 #> 2 462101 CA077 2x8l5 462101 CA077 2x8l5 #> 3 462101 CA077 2x8l5 462101 CA077 2x8l5 #> 4 462101 CA077 2x8l5 462101 CA077 2x8l5 #> 5 462101 CA077 2x8l5 462101 CA077 2x8l5 #> 6 462101 CA077 2x8l5 462101 CA077 2x8l5 #> geom #> 1 POLYGON ((-121.0226 38.2276... #> 2 POLYGON ((-121.0141 38.2325... #> 3 POLYGON ((-121.0339 38.2325... #> 4 POLYGON ((-120.9955 38.0674... #> 5 POLYGON ((-121.0102 38.1891... #> 6 POLYGON ((-120.9648 38.0208... # }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Fetch Soil Inventory Resource (SRI) for USFS Region 6 — fetchSRI","title":"Fetch Soil Inventory Resource (SRI) for USFS Region 6 — fetchSRI","text":"higher level wrapper around get_SRI get_SRI_layers functions. function can fetch multiple File Geodatabases (GDB) returns layers within GDB.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Fetch Soil Inventory Resource (SRI) for USFS Region 6 — fetchSRI","text":"","code":"fetchSRI(gdb, ...)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Fetch Soil Inventory Resource (SRI) for USFS Region 6 — fetchSRI","text":"gdb character vector GDB(s), e.g. 'Deschutes'. ... Arguments pass get_SRI.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Fetch Soil Inventory Resource (SRI) for USFS Region 6 — fetchSRI","text":"list.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Fetch Soil Inventory Resource (SRI) for USFS Region 6 — fetchSRI","text":"Josh Erickson","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Fetch Soil Inventory Resource (SRI) for USFS Region 6 — fetchSRI","text":"","code":"if (FALSE) { # fetch Willamette and Winema SRI sri <- fetchSRI(gdb = c('will', 'win'), quiet = TRUE) }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get SoilGrids 250m properties information from point locations — fetchSoilGrids","title":"Get SoilGrids 250m properties information from point locations — fetchSoilGrids","text":"function obtains SoilGrids properties information (250m raster resolution) given data.frame containing site IDs, latitudes longitudes. SoilGrids API maps return values whole (integer) numbers minimize storage space used. values converted produce conventional units `fetchSoilGrids()``","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get SoilGrids 250m properties information from point locations — fetchSoilGrids","text":"","code":"fetchSoilGrids( x, loc.names = c(\"id\", \"lat\", \"lon\"), depth_intervals = c(\"0-5\", \"5-15\", \"15-30\", \"30-60\", \"60-100\", \"100-200\"), variables = c(\"bdod\", \"cec\", \"cfvo\", \"clay\", \"nitrogen\", \"phh2o\", \"sand\", \"silt\", \"soc\", \"ocd\"), verbose = FALSE, progress = FALSE )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get SoilGrids 250m properties information from point locations — fetchSoilGrids","text":"x data.frame containing 3 columns referring site ID, latitude longitude. loc.names Optional: Column names referring site ID, latitude longitude. Default: c(\"id\", \"lat\", \"lon\") depth_intervals Default: \"0-5\", \"5-15\", \"15-30\", \"30-60\", \"60-100\", \"100-200\" variables Default: \"bdod\", \"cec\", \"cfvo\", \"clay\", \"nitrogen\", \"phh2o\", \"sand\", \"silt\", \"soc\", \"ocd\" verbose Print messages? Default: FALSE progress logical, give progress iterating multiple requests; Default: FALSE","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get SoilGrids 250m properties information from point locations — fetchSoilGrids","text":"SoilProfileCollection","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"","id":"properties","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Properties","title":"Get SoilGrids 250m properties information from point locations — fetchSoilGrids","text":"SoilGrids predictions made six standard depth intervals specified GlobalSoilMap IUSS working group specifications. default depth intervals returned (centimeters): \"0-5\", \"5-15\", \"15-30\", \"30-60\", \"60-100\", \"100-200\" properties \"bdod\", \"cec\", \"cfvo\", \"clay\", \"nitrogen\", \"phh2o\", \"sand\", \"silt\", \"soc\", \"ocd\"--5th, 50th, 95th, mean uncertainty values. Soil organic carbon stocks (0-30cm) (variables=\"ocs\") returned depth_intervals=\"0-30\". uncertainty values ratio inter-quantile range (90% prediction interval width) median : (Q0.95-Q0.05)/Q0.50. values converted \"mapped\" \"conventional\" based table conversion factors. Point data requests made \"properties/query\" endpoint SoilGrids v2.0 REST API. Please check ISRIC's data policy, disclaimer citation: Find information SoilGrids GlobalSoilMap products :","code":""},{"path":"","id":"references","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"References","title":"Get SoilGrids 250m properties information from point locations — fetchSoilGrids","text":"Poggio, L., de Sousa, L. M., Batjes, N. H., Heuvelink, G. B. M., Kempen, B., Ribeiro, E., Rossiter, D.: SoilGrids 2.0: producing soil information globe quantified spatial uncertainty, SOIL, 7, 217-240, 2021. doi:10.5194/soil-7-217-2021","code":""},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get SoilGrids 250m properties information from point locations — fetchSoilGrids","text":"Andrew G. Brown","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get SoilGrids 250m properties information from point locations — fetchSoilGrids","text":"","code":"if (FALSE) { library(aqp) your.points <- data.frame(id = c(\"A\", \"B\"), lat = c(37.9, 38.1), lon = c(-120.3, -121.5), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) x <- try(fetchSoilGrids(your.points)) if (!inherits(x, 'try-error')) aqp::plotSPC(x, name = NA, color = \"socQ50\") # organic carbon stocks use 0-30cm interval y <- try(fetchSoilGrids(your.points[1, ], depth_interval = c(\"0-5\", \"0-30\", \"5-15\", \"15-30\"), variables = c(\"soc\", \"bdod\", \"ocd\", \"ocs\"))) # extract horizons from a SoilProfileCollection where horizon 2 overlaps 1, 3, and 4 h <- aqp::horizons(y) # \"ocs\" (organic carbon stock 0-30cm interval) h[2, ] h$thickness_meters <- ((h$hzdepb - h$hzdept) / 100) # estimate \"ocs\" from modeled organic carbon and bulk density in 0-5, 5-15, 15-30 intervals # (sum the product of soc, bdod, and thickness in meters) # (1 gram per cubic decimeter = 1 kilogram per cubic meter) sum(h$socmean * h$bdodmean * h$thickness_meters, na.rm = TRUE) # estimate \"ocs\" from modeled organic carbon density in 0-5, 5-15, 15-30 intervals # (sum the product of \"ocd\" and thickness in meters) sum(h$ocdmean * h$thickness_meters, na.rm = TRUE) }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get vegetation plot data from local NASIS database — fetchVegdata","title":"Get vegetation plot data from local NASIS database — fetchVegdata","text":"Get vegetation plot data local NASIS database","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get vegetation plot data from local NASIS database — fetchVegdata","text":"","code":"fetchVegdata(SS = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, dsn = NULL) get_vegplot_from_NASIS_db(SS = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, dsn = NULL) get_vegplot_location_from_NASIS_db( SS = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, dsn = NULL ) get_vegplot_trhi_from_NASIS_db(SS = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, dsn = NULL) get_vegplot_species_from_NASIS_db( SS = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, dsn = NULL ) get_vegplot_transect_from_NASIS_db( SS = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, dsn = NULL ) get_vegplot_transpecies_from_NASIS_db( SS = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, dsn = NULL ) get_vegplot_transpoints_from_NASIS_db(SS = TRUE, dsn = NULL) get_vegplot_prodquadrats_from_NASIS_db(SS = TRUE, dsn = NULL) get_vegplot_tree_si_summary_from_NASIS_db( SS = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, dsn = NULL ) get_vegplot_speciesbasalarea_from_NASIS(SS = TRUE, dsn = NULL) get_vegplot_tree_si_details_from_NASIS_db( SS = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, dsn = NULL ) get_vegplot_textnote_from_NASIS_db( SS = TRUE, fixLineEndings = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, dsn = NULL )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get vegetation plot data from local NASIS database — fetchVegdata","text":"SS fetch data currently loaded selected set NASIS entire local database (default: TRUE) stringsAsFactors deprecated dsn Optional: path local SQLite database containing NASIS table structure; default: NULL fixLineEndings Replace '\\r\\n' '\\n'; Default: TRUE","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get vegetation plot data from local NASIS database — fetchVegdata","text":"named list containing: \"vegplot\", \"vegplotlocation\", \"vegplotrhi\", \"vegplotspecies\", \"vegtransect\", \"vegtransplantsum\", 'vegsiteindexsum', \"vegsiteindexdet\", \"vegplottext\" tables","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Filter KSSL Geochemical Table — filter_geochem","title":"Filter KSSL Geochemical Table — filter_geochem","text":"function subset KSSL \"geochem\" / elemental analysis result table obtain rows/columns based : column name, preparation code, major / trace element method.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Filter KSSL Geochemical Table — filter_geochem","text":"","code":"filter_geochem( geochem, columns = NULL, prep_code = NULL, major_element_method = NULL, trace_element_method = NULL )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Filter KSSL Geochemical Table — filter_geochem","text":"geochem geochemical data, returned fetchKSSL columns Column name(s) include result prep_code Character vector prep code(s) include result. major_element_method Character vector major element method(s) include result. trace_element_method Character vector trace element method(s) include result.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Filter KSSL Geochemical Table — filter_geochem","text":"data.frame, subset according constraints specified arguments.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Filter KSSL Geochemical Table — filter_geochem","text":"Andrew G. Brown.","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Format vector of values into a string suitable for an SQL IN statement. — format_SQL_in_statement","title":"Format vector of values into a string suitable for an SQL IN statement. — format_SQL_in_statement","text":"Concatenate vector SQL -compatible syntax: letters[1:3] becomes ('','b','c'). Values x first passed unique().","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Format vector of values into a string suitable for an SQL IN statement. — format_SQL_in_statement","text":"","code":"format_SQL_in_statement(x)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Format vector of values into a string suitable for an SQL IN statement. — format_SQL_in_statement","text":"x character vector.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Format vector of values into a string suitable for an SQL IN statement. — format_SQL_in_statement","text":"character vector (unit length) containing concatenated group syntax use SQL , unique value found x.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"note","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Note","title":"Format vector of values into a string suitable for an SQL IN statement. — format_SQL_in_statement","text":"character output supported.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Format vector of values into a string suitable for an SQL IN statement. — format_SQL_in_statement","text":"","code":"format_SQL_in_statement(c(2648889L, 2648890L)) #> [1] \"('2648889','2648890')\""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Logic Errors in NASIS/PedonPC Pedon Horizon — getHzErrorsNASIS","title":"Get Logic Errors in NASIS/PedonPC Pedon Horizon — getHzErrorsNASIS","text":"Get Logic Errors NASIS/PedonPC Pedon Horizon","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Logic Errors in NASIS/PedonPC Pedon Horizon — getHzErrorsNASIS","text":"","code":"getHzErrorsNASIS(strict = TRUE, SS = TRUE, dsn = NULL)"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Logic Errors in NASIS/PedonPC Pedon Horizon — getHzErrorsNASIS","text":"strict strict horizon boundaries checked consistency: TRUE=| FALSE=less SS fetch data currently loaded selected set NASIS entire local database (default: TRUE) dsn Optional: path local SQLite database containing NASIS table structure; default: NULL","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Logic Errors in NASIS/PedonPC Pedon Horizon — getHzErrorsNASIS","text":"data.frame containing problematic records columns: 'peiid','pedon_id','hzdept','hzdepb','hzname'","code":""},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Ecological Dynamics Information Tool (EDIT) ecological sites by catalog (ESD/ESG) and MLRA — get_EDIT_ecoclass_by_geoUnit","title":"Get Ecological Dynamics Information Tool (EDIT) ecological sites by catalog (ESD/ESG) and MLRA — get_EDIT_ecoclass_by_geoUnit","text":"Data accessed via Ecological Dynamics Interpretive Tool (EDIT) web services: geoUnit refers MLRA codes, possibly leading zero trailing \"X\" two digit MLRA symbols.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Ecological Dynamics Information Tool (EDIT) ecological sites by catalog (ESD/ESG) and MLRA — get_EDIT_ecoclass_by_geoUnit","text":"","code":"get_EDIT_ecoclass_by_geoUnit(geoUnit, catalog = c(\"esd\", \"esg\"))"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Ecological Dynamics Information Tool (EDIT) ecological sites by catalog (ESD/ESG) and MLRA — get_EDIT_ecoclass_by_geoUnit","text":"geoUnit character vector geoUnit codes e.g. c(\"018X\",\"022A\") MLRAs 18 22A. catalog Catalog ID. One : \"esd\" \"esg\"","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Ecological Dynamics Information Tool (EDIT) ecological sites by catalog (ESD/ESG) and MLRA — get_EDIT_ecoclass_by_geoUnit","text":"data.frame containing: geoUnit, id, legacyId, name. NULL result.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Ecological Dynamics Information Tool (EDIT) ecological sites by catalog (ESD/ESG) and MLRA — get_EDIT_ecoclass_by_geoUnit","text":"","code":"if (FALSE) { get_EDIT_ecoclass_by_geoUnit(c(\"018X\",\"022A\")) }"},{"path":"","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get NASIS Metadata (Domain, Column and Choice Lists) — get_NASIS_metadata","title":"Get NASIS Metadata (Domain, Column and Choice Lists) — get_NASIS_metadata","text":"Retrieve table containing domain column names choice list labels/names/sequences/values NASIS 7 metadata tables.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get NASIS Metadata (Domain, Column and Choice Lists) — get_NASIS_metadata","text":"","code":"get_NASIS_metadata(dsn = NULL, include_description = FALSE) get_NASIS_column_metadata( x, what = \"ColumnPhysicalName\", include_description = FALSE, dsn = NULL )"},{"path":"","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get NASIS Metadata (Domain, Column and Choice Lists) — get_NASIS_metadata","text":"dsn Optional: path local SQLite database containing NASIS table structure; default: NULL include_description Include \"ChoiceDescription\" column? Default: FALSE x character vector match NASIS metadata Column match x . Default \"ColumnPhysicalName\"; alternate options include \"DomainID\", \"DomainName\", \"DomainRanked\", \"DisplayLabel\", \"ChoiceSequence\", \"ChoiceValue\", \"ChoiceName\", \"ChoiceLabel\", \"ChoiceObsolete\", \"ChoiceDescription\", \"ColumnLogicalName\"","code":""},{"path":"","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get NASIS Metadata (Domain, Column and Choice Lists) — get_NASIS_metadata","text":"data.frame containing DomainID, DomainName, DomainRanked, DisplayLabel, ChoiceSequence, ChoiceValue, ChoiceName, ChoiceLabel, ChoiceObsolete, ColumnPhysicalName, ColumnLogicalName optionally ChoiceDescription include_description=TRUE. data.frame containing selected NASIS metadata sorted first DomainID ChoiceSequence","code":""},{"path":"","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get NASIS Metadata (Domain, Column and Choice Lists) — get_NASIS_metadata","text":"data derived MetadataDomainDetail, MetadataDomainMaster, MetadataTableColumn tables help mapping values stored NASIS database human-readable values. human-readable values align values returned public facing interfaces SSURGO via Soil Data Access NASIS Web Reports. data tables can also used create ordered factors options levels particular data element follow logical ChoiceSequence. local NASIS instance set , first time get_NASIS_metadata() called, metadata obtained NASIS local database. Subsequent runs session use copy data object NASIS.metadata cached soilDB.env can accessed get_soilDB_env()$NASIS.metadata. users without local NASIS instance, cached copy NASIS metadata used (data/metadata.rda). See ?soilDB::metadata additional details.","code":""},{"path":"","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get NASIS Metadata (Domain, Column and Choice Lists) — get_NASIS_metadata","text":"","code":"get_NASIS_metadata() #> DomainID DomainName DomainRanked DisplayLabel #> 1 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 2 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 3 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 4 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 5 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 6 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 7 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 8 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 9 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 10 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 11 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 12 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 13 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 14 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 15 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 16 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 17 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 18 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 19 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 20 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 21 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 22 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 23 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 24 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 25 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 26 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 27 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 28 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 29 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 30 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 31 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 32 99 aashto_group_classification 0 0 #> 33 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 34 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 35 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 36 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 37 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 38 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 39 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 40 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 41 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 42 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 43 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 44 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 45 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 46 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 47 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 48 100 capability_class 1 0 #> 49 101 capability_subclass 0 0 #> 50 101 capability_subclass 0 0 #> 51 101 capability_subclass 0 0 #> 52 101 capability_subclass 0 0 #> 53 101 capability_subclass 0 0 #> 54 101 capability_subclass 0 0 #> 55 101 capability_subclass 0 0 #> 56 101 capability_subclass 0 0 #> 57 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 58 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 59 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 60 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 61 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 62 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 63 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 64 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 65 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 66 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 67 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 68 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 69 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 70 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 71 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 72 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 73 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 74 102 component_kind 0 0 #> 75 103 corrosion_concrete 1 0 #> 76 103 corrosion_concrete 1 0 #> 77 103 corrosion_concrete 1 0 #> 78 103 corrosion_concrete 1 0 #> 79 104 corrosion_uncoated_steel 1 0 #> 80 104 corrosion_uncoated_steel 1 0 #> 81 104 corrosion_uncoated_steel 1 0 #> 82 104 corrosion_uncoated_steel 1 0 #> 83 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 84 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 85 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 86 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 87 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 88 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 89 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 90 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 91 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 92 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 93 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 94 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 95 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 96 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 97 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 98 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 99 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 100 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 101 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 102 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 103 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 104 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 105 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 106 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 107 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 108 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 109 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 110 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 111 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 112 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 113 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 114 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 115 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 116 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 117 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 118 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 119 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 120 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 121 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 122 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 123 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 124 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 125 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 126 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 127 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 128 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 129 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 130 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 131 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 132 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 133 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 134 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 135 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 136 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 137 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 138 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 139 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 140 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 141 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 142 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 143 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 144 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 145 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 146 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 147 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 148 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 149 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 150 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 151 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 152 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 153 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 154 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 155 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 156 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 157 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 158 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 159 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 160 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 161 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 162 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 163 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 164 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 165 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 166 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 167 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 168 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 169 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 170 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 171 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 172 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 173 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 174 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 175 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 176 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 177 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 178 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 179 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 180 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 181 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 182 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 183 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 184 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 185 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 186 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 187 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 188 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 189 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 190 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 191 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 192 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 193 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 194 106 crop_name 0 0 #> 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horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1548 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1549 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1550 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1551 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1552 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1553 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1554 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1555 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1556 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1557 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1558 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1559 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1560 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1561 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1562 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1563 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1564 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1565 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1566 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1567 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1568 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1569 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1570 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1571 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1572 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1573 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1574 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1575 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1576 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1577 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1578 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1579 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1580 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1581 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1582 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1583 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1584 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1585 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1586 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1587 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1588 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1589 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1590 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1591 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1592 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1593 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1594 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1595 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1596 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1597 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1598 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1599 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1600 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1601 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1602 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1603 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1604 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1605 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1606 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1607 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1608 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1609 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1610 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1611 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1612 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1613 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1614 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1615 113 horz_desgn_master 0 0 #> 1616 114 hydric_condition 0 1 #> 1617 114 hydric_condition 0 1 #> 1618 114 hydric_condition 0 1 #> 1619 115 hydrologic_group 0 0 #> 1620 115 hydrologic_group 0 0 #> 1621 115 hydrologic_group 0 0 #> 1622 115 hydrologic_group 0 0 #> 1623 115 hydrologic_group 0 0 #> 1624 115 hydrologic_group 0 0 #> 1625 115 hydrologic_group 0 0 #> 1626 118 mapunit_kind 0 0 #> 1627 118 mapunit_kind 0 0 #> 1628 118 mapunit_kind 0 0 #> 1629 118 mapunit_kind 0 0 #> 1630 120 potential_frost_action 1 0 #> 1631 120 potential_frost_action 1 0 #> 1632 120 potential_frost_action 1 0 #> 1633 120 potential_frost_action 1 0 #> 1634 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1635 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1636 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1637 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1638 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1639 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1640 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1641 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1642 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1643 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1644 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1645 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1646 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1647 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1648 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1649 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1650 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1651 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1652 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1653 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1654 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1655 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1656 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1657 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1658 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1659 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1660 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1661 124 soil_erodibility_factor 1 0 #> 1662 125 soil_survey_area_status 0 0 #> 1663 125 soil_survey_area_status 0 0 #> 1664 125 soil_survey_area_status 0 0 #> 1665 125 soil_survey_area_status 0 0 #> 1666 125 soil_survey_area_status 0 0 #> 1667 125 soil_survey_area_status 0 0 #> 1668 125 soil_survey_area_status 0 0 #> 1669 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1670 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1671 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1672 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1673 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1674 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1675 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1676 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1677 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1678 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1679 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1680 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1681 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1682 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1683 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1684 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1685 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1686 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1687 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1688 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1689 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1690 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1691 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1692 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1693 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1694 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1695 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1696 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1697 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1698 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1699 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1700 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1701 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1702 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1703 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1704 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1705 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1706 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1707 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1708 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1709 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1710 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1711 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1712 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1713 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1714 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1715 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1716 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1717 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1718 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1719 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1720 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1721 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1722 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1723 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1724 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1725 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1726 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1727 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1728 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1729 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1730 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1731 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1732 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1733 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1734 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1735 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1736 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1737 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1738 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1739 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1740 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1741 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1742 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1743 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1744 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1745 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1746 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1747 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1748 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1749 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1750 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1751 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1752 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1753 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1754 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1755 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1756 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1757 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1758 126 taxonomic_family_mineralogy 0 0 #> 1759 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1760 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1761 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1762 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1763 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1764 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1765 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1766 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1767 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1768 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1769 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1770 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1771 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1772 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1773 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1774 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1775 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1776 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1777 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1778 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1779 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1780 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1781 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1782 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1783 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1784 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1785 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1786 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1787 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1788 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1789 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1790 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1791 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1792 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1793 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1794 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1795 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1796 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1797 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1798 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1799 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1800 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1801 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1802 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1803 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1804 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1805 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1806 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1807 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1808 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1809 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1810 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1811 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1812 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1813 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1814 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1815 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1816 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1817 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1818 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1819 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1820 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1821 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1822 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1823 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1824 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1825 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1826 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1827 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1828 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1829 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1830 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1831 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1832 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1833 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1834 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1835 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1836 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1837 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1838 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1839 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1840 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1841 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1842 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1843 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1844 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1845 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1846 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1847 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1848 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1849 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1850 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1851 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1852 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1853 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1854 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1855 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1856 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1857 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1858 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1859 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1860 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1861 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1862 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1863 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1864 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1865 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1866 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1867 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1868 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1869 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1870 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1871 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1872 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1873 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1874 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1875 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1876 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1877 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1878 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1879 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1880 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1881 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1882 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1883 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1884 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1885 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1886 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1887 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1888 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1889 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1890 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1891 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1892 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1893 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1894 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1895 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1896 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1897 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1898 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1899 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1900 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1901 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1902 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1903 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1904 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1905 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1906 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1907 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1908 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1909 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1910 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1911 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1912 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1913 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1914 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1915 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1916 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1917 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1918 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1919 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1920 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1921 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1922 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1923 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1924 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1925 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1926 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1927 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1928 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1929 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1930 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1931 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1932 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1933 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1934 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1935 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1936 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1937 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1938 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1939 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1940 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1941 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1942 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1943 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1944 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1945 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1946 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1947 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1948 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1949 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1950 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1951 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1952 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1953 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1954 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1955 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1956 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1957 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1958 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1959 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1960 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1961 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1962 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1963 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1964 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1965 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1966 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1967 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1968 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1969 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1970 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1971 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1972 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1973 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1974 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1975 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1976 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1977 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1978 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1979 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1980 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1981 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1982 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1983 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1984 127 taxonomic_family_particle_size 0 0 #> 1985 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 1986 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 1987 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 1988 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 1989 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 1990 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 1991 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 1992 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 1993 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 1994 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 1995 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 1996 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 1997 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 1998 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 1999 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 2000 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 2001 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 2002 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 2003 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 2004 128 taxonomic_family_reaction 0 0 #> 2005 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2006 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2007 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2008 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2009 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2010 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2011 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2012 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2013 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2014 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2015 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2016 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2017 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2018 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2019 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2020 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2021 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2022 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2023 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2024 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2025 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2026 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2027 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2028 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2029 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2030 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2031 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2032 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2033 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2034 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2035 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2036 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2037 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2038 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2039 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2040 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2041 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2042 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2043 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2044 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2045 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2046 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2047 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2048 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2049 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2050 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2051 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2052 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2053 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2054 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2055 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2056 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2057 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2058 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2059 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2060 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2061 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2062 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2063 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2064 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2065 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2066 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2067 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2068 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2069 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2070 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2071 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2072 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2073 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2074 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2075 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2076 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2077 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2078 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2079 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2080 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2081 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2082 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2083 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2084 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2085 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2086 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2087 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2088 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2089 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2090 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2091 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2092 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2093 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2094 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2095 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2096 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2097 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2098 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2099 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2100 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2101 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2102 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2103 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2104 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2105 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2106 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2107 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2108 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2109 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2110 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2111 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2112 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2113 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2114 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2115 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2116 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2117 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2118 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2119 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2120 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2121 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2122 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2123 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2124 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2125 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2126 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2127 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2128 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2129 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2130 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2131 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2132 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2133 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2134 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2135 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2136 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2137 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2138 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2139 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2140 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2141 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2142 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2143 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2144 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2145 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2146 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2147 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2148 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2149 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2150 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2151 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2152 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2153 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2154 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2155 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2156 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2157 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2158 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2159 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2160 130 taxonomic_great_group 0 0 #> 2161 130 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134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2970 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2971 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2972 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2973 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2974 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2975 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2976 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2977 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2978 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2979 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2980 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2981 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2982 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2983 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2984 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2985 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2986 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2987 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2988 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2989 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2990 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2991 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2992 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2993 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2994 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2995 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2996 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 2997 134 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0 #> 3026 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3027 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3028 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3029 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3030 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3031 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3032 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3033 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3034 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3035 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3036 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3037 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3038 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3039 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3040 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3041 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3042 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3043 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3044 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3045 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3046 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3047 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3048 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3049 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3050 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3051 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3052 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3053 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3054 134 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0 #> 3083 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3084 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3085 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3086 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3087 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3088 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3089 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3090 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3091 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3092 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3093 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3094 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3095 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3096 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3097 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3098 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3099 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3100 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3101 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3102 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3103 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3104 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3105 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3106 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3107 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3108 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3109 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3110 134 taxonomic_suborder 0 0 #> 3111 134 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1 #> 3210 145 nasis_site_office_type 0 1 #> 3211 145 nasis_site_office_type 0 1 #> 3212 145 nasis_site_office_type 0 1 #> 3213 145 nasis_site_office_type 0 1 #> 3214 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3215 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3216 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3217 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3218 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3219 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3220 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3221 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3222 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3223 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3224 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3225 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3226 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3227 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3228 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3229 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3230 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3231 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3232 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3233 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3234 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3235 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3236 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3237 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3238 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3239 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3240 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3241 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3242 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3243 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3244 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3245 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3246 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3247 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3248 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3249 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3250 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3251 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3252 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3253 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3254 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3255 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3256 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3257 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3258 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3259 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3260 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3261 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3262 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3263 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3264 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3265 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3266 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3267 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3268 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3269 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3270 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3271 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3272 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3273 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3274 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3275 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3276 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3277 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3278 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3279 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3280 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3281 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3282 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3283 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3284 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3285 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3286 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3287 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3288 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3289 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3290 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3291 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 0 0 #> 3292 147 diag_horz_feat_kind 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#> 4269 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4270 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4271 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4272 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4273 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4274 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4275 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4276 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4277 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4278 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4279 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4280 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4281 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4282 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4283 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4284 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4285 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4286 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4287 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4288 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4289 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4290 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4291 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4292 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4293 155 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horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4318 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4319 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4320 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4321 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4322 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4323 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4324 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4325 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4326 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4327 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4328 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4329 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4330 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4331 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4332 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4333 155 horz_desgn_letter_suffix 0 0 #> 4334 163 soil_slippage_potential 1 0 #> 4335 163 soil_slippage_potential 1 0 #> 4336 163 soil_slippage_potential 1 0 #> 4337 163 soil_slippage_potential 1 0 #> 4338 163 soil_slippage_potential 1 0 #> 4339 167 ponding_duration_class 1 0 #> 4340 167 ponding_duration_class 1 0 #> 4341 167 ponding_duration_class 1 0 #> 4342 167 ponding_duration_class 1 0 #> 4343 167 ponding_duration_class 1 0 #> 4344 167 ponding_duration_class 1 0 #> 4345 167 ponding_duration_class 1 0 #> 4346 167 ponding_duration_class 1 0 #> 4347 167 ponding_duration_class 1 0 #> 4348 167 ponding_duration_class 1 0 #> 4349 167 ponding_duration_class 1 0 #> 4350 167 ponding_duration_class 1 0 #> 4351 168 pore_continuity_vertical 1 0 #> 4352 168 pore_continuity_vertical 1 0 #> 4353 168 pore_continuity_vertical 1 0 #> 4354 168 pore_continuity_vertical 1 0 #> 4355 168 pore_continuity_vertical 1 0 #> 4356 168 pore_continuity_vertical 1 0 #> 4357 169 pore_shape 0 0 #> 4358 169 pore_shape 0 0 #> 4359 169 pore_shape 0 0 #> 4360 169 pore_shape 0 0 #> 4361 169 pore_shape 0 0 #> 4362 169 pore_shape 0 0 #> 4363 169 pore_shape 0 0 #> 4364 169 pore_shape 0 0 #> 4365 169 pore_shape 0 0 #> 4366 169 pore_shape 0 0 #> 4367 169 pore_shape 0 0 #> 4368 169 pore_shape 0 0 #> 4369 169 pore_shape 0 0 #> 4370 169 pore_shape 0 0 #> 4371 169 pore_shape 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rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4553 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4554 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4555 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4556 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4557 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4558 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4559 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4560 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4561 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4562 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4563 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4564 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4565 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4566 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4567 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4568 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4569 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4570 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4571 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4572 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4573 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4574 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4575 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4576 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4577 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4578 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4579 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4580 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4581 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4582 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4583 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4584 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4585 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4586 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4587 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4588 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4589 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4590 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4591 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4592 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4593 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4594 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4595 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4596 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4597 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4598 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4599 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4600 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4601 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4602 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4603 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4604 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4605 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4606 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4607 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4608 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4609 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4610 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4611 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4612 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4613 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4614 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4615 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4616 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4617 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4618 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4619 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4620 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4621 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4622 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4623 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4624 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4625 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4626 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4627 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4628 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4629 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4630 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4631 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4632 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4633 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4634 173 rupture_resist_block_cem 1 0 #> 4635 178 soil_moisture_status 0 0 #> 4636 178 soil_moisture_status 0 0 #> 4637 178 soil_moisture_status 0 0 #> 4638 178 soil_moisture_status 0 0 #> 4639 178 soil_moisture_status 0 0 #> 4640 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4641 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4642 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4643 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4644 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4645 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4646 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4647 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4648 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4649 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4650 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4651 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4652 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4653 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4654 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4655 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4656 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4657 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4658 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4659 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4660 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4661 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4662 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4663 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4664 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4665 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4666 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4667 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4668 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4669 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4670 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4671 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4672 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4673 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4674 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4675 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4676 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4677 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4678 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4679 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4680 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4681 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4682 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4683 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4684 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4685 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4686 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4687 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4688 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4689 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4690 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4691 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4692 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4693 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4694 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4695 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4696 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4697 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4698 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4699 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4700 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4701 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4702 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4703 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4704 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4705 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4706 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4707 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4708 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4709 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4710 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4711 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4712 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4713 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4714 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4715 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4716 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4717 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4718 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4719 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4720 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4721 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4722 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4723 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4724 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4725 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4726 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4727 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4728 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4729 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4730 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4731 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4732 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4733 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4734 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4735 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4736 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4737 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4738 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4739 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4740 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4741 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4742 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4743 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4744 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4745 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4746 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4747 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4748 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4749 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4750 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4751 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4752 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4753 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4754 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4755 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4756 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4757 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4758 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4759 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4760 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4761 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4762 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4763 179 state_fips_code_alpha 0 1 #> 4764 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4765 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4766 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4767 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4768 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4769 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4770 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4771 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4772 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4773 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4774 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4775 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4776 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4777 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4778 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4779 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4780 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4781 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4782 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4783 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4784 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4785 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4786 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4787 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4788 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4789 184 taxonomic_family_other 0 0 #> 4790 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4791 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4792 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4793 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4794 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4795 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4796 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4797 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4798 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4799 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4800 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4801 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4802 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4803 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4804 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4805 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4806 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4807 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4808 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4809 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4810 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4811 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4812 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4813 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4814 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4815 185 taxonomic_family_temp_class 0 0 #> 4816 186 taxonomic_moisture_class 0 0 #> 4817 186 taxonomic_moisture_class 0 0 #> 4818 186 taxonomic_moisture_class 0 0 #> 4819 186 taxonomic_moisture_class 0 0 #> 4820 186 taxonomic_moisture_class 0 0 #> 4821 186 taxonomic_moisture_class 0 0 #> 4822 186 taxonomic_moisture_class 0 0 #> 4823 186 taxonomic_moisture_class 0 0 #> 4824 186 taxonomic_moisture_class 0 0 #> 4825 186 taxonomic_moisture_class 0 0 #> 4826 186 taxonomic_moisture_class 0 0 #> 4827 186 taxonomic_moisture_class 0 0 #> 4828 186 taxonomic_moisture_class 0 0 #> 4829 186 taxonomic_moisture_class 0 0 #> 4830 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4831 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4832 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4833 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4834 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4835 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4836 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4837 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4838 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4839 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4840 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4841 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4842 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4843 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4844 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4845 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4846 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4847 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4848 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4849 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4850 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4851 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4852 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4853 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4854 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4855 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4856 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4857 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4858 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4859 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4860 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4861 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4862 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4863 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4864 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4865 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4866 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4867 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4868 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4869 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4870 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4871 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4872 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4873 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4874 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4875 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4876 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4877 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4878 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4879 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4880 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4881 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4882 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4883 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4884 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4885 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4886 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4887 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4888 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4889 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4890 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4891 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4892 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4893 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4894 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4895 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4896 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4897 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4898 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4899 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4900 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4901 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4902 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4903 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4904 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4905 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4906 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4907 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4908 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4909 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4910 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4911 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4912 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4913 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4914 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4915 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4916 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4917 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4918 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4919 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4920 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4921 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4922 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4923 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4924 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4925 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4926 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4927 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4928 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4929 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4930 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4931 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4932 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4933 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4934 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4935 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4936 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4937 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4938 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4939 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4940 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4941 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4942 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4943 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4944 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4945 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4946 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4947 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4948 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4949 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4950 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4951 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4952 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4953 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4954 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4955 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4956 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4957 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4958 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4959 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4960 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4961 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4962 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4963 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4964 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4965 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4966 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4967 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4968 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4969 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4970 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4971 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4972 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4973 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4974 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4975 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4976 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4977 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4978 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4979 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4980 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4981 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4982 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4983 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4984 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4985 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4986 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4987 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4988 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4989 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4990 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4991 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4992 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4993 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4994 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4995 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4996 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4997 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4998 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 4999 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5000 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5001 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5002 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5003 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5004 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5005 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5006 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5007 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5008 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5009 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5010 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5011 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5012 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5013 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5014 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5015 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5016 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5017 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5018 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5019 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5020 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5021 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5022 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5023 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5024 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5025 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5026 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5027 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5028 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5029 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5030 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5031 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5032 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5033 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5034 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5035 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5036 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5037 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5038 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5039 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5040 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5041 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5042 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5043 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5044 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5045 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5046 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5047 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5048 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5049 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5050 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5051 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5052 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5053 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5054 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5055 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5056 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5057 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5058 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5059 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5060 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5061 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5062 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5063 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5064 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5065 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5066 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5067 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5068 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5069 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5070 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5071 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5072 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5073 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5074 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5075 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5076 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5077 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5078 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5079 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5080 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5081 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5082 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5083 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5084 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5085 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5086 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5087 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5088 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5089 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5090 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5091 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5092 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5093 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5094 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5095 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5096 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5097 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5098 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5099 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5100 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5101 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5102 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5103 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5104 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5105 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5106 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5107 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5108 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5109 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5110 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5111 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5112 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5113 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5114 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5115 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5116 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5117 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5118 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5119 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5120 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5121 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5122 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5123 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5124 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5125 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5126 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5127 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5128 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5129 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5130 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5131 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5132 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5133 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5134 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5135 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5136 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5137 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5138 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5139 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5140 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5141 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5142 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5143 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5144 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5145 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5146 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5147 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5148 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5149 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5150 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5151 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5152 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5153 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5154 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5155 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5156 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5157 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5158 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5159 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5160 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5161 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5162 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5163 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5164 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5165 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5166 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5167 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5168 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 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taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5768 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5769 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5770 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5771 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5772 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5773 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5774 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5775 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5776 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5777 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5778 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5779 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5780 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5781 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5782 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5783 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5784 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5785 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5786 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5787 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5788 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5789 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5790 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5791 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5792 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5793 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5794 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5795 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5796 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5797 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5798 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5799 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5800 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5801 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5802 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5803 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5804 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5805 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5806 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5807 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5808 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5809 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5810 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5811 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5812 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5813 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5814 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5815 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5816 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5817 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5818 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5819 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5820 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5821 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5822 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5823 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5824 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5825 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5826 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5827 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5828 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5829 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5830 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5831 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5832 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5833 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5834 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5835 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5836 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5837 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5838 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5839 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5840 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5841 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5842 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5843 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5844 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5845 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5846 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5847 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5848 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5849 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5850 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5851 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5852 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5853 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5854 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5855 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5856 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5857 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5858 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5859 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5860 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5861 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5862 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5863 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5864 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5865 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5866 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5867 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5868 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5869 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5870 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5871 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5872 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5873 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5874 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5875 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5876 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5877 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5878 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5879 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5880 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5881 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5882 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5883 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5884 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5885 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5886 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5887 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5888 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5889 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5890 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5891 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5892 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5893 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5894 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5895 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5896 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5897 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5898 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5899 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5900 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5901 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5902 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5903 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5904 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5905 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5906 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5907 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5908 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5909 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5910 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5911 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5912 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5913 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5914 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5915 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5916 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5917 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5918 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5919 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5920 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5921 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5922 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5923 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5924 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5925 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5926 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5927 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5928 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5929 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5930 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5931 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5932 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5933 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5934 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5935 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5936 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5937 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5938 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5939 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5940 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5941 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5942 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5943 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5944 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5945 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5946 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5947 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5948 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5949 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5950 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5951 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5952 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5953 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5954 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5955 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5956 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5957 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5958 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5959 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5960 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5961 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5962 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5963 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5964 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5965 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5966 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5967 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5968 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5969 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5970 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5971 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5972 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5973 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5974 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5975 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5976 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5977 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5978 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5979 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5980 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5981 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5982 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5983 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5984 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5985 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5986 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5987 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5988 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5989 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5990 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5991 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5992 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5993 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5994 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5995 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5996 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5997 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5998 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 5999 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6000 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6001 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6002 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6003 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6004 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6005 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6006 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6007 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6008 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6009 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6010 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6011 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6012 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6013 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6014 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6015 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6016 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6017 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6018 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6019 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6020 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6021 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6022 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6023 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6024 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6025 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6026 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6027 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6028 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6029 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6030 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6031 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6032 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6033 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6034 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6035 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6036 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6037 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6038 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6039 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6040 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6041 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6042 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6043 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6044 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6045 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6046 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6047 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6048 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6049 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6050 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6051 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6052 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6053 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6054 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6055 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6056 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6057 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6058 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6059 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6060 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6061 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6062 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6063 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6064 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6065 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6066 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6067 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6068 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6069 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6070 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6071 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6072 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6073 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6074 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6075 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6076 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6077 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6078 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6079 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6080 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6081 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6082 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6083 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6084 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6085 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6086 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6087 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6088 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6089 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6090 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6091 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6092 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6093 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6094 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6095 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6096 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6097 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6098 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6099 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6100 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6101 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6102 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6103 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6104 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6105 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6106 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6107 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6108 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6109 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6110 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6111 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6112 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6113 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6114 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6115 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6116 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6117 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6118 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6119 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6120 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6121 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6122 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6123 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6124 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6125 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6126 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6127 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6128 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6129 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6130 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6131 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6132 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6133 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6134 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6135 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6136 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6137 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6138 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6139 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6140 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6141 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6142 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6143 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6144 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6145 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6146 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6147 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6148 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6149 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6150 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6151 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6152 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6153 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6154 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6155 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6156 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6157 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6158 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6159 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6160 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6161 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6162 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6163 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6164 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6165 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6166 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6167 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6168 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6169 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6170 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6171 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6172 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6173 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6174 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6175 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6176 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6177 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6178 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6179 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6180 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6181 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6182 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6183 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6184 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6185 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6186 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6187 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6188 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6189 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6190 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6191 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6192 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6193 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6194 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6195 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6196 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6197 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6198 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6199 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6200 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6201 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6202 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6203 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6204 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6205 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6206 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6207 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6208 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6209 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6210 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6211 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6212 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6213 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6214 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6215 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6216 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6217 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6218 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6219 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6220 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6221 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6222 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6223 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6224 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6225 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6226 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6227 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6228 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6229 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6230 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6231 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6232 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6233 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6234 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6235 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6236 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6237 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6238 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6239 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6240 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6241 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6242 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6243 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6244 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6245 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6246 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6247 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6248 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6249 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6250 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6251 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6252 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6253 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6254 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6255 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6256 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6257 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6258 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6259 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6260 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6261 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6262 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6263 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6264 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6265 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6266 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6267 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6268 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6269 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6270 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6271 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6272 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6273 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6274 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6275 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6276 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6277 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6278 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6279 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6280 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6281 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6282 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6283 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6284 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6285 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6286 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6287 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6288 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6289 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6290 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6291 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6292 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6293 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6294 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6295 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6296 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6297 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6298 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6299 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6300 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6301 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6302 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6303 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6304 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6305 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6306 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6307 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6308 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6309 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6310 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6311 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6312 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6313 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6314 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6315 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6316 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6317 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6318 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6319 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6320 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6321 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6322 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6323 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6324 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6325 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6326 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6327 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6328 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6329 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6330 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6331 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6332 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6333 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6334 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6335 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6336 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6337 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6338 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6339 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6340 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6341 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6342 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6343 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6344 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6345 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6346 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6347 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6348 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6349 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6350 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6351 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6352 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6353 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6354 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6355 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6356 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6357 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6358 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6359 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6360 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6361 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6362 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6363 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6364 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6365 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6366 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6367 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6368 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6369 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6370 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6371 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6372 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6373 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6374 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6375 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6376 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6377 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6378 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6379 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6380 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6381 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6382 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6383 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6384 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6385 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6386 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6387 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6388 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6389 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6390 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6391 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6392 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6393 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6394 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6395 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6396 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6397 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6398 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6399 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6400 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6401 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6402 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6403 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6404 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6405 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6406 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6407 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6408 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6409 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6410 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6411 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6412 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6413 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6414 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6415 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6416 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6417 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6418 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6419 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6420 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6421 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6422 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6423 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6424 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6425 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6426 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6427 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6428 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6429 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6430 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6431 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6432 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6433 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6434 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6435 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6436 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6437 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6438 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6439 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6440 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6441 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6442 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6443 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6444 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6445 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6446 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6447 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6448 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6449 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6450 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6451 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6452 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6453 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6454 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6455 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6456 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6457 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6458 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6459 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6460 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6461 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6462 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6463 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6464 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6465 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6466 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6467 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6468 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6469 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6470 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6471 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6472 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6473 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6474 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6475 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6476 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6477 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6478 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6479 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6480 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6481 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6482 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6483 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6484 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6485 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6486 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6487 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6488 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6489 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6490 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6491 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6492 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6493 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6494 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6495 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6496 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6497 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6498 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6499 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6500 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6501 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6502 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6503 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6504 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6505 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6506 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6507 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6508 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6509 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6510 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6511 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6512 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6513 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6514 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6515 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6516 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6517 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6518 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6519 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6520 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6521 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6522 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6523 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6524 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6525 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6526 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6527 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6528 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6529 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6530 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6531 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6532 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6533 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6534 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6535 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6536 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6537 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6538 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6539 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6540 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6541 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6542 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6543 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6544 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6545 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6546 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6547 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6548 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6549 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6550 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6551 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6552 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6553 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6554 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6555 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6556 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6557 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6558 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6559 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6560 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6561 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6562 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6563 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6564 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6565 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6566 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6567 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6568 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6569 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6570 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6571 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6572 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6573 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6574 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6575 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6576 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6577 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6578 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6579 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6580 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6581 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6582 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6583 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6584 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6585 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6586 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6587 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6588 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6589 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6590 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6591 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6592 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6593 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6594 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6595 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6596 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6597 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6598 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6599 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6600 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6601 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6602 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6603 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6604 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6605 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6606 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6607 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6608 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6609 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6610 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6611 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6612 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6613 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6614 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6615 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6616 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6617 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6618 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6619 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6620 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6621 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6622 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6623 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6624 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6625 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6626 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6627 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6628 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6629 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6630 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6631 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6632 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6633 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6634 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6635 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6636 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6637 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6638 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6639 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6640 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6641 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6642 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6643 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6644 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6645 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6646 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6647 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6648 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6649 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6650 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6651 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6652 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6653 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6654 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6655 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6656 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6657 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6658 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6659 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6660 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6661 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6662 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6663 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6664 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6665 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6666 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6667 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6668 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6669 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6670 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6671 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6672 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6673 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6674 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6675 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6676 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6677 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6678 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6679 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6680 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6681 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6682 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6683 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6684 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6685 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6686 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6687 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6688 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6689 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6690 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6691 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6692 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6693 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6694 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6695 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6696 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6697 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6698 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6699 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6700 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6701 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6702 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6703 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6704 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6705 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6706 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6707 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6708 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6709 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6710 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6711 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6712 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6713 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6714 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6715 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6716 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6717 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6718 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6719 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6720 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6721 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6722 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6723 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6724 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6725 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6726 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6727 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6728 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6729 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6730 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6731 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6732 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6733 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6734 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6735 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6736 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6737 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6738 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6739 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6740 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6741 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6742 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6743 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6744 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6745 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6746 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6747 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6748 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6749 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6750 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6751 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6752 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6753 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6754 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6755 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6756 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6757 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6758 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6759 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6760 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6761 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6762 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6763 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6764 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6765 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6766 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6767 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6768 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6769 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6770 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6771 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6772 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6773 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6774 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6775 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6776 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6777 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6778 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6779 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6780 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6781 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6782 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6783 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6784 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6785 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6786 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6787 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6788 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6789 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6790 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6791 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6792 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6793 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6794 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6795 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6796 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6797 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6798 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6799 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6800 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6801 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6802 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6803 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6804 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6805 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6806 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6807 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6808 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6809 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6810 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6811 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6812 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6813 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6814 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6815 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6816 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6817 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6818 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6819 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6820 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6821 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6822 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6823 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6824 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6825 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6826 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6827 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6828 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6829 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6830 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6831 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6832 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6833 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6834 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6835 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6836 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6837 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6838 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6839 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6840 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6841 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6842 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6843 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6844 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6845 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6846 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6847 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6848 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6849 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6850 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6851 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6852 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6853 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6854 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6855 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6856 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6857 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6858 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6859 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6860 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6861 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6862 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6863 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6864 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6865 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6866 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6867 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6868 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6869 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6870 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6871 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6872 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6873 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6874 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6875 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6876 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6877 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6878 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6879 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6880 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6881 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6882 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6883 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6884 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6885 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6886 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6887 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6888 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6889 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6890 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6891 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6892 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6893 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6894 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6895 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6896 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6897 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6898 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6899 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6900 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6901 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6902 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6903 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6904 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6905 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6906 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6907 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6908 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6909 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6910 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6911 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6912 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6913 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6914 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6915 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6916 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6917 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6918 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6919 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6920 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6921 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6922 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6923 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6924 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6925 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6926 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6927 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6928 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6929 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6930 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6931 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6932 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6933 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6934 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6935 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6936 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6937 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6938 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6939 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6940 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6941 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6942 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6943 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6944 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6945 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6946 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6947 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6948 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6949 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6950 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6951 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6952 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6953 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6954 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6955 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6956 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6957 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6958 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6959 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6960 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6961 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6962 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6963 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6964 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6965 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6966 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6967 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6968 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6969 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6970 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6971 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6972 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6973 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6974 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6975 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6976 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6977 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6978 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6979 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6980 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6981 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6982 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6983 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6984 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6985 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6986 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6987 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6988 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6989 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6990 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6991 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6992 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6993 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6994 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6995 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6996 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6997 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6998 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 6999 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7000 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7001 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7002 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7003 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7004 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7005 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7006 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7007 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7008 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7009 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7010 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7011 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7012 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7013 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7014 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7015 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7016 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7017 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7018 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7019 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7020 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7021 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7022 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7023 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7024 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7025 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7026 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7027 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7028 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7029 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7030 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7031 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7032 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7033 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7034 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7035 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7036 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7037 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7038 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7039 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7040 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7041 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7042 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7043 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7044 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7045 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7046 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7047 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7048 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7049 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7050 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7051 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7052 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7053 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7054 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7055 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7056 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7057 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7058 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7059 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7060 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7061 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7062 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7063 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7064 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7065 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7066 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7067 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7068 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7069 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7070 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7071 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7072 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7073 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7074 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7075 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7076 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7077 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7078 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7079 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7080 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7081 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7082 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7083 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7084 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7085 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7086 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7087 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7088 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7089 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7090 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7091 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7092 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7093 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7094 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7095 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7096 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7097 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7098 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7099 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7100 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7101 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7102 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7103 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7104 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7105 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7106 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7107 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7108 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7109 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7110 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7111 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7112 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7113 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7114 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7115 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7116 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7117 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7118 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7119 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7120 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7121 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7122 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7123 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7124 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7125 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7126 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7127 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7128 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7129 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7130 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7131 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7132 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7133 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7134 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7135 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7136 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7137 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7138 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7139 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7140 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7141 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7142 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7143 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7144 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7145 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7146 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7147 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7148 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7149 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7150 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7151 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7152 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7153 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7154 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7155 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7156 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7157 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7158 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7159 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7160 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7161 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7162 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7163 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7164 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7165 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7166 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7167 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7168 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7169 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7170 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7171 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7172 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7173 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7174 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7175 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7176 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7177 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7178 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7179 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7180 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7181 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7182 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7183 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7184 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7185 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7186 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7187 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7188 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7189 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7190 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7191 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7192 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7193 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7194 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7195 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7196 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7197 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7198 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7199 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7200 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7201 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7202 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7203 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7204 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7205 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7206 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7207 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7208 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7209 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7210 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7211 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7212 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7213 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7214 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7215 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7216 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7217 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7218 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7219 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7220 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7221 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7222 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7223 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7224 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7225 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7226 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7227 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7228 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7229 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7230 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7231 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7232 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7233 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7234 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7235 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7236 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7237 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7238 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7239 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7240 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7241 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7242 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7243 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7244 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7245 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7246 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7247 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7248 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7249 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7250 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7251 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7252 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7253 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7254 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7255 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7256 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7257 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7258 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7259 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7260 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7261 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7262 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7263 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7264 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7265 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7266 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7267 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7268 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7269 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7270 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7271 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7272 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7273 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7274 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7275 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7276 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7277 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 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taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7307 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7308 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7309 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7310 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7311 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7312 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7313 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7314 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7315 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7316 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7317 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7318 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7319 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7320 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7321 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7322 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7323 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7324 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7325 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7326 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7327 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7328 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7329 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7330 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7331 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7332 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7333 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7334 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7335 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7336 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7337 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7338 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7339 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7340 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7341 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7342 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7343 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7344 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7345 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7346 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7347 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7348 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7349 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7350 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7351 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7352 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7353 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7354 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7355 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7356 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7357 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7358 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7359 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7360 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7361 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7362 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7363 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7364 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7365 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7366 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7367 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7368 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7369 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7370 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7371 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7372 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7373 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7374 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7375 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7376 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7377 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7378 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7379 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7380 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7381 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7382 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7383 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7384 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7385 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7386 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7387 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7388 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7389 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7390 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7391 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 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taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7421 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7422 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7423 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7424 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7425 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7426 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7427 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7428 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7429 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7430 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7431 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7432 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7433 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7434 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7435 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7436 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7437 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7438 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7439 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7440 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7441 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7442 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7443 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7444 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7445 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7446 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7447 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7448 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 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taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7478 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7479 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7480 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7481 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7482 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7483 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7484 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7485 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7486 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7487 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7488 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7489 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7490 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7491 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7492 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7493 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7494 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7495 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7496 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7497 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7498 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7499 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7500 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7501 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7502 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7503 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7504 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7505 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7506 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7507 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7508 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7509 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7510 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7511 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7512 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7513 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7514 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7515 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7516 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7517 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7518 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7519 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7520 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7521 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7522 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7523 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7524 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7525 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7526 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7527 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7528 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7529 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7530 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7531 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7532 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7533 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7534 187 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0 #> 7563 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7564 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7565 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7566 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7567 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7568 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7569 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7570 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7571 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7572 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7573 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7574 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7575 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7576 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7577 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7578 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7579 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7580 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7581 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7582 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7583 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7584 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7585 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7586 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7587 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7588 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7589 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7590 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7591 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7592 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7593 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7594 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7595 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7596 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7597 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7598 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7599 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7600 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7601 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7602 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7603 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7604 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7605 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7606 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7607 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7608 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7609 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7610 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7611 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7612 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7613 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7614 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7615 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7616 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7617 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7618 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7619 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7620 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7621 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7622 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7623 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7624 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7625 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7626 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7627 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7628 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7629 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7630 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7631 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7632 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7633 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7634 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7635 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7636 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7637 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7638 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7639 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7640 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7641 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7642 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7643 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7644 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7645 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7646 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7647 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7648 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7649 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7650 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7651 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7652 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7653 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7654 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7655 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7656 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7657 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7658 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7659 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7660 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7661 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7662 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7663 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7664 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7665 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7666 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7667 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7668 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7669 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7670 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7671 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7672 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7673 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7674 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7675 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7676 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7677 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7678 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7679 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7680 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7681 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7682 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7683 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7684 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7685 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7686 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7687 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7688 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7689 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7690 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7691 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7692 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7693 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7694 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7695 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7696 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7697 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7698 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7699 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7700 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7701 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7702 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7703 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7704 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7705 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7706 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7707 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7708 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7709 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7710 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7711 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7712 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7713 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7714 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7715 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7716 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7717 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7718 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7719 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7720 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7721 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7722 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7723 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7724 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7725 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7726 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7727 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7728 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7729 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7730 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7731 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7732 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7733 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7734 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7735 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7736 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7737 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7738 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7739 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7740 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7741 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7742 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7743 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7744 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7745 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7746 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7747 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7748 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7749 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7750 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7751 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7752 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7753 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7754 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7755 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7756 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7757 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7758 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7759 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7760 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7761 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7762 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7763 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7764 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7765 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7766 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7767 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7768 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7769 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7770 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7771 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7772 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7773 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7774 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7775 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7776 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7777 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7778 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7779 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7780 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7781 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7782 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7783 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7784 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7785 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7786 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7787 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7788 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7789 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7790 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7791 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7792 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7793 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7794 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7795 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7796 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7797 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7798 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7799 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7800 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7801 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7802 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7803 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7804 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7805 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7806 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7807 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7808 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7809 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7810 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7811 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7812 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7813 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7814 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7815 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7816 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7817 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7818 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7819 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7820 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7821 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7822 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7823 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7824 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7825 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7826 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7827 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7828 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7829 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7830 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7831 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7832 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7833 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7834 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7835 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7836 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7837 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7838 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7839 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7840 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7841 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7842 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7843 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7844 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7845 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7846 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7847 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7848 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7849 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7850 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7851 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7852 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7853 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7854 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7855 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7856 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7857 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7858 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7859 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7860 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7861 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7862 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7863 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7864 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7865 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7866 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7867 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7868 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7869 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7870 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7871 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7872 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7873 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7874 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7875 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7876 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7877 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7878 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7879 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7880 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7881 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7882 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7883 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7884 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7885 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7886 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7887 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7888 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7889 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7890 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7891 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7892 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7893 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7894 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7895 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7896 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7897 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7898 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7899 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7900 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7901 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7902 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7903 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 7904 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 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taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> 8333 187 taxonomic_subgroup 0 0 #> ChoiceSequence ChoiceValue #> 1 1 1 #> 2 2 2 #> 3 3 3 #> 4 4 4 #> 5 5 5 #> 6 6 6 #> 7 7 7 #> 8 8 8 #> 9 9 9 #> 10 10 10 #> 11 11 11 #> 12 12 12 #> 13 13 13 #> 14 14 14 #> 15 15 15 #> 16 16 16 #> 17 1 1 #> 18 2 2 #> 19 3 3 #> 20 4 4 #> 21 5 5 #> 22 6 6 #> 23 7 7 #> 24 8 8 #> 25 9 9 #> 26 10 10 #> 27 11 11 #> 28 12 12 #> 29 13 13 #> 30 14 14 #> 31 15 15 #> 32 16 16 #> 33 1 1 #> 34 2 2 #> 35 3 3 #> 36 4 4 #> 37 5 5 #> 38 6 6 #> 39 7 7 #> 40 8 8 #> 41 1 1 #> 42 2 2 #> 43 3 3 #> 44 4 4 #> 45 5 5 #> 46 6 6 #> 47 7 7 #> 48 8 8 #> 49 1 1 #> 50 2 2 #> 51 3 3 #> 52 4 4 #> 53 1 1 #> 54 2 2 #> 55 3 3 #> 56 4 4 #> 57 1 1 #> 58 5 2 #> 59 2 3 #> 60 3 4 #> 61 4 5 #> 62 6 6 #> 63 1 1 #> 64 5 2 #> 65 2 3 #> 66 3 4 #> 67 4 5 #> 68 6 6 #> 69 1 1 #> 70 5 2 #> 71 2 3 #> 72 3 4 #> 73 4 5 #> 74 6 6 #> 75 1 1 #> 76 2 2 #> 77 3 3 #> 78 4 4 #> 79 1 1 #> 80 2 2 #> 81 3 3 #> 82 4 4 #> 83 1 1 #> 84 3 2 #> 85 5 3 #> 86 6 4 #> 87 8 5 #> 88 9 6 #> 89 10 7 #> 90 11 8 #> 91 12 9 #> 92 13 10 #> 93 15 11 #> 94 16 12 #> 95 21 13 #> 96 22 14 #> 97 23 15 #> 98 24 16 #> 99 25 17 #> 100 26 18 #> 101 27 19 #> 102 28 20 #> 103 29 21 #> 104 30 22 #> 105 31 23 #> 106 32 24 #> 107 33 25 #> 108 35 26 #> 109 36 27 #> 110 37 28 #> 111 38 29 #> 112 39 30 #> 113 40 31 #> 114 41 32 #> 115 42 33 #> 116 43 34 #> 117 44 35 #> 118 45 36 #> 119 46 37 #> 120 47 38 #> 121 48 39 #> 122 49 40 #> 123 50 41 #> 124 51 42 #> 125 52 43 #> 126 53 44 #> 127 54 45 #> 128 55 46 #> 129 56 47 #> 130 57 48 #> 131 58 49 #> 132 59 50 #> 133 60 51 #> 134 61 52 #> 135 64 53 #> 136 65 54 #> 137 66 55 #> 138 69 56 #> 139 70 57 #> 140 71 58 #> 141 72 59 #> 142 73 60 #> 143 74 61 #> 144 75 62 #> 145 76 63 #> 146 78 64 #> 147 79 65 #> 148 80 66 #> 149 81 67 #> 150 82 68 #> 151 83 69 #> 152 84 70 #> 153 85 71 #> 154 86 72 #> 155 87 73 #> 156 88 74 #> 157 90 75 #> 158 91 76 #> 159 92 77 #> 160 93 78 #> 161 94 79 #> 162 95 80 #> 163 96 81 #> 164 97 82 #> 165 98 83 #> 166 99 84 #> 167 100 85 #> 168 101 86 #> 169 103 87 #> 170 104 88 #> 171 105 89 #> 172 107 90 #> 173 108 91 #> 174 109 92 #> 175 110 93 #> 176 111 94 #> 177 112 95 #> 178 114 96 #> 179 115 97 #> 180 116 98 #> 181 117 99 #> 182 119 100 #> 183 122 101 #> 184 123 102 #> 185 124 103 #> 186 125 104 #> 187 126 105 #> 188 127 106 #> 189 128 107 #> 190 129 108 #> 191 130 109 #> 192 131 110 #> 193 132 111 #> 194 133 112 #> 195 134 113 #> 196 135 114 #> 197 137 115 #> 198 138 116 #> 199 139 117 #> 200 140 118 #> 201 141 119 #> 202 142 120 #> 203 143 121 #> 204 144 122 #> 205 145 123 #> 206 146 124 #> 207 147 125 #> 208 148 126 #> 209 149 127 #> 210 150 128 #> 211 151 129 #> 212 152 130 #> 213 153 131 #> 214 154 132 #> 215 155 133 #> 216 156 134 #> 217 157 135 #> 218 158 136 #> 219 159 137 #> 220 160 138 #> 221 161 139 #> 222 162 140 #> 223 163 141 #> 224 164 142 #> 225 165 143 #> 226 166 144 #> 227 167 145 #> 228 168 146 #> 229 169 147 #> 230 170 148 #> 231 171 149 #> 232 172 150 #> 233 173 151 #> 234 176 152 #> 235 177 153 #> 236 178 154 #> 237 179 155 #> 238 180 156 #> 239 181 157 #> 240 182 158 #> 241 183 159 #> 242 184 160 #> 243 185 161 #> 244 186 162 #> 245 187 163 #> 246 188 164 #> 247 189 165 #> 248 190 166 #> 249 191 167 #> 250 192 168 #> 251 193 169 #> 252 194 170 #> 253 195 171 #> 254 196 172 #> 255 199 173 #> 256 201 174 #> 257 202 175 #> 258 203 176 #> 259 204 177 #> 260 207 178 #> 261 209 179 #> 262 210 180 #> 263 211 181 #> 264 212 182 #> 265 213 183 #> 266 214 184 #> 267 215 185 #> 268 216 186 #> 269 217 187 #> 270 218 188 #> 271 219 189 #> 272 220 190 #> 273 221 191 #> 274 222 192 #> 275 223 193 #> 276 224 194 #> 277 225 195 #> 278 226 196 #> 279 227 197 #> 280 228 198 #> 281 229 199 #> 282 230 200 #> 283 231 201 #> 284 232 202 #> 285 233 203 #> 286 234 204 #> 287 236 205 #> 288 237 206 #> 289 238 207 #> 290 239 208 #> 291 241 209 #> 292 242 210 #> 293 248 211 #> 294 249 212 #> 295 250 213 #> 296 251 214 #> 297 252 215 #> 298 253 216 #> 299 254 217 #> 300 255 218 #> 301 256 219 #> 302 257 220 #> 303 258 221 #> 304 259 222 #> 305 260 223 #> 306 261 224 #> 307 262 225 #> 308 263 226 #> 309 77 227 #> 310 113 228 #> 311 14 229 #> 312 62 230 #> 313 63 231 #> 314 197 232 #> 315 198 233 #> 316 200 234 #> 317 136 235 #> 318 208 236 #> 319 174 237 #> 320 175 238 #> 321 67 239 #> 322 106 240 #> 323 235 241 #> 324 7 242 #> 325 68 243 #> 326 89 244 #> 327 118 245 #> 328 120 246 #> 329 121 247 #> 330 4 248 #> 331 205 249 #> 332 206 250 #> 333 240 251 #> 334 34 252 #> 335 102 253 #> 336 243 254 #> 337 245 255 #> 338 246 256 #> 339 244 257 #> 340 247 258 #> 341 19 259 #> 342 17 260 #> 343 20 261 #> 344 18 262 #> 345 2 263 #> 346 1 1 #> 347 3 2 #> 348 5 3 #> 349 6 4 #> 350 8 5 #> 351 9 6 #> 352 10 7 #> 353 11 8 #> 354 12 9 #> 355 13 10 #> 356 15 11 #> 357 16 12 #> 358 21 13 #> 359 22 14 #> 360 23 15 #> 361 24 16 #> 362 25 17 #> 363 26 18 #> 364 27 19 #> 365 28 20 #> 366 29 21 #> 367 30 22 #> 368 31 23 #> 369 32 24 #> 370 33 25 #> 371 35 26 #> 372 36 27 #> 373 37 28 #> 374 38 29 #> 375 39 30 #> 376 40 31 #> 377 41 32 #> 378 42 33 #> 379 43 34 #> 380 44 35 #> 381 45 36 #> 382 46 37 #> 383 47 38 #> 384 48 39 #> 385 49 40 #> 386 50 41 #> 387 51 42 #> 388 52 43 #> 389 53 44 #> 390 54 45 #> 391 55 46 #> 392 56 47 #> 393 57 48 #> 394 58 49 #> 395 59 50 #> 396 60 51 #> 397 61 52 #> 398 64 53 #> 399 65 54 #> 400 66 55 #> 401 69 56 #> 402 70 57 #> 403 71 58 #> 404 72 59 #> 405 73 60 #> 406 74 61 #> 407 75 62 #> 408 76 63 #> 409 78 64 #> 410 79 65 #> 411 80 66 #> 412 81 67 #> 413 82 68 #> 414 83 69 #> 415 84 70 #> 416 85 71 #> 417 86 72 #> 418 87 73 #> 419 88 74 #> 420 90 75 #> 421 91 76 #> 422 92 77 #> 423 93 78 #> 424 94 79 #> 425 95 80 #> 426 96 81 #> 427 97 82 #> 428 98 83 #> 429 99 84 #> 430 100 85 #> 431 101 86 #> 432 103 87 #> 433 104 88 #> 434 105 89 #> 435 107 90 #> 436 108 91 #> 437 109 92 #> 438 110 93 #> 439 111 94 #> 440 112 95 #> 441 114 96 #> 442 115 97 #> 443 116 98 #> 444 117 99 #> 445 119 100 #> 446 122 101 #> 447 123 102 #> 448 124 103 #> 449 125 104 #> 450 126 105 #> 451 127 106 #> 452 128 107 #> 453 129 108 #> 454 130 109 #> 455 131 110 #> 456 132 111 #> 457 133 112 #> 458 134 113 #> 459 135 114 #> 460 137 115 #> 461 138 116 #> 462 139 117 #> 463 140 118 #> 464 141 119 #> 465 142 120 #> 466 143 121 #> 467 144 122 #> 468 145 123 #> 469 146 124 #> 470 147 125 #> 471 148 126 #> 472 149 127 #> 473 150 128 #> 474 151 129 #> 475 152 130 #> 476 153 131 #> 477 154 132 #> 478 155 133 #> 479 156 134 #> 480 157 135 #> 481 158 136 #> 482 159 137 #> 483 160 138 #> 484 161 139 #> 485 162 140 #> 486 163 141 #> 487 164 142 #> 488 165 143 #> 489 166 144 #> 490 167 145 #> 491 168 146 #> 492 169 147 #> 493 170 148 #> 494 171 149 #> 495 172 150 #> 496 173 151 #> 497 176 152 #> 498 177 153 #> 499 178 154 #> 500 179 155 #> 501 180 156 #> 502 181 157 #> 503 182 158 #> 504 183 159 #> 505 184 160 #> 506 185 161 #> 507 186 162 #> 508 187 163 #> 509 188 164 #> 510 189 165 #> 511 190 166 #> 512 191 167 #> 513 192 168 #> 514 193 169 #> 515 194 170 #> 516 195 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238 #> 584 67 239 #> 585 106 240 #> 586 235 241 #> 587 7 242 #> 588 68 243 #> 589 89 244 #> 590 118 245 #> 591 120 246 #> 592 121 247 #> 593 4 248 #> 594 205 249 #> 595 206 250 #> 596 240 251 #> 597 34 252 #> 598 102 253 #> 599 243 254 #> 600 245 255 #> 601 246 256 #> 602 244 257 #> 603 247 258 #> 604 19 259 #> 605 17 260 #> 606 20 261 #> 607 18 262 #> 608 2 263 #> 609 1 1 #> 610 3 2 #> 611 5 3 #> 612 6 4 #> 613 8 5 #> 614 9 6 #> 615 10 7 #> 616 11 8 #> 617 12 9 #> 618 13 10 #> 619 15 11 #> 620 16 12 #> 621 21 13 #> 622 22 14 #> 623 23 15 #> 624 24 16 #> 625 25 17 #> 626 26 18 #> 627 27 19 #> 628 28 20 #> 629 29 21 #> 630 30 22 #> 631 31 23 #> 632 32 24 #> 633 33 25 #> 634 35 26 #> 635 36 27 #> 636 37 28 #> 637 38 29 #> 638 39 30 #> 639 40 31 #> 640 41 32 #> 641 42 33 #> 642 43 34 #> 643 44 35 #> 644 45 36 #> 645 46 37 #> 646 47 38 #> 647 48 39 #> 648 49 40 #> 649 50 41 #> 650 51 42 #> 651 52 43 #> 652 53 44 #> 653 54 45 #> 654 55 46 #> 655 56 47 #> 656 57 48 #> 657 58 49 #> 658 59 50 #> 659 60 51 #> 660 61 52 #> 661 64 53 #> 662 65 54 #> 663 66 55 #> 664 69 56 #> 665 70 57 #> 666 71 58 #> 667 72 59 #> 668 73 60 #> 669 74 61 #> 670 75 62 #> 671 76 63 #> 672 78 64 #> 673 79 65 #> 674 80 66 #> 675 81 67 #> 676 82 68 #> 677 83 69 #> 678 84 70 #> 679 85 71 #> 680 86 72 #> 681 87 73 #> 682 88 74 #> 683 90 75 #> 684 91 76 #> 685 92 77 #> 686 93 78 #> 687 94 79 #> 688 95 80 #> 689 96 81 #> 690 97 82 #> 691 98 83 #> 692 99 84 #> 693 100 85 #> 694 101 86 #> 695 103 87 #> 696 104 88 #> 697 105 89 #> 698 107 90 #> 699 108 91 #> 700 109 92 #> 701 110 93 #> 702 111 94 #> 703 112 95 #> 704 114 96 #> 705 115 97 #> 706 116 98 #> 707 117 99 #> 708 119 100 #> 709 122 101 #> 710 123 102 #> 711 124 103 #> 712 125 104 #> 713 126 105 #> 714 127 106 #> 715 128 107 #> 716 129 108 #> 717 130 109 #> 718 131 110 #> 719 132 111 #> 720 133 112 #> 721 134 113 #> 722 135 114 #> 723 137 115 #> 724 138 116 #> 725 139 117 #> 726 140 118 #> 727 141 119 #> 728 142 120 #> 729 143 121 #> 730 144 122 #> 731 145 123 #> 732 146 124 #> 733 147 125 #> 734 148 126 #> 735 149 127 #> 736 150 128 #> 737 151 129 #> 738 152 130 #> 739 153 131 #> 740 154 132 #> 741 155 133 #> 742 156 134 #> 743 157 135 #> 744 158 136 #> 745 159 137 #> 746 160 138 #> 747 161 139 #> 748 162 140 #> 749 163 141 #> 750 164 142 #> 751 165 143 #> 752 166 144 #> 753 167 145 #> 754 168 146 #> 755 169 147 #> 756 170 148 #> 757 171 149 #> 758 172 150 #> 759 173 151 #> 760 176 152 #> 761 177 153 #> 762 178 154 #> 763 179 155 #> 764 180 156 #> 765 181 157 #> 766 182 158 #> 767 183 159 #> 768 184 160 #> 769 185 161 #> 770 186 162 #> 771 187 163 #> 772 188 164 #> 773 189 165 #> 774 190 166 #> 775 191 167 #> 776 192 168 #> 777 193 169 #> 778 194 170 #> 779 195 171 #> 780 196 172 #> 781 199 173 #> 782 201 174 #> 783 202 175 #> 784 203 176 #> 785 204 177 #> 786 207 178 #> 787 209 179 #> 788 210 180 #> 789 211 181 #> 790 212 182 #> 791 213 183 #> 792 214 184 #> 793 215 185 #> 794 216 186 #> 795 217 187 #> 796 218 188 #> 797 219 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865 244 257 #> 866 247 258 #> 867 19 259 #> 868 17 260 #> 869 20 261 #> 870 18 262 #> 871 2 263 #> 872 1 1 #> 873 3 2 #> 874 5 3 #> 875 6 4 #> 876 8 5 #> 877 9 6 #> 878 10 7 #> 879 11 8 #> 880 12 9 #> 881 13 10 #> 882 15 11 #> 883 16 12 #> 884 21 13 #> 885 22 14 #> 886 23 15 #> 887 24 16 #> 888 25 17 #> 889 26 18 #> 890 27 19 #> 891 28 20 #> 892 29 21 #> 893 30 22 #> 894 31 23 #> 895 32 24 #> 896 33 25 #> 897 35 26 #> 898 36 27 #> 899 37 28 #> 900 38 29 #> 901 39 30 #> 902 40 31 #> 903 41 32 #> 904 42 33 #> 905 43 34 #> 906 44 35 #> 907 45 36 #> 908 46 37 #> 909 47 38 #> 910 48 39 #> 911 49 40 #> 912 50 41 #> 913 51 42 #> 914 52 43 #> 915 53 44 #> 916 54 45 #> 917 55 46 #> 918 56 47 #> 919 57 48 #> 920 58 49 #> 921 59 50 #> 922 60 51 #> 923 61 52 #> 924 64 53 #> 925 65 54 #> 926 66 55 #> 927 69 56 #> 928 70 57 #> 929 71 58 #> 930 72 59 #> 931 73 60 #> 932 74 61 #> 933 75 62 #> 934 76 63 #> 935 78 64 #> 936 79 65 #> 937 80 66 #> 938 81 67 #> 939 82 68 #> 940 83 69 #> 941 84 70 #> 942 85 71 #> 943 86 72 #> 944 87 73 #> 945 88 74 #> 946 90 75 #> 947 91 76 #> 948 92 77 #> 949 93 78 #> 950 94 79 #> 951 95 80 #> 952 96 81 #> 953 97 82 #> 954 98 83 #> 955 99 84 #> 956 100 85 #> 957 101 86 #> 958 103 87 #> 959 104 88 #> 960 105 89 #> 961 107 90 #> 962 108 91 #> 963 109 92 #> 964 110 93 #> 965 111 94 #> 966 112 95 #> 967 114 96 #> 968 115 97 #> 969 116 98 #> 970 117 99 #> 971 119 100 #> 972 122 101 #> 973 123 102 #> 974 124 103 #> 975 125 104 #> 976 126 105 #> 977 127 106 #> 978 128 107 #> 979 129 108 #> 980 130 109 #> 981 131 110 #> 982 132 111 #> 983 133 112 #> 984 134 113 #> 985 135 114 #> 986 137 115 #> 987 138 116 #> 988 139 117 #> 989 140 118 #> 990 141 119 #> 991 142 120 #> 992 143 121 #> 993 144 122 #> 994 145 123 #> 995 146 124 #> 996 147 125 #> 997 148 126 #> 998 149 127 #> 999 150 128 #> 1000 151 129 #> 1001 152 130 #> 1002 153 131 #> 1003 154 132 #> 1004 155 133 #> 1005 156 134 #> 1006 157 135 #> 1007 158 136 #> 1008 159 137 #> 1009 160 138 #> 1010 161 139 #> 1011 162 140 #> 1012 163 141 #> 1013 164 142 #> 1014 165 143 #> 1015 166 144 #> 1016 167 145 #> 1017 168 146 #> 1018 169 147 #> 1019 170 148 #> 1020 171 149 #> 1021 172 150 #> 1022 173 151 #> 1023 176 152 #> 1024 177 153 #> 1025 178 154 #> 1026 179 155 #> 1027 180 156 #> 1028 181 157 #> 1029 182 158 #> 1030 183 159 #> 1031 184 160 #> 1032 185 161 #> 1033 186 162 #> 1034 187 163 #> 1035 188 164 #> 1036 189 165 #> 1037 190 166 #> 1038 191 167 #> 1039 192 168 #> 1040 193 169 #> 1041 194 170 #> 1042 195 171 #> 1043 196 172 #> 1044 199 173 #> 1045 201 174 #> 1046 202 175 #> 1047 203 176 #> 1048 204 177 #> 1049 207 178 #> 1050 209 179 #> 1051 210 180 #> 1052 211 181 #> 1053 212 182 #> 1054 213 183 #> 1055 214 184 #> 1056 215 185 #> 1057 216 186 #> 1058 217 187 #> 1059 218 188 #> 1060 219 189 #> 1061 220 190 #> 1062 221 191 #> 1063 222 192 #> 1064 223 193 #> 1065 224 194 #> 1066 225 195 #> 1067 226 196 #> 1068 227 197 #> 1069 228 198 #> 1070 229 199 #> 1071 230 200 #> 1072 231 201 #> 1073 232 202 #> 1074 233 203 #> 1075 234 204 #> 1076 236 205 #> 1077 237 206 #> 1078 238 207 #> 1079 239 208 #> 1080 241 209 #> 1081 242 210 #> 1082 248 211 #> 1083 249 212 #> 1084 250 213 #> 1085 251 214 #> 1086 252 215 #> 1087 253 216 #> 1088 254 217 #> 1089 255 218 #> 1090 256 219 #> 1091 257 220 #> 1092 258 221 #> 1093 259 222 #> 1094 260 223 #> 1095 261 224 #> 1096 262 225 #> 1097 263 226 #> 1098 77 227 #> 1099 113 228 #> 1100 14 229 #> 1101 62 230 #> 1102 63 231 #> 1103 197 232 #> 1104 198 233 #> 1105 200 234 #> 1106 136 235 #> 1107 208 236 #> 1108 174 237 #> 1109 175 238 #> 1110 67 239 #> 1111 106 240 #> 1112 235 241 #> 1113 7 242 #> 1114 68 243 #> 1115 89 244 #> 1116 118 245 #> 1117 120 246 #> 1118 121 247 #> 1119 4 248 #> 1120 205 249 #> 1121 206 250 #> 1122 240 251 #> 1123 34 252 #> 1124 102 253 #> 1125 243 254 #> 1126 245 255 #> 1127 246 256 #> 1128 244 257 #> 1129 247 258 #> 1130 19 259 #> 1131 17 260 #> 1132 20 261 #> 1133 18 262 #> 1134 2 263 #> 1135 1 1 #> 1136 3 2 #> 1137 5 3 #> 1138 6 4 #> 1139 8 5 #> 1140 9 6 #> 1141 10 7 #> 1142 11 8 #> 1143 12 9 #> 1144 13 10 #> 1145 15 11 #> 1146 16 12 #> 1147 21 13 #> 1148 22 14 #> 1149 23 15 #> 1150 24 16 #> 1151 25 17 #> 1152 26 18 #> 1153 27 19 #> 1154 28 20 #> 1155 29 21 #> 1156 30 22 #> 1157 31 23 #> 1158 32 24 #> 1159 33 25 #> 1160 35 26 #> 1161 36 27 #> 1162 37 28 #> 1163 38 29 #> 1164 39 30 #> 1165 40 31 #> 1166 41 32 #> 1167 42 33 #> 1168 43 34 #> 1169 44 35 #> 1170 45 36 #> 1171 46 37 #> 1172 47 38 #> 1173 48 39 #> 1174 49 40 #> 1175 50 41 #> 1176 51 42 #> 1177 52 43 #> 1178 53 44 #> 1179 54 45 #> 1180 55 46 #> 1181 56 47 #> 1182 57 48 #> 1183 58 49 #> 1184 59 50 #> 1185 60 51 #> 1186 61 52 #> 1187 64 53 #> 1188 65 54 #> 1189 66 55 #> 1190 69 56 #> 1191 70 57 #> 1192 71 58 #> 1193 72 59 #> 1194 73 60 #> 1195 74 61 #> 1196 75 62 #> 1197 76 63 #> 1198 78 64 #> 1199 79 65 #> 1200 80 66 #> 1201 81 67 #> 1202 82 68 #> 1203 83 69 #> 1204 84 70 #> 1205 85 71 #> 1206 86 72 #> 1207 87 73 #> 1208 88 74 #> 1209 90 75 #> 1210 91 76 #> 1211 92 77 #> 1212 93 78 #> 1213 94 79 #> 1214 95 80 #> 1215 96 81 #> 1216 97 82 #> 1217 98 83 #> 1218 99 84 #> 1219 100 85 #> 1220 101 86 #> 1221 103 87 #> 1222 104 88 #> 1223 105 89 #> 1224 107 90 #> 1225 108 91 #> 1226 109 92 #> 1227 110 93 #> 1228 111 94 #> 1229 112 95 #> 1230 114 96 #> 1231 115 97 #> 1232 116 98 #> 1233 117 99 #> 1234 119 100 #> 1235 122 101 #> 1236 123 102 #> 1237 124 103 #> 1238 125 104 #> 1239 126 105 #> 1240 127 106 #> 1241 128 107 #> 1242 129 108 #> 1243 130 109 #> 1244 131 110 #> 1245 132 111 #> 1246 133 112 #> 1247 134 113 #> 1248 135 114 #> 1249 137 115 #> 1250 138 116 #> 1251 139 117 #> 1252 140 118 #> 1253 141 119 #> 1254 142 120 #> 1255 143 121 #> 1256 144 122 #> 1257 145 123 #> 1258 146 124 #> 1259 147 125 #> 1260 148 126 #> 1261 149 127 #> 1262 150 128 #> 1263 151 129 #> 1264 152 130 #> 1265 153 131 #> 1266 154 132 #> 1267 155 133 #> 1268 156 134 #> 1269 157 135 #> 1270 158 136 #> 1271 159 137 #> 1272 160 138 #> 1273 161 139 #> 1274 162 140 #> 1275 163 141 #> 1276 164 142 #> 1277 165 143 #> 1278 166 144 #> 1279 167 145 #> 1280 168 146 #> 1281 169 147 #> 1282 170 148 #> 1283 171 149 #> 1284 172 150 #> 1285 173 151 #> 1286 176 152 #> 1287 177 153 #> 1288 178 154 #> 1289 179 155 #> 1290 180 156 #> 1291 181 157 #> 1292 182 158 #> 1293 183 159 #> 1294 184 160 #> 1295 185 161 #> 1296 186 162 #> 1297 187 163 #> 1298 188 164 #> 1299 189 165 #> 1300 190 166 #> 1301 191 167 #> 1302 192 168 #> 1303 193 169 #> 1304 194 170 #> 1305 195 171 #> 1306 196 172 #> 1307 199 173 #> 1308 201 174 #> 1309 202 175 #> 1310 203 176 #> 1311 204 177 #> 1312 207 178 #> 1313 209 179 #> 1314 210 180 #> 1315 211 181 #> 1316 212 182 #> 1317 213 183 #> 1318 214 184 #> 1319 215 185 #> 1320 216 186 #> 1321 217 187 #> 1322 218 188 #> 1323 219 189 #> 1324 220 190 #> 1325 221 191 #> 1326 222 192 #> 1327 223 193 #> 1328 224 194 #> 1329 225 195 #> 1330 226 196 #> 1331 227 197 #> 1332 228 198 #> 1333 229 199 #> 1334 230 200 #> 1335 231 201 #> 1336 232 202 #> 1337 233 203 #> 1338 234 204 #> 1339 236 205 #> 1340 237 206 #> 1341 238 207 #> 1342 239 208 #> 1343 241 209 #> 1344 242 210 #> 1345 248 211 #> 1346 249 212 #> 1347 250 213 #> 1348 251 214 #> 1349 252 215 #> 1350 253 216 #> 1351 254 217 #> 1352 255 218 #> 1353 256 219 #> 1354 257 220 #> 1355 258 221 #> 1356 259 222 #> 1357 260 223 #> 1358 261 224 #> 1359 262 225 #> 1360 263 226 #> 1361 77 227 #> 1362 113 228 #> 1363 14 229 #> 1364 62 230 #> 1365 63 231 #> 1366 197 232 #> 1367 198 233 #> 1368 200 234 #> 1369 136 235 #> 1370 208 236 #> 1371 174 237 #> 1372 175 238 #> 1373 67 239 #> 1374 106 240 #> 1375 235 241 #> 1376 7 242 #> 1377 68 243 #> 1378 89 244 #> 1379 118 245 #> 1380 120 246 #> 1381 121 247 #> 1382 4 248 #> 1383 205 249 #> 1384 206 250 #> 1385 240 251 #> 1386 34 252 #> 1387 102 253 #> 1388 243 254 #> 1389 245 255 #> 1390 246 256 #> 1391 244 257 #> 1392 247 258 #> 1393 19 259 #> 1394 17 260 #> 1395 20 261 #> 1396 18 262 #> 1397 2 263 #> 1398 2 1 #> 1399 3 2 #> 1400 4 3 #> 1401 5 4 #> 1402 1 5 #> 1403 6 6 #> 1404 7 7 #> 1405 8 8 #> 1406 9 9 #> 1407 1 1 #> 1408 2 2 #> 1409 3 3 #> 1410 4 4 #> 1411 5 5 #> 1412 1 1 #> 1413 2 2 #> 1414 3 3 #> 1415 4 4 #> 1416 5 5 #> 1417 1 1 #> 1418 2 2 #> 1419 3 3 #> 1420 4 4 #> 1421 5 5 #> 1422 1 1 #> 1423 2 2 #> 1424 3 3 #> 1425 4 4 #> 1426 5 5 #> 1427 6 6 #> 1428 7 7 #> 1429 8 8 #> 1430 9 9 #> 1431 10 10 #> 1432 11 11 #> 1433 12 12 #> 1434 1 1 #> 1435 2 2 #> 1436 3 3 #> 1437 4 4 #> 1438 5 5 #> 1439 6 6 #> 1440 7 7 #> 1441 8 8 #> 1442 9 9 #> 1443 10 10 #> 1444 11 11 #> 1445 12 12 #> 1446 1 1 #> 1447 2 2 #> 1448 3 3 #> 1449 4 4 #> 1450 5 5 #> 1451 6 6 #> 1452 7 7 #> 1453 8 8 #> 1454 9 9 #> 1455 10 10 #> 1456 11 11 #> 1457 12 12 #> 1458 1 1 #> 1459 2 2 #> 1460 3 3 #> 1461 4 4 #> 1462 5 5 #> 1463 6 6 #> 1464 7 7 #> 1465 8 8 #> 1466 9 9 #> 1467 10 10 #> 1468 11 11 #> 1469 12 12 #> 1470 1 1 #> 1471 2 2 #> 1472 3 3 #> 1473 4 4 #> 1474 5 5 #> 1475 6 6 #> 1476 7 7 #> 1477 8 8 #> 1478 9 9 #> 1479 10 10 #> 1480 11 11 #> 1481 12 12 #> 1482 1 1 #> 1483 2 2 #> 1484 3 3 #> 1485 4 4 #> 1486 5 5 #> 1487 6 6 #> 1488 7 7 #> 1489 8 8 #> 1490 9 9 #> 1491 10 10 #> 1492 11 11 #> 1493 12 12 #> 1494 13 13 #> 1495 14 14 #> 1496 15 15 #> 1497 16 16 #> 1498 17 17 #> 1499 18 18 #> 1500 19 19 #> 1501 20 20 #> 1502 21 21 #> 1503 22 22 #> 1504 23 23 #> 1505 24 24 #> 1506 25 25 #> 1507 26 26 #> 1508 27 27 #> 1509 28 28 #> 1510 29 29 #> 1511 30 30 #> 1512 31 31 #> 1513 32 32 #> 1514 33 33 #> 1515 34 34 #> 1516 35 35 #> 1517 36 36 #> 1518 37 37 #> 1519 38 38 #> 1520 39 39 #> 1521 40 40 #> 1522 41 41 #> 1523 42 42 #> 1524 43 43 #> 1525 44 44 #> 1526 45 45 #> 1527 46 46 #> 1528 47 47 #> 1529 48 48 #> 1530 49 49 #> 1531 50 50 #> 1532 51 51 #> 1533 52 52 #> 1534 53 53 #> 1535 54 54 #> 1536 55 55 #> 1537 56 56 #> 1538 57 57 #> 1539 58 58 #> 1540 59 59 #> 1541 60 60 #> 1542 61 61 #> 1543 62 62 #> 1544 63 63 #> 1545 64 64 #> 1546 65 65 #> 1547 66 66 #> 1548 67 67 #> 1549 1 1 #> 1550 2 2 #> 1551 3 3 #> 1552 4 4 #> 1553 5 5 #> 1554 6 6 #> 1555 7 7 #> 1556 8 8 #> 1557 9 9 #> 1558 10 10 #> 1559 11 11 #> 1560 12 12 #> 1561 13 13 #> 1562 14 14 #> 1563 15 15 #> 1564 16 16 #> 1565 17 17 #> 1566 18 18 #> 1567 19 19 #> 1568 20 20 #> 1569 21 21 #> 1570 22 22 #> 1571 23 23 #> 1572 24 24 #> 1573 25 25 #> 1574 26 26 #> 1575 27 27 #> 1576 28 28 #> 1577 29 29 #> 1578 30 30 #> 1579 31 31 #> 1580 32 32 #> 1581 33 33 #> 1582 34 34 #> 1583 35 35 #> 1584 36 36 #> 1585 37 37 #> 1586 38 38 #> 1587 39 39 #> 1588 40 40 #> 1589 41 41 #> 1590 42 42 #> 1591 43 43 #> 1592 44 44 #> 1593 45 45 #> 1594 46 46 #> 1595 47 47 #> 1596 48 48 #> 1597 49 49 #> 1598 50 50 #> 1599 51 51 #> 1600 52 52 #> 1601 53 53 #> 1602 54 54 #> 1603 55 55 #> 1604 56 56 #> 1605 57 57 #> 1606 58 58 #> 1607 59 59 #> 1608 60 60 #> 1609 61 61 #> 1610 62 62 #> 1611 63 63 #> 1612 64 64 #> 1613 65 65 #> 1614 66 66 #> 1615 67 67 #> 1616 1 1 #> 1617 3 2 #> 1618 2 3 #> 1619 1 1 #> 1620 2 2 #> 1621 3 3 #> 1622 4 4 #> 1623 5 5 #> 1624 6 6 #> 1625 7 7 #> 1626 1 1 #> 1627 3 2 #> 1628 4 3 #> 1629 2 4 #> 1630 1 1 #> 1631 2 2 #> 1632 3 3 #> 1633 4 4 #> 1634 1 1 #> 1635 2 2 #> 1636 3 3 #> 1637 4 4 #> 1638 5 5 #> 1639 6 6 #> 1640 7 7 #> 1641 8 8 #> 1642 9 9 #> 1643 10 10 #> 1644 11 11 #> 1645 12 12 #> 1646 13 13 #> 1647 14 14 #> 1648 1 1 #> 1649 2 2 #> 1650 3 3 #> 1651 4 4 #> 1652 5 5 #> 1653 6 6 #> 1654 7 7 #> 1655 8 8 #> 1656 9 9 #> 1657 10 10 #> 1658 11 11 #> 1659 12 12 #> 1660 13 13 #> 1661 14 14 #> 1662 4 1 #> 1663 5 2 #> 1664 3 3 #> 1665 2 4 #> 1666 1 5 #> 1667 6 6 #> 1668 7 7 #> 1669 1 1 #> 1670 3 2 #> 1671 4 3 #> 1672 7 4 #> 1673 5 5 #> 1674 8 6 #> 1675 9 7 #> 1676 11 8 #> 1677 12 9 #> 1678 13 10 #> 1679 15 11 #> 1680 16 12 #> 1681 17 13 #> 1682 19 14 #> 1683 20 15 #> 1684 22 16 #> 1685 24 17 #> 1686 25 18 #> 1687 26 19 #> 1688 27 20 #> 1689 28 21 #> 1690 29 22 #> 1691 30 23 #> 1692 32 24 #> 1693 36 25 #> 1694 38 26 #> 1695 39 27 #> 1696 37 28 #> 1697 42 29 #> 1698 43 30 #> 1699 41 31 #> 1700 6 32 #> 1701 35 33 #> 1702 31 34 #> 1703 2 35 #> 1704 10 36 #> 1705 14 37 #> 1706 21 38 #> 1707 23 39 #> 1708 33 40 #> 1709 34 41 #> 1710 40 42 #> 1711 18 43 #> 1712 44 44 #> 1713 45 45 #> 1714 1 1 #> 1715 3 2 #> 1716 4 3 #> 1717 7 4 #> 1718 5 5 #> 1719 8 6 #> 1720 9 7 #> 1721 11 8 #> 1722 12 9 #> 1723 13 10 #> 1724 15 11 #> 1725 16 12 #> 1726 17 13 #> 1727 19 14 #> 1728 20 15 #> 1729 22 16 #> 1730 24 17 #> 1731 25 18 #> 1732 26 19 #> 1733 27 20 #> 1734 28 21 #> 1735 29 22 #> 1736 30 23 #> 1737 32 24 #> 1738 36 25 #> 1739 38 26 #> 1740 39 27 #> 1741 37 28 #> 1742 42 29 #> 1743 43 30 #> 1744 41 31 #> 1745 6 32 #> 1746 35 33 #> 1747 31 34 #> 1748 2 35 #> 1749 10 36 #> 1750 14 37 #> 1751 21 38 #> 1752 23 39 #> 1753 33 40 #> 1754 34 41 #> 1755 40 42 #> 1756 18 43 #> 1757 44 44 #> 1758 45 45 #> 1759 112 1 #> 1760 92 2 #> 1761 16 3 #> 1762 20 4 #> 1763 1 5 #> 1764 17 6 #> 1765 8 7 #> 1766 4 8 #> 1767 11 9 #> 1768 75 10 #> 1769 88 11 #> 1770 84 12 #> 1771 5 13 #> 1772 78 14 #> 1773 19 15 #> 1774 80 16 #> 1775 18 17 #> 1776 82 18 #> 1777 6 19 #> 1778 83 20 #> 1779 9 21 #> 1780 85 22 #> 1781 86 23 #> 1782 106 24 #> 1783 111 25 #> 1784 107 26 #> 1785 110 27 #> 1786 109 28 #> 1787 108 29 #> 1788 103 30 #> 1789 105 31 #> 1790 104 32 #> 1791 68 33 #> 1792 72 34 #> 1793 74 35 #> 1794 71 36 #> 1795 69 37 #> 1796 30 38 #> 1797 31 39 #> 1798 99 40 #> 1799 100 41 #> 1800 102 42 #> 1801 101 43 #> 1802 62 44 #> 1803 67 45 #> 1804 33 46 #> 1805 35 47 #> 1806 36 48 #> 1807 34 49 #> 1808 37 50 #> 1809 39 51 #> 1810 40 52 #> 1811 38 53 #> 1812 43 54 #> 1813 66 55 #> 1814 45 56 #> 1815 46 57 #> 1816 44 58 #> 1817 47 59 #> 1818 49 60 #> 1819 50 61 #> 1820 48 62 #> 1821 21 63 #> 1822 25 64 #> 1823 29 65 #> 1824 28 66 #> 1825 24 67 #> 1826 27 68 #> 1827 41 69 #> 1828 113 70 #> 1829 53 71 #> 1830 60 72 #> 1831 61 73 #> 1832 54 74 #> 1833 55 75 #> 1834 56 76 #> 1835 57 77 #> 1836 58 78 #> 1837 59 79 #> 1838 10 80 #> 1839 7 81 #> 1840 87 82 #> 1841 76 83 #> 1842 79 84 #> 1843 81 85 #> 1844 93 86 #> 1845 98 87 #> 1846 94 88 #> 1847 97 89 #> 1848 96 90 #> 1849 51 91 #> 1850 2 92 #> 1851 13 93 #> 1852 89 94 #> 1853 3 95 #> 1854 70 96 #> 1855 77 97 #> 1856 14 98 #> 1857 63 99 #> 1858 90 100 #> 1859 15 101 #> 1860 91 102 #> 1861 95 103 #> 1862 52 104 #> 1863 32 105 #> 1864 42 106 #> 1865 12 107 #> 1866 22 108 #> 1867 23 109 #> 1868 26 110 #> 1869 64 111 #> 1870 65 112 #> 1871 73 113 #> 1872 112 1 #> 1873 92 2 #> 1874 16 3 #> 1875 20 4 #> 1876 1 5 #> 1877 17 6 #> 1878 8 7 #> 1879 4 8 #> 1880 11 9 #> 1881 75 10 #> 1882 88 11 #> 1883 84 12 #> 1884 5 13 #> 1885 78 14 #> 1886 19 15 #> 1887 80 16 #> 1888 18 17 #> 1889 82 18 #> 1890 6 19 #> 1891 83 20 #> 1892 9 21 #> 1893 85 22 #> 1894 86 23 #> 1895 106 24 #> 1896 111 25 #> 1897 107 26 #> 1898 110 27 #> 1899 109 28 #> 1900 108 29 #> 1901 103 30 #> 1902 105 31 #> 1903 104 32 #> 1904 68 33 #> 1905 72 34 #> 1906 74 35 #> 1907 71 36 #> 1908 69 37 #> 1909 30 38 #> 1910 31 39 #> 1911 99 40 #> 1912 100 41 #> 1913 102 42 #> 1914 101 43 #> 1915 62 44 #> 1916 67 45 #> 1917 33 46 #> 1918 35 47 #> 1919 36 48 #> 1920 34 49 #> 1921 37 50 #> 1922 39 51 #> 1923 40 52 #> 1924 38 53 #> 1925 43 54 #> 1926 66 55 #> 1927 45 56 #> 1928 46 57 #> 1929 44 58 #> 1930 47 59 #> 1931 49 60 #> 1932 50 61 #> 1933 48 62 #> 1934 21 63 #> 1935 25 64 #> 1936 29 65 #> 1937 28 66 #> 1938 24 67 #> 1939 27 68 #> 1940 41 69 #> 1941 113 70 #> 1942 53 71 #> 1943 60 72 #> 1944 61 73 #> 1945 54 74 #> 1946 55 75 #> 1947 56 76 #> 1948 57 77 #> 1949 58 78 #> 1950 59 79 #> 1951 10 80 #> 1952 7 81 #> 1953 87 82 #> 1954 76 83 #> 1955 79 84 #> 1956 81 85 #> 1957 93 86 #> 1958 98 87 #> 1959 94 88 #> 1960 97 89 #> 1961 96 90 #> 1962 51 91 #> 1963 2 92 #> 1964 13 93 #> 1965 89 94 #> 1966 3 95 #> 1967 70 96 #> 1968 77 97 #> 1969 14 98 #> 1970 63 99 #> 1971 90 100 #> 1972 15 101 #> 1973 91 102 #> 1974 95 103 #> 1975 52 104 #> 1976 32 105 #> 1977 42 106 #> 1978 12 107 #> 1979 22 108 #> 1980 23 109 #> 1981 26 110 #> 1982 64 111 #> 1983 65 112 #> 1984 73 113 #> 1985 9 1 #> 1986 8 2 #> 1987 1 3 #> 1988 2 4 #> 1989 4 5 #> 1990 5 6 #> 1991 6 7 #> 1992 7 8 #> 1993 3 9 #> 1994 10 10 #> 1995 9 1 #> 1996 8 2 #> 1997 1 3 #> 1998 2 4 #> 1999 4 5 #> 2000 5 6 #> 2001 6 7 #> 2002 7 8 #> 2003 3 9 #> 2004 10 10 #> 2005 10 1 #> 2006 80 2 #> 2007 150 3 #> 2008 179 4 #> 2009 269 5 #> 2010 299 6 #> 2011 314 7 #> 2012 353 8 #> 2013 406 9 #> 2014 429 10 #> 2015 65 11 #> 2016 133 12 #> 2017 154 13 #> 2018 180 14 #> 2019 303 15 #> 2020 319 16 #> 2021 8 17 #> 2022 145 18 #> 2023 158 19 #> 2024 164 20 #> 2025 182 21 #> 2026 235 22 #> 2027 273 23 #> 2028 281 24 #> 2029 310 25 #> 2030 325 26 #> 2031 369 27 #> 2032 100 28 #> 2033 243 29 #> 2034 276 30 #> 2035 283 31 #> 2036 312 32 #> 2037 328 33 #> 2038 360 34 #> 2039 371 35 #> 2040 91 36 #> 2041 162 37 #> 2042 229 38 #> 2043 308 39 #> 2044 331 40 #> 2045 358 41 #> 2046 368 42 #> 2047 60 43 #> 2048 81 44 #> 2049 190 45 #> 2050 291 46 #> 2051 344 47 #> 2052 449 48 #> 2053 167 49 #> 2054 172 50 #> 2055 201 51 #> 2056 266 52 #> 2057 292 53 #> 2058 450 54 #> 2059 452 55 #> 2060 98 56 #> 2061 168 57 #> 2062 236 58 #> 2063 268 59 #> 2064 294 60 #> 2065 350 61 #> 2066 101 62 #> 2067 244 63 #> 2068 427 64 #> 2069 439 65 #> 2070 230 66 #> 2071 293 67 #> 2072 453 68 #> 2073 85 69 #> 2074 196 70 #> 2075 297 71 #> 2076 302 72 #> 2077 318 73 #> 2078 45 74 #> 2079 54 75 #> 2080 96 76 #> 2081 185 77 #> 2082 324 78 #> 2083 376 79 #> 2084 61 80 #> 2085 147 81 #> 2086 191 82 #> 2087 265 83 #> 2088 362 84 #> 2089 388 85 #> 2090 407 86 #> 2091 400 87 #> 2092 423 88 #> 2093 435 89 #> 2094 454 90 #> 2095 69 91 #> 2096 401 92 #> 2097 412 93 #> 2098 424 94 #> 2099 436 95 #> 2100 456 96 #> 2101 74 97 #> 2102 403 98 #> 2103 418 99 #> 2104 428 100 #> 2105 441 101 #> 2106 458 102 #> 2107 73 103 #> 2108 366 104 #> 2109 404 105 #> 2110 417 106 #> 2111 426 107 #> 2112 438 108 #> 2113 457 109 #> 2114 33 110 #> 2115 68 111 #> 2116 285 112 #> 2117 287 113 #> 2118 387 114 #> 2119 411 115 #> 2120 34 116 #> 2121 70 117 #> 2122 413 118 #> 2123 35 119 #> 2124 71 120 #> 2125 286 121 #> 2126 289 122 #> 2127 391 123 #> 2128 396 124 #> 2129 414 125 #> 2130 36 126 #> 2131 76 127 #> 2132 290 128 #> 2133 420 129 #> 2134 58 130 #> 2135 79 131 #> 2136 104 132 #> 2137 131 133 #> 2138 264 134 #> 2139 343 135 #> 2140 448 136 #> 2141 13 137 #> 2142 62 138 #> 2143 151 139 #> 2144 188 140 #> 2145 192 141 #> 2146 254 142 #> 2147 345 143 #> 2148 354 144 #> 2149 389 145 #> 2150 408 146 #> 2151 67 147 #> 2152 95 148 #> 2153 106 149 #> 2154 134 150 #> 2155 156 151 #> 2156 440 152 #> 2157 455 153 #> 2158 352 154 #> 2159 109 155 #> 2160 137 156 #> 2161 260 157 #> 2162 384 158 #> 2163 442 159 #> 2164 78 160 #> 2165 161 161 #> 2166 242 162 #> 2167 459 163 #> 2168 22 164 #> 2169 298 165 #> 2170 23 166 #> 2171 38 167 #> 2172 64 168 #> 2173 84 169 #> 2174 194 170 #> 2175 301 171 #> 2176 24 172 #> 2177 40 173 #> 2178 66 174 #> 2179 197 175 #> 2180 304 176 #> 2181 320 177 #> 2182 445 178 #> 2183 367 179 #> 2184 30 180 #> 2185 239 181 #> 2186 326 182 #> 2187 446 183 #> 2188 31 184 #> 2189 50 185 #> 2190 103 186 #> 2191 247 187 #> 2192 313 188 #> 2193 329 189 #> 2194 447 190 #> 2195 32 191 #> 2196 53 192 #> 2197 94 193 #> 2198 233 194 #> 2199 309 195 #> 2200 332 196 #> 2201 175 197 #> 2202 315 198 #> 2203 355 199 #> 2204 430 200 #> 2205 2 201 #> 2206 176 202 #> 2207 215 203 #> 2208 380 204 #> 2209 4 205 #> 2210 139 206 #> 2211 177 207 #> 2212 220 208 #> 2213 382 209 #> 2214 432 210 #> 2215 217 211 #> 2216 272 212 #> 2217 5 213 #> 2218 405 214 #> 2219 240 215 #> 2220 274 216 #> 2221 7 217 #> 2222 143 218 #> 2223 248 219 #> 2224 386 220 #> 2225 63 221 #> 2226 83 222 #> 2227 152 223 #> 2228 193 224 #> 2229 346 225 #> 2230 379 226 #> 2231 409 227 #> 2232 144 228 #> 2233 72 229 #> 2234 155 230 #> 2235 214 231 #> 2236 348 232 #> 2237 415 233 #> 2238 75 234 #> 2239 157 235 #> 2240 219 236 #> 2241 349 237 #> 2242 419 238 #> 2243 11 239 #> 2244 153 240 #> 2245 270 241 #> 2246 279 242 #> 2247 316 243 #> 2248 317 244 #> 2249 356 245 #> 2250 410 246 #> 2251 431 247 #> 2252 216 248 #> 2253 271 249 #> 2254 280 250 #> 2255 323 251 #> 2256 357 252 #> 2257 381 253 #> 2258 416 254 #> 2259 160 255 #> 2260 241 256 #> 2261 275 257 #> 2262 282 258 #> 2263 327 259 #> 2264 359 260 #> 2265 370 261 #> 2266 422 262 #> 2267 249 263 #> 2268 278 264 #> 2269 284 265 #> 2270 330 266 #> 2271 361 267 #> 2272 372 268 #> 2273 234 269 #> 2274 333 270 #> 2275 399 271 #> 2276 56 272 #> 2277 335 273 #> 2278 57 274 #> 2279 336 275 #> 2280 55 276 #> 2281 334 277 #> 2282 1 278 #> 2283 3 279 #> 2284 6 280 #> 2285 9 281 #> 2286 12 282 #> 2287 37 283 #> 2288 46 284 #> 2289 47 285 #> 2290 49 286 #> 2291 52 287 #> 2292 82 288 #> 2293 87 289 #> 2294 89 290 #> 2295 93 291 #> 2296 97 292 #> 2297 105 293 #> 2298 112 294 #> 2299 114 295 #> 2300 115 296 #> 2301 116 297 #> 2302 117 298 #> 2303 118 299 #> 2304 119 300 #> 2305 120 301 #> 2306 121 302 #> 2307 122 303 #> 2308 123 304 #> 2309 124 305 #> 2310 125 306 #> 2311 126 307 #> 2312 127 308 #> 2313 128 309 #> 2314 129 310 #> 2315 130 311 #> 2316 132 312 #> 2317 138 313 #> 2318 140 314 #> 2319 142 315 #> 2320 186 316 #> 2321 187 317 #> 2322 195 318 #> 2323 203 319 #> 2324 205 320 #> 2325 224 321 #> 2326 225 322 #> 2327 232 323 #> 2328 238 324 #> 2329 246 325 #> 2330 256 326 #> 2331 257 327 #> 2332 277 328 #> 2333 288 329 #> 2334 300 330 #> 2335 347 331 #> 2336 373 332 #> 2337 375 333 #> 2338 377 334 #> 2339 383 335 #> 2340 385 336 #> 2341 392 337 #> 2342 395 338 #> 2343 397 339 #> 2344 421 340 #> 2345 338 341 #> 2346 183 342 #> 2347 39 343 #> 2348 198 344 #> 2349 339 345 #> 2350 17 346 #> 2351 340 347 #> 2352 16 348 #> 2353 199 349 #> 2354 374 350 #> 2355 341 351 #> 2356 184 352 #> 2357 25 353 #> 2358 42 354 #> 2359 204 355 #> 2360 306 356 #> 2361 27 357 #> 2362 207 358 #> 2363 342 359 #> 2364 307 360 #> 2365 28 361 #> 2366 44 362 #> 2367 212 363 #> 2368 18 364 #> 2369 221 365 #> 2370 21 366 #> 2371 443 367 #> 2372 444 368 #> 2373 181 369 #> 2374 200 370 #> 2375 321 371 #> 2376 86 372 #> 2377 90 373 #> 2378 223 374 #> 2379 146 375 #> 2380 149 376 #> 2381 178 377 #> 2382 251 378 #> 2383 378 379 #> 2384 14 380 #> 2385 20 381 #> 2386 29 382 #> 2387 218 383 #> 2388 252 384 #> 2389 296 385 #> 2390 363 386 #> 2391 434 387 #> 2392 15 388 #> 2393 19 389 #> 2394 226 390 #> 2395 253 391 #> 2396 295 392 #> 2397 364 393 #> 2398 433 394 #> 2399 208 395 #> 2400 213 396 #> 2401 222 397 #> 2402 337 398 #> 2403 351 399 #> 2404 189 400 #> 2405 107 401 #> 2406 135 402 #> 2407 99 403 #> 2408 111 404 #> 2409 141 405 #> 2410 159 406 #> 2411 237 407 #> 2412 398 408 #> 2413 48 409 #> 2414 102 410 #> 2415 113 411 #> 2416 245 412 #> 2417 51 413 #> 2418 92 414 #> 2419 110 415 #> 2420 231 416 #> 2421 26 417 #> 2422 43 418 #> 2423 88 419 #> 2424 206 420 #> 2425 305 421 #> 2426 77 422 #> 2427 250 423 #> 2428 311 424 #> 2429 402 425 #> 2430 425 426 #> 2431 437 427 #> 2432 59 428 #> 2433 163 429 #> 2434 322 430 #> 2435 108 431 #> 2436 136 432 #> 2437 169 433 #> 2438 170 434 #> 2439 173 435 #> 2440 171 436 #> 2441 174 437 #> 2442 210 438 #> 2443 211 439 #> 2444 259 440 #> 2445 390 441 #> 2446 451 442 #> 2447 255 443 #> 2448 41 444 #> 2449 202 445 #> 2450 148 446 #> 2451 165 447 #> 2452 227 448 #> 2453 267 449 #> 2454 365 450 #> 2455 393 451 #> 2456 166 452 #> 2457 228 453 #> 2458 394 454 #> 2459 258 455 #> 2460 209 456 #> 2461 263 457 #> 2462 262 458 #> 2463 261 459 #> 2464 10 1 #> 2465 80 2 #> 2466 150 3 #> 2467 179 4 #> 2468 269 5 #> 2469 299 6 #> 2470 314 7 #> 2471 353 8 #> 2472 406 9 #> 2473 429 10 #> 2474 65 11 #> 2475 133 12 #> 2476 154 13 #> 2477 180 14 #> 2478 303 15 #> 2479 319 16 #> 2480 8 17 #> 2481 145 18 #> 2482 158 19 #> 2483 164 20 #> 2484 182 21 #> 2485 235 22 #> 2486 273 23 #> 2487 281 24 #> 2488 310 25 #> 2489 325 26 #> 2490 369 27 #> 2491 100 28 #> 2492 243 29 #> 2493 276 30 #> 2494 283 31 #> 2495 312 32 #> 2496 328 33 #> 2497 360 34 #> 2498 371 35 #> 2499 91 36 #> 2500 162 37 #> 2501 229 38 #> 2502 308 39 #> 2503 331 40 #> 2504 358 41 #> 2505 368 42 #> 2506 60 43 #> 2507 81 44 #> 2508 190 45 #> 2509 291 46 #> 2510 344 47 #> 2511 449 48 #> 2512 167 49 #> 2513 172 50 #> 2514 201 51 #> 2515 266 52 #> 2516 292 53 #> 2517 450 54 #> 2518 452 55 #> 2519 98 56 #> 2520 168 57 #> 2521 236 58 #> 2522 268 59 #> 2523 294 60 #> 2524 350 61 #> 2525 101 62 #> 2526 244 63 #> 2527 427 64 #> 2528 439 65 #> 2529 230 66 #> 2530 293 67 #> 2531 453 68 #> 2532 85 69 #> 2533 196 70 #> 2534 297 71 #> 2535 302 72 #> 2536 318 73 #> 2537 45 74 #> 2538 54 75 #> 2539 96 76 #> 2540 185 77 #> 2541 324 78 #> 2542 376 79 #> 2543 61 80 #> 2544 147 81 #> 2545 191 82 #> 2546 265 83 #> 2547 362 84 #> 2548 388 85 #> 2549 407 86 #> 2550 400 87 #> 2551 423 88 #> 2552 435 89 #> 2553 454 90 #> 2554 69 91 #> 2555 401 92 #> 2556 412 93 #> 2557 424 94 #> 2558 436 95 #> 2559 456 96 #> 2560 74 97 #> 2561 403 98 #> 2562 418 99 #> 2563 428 100 #> 2564 441 101 #> 2565 458 102 #> 2566 73 103 #> 2567 366 104 #> 2568 404 105 #> 2569 417 106 #> 2570 426 107 #> 2571 438 108 #> 2572 457 109 #> 2573 33 110 #> 2574 68 111 #> 2575 285 112 #> 2576 287 113 #> 2577 387 114 #> 2578 411 115 #> 2579 34 116 #> 2580 70 117 #> 2581 413 118 #> 2582 35 119 #> 2583 71 120 #> 2584 286 121 #> 2585 289 122 #> 2586 391 123 #> 2587 396 124 #> 2588 414 125 #> 2589 36 126 #> 2590 76 127 #> 2591 290 128 #> 2592 420 129 #> 2593 58 130 #> 2594 79 131 #> 2595 104 132 #> 2596 131 133 #> 2597 264 134 #> 2598 343 135 #> 2599 448 136 #> 2600 13 137 #> 2601 62 138 #> 2602 151 139 #> 2603 188 140 #> 2604 192 141 #> 2605 254 142 #> 2606 345 143 #> 2607 354 144 #> 2608 389 145 #> 2609 408 146 #> 2610 67 147 #> 2611 95 148 #> 2612 106 149 #> 2613 134 150 #> 2614 156 151 #> 2615 440 152 #> 2616 455 153 #> 2617 352 154 #> 2618 109 155 #> 2619 137 156 #> 2620 260 157 #> 2621 384 158 #> 2622 442 159 #> 2623 78 160 #> 2624 161 161 #> 2625 242 162 #> 2626 459 163 #> 2627 22 164 #> 2628 298 165 #> 2629 23 166 #> 2630 38 167 #> 2631 64 168 #> 2632 84 169 #> 2633 194 170 #> 2634 301 171 #> 2635 24 172 #> 2636 40 173 #> 2637 66 174 #> 2638 197 175 #> 2639 304 176 #> 2640 320 177 #> 2641 445 178 #> 2642 367 179 #> 2643 30 180 #> 2644 239 181 #> 2645 326 182 #> 2646 446 183 #> 2647 31 184 #> 2648 50 185 #> 2649 103 186 #> 2650 247 187 #> 2651 313 188 #> 2652 329 189 #> 2653 447 190 #> 2654 32 191 #> 2655 53 192 #> 2656 94 193 #> 2657 233 194 #> 2658 309 195 #> 2659 332 196 #> 2660 175 197 #> 2661 315 198 #> 2662 355 199 #> 2663 430 200 #> 2664 2 201 #> 2665 176 202 #> 2666 215 203 #> 2667 380 204 #> 2668 4 205 #> 2669 139 206 #> 2670 177 207 #> 2671 220 208 #> 2672 382 209 #> 2673 432 210 #> 2674 217 211 #> 2675 272 212 #> 2676 5 213 #> 2677 405 214 #> 2678 240 215 #> 2679 274 216 #> 2680 7 217 #> 2681 143 218 #> 2682 248 219 #> 2683 386 220 #> 2684 63 221 #> 2685 83 222 #> 2686 152 223 #> 2687 193 224 #> 2688 346 225 #> 2689 379 226 #> 2690 409 227 #> 2691 144 228 #> 2692 72 229 #> 2693 155 230 #> 2694 214 231 #> 2695 348 232 #> 2696 415 233 #> 2697 75 234 #> 2698 157 235 #> 2699 219 236 #> 2700 349 237 #> 2701 419 238 #> 2702 11 239 #> 2703 153 240 #> 2704 270 241 #> 2705 279 242 #> 2706 316 243 #> 2707 317 244 #> 2708 356 245 #> 2709 410 246 #> 2710 431 247 #> 2711 216 248 #> 2712 271 249 #> 2713 280 250 #> 2714 323 251 #> 2715 357 252 #> 2716 381 253 #> 2717 416 254 #> 2718 160 255 #> 2719 241 256 #> 2720 275 257 #> 2721 282 258 #> 2722 327 259 #> 2723 359 260 #> 2724 370 261 #> 2725 422 262 #> 2726 249 263 #> 2727 278 264 #> 2728 284 265 #> 2729 330 266 #> 2730 361 267 #> 2731 372 268 #> 2732 234 269 #> 2733 333 270 #> 2734 399 271 #> 2735 56 272 #> 2736 335 273 #> 2737 57 274 #> 2738 336 275 #> 2739 55 276 #> 2740 334 277 #> 2741 1 278 #> 2742 3 279 #> 2743 6 280 #> 2744 9 281 #> 2745 12 282 #> 2746 37 283 #> 2747 46 284 #> 2748 47 285 #> 2749 49 286 #> 2750 52 287 #> 2751 82 288 #> 2752 87 289 #> 2753 89 290 #> 2754 93 291 #> 2755 97 292 #> 2756 105 293 #> 2757 112 294 #> 2758 114 295 #> 2759 115 296 #> 2760 116 297 #> 2761 117 298 #> 2762 118 299 #> 2763 119 300 #> 2764 120 301 #> 2765 121 302 #> 2766 122 303 #> 2767 123 304 #> 2768 124 305 #> 2769 125 306 #> 2770 126 307 #> 2771 127 308 #> 2772 128 309 #> 2773 129 310 #> 2774 130 311 #> 2775 132 312 #> 2776 138 313 #> 2777 140 314 #> 2778 142 315 #> 2779 186 316 #> 2780 187 317 #> 2781 195 318 #> 2782 203 319 #> 2783 205 320 #> 2784 224 321 #> 2785 225 322 #> 2786 232 323 #> 2787 238 324 #> 2788 246 325 #> 2789 256 326 #> 2790 257 327 #> 2791 277 328 #> 2792 288 329 #> 2793 300 330 #> 2794 347 331 #> 2795 373 332 #> 2796 375 333 #> 2797 377 334 #> 2798 383 335 #> 2799 385 336 #> 2800 392 337 #> 2801 395 338 #> 2802 397 339 #> 2803 421 340 #> 2804 338 341 #> 2805 183 342 #> 2806 39 343 #> 2807 198 344 #> 2808 339 345 #> 2809 17 346 #> 2810 340 347 #> 2811 16 348 #> 2812 199 349 #> 2813 374 350 #> 2814 341 351 #> 2815 184 352 #> 2816 25 353 #> 2817 42 354 #> 2818 204 355 #> 2819 306 356 #> 2820 27 357 #> 2821 207 358 #> 2822 342 359 #> 2823 307 360 #> 2824 28 361 #> 2825 44 362 #> 2826 212 363 #> 2827 18 364 #> 2828 221 365 #> 2829 21 366 #> 2830 443 367 #> 2831 444 368 #> 2832 181 369 #> 2833 200 370 #> 2834 321 371 #> 2835 86 372 #> 2836 90 373 #> 2837 223 374 #> 2838 146 375 #> 2839 149 376 #> 2840 178 377 #> 2841 251 378 #> 2842 378 379 #> 2843 14 380 #> 2844 20 381 #> 2845 29 382 #> 2846 218 383 #> 2847 252 384 #> 2848 296 385 #> 2849 363 386 #> 2850 434 387 #> 2851 15 388 #> 2852 19 389 #> 2853 226 390 #> 2854 253 391 #> 2855 295 392 #> 2856 364 393 #> 2857 433 394 #> 2858 208 395 #> 2859 213 396 #> 2860 222 397 #> 2861 337 398 #> 2862 351 399 #> 2863 189 400 #> 2864 107 401 #> 2865 135 402 #> 2866 99 403 #> 2867 111 404 #> 2868 141 405 #> 2869 159 406 #> 2870 237 407 #> 2871 398 408 #> 2872 48 409 #> 2873 102 410 #> 2874 113 411 #> 2875 245 412 #> 2876 51 413 #> 2877 92 414 #> 2878 110 415 #> 2879 231 416 #> 2880 26 417 #> 2881 43 418 #> 2882 88 419 #> 2883 206 420 #> 2884 305 421 #> 2885 77 422 #> 2886 250 423 #> 2887 311 424 #> 2888 402 425 #> 2889 425 426 #> 2890 437 427 #> 2891 59 428 #> 2892 163 429 #> 2893 322 430 #> 2894 108 431 #> 2895 136 432 #> 2896 169 433 #> 2897 170 434 #> 2898 173 435 #> 2899 171 436 #> 2900 174 437 #> 2901 210 438 #> 2902 211 439 #> 2903 259 440 #> 2904 390 441 #> 2905 451 442 #> 2906 255 443 #> 2907 41 444 #> 2908 202 445 #> 2909 148 446 #> 2910 165 447 #> 2911 227 448 #> 2912 267 449 #> 2913 365 450 #> 2914 393 451 #> 2915 166 452 #> 2916 228 453 #> 2917 394 454 #> 2918 258 455 #> 2919 209 456 #> 2920 263 457 #> 2921 262 458 #> 2922 261 459 #> 2923 1 1 #> 2924 3 2 #> 2925 4 3 #> 2926 6 4 #> 2927 7 5 #> 2928 8 6 #> 2929 9 7 #> 2930 2 8 #> 2931 5 9 #> 2932 1 1 #> 2933 3 2 #> 2934 4 3 #> 2935 6 4 #> 2936 7 5 #> 2937 8 6 #> 2938 9 7 #> 2939 2 8 #> 2940 5 9 #> 2941 1 1 #> 2942 2 2 #> 2943 3 3 #> 2944 4 4 #> 2945 6 5 #> 2946 7 6 #> 2947 8 7 #> 2948 9 8 #> 2949 10 9 #> 2950 11 10 #> 2951 12 11 #> 2952 5 12 #> 2953 1 1 #> 2954 2 2 #> 2955 3 3 #> 2956 4 4 #> 2957 6 5 #> 2958 7 6 #> 2959 8 7 #> 2960 9 8 #> 2961 10 9 #> 2962 11 10 #> 2963 12 11 #> 2964 5 12 #> 2965 4 1 #> 2966 15 2 #> 2967 58 3 #> 2968 66 4 #> 2969 76 5 #> 2970 5 6 #> 2971 20 7 #> 2972 53 8 #> 2973 59 9 #> 2974 67 10 #> 2975 73 11 #> 2976 77 12 #> 2977 14 13 #> 2978 44 14 #> 2979 6 15 #> 2980 13 16 #> 2981 29 17 #> 2982 43 18 #> 2983 49 19 #> 2984 36 20 #> 2985 28 21 #> 2986 30 22 #> 2987 52 23 #> 2988 2 24 #> 2989 7 25 #> 2990 41 26 #> 2991 56 27 #> 2992 65 28 #> 2993 72 29 #> 2994 1 30 #> 2995 10 31 #> 2996 16 32 #> 2997 50 33 #> 2998 62 34 #> 2999 70 35 #> 3000 80 36 #> 3001 11 37 #> 3002 39 38 #> 3003 46 39 #> 3004 47 40 #> 3005 55 41 #> 3006 63 42 #> 3007 71 43 #> 3008 9 44 #> 3009 27 45 #> 3010 38 46 #> 3011 45 47 #> 3012 12 48 #> 3013 40 49 #> 3014 64 50 #> 3015 81 51 #> 3016 54 52 #> 3017 61 53 #> 3018 69 54 #> 3019 79 55 #> 3020 8 56 #> 3021 22 57 #> 3022 24 58 #> 3023 48 59 #> 3024 23 60 #> 3025 51 61 #> 3026 26 62 #> 3027 35 63 #> 3028 17 64 #> 3029 18 65 #> 3030 37 66 #> 3031 42 67 #> 3032 57 68 #> 3033 3 69 #> 3034 21 70 #> 3035 60 71 #> 3036 68 72 #> 3037 78 73 #> 3038 25 74 #> 3039 19 75 #> 3040 31 76 #> 3041 32 77 #> 3042 33 78 #> 3043 34 79 #> 3044 74 80 #> 3045 75 81 #> 3046 4 1 #> 3047 15 2 #> 3048 58 3 #> 3049 66 4 #> 3050 76 5 #> 3051 5 6 #> 3052 20 7 #> 3053 53 8 #> 3054 59 9 #> 3055 67 10 #> 3056 73 11 #> 3057 77 12 #> 3058 14 13 #> 3059 44 14 #> 3060 6 15 #> 3061 13 16 #> 3062 29 17 #> 3063 43 18 #> 3064 49 19 #> 3065 36 20 #> 3066 28 21 #> 3067 30 22 #> 3068 52 23 #> 3069 2 24 #> 3070 7 25 #> 3071 41 26 #> 3072 56 27 #> 3073 65 28 #> 3074 72 29 #> 3075 1 30 #> 3076 10 31 #> 3077 16 32 #> 3078 50 33 #> 3079 62 34 #> 3080 70 35 #> 3081 80 36 #> 3082 11 37 #> 3083 39 38 #> 3084 46 39 #> 3085 47 40 #> 3086 55 41 #> 3087 63 42 #> 3088 71 43 #> 3089 9 44 #> 3090 27 45 #> 3091 38 46 #> 3092 45 47 #> 3093 12 48 #> 3094 40 49 #> 3095 64 50 #> 3096 81 51 #> 3097 54 52 #> 3098 61 53 #> 3099 69 54 #> 3100 79 55 #> 3101 8 56 #> 3102 22 57 #> 3103 24 58 #> 3104 48 59 #> 3105 23 60 #> 3106 51 61 #> 3107 26 62 #> 3108 35 63 #> 3109 17 64 #> 3110 18 65 #> 3111 37 66 #> 3112 42 67 #> 3113 57 68 #> 3114 3 69 #> 3115 21 70 #> 3116 60 71 #> 3117 68 72 #> 3118 78 73 #> 3119 25 74 #> 3120 19 75 #> 3121 31 76 #> 3122 32 77 #> 3123 33 78 #> 3124 34 79 #> 3125 74 80 #> 3126 75 81 #> 3127 1 1 #> 3128 2 2 #> 3129 3 3 #> 3130 4 4 #> 3131 5 5 #> 3132 6 6 #> 3133 7 7 #> 3134 8 8 #> 3135 9 9 #> 3136 1 1 #> 3137 2 2 #> 3138 3 3 #> 3139 4 4 #> 3140 5 5 #> 3141 6 6 #> 3142 7 7 #> 3143 8 8 #> 3144 9 9 #> 3145 10 10 #> 3146 11 11 #> 3147 1 1 #> 3148 3 2 #> 3149 6 3 #> 3150 7 4 #> 3151 10 5 #> 3152 11 6 #> 3153 12 7 #> 3154 14 8 #> 3155 16 9 #> 3156 19 10 #> 3157 22 11 #> 3158 24 12 #> 3159 27 13 #> 3160 28 14 #> 3161 30 15 #> 3162 31 16 #> 3163 32 17 #> 3164 33 18 #> 3165 34 19 #> 3166 2 20 #> 3167 4 21 #> 3168 5 22 #> 3169 8 23 #> 3170 9 24 #> 3171 13 25 #> 3172 15 26 #> 3173 17 27 #> 3174 18 28 #> 3175 20 29 #> 3176 21 30 #> 3177 23 31 #> 3178 25 32 #> 3179 26 33 #> 3180 29 34 #> 3181 35 35 #> 3182 36 36 #> 3183 37 37 #> 3184 38 38 #> 3185 39 39 #> 3186 40 40 #> 3187 41 41 #> 3188 42 42 #> 3189 43 43 #> 3190 44 44 #> 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41 #> 3339 35 42 #> 3340 68 43 #> 3341 37 44 #> 3342 41 45 #> 3343 14 46 #> 3344 18 47 #> 3345 44 48 #> 3346 4 49 #> 3347 47 50 #> 3348 40 51 #> 3349 51 52 #> 3350 26 53 #> 3351 16 54 #> 3352 17 55 #> 3353 54 56 #> 3354 6 57 #> 3355 15 58 #> 3356 29 59 #> 3357 31 60 #> 3358 25 61 #> 3359 62 62 #> 3360 63 63 #> 3361 64 64 #> 3362 21 65 #> 3363 22 66 #> 3364 7 67 #> 3365 43 68 #> 3366 74 69 #> 3367 34 70 #> 3368 67 71 #> 3369 78 72 #> 3370 48 73 #> 3371 73 74 #> 3372 11 75 #> 3373 23 76 #> 3374 28 77 #> 3375 65 78 #> 3376 79 79 #> 3377 80 80 #> 3378 81 81 #> 3379 82 82 #> 3380 83 83 #> 3381 84 84 #> 3382 1 1 #> 3383 2 2 #> 3384 3 3 #> 3385 4 4 #> 3386 5 5 #> 3387 6 6 #> 3388 7 7 #> 3389 8 8 #> 3390 1 1 #> 3391 2 2 #> 3392 3 3 #> 3393 4 4 #> 3394 5 5 #> 3395 6 6 #> 3396 7 7 #> 3397 8 8 #> 3398 1 1 #> 3399 2 2 #> 3400 3 3 #> 3401 4 4 #> 3402 6 5 #> 3403 7 6 #> 3404 8 7 #> 3405 5 8 #> 3406 10 9 #> 3407 9 10 #> 3408 1 1 #> 3409 2 2 #> 3410 3 3 #> 3411 4 4 #> 3412 6 5 #> 3413 7 6 #> 3414 8 7 #> 3415 5 8 #> 3416 10 9 #> 3417 9 10 #> 3418 1 1 #> 3419 2 2 #> 3420 3 3 #> 3421 4 4 #> 3422 5 5 #> 3423 1 1 #> 3424 2 2 #> 3425 3 3 #> 3426 4 4 #> 3427 5 5 #> 3428 1 1 #> 3429 2 2 #> 3430 3 3 #> 3431 4 4 #> 3432 5 5 #> 3433 6 6 #> 3434 7 7 #> 3435 8 8 #> 3436 9 9 #> 3437 10 10 #> 3438 12 11 #> 3439 26 12 #> 3440 28 13 #> 3441 11 14 #> 3442 13 15 #> 3443 14 16 #> 3444 15 17 #> 3445 16 18 #> 3446 17 19 #> 3447 18 20 #> 3448 22 21 #> 3449 23 22 #> 3450 24 23 #> 3451 25 24 #> 3452 27 25 #> 3453 19 26 #> 3454 20 27 #> 3455 21 28 #> 3456 142 1 #> 3457 141 2 #> 3458 10 3 #> 3459 139 4 #> 3460 74 5 #> 3461 88 6 #> 3462 87 7 #> 3463 89 8 #> 3464 90 9 #> 3465 143 10 #> 3466 144 11 #> 3467 162 12 #> 3468 31 13 #> 3469 30 14 #> 3470 29 15 #> 3471 40 16 #> 3472 2 17 #> 3473 13 18 #> 3474 12 19 #> 3475 5 20 #> 3476 26 21 #> 3477 130 22 #> 3478 154 23 #> 3479 186 24 #> 3480 161 25 #> 3481 160 26 #> 3482 158 27 #> 3483 159 28 #> 3484 72 29 #> 3485 68 30 #> 3486 67 31 #> 3487 70 32 #> 3488 54 33 #> 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3558 32 104 #> 3559 33 105 #> 3560 56 106 #> 3561 16 107 #> 3562 57 108 #> 3563 60 109 #> 3564 73 110 #> 3565 79 111 #> 3566 98 112 #> 3567 101 113 #> 3568 111 114 #> 3569 113 115 #> 3570 114 116 #> 3571 122 117 #> 3572 129 118 #> 3573 133 119 #> 3574 172 120 #> 3575 173 121 #> 3576 176 122 #> 3577 177 123 #> 3578 179 124 #> 3579 131 125 #> 3580 58 126 #> 3581 103 127 #> 3582 171 128 #> 3583 9 129 #> 3584 118 130 #> 3585 7 131 #> 3586 17 132 #> 3587 18 133 #> 3588 20 134 #> 3589 43 135 #> 3590 164 136 #> 3591 128 137 #> 3592 21 138 #> 3593 44 139 #> 3594 75 140 #> 3595 76 141 #> 3596 37 142 #> 3597 77 143 #> 3598 163 144 #> 3599 38 145 #> 3600 123 146 #> 3601 119 147 #> 3602 124 148 #> 3603 125 149 #> 3604 99 150 #> 3605 150 151 #> 3606 135 152 #> 3607 137 153 #> 3608 174 154 #> 3609 175 155 #> 3610 185 156 #> 3611 184 157 #> 3612 134 158 #> 3613 22 159 #> 3614 96 160 #> 3615 15 161 #> 3616 127 162 #> 3617 190 163 #> 3618 140 164 #> 3619 145 165 #> 3620 120 166 #> 3621 39 167 #> 3622 178 168 #> 3623 49 169 #> 3624 100 170 #> 3625 50 171 #> 3626 51 172 #> 3627 149 173 #> 3628 170 174 #> 3629 47 175 #> 3630 48 176 #> 3631 55 177 #> 3632 14 178 #> 3633 84 179 #> 3634 6 180 #> 3635 63 181 #> 3636 80 182 #> 3637 115 183 #> 3638 165 184 #> 3639 148 185 #> 3640 151 186 #> 3641 102 187 #> 3642 91 188 #> 3643 152 189 #> 3644 61 190 #> 3645 41 191 #> 3646 34 192 #> 3647 142 1 #> 3648 141 2 #> 3649 10 3 #> 3650 139 4 #> 3651 74 5 #> 3652 88 6 #> 3653 87 7 #> 3654 89 8 #> 3655 90 9 #> 3656 143 10 #> 3657 144 11 #> 3658 162 12 #> 3659 31 13 #> 3660 30 14 #> 3661 29 15 #> 3662 40 16 #> 3663 2 17 #> 3664 13 18 #> 3665 12 19 #> 3666 5 20 #> 3667 26 21 #> 3668 130 22 #> 3669 154 23 #> 3670 186 24 #> 3671 161 25 #> 3672 160 26 #> 3673 158 27 #> 3674 159 28 #> 3675 72 29 #> 3676 68 30 #> 3677 67 31 #> 3678 70 32 #> 3679 54 33 #> 3680 69 34 #> 3681 11 35 #> 3682 4 36 #> 3683 66 37 #> 3684 71 38 #> 3685 86 39 #> 3686 23 40 #> 3687 93 41 #> 3688 36 42 #> 3689 85 43 #> 3690 81 44 #> 3691 82 45 #> 3692 83 46 #> 3693 97 47 #> 3694 46 48 #> 3695 52 49 #> 3696 53 50 #> 3697 156 51 #> 3698 153 52 #> 3699 146 53 #> 3700 147 54 #> 3701 169 55 #> 3702 136 56 #> 3703 132 57 #> 3704 183 58 #> 3705 181 59 #> 3706 182 60 #> 3707 189 61 #> 3708 187 62 #> 3709 188 63 #> 3710 180 64 #> 3711 1 65 #> 3712 121 66 #> 3713 155 67 #> 3714 94 68 #> 3715 45 69 #> 3716 168 70 #> 3717 167 71 #> 3718 166 72 #> 3719 104 73 #> 3720 110 74 #> 3721 105 75 #> 3722 107 76 #> 3723 106 77 #> 3724 108 78 #> 3725 109 79 #> 3726 35 80 #> 3727 42 81 #> 3728 116 82 #> 3729 138 83 #> 3730 65 84 #> 3731 95 85 #> 3732 126 86 #> 3733 191 87 #> 3734 24 88 #> 3735 25 89 #> 3736 28 90 #> 3737 59 91 #> 3738 62 92 #> 3739 157 93 #> 3740 78 95 #> 3741 19 96 #> 3742 117 97 #> 3743 112 98 #> 3744 64 99 #> 3745 92 100 #> 3746 3 101 #> 3747 8 102 #> 3748 27 103 #> 3749 32 104 #> 3750 33 105 #> 3751 56 106 #> 3752 16 107 #> 3753 57 108 #> 3754 60 109 #> 3755 73 110 #> 3756 79 111 #> 3757 98 112 #> 3758 101 113 #> 3759 111 114 #> 3760 113 115 #> 3761 114 116 #> 3762 122 117 #> 3763 129 118 #> 3764 133 119 #> 3765 172 120 #> 3766 173 121 #> 3767 176 122 #> 3768 177 123 #> 3769 179 124 #> 3770 131 125 #> 3771 58 126 #> 3772 103 127 #> 3773 171 128 #> 3774 9 129 #> 3775 118 130 #> 3776 7 131 #> 3777 17 132 #> 3778 18 133 #> 3779 20 134 #> 3780 43 135 #> 3781 164 136 #> 3782 128 137 #> 3783 21 138 #> 3784 44 139 #> 3785 75 140 #> 3786 76 141 #> 3787 37 142 #> 3788 77 143 #> 3789 163 144 #> 3790 38 145 #> 3791 123 146 #> 3792 119 147 #> 3793 124 148 #> 3794 125 149 #> 3795 99 150 #> 3796 150 151 #> 3797 135 152 #> 3798 137 153 #> 3799 174 154 #> 3800 175 155 #> 3801 185 156 #> 3802 184 157 #> 3803 134 158 #> 3804 22 159 #> 3805 96 160 #> 3806 15 161 #> 3807 127 162 #> 3808 190 163 #> 3809 140 164 #> 3810 145 165 #> 3811 120 166 #> 3812 39 167 #> 3813 178 168 #> 3814 49 169 #> 3815 100 170 #> 3816 50 171 #> 3817 51 172 #> 3818 149 173 #> 3819 170 174 #> 3820 47 175 #> 3821 48 176 #> 3822 55 177 #> 3823 14 178 #> 3824 84 179 #> 3825 6 180 #> 3826 63 181 #> 3827 80 182 #> 3828 115 183 #> 3829 165 184 #> 3830 148 185 #> 3831 151 186 #> 3832 102 187 #> 3833 91 188 #> 3834 152 189 #> 3835 61 190 #> 3836 41 191 #> 3837 34 192 #> 3838 142 1 #> 3839 141 2 #> 3840 10 3 #> 3841 139 4 #> 3842 74 5 #> 3843 88 6 #> 3844 87 7 #> 3845 89 8 #> 3846 90 9 #> 3847 143 10 #> 3848 144 11 #> 3849 162 12 #> 3850 31 13 #> 3851 30 14 #> 3852 29 15 #> 3853 40 16 #> 3854 2 17 #> 3855 13 18 #> 3856 12 19 #> 3857 5 20 #> 3858 26 21 #> 3859 130 22 #> 3860 154 23 #> 3861 186 24 #> 3862 161 25 #> 3863 160 26 #> 3864 158 27 #> 3865 159 28 #> 3866 72 29 #> 3867 68 30 #> 3868 67 31 #> 3869 70 32 #> 3870 54 33 #> 3871 69 34 #> 3872 11 35 #> 3873 4 36 #> 3874 66 37 #> 3875 71 38 #> 3876 86 39 #> 3877 23 40 #> 3878 93 41 #> 3879 36 42 #> 3880 85 43 #> 3881 81 44 #> 3882 82 45 #> 3883 83 46 #> 3884 97 47 #> 3885 46 48 #> 3886 52 49 #> 3887 53 50 #> 3888 156 51 #> 3889 153 52 #> 3890 146 53 #> 3891 147 54 #> 3892 169 55 #> 3893 136 56 #> 3894 132 57 #> 3895 183 58 #> 3896 181 59 #> 3897 182 60 #> 3898 189 61 #> 3899 187 62 #> 3900 188 63 #> 3901 180 64 #> 3902 1 65 #> 3903 121 66 #> 3904 155 67 #> 3905 94 68 #> 3906 45 69 #> 3907 168 70 #> 3908 167 71 #> 3909 166 72 #> 3910 104 73 #> 3911 110 74 #> 3912 105 75 #> 3913 107 76 #> 3914 106 77 #> 3915 108 78 #> 3916 109 79 #> 3917 35 80 #> 3918 42 81 #> 3919 116 82 #> 3920 138 83 #> 3921 65 84 #> 3922 95 85 #> 3923 126 86 #> 3924 191 87 #> 3925 24 88 #> 3926 25 89 #> 3927 28 90 #> 3928 59 91 #> 3929 62 92 #> 3930 157 93 #> 3931 78 95 #> 3932 19 96 #> 3933 117 97 #> 3934 112 98 #> 3935 64 99 #> 3936 92 100 #> 3937 3 101 #> 3938 8 102 #> 3939 27 103 #> 3940 32 104 #> 3941 33 105 #> 3942 56 106 #> 3943 16 107 #> 3944 57 108 #> 3945 60 109 #> 3946 73 110 #> 3947 79 111 #> 3948 98 112 #> 3949 101 113 #> 3950 111 114 #> 3951 113 115 #> 3952 114 116 #> 3953 122 117 #> 3954 129 118 #> 3955 133 119 #> 3956 172 120 #> 3957 173 121 #> 3958 176 122 #> 3959 177 123 #> 3960 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#> 4162 43 135 #> 4163 164 136 #> 4164 128 137 #> 4165 21 138 #> 4166 44 139 #> 4167 75 140 #> 4168 76 141 #> 4169 37 142 #> 4170 77 143 #> 4171 163 144 #> 4172 38 145 #> 4173 123 146 #> 4174 119 147 #> 4175 124 148 #> 4176 125 149 #> 4177 99 150 #> 4178 150 151 #> 4179 135 152 #> 4180 137 153 #> 4181 174 154 #> 4182 175 155 #> 4183 185 156 #> 4184 184 157 #> 4185 134 158 #> 4186 22 159 #> 4187 96 160 #> 4188 15 161 #> 4189 127 162 #> 4190 190 163 #> 4191 140 164 #> 4192 145 165 #> 4193 120 166 #> 4194 39 167 #> 4195 178 168 #> 4196 49 169 #> 4197 100 170 #> 4198 50 171 #> 4199 51 172 #> 4200 149 173 #> 4201 170 174 #> 4202 47 175 #> 4203 48 176 #> 4204 55 177 #> 4205 14 178 #> 4206 84 179 #> 4207 6 180 #> 4208 63 181 #> 4209 80 182 #> 4210 115 183 #> 4211 165 184 #> 4212 148 185 #> 4213 151 186 #> 4214 102 187 #> 4215 91 188 #> 4216 152 189 #> 4217 61 190 #> 4218 41 191 #> 4219 34 192 #> 4220 2 1 #> 4221 3 2 #> 4222 4 3 #> 4223 5 4 #> 4224 6 5 #> 4225 1 6 #> 4226 2 1 #> 4227 3 2 #> 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#> 4307 13 9 #> 4308 16 10 #> 4309 18 11 #> 4310 20 12 #> 4311 21 13 #> 4312 22 14 #> 4313 23 15 #> 4314 24 16 #> 4315 25 17 #> 4316 27 18 #> 4317 28 19 #> 4318 30 20 #> 4319 31 21 #> 4320 32 22 #> 4321 33 23 #> 4322 35 24 #> 4323 14 25 #> 4324 15 26 #> 4325 10 27 #> 4326 4 28 #> 4327 5 29 #> 4328 19 30 #> 4329 7 31 #> 4330 17 32 #> 4331 29 33 #> 4332 34 34 #> 4333 26 35 #> 4334 1 1 #> 4335 2 2 #> 4336 3 3 #> 4337 4 4 #> 4338 5 5 #> 4339 1 1 #> 4340 2 2 #> 4341 3 3 #> 4342 4 4 #> 4343 1 1 #> 4344 2 2 #> 4345 3 3 #> 4346 4 4 #> 4347 1 1 #> 4348 2 2 #> 4349 3 3 #> 4350 4 4 #> 4351 3 1 #> 4352 1 2 #> 4353 2 3 #> 4354 3 1 #> 4355 1 2 #> 4356 2 3 #> 4357 5 1 #> 4358 13 2 #> 4359 6 3 #> 4360 7 4 #> 4361 2 5 #> 4362 4 6 #> 4363 3 7 #> 4364 1 8 #> 4365 10 9 #> 4366 11 10 #> 4367 12 11 #> 4368 8 12 #> 4369 9 13 #> 4370 5 1 #> 4371 13 2 #> 4372 6 3 #> 4373 7 4 #> 4374 2 5 #> 4375 4 6 #> 4376 3 7 #> 4377 1 8 #> 4378 10 9 #> 4379 11 10 #> 4380 12 11 #> 4381 8 12 #> 4382 9 13 #> 4383 1 1 #> 4384 13 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4537 10 8 #> 4538 4 9 #> 4539 6 10 #> 4540 8 11 #> 4541 12 12 #> 4542 13 13 #> 4543 14 14 #> 4544 15 15 #> 4545 16 16 #> 4546 17 17 #> 4547 18 18 #> 4548 19 20 #> 4549 20 21 #> 4550 21 24 #> 4551 1 1 #> 4552 11 2 #> 4553 7 3 #> 4554 9 4 #> 4555 5 5 #> 4556 2 6 #> 4557 3 7 #> 4558 10 8 #> 4559 4 9 #> 4560 6 10 #> 4561 8 11 #> 4562 12 12 #> 4563 13 13 #> 4564 14 14 #> 4565 15 15 #> 4566 16 16 #> 4567 17 17 #> 4568 18 18 #> 4569 19 20 #> 4570 20 21 #> 4571 21 24 #> 4572 1 1 #> 4573 11 2 #> 4574 7 3 #> 4575 9 4 #> 4576 5 5 #> 4577 2 6 #> 4578 3 7 #> 4579 10 8 #> 4580 4 9 #> 4581 6 10 #> 4582 8 11 #> 4583 12 12 #> 4584 13 13 #> 4585 14 14 #> 4586 15 15 #> 4587 16 16 #> 4588 17 17 #> 4589 18 18 #> 4590 19 20 #> 4591 20 21 #> 4592 21 24 #> 4593 1 1 #> 4594 11 2 #> 4595 7 3 #> 4596 9 4 #> 4597 5 5 #> 4598 2 6 #> 4599 3 7 #> 4600 10 8 #> 4601 4 9 #> 4602 6 10 #> 4603 8 11 #> 4604 12 12 #> 4605 13 13 #> 4606 14 14 #> 4607 15 15 #> 4608 16 16 #> 4609 17 17 #> 4610 18 18 #> 4611 19 20 #> 4612 20 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48 48 #> 4688 49 49 #> 4689 50 50 #> 4690 51 51 #> 4691 52 52 #> 4692 53 53 #> 4693 54 54 #> 4694 55 55 #> 4695 56 56 #> 4696 57 57 #> 4697 58 58 #> 4698 59 59 #> 4699 60 60 #> 4700 61 61 #> 4701 62 62 #> 4702 1 1 #> 4703 2 2 #> 4704 4 3 #> 4705 3 4 #> 4706 5 5 #> 4707 6 6 #> 4708 7 7 #> 4709 8 8 #> 4710 9 9 #> 4711 10 10 #> 4712 11 11 #> 4713 12 12 #> 4714 13 13 #> 4715 14 14 #> 4716 15 15 #> 4717 16 16 #> 4718 17 17 #> 4719 18 18 #> 4720 19 19 #> 4721 20 20 #> 4722 21 21 #> 4723 22 22 #> 4724 23 23 #> 4725 24 24 #> 4726 25 25 #> 4727 26 26 #> 4728 27 27 #> 4729 28 28 #> 4730 29 29 #> 4731 30 30 #> 4732 31 31 #> 4733 32 32 #> 4734 33 33 #> 4735 34 34 #> 4736 35 35 #> 4737 36 36 #> 4738 37 37 #> 4739 38 38 #> 4740 39 39 #> 4741 40 40 #> 4742 41 41 #> 4743 42 42 #> 4744 43 43 #> 4745 44 44 #> 4746 45 45 #> 4747 46 46 #> 4748 47 47 #> 4749 48 48 #> 4750 49 49 #> 4751 50 50 #> 4752 51 51 #> 4753 52 52 #> 4754 53 53 #> 4755 54 54 #> 4756 55 55 #> 4757 56 56 #> 4758 57 57 #> 4759 58 58 #> 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3394 9 #> 4839 2852 10 #> 4840 61 11 #> 4841 343 12 #> 4842 679 13 #> 4843 1385 14 #> 4844 2045 15 #> 4845 3276 16 #> 4846 2860 17 #> 4847 108 18 #> 4848 66 19 #> 4849 346 20 #> 4850 681 21 #> 4851 1389 22 #> 4852 2048 23 #> 4853 3278 24 #> 4854 3427 25 #> 4855 2886 26 #> 4856 74 27 #> 4857 2434 28 #> 4858 3280 29 #> 4859 2914 30 #> 4860 82 31 #> 4861 687 32 #> 4862 1391 33 #> 4863 2055 34 #> 4864 3002 35 #> 4865 109 36 #> 4866 92 37 #> 4867 697 38 #> 4868 1396 39 #> 4869 2445 40 #> 4870 3287 41 #> 4871 3032 42 #> 4872 124 43 #> 4873 123 44 #> 4874 1366 45 #> 4875 2064 46 #> 4876 3463 47 #> 4877 3155 48 #> 4878 373 49 #> 4879 734 50 #> 4880 1172 51 #> 4881 1411 52 #> 4882 2803 53 #> 4883 197 54 #> 4884 432 55 #> 4885 1361 56 #> 4886 1808 57 #> 4887 1936 58 #> 4888 2043 59 #> 4889 2149 60 #> 4890 2474 61 #> 4891 3415 62 #> 4892 3517 63 #> 4893 2870 64 #> 4894 222 65 #> 4895 482 66 #> 4896 405 67 #> 4897 683 68 #> 4898 1355 69 #> 4899 1362 70 #> 4900 1837 71 #> 4901 2051 72 #> 4902 2164 73 #> 4903 2475 74 #> 4904 3431 75 #> 4905 3534 76 #> 4906 2890 77 #> 4907 228 78 #> 4908 492 79 #> 4909 2169 80 #> 4910 3539 81 #> 4911 2915 82 #> 4912 236 83 #> 4913 505 84 #> 4914 1152 85 #> 4915 1854 86 #> 4916 2175 87 #> 4917 2477 88 #> 4918 3547 89 #> 4919 3051 90 #> 4920 16 91 #> 4921 283 92 #> 4922 599 93 #> 4923 2069 94 #> 4924 2210 95 #> 4925 3582 96 #> 4926 2747 97 #> 4927 2881 98 #> 4928 491 99 #> 4929 2894 100 #> 4930 115 101 #> 4931 381 102 #> 4932 495 103 #> 4933 1356 104 #> 4934 1363 105 #> 4935 2053 106 #> 4936 2100 107 #> 4937 2171 108 #> 4938 3272 109 #> 4939 2900 110 #> 4940 501 111 #> 4941 2172 112 #> 4942 2917 113 #> 4943 238 114 #> 4944 351 115 #> 4945 507 116 #> 4946 688 117 #> 4947 1327 118 #> 4948 1447 119 #> 4949 2177 120 #> 4950 3549 121 #> 4951 2969 122 #> 4952 118 123 #> 4953 116 124 #> 4954 313 125 #> 4955 255 126 #> 4956 534 127 #> 4957 407 128 #> 4958 577 129 #> 4959 661 130 #> 4960 666 131 #> 4961 392 132 #> 4962 693 133 #> 4963 1358 134 #> 4964 1365 135 #> 4965 1381 136 #> 4966 1891 137 #> 4967 2062 138 #> 4968 2189 139 #> 4969 2482 140 #> 4970 2469 141 #> 4971 3252 142 #> 4972 3451 143 #> 4973 3565 144 #> 4974 3006 145 #> 4975 559 146 #> 4976 721 147 #> 4977 699 148 #> 4978 1407 149 #> 4979 1398 150 #> 4980 2063 151 #> 4981 2206 152 #> 4982 2449 153 #> 4983 2418 154 #> 4984 2506 155 #> 4985 3014 156 #> 4986 566 157 #> 4987 1925 158 #> 4988 2208 159 #> 4989 2512 160 #> 4990 3043 161 #> 4991 1370 162 #> 4992 2065 163 #> 4993 3471 164 #> 4994 3057 165 #> 4995 117 166 #> 4996 318 167 #> 4997 605 168 #> 4998 726 169 #> 4999 714 170 #> 5000 1360 171 #> 5001 1374 172 #> 5002 1409 173 #> 5003 1404 174 #> 5004 2071 175 #> 5005 2215 176 #> 5006 2460 177 #> 5007 2423 178 #> 5008 2487 179 #> 5009 2516 180 #> 5010 3479 181 #> 5011 2976 182 #> 5012 541 183 #> 5013 409 184 #> 5014 667 185 #> 5015 674 186 #> 5016 800 187 #> 5017 695 188 #> 5018 1686 189 #> 5019 1898 190 #> 5020 2195 191 #> 5021 2485 192 #> 5022 3212 193 #> 5023 3192 194 #> 5024 3254 195 #> 5025 3454 196 #> 5026 3009 197 #> 5027 562 198 #> 5028 411 199 #> 5029 675 200 #> 5030 805 201 #> 5031 701 202 #> 5032 1400 203 #> 5033 2452 204 #> 5034 2509 205 #> 5035 3216 206 #> 5036 3016 207 #> 5037 568 208 #> 5038 807 209 #> 5039 1927 210 #> 5040 2514 211 #> 5041 3218 212 #> 5042 3045 213 #> 5043 593 214 #> 5044 412 215 #> 5045 705 216 #> 5046 1401 217 #> 5047 2066 218 #> 5048 2330 219 #> 5049 2553 220 #> 5050 3473 221 #> 5051 3060 222 #> 5052 608 223 #> 5053 414 224 #> 5054 676 225 #> 5055 826 226 #> 5056 716 227 #> 5057 914 228 #> 5058 1406 229 #> 5059 1680 230 #> 5060 2218 231 #> 5061 2333 232 #> 5062 2462 233 #> 5063 2489 234 #> 5064 2518 235 #> 5065 3221 236 #> 5066 3196 237 #> 5067 3259 238 #> 5068 3482 239 #> 5069 3103 240 #> 5070 1688 241 #> 5071 1955 242 #> 5072 3224 243 #> 5073 2828 244 #> 5074 15 245 #> 5075 13 246 #> 5076 457 247 #> 5077 1443 248 #> 5078 2087 249 #> 5079 3419 250 #> 5080 2898 251 #> 5081 233 252 #> 5082 499 253 #> 5083 2054 254 #> 5084 2101 255 #> 5085 3544 256 #> 5086 2963 257 #> 5087 251 258 #> 5088 357 259 #> 5089 528 260 #> 5090 664 261 #> 5091 879 262 #> 5092 1885 263 #> 5093 1937 264 #> 5094 1970 265 #> 5095 2061 266 #> 5096 2089 267 #> 5097 2441 268 #> 5098 2479 269 #> 5099 3249 270 #> 5100 3448 271 #> 5101 3562 272 #> 5102 3041 273 #> 5103 590 274 #> 5104 3469 275 #> 5105 3063 276 #> 5106 288 277 #> 5107 369 278 #> 5108 610 279 #> 5109 717 280 #> 5110 898 281 #> 5111 1451 282 #> 5112 2072 283 #> 5113 2090 284 #> 5114 2335 285 #> 5115 2463 286 #> 5116 3260 287 #> 5117 3484 288 #> 5118 3585 289 #> 5119 3100 290 #> 5120 901 291 #> 5121 1953 292 #> 5122 2107 293 #> 5123 2338 294 #> 5124 2798 295 #> 5125 1508 296 #> 5126 1805 297 #> 5127 2300 298 #> 5128 2661 299 #> 5129 2818 300 #> 5130 22 301 #> 5131 1511 302 #> 5132 2662 303 #> 5133 2853 304 #> 5134 164 305 #> 5135 988 306 #> 5136 1513 307 #> 5137 1642 308 #> 5138 1830 309 #> 5139 2351 310 #> 5140 2665 311 #> 5141 2861 312 #> 5142 165 313 #> 5143 990 314 #> 5144 1516 315 #> 5145 1643 316 #> 5146 2352 317 #> 5147 2666 318 #> 5148 3024 319 #> 5149 24 320 #> 5150 1657 321 #> 5151 1653 322 #> 5152 1933 323 #> 5153 2675 324 #> 5154 3076 325 #> 5155 1010 326 #> 5156 1002 327 #> 5157 1531 328 #> 5158 1945 329 #> 5159 2677 330 #> 5160 3172 331 #> 5161 1015 332 #> 5162 1537 333 #> 5163 2023 334 #> 5164 2681 335 #> 5165 2903 336 #> 5166 1851 337 #> 5167 3606 338 #> 5168 2908 339 #> 5169 2936 340 #> 5170 168 341 #> 5171 514 342 #> 5172 29 343 #> 5173 1864 344 #> 5174 2669 345 #> 5175 3607 346 #> 5176 3699 347 #> 5177 2999 348 #> 5178 555 349 #> 5179 1918 350 #> 5180 2397 351 #> 5181 2673 352 #> 5182 3025 353 #> 5183 170 354 #> 5184 1934 355 #> 5185 3611 356 #> 5186 3173 357 #> 5187 157 358 #> 5188 651 359 #> 5189 1631 360 #> 5190 1616 361 #> 5191 2024 362 #> 5192 2682 363 #> 5193 3725 364 #> 5194 3175 365 #> 5195 652 366 #> 5196 907 367 #> 5197 1016 368 #> 5198 2025 369 #> 5199 2342 370 #> 5200 2835 371 #> 5201 466 372 #> 5202 27 373 #> 5203 1655 374 #> 5204 2663 375 #> 5205 2904 376 #> 5206 166 377 #> 5207 502 378 #> 5208 31 379 #> 5209 43 380 #> 5210 28 381 #> 5211 1165 382 #> 5212 1151 383 #> 5213 1650 384 #> 5214 1656 385 #> 5215 1662 386 #> 5216 1645 387 #> 5217 1852 388 #> 5218 2255 389 #> 5219 2667 390 #> 5220 2970 391 #> 5221 144 392 #> 5222 169 393 #> 5223 314 394 #> 5224 535 395 #> 5225 449 396 #> 5226 32 397 #> 5227 41 398 #> 5228 44 399 #> 5229 30 400 #> 5230 1000 401 #> 5231 1167 402 #> 5232 1155 403 #> 5233 1663 404 #> 5234 1648 405 #> 5235 1892 406 #> 5236 2125 407 #> 5237 2359 408 #> 5238 2671 409 #> 5239 3253 410 #> 5240 3609 411 #> 5241 3001 412 #> 5242 556 413 #> 5243 42 414 #> 5244 35 415 #> 5245 1160 416 #> 5246 1920 417 #> 5247 2674 418 #> 5248 3257 419 #> 5249 3027 420 #> 5250 171 421 #> 5251 161 422 #> 5252 172 423 #> 5253 173 424 #> 5254 317 425 #> 5255 583 426 #> 5256 33 427 #> 5257 45 428 #> 5258 38 429 #> 5259 1159 430 #> 5260 1168 431 #> 5261 1658 432 #> 5262 1654 433 #> 5263 1935 434 #> 5264 2289 435 #> 5265 2267 436 #> 5266 2676 437 #> 5267 3258 438 #> 5268 3612 439 #> 5269 3082 440 #> 5270 626 441 #> 5271 34 442 #> 5272 39 443 #> 5273 1169 444 #> 5274 1166 445 #> 5275 1659 446 #> 5276 1660 447 #> 5277 1946 448 #> 5278 2273 449 #> 5279 2678 450 #> 5280 3613 451 #> 5281 2838 452 #> 5282 468 453 #> 5283 1548 454 #> 5284 2664 455 #> 5285 2977 456 #> 5286 145 457 #> 5287 542 458 #> 5288 885 459 #> 5289 1074 460 #> 5290 1079 461 #> 5291 1578 462 #> 5292 1899 463 #> 5293 2127 464 #> 5294 2672 465 #> 5295 3286 466 #> 5296 3610 467 #> 5297 3153 468 #> 5298 154 469 #> 5299 639 470 #> 5300 1614 471 #> 5301 1994 472 #> 5302 2679 473 #> 5303 3264 474 #> 5304 3162 475 #> 5305 645 476 #> 5306 905 477 #> 5307 1615 478 #> 5308 2010 479 #> 5309 2680 480 #> 5310 2964 481 #> 5311 143 482 #> 5312 146 483 #> 5313 529 484 #> 5314 880 485 #> 5315 1574 486 #> 5316 1886 487 #> 5317 2670 488 #> 5318 3250 489 #> 5319 3026 490 #> 5320 2266 491 #> 5321 3176 492 #> 5322 158 493 #> 5323 147 494 #> 5324 653 495 #> 5325 1618 496 #> 5326 2026 497 #> 5327 2683 498 #> 5328 3294 499 #> 5329 2822 500 #> 5330 21 501 #> 5331 12 502 #> 5332 445 503 #> 5333 1442 504 #> 5334 1479 505 #> 5335 3366 506 #> 5336 3298 507 #> 5337 3418 508 #> 5338 3628 509 #> 5339 3734 510 #> 5340 2931 511 #> 5341 509 512 #> 5342 739 513 #> 5343 743 514 #> 5344 690 515 #> 5345 850 516 #> 5346 853 517 #> 5347 859 518 #> 5348 994 519 #> 5349 1049 520 #> 5350 1859 521 #> 5351 1966 522 #> 5352 2013 523 #> 5353 2035 524 #> 5354 3308 525 #> 5355 3378 526 #> 5356 3299 527 #> 5357 3441 528 #> 5358 3672 529 #> 5359 3737 530 #> 5360 3662 531 #> 5361 3030 532 #> 5362 586 533 #> 5363 510 534 #> 5364 1449 535 #> 5365 1482 536 #> 5366 3462 537 #> 5367 3739 538 #> 5368 3035 539 #> 5369 588 540 #> 5370 854 541 #> 5371 849 542 #> 5372 1003 543 #> 5373 1051 544 #> 5374 1368 545 #> 5375 1377 546 #> 5376 1450 547 #> 5377 1483 548 #> 5378 1489 549 #> 5379 1941 550 #> 5380 2036 551 #> 5381 3380 552 #> 5382 3465 553 #> 5383 3740 554 #> 5384 3050 555 #> 5385 860 556 #> 5386 855 557 #> 5387 1006 558 #> 5388 2331 559 #> 5389 2339 560 #> 5390 2340 561 #> 5391 2344 562 #> 5392 3381 563 #> 5393 3300 564 #> 5394 3477 565 #> 5395 3741 566 #> 5396 3663 567 #> 5397 2783 568 #> 5398 423 569 #> 5399 446 570 #> 5400 747 571 #> 5401 847 572 #> 5402 851 573 #> 5403 984 574 #> 5404 1047 575 #> 5405 1795 576 #> 5406 2012 577 #> 5407 2033 578 #> 5408 3369 579 #> 5409 3373 580 #> 5410 3732 581 #> 5411 3726 582 #> 5412 2792 583 #> 5413 323 584 #> 5414 429 585 #> 5415 447 586 #> 5416 848 587 #> 5417 852 588 #> 5418 858 589 #> 5419 985 590 #> 5420 1048 591 #> 5421 1050 592 #> 5422 1241 593 #> 5423 1803 594 #> 5424 2034 595 #> 5425 2084 596 #> 5426 3307 597 #> 5427 3365 598 #> 5428 3370 599 #> 5429 3374 600 #> 5430 3412 601 #> 5431 3627 602 #> 5432 3671 603 #> 5433 3733 604 #> 5434 3727 605 #> 5435 2833 606 #> 5436 378 607 #> 5437 465 608 #> 5438 1098 609 #> 5439 1481 610 #> 5440 1488 611 #> 5441 3367 612 #> 5442 3371 613 #> 5443 3375 614 #> 5444 3629 615 #> 5445 3735 616 #> 5446 3728 617 #> 5447 2920 618 #> 5448 918 619 #> 5449 874 620 #> 5450 2371 621 #> 5451 3056 622 #> 5452 604 623 #> 5453 856 624 #> 5454 3372 625 #> 5455 3382 626 #> 5456 3742 627 #> 5457 3730 628 #> 5458 3108 629 #> 5459 662 630 #> 5460 2799 631 #> 5461 332 632 #> 5462 2854 633 #> 5463 62 634 #> 5464 1538 635 #> 5465 1831 636 #> 5466 2046 637 #> 5467 2626 638 #> 5468 2862 639 #> 5469 67 640 #> 5470 1539 641 #> 5471 2049 642 #> 5472 2883 643 #> 5473 106 644 #> 5474 72 645 #> 5475 349 646 #> 5476 1540 647 #> 5477 2052 648 #> 5478 2628 649 #> 5479 2687 650 #> 5480 2695 651 #> 5481 2730 652 #> 5482 3435 653 #> 5483 2998 654 #> 5484 3094 655 #> 5485 1541 656 #> 5486 1947 657 #> 5487 2073 658 #> 5488 2617 659 #> 5489 3119 660 #> 5490 1456 661 #> 5491 1534 662 #> 5492 152 663 #> 5493 2075 664 #> 5494 3263 665 #> 5495 159 666 #> 5496 2807 667 #> 5497 200 668 #> 5498 435 669 #> 5499 2044 670 #> 5500 2152 671 #> 5501 3520 672 #> 5502 3131 673 #> 5503 327 674 #> 5504 632 675 #> 5505 1054 676 #> 5506 1058 677 #> 5507 2221 678 #> 5508 3311 679 #> 5509 3360 680 #> 5510 3488 681 #> 5511 3590 682 #> 5512 3648 683 #> 5513 3722 684 #> 5514 3140 685 #> 5515 3150 686 #> 5516 295 687 #> 5517 637 688 #> 5518 2076 689 #> 5519 2225 690 #> 5520 3594 691 #> 5521 2230 692 #> 5522 3159 693 #> 5523 320 694 #> 5524 643 695 #> 5525 833 696 #> 5526 2077 697 #> 5527 3225 698 #> 5528 3495 699 #> 5529 3178 700 #> 5530 303 701 #> 5531 375 702 #> 5532 655 703 #> 5533 1061 704 #> 5534 2080 705 #> 5535 2241 706 #> 5536 3500 707 #> 5537 3601 708 #> 5538 2812 709 #> 5539 138 710 #> 5540 437 711 #> 5541 1816 712 #> 5542 2154 713 #> 5543 2309 714 #> 5544 3522 715 #> 5545 3133 716 #> 5546 633 717 #> 5547 462 718 #> 5548 1055 719 #> 5549 1059 720 #> 5550 1981 721 #> 5551 2007 722 #> 5552 2031 723 #> 5553 2222 724 #> 5554 3312 725 #> 5555 3361 726 #> 5556 3489 727 #> 5557 3591 728 #> 5558 3675 729 #> 5559 3723 730 #> 5560 3146 731 #> 5561 293 732 #> 5562 1988 733 #> 5563 3593 734 #> 5564 3154 735 #> 5565 296 736 #> 5566 640 737 #> 5567 1995 738 #> 5568 2228 739 #> 5569 3392 740 #> 5570 3595 741 #> 5571 3164 742 #> 5572 322 743 #> 5573 647 744 #> 5574 836 745 #> 5575 1057 746 #> 5576 2014 747 #> 5577 2232 748 #> 5578 3227 749 #> 5579 3497 750 #> 5580 3393 751 #> 5581 3180 752 #> 5582 304 753 #> 5583 376 754 #> 5584 657 755 #> 5585 464 756 #> 5586 1063 757 #> 5587 1082 758 #> 5588 2038 759 #> 5589 2243 760 #> 5590 3603 761 #> 5591 2811 762 #> 5592 436 763 #> 5593 750 764 #> 5594 1815 765 #> 5595 2153 766 #> 5596 2308 767 #> 5597 2611 768 #> 5598 3098 769 #> 5599 628 770 #> 5600 660 771 #> 5601 759 772 #> 5602 761 773 #> 5603 1951 774 #> 5604 2220 775 #> 5605 2465 776 #> 5606 2620 777 #> 5607 3239 778 #> 5608 3358 779 #> 5609 3385 780 #> 5610 3721 781 #> 5611 3134 782 #> 5612 1056 783 #> 5613 1060 784 #> 5614 1982 785 #> 5615 3362 786 #> 5616 3724 787 #> 5617 3145 788 #> 5618 634 789 #> 5619 1987 790 #> 5620 2224 791 #> 5621 3152 792 #> 5622 638 793 #> 5623 760 794 #> 5624 1993 795 #> 5625 2226 796 #> 5626 2408 797 #> 5627 2621 798 #> 5628 3161 799 #> 5629 644 800 #> 5630 762 801 #> 5631 2009 802 #> 5632 2231 803 #> 5633 3179 804 #> 5634 656 805 #> 5635 463 806 #> 5636 764 807 #> 5637 1062 808 #> 5638 1081 809 #> 5639 2037 810 #> 5640 2242 811 #> 5641 2771 812 #> 5642 1190 813 #> 5643 1498 814 #> 5644 1490 815 #> 5645 1636 816 #> 5646 1785 817 #> 5647 1754 818 #> 5648 2555 819 #> 5649 2565 820 #> 5650 2609 821 #> 5651 2605 822 #> 5652 2640 823 #> 5653 2806 824 #> 5654 1195 825 #> 5655 1811 826 #> 5656 2306 827 #> 5657 2606 828 #> 5658 2643 829 #> 5659 3020 830 #> 5660 1228 831 #> 5661 1500 832 #> 5662 1495 833 #> 5663 1651 834 #> 5664 1929 835 #> 5665 1761 836 #> 5666 2561 837 #> 5667 2567 838 #> 5668 2610 839 #> 5669 2608 840 #> 5670 2651 841 #> 5671 3118 842 #> 5672 954 843 #> 5673 1232 844 #> 5674 1497 845 #> 5675 1661 846 #> 5676 1978 847 #> 5677 1764 848 #> 5678 2317 849 #> 5679 2563 850 #> 5680 2655 851 #> 5681 3139 852 #> 5682 1233 853 #> 5683 1502 854 #> 5684 1504 855 #> 5685 1664 856 #> 5686 1984 857 #> 5687 1765 858 #> 5688 2571 859 #> 5689 2569 860 #> 5690 2658 861 #> 5691 2772 862 #> 5692 1786 863 #> 5693 2808 864 #> 5694 1812 865 #> 5695 3021 866 #> 5696 1930 867 #> 5697 3141 868 #> 5698 1985 869 #> 5699 2773 870 #> 5700 1181 871 #> 5701 1173 872 #> 5702 1191 873 #> 5703 1637 874 #> 5704 1787 875 #> 5705 1755 876 #> 5706 2556 877 #> 5707 2566 878 #> 5708 2641 879 #> 5709 2809 880 #> 5710 1196 881 #> 5711 1813 882 #> 5712 2307 883 #> 5713 2644 884 #> 5714 3022 885 #> 5715 1183 886 #> 5716 1178 887 #> 5717 1229 888 #> 5718 1652 889 #> 5719 1931 890 #> 5720 1762 891 #> 5721 2562 892 #> 5722 2568 893 #> 5723 2652 894 #> 5724 3122 895 #> 5725 2656 896 #> 5726 3127 897 #> 5727 3142 898 #> 5728 1185 899 #> 5729 1187 900 #> 5730 1234 901 #> 5731 1665 902 #> 5732 1986 903 #> 5733 1766 904 #> 5734 2572 905 #> 5735 2570 906 #> 5736 2659 907 #> 5737 2774 908 #> 5738 1182 909 #> 5739 1174 910 #> 5740 1192 911 #> 5741 1499 912 #> 5742 1491 913 #> 5743 1788 914 #> 5744 1756 915 #> 5745 2642 916 #> 5746 2814 917 #> 5747 1197 918 #> 5748 1818 919 #> 5749 2311 920 #> 5750 2645 921 #> 5751 3023 922 #> 5752 1184 923 #> 5753 1179 924 #> 5754 1230 925 #> 5755 1501 926 #> 5756 1496 927 #> 5757 1932 928 #> 5758 1763 929 #> 5759 2653 930 #> 5760 3123 931 #> 5761 2657 932 #> 5762 3128 933 #> 5763 3147 934 #> 5764 1186 935 #> 5765 1188 936 #> 5766 1235 937 #> 5767 1503 938 #> 5768 1505 939 #> 5769 1989 940 #> 5770 1767 941 #> 5771 2660 942 #> 5772 2800 943 #> 5773 91 944 #> 5774 57 945 #> 5775 333 946 #> 5776 1529 947 #> 5777 1530 948 #> 5778 1509 949 #> 5779 1595 950 #> 5780 1545 951 #> 5781 1806 952 #> 5782 2315 953 #> 5783 2301 954 #> 5784 2625 955 #> 5785 3413 956 #> 5786 2855 957 #> 5787 63 958 #> 5788 344 959 #> 5789 1554 960 #> 5790 1832 961 #> 5791 2047 962 #> 5792 2627 963 #> 5793 3425 964 #> 5794 2863 965 #> 5795 68 966 #> 5796 3428 967 #> 5797 2887 968 #> 5798 75 969 #> 5799 1564 970 #> 5800 2923 971 #> 5801 84 972 #> 5802 352 973 #> 5803 2057 974 #> 5804 3438 975 #> 5805 2987 976 #> 5806 90 977 #> 5807 361 978 #> 5808 967 979 #> 5809 1225 980 #> 5810 1528 981 #> 5811 1634 982 #> 5812 3077 983 #> 5813 371 984 #> 5814 1454 985 #> 5815 1532 986 #> 5816 3120 987 #> 5817 1635 988 #> 5818 2554 989 #> 5819 3138 990 #> 5820 104 991 #> 5821 372 992 #> 5822 1535 993 #> 5823 1983 994 #> 5824 2466 995 #> 5825 2637 996 #> 5826 3490 997 #> 5827 2805 998 #> 5828 136 999 #> 5829 199 1000 #> 5830 434 1001 #> 5831 1065 1002 #> 5832 1810 1003 #> 5833 2151 1004 #> 5834 2305 1005 #> 5835 3519 1006 #> 5836 2832 1007 #> 5837 207 1008 #> 5838 337 1009 #> 5839 461 1010 #> 5840 1067 1011 #> 5841 1068 1012 #> 5842 1097 1013 #> 5843 3325 1014 #> 5844 3526 1015 #> 5845 2843 1016 #> 5846 212 1017 #> 5847 339 1018 #> 5848 473 1019 #> 5849 1198 1020 #> 5850 1243 1021 #> 5851 1279 1022 #> 5852 1822 1023 #> 5853 1957 1024 #> 5854 1969 1025 #> 5855 2158 1026 #> 5856 2523 1027 #> 5857 2538 1028 #> 5858 3274 1029 #> 5859 3528 1030 #> 5860 2871 1031 #> 5861 311 1032 #> 5862 223 1033 #> 5863 483 1034 #> 5864 470 1035 #> 5865 684 1036 #> 5866 1069 1037 #> 5867 1071 1038 #> 5868 1206 1039 #> 5869 1251 1040 #> 5870 1838 1041 #> 5871 1958 1042 #> 5872 2165 1043 #> 5873 2494 1044 #> 5874 2525 1045 #> 5875 3432 1046 #> 5876 3535 1047 #> 5877 2892 1048 #> 5878 229 1049 #> 5879 493 1050 #> 5880 3282 1051 #> 5881 3540 1052 #> 5882 3126 1053 #> 5883 3163 1054 #> 5884 321 1055 #> 5885 301 1056 #> 5886 646 1057 #> 5887 835 1058 #> 5888 904 1059 #> 5889 916 1060 #> 5890 906 1061 #> 5891 1078 1062 #> 5892 1280 1063 #> 5893 2011 1064 #> 5894 2717 1065 #> 5895 2711 1066 #> 5896 3226 1067 #> 5897 3230 1068 #> 5898 3198 1069 #> 5899 3496 1070 #> 5900 3598 1071 #> 5901 3177 1072 #> 5902 302 1073 #> 5903 374 1074 #> 5904 654 1075 #> 5905 472 1076 #> 5906 917 1077 #> 5907 1080 1078 #> 5908 1073 1079 #> 5909 1077 1080 #> 5910 1282 1081 #> 5911 1423 1082 #> 5912 2032 1083 #> 5913 1972 1084 #> 5914 2343 1085 #> 5915 2534 1086 #> 5916 3499 1087 #> 5917 3600 1088 #> 5918 2846 1089 #> 5919 215 1090 #> 5920 476 1091 #> 5921 1246 1092 #> 5922 1825 1093 #> 5923 2160 1094 #> 5924 2122 1095 #> 5925 2350 1096 #> 5926 3328 1097 #> 5927 3383 1098 #> 5928 3421 1099 #> 5929 3530 1100 #> 5930 2874 1101 #> 5931 226 1102 #> 5932 486 1103 #> 5933 388 1104 #> 5934 1207 1105 #> 5935 1252 1106 #> 5936 1841 1107 #> 5937 2167 1108 #> 5938 3433 1109 #> 5939 3537 1110 #> 5940 2993 1111 #> 5941 265 1112 #> 5942 552 1113 #> 5943 396 1114 #> 5944 1273 1115 #> 5945 1913 1116 #> 5946 2202 1117 #> 5947 2131 1118 #> 5948 3302 1119 #> 5949 3344 1120 #> 5950 3384 1121 #> 5951 3458 1122 #> 5952 3572 1123 #> 5953 3165 1124 #> 5954 648 1125 #> 5955 1281 1126 #> 5956 2015 1127 #> 5957 2233 1128 #> 5958 2138 1129 #> 5959 3498 1130 #> 5960 2816 1131 #> 5961 202 1132 #> 5962 438 1133 #> 5963 1094 1134 #> 5964 1820 1135 #> 5965 1962 1136 #> 5966 2155 1137 #> 5967 2312 1138 #> 5968 2531 1139 #> 5969 3523 1140 #> 5970 2897 1141 #> 5971 232 1142 #> 5972 498 1143 #> 5973 3543 1144 #> 5974 2975 1145 #> 5975 258 1146 #> 5976 360 1147 #> 5977 540 1148 #> 5978 965 1149 #> 5979 1121 1150 #> 5980 1265 1151 #> 5981 1897 1152 #> 5982 2194 1153 #> 5983 2260 1154 #> 5984 2484 1155 #> 5985 2493 1156 #> 5986 3567 1157 #> 5987 3181 1158 #> 5988 305 1159 #> 5989 658 1160 #> 5990 1141 1161 #> 5991 1283 1162 #> 5992 2039 1163 #> 5993 2290 1164 #> 5994 3604 1165 #> 5995 2760 1166 #> 5996 331 1167 #> 5997 744 1168 #> 5998 746 1169 #> 5999 3396 1170 #> 6000 3669 1171 #> 6001 3677 1172 #> 6002 3031 1173 #> 6003 2761 1174 #> 6004 1 1175 #> 6005 671 1176 #> 6006 1384 1177 #> 6007 3397 1178 #> 6008 2776 1179 #> 6009 55 1180 #> 6010 2318 1181 #> 6011 2802 1182 #> 6012 334 1183 #> 6013 748 1184 #> 6014 870 1185 #> 6015 955 1186 #> 6016 1510 1187 #> 6017 2303 1188 #> 6018 2684 1189 #> 6019 3414 1190 #> 6020 2821 1191 #> 6021 751 1192 #> 6022 2086 1193 #> 6023 3417 1194 #> 6024 2858 1195 #> 6025 345 1196 #> 6026 957 1197 #> 6027 989 1198 #> 6028 1203 1199 #> 6029 1515 1200 #> 6030 1834 1201 #> 6031 2685 1202 #> 6032 3426 1203 #> 6033 2866 1204 #> 6034 348 1205 #> 6035 958 1206 #> 6036 991 1207 #> 6037 1205 1208 #> 6038 1518 1209 #> 6039 2686 1210 #> 6040 3429 1211 #> 6041 3034 1212 #> 6042 3464 1213 #> 6043 2762 1214 #> 6044 7 1215 #> 6045 19 1216 #> 6046 2 1217 #> 6047 119 1218 #> 6048 125 1219 #> 6049 190 1220 #> 6050 415 1221 #> 6051 772 1222 #> 6052 672 1223 #> 6053 846 1224 #> 6054 839 1225 #> 6055 1777 1226 #> 6056 2140 1227 #> 6057 2278 1228 #> 6058 2244 1229 #> 6059 2696 1230 #> 6060 3199 1231 #> 6061 3305 1232 #> 6062 3398 1233 #> 6063 3503 1234 #> 6064 2778 1235 #> 6065 422 1236 #> 6066 775 1237 #> 6067 1790 1238 #> 6068 2145 1239 #> 6069 2319 1240 #> 6070 3201 1241 #> 6071 2804 1242 #> 6072 11 1243 #> 6073 122 1244 #> 6074 198 1245 #> 6075 433 1246 #> 6076 745 1247 #> 6077 749 1248 #> 6078 756 1249 #> 6079 757 1250 #> 6080 763 1251 #> 6081 844 1252 #> 6082 842 1253 #> 6083 892 1254 #> 6084 871 1255 #> 6085 956 1256 #> 6086 987 1257 #> 6087 1194 1258 #> 6088 1242 1259 #> 6089 1809 1260 #> 6090 1959 1261 #> 6091 1961 1262 #> 6092 2085 1263 #> 6093 2150 1264 #> 6094 2252 1265 #> 6095 2304 1266 #> 6096 3416 1267 #> 6097 3518 1268 #> 6098 2932 1269 #> 6099 239 1270 #> 6100 511 1271 #> 6101 797 1272 #> 6102 973 1273 #> 6103 960 1274 #> 6104 1112 1275 #> 6105 1213 1276 #> 6106 1256 1277 #> 6107 1860 1278 #> 6108 2178 1279 #> 6109 2279 1280 #> 6110 2256 1281 #> 6111 2532 1282 #> 6112 2551 1283 #> 6113 2713 1284 #> 6114 2718 1285 #> 6115 3210 1286 #> 6116 3236 1287 #> 6117 3191 1288 #> 6118 3442 1289 #> 6119 3553 1290 #> 6120 3037 1291 #> 6121 821 1292 #> 6122 1369 1293 #> 6123 1375 1294 #> 6124 1741 1295 #> 6125 3220 1296 #> 6126 3466 1297 #> 6127 3052 1298 #> 6128 10 1299 #> 6129 17 1300 #> 6130 600 1301 #> 6131 950 1302 #> 6132 951 1303 #> 6133 2211 1304 #> 6134 2268 1305 #> 6135 3478 1306 #> 6136 3168 1307 #> 6137 838 1308 #> 6138 1462 1309 #> 6139 1484 1310 #> 6140 2016 1311 #> 6141 3228 1312 #> 6142 3099 1313 #> 6143 949 1314 #> 6144 953 1315 #> 6145 1132 1316 #> 6146 1170 1317 #> 6147 1171 1318 #> 6148 1952 1319 #> 6149 3486 1320 #> 6150 2768 1321 #> 6151 192 1322 #> 6152 418 1323 #> 6153 384 1324 #> 6154 868 1325 #> 6155 1782 1326 #> 6156 2142 1327 #> 6157 2120 1328 #> 6158 2246 1329 #> 6159 2473 1330 #> 6160 3403 1331 #> 6161 3508 1332 #> 6162 2785 1333 #> 6163 424 1334 #> 6164 1796 1335 #> 6165 3407 1336 #> 6166 2972 1337 #> 6167 256 1338 #> 6168 537 1339 #> 6169 393 1340 #> 6170 883 1341 #> 6171 964 1342 #> 6172 1120 1343 #> 6173 1221 1344 #> 6174 1264 1345 #> 6175 1894 1346 #> 6176 2192 1347 #> 6177 3452 1348 #> 6178 3390 1349 #> 6179 3566 1350 #> 6180 3058 1351 #> 6181 606 1352 #> 6182 896 1353 #> 6183 2216 1354 #> 6184 2332 1355 #> 6185 3480 1356 #> 6186 3169 1357 #> 6187 1139 1358 #> 6188 1463 1359 #> 6189 2017 1360 #> 6190 2769 1361 #> 6191 148 1362 #> 6192 193 1363 #> 6193 419 1364 #> 6194 773 1365 #> 6195 840 1366 #> 6196 982 1367 #> 6197 1783 1368 #> 6198 2143 1369 #> 6199 2247 1370 #> 6200 2697 1371 #> 6201 3200 1372 #> 6202 3189 1373 #> 6203 3297 1374 #> 6204 3404 1375 #> 6205 3509 1376 #> 6206 3614 1377 #> 6207 2788 1378 #> 6208 426 1379 #> 6209 779 1380 #> 6210 1799 1381 #> 6211 1944 1382 #> 6212 2147 1383 #> 6213 2250 1384 #> 6214 2324 1385 #> 6215 2550 1386 #> 6216 2700 1387 #> 6217 3204 1388 #> 6218 3190 1389 #> 6219 3409 1390 #> 6220 2840 1391 #> 6221 788 1392 #> 6222 1099 1393 #> 6223 1446 1394 #> 6224 2088 1395 #> 6225 2116 1396 #> 6226 2980 1397 #> 6227 316 1398 #> 6228 260 1399 #> 6229 544 1400 #> 6230 803 1401 #> 6231 966 1402 #> 6232 1001 1403 #> 6233 1123 1404 #> 6234 1222 1405 #> 6235 1267 1406 #> 6236 1902 1407 #> 6237 2197 1408 #> 6238 2129 1409 #> 6239 2262 1410 #> 6240 2533 1411 #> 6241 2552 1412 #> 6242 2716 1413 #> 6243 2720 1414 #> 6244 2722 1415 #> 6245 2705 1416 #> 6246 3215 1417 #> 6247 3237 1418 #> 6248 3194 1419 #> 6249 3456 1420 #> 6250 3570 1421 #> 6251 3618 1422 #> 6252 3046 1423 #> 6253 594 1424 #> 6254 824 1425 #> 6255 1005 1426 #> 6256 1372 1427 #> 6257 1744 1428 #> 6258 3474 1429 #> 6259 3061 1430 #> 6260 609 1431 #> 6261 827 1432 #> 6262 915 1433 #> 6263 897 1434 #> 6264 1128 1435 #> 6265 2271 1436 #> 6266 2334 1437 #> 6267 2709 1438 #> 6268 3222 1439 #> 6269 3197 1440 #> 6270 3483 1441 #> 6271 3170 1442 #> 6272 649 1443 #> 6273 1140 1444 #> 6274 1464 1445 #> 6275 2018 1446 #> 6276 2282 1447 #> 6277 2770 1448 #> 6278 121 1449 #> 6279 194 1450 #> 6280 420 1451 #> 6281 663 1452 #> 6282 774 1453 #> 6283 776 1454 #> 6284 841 1455 #> 6285 891 1456 #> 6286 869 1457 #> 6287 983 1458 #> 6288 980 1459 #> 6289 1784 1460 #> 6290 1996 1461 #> 6291 2144 1462 #> 6292 2280 1463 #> 6293 2248 1464 #> 6294 2698 1465 #> 6295 3242 1466 #> 6296 3405 1467 #> 6297 3510 1468 #> 6298 3615 1469 #> 6299 2791 1470 #> 6300 428 1471 #> 6301 781 1472 #> 6302 1802 1473 #> 6303 2148 1474 #> 6304 2251 1475 #> 6305 3411 1476 #> 6306 3387 1477 #> 6307 2831 1478 #> 6308 9 1479 #> 6309 14 1480 #> 6310 460 1481 #> 6311 753 1482 #> 6312 786 1483 #> 6313 1096 1484 #> 6314 1445 1485 #> 6315 2115 1486 #> 6316 3420 1487 #> 6317 3525 1488 #> 6318 3616 1489 #> 6319 2188 1490 #> 6320 2967 1491 #> 6321 532 1492 #> 6322 448 1493 #> 6323 665 1494 #> 6324 799 1495 #> 6325 783 1496 #> 6326 894 1497 #> 6327 913 1498 #> 6328 882 1499 #> 6329 974 1500 #> 6330 963 1501 #> 6331 999 1502 #> 6332 1138 1503 #> 6333 1118 1504 #> 6334 1220 1505 #> 6335 1263 1506 #> 6336 1889 1507 #> 6337 1997 1508 #> 6338 2281 1509 #> 6339 2258 1510 #> 6340 2714 1511 #> 6341 2719 1512 #> 6342 2721 1513 #> 6343 2702 1514 #> 6344 3251 1515 #> 6345 3450 1516 #> 6346 3389 1517 #> 6347 3564 1518 #> 6348 3617 1519 #> 6349 3042 1520 #> 6350 591 1521 #> 6351 450 1522 #> 6352 822 1523 #> 6353 1004 1524 #> 6354 3470 1525 #> 6355 3064 1526 #> 6356 611 1527 #> 6357 828 1528 #> 6358 829 1529 #> 6359 1453 1530 #> 6360 2091 1531 #> 6361 2272 1532 #> 6362 2336 1533 #> 6363 3261 1534 #> 6364 3485 1535 #> 6365 2740 1536 #> 6366 48 1537 #> 6367 2425 1538 #> 6368 2869 1539 #> 6369 71 1540 #> 6370 1519 1541 #> 6371 1556 1542 #> 6372 2430 1543 #> 6373 2930 1544 #> 6374 88 1545 #> 6375 1527 1546 #> 6376 1571 1547 #> 6377 2437 1548 #> 6378 3087 1549 #> 6379 99 1550 #> 6380 2742 1551 #> 6381 306 1552 #> 6382 401 1553 #> 6383 570 1554 #> 6384 614 1555 #> 6385 1599 1556 #> 6386 1619 1557 #> 6387 1542 1558 #> 6388 1768 1559 #> 6389 2346 1560 #> 6390 2426 1561 #> 6391 2496 1562 #> 6392 3650 1563 #> 6393 2875 1564 #> 6394 487 1565 #> 6395 573 1566 #> 6396 617 1567 #> 6397 1602 1568 #> 6398 1622 1569 #> 6399 1559 1570 #> 6400 1666 1571 #> 6401 1683 1572 #> 6402 1842 1573 #> 6403 2353 1574 #> 6404 2431 1575 #> 6405 2410 1576 #> 6406 2499 1577 #> 6407 3269 1578 #> 6408 3653 1579 #> 6409 2951 1580 #> 6410 249 1581 #> 6411 524 1582 #> 6412 576 1583 #> 6413 620 1584 #> 6414 1605 1585 #> 6415 1625 1586 #> 6416 1572 1587 #> 6417 1877 1588 #> 6418 2357 1589 #> 6419 2439 1590 #> 6420 2414 1591 #> 6421 2502 1592 #> 6422 3656 1593 #> 6423 3005 1594 #> 6424 558 1595 #> 6425 580 1596 #> 6426 623 1597 #> 6427 1608 1598 #> 6428 1628 1599 #> 6429 1583 1600 #> 6430 1921 1601 #> 6431 2363 1602 #> 6432 2448 1603 #> 6433 2417 1604 #> 6434 2505 1605 #> 6435 3659 1606 #> 6436 3114 1607 #> 6437 1611 1608 #> 6438 1975 1609 #> 6439 2366 1610 #> 6440 2744 1611 #> 6441 1769 1612 #> 6442 2347 1613 #> 6443 2877 1614 #> 6444 1843 1615 #> 6445 2354 1616 #> 6446 2959 1617 #> 6447 1882 1618 #> 6448 2358 1619 #> 6449 2745 1620 #> 6450 307 1621 #> 6451 309 1622 #> 6452 402 1623 #> 6453 571 1624 #> 6454 615 1625 #> 6455 1145 1626 #> 6456 1600 1627 #> 6457 1620 1628 #> 6458 1543 1629 #> 6459 1770 1630 #> 6460 2348 1631 #> 6461 2428 1632 #> 6462 2497 1633 #> 6463 3651 1634 #> 6464 2879 1635 #> 6465 489 1636 #> 6466 574 1637 #> 6467 618 1638 #> 6468 1603 1639 #> 6469 1623 1640 #> 6470 1561 1641 #> 6471 1667 1642 #> 6472 1684 1643 #> 6473 1845 1644 #> 6474 2355 1645 #> 6475 2432 1646 #> 6476 2411 1647 #> 6477 2500 1648 #> 6478 3270 1649 #> 6479 3654 1650 #> 6480 2973 1651 #> 6481 257 1652 #> 6482 538 1653 #> 6483 578 1654 #> 6484 621 1655 #> 6485 1606 1656 #> 6486 1626 1657 #> 6487 1576 1658 #> 6488 1673 1659 #> 6489 1895 1660 #> 6490 2360 1661 #> 6491 2442 1662 #> 6492 2415 1663 #> 6493 2503 1664 #> 6494 3657 1665 #> 6495 3007 1666 #> 6496 271 1667 #> 6497 560 1668 #> 6498 581 1669 #> 6499 624 1670 #> 6500 1609 1671 #> 6501 1629 1672 #> 6502 1584 1673 #> 6503 1922 1674 #> 6504 2364 1675 #> 6505 2450 1676 #> 6506 2419 1677 #> 6507 2507 1678 #> 6508 3660 1679 #> 6509 3116 1680 #> 6510 1612 1681 #> 6511 1976 1682 #> 6512 2367 1683 #> 6513 2746 1684 #> 6514 308 1685 #> 6515 310 1686 #> 6516 403 1687 #> 6517 572 1688 #> 6518 616 1689 #> 6519 1146 1690 #> 6520 1601 1691 #> 6521 1621 1692 #> 6522 1544 1693 #> 6523 1771 1694 #> 6524 2349 1695 #> 6525 2429 1696 #> 6526 2498 1697 #> 6527 3652 1698 #> 6528 2880 1699 #> 6529 490 1700 #> 6530 575 1701 #> 6531 619 1702 #> 6532 1604 1703 #> 6533 1624 1704 #> 6534 1562 1705 #> 6535 1668 1706 #> 6536 1685 1707 #> 6537 1846 1708 #> 6538 2356 1709 #> 6539 2433 1710 #> 6540 2412 1711 #> 6541 2501 1712 #> 6542 3271 1713 #> 6543 3655 1714 #> 6544 2198 1715 #> 6545 2981 1716 #> 6546 382 1717 #> 6547 545 1718 #> 6548 579 1719 #> 6549 622 1720 #> 6550 1607 1721 #> 6551 1627 1722 #> 6552 1579 1723 #> 6553 1676 1724 #> 6554 1903 1725 #> 6555 2361 1726 #> 6556 2443 1727 #> 6557 2416 1728 #> 6558 2504 1729 #> 6559 3658 1730 #> 6560 3010 1731 #> 6561 563 1732 #> 6562 582 1733 #> 6563 625 1734 #> 6564 1610 1735 #> 6565 1630 1736 #> 6566 1585 1737 #> 6567 1923 1738 #> 6568 2365 1739 #> 6569 2453 1740 #> 6570 2421 1741 #> 6571 2510 1742 #> 6572 3661 1743 #> 6573 3117 1744 #> 6574 1613 1745 #> 6575 1977 1746 #> 6576 2368 1747 #> 6577 2748 1748 #> 6578 49 1749 #> 6579 126 1750 #> 6580 130 1751 #> 6581 730 1752 #> 6582 668 1753 #> 6583 981 1754 #> 6584 1382 1755 #> 6585 1506 1756 #> 6586 1772 1757 #> 6587 3240 1758 #> 6588 2801 1759 #> 6589 196 1760 #> 6590 986 1761 #> 6591 1092 1762 #> 6592 1807 1763 #> 6593 2302 1764 #> 6594 2395 1765 #> 6595 2820 1766 #> 6596 203 1767 #> 6597 1512 1768 #> 6598 2857 1769 #> 6599 219 1770 #> 6600 754 1771 #> 6601 1514 1772 #> 6602 3277 1773 #> 6603 2865 1774 #> 6604 139 1775 #> 6605 221 1776 #> 6606 1517 1777 #> 6607 1835 1778 #> 6608 3243 1779 #> 6609 3279 1780 #> 6610 2888 1781 #> 6611 755 1782 #> 6612 1521 1783 #> 6613 2405 1784 #> 6614 3078 1785 #> 6615 290 1786 #> 6616 2824 1787 #> 6617 204 1788 #> 6618 335 1789 #> 6619 453 1790 #> 6620 1547 1791 #> 6621 2157 1792 #> 6622 2940 1793 #> 6623 242 1794 #> 6624 355 1795 #> 6625 516 1796 #> 6626 1113 1797 #> 6627 1867 1798 #> 6628 2182 1799 #> 6629 2313 1800 #> 6630 2990 1801 #> 6631 262 1802 #> 6632 363 1803 #> 6633 549 1804 #> 6634 1910 1805 #> 6635 2200 1806 #> 6636 2314 1807 #> 6637 3079 1808 #> 6638 291 1809 #> 6639 1596 1810 #> 6640 2891 1811 #> 6641 2949 1812 #> 6642 247 1813 #> 6643 1875 1814 #> 6644 2407 1815 #> 6645 2826 1816 #> 6646 205 1817 #> 6647 3080 1818 #> 6648 292 1819 #> 6649 952 1820 #> 6650 2751 1821 #> 6651 127 1822 #> 6652 731 1823 #> 6653 670 1824 #> 6654 1084 1825 #> 6655 1387 1826 #> 6656 1383 1827 #> 6657 2139 1828 #> 6658 2404 1829 #> 6659 3241 1830 #> 6660 2834 1831 #> 6661 208 1832 #> 6662 2893 1833 #> 6663 140 1834 #> 6664 494 1835 #> 6665 1107 1836 #> 6666 2170 1837 #> 6667 2406 1838 #> 6668 3244 1839 #> 6669 2953 1840 #> 6670 142 1841 #> 6671 250 1842 #> 6672 380 1843 #> 6673 526 1844 #> 6674 329 1845 #> 6675 1127 1846 #> 6676 1115 1847 #> 6677 1879 1848 #> 6678 2186 1849 #> 6679 3248 1850 #> 6680 3081 1851 #> 6681 2750 1852 #> 6682 51 1853 #> 6683 3395 1854 #> 6684 2859 1855 #> 6685 65 1856 #> 6686 680 1857 #> 6687 1386 1858 #> 6688 2867 1859 #> 6689 70 1860 #> 6690 682 1861 #> 6691 1390 1862 #> 6692 3430 1863 #> 6693 2889 1864 #> 6694 76 1865 #> 6695 2468 1866 #> 6696 2435 1867 #> 6697 3281 1868 #> 6698 3003 1869 #> 6699 25 1870 #> 6700 93 1871 #> 6701 720 1872 #> 6702 737 1873 #> 6703 698 1874 #> 6704 1397 1875 #> 6705 2446 1876 #> 6706 3288 1877 #> 6707 3012 1878 #> 6708 110 1879 #> 6709 94 1880 #> 6710 367 1881 #> 6711 2455 1882 #> 6712 3289 1883 #> 6713 3049 1884 #> 6714 98 1885 #> 6715 725 1886 #> 6716 738 1887 #> 6717 712 1888 #> 6718 1403 1889 #> 6719 2458 1890 #> 6720 3291 1891 #> 6721 3476 1892 #> 6722 3088 1893 #> 6723 1681 1894 #> 6724 3156 1895 #> 6725 2467 1896 #> 6726 2950 1897 #> 6727 248 1898 #> 6728 523 1899 #> 6729 1876 1900 #> 6730 2438 1901 #> 6731 3343 1902 #> 6732 3705 1903 #> 6733 3004 1904 #> 6734 279 1905 #> 6735 324 1906 #> 6736 269 1907 #> 6737 557 1908 #> 6738 2109 1909 #> 6739 2447 1910 #> 6740 3303 1911 #> 6741 3345 1912 #> 6742 3707 1913 #> 6743 3013 1914 #> 6744 325 1915 #> 6745 274 1916 #> 6746 565 1917 #> 6747 1924 1918 #> 6748 2111 1919 #> 6749 3304 1920 #> 6750 3346 1921 #> 6751 3708 1922 #> 6752 3055 1923 #> 6753 285 1924 #> 6754 603 1925 #> 6755 2459 1926 #> 6756 3352 1927 #> 6757 3715 1928 #> 6758 2896 1929 #> 6759 497 1930 #> 6760 686 1931 #> 6761 1357 1932 #> 6762 1364 1933 #> 6763 1567 1934 #> 6764 2436 1935 #> 6765 2413 1936 #> 6766 2974 1937 #> 6767 539 1938 #> 6768 694 1939 #> 6769 1395 1940 #> 6770 1577 1941 #> 6771 1896 1942 #> 6772 2105 1943 #> 6773 2193 1944 #> 6774 2483 1945 #> 6775 2535 1946 #> 6776 3453 1947 #> 6777 3008 1948 #> 6778 272 1949 #> 6779 366 1950 #> 6780 561 1951 #> 6781 410 1952 #> 6782 718 1953 #> 6783 722 1954 #> 6784 728 1955 #> 6785 700 1956 #> 6786 40 1957 #> 6787 36 1958 #> 6788 1408 1959 #> 6789 1399 1960 #> 6790 2110 1961 #> 6791 2207 1962 #> 6792 2451 1963 #> 6793 2420 1964 #> 6794 2508 1965 #> 6795 2603 1966 #> 6796 3015 1967 #> 6797 275 1968 #> 6798 567 1969 #> 6799 724 1970 #> 6800 703 1971 #> 6801 37 1972 #> 6802 1926 1973 #> 6803 2112 1974 #> 6804 2209 1975 #> 6805 2456 1976 #> 6806 2422 1977 #> 6807 2513 1978 #> 6808 3059 1979 #> 6809 319 1980 #> 6810 607 1981 #> 6811 413 1982 #> 6812 719 1983 #> 6813 727 1984 #> 6814 729 1985 #> 6815 715 1986 #> 6816 1310 1987 #> 6817 1336 1988 #> 6818 1410 1989 #> 6819 1405 1990 #> 6820 2461 1991 #> 6821 2424 1992 #> 6822 2488 1993 #> 6823 2470 1994 #> 6824 2517 1995 #> 6825 2616 1996 #> 6826 3481 1997 #> 6827 3102 1998 #> 6828 1954 1999 #> 6829 2491 2000 #> 6830 2982 2001 #> 6831 546 2002 #> 6832 696 2003 #> 6833 1687 2004 #> 6834 1904 2005 #> 6835 2108 2006 #> 6836 2362 2007 #> 6837 2444 2008 #> 6838 3011 2009 #> 6839 273 2010 #> 6840 564 2011 #> 6841 723 2012 #> 6842 806 2013 #> 6843 702 2014 #> 6844 46 2015 #> 6845 2454 2016 #> 6846 2511 2017 #> 6847 3217 2018 #> 6848 3185 2019 #> 6849 3017 2020 #> 6850 276 2021 #> 6851 569 2022 #> 6852 808 2023 #> 6853 704 2024 #> 6854 47 2025 #> 6855 1928 2026 #> 6856 2113 2027 #> 6857 2457 2028 #> 6858 2515 2029 #> 6859 3219 2030 #> 6860 3186 2031 #> 6861 3104 2032 #> 6862 1956 2033 #> 6863 2492 2034 #> 6864 2968 2035 #> 6865 254 2036 #> 6866 533 2037 #> 6867 692 2038 #> 6868 1394 2039 #> 6869 1890 2040 #> 6870 2481 2041 #> 6871 2537 2042 #> 6872 2775 2043 #> 6873 54 2044 #> 6874 2819 2045 #> 6875 59 2046 #> 6876 782 2047 #> 6877 924 2048 #> 6878 3324 2049 #> 6879 2842 2050 #> 6880 60 2051 #> 6881 162 2052 #> 6882 789 2053 #> 6883 926 2054 #> 6884 1101 2055 #> 6885 1729 2056 #> 6886 2624 2057 #> 6887 3326 2058 #> 6888 2856 2059 #> 6889 64 2060 #> 6890 792 2061 #> 6891 929 2062 #> 6892 1104 2063 #> 6893 1426 2064 #> 6894 1732 2065 #> 6895 2581 2066 #> 6896 3329 2067 #> 6897 3690 2068 #> 6898 2864 2069 #> 6899 69 2070 #> 6900 793 2071 #> 6901 930 2072 #> 6902 1105 2073 #> 6903 1427 2074 #> 6904 1733 2075 #> 6905 3330 2076 #> 6906 3691 2077 #> 6907 3033 2078 #> 6908 3105 2079 #> 6909 830 2080 #> 6910 939 2081 #> 6911 1133 2082 #> 6912 1745 2083 #> 6913 3359 2084 #> 6914 2938 2085 #> 6915 933 2086 #> 6916 2586 2087 #> 6917 2989 2088 #> 6918 2591 2089 #> 6919 2784 2090 #> 6920 921 2091 #> 6921 1085 2092 #> 6922 1726 2093 #> 6923 2321 2094 #> 6924 2921 2095 #> 6925 931 2096 #> 6926 2958 2097 #> 6927 934 2098 #> 6928 1116 2099 #> 6929 1430 2100 #> 6930 1736 2101 #> 6931 2588 2102 #> 6932 3107 2103 #> 6933 630 2104 #> 6934 940 2105 #> 6935 1134 2106 #> 6936 1746 2107 #> 6937 2849 2108 #> 6938 163 2109 #> 6939 479 2110 #> 6940 927 2111 #> 6941 1102 2112 #> 6942 1730 2113 #> 6943 2163 2114 #> 6944 2971 2115 #> 6945 536 2116 #> 6946 936 2117 #> 6947 1119 2118 #> 6948 1738 2119 #> 6949 1893 2120 #> 6950 2191 2121 #> 6951 2787 2122 #> 6952 778 2123 #> 6953 922 2124 #> 6954 1086 2125 #> 6955 1424 2126 #> 6956 1727 2127 #> 6957 1798 2128 #> 6958 2323 2129 #> 6959 2577 2130 #> 6960 3203 2131 #> 6961 2851 2132 #> 6962 481 2133 #> 6963 791 2134 #> 6964 928 2135 #> 6965 1103 2136 #> 6966 1731 2137 #> 6967 1829 2138 #> 6968 3207 2139 #> 6969 2922 2140 #> 6970 796 2141 #> 6971 932 2142 #> 6972 1109 2143 #> 6973 1428 2144 #> 6974 1734 2145 #> 6975 1856 2146 #> 6976 2583 2147 #> 6977 3209 2148 #> 6978 2979 2149 #> 6979 802 2150 #> 6980 942 2151 #> 6981 937 2152 #> 6982 1137 2153 #> 6983 1122 2154 #> 6984 1432 2155 #> 6985 1750 2156 #> 6986 1739 2157 #> 6987 1901 2158 #> 6988 2328 2159 #> 6989 2590 2160 #> 6990 3214 2161 #> 6991 3109 2162 #> 6992 631 2163 #> 6993 831 2164 #> 6994 941 2165 #> 6995 1135 2166 #> 6996 1747 2167 #> 6997 1973 2168 #> 6998 2595 2169 #> 6999 2790 2170 #> 7000 780 2171 #> 7001 923 2172 #> 7002 1087 2173 #> 7003 1728 2174 #> 7004 1801 2175 #> 7005 2326 2176 #> 7006 2830 2177 #> 7007 459 2178 #> 7008 785 2179 #> 7009 925 2180 #> 7010 1425 2181 #> 7011 1444 2182 #> 7012 2579 2183 #> 7013 3206 2184 #> 7014 2966 2185 #> 7015 531 2186 #> 7016 798 2187 #> 7017 935 2188 #> 7018 1117 2189 #> 7019 1431 2190 #> 7020 1737 2191 #> 7021 1888 2192 #> 7022 2589 2193 #> 7023 3211 2194 #> 7024 2582 2195 #> 7025 2261 2196 #> 7026 270 2197 #> 7027 26 2198 #> 7028 53 2199 #> 7029 83 2200 #> 7030 95 2201 #> 7031 114 2202 #> 7032 128 2203 #> 7033 2527 2204 #> 7034 180 2205 #> 7035 179 2206 #> 7036 210 2207 #> 7037 220 2208 #> 7038 185 2209 #> 7039 294 2210 #> 7040 299 2211 #> 7041 174 2212 #> 7042 404 2213 #> 7043 627 2214 #> 7044 708 2215 #> 7045 771 2216 #> 7046 765 2217 #> 7047 825 2218 #> 7048 947 2219 #> 7049 1052 2220 #> 7050 1083 2221 #> 7051 2528 2222 #> 7052 1142 2223 #> 7053 1144 2224 #> 7054 1380 2225 #> 7055 1435 2226 #> 7056 1434 2227 #> 7057 1485 2228 #> 7058 1586 2229 #> 7059 1632 2230 #> 7060 1960 2231 #> 7061 1991 2232 #> 7062 1998 2233 #> 7063 2019 2234 #> 7064 2114 2235 #> 7065 2117 2236 #> 7066 2293 2237 #> 7067 2295 2238 #> 7068 2298 2239 #> 7069 2316 2240 #> 7070 2409 2241 #> 7071 2573 2242 #> 7072 2604 2243 #> 7073 2723 2244 #> 7074 2724 2245 #> 7075 1598 2246 #> 7076 3182 2247 #> 7077 3265 2248 #> 7078 3649 2249 #> 7079 1789 2250 #> 7080 3670 2251 #> 7081 3306 2252 #> 7082 3406 2253 #> 7083 421 2254 #> 7084 740 2255 #> 7085 678 2256 #> 7086 1038 2257 #> 7087 1029 2258 #> 7088 2378 2259 #> 7089 3624 2260 #> 7090 3511 2261 #> 7091 3682 2262 #> 7092 3318 2263 #> 7093 2777 2264 #> 7094 508 2265 #> 7095 1030 2266 #> 7096 3631 2267 #> 7097 3550 2268 #> 7098 3694 2269 #> 7099 3333 2270 #> 7100 2918 2271 #> 7101 1963 2272 #> 7102 2027 2273 #> 7103 2003 2274 #> 7104 741 2275 #> 7105 1039 2276 #> 7106 1031 2277 #> 7107 2380 2278 #> 7108 3633 2279 #> 7109 3552 2280 #> 7110 3695 2281 #> 7111 3334 2282 #> 7112 2030 2283 #> 7113 2006 2284 #> 7114 1042 2285 #> 7115 1034 2286 #> 7116 2384 2287 #> 7117 1376 2288 #> 7118 1461 2289 #> 7119 1475 2290 #> 7120 3641 2291 #> 7121 3578 2292 #> 7122 3709 2293 #> 7123 3347 2294 #> 7124 598 2295 #> 7125 742 2296 #> 7126 713 2297 #> 7127 895 2298 #> 7128 1043 2299 #> 7129 1035 2300 #> 7130 2386 2301 #> 7131 3644 2302 #> 7132 3581 2303 #> 7133 3712 2304 #> 7134 3349 2305 #> 7135 2375 2306 #> 7136 2373 2307 #> 7137 1019 2308 #> 7138 1008 2309 #> 7139 3716 2310 #> 7140 3353 2311 #> 7141 3070 2312 #> 7142 2028 2313 #> 7143 2004 2314 #> 7144 1861 2315 #> 7145 3443 2316 #> 7146 454 2317 #> 7147 512 2318 #> 7148 1018 2319 #> 7149 995 2320 #> 7150 1040 2321 #> 7151 1032 2322 #> 7152 2381 2323 #> 7153 2601 2324 #> 7154 2597 2325 #> 7155 2584 2326 #> 7156 3634 2327 #> 7157 3554 2328 #> 7158 3696 2329 #> 7159 3335 2330 #> 7160 2933 2331 #> 7161 613 2332 #> 7162 2093 2333 #> 7163 3665 2334 #> 7164 3301 2335 #> 7165 758 2336 #> 7166 899 2337 #> 7167 3645 2338 #> 7168 3587 2339 #> 7169 3717 2340 #> 7170 3354 2341 #> 7171 3071 2342 #> 7172 2755 2343 #> 7173 2576 2344 #> 7174 1037 2345 #> 7175 1028 2346 #> 7176 2376 2347 #> 7177 3620 2348 #> 7178 3501 2349 #> 7179 1239 2350 #> 7180 3676 2351 #> 7181 3313 2352 #> 7182 2756 2353 #> 7183 2029 2354 #> 7184 2005 2355 #> 7185 1862 2356 #> 7186 3673 2357 #> 7187 3309 2358 #> 7188 3444 2359 #> 7189 1041 2360 #> 7190 1033 2361 #> 7191 2382 2362 #> 7192 2602 2363 #> 7193 2598 2364 #> 7194 2585 2365 #> 7195 3635 2366 #> 7196 3555 2367 #> 7197 3731 2368 #> 7198 3364 2369 #> 7199 1257 2370 #> 7200 3697 2371 #> 7201 3336 2372 #> 7202 2934 2373 #> 7203 2593 2374 #> 7204 3646 2375 #> 7205 3588 2376 #> 7206 3718 2377 #> 7207 3355 2378 #> 7208 3072 2379 #> 7209 1778 2380 #> 7210 3399 2381 #> 7211 2082 2382 #> 7212 3621 2383 #> 7213 3504 2384 #> 7214 3678 2385 #> 7215 3314 2386 #> 7216 2763 2387 #> 7217 1792 2388 #> 7218 3625 2389 #> 7219 3512 2390 #> 7220 3684 2391 #> 7221 3320 2392 #> 7222 2780 2393 #> 7223 873 2394 #> 7224 3632 2395 #> 7225 3551 2396 #> 7226 2919 2397 #> 7227 1866 2398 #> 7228 3446 2399 #> 7229 3637 2400 #> 7230 3558 2401 #> 7231 3701 2402 #> 7232 3339 2403 #> 7233 2939 2404 #> 7234 1020 2405 #> 7235 1009 2406 #> 7236 2374 2407 #> 7237 3719 2408 #> 7238 3356 2409 #> 7239 3073 2410 #> 7240 629 2411 #> 7241 3106 2412 #> 7242 3401 2413 #> 7243 417 2414 #> 7244 20 2415 #> 7245 5 2416 #> 7246 1474 2417 #> 7247 766 2418 #> 7248 3622 2419 #> 7249 3506 2420 #> 7250 3680 2421 #> 7251 3316 2422 #> 7252 2765 2423 #> 7253 659 2424 #> 7254 519 2425 #> 7255 3729 2426 #> 7256 920 2427 #> 7257 3638 2428 #> 7258 3560 2429 #> 7259 3703 2430 #> 7260 3341 2431 #> 7261 2942 2432 #> 7262 3467 2433 #> 7263 587 2434 #> 7264 589 2435 #> 7265 2095 2436 #> 7266 2081 2437 #> 7267 3642 2438 #> 7268 3579 2439 #> 7269 3710 2440 #> 7270 3039 2441 #> 7271 1780 2442 #> 7272 3402 2443 #> 7273 867 2444 #> 7274 2377 2445 #> 7275 3623 2446 #> 7276 3507 2447 #> 7277 3681 2448 #> 7278 3317 2449 #> 7279 2766 2450 #> 7280 1794 2451 #> 7281 2379 2452 #> 7282 3626 2453 #> 7283 3514 2454 #> 7284 3686 2455 #> 7285 3322 2456 #> 7286 2782 2457 #> 7287 1873 2458 #> 7288 1735 2459 #> 7289 2587 2460 #> 7290 2383 2461 #> 7291 3639 2462 #> 7292 3561 2463 #> 7293 3704 2464 #> 7294 3342 2465 #> 7295 2947 2466 #> 7296 1942 2467 #> 7297 3468 2468 #> 7298 2385 2469 #> 7299 3643 2470 #> 7300 3580 2471 #> 7301 3711 2472 #> 7302 3348 2473 #> 7303 3040 2474 #> 7304 2337 2475 #> 7305 900 2476 #> 7306 3647 2477 #> 7307 3589 2478 #> 7308 3720 2479 #> 7309 3357 2480 #> 7310 3074 2481 #> 7311 1415 2482 #> 7312 865 2483 #> 7313 2757 2484 #> 7314 997 2485 #> 7315 2372 2486 #> 7316 1418 2487 #> 7317 877 2488 #> 7318 2955 2489 #> 7319 2292 2490 #> 7320 4 2491 #> 7321 919 2492 #> 7322 1468 2493 #> 7323 767 2494 #> 7324 769 2495 #> 7325 1452 2496 #> 7326 2297 2497 #> 7327 1448 2498 #> 7328 1480 2499 #> 7329 3521 2500 #> 7330 3592 2501 #> 7331 3602 2502 #> 7332 3516 2503 #> 7333 1555 2504 #> 7334 2050 2505 #> 7335 834 2506 #> 7336 3232 2507 #> 7337 112 2508 #> 7338 943 2509 #> 7339 1027 2510 #> 7340 3233 2511 #> 7341 56 2512 #> 7342 113 2513 #> 7343 945 2514 #> 7344 386 2515 #> 7345 2236 2516 #> 7346 946 2517 #> 7347 394 2518 #> 7348 2237 2519 #> 7349 398 2520 #> 7350 2238 2521 #> 7351 977 2522 #> 7352 1236 2523 #> 7353 978 2524 #> 7354 1237 2525 #> 7355 383 2526 #> 7356 2234 2527 #> 7357 3267 2528 #> 7358 3255 2529 #> 7359 3268 2530 #> 7360 439 2531 #> 7361 440 2532 #> 7362 443 2533 #> 7363 444 2534 #> 7364 442 2535 #> 7365 3688 2536 #> 7366 1833 2537 #> 7367 2817 2538 #> 7368 3085 2539 #> 7369 3036 2540 #> 7370 2548 2541 #> 7371 3101 2542 #> 7372 2837 2543 #> 7373 3092 2544 #> 7374 3090 2545 #> 7375 3018 2546 #> 7376 3019 2547 #> 7377 3086 2548 #> 7378 3084 2549 #> 7379 3115 2550 #> 7380 3089 2551 #> 7381 3113 2552 #> 7382 3091 2553 #> 7383 3093 2554 #> 7384 3065 2555 #> 7385 911 2556 #> 7386 1025 2557 #> 7387 1026 2558 #> 7388 1044 2559 #> 7389 518 2560 #> 7390 1470 2561 #> 7391 1472 2562 #> 7392 1036 2563 #> 7393 1046 2564 #> 7394 456 2565 #> 7395 1471 2566 #> 7396 1473 2567 #> 7397 1045 2568 #> 7398 455 2569 #> 7399 2549 2570 #> 7400 1467 2571 #> 7401 2291 2572 #> 7402 2546 2573 #> 7403 2545 2574 #> 7404 770 2575 #> 7405 1469 2576 #> 7406 2547 2577 #> 7407 862 2578 #> 7408 768 2579 #> 7409 909 2580 #> 7410 2345 2581 #> 7411 3062 2582 #> 7412 3234 2583 #> 7413 2929 2584 #> 7414 96 2585 #> 7415 1212 2586 #> 7416 153 2587 #> 7417 2059 2588 #> 7418 141 2589 #> 7419 2795 2590 #> 7420 1131 2591 #> 7421 155 2592 #> 7422 959 2593 #> 7423 3047 2594 #> 7424 111 2595 #> 7425 178 2596 #> 7426 706 2597 #> 7427 1402 2598 #> 7428 2067 2599 #> 7429 3290 2600 #> 7430 3475 2601 #> 7431 181 2602 #> 7432 3148 2603 #> 7433 635 2604 #> 7434 1990 2605 #> 7435 3262 2606 #> 7436 2126 2607 #> 7437 2134 2608 #> 7438 2136 2609 #> 7439 2536 2610 #> 7440 2925 2611 #> 7441 167 2612 #> 7442 2622 2613 #> 7443 3266 2614 #> 7444 3285 2615 #> 7445 3608 2616 #> 7446 2079 2617 #> 7447 2623 2618 #> 7448 820 2619 #> 7449 176 2620 #> 7450 1520 2621 #> 7451 2926 2622 #> 7452 85 2623 #> 7453 2058 2624 #> 7454 3137 2625 #> 7455 183 2626 #> 7456 188 2627 #> 7457 137 2628 #> 7458 1437 2629 #> 7459 160 2630 #> 7460 1276 2631 #> 7461 2796 2632 #> 7462 1064 2633 #> 7463 1076 2634 #> 7464 1091 2635 #> 7465 3687 2636 #> 7466 2841 2637 #> 7467 469 2638 #> 7468 1100 2639 #> 7469 1641 2640 #> 7470 1649 2641 #> 7471 1821 2642 #> 7472 2121 2643 #> 7473 2868 2644 #> 7474 1106 2645 #> 7475 1836 2646 #> 7476 3208 2647 #> 7477 3376 2648 #> 7478 2997 2649 #> 7479 1917 2650 #> 7480 3075 2651 #> 7481 3171 2652 #> 7482 650 2653 #> 7483 2022 2654 #> 7484 1938 2655 #> 7485 1999 2656 #> 7486 2078 2657 #> 7487 3293 2658 #> 7488 2752 2659 #> 7489 52 2660 #> 7490 1440 2661 #> 7491 1507 2662 #> 7492 2042 2663 #> 7493 195 2664 #> 7494 2927 2665 #> 7495 86 2666 #> 7496 1211 2667 #> 7497 1570 2668 #> 7498 1857 2669 #> 7499 2630 2670 #> 7500 3439 2671 #> 7501 1238 2672 #> 7502 2021 2673 #> 7503 177 2674 #> 7504 353 2675 #> 7505 993 2676 #> 7506 1526 2677 #> 7507 1858 2678 #> 7508 2690 2679 #> 7509 3440 2680 #> 7510 2020 2681 #> 7511 1965 2682 #> 7512 2741 2683 #> 7513 2911 2684 #> 7514 2743 2685 #> 7515 1439 2686 #> 7516 2427 2687 #> 7517 2725 2688 #> 7518 2912 2689 #> 7519 2727 2690 #> 7520 2729 2691 #> 7521 2728 2692 #> 7522 2574 2693 #> 7523 2928 2694 #> 7524 87 2695 #> 7525 131 2696 #> 7526 689 2697 #> 7527 732 2698 #> 7528 1111 2699 #> 7529 1392 2700 #> 7530 1525 2701 #> 7531 2396 2702 #> 7532 3246 2703 #> 7533 3111 2704 #> 7534 151 2705 #> 7535 1136 2706 #> 7536 105 2707 #> 7537 1536 2708 #> 7538 2575 2709 #> 7539 2810 2710 #> 7540 1441 2711 #> 7541 691 2712 #> 7542 733 2713 #> 7543 1114 2714 #> 7544 1393 2715 #> 7545 1388 2716 #> 7546 3247 2717 #> 7547 3143 2718 #> 7548 2813 2719 #> 7549 201 2720 #> 7550 843 2721 #> 7551 1093 2722 #> 7552 1546 2723 #> 7553 1587 2724 #> 7554 1817 2725 #> 7555 996 2726 #> 7556 1573 2727 #> 7557 3048 2728 #> 7558 97 2729 #> 7559 707 2730 #> 7560 2135 2731 #> 7561 186 2732 #> 7562 187 2733 #> 7563 2118 2734 #> 7564 3144 2735 #> 7565 1633 2736 #> 7566 2119 2737 #> 7567 3363 2738 #> 7568 3386 2739 #> 7569 2130 2740 #> 7570 3130 2741 #> 7571 2074 2742 #> 7572 2794 2743 #> 7573 377 2744 #> 7574 431 2745 #> 7575 1089 2746 #> 7576 3067 2747 #> 7577 1130 2748 #> 7578 1090 2749 #> 7579 2294 2750 #> 7580 3205 2751 #> 7581 3235 2752 #> 7582 3068 2753 #> 7583 3223 2754 #> 7584 3238 2755 #> 7585 2793 2756 #> 7586 430 2757 #> 7587 1088 2758 #> 7588 3066 2759 #> 7589 938 2760 #> 7590 1129 2761 #> 7591 3136 2762 #> 7592 175 2763 #> 7593 1486 2764 #> 7594 3183 2765 #> 7595 184 2766 #> 7596 211 2767 #> 7597 300 2768 #> 7598 182 2769 #> 7599 2726 2770 #> 7600 3149 2771 #> 7601 636 2772 #> 7602 736 2773 #> 7603 1804 2774 #> 7604 1108 2775 #> 7605 1964 2776 #> 7606 1971 2777 #> 7607 23 2778 #> 7608 77 2779 #> 7609 1316 2780 #> 7610 78 2781 #> 7611 1318 2782 #> 7612 3388 2783 #> 7613 80 2784 #> 7614 1324 2785 #> 7615 3391 2786 #> 7616 2094 2787 #> 7617 3166 2788 #> 7618 1690 2789 #> 7619 2098 2790 #> 7620 387 2791 #> 7621 709 2792 #> 7622 1299 2793 #> 7623 1321 2794 #> 7624 1373 2795 #> 7625 1697 2796 #> 7626 1713 2797 #> 7627 2099 2798 #> 7628 2219 2799 #> 7629 1302 2800 #> 7630 1325 2801 #> 7631 1701 2802 #> 7632 2102 2803 #> 7633 1306 2804 #> 7634 1331 2805 #> 7635 1334 2806 #> 7636 1708 2807 #> 7637 2104 2808 #> 7638 1309 2809 #> 7639 1335 2810 #> 7640 1715 2811 #> 7641 884 2812 #> 7642 902 2813 #> 7643 910 2814 #> 7644 1710 2815 #> 7645 2106 2816 #> 7646 2703 2817 #> 7647 397 2818 #> 7648 823 2819 #> 7649 810 2820 #> 7650 1438 2821 #> 7651 1743 2822 #> 7652 1748 2823 #> 7653 2707 2824 #> 7654 1717 2825 #> 7655 1305 2826 #> 7656 1329 2827 #> 7657 1705 2828 #> 7658 2103 2829 #> 7659 1311 2830 #> 7660 1337 2831 #> 7661 1718 2832 #> 7662 2490 2833 #> 7663 2240 2834 #> 7664 2691 2835 #> 7665 399 2836 #> 7666 3492 2837 #> 7667 400 2838 #> 7668 2710 2839 #> 7669 3599 2840 #> 7670 3619 2841 #> 7671 1317 2842 #> 7672 1319 2843 #> 7673 2599 2844 #> 7674 3167 2845 #> 7675 1691 2846 #> 7676 1296 2847 #> 7677 1313 2848 #> 7678 1300 2849 #> 7679 1322 2850 #> 7680 1698 2851 #> 7681 818 2852 #> 7682 1422 2853 #> 7683 1723 2854 #> 7684 1312 2855 #> 7685 1338 2856 #> 7686 1724 2857 #> 7687 845 2858 #> 7688 2274 2859 #> 7689 2283 2860 #> 7690 391 2861 #> 7691 972 2862 #> 7692 979 2863 #> 7693 2276 2864 #> 7694 2286 2865 #> 7695 1751 2866 #> 7696 2706 2867 #> 7697 3195 2868 #> 7698 6 2869 #> 7699 120 2870 #> 7700 1689 2871 #> 7701 861 2872 #> 7702 149 2873 #> 7703 150 2874 #> 7704 1304 2875 #> 7705 1328 2876 #> 7706 1704 2877 #> 7707 2229 2878 #> 7708 79 2879 #> 7709 1320 2880 #> 7710 100 2881 #> 7711 408 2882 #> 7712 1307 2883 #> 7713 1332 2884 #> 7714 1709 2885 #> 7715 1308 2886 #> 7716 1333 2887 #> 7717 1716 2888 #> 7718 1707 2889 #> 7719 1303 2890 #> 7720 1012 2891 #> 7721 1021 2892 #> 7722 451 2893 #> 7723 1013 2894 #> 7724 1022 2895 #> 7725 1014 2896 #> 7726 1023 2897 #> 7727 1694 2898 #> 7728 3188 2899 #> 7729 1024 2900 #> 7730 3187 2901 #> 7731 3666 2902 #> 7732 2797 2903 #> 7733 1563 2904 #> 7734 3273 2905 #> 7735 1524 2906 #> 7736 944 2907 #> 7737 3424 2908 #> 7738 107 2909 #> 7739 284 2910 #> 7740 3583 2911 #> 7741 601 2912 #> 7742 2212 2913 #> 7743 3713 2914 #> 7744 3350 2915 #> 7745 2070 2916 #> 7746 3292 2917 #> 7747 3053 2918 #> 7748 1855 2919 #> 7749 3436 2920 #> 7750 237 2921 #> 7751 3548 2922 #> 7752 506 2923 #> 7753 2176 2924 #> 7754 1326 2925 #> 7755 3736 2926 #> 7756 3295 2927 #> 7757 3377 2928 #> 7758 3693 2929 #> 7759 3332 2930 #> 7760 2056 2931 #> 7761 3283 2932 #> 7762 1153 2933 #> 7763 2916 2934 #> 7764 1863 2935 #> 7765 3445 2936 #> 7766 240 2937 #> 7767 3556 2938 #> 7768 513 2939 #> 7769 2179 2940 #> 7770 1702 2941 #> 7771 2478 2942 #> 7772 1670 2943 #> 7773 3738 2944 #> 7774 3296 2945 #> 7775 3379 2946 #> 7776 3698 2947 #> 7777 3337 2948 #> 7778 2060 2949 #> 7779 3284 2950 #> 7780 1154 2951 #> 7781 2935 2952 #> 7782 3568 2953 #> 7783 1675 2954 #> 7784 1669 2955 #> 7785 3487 2956 #> 7786 1678 2957 #> 7787 1967 2958 #> 7788 1671 2959 #> 7789 1359 2960 #> 7790 592 2961 #> 7791 235 2962 #> 7792 3546 2963 #> 7793 230 2964 #> 7794 3541 2965 #> 7795 286 2966 #> 7796 3584 2967 #> 7797 390 2968 #> 7798 2235 2969 #> 7799 3437 2970 #> 7800 1672 2971 #> 7801 2265 2972 #> 7802 2254 2974 #> 7803 2327 2975 #> 7804 3605 2976 #> 7805 2827 2977 #> 7806 1881 2978 #> 7807 998 2979 #> 7808 878 2980 #> 7809 2957 2981 #> 7810 1640 2982 #> 7811 2253 2983 #> 7812 1162 2984 #> 7813 1161 2985 #> 7814 3668 2988 #> 7815 3667 2989 #> 7816 2092 2990 #> 7817 2391 2991 #> 7818 2392 2992 #> 7819 2387 2993 #> 7820 888 2994 #> 7821 2393 2995 #> 7822 2389 2996 #> 7823 2394 2997 #> 7824 2390 2998 #> 7825 2693 2999 #> 7826 2633 3000 #> 7827 2592 3001 #> 7828 2594 3002 #> 7829 2580 3003 #> 7830 1460 3004 #> 7831 2600 3005 #> 7832 1017 3006 #> 7833 1465 3007 #> 7834 1459 3008 #> 7835 1692 3009 #> 7836 2519 3010 #> 7837 1721 3011 #> 7838 1719 3012 #> 7839 1722 3013 #> 7840 2520 3014 #> 7841 1725 3015 #> 7842 1720 3016 #> 7843 1693 3017 #> 7844 819 3018 #> 7845 2712 3019 #> 7846 1849 3020 #> 7847 1344 3021 #> 7848 2885 3022 #> 7849 1492 3023 #> 7850 2558 3024 #> 7851 2913 3025 #> 7852 1847 3026 #> 7853 2646 3027 #> 7854 1209 3028 #> 7855 2607 3029 #> 7856 2882 3030 #> 7857 1906 3031 #> 7858 2650 3032 #> 7859 1223 3033 #> 7860 2984 3034 #> 7861 1974 3035 #> 7862 2654 3036 #> 7863 1231 3037 #> 7864 3110 3038 #> 7865 1908 3039 #> 7866 1348 3040 #> 7867 2522 3041 #> 7868 2986 3042 #> 7869 1775 3043 #> 7870 1341 3044 #> 7871 2638 3045 #> 7872 2529 3046 #> 7873 2471 3047 #> 7874 2758 3048 #> 7875 1774 3049 #> 7876 1340 3050 #> 7877 2370 3051 #> 7878 1414 3052 #> 7879 2097 3053 #> 7880 2542 3054 #> 7881 864 3055 #> 7882 2754 3056 #> 7883 1939 3057 #> 7884 1349 3058 #> 7885 3460 3059 #> 7886 277 3060 #> 7887 3576 3061 #> 7888 970 3062 #> 7889 584 3063 #> 7890 3028 3064 #> 7891 2000 3065 #> 7892 1353 3066 #> 7893 3493 3067 #> 7894 297 3068 #> 7895 3596 3069 #> 7896 975 3070 #> 7897 641 3071 #> 7898 3157 3072 #> 7899 1949 3073 #> 7900 1352 3074 #> 7901 2619 3075 #> 7902 3096 3076 #> 7903 1883 3077 #> 7904 1346 3078 #> 7905 527 3079 #> 7906 2960 3080 #> 7907 1907 3081 #> 7908 1347 3082 #> 7909 2521 3083 #> 7910 2985 3084 #> 7911 1776 3085 #> 7912 1342 3086 #> 7913 2639 3087 #> 7914 2530 3088 #> 7915 189 3089 #> 7916 3502 3090 #> 7917 2543 3091 #> 7918 2472 3092 #> 7919 2759 3093 #> 7920 1773 3094 #> 7921 1339 3095 #> 7922 2369 3096 #> 7923 1413 3097 #> 7924 2096 3098 #> 7925 2541 3099 #> 7926 863 3100 #> 7927 2753 3101 #> 7928 1940 3102 #> 7929 1350 3103 #> 7930 3461 3104 #> 7931 278 3105 #> 7932 3577 3106 #> 7933 971 3107 #> 7934 585 3108 #> 7935 3029 3109 #> 7936 2001 3110 #> 7937 1354 3111 #> 7938 3494 3112 #> 7939 298 3113 #> 7940 3597 3114 #> 7941 976 3115 #> 7942 642 3116 #> 7943 3158 3117 #> 7944 1781 3118 #> 7945 1343 3119 #> 7946 2083 3120 #> 7947 2767 3121 #> 7948 1948 3122 #> 7949 1351 3123 #> 7950 2618 3124 #> 7951 3095 3125 #> 7952 1878 3126 #> 7953 1345 3127 #> 7954 525 3128 #> 7955 2952 3129 #> 7956 1980 3130 #> 7957 3132 3131 #> 7958 2008 3132 #> 7959 3160 3133 #> 7960 1992 3134 #> 7961 3151 3135 #> 7962 1638 3136 #> 7963 1433 3137 #> 7964 1429 3138 #> 7965 1639 3139 #> 7966 1533 3140 #> 7967 2398 3141 #> 7968 2464 3142 #> 7969 3069 3143 #> 7970 992 3144 #> 7971 1193 3145 #> 7972 347 3146 #> 7973 1204 3147 #> 7974 1202 3148 #> 7975 3083 3149 #> 7976 2924 3150 #> 7977 1591 3151 #> 7978 1839 3152 #> 7979 224 3153 #> 7980 3536 3154 #> 7981 484 3155 #> 7982 2166 3156 #> 7983 1699 3157 #> 7984 3692 3158 #> 7985 3331 3159 #> 7986 1557 3160 #> 7987 2872 3161 #> 7988 1588 3162 #> 7989 1823 3163 #> 7990 213 3164 #> 7991 3529 3165 #> 7992 474 3166 #> 7993 2159 3167 #> 7994 1695 3168 #> 7995 2612 3169 #> 7996 3689 3170 #> 7997 3327 3171 #> 7998 1549 3172 #> 7999 2844 3173 #> 8000 2839 3174 #> 8001 1943 3175 #> 8002 1797 3176 #> 8003 2699 3177 #> 8004 3408 3178 #> 8005 2322 3179 #> 8006 1416 3180 #> 8007 425 3181 #> 8008 777 3182 #> 8009 3202 3183 #> 8010 2786 3184 #> 8011 1828 3185 #> 8012 218 3186 #> 8013 3533 3187 #> 8014 480 3188 #> 8015 1249 3189 #> 8016 2124 3190 #> 8017 1553 3191 #> 8018 2850 3192 #> 8019 816 3193 #> 8020 1900 3194 #> 8021 3193 3195 #> 8022 2704 3196 #> 8023 3455 3197 #> 8024 259 3198 #> 8025 3569 3199 #> 8026 315 3200 #> 8027 543 3201 #> 8028 2196 3202 #> 8029 2128 3203 #> 8030 1711 3204 #> 8031 2715 3205 #> 8032 3229 3206 #> 8033 1266 3207 #> 8034 1420 3208 #> 8035 1466 3209 #> 8036 903 3210 #> 8037 886 3211 #> 8038 801 3212 #> 8039 1075 3213 #> 8040 3213 3214 #> 8041 2978 3215 #> 8042 336 3216 #> 8043 206 3217 #> 8044 3524 3218 #> 8045 458 3219 #> 8046 1095 3220 #> 8047 2829 3221 #> 8048 1800 3222 #> 8049 3410 3223 #> 8050 2325 3224 #> 8051 2578 3225 #> 8052 3515 3226 #> 8053 427 3227 #> 8054 2789 3228 #> 8055 234 3229 #> 8056 3545 3230 #> 8057 500 3231 #> 8058 1568 3232 #> 8059 2899 3233 #> 8060 1589 3234 #> 8061 1826 3235 #> 8062 341 3236 #> 8063 216 3237 #> 8064 3531 3238 #> 8065 1297 3239 #> 8066 1200 3240 #> 8067 477 3241 #> 8068 2161 3242 #> 8069 1314 3243 #> 8070 1269 3244 #> 8071 1247 3245 #> 8072 1551 3246 #> 8073 2847 3247 #> 8074 1593 3248 #> 8075 1887 3249 #> 8076 3449 3250 #> 8077 358 3251 #> 8078 252 3252 #> 8079 3563 3253 #> 8080 1419 3254 #> 8081 530 3255 #> 8082 1706 3256 #> 8083 1330 3257 #> 8084 1262 3258 #> 8085 881 3259 #> 8086 1575 3260 #> 8087 2965 3261 #> 8088 3129 3262 #> 8089 338 3263 #> 8090 209 3264 #> 8091 3527 3265 #> 8092 467 3266 #> 8093 2836 3267 #> 8094 231 3268 #> 8095 3542 3269 #> 8096 496 3270 #> 8097 1566 3271 #> 8098 2895 3272 #> 8099 1592 3273 #> 8100 1844 3274 #> 8101 389 3275 #> 8102 3434 3276 #> 8103 227 3277 #> 8104 3538 3278 #> 8105 312 3279 #> 8106 1301 3280 #> 8107 1208 3281 #> 8108 471 3282 #> 8109 488 3283 #> 8110 2168 3284 #> 8111 1323 3285 #> 8112 1700 3286 #> 8113 1072 3287 #> 8114 1253 3288 #> 8115 685 3289 #> 8116 1070 3290 #> 8117 2495 3291 #> 8118 1560 3292 #> 8119 2526 3293 #> 8120 2878 3294 #> 8121 1590 3295 #> 8122 1827 3296 #> 8123 3422 3297 #> 8124 342 3298 #> 8125 217 3299 #> 8126 3532 3300 #> 8127 1298 3301 #> 8128 1201 3302 #> 8129 547 3303 #> 8130 478 3304 #> 8131 2162 3305 #> 8132 1315 3306 #> 8133 1696 3307 #> 8134 1597 3308 #> 8135 1270 3309 #> 8136 1248 3310 #> 8137 2613 3311 #> 8138 2123 3312 #> 8139 1594 3313 #> 8140 1552 3314 #> 8141 2524 3315 #> 8142 2539 3316 #> 8143 2848 3317 #> 8144 1740 3318 #> 8145 1819 3319 #> 8146 2815 3320 #> 8147 1905 3321 #> 8148 3457 3322 #> 8149 1677 3323 #> 8150 1124 3324 #> 8151 2983 3325 #> 8152 752 3326 #> 8153 2825 3327 #> 8154 3038 3328 #> 8155 602 3329 #> 8156 2213 3330 #> 8157 18 3331 #> 8158 2269 3332 #> 8159 3351 3333 #> 8160 3714 3334 #> 8161 3054 3335 #> 8162 1779 3336 #> 8163 3400 3337 #> 8164 191 3338 #> 8165 3505 3339 #> 8166 3 3340 #> 8167 416 3341 #> 8168 2141 3342 #> 8169 2245 3343 #> 8170 132 3344 #> 8171 3315 3345 #> 8172 3679 3346 #> 8173 2764 3347 #> 8174 1793 3348 #> 8175 2320 3349 #> 8176 2249 3350 #> 8177 3321 3351 #> 8178 3685 3352 #> 8179 2781 3353 #> 8180 1868 3354 #> 8181 3447 3355 #> 8182 243 3356 #> 8183 3559 3357 #> 8184 441 3358 #> 8185 961 3359 #> 8186 1215 3360 #> 8187 517 3361 #> 8188 2183 3362 #> 8189 893 3363 #> 8190 2257 3364 #> 8191 1259 3365 #> 8192 876 3366 #> 8193 3340 3367 #> 8194 3702 3368 #> 8195 2941 3369 #> 8196 3586 3370 #> 8197 1007 3371 #> 8198 135 3372 #> 8199 2480 3374 #> 8200 1749 3375 #> 8201 2708 3376 #> 8202 1753 3377 #> 8203 1379 3378 #> 8204 811 3379 #> 8205 1417 3380 #> 8206 912 3381 #> 8207 812 3382 #> 8208 134 3383 #> 8209 908 3384 #> 8210 2329 3385 #> 8211 1752 3386 #> 8212 1742 3387 #> 8213 1378 3388 #> 8214 3472 3389 #> 8215 1371 3390 #> 8216 889 3391 #> 8217 3044 3392 #> 8218 1240 3393 #> 8219 2270 3394 #> 8220 2284 3395 #> 8221 156 3396 #> 8222 673 3397 #> 8223 133 3398 #> 8224 2259 3399 #> 8225 1582 3400 #> 8226 1580 3401 #> 8227 1581 3402 #> 8228 735 3403 #> 8229 1679 3404 #> 8230 368 3405 #> 8231 2214 3406 #> 8232 356 3407 #> 8233 2185 3408 #> 8234 2217 3409 #> 8235 1674 3410 #> 8236 1455 3411 #> 8237 370 3412 #> 8238 612 3413 #> 8239 289 3414 #> 8240 1421 3415 #> 8241 887 3416 #> 8242 809 3417 #> 8243 2403 3418 #> 8244 1646 3419 #> 8245 1869 3420 #> 8246 1758 3421 #> 8247 2647 3422 #> 8248 1216 3423 #> 8249 1493 3424 #> 8250 2943 3425 #> 8251 2956 3426 #> 8252 1219 3427 #> 8253 1760 3428 #> 8254 1880 3429 #> 8255 2649 3430 #> 8256 1494 3431 #> 8257 1647 3432 #> 8258 1874 3433 #> 8259 1759 3434 #> 8260 2648 3435 #> 8261 1217 3436 #> 8262 1176 3437 #> 8263 2559 3438 #> 8264 2948 3439 #> 8265 2400 3440 #> 8266 2402 3441 #> 8267 2399 3442 #> 8268 2401 3443 #> 8269 1968 3444 #> 8270 794 3445 #> 8271 326 3446 #> 8272 1682 3447 #> 8273 2002 3448 #> 8274 3323 3449 #> 8275 3664 3450 #> 8276 832 3451 #> 8277 857 3452 #> 8278 1110 3453 #> 8279 1436 3454 #> 8280 787 3455 #> 8281 3275 3456 #> 8282 837 3457 #> 8283 1066 3458 #> 8284 1255 3459 #> 8285 784 3460 #> 8286 677 3461 #> 8287 2341 3462 #> 8288 8 3463 #> 8289 328 3464 #> 8290 58 3465 #> 8291 2310 3466 #> 8292 359 3467 #> 8293 1143 3468 #> 8294 452 3469 #> 8295 2823 3470 #> 8296 3245 3471 #> 8297 2388 3472 #> 8298 2596 3473 #> 8299 1011 3474 #> 8300 1458 3475 #> 8301 2277 3476 #> 8302 2040 3477 #> 8303 129 3478 #> 8304 379 3479 #> 8305 948 3480 #> 8306 103 3481 #> 8307 1814 3482 #> 8308 1565 3483 #> 8309 2137 3484 #> 8310 2299 3485 #> 8311 2296 3486 #> 8312 2440 3487 #> 8313 3135 3488 #> 8314 2954 3489 #> 8315 2876 3490 #> 8316 3112 3491 #> 8317 3184 3492 #> 8318 3256 3493 #> 8319 3491 3494 #> 8320 406 3495 #> 8321 710 3496 #> 8322 711 3497 #> 8323 2068 3498 #> 8324 795 3499 #> 8325 1522 3500 #> 8326 2668 3501 #> 8327 2905 3502 #> 8328 1617 3503 #> 8329 3174 3504 #> 8330 1147 3505 #> 8331 1150 3506 #> 8332 1164 3507 #> 8333 2614 3508 #> ChoiceName #> 1 a-1 #> 2 a-1-a #> 3 a-1-b #> 4 a-2 #> 5 a-2-4 #> 6 a-2-5 #> 7 a-2-6 #> 8 a-2-7 #> 9 a-3 #> 10 a-4 #> 11 a-5 #> 12 a-6 #> 13 a-7 #> 14 a-7-5 #> 15 a-7-6 #> 16 a-8 #> 17 a-1 #> 18 a-1-a #> 19 a-1-b #> 20 a-2 #> 21 a-2-4 #> 22 a-2-5 #> 23 a-2-6 #> 24 a-2-7 #> 25 a-3 #> 26 a-4 #> 27 a-5 #> 28 a-6 #> 29 a-7 #> 30 a-7-5 #> 31 a-7-6 #> 32 a-8 #> 33 1 #> 34 2 #> 35 3 #> 36 4 #> 37 5 #> 38 6 #> 39 7 #> 40 8 #> 41 1 #> 42 2 #> 43 3 #> 44 4 #> 45 5 #> 46 6 #> 47 7 #> 48 8 #> 49 e #> 50 w #> 51 s #> 52 c #> 53 e #> 54 w #> 55 s #> 56 c #> 57 family #> 58 taxon above family #> 59 miscellaneous area #> 60 series #> 61 taxadjunct #> 62 variant #> 63 family #> 64 taxon above family #> 65 miscellaneous area #> 66 series #> 67 taxadjunct #> 68 variant #> 69 family #> 70 taxon above family #> 71 miscellaneous area #> 72 series #> 73 taxadjunct #> 74 variant #> 75 low #> 76 moderate #> 77 high #> 78 not rated #> 79 low #> 80 moderate #> 81 high #> 82 not rated #> 83 african stargrass #> 84 alfalfa hay #> 85 alfalfa seed #> 86 almonds #> 87 apples #> 88 apricots #> 89 artichokes #> 90 asparagus #> 91 avocados #> 92 bahiagrass #> 93 bananas #> 94 barley #> 95 barley-fallow #> 96 beans, dry lima #> 97 beans, dry pinto #> 98 beans, other dry #> 99 beans, snap #> 100 beans, unshelled lima #> 101 beets #> 102 bentgrass seed #> 103 bermudagrass-clover hay #> 104 bermudagrass-fescue hay #> 105 big bluestem #> 106 blackberries #> 107 blueberries #> 108 bluegrass seed #> 109 bluegrass-ladino #> 110 bluegrass-ladino hay #> 111 bluegrass-trefoil #> 112 bluegrass-trefoil hay #> 113 bluegrass-white clover #> 114 bluegrass-white clover hay #> 115 breadfruit #> 116 broccoli #> 117 bromegrass hay #> 118 bromegrass-alfalfa #> 119 bromegrass-alfalfa hay #> 120 bromegrass-alsike #> 121 bromegrass-alsike hay #> 122 bromegrass-ladino #> 123 broomcorn #> 124 brussel sprouts #> 125 buckwheat #> 126 buffel grass #> 127 cabbage #> 128 cabbage, chinese #> 129 cabbage, mustard #> 130 canarygrass hay #> 131 canarygrass-alsike #> 132 canarygrass-alsike hay #> 133 canarygrass-ladino #> 134 canarygrass-ladino hay #> 135 cantaloupe #> 136 carrots #> 137 cassava #> 138 cauliflower #> 139 causian bluegrass #> 140 celery #> 141 cherries #> 142 clover seed #> 143 coconuts #> 144 coffee #> 145 common bermudagrass #> 146 common ryegrass seed #> 147 cool season grass #> 148 corn #> 149 corn silage #> 150 corn, sweet #> 151 cotton lint #> 152 cotton lint, pima #> 153 cowpeas #> 154 cranberries #> 155 crested wheatgrass #> 156 crested wheatgrass-alfalfa hay #> 157 cucumbers #> 158 fescue #> 159 filberts #> 160 fine fescue seed #> 161 flax #> 162 garlic #> 163 garrisongrass #> 164 grain sorghum #> 165 grapefruit #> 166 grapes, table #> 167 grapes, wine #> 168 grass hay #> 169 grass, seed #> 170 grass-clover #> 171 grass-legume hay #> 172 green chop #> 173 green needlegrass #> 174 guinea grass #> 175 hay crops, annuals #> 176 hops #> 177 improved bermudagrass #> 178 indiangrass #> 179 introduced bluestem #> 180 johnsongrass #> 181 kentucky bluegrass #> 182 kleingrass #> 183 legume hay #> 184 lemons #> 185 lentils, dry #> 186 lettuce #> 187 limes #> 188 loganberries #> 189 macadamia nuts #> 190 mangos #> 191 merkergrass #> 192 millet #> 193 mint, distillate #> 194 molassesgrass #> 195 mungbeans #> 196 oats #> 197 olives #> 198 onions #> 199 onions, green #> 200 oranges #> 201 orchardgrass #> 202 orchardgrass hay #> 203 orchardgrass seed #> 204 orchardgrass-alfalfa #> 205 orchardgrass-alfalfa hay #> 206 orchardgrass-alsike #> 207 orchardgrass-alsike hay #> 208 orchardgrass-ladino #> 209 orchardgrass-ladino hay #> 210 orchardgrass-lespedeza #> 211 orchardgrass-lespedeza hay #> 212 orchardgrass-red clover #> 213 orchardgrass-red clover hay #> 214 orchardgrass-trefoil #> 215 orchardgrass-trefoil hay #> 216 pangolagrass #> 217 papaya #> 218 paragrass #> 219 pasture #> 220 peaches #> 221 peanuts #> 222 pears #> 223 pears, winter #> 224 peas, canning #> 225 peas, dry #> 226 peas, green #> 227 pecans #> 228 pepper, black #> 229 peppers #> 230 peppers, dry chili #> 231 peppers, fresh chili #> 232 peppers, green #> 233 perennial ryegrass seed #> 234 pigeonpeas #> 235 pineapple #> 236 pineapple, ratoon #> 237 pistachios #> 238 plantains #> 239 plums #> 240 potatoes, irish #> 241 prunes #> 242 prunes, dry #> 243 pubescent wheatgrass #> 244 pumpkins #> 245 raisins #> 246 raspberries #> 247 red clover hay #> 248 red clover seed #> 249 reed canarygrass #> 250 rice #> 251 rye #> 252 rye grazeout #> 253 safflower #> 254 small grains grazeout #> 255 smooth bromegrass #> 256 sorghum hay #> 257 sorghum silage #> 258 soybeans #> 259 spinach #> 260 strawberries #> 261 sugar beets #> 262 sugarcane #> 263 sugarcane, 18 month #> 264 sugarcane, ratoon #> 265 sugarcane, spring #> 266 sunflower #> 267 sweet potatoes #> 268 switchgrass #> 269 tall fescue #> 270 tall fescue hay #> 271 tall fescue seed #> 272 tall fescue-alfalfa #> 273 tall fescue-alfalfa hay #> 274 tall fescue-alsike #> 275 tall fescue-alsike hay #> 276 tall fescue-ladino #> 277 tall fescue-ladino hay #> 278 tall fescue-lespedeza #> 279 tall fescue-lespedeza hay #> 280 tall fescue-red clover #> 281 tall fescue-red clover hay #> 282 tall wheatgrass #> 283 tangelos #> 284 tangerines #> 285 taniers #> 286 taro #> 287 timothy-alfalfa #> 288 timothy-alfalfa hay #> 289 timothy-alsike #> 290 timothy-alsike hay #> 291 timothy-red clover hay #> 292 tobacco #> 293 tomatoes #> 294 trefoil hay #> 295 trefoil-grass #> 296 trefoil-grass hay #> 297 walnuts #> 298 warm season grass #> 299 watermelons #> 300 weeping lovegrass #> 301 wheat #> 302 wheat grazeout #> 303 wheat, oct-mar #> 304 wheat, spring #> 305 wheat, spring-fallow #> 306 wheat, winter #> 307 wheat, winter-fallow #> 308 yams #> 309 common bermudagrass hay #> 310 improved bermudagrass hay #> 311 bahiagrass hay #> 312 canola, spring #> 313 canola, winter #> 314 small grains hay #> 315 small grains silage #> 316 sorghum grazed #> 317 oats, hay #> 318 strawberries, plants #> 319 permanent pasture, improved #> 320 permanent pasture, unimproved #> 321 caucasian bluestem #> 322 grass-legume pasture #> 323 timothy hay #> 324 annual ryegrass #> 325 caucasian bluestem hay #> 326 crimson clover #> 327 kincaid red clover #> 328 kobe lespedeza #> 329 ladino clover #> 330 alfalfa pasture #> 331 squash, summer #> 332 squash, winter #> 333 timothy-red clover #> 334 bluegrass #> 335 grass silage #> 336 tobacco, burley #> 337 tobacco, fire-cured #> 338 tobacco, flue-cured #> 339 tobacco, dark air-cured #> 340 tobacco, light, air-cured #> 341 barley, winter #> 342 barley, spring #> 343 barley, winter-fallow #> 344 barley, spring-fallow #> 345 alfalfa #> 346 african stargrass #> 347 alfalfa hay #> 348 alfalfa seed #> 349 almonds #> 350 apples #> 351 apricots #> 352 artichokes #> 353 asparagus #> 354 avocados #> 355 bahiagrass #> 356 bananas #> 357 barley #> 358 barley-fallow #> 359 beans, dry lima #> 360 beans, dry pinto #> 361 beans, other dry #> 362 beans, snap #> 363 beans, unshelled lima #> 364 beets #> 365 bentgrass seed #> 366 bermudagrass-clover hay #> 367 bermudagrass-fescue hay #> 368 big bluestem #> 369 blackberries #> 370 blueberries #> 371 bluegrass seed #> 372 bluegrass-ladino #> 373 bluegrass-ladino hay #> 374 bluegrass-trefoil #> 375 bluegrass-trefoil hay #> 376 bluegrass-white clover #> 377 bluegrass-white clover hay #> 378 breadfruit #> 379 broccoli #> 380 bromegrass hay #> 381 bromegrass-alfalfa #> 382 bromegrass-alfalfa hay #> 383 bromegrass-alsike #> 384 bromegrass-alsike hay #> 385 bromegrass-ladino #> 386 broomcorn #> 387 brussel sprouts #> 388 buckwheat #> 389 buffel grass #> 390 cabbage #> 391 cabbage, chinese #> 392 cabbage, mustard #> 393 canarygrass hay #> 394 canarygrass-alsike #> 395 canarygrass-alsike hay #> 396 canarygrass-ladino #> 397 canarygrass-ladino hay #> 398 cantaloupe #> 399 carrots #> 400 cassava #> 401 cauliflower #> 402 causian bluegrass #> 403 celery #> 404 cherries #> 405 clover seed #> 406 coconuts #> 407 coffee #> 408 common bermudagrass #> 409 common ryegrass seed #> 410 cool season grass #> 411 corn #> 412 corn silage #> 413 corn, sweet #> 414 cotton lint #> 415 cotton lint, pima #> 416 cowpeas #> 417 cranberries #> 418 crested wheatgrass #> 419 crested wheatgrass-alfalfa hay #> 420 cucumbers #> 421 fescue #> 422 filberts #> 423 fine fescue seed #> 424 flax #> 425 garlic #> 426 garrisongrass #> 427 grain sorghum #> 428 grapefruit #> 429 grapes, table #> 430 grapes, wine #> 431 grass hay #> 432 grass, seed #> 433 grass-clover #> 434 grass-legume hay #> 435 green chop #> 436 green needlegrass #> 437 guinea grass #> 438 hay crops, annuals #> 439 hops #> 440 improved bermudagrass #> 441 indiangrass #> 442 introduced bluestem #> 443 johnsongrass #> 444 kentucky bluegrass #> 445 kleingrass #> 446 legume hay #> 447 lemons #> 448 lentils, dry #> 449 lettuce #> 450 limes #> 451 loganberries #> 452 macadamia nuts #> 453 mangos #> 454 merkergrass #> 455 millet #> 456 mint, distillate #> 457 molassesgrass #> 458 mungbeans #> 459 oats #> 460 olives #> 461 onions #> 462 onions, green #> 463 oranges #> 464 orchardgrass #> 465 orchardgrass hay #> 466 orchardgrass seed #> 467 orchardgrass-alfalfa #> 468 orchardgrass-alfalfa hay #> 469 orchardgrass-alsike #> 470 orchardgrass-alsike hay #> 471 orchardgrass-ladino #> 472 orchardgrass-ladino hay #> 473 orchardgrass-lespedeza #> 474 orchardgrass-lespedeza hay #> 475 orchardgrass-red clover #> 476 orchardgrass-red clover hay #> 477 orchardgrass-trefoil #> 478 orchardgrass-trefoil hay #> 479 pangolagrass #> 480 papaya #> 481 paragrass #> 482 pasture #> 483 peaches #> 484 peanuts #> 485 pears #> 486 pears, winter #> 487 peas, canning #> 488 peas, dry #> 489 peas, green #> 490 pecans #> 491 pepper, black #> 492 peppers #> 493 peppers, dry chili #> 494 peppers, fresh chili #> 495 peppers, green #> 496 perennial ryegrass seed #> 497 pigeonpeas #> 498 pineapple #> 499 pineapple, ratoon #> 500 pistachios #> 501 plantains #> 502 plums #> 503 potatoes, irish #> 504 prunes #> 505 prunes, dry #> 506 pubescent wheatgrass #> 507 pumpkins #> 508 raisins #> 509 raspberries #> 510 red clover hay #> 511 red clover seed #> 512 reed canarygrass #> 513 rice #> 514 rye #> 515 rye grazeout #> 516 safflower #> 517 small grains grazeout #> 518 smooth bromegrass #> 519 sorghum hay #> 520 sorghum silage #> 521 soybeans #> 522 spinach #> 523 strawberries #> 524 sugar beets #> 525 sugarcane #> 526 sugarcane, 18 month #> 527 sugarcane, ratoon #> 528 sugarcane, spring #> 529 sunflower #> 530 sweet potatoes #> 531 switchgrass #> 532 tall fescue #> 533 tall fescue hay #> 534 tall fescue seed #> 535 tall fescue-alfalfa #> 536 tall fescue-alfalfa hay #> 537 tall fescue-alsike #> 538 tall fescue-alsike hay #> 539 tall fescue-ladino #> 540 tall fescue-ladino hay #> 541 tall fescue-lespedeza #> 542 tall fescue-lespedeza hay #> 543 tall fescue-red clover #> 544 tall fescue-red clover hay #> 545 tall wheatgrass #> 546 tangelos #> 547 tangerines #> 548 taniers #> 549 taro #> 550 timothy-alfalfa #> 551 timothy-alfalfa hay #> 552 timothy-alsike #> 553 timothy-alsike hay #> 554 timothy-red clover hay #> 555 tobacco #> 556 tomatoes #> 557 trefoil hay #> 558 trefoil-grass #> 559 trefoil-grass hay #> 560 walnuts #> 561 warm season grass #> 562 watermelons #> 563 weeping lovegrass #> 564 wheat #> 565 wheat grazeout #> 566 wheat, oct-mar #> 567 wheat, spring #> 568 wheat, spring-fallow #> 569 wheat, winter #> 570 wheat, winter-fallow #> 571 yams #> 572 common bermudagrass hay #> 573 improved bermudagrass hay #> 574 bahiagrass hay #> 575 canola, spring #> 576 canola, winter #> 577 small grains hay #> 578 small grains silage #> 579 sorghum grazed #> 580 oats, hay #> 581 strawberries, plants #> 582 permanent pasture, improved #> 583 permanent pasture, unimproved #> 584 caucasian bluestem #> 585 grass-legume pasture #> 586 timothy hay #> 587 annual ryegrass #> 588 caucasian bluestem hay #> 589 crimson clover #> 590 kincaid red clover #> 591 kobe lespedeza #> 592 ladino clover #> 593 alfalfa pasture #> 594 squash, summer #> 595 squash, winter #> 596 timothy-red clover #> 597 bluegrass #> 598 grass silage #> 599 tobacco, burley #> 600 tobacco, fire-cured #> 601 tobacco, flue-cured #> 602 tobacco, dark air-cured #> 603 tobacco, light, air-cured #> 604 barley, winter #> 605 barley, spring #> 606 barley, winter-fallow #> 607 barley, spring-fallow #> 608 alfalfa #> 609 african stargrass #> 610 alfalfa hay #> 611 alfalfa seed #> 612 almonds #> 613 apples #> 614 apricots #> 615 artichokes #> 616 asparagus #> 617 avocados #> 618 bahiagrass #> 619 bananas #> 620 barley #> 621 barley-fallow #> 622 beans, dry lima #> 623 beans, dry pinto #> 624 beans, other dry #> 625 beans, snap #> 626 beans, unshelled lima #> 627 beets #> 628 bentgrass seed #> 629 bermudagrass-clover hay #> 630 bermudagrass-fescue hay #> 631 big bluestem #> 632 blackberries #> 633 blueberries #> 634 bluegrass seed #> 635 bluegrass-ladino #> 636 bluegrass-ladino hay #> 637 bluegrass-trefoil #> 638 bluegrass-trefoil hay #> 639 bluegrass-white clover #> 640 bluegrass-white clover hay #> 641 breadfruit #> 642 broccoli #> 643 bromegrass hay #> 644 bromegrass-alfalfa #> 645 bromegrass-alfalfa hay #> 646 bromegrass-alsike #> 647 bromegrass-alsike hay #> 648 bromegrass-ladino #> 649 broomcorn #> 650 brussel sprouts #> 651 buckwheat #> 652 buffel grass #> 653 cabbage #> 654 cabbage, chinese #> 655 cabbage, mustard #> 656 canarygrass hay #> 657 canarygrass-alsike #> 658 canarygrass-alsike hay #> 659 canarygrass-ladino #> 660 canarygrass-ladino hay #> 661 cantaloupe #> 662 carrots #> 663 cassava #> 664 cauliflower #> 665 causian bluegrass #> 666 celery #> 667 cherries #> 668 clover seed #> 669 coconuts #> 670 coffee #> 671 common bermudagrass #> 672 common ryegrass seed #> 673 cool season grass #> 674 corn #> 675 corn silage #> 676 corn, sweet #> 677 cotton lint #> 678 cotton lint, pima #> 679 cowpeas #> 680 cranberries #> 681 crested wheatgrass #> 682 crested wheatgrass-alfalfa hay #> 683 cucumbers #> 684 fescue #> 685 filberts #> 686 fine fescue seed #> 687 flax #> 688 garlic #> 689 garrisongrass #> 690 grain sorghum #> 691 grapefruit #> 692 grapes, table #> 693 grapes, wine #> 694 grass hay #> 695 grass, seed #> 696 grass-clover #> 697 grass-legume hay #> 698 green chop #> 699 green needlegrass #> 700 guinea grass #> 701 hay crops, annuals #> 702 hops #> 703 improved bermudagrass #> 704 indiangrass #> 705 introduced bluestem #> 706 johnsongrass #> 707 kentucky bluegrass #> 708 kleingrass #> 709 legume hay #> 710 lemons #> 711 lentils, dry #> 712 lettuce #> 713 limes #> 714 loganberries #> 715 macadamia nuts #> 716 mangos #> 717 merkergrass #> 718 millet #> 719 mint, distillate #> 720 molassesgrass #> 721 mungbeans #> 722 oats #> 723 olives #> 724 onions #> 725 onions, green #> 726 oranges #> 727 orchardgrass #> 728 orchardgrass hay #> 729 orchardgrass seed #> 730 orchardgrass-alfalfa #> 731 orchardgrass-alfalfa hay #> 732 orchardgrass-alsike #> 733 orchardgrass-alsike hay #> 734 orchardgrass-ladino #> 735 orchardgrass-ladino hay #> 736 orchardgrass-lespedeza #> 737 orchardgrass-lespedeza hay #> 738 orchardgrass-red clover #> 739 orchardgrass-red clover hay #> 740 orchardgrass-trefoil #> 741 orchardgrass-trefoil hay #> 742 pangolagrass #> 743 papaya #> 744 paragrass #> 745 pasture #> 746 peaches #> 747 peanuts #> 748 pears #> 749 pears, winter #> 750 peas, canning #> 751 peas, dry #> 752 peas, green #> 753 pecans #> 754 pepper, black #> 755 peppers #> 756 peppers, dry chili #> 757 peppers, fresh chili #> 758 peppers, green #> 759 perennial ryegrass seed #> 760 pigeonpeas #> 761 pineapple #> 762 pineapple, ratoon #> 763 pistachios #> 764 plantains #> 765 plums #> 766 potatoes, irish #> 767 prunes #> 768 prunes, dry #> 769 pubescent wheatgrass #> 770 pumpkins #> 771 raisins #> 772 raspberries #> 773 red clover hay #> 774 red clover seed #> 775 reed canarygrass #> 776 rice #> 777 rye #> 778 rye grazeout #> 779 safflower #> 780 small grains grazeout #> 781 smooth bromegrass #> 782 sorghum hay #> 783 sorghum silage #> 784 soybeans #> 785 spinach #> 786 strawberries #> 787 sugar beets #> 788 sugarcane #> 789 sugarcane, 18 month #> 790 sugarcane, ratoon #> 791 sugarcane, spring #> 792 sunflower #> 793 sweet potatoes #> 794 switchgrass #> 795 tall fescue #> 796 tall fescue hay #> 797 tall fescue seed #> 798 tall fescue-alfalfa #> 799 tall fescue-alfalfa hay #> 800 tall fescue-alsike #> 801 tall fescue-alsike hay #> 802 tall fescue-ladino #> 803 tall fescue-ladino hay #> 804 tall fescue-lespedeza #> 805 tall fescue-lespedeza hay #> 806 tall fescue-red clover #> 807 tall fescue-red clover hay #> 808 tall wheatgrass #> 809 tangelos #> 810 tangerines #> 811 taniers #> 812 taro #> 813 timothy-alfalfa #> 814 timothy-alfalfa hay #> 815 timothy-alsike #> 816 timothy-alsike hay #> 817 timothy-red clover hay #> 818 tobacco #> 819 tomatoes #> 820 trefoil hay #> 821 trefoil-grass #> 822 trefoil-grass hay #> 823 walnuts #> 824 warm season grass #> 825 watermelons #> 826 weeping lovegrass #> 827 wheat #> 828 wheat grazeout #> 829 wheat, oct-mar #> 830 wheat, spring #> 831 wheat, spring-fallow #> 832 wheat, winter #> 833 wheat, winter-fallow #> 834 yams #> 835 common bermudagrass hay #> 836 improved bermudagrass hay #> 837 bahiagrass hay #> 838 canola, spring #> 839 canola, winter #> 840 small grains hay #> 841 small grains silage #> 842 sorghum grazed #> 843 oats, hay #> 844 strawberries, plants #> 845 permanent pasture, improved #> 846 permanent pasture, unimproved #> 847 caucasian bluestem #> 848 grass-legume pasture #> 849 timothy hay #> 850 annual ryegrass #> 851 caucasian bluestem hay #> 852 crimson clover #> 853 kincaid red clover #> 854 kobe lespedeza #> 855 ladino clover #> 856 alfalfa pasture #> 857 squash, summer #> 858 squash, winter #> 859 timothy-red clover #> 860 bluegrass #> 861 grass silage #> 862 tobacco, burley #> 863 tobacco, fire-cured #> 864 tobacco, flue-cured #> 865 tobacco, dark air-cured #> 866 tobacco, light, air-cured #> 867 barley, winter #> 868 barley, spring #> 869 barley, winter-fallow #> 870 barley, spring-fallow #> 871 alfalfa #> 872 african stargrass #> 873 alfalfa hay #> 874 alfalfa seed #> 875 almonds #> 876 apples #> 877 apricots #> 878 artichokes #> 879 asparagus #> 880 avocados #> 881 bahiagrass #> 882 bananas #> 883 barley #> 884 barley-fallow #> 885 beans, dry lima #> 886 beans, dry pinto #> 887 beans, other dry #> 888 beans, snap #> 889 beans, unshelled lima #> 890 beets #> 891 bentgrass seed #> 892 bermudagrass-clover hay #> 893 bermudagrass-fescue hay #> 894 big bluestem #> 895 blackberries #> 896 blueberries #> 897 bluegrass seed #> 898 bluegrass-ladino #> 899 bluegrass-ladino hay #> 900 bluegrass-trefoil #> 901 bluegrass-trefoil hay #> 902 bluegrass-white clover #> 903 bluegrass-white clover hay #> 904 breadfruit #> 905 broccoli #> 906 bromegrass hay #> 907 bromegrass-alfalfa #> 908 bromegrass-alfalfa hay #> 909 bromegrass-alsike #> 910 bromegrass-alsike hay #> 911 bromegrass-ladino #> 912 broomcorn #> 913 brussel sprouts #> 914 buckwheat #> 915 buffel grass #> 916 cabbage #> 917 cabbage, chinese #> 918 cabbage, mustard #> 919 canarygrass hay #> 920 canarygrass-alsike #> 921 canarygrass-alsike hay #> 922 canarygrass-ladino #> 923 canarygrass-ladino hay #> 924 cantaloupe #> 925 carrots #> 926 cassava #> 927 cauliflower #> 928 causian bluegrass #> 929 celery #> 930 cherries #> 931 clover seed #> 932 coconuts #> 933 coffee #> 934 common bermudagrass #> 935 common ryegrass seed #> 936 cool season grass #> 937 corn #> 938 corn silage #> 939 corn, sweet #> 940 cotton lint #> 941 cotton lint, pima #> 942 cowpeas #> 943 cranberries #> 944 crested wheatgrass #> 945 crested wheatgrass-alfalfa hay #> 946 cucumbers #> 947 fescue #> 948 filberts #> 949 fine fescue seed #> 950 flax #> 951 garlic #> 952 garrisongrass #> 953 grain sorghum #> 954 grapefruit #> 955 grapes, table #> 956 grapes, wine #> 957 grass hay #> 958 grass, seed #> 959 grass-clover #> 960 grass-legume hay #> 961 green chop #> 962 green needlegrass #> 963 guinea grass #> 964 hay crops, annuals #> 965 hops #> 966 improved bermudagrass #> 967 indiangrass #> 968 introduced bluestem #> 969 johnsongrass #> 970 kentucky bluegrass #> 971 kleingrass #> 972 legume hay #> 973 lemons #> 974 lentils, dry #> 975 lettuce #> 976 limes #> 977 loganberries #> 978 macadamia nuts #> 979 mangos #> 980 merkergrass #> 981 millet #> 982 mint, distillate #> 983 molassesgrass #> 984 mungbeans #> 985 oats #> 986 olives #> 987 onions #> 988 onions, green #> 989 oranges #> 990 orchardgrass #> 991 orchardgrass hay #> 992 orchardgrass seed #> 993 orchardgrass-alfalfa #> 994 orchardgrass-alfalfa hay #> 995 orchardgrass-alsike #> 996 orchardgrass-alsike hay #> 997 orchardgrass-ladino #> 998 orchardgrass-ladino hay #> 999 orchardgrass-lespedeza #> 1000 orchardgrass-lespedeza hay #> 1001 orchardgrass-red clover #> 1002 orchardgrass-red clover hay #> 1003 orchardgrass-trefoil #> 1004 orchardgrass-trefoil hay #> 1005 pangolagrass #> 1006 papaya #> 1007 paragrass #> 1008 pasture #> 1009 peaches #> 1010 peanuts #> 1011 pears #> 1012 pears, winter #> 1013 peas, canning #> 1014 peas, dry #> 1015 peas, green #> 1016 pecans #> 1017 pepper, black #> 1018 peppers #> 1019 peppers, dry chili #> 1020 peppers, fresh chili #> 1021 peppers, green #> 1022 perennial ryegrass seed #> 1023 pigeonpeas #> 1024 pineapple #> 1025 pineapple, ratoon #> 1026 pistachios #> 1027 plantains #> 1028 plums #> 1029 potatoes, irish #> 1030 prunes #> 1031 prunes, dry #> 1032 pubescent wheatgrass #> 1033 pumpkins #> 1034 raisins #> 1035 raspberries #> 1036 red clover hay #> 1037 red clover seed #> 1038 reed canarygrass #> 1039 rice #> 1040 rye #> 1041 rye grazeout #> 1042 safflower #> 1043 small grains grazeout #> 1044 smooth bromegrass #> 1045 sorghum hay #> 1046 sorghum silage #> 1047 soybeans #> 1048 spinach #> 1049 strawberries #> 1050 sugar beets #> 1051 sugarcane #> 1052 sugarcane, 18 month #> 1053 sugarcane, ratoon #> 1054 sugarcane, spring #> 1055 sunflower #> 1056 sweet potatoes #> 1057 switchgrass #> 1058 tall fescue #> 1059 tall fescue hay #> 1060 tall fescue seed #> 1061 tall fescue-alfalfa #> 1062 tall fescue-alfalfa hay #> 1063 tall fescue-alsike #> 1064 tall fescue-alsike hay #> 1065 tall fescue-ladino #> 1066 tall fescue-ladino hay #> 1067 tall fescue-lespedeza #> 1068 tall fescue-lespedeza hay #> 1069 tall fescue-red clover #> 1070 tall fescue-red clover hay #> 1071 tall wheatgrass #> 1072 tangelos #> 1073 tangerines #> 1074 taniers #> 1075 taro #> 1076 timothy-alfalfa #> 1077 timothy-alfalfa hay #> 1078 timothy-alsike #> 1079 timothy-alsike hay #> 1080 timothy-red clover hay #> 1081 tobacco #> 1082 tomatoes #> 1083 trefoil hay #> 1084 trefoil-grass #> 1085 trefoil-grass hay #> 1086 walnuts #> 1087 warm season grass #> 1088 watermelons #> 1089 weeping lovegrass #> 1090 wheat #> 1091 wheat grazeout #> 1092 wheat, oct-mar #> 1093 wheat, spring #> 1094 wheat, spring-fallow #> 1095 wheat, winter #> 1096 wheat, winter-fallow #> 1097 yams #> 1098 common bermudagrass hay #> 1099 improved bermudagrass hay #> 1100 bahiagrass hay #> 1101 canola, spring #> 1102 canola, winter #> 1103 small grains hay #> 1104 small grains silage #> 1105 sorghum grazed #> 1106 oats, hay #> 1107 strawberries, plants #> 1108 permanent pasture, improved #> 1109 permanent pasture, unimproved #> 1110 caucasian bluestem #> 1111 grass-legume pasture #> 1112 timothy hay #> 1113 annual ryegrass #> 1114 caucasian bluestem hay #> 1115 crimson clover #> 1116 kincaid red clover #> 1117 kobe lespedeza #> 1118 ladino clover #> 1119 alfalfa pasture #> 1120 squash, summer #> 1121 squash, winter #> 1122 timothy-red clover #> 1123 bluegrass #> 1124 grass silage #> 1125 tobacco, burley #> 1126 tobacco, fire-cured #> 1127 tobacco, flue-cured #> 1128 tobacco, dark air-cured #> 1129 tobacco, light, air-cured #> 1130 barley, winter #> 1131 barley, spring #> 1132 barley, winter-fallow #> 1133 barley, spring-fallow #> 1134 alfalfa #> 1135 african stargrass #> 1136 alfalfa hay #> 1137 alfalfa seed #> 1138 almonds #> 1139 apples #> 1140 apricots #> 1141 artichokes #> 1142 asparagus #> 1143 avocados #> 1144 bahiagrass #> 1145 bananas #> 1146 barley #> 1147 barley-fallow #> 1148 beans, dry lima #> 1149 beans, dry pinto #> 1150 beans, other dry #> 1151 beans, snap #> 1152 beans, unshelled lima #> 1153 beets #> 1154 bentgrass seed #> 1155 bermudagrass-clover hay #> 1156 bermudagrass-fescue hay #> 1157 big bluestem #> 1158 blackberries #> 1159 blueberries #> 1160 bluegrass seed #> 1161 bluegrass-ladino #> 1162 bluegrass-ladino hay #> 1163 bluegrass-trefoil #> 1164 bluegrass-trefoil hay #> 1165 bluegrass-white clover #> 1166 bluegrass-white clover hay #> 1167 breadfruit #> 1168 broccoli #> 1169 bromegrass hay #> 1170 bromegrass-alfalfa #> 1171 bromegrass-alfalfa hay #> 1172 bromegrass-alsike #> 1173 bromegrass-alsike hay #> 1174 bromegrass-ladino #> 1175 broomcorn #> 1176 brussel sprouts #> 1177 buckwheat #> 1178 buffel grass #> 1179 cabbage #> 1180 cabbage, chinese #> 1181 cabbage, mustard #> 1182 canarygrass hay #> 1183 canarygrass-alsike #> 1184 canarygrass-alsike hay #> 1185 canarygrass-ladino #> 1186 canarygrass-ladino hay #> 1187 cantaloupe #> 1188 carrots #> 1189 cassava #> 1190 cauliflower #> 1191 causian bluegrass #> 1192 celery #> 1193 cherries #> 1194 clover seed #> 1195 coconuts #> 1196 coffee #> 1197 common bermudagrass #> 1198 common ryegrass seed #> 1199 cool season grass #> 1200 corn #> 1201 corn silage #> 1202 corn, sweet #> 1203 cotton lint #> 1204 cotton lint, pima #> 1205 cowpeas #> 1206 cranberries #> 1207 crested wheatgrass #> 1208 crested wheatgrass-alfalfa hay #> 1209 cucumbers #> 1210 fescue #> 1211 filberts #> 1212 fine fescue seed #> 1213 flax #> 1214 garlic #> 1215 garrisongrass #> 1216 grain sorghum #> 1217 grapefruit #> 1218 grapes, table #> 1219 grapes, wine #> 1220 grass hay #> 1221 grass, seed #> 1222 grass-clover #> 1223 grass-legume hay #> 1224 green chop #> 1225 green needlegrass #> 1226 guinea grass #> 1227 hay crops, annuals #> 1228 hops #> 1229 improved bermudagrass #> 1230 indiangrass #> 1231 introduced bluestem #> 1232 johnsongrass #> 1233 kentucky bluegrass #> 1234 kleingrass #> 1235 legume hay #> 1236 lemons #> 1237 lentils, dry #> 1238 lettuce #> 1239 limes #> 1240 loganberries #> 1241 macadamia nuts #> 1242 mangos #> 1243 merkergrass #> 1244 millet #> 1245 mint, distillate #> 1246 molassesgrass #> 1247 mungbeans #> 1248 oats #> 1249 olives #> 1250 onions #> 1251 onions, green #> 1252 oranges #> 1253 orchardgrass #> 1254 orchardgrass hay #> 1255 orchardgrass seed #> 1256 orchardgrass-alfalfa #> 1257 orchardgrass-alfalfa hay #> 1258 orchardgrass-alsike #> 1259 orchardgrass-alsike hay #> 1260 orchardgrass-ladino #> 1261 orchardgrass-ladino hay #> 1262 orchardgrass-lespedeza #> 1263 orchardgrass-lespedeza hay #> 1264 orchardgrass-red clover #> 1265 orchardgrass-red clover hay #> 1266 orchardgrass-trefoil #> 1267 orchardgrass-trefoil hay #> 1268 pangolagrass #> 1269 papaya #> 1270 paragrass #> 1271 pasture #> 1272 peaches #> 1273 peanuts #> 1274 pears #> 1275 pears, winter #> 1276 peas, canning #> 1277 peas, dry #> 1278 peas, green #> 1279 pecans #> 1280 pepper, black #> 1281 peppers #> 1282 peppers, dry chili #> 1283 peppers, fresh chili #> 1284 peppers, green #> 1285 perennial ryegrass seed #> 1286 pigeonpeas #> 1287 pineapple #> 1288 pineapple, ratoon #> 1289 pistachios #> 1290 plantains #> 1291 plums #> 1292 potatoes, irish #> 1293 prunes #> 1294 prunes, dry #> 1295 pubescent wheatgrass #> 1296 pumpkins #> 1297 raisins #> 1298 raspberries #> 1299 red clover hay #> 1300 red clover seed #> 1301 reed canarygrass #> 1302 rice #> 1303 rye #> 1304 rye grazeout #> 1305 safflower #> 1306 small grains grazeout #> 1307 smooth bromegrass #> 1308 sorghum hay #> 1309 sorghum silage #> 1310 soybeans #> 1311 spinach #> 1312 strawberries #> 1313 sugar beets #> 1314 sugarcane #> 1315 sugarcane, 18 month #> 1316 sugarcane, ratoon #> 1317 sugarcane, spring #> 1318 sunflower #> 1319 sweet potatoes #> 1320 switchgrass #> 1321 tall fescue #> 1322 tall fescue hay #> 1323 tall fescue seed #> 1324 tall fescue-alfalfa #> 1325 tall fescue-alfalfa hay #> 1326 tall fescue-alsike #> 1327 tall fescue-alsike hay #> 1328 tall fescue-ladino #> 1329 tall fescue-ladino hay #> 1330 tall fescue-lespedeza #> 1331 tall fescue-lespedeza hay #> 1332 tall fescue-red clover #> 1333 tall fescue-red clover hay #> 1334 tall wheatgrass #> 1335 tangelos #> 1336 tangerines #> 1337 taniers #> 1338 taro #> 1339 timothy-alfalfa #> 1340 timothy-alfalfa hay #> 1341 timothy-alsike #> 1342 timothy-alsike hay #> 1343 timothy-red clover hay #> 1344 tobacco #> 1345 tomatoes #> 1346 trefoil hay #> 1347 trefoil-grass #> 1348 trefoil-grass hay #> 1349 walnuts #> 1350 warm season grass #> 1351 watermelons #> 1352 weeping lovegrass #> 1353 wheat #> 1354 wheat grazeout #> 1355 wheat, oct-mar #> 1356 wheat, spring #> 1357 wheat, spring-fallow #> 1358 wheat, winter #> 1359 wheat, winter-fallow #> 1360 yams #> 1361 common bermudagrass hay #> 1362 improved bermudagrass hay #> 1363 bahiagrass hay #> 1364 canola, spring #> 1365 canola, winter #> 1366 small grains hay #> 1367 small grains silage #> 1368 sorghum grazed #> 1369 oats, hay #> 1370 strawberries, plants #> 1371 permanent pasture, improved #> 1372 permanent pasture, unimproved #> 1373 caucasian bluestem #> 1374 grass-legume pasture #> 1375 timothy hay #> 1376 annual ryegrass #> 1377 caucasian bluestem hay #> 1378 crimson clover #> 1379 kincaid red clover #> 1380 kobe lespedeza #> 1381 ladino clover #> 1382 alfalfa pasture #> 1383 squash, summer #> 1384 squash, winter #> 1385 timothy-red clover #> 1386 bluegrass #> 1387 grass silage #> 1388 tobacco, burley #> 1389 tobacco, fire-cured #> 1390 tobacco, flue-cured #> 1391 tobacco, dark air-cured #> 1392 tobacco, light, air-cured #> 1393 barley, winter #> 1394 barley, spring #> 1395 barley, winter-fallow #> 1396 barley, spring-fallow #> 1397 alfalfa #> 1398 animal unit months #> 1399 boxes #> 1400 bushels #> 1401 crates #> 1402 100 pounds #> 1403 pounds #> 1404 sacks #> 1405 thousands #> 1406 tons #> 1407 extremely brief #> 1408 very brief #> 1409 brief #> 1410 long #> 1411 very long #> 1412 extremely brief #> 1413 very brief #> 1414 brief #> 1415 long #> 1416 very long #> 1417 extremely brief #> 1418 very brief #> 1419 brief #> 1420 long #> 1421 very long #> 1422 jan #> 1423 feb #> 1424 mar #> 1425 apr #> 1426 may #> 1427 jun #> 1428 jul #> 1429 aug #> 1430 sep #> 1431 oct #> 1432 nov #> 1433 dec #> 1434 jan #> 1435 feb #> 1436 mar #> 1437 apr #> 1438 may #> 1439 jun #> 1440 jul #> 1441 aug #> 1442 sep #> 1443 oct #> 1444 nov #> 1445 dec #> 1446 jan #> 1447 feb #> 1448 mar #> 1449 apr #> 1450 may #> 1451 jun #> 1452 jul #> 1453 aug #> 1454 sep #> 1455 oct #> 1456 nov #> 1457 dec #> 1458 jan #> 1459 feb #> 1460 mar #> 1461 apr #> 1462 may #> 1463 jun #> 1464 jul #> 1465 aug #> 1466 sep #> 1467 oct #> 1468 nov #> 1469 dec #> 1470 jan #> 1471 feb #> 1472 mar #> 1473 apr #> 1474 may #> 1475 jun #> 1476 jul #> 1477 aug #> 1478 sep #> 1479 oct #> 1480 nov #> 1481 dec #> 1482 O #> 1483 A #> 1484 E #> 1485 B #> 1486 C #> 1487 R #> 1488 AB #> 1489 AE #> 1490 AC #> 1491 EA #> 1492 EB #> 1493 BA #> 1494 BE #> 1495 BC #> 1496 CA #> 1497 CB #> 1498 A/E #> 1499 A/B #> 1500 A/C #> 1501 E/A #> 1502 E/B #> 1503 B/A #> 1504 B/E #> 1505 B/C #> 1506 C/A #> 1507 C/B #> 1508 E and B #> 1509 O' #> 1510 A' #> 1511 E' #> 1512 B' #> 1513 C' #> 1514 O'' #> 1515 A'' #> 1516 E'' #> 1517 B'' #> 1518 C'' #> 1519 H #> 1520 W #> 1521 L #> 1522 EC #> 1523 B and E #> 1524 M #> 1525 ^O #> 1526 ^A #> 1527 ^E #> 1528 ^B #> 1529 ^C #> 1530 ^AB #> 1531 ^BA #> 1532 ^AE #> 1533 ^EA #> 1534 ^EB #> 1535 ^BE #> 1536 ^AC #> 1537 ^CA #> 1538 ^BC #> 1539 ^CB #> 1540 ^A/B #> 1541 ^B/A #> 1542 ^A/E #> 1543 ^E/A #> 1544 ^A/C #> 1545 ^C/A #> 1546 ^B/C #> 1547 ^C/B #> 1548 V #> 1549 O #> 1550 A #> 1551 E #> 1552 B #> 1553 C #> 1554 R #> 1555 AB #> 1556 AE #> 1557 AC #> 1558 EA #> 1559 EB #> 1560 BA #> 1561 BE #> 1562 BC #> 1563 CA #> 1564 CB #> 1565 A/E #> 1566 A/B #> 1567 A/C #> 1568 E/A #> 1569 E/B #> 1570 B/A #> 1571 B/E #> 1572 B/C #> 1573 C/A #> 1574 C/B #> 1575 E and B #> 1576 O' #> 1577 A' #> 1578 E' #> 1579 B' #> 1580 C' #> 1581 O'' #> 1582 A'' #> 1583 E'' #> 1584 B'' #> 1585 C'' #> 1586 H #> 1587 W #> 1588 L #> 1589 EC #> 1590 B and E #> 1591 M #> 1592 ^O #> 1593 ^A #> 1594 ^E #> 1595 ^B #> 1596 ^C #> 1597 ^AB #> 1598 ^BA #> 1599 ^AE #> 1600 ^EA #> 1601 ^EB #> 1602 ^BE #> 1603 ^AC #> 1604 ^CA #> 1605 ^BC #> 1606 ^CB #> 1607 ^A/B #> 1608 ^B/A #> 1609 ^A/E #> 1610 ^E/A #> 1611 ^A/C #> 1612 ^C/A #> 1613 ^B/C #> 1614 ^C/B #> 1615 V #> 1616 farmable #> 1617 wooded #> 1618 neither #> 1619 a #> 1620 b #> 1621 c #> 1622 d #> 1623 a/d #> 1624 b/d #> 1625 c/d #> 1626 association #> 1627 consociation #> 1628 undifferentiated group #> 1629 complex #> 1630 none #> 1631 low #> 1632 moderate #> 1633 high #> 1634 .02 #> 1635 .05 #> 1636 .10 #> 1637 .15 #> 1638 .17 #> 1639 .20 #> 1640 .24 #> 1641 .28 #> 1642 .32 #> 1643 .37 #> 1644 .43 #> 1645 .49 #> 1646 .55 #> 1647 .64 #> 1648 .02 #> 1649 .05 #> 1650 .10 #> 1651 .15 #> 1652 .17 #> 1653 .20 #> 1654 .24 #> 1655 .28 #> 1656 .32 #> 1657 .37 #> 1658 .43 #> 1659 .49 #> 1660 .55 #> 1661 .64 #> 1662 out-of-date #> 1663 published #> 1664 nonproject #> 1665 initial #> 1666 extensive revision #> 1667 update #> 1668 update needed #> 1669 allitic #> 1670 calcareous #> 1671 carbonatic #> 1672 coprogenous #> 1673 chloritic #> 1674 diatomaceous earth #> 1675 ferrihumic #> 1676 ferritic #> 1677 ferruginous #> 1678 gibbsitic #> 1679 glauconitic #> 1680 gypsic #> 1681 halloysitic #> 1682 illitic #> 1683 illitic (calcareous) #> 1684 kaolinitic #> 1685 marly #> 1686 micaceous #> 1687 micaceous (calcareous) #> 1688 mixed #> 1689 mixed (calcareous) #> 1690 montmorillonitic #> 1691 montmorillonitic (calcareous) #> 1692 oxidic #> 1693 serpentinitic #> 1694 siliceous #> 1695 siliceous (calcareous) #> 1696 sesquic #> 1697 vermiculitic #> 1698 vermiculitic (calcareous) #> 1699 unclassified #> 1700 clastic #> 1701 sepiolitic #> 1702 not used #> 1703 amorphic #> 1704 ferrihydritic #> 1705 glassy #> 1706 isotic #> 1707 magnesic #> 1708 paramicaceous #> 1709 parasesquic #> 1710 smectitic #> 1711 hypergypsic #> 1712 anhydritic #> 1713 opaline #> 1714 allitic #> 1715 calcareous #> 1716 carbonatic #> 1717 coprogenous #> 1718 chloritic #> 1719 diatomaceous earth #> 1720 ferrihumic #> 1721 ferritic #> 1722 ferruginous #> 1723 gibbsitic #> 1724 glauconitic #> 1725 gypsic #> 1726 halloysitic #> 1727 illitic #> 1728 illitic (calcareous) #> 1729 kaolinitic #> 1730 marly #> 1731 micaceous #> 1732 micaceous (calcareous) #> 1733 mixed #> 1734 mixed (calcareous) #> 1735 montmorillonitic #> 1736 montmorillonitic (calcareous) #> 1737 oxidic #> 1738 serpentinitic #> 1739 siliceous #> 1740 siliceous (calcareous) #> 1741 sesquic #> 1742 vermiculitic #> 1743 vermiculitic (calcareous) #> 1744 unclassified #> 1745 clastic #> 1746 sepiolitic #> 1747 not used #> 1748 amorphic #> 1749 ferrihydritic #> 1750 glassy #> 1751 isotic #> 1752 magnesic #> 1753 paramicaceous #> 1754 parasesquic #> 1755 smectitic #> 1756 hypergypsic #> 1757 anhydritic #> 1758 opaline #> 1759 unclassified #> 1760 not used #> 1761 cindery #> 1762 cindery over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1763 ashy #> 1764 cindery over loamy #> 1765 ashy over pumiceous or cindery #> 1766 ashy over loamy #> 1767 ashy-skeletal #> 1768 medial #> 1769 medial-skeletal #> 1770 medial over pumiceous or cindery #> 1771 ashy over loamy-skeletal #> 1772 medial over clayey #> 1773 cindery over medial-skeletal #> 1774 medial over fragmental #> 1775 cindery over medial #> 1776 medial over loamy #> 1777 ashy over medial #> 1778 medial over loamy-skeletal #> 1779 ashy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1780 medial over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1781 medial over thixotropic #> 1782 thixotropic #> 1783 thixotropic-skeletal #> 1784 thixotropic over fragmental #> 1785 thixotropic over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1786 thixotropic over loamy-skeletal #> 1787 thixotropic over loamy #> 1788 sandy-skeletal #> 1789 sandy-skeletal over loamy #> 1790 sandy-skeletal over clayey #> 1791 loamy-skeletal #> 1792 loamy-skeletal over fragmental #> 1793 loamy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1794 loamy-skeletal over clayey #> 1795 loamy-skeletal or clayey-skeletal #> 1796 clayey-skeletal #> 1797 clayey-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1798 sandy #> 1799 sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1800 sandy over loamy #> 1801 sandy over clayey #> 1802 loamy #> 1803 loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1804 coarse-loamy #> 1805 coarse-loamy over fragmental #> 1806 coarse-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1807 coarse-loamy over clayey #> 1808 coarse-silty #> 1809 coarse-silty over fragmental #> 1810 coarse-silty over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1811 coarse-silty over clayey #> 1812 fine-loamy #> 1813 loamy over pumiceous or cindery #> 1814 fine-loamy over fragmental #> 1815 fine-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1816 fine-loamy over clayey #> 1817 fine-silty #> 1818 fine-silty over fragmental #> 1819 fine-silty over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1820 fine-silty over clayey #> 1821 clayey #> 1822 clayey over fragmental #> 1823 clayey over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1824 clayey over loamy-skeletal #> 1825 clayey over fine-silty #> 1826 clayey over loamy #> 1827 fine #> 1828 very-fine #> 1829 hydrous #> 1830 hydrous-pumiceous #> 1831 hydrous-skeletal #> 1832 hydrous over clayey #> 1833 hydrous over clayey-skeletal #> 1834 hydrous over fragmental #> 1835 hydrous over loamy #> 1836 hydrous over loamy-skeletal #> 1837 hydrous over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1838 ashy-pumiceous #> 1839 ashy over medial-skeletal #> 1840 medial-pumiceous #> 1841 medial over ashy #> 1842 medial over clayey-skeletal #> 1843 medial over hydrous #> 1844 pumiceous #> 1845 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1846 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over loamy #> 1847 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over medial-skeletal #> 1848 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over medial #> 1849 fragmental #> 1850 ashy over clayey #> 1851 ashy-skeletal over fragmental or cindery #> 1852 medial-skeletal over fragmental or cindery #> 1853 ashy over clayey-skeletal #> 1854 loamy-skeletal over cindery #> 1855 medial over ashy-pumiceous or ashy-skeletal #> 1856 ashy-skeletal over loamy-skeletal #> 1857 loamy over ashy or ashy-pumiceous #> 1858 medial-skeletal over loamy-skeletal #> 1859 ashy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1860 medial-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1861 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over loamy-skeletal #> 1862 gypseous-skeletal #> 1863 coarse-gypseous #> 1864 fine-gypseous #> 1865 ashy-skeletal over clayey #> 1866 clayey over coarse-gypseous #> 1867 clayey over fine-gypseous #> 1868 clayey over gypseous-skeletal #> 1869 loamy over coarse-gypseous #> 1870 loamy over fine-gypseous #> 1871 loamy-skeletal over gypseous-skeletal #> 1872 unclassified #> 1873 not used #> 1874 cindery #> 1875 cindery over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1876 ashy #> 1877 cindery over loamy #> 1878 ashy over pumiceous or cindery #> 1879 ashy over loamy #> 1880 ashy-skeletal #> 1881 medial #> 1882 medial-skeletal #> 1883 medial over pumiceous or cindery #> 1884 ashy over loamy-skeletal #> 1885 medial over clayey #> 1886 cindery over medial-skeletal #> 1887 medial over fragmental #> 1888 cindery over medial #> 1889 medial over loamy #> 1890 ashy over medial #> 1891 medial over loamy-skeletal #> 1892 ashy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1893 medial over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1894 medial over thixotropic #> 1895 thixotropic #> 1896 thixotropic-skeletal #> 1897 thixotropic over fragmental #> 1898 thixotropic over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1899 thixotropic over loamy-skeletal #> 1900 thixotropic over loamy #> 1901 sandy-skeletal #> 1902 sandy-skeletal over loamy #> 1903 sandy-skeletal over clayey #> 1904 loamy-skeletal #> 1905 loamy-skeletal over fragmental #> 1906 loamy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1907 loamy-skeletal over clayey #> 1908 loamy-skeletal or clayey-skeletal #> 1909 clayey-skeletal #> 1910 clayey-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1911 sandy #> 1912 sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1913 sandy over loamy #> 1914 sandy over clayey #> 1915 loamy #> 1916 loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1917 coarse-loamy #> 1918 coarse-loamy over fragmental #> 1919 coarse-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1920 coarse-loamy over clayey #> 1921 coarse-silty #> 1922 coarse-silty over fragmental #> 1923 coarse-silty over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1924 coarse-silty over clayey #> 1925 fine-loamy #> 1926 loamy over pumiceous or cindery #> 1927 fine-loamy over fragmental #> 1928 fine-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1929 fine-loamy over clayey #> 1930 fine-silty #> 1931 fine-silty over fragmental #> 1932 fine-silty over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1933 fine-silty over clayey #> 1934 clayey #> 1935 clayey over fragmental #> 1936 clayey over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1937 clayey over loamy-skeletal #> 1938 clayey over fine-silty #> 1939 clayey over loamy #> 1940 fine #> 1941 very-fine #> 1942 hydrous #> 1943 hydrous-pumiceous #> 1944 hydrous-skeletal #> 1945 hydrous over clayey #> 1946 hydrous over clayey-skeletal #> 1947 hydrous over fragmental #> 1948 hydrous over loamy #> 1949 hydrous over loamy-skeletal #> 1950 hydrous over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1951 ashy-pumiceous #> 1952 ashy over medial-skeletal #> 1953 medial-pumiceous #> 1954 medial over ashy #> 1955 medial over clayey-skeletal #> 1956 medial over hydrous #> 1957 pumiceous #> 1958 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1959 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over loamy #> 1960 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over medial-skeletal #> 1961 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over medial #> 1962 fragmental #> 1963 ashy over clayey #> 1964 ashy-skeletal over fragmental or cindery #> 1965 medial-skeletal over fragmental or cindery #> 1966 ashy over clayey-skeletal #> 1967 loamy-skeletal over cindery #> 1968 medial over ashy-pumiceous or ashy-skeletal #> 1969 ashy-skeletal over loamy-skeletal #> 1970 loamy over ashy or ashy-pumiceous #> 1971 medial-skeletal over loamy-skeletal #> 1972 ashy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1973 medial-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1974 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over loamy-skeletal #> 1975 gypseous-skeletal #> 1976 coarse-gypseous #> 1977 fine-gypseous #> 1978 ashy-skeletal over clayey #> 1979 clayey over coarse-gypseous #> 1980 clayey over fine-gypseous #> 1981 clayey over gypseous-skeletal #> 1982 loamy over coarse-gypseous #> 1983 loamy over fine-gypseous #> 1984 loamy-skeletal over gypseous-skeletal #> 1985 unclassified #> 1986 not used #> 1987 acid #> 1988 allic #> 1989 dysic #> 1990 euic #> 1991 nonacid #> 1992 noncalcareous #> 1993 calcareous #> 1994 kalkic #> 1995 unclassified #> 1996 not used #> 1997 acid #> 1998 allic #> 1999 dysic #> 2000 euic #> 2001 nonacid #> 2002 noncalcareous #> 2003 calcareous #> 2004 kalkic #> 2005 albaqualfs #> 2006 duraqualfs #> 2007 fragiaqualfs #> 2008 glossaqualfs #> 2009 kandiaqualfs #> 2010 natraqualfs #> 2011 ochraqualfs #> 2012 plinthaqualfs #> 2013 tropaqualfs #> 2014 umbraqualfs #> 2015 cryoboralfs #> 2016 eutroboralfs #> 2017 fragiboralfs #> 2018 glossoboralfs #> 2019 natriboralfs #> 2020 paleboralfs #> 2021 agrudalfs #> 2022 ferrudalfs #> 2023 fragiudalfs #> 2024 fraglossudalfs #> 2025 glossudalfs #> 2026 hapludalfs #> 2027 kandiudalfs #> 2028 kanhapludalfs #> 2029 natrudalfs #> 2030 paleudalfs #> 2031 rhodudalfs #> 2032 durustalfs #> 2033 haplustalfs #> 2034 kandiustalfs #> 2035 kanhaplustalfs #> 2036 natrustalfs #> 2037 paleustalfs #> 2038 plinthustalfs #> 2039 rhodustalfs #> 2040 durixeralfs #> 2041 fragixeralfs #> 2042 haploxeralfs #> 2043 natrixeralfs #> 2044 palexeralfs #> 2045 plinthoxeralfs #> 2046 rhodoxeralfs #> 2047 cryaquands #> 2048 duraquands #> 2049 haplaquands #> 2050 melanaquands #> 2051 placaquands #> 2052 vitraquands #> 2053 fulvicryands #> 2054 gelicryands #> 2055 haplocryands #> 2056 hydrocryands #> 2057 melanocryands #> 2058 vitricryands #> 2059 vitritorrands #> 2060 durudands #> 2061 fulvudands #> 2062 hapludands #> 2063 hydrudands #> 2064 melanudands #> 2065 placudands #> 2066 durustands #> 2067 haplustands #> 2068 udivitrands #> 2069 ustivitrands #> 2070 haploxerands #> 2071 melanoxerands #> 2072 vitrixerands #> 2073 durargids #> 2074 haplargids #> 2075 nadurargids #> 2076 natrargids #> 2077 paleargids #> 2078 calciorthids #> 2079 camborthids #> 2080 durorthids #> 2081 gypsiorthids #> 2082 paleorthids #> 2083 salorthids #> 2084 cryaquents #> 2085 fluvaquents #> 2086 haplaquents #> 2087 hydraquents #> 2088 psammaquents #> 2089 sulfaquents #> 2090 tropaquents #> 2091 torriarents #> 2092 udarents #> 2093 ustarents #> 2094 xerarents #> 2095 cryofluvents #> 2096 torrifluvents #> 2097 tropofluvents #> 2098 udifluvents #> 2099 ustifluvents #> 2100 xerofluvents #> 2101 cryorthents #> 2102 torriorthents #> 2103 troporthents #> 2104 udorthents #> 2105 ustorthents #> 2106 xerorthents #> 2107 cryopsamments #> 2108 quartzipsamments #> 2109 torripsamments #> 2110 tropopsamments #> 2111 udipsamments #> 2112 ustipsamments #> 2113 xeropsamments #> 2114 borofibrists #> 2115 cryofibrists #> 2116 luvifibrists #> 2117 medifibrists #> 2118 sphagnofibrists #> 2119 tropofibrists #> 2120 borofolists #> 2121 cryofolists #> 2122 tropofolists #> 2123 borohemists #> 2124 cryohemists #> 2125 luvihemists #> 2126 medihemists #> 2127 sulfihemists #> 2128 sulfohemists #> 2129 tropohemists #> 2130 borosaprists #> 2131 cryosaprists #> 2132 medisaprists #> 2133 troposaprists #> 2134 cryandepts #> 2135 durandepts #> 2136 dystrandepts #> 2137 eutrandepts #> 2138 hydrandepts #> 2139 placandepts #> 2140 vitrandepts #> 2141 andaquepts #> 2142 cryaquepts #> 2143 fragiaquepts #> 2144 halaquepts #> 2145 haplaquepts #> 2146 humaquepts #> 2147 placaquepts #> 2148 plinthaquepts #> 2149 sulfaquepts #> 2150 tropaquepts #> 2151 cryochrepts #> 2152 durochrepts #> 2153 dystrochrepts #> 2154 eutrochrepts #> 2155 fragiochrepts #> 2156 ustochrepts #> 2157 xerochrepts #> 2158 plaggepts #> 2159 dystropepts #> 2160 eutropepts #> 2161 humitropepts #> 2162 sombritropepts #> 2163 ustropepts #> 2164 cryumbrepts #> 2165 fragiumbrepts #> 2166 haplumbrepts #> 2167 xerumbrepts #> 2168 argialbolls #> 2169 natralbolls #> 2170 argiaquolls #> 2171 calciaquolls #> 2172 cryaquolls #> 2173 duraquolls #> 2174 haplaquolls #> 2175 natraquolls #> 2176 argiborolls #> 2177 calciborolls #> 2178 cryoborolls #> 2179 haploborolls #> 2180 natriborolls #> 2181 paleborolls #> 2182 vermiborolls #> 2183 rendolls #> 2184 argiudolls #> 2185 hapludolls #> 2186 paleudolls #> 2187 vermudolls #> 2188 argiustolls #> 2189 calciustolls #> 2190 durustolls #> 2191 haplustolls #> 2192 natrustolls #> 2193 paleustolls #> 2194 vermustolls #> 2195 argixerolls #> 2196 calcixerolls #> 2197 durixerolls #> 2198 haploxerolls #> 2199 natrixerolls #> 2200 palexerolls #> 2201 gibbsiaquox #> 2202 ochraquox #> 2203 plinthaquox #> 2204 umbraquox #> 2205 acrohumox #> 2206 gibbsihumox #> 2207 haplohumox #> 2208 sombrihumox #> 2209 acrorthox #> 2210 eutrorthox #> 2211 gibbsiorthox #> 2212 haplorthox #> 2213 sombriorthox #> 2214 umbriorthox #> 2215 haploperox #> 2216 kandiperox #> 2217 acrotorrox #> 2218 torrox #> 2219 hapludox #> 2220 kandiudox #> 2221 acrustox #> 2222 eutrustox #> 2223 haplustox #> 2224 sombriustox #> 2225 cryaquods #> 2226 duraquods #> 2227 fragiaquods #> 2228 haplaquods #> 2229 placaquods #> 2230 sideraquods #> 2231 tropaquods #> 2232 ferrods #> 2233 cryohumods #> 2234 fragihumods #> 2235 haplohumods #> 2236 placohumods #> 2237 tropohumods #> 2238 cryorthods #> 2239 fragiorthods #> 2240 haplorthods #> 2241 placorthods #> 2242 troporthods #> 2243 albaquults #> 2244 fragiaquults #> 2245 kandiaquults #> 2246 kanhaplaquults #> 2247 ochraquults #> 2248 paleaquults #> 2249 plinthaquults #> 2250 tropaquults #> 2251 umbraquults #> 2252 haplohumults #> 2253 kandihumults #> 2254 kanhaplohumults #> 2255 palehumults #> 2256 plinthohumults #> 2257 sombrihumults #> 2258 tropohumults #> 2259 fragiudults #> 2260 hapludults #> 2261 kandiudults #> 2262 kanhapludults #> 2263 paleudults #> 2264 plinthudults #> 2265 rhodudults #> 2266 tropudults #> 2267 haplustults #> 2268 kandiustults #> 2269 kanhaplustults #> 2270 paleustults #> 2271 plinthustults #> 2272 rhodustults #> 2273 haploxerults #> 2274 palexerults #> 2275 torrerts #> 2276 chromuderts #> 2277 pelluderts #> 2278 chromusterts #> 2279 pellusterts #> 2280 chromoxererts #> 2281 pelloxererts #> 2282 acraquox #> 2283 acroperox #> 2284 acrudox #> 2285 alaquods #> 2286 alorthods #> 2287 calciaquerts #> 2288 calcitorrerts #> 2289 calciudolls #> 2290 calciusterts #> 2291 calcixererts #> 2292 duraquerts #> 2293 duricryods #> 2294 durihumods #> 2295 durixererts #> 2296 durorthods #> 2297 dystraquerts #> 2298 dystruderts #> 2299 dystrusterts #> 2300 endoaqualfs #> 2301 endoaquands #> 2302 endoaquents #> 2303 endoaquepts #> 2304 endoaquerts #> 2305 endoaquods #> 2306 endoaquolls #> 2307 endoaquults #> 2308 epiaqualfs #> 2309 epiaquands #> 2310 epiaquents #> 2311 epiaquepts #> 2312 epiaquerts #> 2313 epiaquods #> 2314 epiaquolls #> 2315 epiaquults #> 2316 eutraquox #> 2317 eutroperox #> 2318 eutrotorrox #> 2319 eutrudox #> 2320 gypsitorrerts #> 2321 gypsiusterts #> 2322 haplaquox #> 2323 haplocryerts #> 2324 haplocryods #> 2325 haplotorrerts #> 2326 haplotorrox #> 2327 haploxererts #> 2328 hapluderts #> 2329 haplusterts #> 2330 humicryerts #> 2331 humicryods #> 2332 kandiustox #> 2333 medifolists #> 2334 natraquerts #> 2335 placocryods #> 2336 salaquerts #> 2337 salitorrerts #> 2338 salusterts #> 2339 sombriperox #> 2340 sombriudox #> 2341 sulfisaprists #> 2342 sulfochrepts #> 2343 sulfosaprists #> 2344 tropudalfs #> 2345 petroargids #> 2346 gypsiargids #> 2347 calciargids #> 2348 haplocalcids #> 2349 petrocalcids #> 2350 aquicambids #> 2351 petrocambids #> 2352 anthracambids #> 2353 haplocambids #> 2354 salicryids #> 2355 petrocryids #> 2356 gypsicryids #> 2357 argicryids #> 2358 calcicryids #> 2359 haplocryids #> 2360 natridurids #> 2361 argidurids #> 2362 haplodurids #> 2363 petrogypsids #> 2364 natrigypsids #> 2365 argigypsids #> 2366 calcigypsids #> 2367 haplogypsids #> 2368 aquisalids #> 2369 haplosalids #> 2370 arents #> 2371 vermaqualfs #> 2372 vermaquepts #> 2373 glossocryalfs #> 2374 haplocryalfs #> 2375 palecryalfs #> 2376 duricryands #> 2377 duritorrands #> 2378 haplotorrands #> 2379 fibristels #> 2380 folistels #> 2381 glacistels #> 2382 hemistels #> 2383 sapristels #> 2384 anhyorthels #> 2385 aquorthels #> 2386 argiorthels #> 2387 haplorthels #> 2388 historthels #> 2389 mollorthels #> 2390 psammorthels #> 2391 umbrorthels #> 2392 anhyturbels #> 2393 aquiturbels #> 2394 haploturbels #> 2395 histoturbels #> 2396 molliturbels #> 2397 psammoturbels #> 2398 umbriturbels #> 2399 haplofibrists #> 2400 haplohemists #> 2401 haplosaprists #> 2402 petraquepts #> 2403 plagganthrepts #> 2404 haplanthrepts #> 2405 dystrocryepts #> 2406 eutrocryepts #> 2407 durudepts #> 2408 dystrudepts #> 2409 eutrudepts #> 2410 fragiudepts #> 2411 hapludepts #> 2412 sulfudepts #> 2413 calciustepts #> 2414 durustepts #> 2415 dystrustepts #> 2416 haplustepts #> 2417 calcixerepts #> 2418 durixerepts #> 2419 dystroxerepts #> 2420 haploxerepts #> 2421 argicryolls #> 2422 calcicryolls #> 2423 duricryolls #> 2424 haplocryolls #> 2425 natricryolls #> 2426 cryrendolls #> 2427 haprendolls #> 2428 natrudolls #> 2429 torrifolists #> 2430 udifolists #> 2431 ustifolists #> 2432 cryaqualfs #> 2433 fragixerepts #> 2434 palecryolls #> 2435 dystrogelepts #> 2436 eutrogelepts #> 2437 gelaquands #> 2438 gelaquents #> 2439 gelifluvents #> 2440 gelaquepts #> 2441 gelorthents #> 2442 haplogelods #> 2443 haplogelolls #> 2444 humigelods #> 2445 sulfaquerts #> 2446 vitrigelands #> 2447 humicryepts #> 2448 calcicryepts #> 2449 haplocryepts #> 2450 fluviwassents #> 2451 frasiwassents #> 2452 haplowassents #> 2453 hydrowassents #> 2454 psammowassents #> 2455 sulfiwassents #> 2456 frasiwassists #> 2457 haplowassists #> 2458 sulfiwassists #> 2459 humigelepts #> 2460 haplogelepts #> 2461 humustepts #> 2462 humudepts #> 2463 humixerepts #> 2464 albaqualfs #> 2465 duraqualfs #> 2466 fragiaqualfs #> 2467 glossaqualfs #> 2468 kandiaqualfs #> 2469 natraqualfs #> 2470 ochraqualfs #> 2471 plinthaqualfs #> 2472 tropaqualfs #> 2473 umbraqualfs #> 2474 cryoboralfs #> 2475 eutroboralfs #> 2476 fragiboralfs #> 2477 glossoboralfs #> 2478 natriboralfs #> 2479 paleboralfs #> 2480 agrudalfs #> 2481 ferrudalfs #> 2482 fragiudalfs #> 2483 fraglossudalfs #> 2484 glossudalfs #> 2485 hapludalfs #> 2486 kandiudalfs #> 2487 kanhapludalfs #> 2488 natrudalfs #> 2489 paleudalfs #> 2490 rhodudalfs #> 2491 durustalfs #> 2492 haplustalfs #> 2493 kandiustalfs #> 2494 kanhaplustalfs #> 2495 natrustalfs #> 2496 paleustalfs #> 2497 plinthustalfs #> 2498 rhodustalfs #> 2499 durixeralfs #> 2500 fragixeralfs #> 2501 haploxeralfs #> 2502 natrixeralfs #> 2503 palexeralfs #> 2504 plinthoxeralfs #> 2505 rhodoxeralfs #> 2506 cryaquands #> 2507 duraquands #> 2508 haplaquands #> 2509 melanaquands #> 2510 placaquands #> 2511 vitraquands #> 2512 fulvicryands #> 2513 gelicryands #> 2514 haplocryands #> 2515 hydrocryands #> 2516 melanocryands #> 2517 vitricryands #> 2518 vitritorrands #> 2519 durudands #> 2520 fulvudands #> 2521 hapludands #> 2522 hydrudands #> 2523 melanudands #> 2524 placudands #> 2525 durustands #> 2526 haplustands #> 2527 udivitrands #> 2528 ustivitrands #> 2529 haploxerands #> 2530 melanoxerands #> 2531 vitrixerands #> 2532 durargids #> 2533 haplargids #> 2534 nadurargids #> 2535 natrargids #> 2536 paleargids #> 2537 calciorthids #> 2538 camborthids #> 2539 durorthids #> 2540 gypsiorthids #> 2541 paleorthids #> 2542 salorthids #> 2543 cryaquents #> 2544 fluvaquents #> 2545 haplaquents #> 2546 hydraquents #> 2547 psammaquents #> 2548 sulfaquents #> 2549 tropaquents #> 2550 torriarents #> 2551 udarents #> 2552 ustarents #> 2553 xerarents #> 2554 cryofluvents #> 2555 torrifluvents #> 2556 tropofluvents #> 2557 udifluvents #> 2558 ustifluvents #> 2559 xerofluvents #> 2560 cryorthents #> 2561 torriorthents #> 2562 troporthents #> 2563 udorthents #> 2564 ustorthents #> 2565 xerorthents #> 2566 cryopsamments #> 2567 quartzipsamments #> 2568 torripsamments #> 2569 tropopsamments #> 2570 udipsamments #> 2571 ustipsamments #> 2572 xeropsamments #> 2573 borofibrists #> 2574 cryofibrists #> 2575 luvifibrists #> 2576 medifibrists #> 2577 sphagnofibrists #> 2578 tropofibrists #> 2579 borofolists #> 2580 cryofolists #> 2581 tropofolists #> 2582 borohemists #> 2583 cryohemists #> 2584 luvihemists #> 2585 medihemists #> 2586 sulfihemists #> 2587 sulfohemists #> 2588 tropohemists #> 2589 borosaprists #> 2590 cryosaprists #> 2591 medisaprists #> 2592 troposaprists #> 2593 cryandepts #> 2594 durandepts #> 2595 dystrandepts #> 2596 eutrandepts #> 2597 hydrandepts #> 2598 placandepts #> 2599 vitrandepts #> 2600 andaquepts #> 2601 cryaquepts #> 2602 fragiaquepts #> 2603 halaquepts #> 2604 haplaquepts #> 2605 humaquepts #> 2606 placaquepts #> 2607 plinthaquepts #> 2608 sulfaquepts #> 2609 tropaquepts #> 2610 cryochrepts #> 2611 durochrepts #> 2612 dystrochrepts #> 2613 eutrochrepts #> 2614 fragiochrepts #> 2615 ustochrepts #> 2616 xerochrepts #> 2617 plaggepts #> 2618 dystropepts #> 2619 eutropepts #> 2620 humitropepts #> 2621 sombritropepts #> 2622 ustropepts #> 2623 cryumbrepts #> 2624 fragiumbrepts #> 2625 haplumbrepts #> 2626 xerumbrepts #> 2627 argialbolls #> 2628 natralbolls #> 2629 argiaquolls #> 2630 calciaquolls #> 2631 cryaquolls #> 2632 duraquolls #> 2633 haplaquolls #> 2634 natraquolls #> 2635 argiborolls #> 2636 calciborolls #> 2637 cryoborolls #> 2638 haploborolls #> 2639 natriborolls #> 2640 paleborolls #> 2641 vermiborolls #> 2642 rendolls #> 2643 argiudolls #> 2644 hapludolls #> 2645 paleudolls #> 2646 vermudolls #> 2647 argiustolls #> 2648 calciustolls #> 2649 durustolls #> 2650 haplustolls #> 2651 natrustolls #> 2652 paleustolls #> 2653 vermustolls #> 2654 argixerolls #> 2655 calcixerolls #> 2656 durixerolls #> 2657 haploxerolls #> 2658 natrixerolls #> 2659 palexerolls #> 2660 gibbsiaquox #> 2661 ochraquox #> 2662 plinthaquox #> 2663 umbraquox #> 2664 acrohumox #> 2665 gibbsihumox #> 2666 haplohumox #> 2667 sombrihumox #> 2668 acrorthox #> 2669 eutrorthox #> 2670 gibbsiorthox #> 2671 haplorthox #> 2672 sombriorthox #> 2673 umbriorthox #> 2674 haploperox #> 2675 kandiperox #> 2676 acrotorrox #> 2677 torrox #> 2678 hapludox #> 2679 kandiudox #> 2680 acrustox #> 2681 eutrustox #> 2682 haplustox #> 2683 sombriustox #> 2684 cryaquods #> 2685 duraquods #> 2686 fragiaquods #> 2687 haplaquods #> 2688 placaquods #> 2689 sideraquods #> 2690 tropaquods #> 2691 ferrods #> 2692 cryohumods #> 2693 fragihumods #> 2694 haplohumods #> 2695 placohumods #> 2696 tropohumods #> 2697 cryorthods #> 2698 fragiorthods #> 2699 haplorthods #> 2700 placorthods #> 2701 troporthods #> 2702 albaquults #> 2703 fragiaquults #> 2704 kandiaquults #> 2705 kanhaplaquults #> 2706 ochraquults #> 2707 paleaquults #> 2708 plinthaquults #> 2709 tropaquults #> 2710 umbraquults #> 2711 haplohumults #> 2712 kandihumults #> 2713 kanhaplohumults #> 2714 palehumults #> 2715 plinthohumults #> 2716 sombrihumults #> 2717 tropohumults #> 2718 fragiudults #> 2719 hapludults #> 2720 kandiudults #> 2721 kanhapludults #> 2722 paleudults #> 2723 plinthudults #> 2724 rhodudults #> 2725 tropudults #> 2726 haplustults #> 2727 kandiustults #> 2728 kanhaplustults #> 2729 paleustults #> 2730 plinthustults #> 2731 rhodustults #> 2732 haploxerults #> 2733 palexerults #> 2734 torrerts #> 2735 chromuderts #> 2736 pelluderts #> 2737 chromusterts #> 2738 pellusterts #> 2739 chromoxererts #> 2740 pelloxererts #> 2741 acraquox #> 2742 acroperox #> 2743 acrudox #> 2744 alaquods #> 2745 alorthods #> 2746 calciaquerts #> 2747 calcitorrerts #> 2748 calciudolls #> 2749 calciusterts #> 2750 calcixererts #> 2751 duraquerts #> 2752 duricryods #> 2753 durihumods #> 2754 durixererts #> 2755 durorthods #> 2756 dystraquerts #> 2757 dystruderts #> 2758 dystrusterts #> 2759 endoaqualfs #> 2760 endoaquands #> 2761 endoaquents #> 2762 endoaquepts #> 2763 endoaquerts #> 2764 endoaquods #> 2765 endoaquolls #> 2766 endoaquults #> 2767 epiaqualfs #> 2768 epiaquands #> 2769 epiaquents #> 2770 epiaquepts #> 2771 epiaquerts #> 2772 epiaquods #> 2773 epiaquolls #> 2774 epiaquults #> 2775 eutraquox #> 2776 eutroperox #> 2777 eutrotorrox #> 2778 eutrudox #> 2779 gypsitorrerts #> 2780 gypsiusterts #> 2781 haplaquox #> 2782 haplocryerts #> 2783 haplocryods #> 2784 haplotorrerts #> 2785 haplotorrox #> 2786 haploxererts #> 2787 hapluderts #> 2788 haplusterts #> 2789 humicryerts #> 2790 humicryods #> 2791 kandiustox #> 2792 medifolists #> 2793 natraquerts #> 2794 placocryods #> 2795 salaquerts #> 2796 salitorrerts #> 2797 salusterts #> 2798 sombriperox #> 2799 sombriudox #> 2800 sulfisaprists #> 2801 sulfochrepts #> 2802 sulfosaprists #> 2803 tropudalfs #> 2804 petroargids #> 2805 gypsiargids #> 2806 calciargids #> 2807 haplocalcids #> 2808 petrocalcids #> 2809 aquicambids #> 2810 petrocambids #> 2811 anthracambids #> 2812 haplocambids #> 2813 salicryids #> 2814 petrocryids #> 2815 gypsicryids #> 2816 argicryids #> 2817 calcicryids #> 2818 haplocryids #> 2819 natridurids #> 2820 argidurids #> 2821 haplodurids #> 2822 petrogypsids #> 2823 natrigypsids #> 2824 argigypsids #> 2825 calcigypsids #> 2826 haplogypsids #> 2827 aquisalids #> 2828 haplosalids #> 2829 arents #> 2830 vermaqualfs #> 2831 vermaquepts #> 2832 glossocryalfs #> 2833 haplocryalfs #> 2834 palecryalfs #> 2835 duricryands #> 2836 duritorrands #> 2837 haplotorrands #> 2838 fibristels #> 2839 folistels #> 2840 glacistels #> 2841 hemistels #> 2842 sapristels #> 2843 anhyorthels #> 2844 aquorthels #> 2845 argiorthels #> 2846 haplorthels #> 2847 historthels #> 2848 mollorthels #> 2849 psammorthels #> 2850 umbrorthels #> 2851 anhyturbels #> 2852 aquiturbels #> 2853 haploturbels #> 2854 histoturbels #> 2855 molliturbels #> 2856 psammoturbels #> 2857 umbriturbels #> 2858 haplofibrists #> 2859 haplohemists #> 2860 haplosaprists #> 2861 petraquepts #> 2862 plagganthrepts #> 2863 haplanthrepts #> 2864 dystrocryepts #> 2865 eutrocryepts #> 2866 durudepts #> 2867 dystrudepts #> 2868 eutrudepts #> 2869 fragiudepts #> 2870 hapludepts #> 2871 sulfudepts #> 2872 calciustepts #> 2873 durustepts #> 2874 dystrustepts #> 2875 haplustepts #> 2876 calcixerepts #> 2877 durixerepts #> 2878 dystroxerepts #> 2879 haploxerepts #> 2880 argicryolls #> 2881 calcicryolls #> 2882 duricryolls #> 2883 haplocryolls #> 2884 natricryolls #> 2885 cryrendolls #> 2886 haprendolls #> 2887 natrudolls #> 2888 torrifolists #> 2889 udifolists #> 2890 ustifolists #> 2891 cryaqualfs #> 2892 fragixerepts #> 2893 palecryolls #> 2894 dystrogelepts #> 2895 eutrogelepts #> 2896 gelaquands #> 2897 gelaquents #> 2898 gelifluvents #> 2899 gelaquepts #> 2900 gelorthents #> 2901 haplogelods #> 2902 haplogelolls #> 2903 humigelods #> 2904 sulfaquerts #> 2905 vitrigelands #> 2906 humicryepts #> 2907 calcicryepts #> 2908 haplocryepts #> 2909 fluviwassents #> 2910 frasiwassents #> 2911 haplowassents #> 2912 hydrowassents #> 2913 psammowassents #> 2914 sulfiwassents #> 2915 frasiwassists #> 2916 haplowassists #> 2917 sulfiwassists #> 2918 humigelepts #> 2919 haplogelepts #> 2920 humustepts #> 2921 humudepts #> 2922 humixerepts #> 2923 aeric #> 2924 aquic #> 2925 aridic (torric) #> 2926 typic #> 2927 udic #> 2928 ustic #> 2929 xeric #> 2930 anthraquic #> 2931 oxyaquic #> 2932 aeric #> 2933 aquic #> 2934 aridic (torric) #> 2935 typic #> 2936 udic #> 2937 ustic #> 2938 xeric #> 2939 anthraquic #> 2940 oxyaquic #> 2941 alfisols #> 2942 andisols #> 2943 aridisols #> 2944 entisols #> 2945 histosols #> 2946 inceptisols #> 2947 mollisols #> 2948 oxisols #> 2949 spodosols #> 2950 ultisols #> 2951 vertisols #> 2952 gelisols #> 2953 alfisols #> 2954 andisols #> 2955 aridisols #> 2956 entisols #> 2957 histosols #> 2958 inceptisols #> 2959 mollisols #> 2960 oxisols #> 2961 spodosols #> 2962 ultisols #> 2963 vertisols #> 2964 gelisols #> 2965 aqualfs #> 2966 boralfs #> 2967 udalfs #> 2968 ustalfs #> 2969 xeralfs #> 2970 aquands #> 2971 cryands #> 2972 torrands #> 2973 udands #> 2974 ustands #> 2975 vitrands #> 2976 xerands #> 2977 argids #> 2978 orthids #> 2979 aquents #> 2980 arents #> 2981 fluvents #> 2982 orthents #> 2983 psamments #> 2984 hemists #> 2985 fibrists #> 2986 folists #> 2987 saprists #> 2988 andepts #> 2989 aquepts #> 2990 ochrepts #> 2991 tropepts #> 2992 umbrepts #> 2993 ustults #> 2994 albolls #> 2995 aquolls #> 2996 borolls #> 2997 rendolls #> 2998 udolls #> 2999 ustolls #> 3000 xerolls #> 3001 aquox #> 3002 humox #> 3003 orthox #> 3004 perox #> 3005 torrox #> 3006 udox #> 3007 ustox #> 3008 aquods #> 3009 ferrods #> 3010 humods #> 3011 orthods #> 3012 aquults #> 3013 humults #> 3014 udults #> 3015 xerults #> 3016 torrerts #> 3017 uderts #> 3018 usterts #> 3019 xererts #> 3020 aquerts #> 3021 cryerts #> 3022 cryods #> 3023 plaggepts #> 3024 cryids #> 3025 salids #> 3026 durids #> 3027 gypsids #> 3028 calcids #> 3029 cambids #> 3030 histels #> 3031 orthels #> 3032 turbels #> 3033 anthrepts #> 3034 cryepts #> 3035 udepts #> 3036 ustepts #> 3037 xerepts #> 3038 cryolls #> 3039 cryalfs #> 3040 gelands #> 3041 gelepts #> 3042 gelods #> 3043 gelolls #> 3044 wassents #> 3045 wassists #> 3046 aqualfs #> 3047 boralfs #> 3048 udalfs #> 3049 ustalfs #> 3050 xeralfs #> 3051 aquands #> 3052 cryands #> 3053 torrands #> 3054 udands #> 3055 ustands #> 3056 vitrands #> 3057 xerands #> 3058 argids #> 3059 orthids #> 3060 aquents #> 3061 arents #> 3062 fluvents #> 3063 orthents #> 3064 psamments #> 3065 hemists #> 3066 fibrists #> 3067 folists #> 3068 saprists #> 3069 andepts #> 3070 aquepts #> 3071 ochrepts #> 3072 tropepts #> 3073 umbrepts #> 3074 ustults #> 3075 albolls #> 3076 aquolls #> 3077 borolls #> 3078 rendolls #> 3079 udolls #> 3080 ustolls #> 3081 xerolls #> 3082 aquox #> 3083 humox #> 3084 orthox #> 3085 perox #> 3086 torrox #> 3087 udox #> 3088 ustox #> 3089 aquods #> 3090 ferrods #> 3091 humods #> 3092 orthods #> 3093 aquults #> 3094 humults #> 3095 udults #> 3096 xerults #> 3097 torrerts #> 3098 uderts #> 3099 usterts #> 3100 xererts #> 3101 aquerts #> 3102 cryerts #> 3103 cryods #> 3104 plaggepts #> 3105 cryids #> 3106 salids #> 3107 durids #> 3108 gypsids #> 3109 calcids #> 3110 cambids #> 3111 histels #> 3112 orthels #> 3113 turbels #> 3114 anthrepts #> 3115 cryepts #> 3116 udepts #> 3117 ustepts #> 3118 xerepts #> 3119 cryolls #> 3120 cryalfs #> 3121 gelands #> 3122 gelepts #> 3123 gelods #> 3124 gelolls #> 3125 wassents #> 3126 wassists #> 3127 1 #> 3128 2 #> 3129 3 #> 3130 4 #> 3131 4L #> 3132 5 #> 3133 6 #> 3134 7 #> 3135 8 #> 3136 0 #> 3137 38 #> 3138 48 #> 3139 56 #> 3140 86 #> 3141 134 #> 3142 160 #> 3143 180 #> 3144 220 #> 3145 250 #> 3146 310 #> 3147 1 #> 3148 1k #> 3149 2 #> 3150 2k #> 3151 2h #> 3152 3 #> 3153 4 #> 3154 4c #> 3155 5 #> 3156 6 #> 3157 6d #> 3158 6g #> 3159 7 #> 3160 8 #> 3161 9 #> 3162 9c #> 3163 9w #> 3164 9l #> 3165 10 #> 3166 1h #> 3167 1kw #> 3168 1kk #> 3169 2kw #> 3170 2kk #> 3171 4k #> 3172 4ck #> 3173 5k #> 3174 5kk #> 3175 6k #> 3176 6kk #> 3177 6dk #> 3178 6gk #> 3179 6gkk #> 3180 8k #> 3181 1a #> 3182 2a #> 3183 1s #> 3184 1sk #> 3185 1skk #> 3186 3a #> 3187 4a #> 3188 4ca #> 3189 4cc #> 3190 5a #> 3191 6a #> 3192 6da #> 3193 6ga #> 3194 7a #> 3195 9n #> 3196 9nw #> 3197 provisional #> 3198 approved #> 3199 correlated #> 3200 additional #> 3201 provisional #> 3202 approved #> 3203 correlated #> 3204 additional #> 3205 nhq #> 3206 nssc #> 3207 ntc #> 3208 state #> 3209 area #> 3210 project #> 3211 field #> 3212 mo #> 3213 other #> 3214 anthropic epipedon #> 3215 abrupt textural change #> 3216 andic soil properties #> 3217 cambic horizon #> 3218 calcic horizon #> 3219 durinodes #> 3220 petrocalcic horizon #> 3221 fragipan #> 3222 gypsic horizon #> 3223 gilgai #> 3224 glossic horizon #> 3225 aquic conditions #> 3226 histic epipedon #> 3227 sombric horizon #> 3228 petrogypsic horizon #> 3229 placic horizon #> 3230 kandic horizon #> 3231 lithic contact #> 3232 secondary carbonates #> 3233 mollic epipedon #> 3234 melanic epipedon #> 3235 natric horizon #> 3236 ochric epipedon #> 3237 plaggen epipedon #> 3238 petroferric contact #> 3239 permafrost #> 3240 plinthite #> 3241 albic horizon #> 3242 agric horizon #> 3243 spodic horizon #> 3244 slickensides #> 3245 argillic horizon #> 3246 umbric epipedon #> 3247 sulfuric horizon #> 3248 paralithic contact #> 3249 oxic horizon #> 3250 salic horizon #> 3251 duripan #> 3252 sulfidic materials #> 3253 interfingering of albic materials #> 3254 fibric soil materials #> 3255 hemic soil materials #> 3256 sapric soil materials #> 3257 humilluvic material #> 3258 limnic materials #> 3259 coprogenous earth #> 3260 diatomaceous earth #> 3261 marl #> 3262 albic materials #> 3263 mottles with chroma 2 or less #> 3264 lamellae #> 3265 ortstein #> 3266 fragic soil properties #> 3267 densic contact #> 3268 densic materials #> 3269 paralithic materials #> 3270 anhydrous conditions #> 3271 cryoturbation #> 3272 gelic materials #> 3273 glacic layer #> 3274 folistic epipedon #> 3275 redox concentrations #> 3276 redox depletions with chroma 2 or less #> 3277 reduced matrix #> 3278 endosaturation #> 3279 episaturation #> 3280 anthric saturation #> 3281 lithologic discontinuity #> 3282 strongly contrasting particle size class #> 3283 gypsum accumulations #> 3284 salt accumulations #> 3285 volcanic glass #> 3286 n value > 0.7 #> 3287 spodic materials #> 3288 artifacts #> 3289 fibers #> 3290 free carbonates #> 3291 resistant minerals #> 3292 weatherable minerals #> 3293 anhydritic horizon #> 3294 human-altered material #> 3295 human-transported material #> 3296 manufactured layer #> 3297 manufactured layer contact #> 3298 anthropic epipedon #> 3299 abrupt textural change #> 3300 andic soil properties #> 3301 cambic horizon #> 3302 calcic horizon #> 3303 durinodes #> 3304 petrocalcic horizon #> 3305 fragipan #> 3306 gypsic horizon #> 3307 gilgai #> 3308 glossic horizon #> 3309 aquic conditions #> 3310 histic epipedon #> 3311 sombric horizon #> 3312 petrogypsic horizon #> 3313 placic horizon #> 3314 kandic horizon #> 3315 lithic contact #> 3316 secondary carbonates #> 3317 mollic epipedon #> 3318 melanic epipedon #> 3319 natric horizon #> 3320 ochric epipedon #> 3321 plaggen epipedon #> 3322 petroferric contact #> 3323 permafrost #> 3324 plinthite #> 3325 albic horizon #> 3326 agric horizon #> 3327 spodic horizon #> 3328 slickensides #> 3329 argillic horizon #> 3330 umbric epipedon #> 3331 sulfuric horizon #> 3332 paralithic contact #> 3333 oxic horizon #> 3334 salic horizon #> 3335 duripan #> 3336 sulfidic materials #> 3337 interfingering of albic materials #> 3338 fibric soil materials #> 3339 hemic soil materials #> 3340 sapric soil materials #> 3341 humilluvic material #> 3342 limnic materials #> 3343 coprogenous earth #> 3344 diatomaceous earth #> 3345 marl #> 3346 albic materials #> 3347 mottles with chroma 2 or less #> 3348 lamellae #> 3349 ortstein #> 3350 fragic soil properties #> 3351 densic contact #> 3352 densic materials #> 3353 paralithic materials #> 3354 anhydrous conditions #> 3355 cryoturbation #> 3356 gelic materials #> 3357 glacic layer #> 3358 folistic epipedon #> 3359 redox concentrations #> 3360 redox depletions with chroma 2 or less #> 3361 reduced matrix #> 3362 endosaturation #> 3363 episaturation #> 3364 anthric saturation #> 3365 lithologic discontinuity #> 3366 strongly contrasting particle size class #> 3367 gypsum accumulations #> 3368 salt accumulations #> 3369 volcanic glass #> 3370 n value > 0.7 #> 3371 spodic materials #> 3372 artifacts #> 3373 fibers #> 3374 free carbonates #> 3375 resistant minerals #> 3376 weatherable minerals #> 3377 anhydritic horizon #> 3378 human-altered material #> 3379 human-transported material #> 3380 manufactured layer #> 3381 manufactured layer contact #> 3382 excessively #> 3383 somewhat excessively #> 3384 well #> 3385 moderately well #> 3386 somewhat poorly #> 3387 poorly #> 3388 very poorly #> 3389 subaqueous #> 3390 excessively #> 3391 somewhat excessively #> 3392 well #> 3393 moderately well #> 3394 somewhat poorly #> 3395 poorly #> 3396 very poorly #> 3397 subaqueous #> 3398 artificial cover #> 3399 barren land #> 3400 crop cover #> 3401 grass/herbaceous cover #> 3402 shrub cover #> 3403 tree cover #> 3404 water cover #> 3405 other #> 3406 wetlands, drained #> 3407 wetlands #> 3408 artificial cover #> 3409 barren land #> 3410 crop cover #> 3411 grass/herbaceous cover #> 3412 shrub cover #> 3413 tree cover #> 3414 water cover #> 3415 other #> 3416 wetlands, drained #> 3417 wetlands #> 3418 low #> 3419 moderate #> 3420 high #> 3421 very high #> 3422 extremely high #> 3423 low #> 3424 moderate #> 3425 high #> 3426 very high #> 3427 extremely high #> 3428 0 #> 3429 1 #> 3430 2 #> 3431 3 #> 3432 4 #> 3433 5 #> 3434 6 #> 3435 7 #> 3436 8 #> 3437 9 #> 3438 30 #> 3439 50 #> 3440 70 #> 3441 10 #> 3442 32 #> 3443 33 #> 3444 34 #> 3445 35 #> 3446 36 #> 3447 37 #> 3448 41 #> 3449 42 #> 3450 43 #> 3451 44 #> 3452 54 #> 3453 38 #> 3454 39 #> 3455 40 #> 3456 sandstone, unspecified #> 3457 sandstone, noncalcareous #> 3458 arkose #> 3459 sandstone, calcareous #> 3460 interbedded sedimentary #> 3461 limestone-sandstone-shale #> 3462 limestone-sandstone #> 3463 limestone-shale #> 3464 limestone-siltstone #> 3465 sandstone-shale #> 3466 sandstone-siltstone #> 3467 shale-siltstone #> 3468 conglomerate, unspecified #> 3469 conglomerate, noncalcareous #> 3470 conglomerate, calcareous #> 3471 ejecta-ash #> 3472 acidic-ash #> 3473 basic-ash #> 3474 basaltic-ash #> 3475 andesitic-ash #> 3476 cinders #> 3477 pumice #> 3478 scoria #> 3479 volcanic bombs #> 3480 shale, unspecified #> 3481 shale, noncalcareous #> 3482 shale, calcareous #> 3483 shale, clayey #> 3484 igneous, unspecified #> 3485 igneous, coarse crystal #> 3486 igneous, basic #> 3487 igneous, intermediate #> 3488 granite #> 3489 igneous, fine crystal #> 3490 basalt #> 3491 andesite #> 3492 igneous, acid #> 3493 igneous, ultrabasic #> 3494 limestone, unspecified #> 3495 chalk #> 3496 marble #> 3497 dolomite (dolostone) #> 3498 limestone, phosphatic #> 3499 limestone, arenaceous #> 3500 limestone, argillaceous #> 3501 limestone, cherty #> 3502 metamorphic, unspecified #> 3503 gneiss #> 3504 gneiss-acidic #> 3505 gneiss-basic #> 3506 serpentinite #> 3507 schist, unspecified #> 3508 schist, acidic #> 3509 schist, basic #> 3510 slate #> 3511 quartzite #> 3512 pyroclastic, unspecified #> 3513 tuff, unspecified #> 3514 tuff, acidic #> 3515 tuff, basic #> 3516 volcanic breccia, unspecified #> 3517 volcanic breccia, acidic #> 3518 volcanic breccia, basic #> 3519 tuff breccia #> 3520 aa lava #> 3521 pahoehoe lava #> 3522 sedimentary, unspecified #> 3523 marl #> 3524 glauconite #> 3525 siltstone, unspecified #> 3526 siltstone, noncalcareous #> 3527 siltstone, calcareous #> 3528 mixed #> 3529 mixed noncalcareous #> 3530 mixed calcareous #> 3531 mixed igneous-metamorphic-sedimentary #> 3532 mixed igneous-metamorphic #> 3533 mixed igneous-sedimentary #> 3534 mixed metamorphic-sedimentary #> 3535 diorite #> 3536 gabbro #> 3537 obsidian #> 3538 rhyolite #> 3539 hornfels #> 3540 metaconglomerate #> 3541 phyllite #> 3542 wood #> 3543 charcoal #> 3544 chert #> 3545 coal #> 3546 graywacke #> 3547 gypsum, rock #> 3548 shale, acid #> 3549 lapilli #> 3550 calcrete (caliche) #> 3551 organic #> 3552 mossy material #> 3553 herbaceous material #> 3554 logs and stumps #> 3555 amphibolite #> 3556 arenite #> 3557 claystone #> 3558 dacite #> 3559 diabase #> 3560 granodiorite #> 3561 breccia, non-volcanic #> 3562 granofels #> 3563 greenstone #> 3564 ignimbrite #> 3565 latite #> 3566 metaquartzite #> 3567 metavolcanics #> 3568 monzonite #> 3569 mudstone #> 3570 mylonite #> 3571 peridotite #> 3572 porcellanite #> 3573 pyroxenite #> 3574 syenite #> 3575 syenodiorite #> 3576 trachyte #> 3577 travertine #> 3578 tufa #> 3579 pyroclastic (consolidated) #> 3580 granulite #> 3581 migmatite #> 3582 soapstone #> 3583 argillite #> 3584 orthoquartzite #> 3585 anorthosite #> 3586 breccia, non-volcanic, acidic #> 3587 breccia, non-volcanic, basic #> 3588 carbonate concretions #> 3589 gibbsite concretions #> 3590 silica concretions #> 3591 plinthite nodules #> 3592 carbonate nodules #> 3593 gibbsite nodules #> 3594 iron-manganese concretions #> 3595 iron-manganese nodules #> 3596 durinodes #> 3597 ironstone nodules #> 3598 shell fragments #> 3599 duripan fragments #> 3600 petrocalcic fragments #> 3601 ortstein fragments #> 3602 petroferric fragments #> 3603 petrogypsic fragments #> 3604 metasedimentary, unspecified #> 3605 schist, mica #> 3606 quartz-diorite #> 3607 quartz-monzonite #> 3608 tachylite #> 3609 tonalite #> 3610 ultramafic, unspecified #> 3611 tuff, welded #> 3612 quartz #> 3613 carbonate rock, unspecified #> 3614 metamorphic, foliated #> 3615 block lava #> 3616 pillow lava #> 3617 volcanic, unspecified #> 3618 sandstone, glauconitic #> 3619 saprolite #> 3620 oxide protected rock #> 3621 ejecta #> 3622 tripoli #> 3623 gneiss, hornblende #> 3624 metasiltstone #> 3625 gneiss, migmatitic #> 3626 gneiss, muscovite-biotite #> 3627 schist, graphitic #> 3628 slate, sulfidic #> 3629 gneiss, biotite #> 3630 gneiss, granodioritic #> 3631 granitoid #> 3632 bauxite #> 3633 limestone, coral #> 3634 anhydrite, rock #> 3635 halite, rock #> 3636 lignite #> 3637 novaculite #> 3638 siltite #> 3639 schist, biotite #> 3640 schist, muscovite #> 3641 mica #> 3642 limonite #> 3643 schist, sericite #> 3644 gypsum crystals #> 3645 fanglomerate #> 3646 diatomite fragments #> 3647 sandstone, unspecified #> 3648 sandstone, noncalcareous #> 3649 arkose #> 3650 sandstone, calcareous #> 3651 interbedded sedimentary #> 3652 limestone-sandstone-shale #> 3653 limestone-sandstone #> 3654 limestone-shale #> 3655 limestone-siltstone #> 3656 sandstone-shale #> 3657 sandstone-siltstone #> 3658 shale-siltstone #> 3659 conglomerate, unspecified #> 3660 conglomerate, noncalcareous #> 3661 conglomerate, calcareous #> 3662 ejecta-ash #> 3663 acidic-ash #> 3664 basic-ash #> 3665 basaltic-ash #> 3666 andesitic-ash #> 3667 cinders #> 3668 pumice #> 3669 scoria #> 3670 volcanic bombs #> 3671 shale, unspecified #> 3672 shale, noncalcareous #> 3673 shale, calcareous #> 3674 shale, clayey #> 3675 igneous, unspecified #> 3676 igneous, coarse crystal #> 3677 igneous, basic #> 3678 igneous, intermediate #> 3679 granite #> 3680 igneous, fine crystal #> 3681 basalt #> 3682 andesite #> 3683 igneous, acid #> 3684 igneous, ultrabasic #> 3685 limestone, unspecified #> 3686 chalk #> 3687 marble #> 3688 dolomite (dolostone) #> 3689 limestone, phosphatic #> 3690 limestone, arenaceous #> 3691 limestone, argillaceous #> 3692 limestone, cherty #> 3693 metamorphic, unspecified #> 3694 gneiss #> 3695 gneiss-acidic #> 3696 gneiss-basic #> 3697 serpentinite #> 3698 schist, unspecified #> 3699 schist, acidic #> 3700 schist, basic #> 3701 slate #> 3702 quartzite #> 3703 pyroclastic, unspecified #> 3704 tuff, unspecified #> 3705 tuff, acidic #> 3706 tuff, basic #> 3707 volcanic breccia, unspecified #> 3708 volcanic breccia, acidic #> 3709 volcanic breccia, basic #> 3710 tuff breccia #> 3711 aa lava #> 3712 pahoehoe lava #> 3713 sedimentary, unspecified #> 3714 marl #> 3715 glauconite #> 3716 siltstone, unspecified #> 3717 siltstone, noncalcareous #> 3718 siltstone, calcareous #> 3719 mixed #> 3720 mixed noncalcareous #> 3721 mixed calcareous #> 3722 mixed igneous-metamorphic-sedimentary #> 3723 mixed igneous-metamorphic #> 3724 mixed igneous-sedimentary #> 3725 mixed metamorphic-sedimentary #> 3726 diorite #> 3727 gabbro #> 3728 obsidian #> 3729 rhyolite #> 3730 hornfels #> 3731 metaconglomerate #> 3732 phyllite #> 3733 wood #> 3734 charcoal #> 3735 chert #> 3736 coal #> 3737 graywacke #> 3738 gypsum, rock #> 3739 shale, acid #> 3740 lapilli #> 3741 calcrete (caliche) #> 3742 organic #> 3743 mossy material #> 3744 herbaceous material #> 3745 logs and stumps #> 3746 amphibolite #> 3747 arenite #> 3748 claystone #> 3749 dacite #> 3750 diabase #> 3751 granodiorite #> 3752 breccia, non-volcanic #> 3753 granofels #> 3754 greenstone #> 3755 ignimbrite #> 3756 latite #> 3757 metaquartzite #> 3758 metavolcanics #> 3759 monzonite #> 3760 mudstone #> 3761 mylonite #> 3762 peridotite #> 3763 porcellanite #> 3764 pyroxenite #> 3765 syenite #> 3766 syenodiorite #> 3767 trachyte #> 3768 travertine #> 3769 tufa #> 3770 pyroclastic (consolidated) #> 3771 granulite #> 3772 migmatite #> 3773 soapstone #> 3774 argillite #> 3775 orthoquartzite #> 3776 anorthosite #> 3777 breccia, non-volcanic, acidic #> 3778 breccia, non-volcanic, basic #> 3779 carbonate concretions #> 3780 gibbsite concretions #> 3781 silica concretions #> 3782 plinthite nodules #> 3783 carbonate nodules #> 3784 gibbsite nodules #> 3785 iron-manganese concretions #> 3786 iron-manganese nodules #> 3787 durinodes #> 3788 ironstone nodules #> 3789 shell fragments #> 3790 duripan fragments #> 3791 petrocalcic fragments #> 3792 ortstein fragments #> 3793 petroferric fragments #> 3794 petrogypsic fragments #> 3795 metasedimentary, unspecified #> 3796 schist, mica #> 3797 quartz-diorite #> 3798 quartz-monzonite #> 3799 tachylite #> 3800 tonalite #> 3801 ultramafic, unspecified #> 3802 tuff, welded #> 3803 quartz #> 3804 carbonate rock, unspecified #> 3805 metamorphic, foliated #> 3806 block lava #> 3807 pillow lava #> 3808 volcanic, unspecified #> 3809 sandstone, glauconitic #> 3810 saprolite #> 3811 oxide protected rock #> 3812 ejecta #> 3813 tripoli #> 3814 gneiss, hornblende #> 3815 metasiltstone #> 3816 gneiss, migmatitic #> 3817 gneiss, muscovite-biotite #> 3818 schist, graphitic #> 3819 slate, sulfidic #> 3820 gneiss, biotite #> 3821 gneiss, granodioritic #> 3822 granitoid #> 3823 bauxite #> 3824 limestone, coral #> 3825 anhydrite, rock #> 3826 halite, rock #> 3827 lignite #> 3828 novaculite #> 3829 siltite #> 3830 schist, biotite #> 3831 schist, muscovite #> 3832 mica #> 3833 limonite #> 3834 schist, sericite #> 3835 gypsum crystals #> 3836 fanglomerate #> 3837 diatomite fragments #> 3838 sandstone, unspecified #> 3839 sandstone, noncalcareous #> 3840 arkose #> 3841 sandstone, calcareous #> 3842 interbedded sedimentary #> 3843 limestone-sandstone-shale #> 3844 limestone-sandstone #> 3845 limestone-shale #> 3846 limestone-siltstone #> 3847 sandstone-shale #> 3848 sandstone-siltstone #> 3849 shale-siltstone #> 3850 conglomerate, unspecified #> 3851 conglomerate, noncalcareous #> 3852 conglomerate, calcareous #> 3853 ejecta-ash #> 3854 acidic-ash #> 3855 basic-ash #> 3856 basaltic-ash #> 3857 andesitic-ash #> 3858 cinders #> 3859 pumice #> 3860 scoria #> 3861 volcanic bombs #> 3862 shale, unspecified #> 3863 shale, noncalcareous #> 3864 shale, calcareous #> 3865 shale, clayey #> 3866 igneous, unspecified #> 3867 igneous, coarse crystal #> 3868 igneous, basic #> 3869 igneous, intermediate #> 3870 granite #> 3871 igneous, fine crystal #> 3872 basalt #> 3873 andesite #> 3874 igneous, acid #> 3875 igneous, ultrabasic #> 3876 limestone, unspecified #> 3877 chalk #> 3878 marble #> 3879 dolomite (dolostone) #> 3880 limestone, phosphatic #> 3881 limestone, arenaceous #> 3882 limestone, argillaceous #> 3883 limestone, cherty #> 3884 metamorphic, unspecified #> 3885 gneiss #> 3886 gneiss-acidic #> 3887 gneiss-basic #> 3888 serpentinite #> 3889 schist, unspecified #> 3890 schist, acidic #> 3891 schist, basic #> 3892 slate #> 3893 quartzite #> 3894 pyroclastic, unspecified #> 3895 tuff, unspecified #> 3896 tuff, acidic #> 3897 tuff, basic #> 3898 volcanic breccia, unspecified #> 3899 volcanic breccia, acidic #> 3900 volcanic breccia, basic #> 3901 tuff breccia #> 3902 aa lava #> 3903 pahoehoe lava #> 3904 sedimentary, unspecified #> 3905 marl #> 3906 glauconite #> 3907 siltstone, unspecified #> 3908 siltstone, noncalcareous #> 3909 siltstone, calcareous #> 3910 mixed #> 3911 mixed noncalcareous #> 3912 mixed calcareous #> 3913 mixed igneous-metamorphic-sedimentary #> 3914 mixed igneous-metamorphic #> 3915 mixed igneous-sedimentary #> 3916 mixed metamorphic-sedimentary #> 3917 diorite #> 3918 gabbro #> 3919 obsidian #> 3920 rhyolite #> 3921 hornfels #> 3922 metaconglomerate #> 3923 phyllite #> 3924 wood #> 3925 charcoal #> 3926 chert #> 3927 coal #> 3928 graywacke #> 3929 gypsum, rock #> 3930 shale, acid #> 3931 lapilli #> 3932 calcrete (caliche) #> 3933 organic #> 3934 mossy material #> 3935 herbaceous material #> 3936 logs and stumps #> 3937 amphibolite #> 3938 arenite #> 3939 claystone #> 3940 dacite #> 3941 diabase #> 3942 granodiorite #> 3943 breccia, non-volcanic #> 3944 granofels #> 3945 greenstone #> 3946 ignimbrite #> 3947 latite #> 3948 metaquartzite #> 3949 metavolcanics #> 3950 monzonite #> 3951 mudstone #> 3952 mylonite #> 3953 peridotite #> 3954 porcellanite #> 3955 pyroxenite #> 3956 syenite #> 3957 syenodiorite #> 3958 trachyte #> 3959 travertine #> 3960 tufa #> 3961 pyroclastic (consolidated) #> 3962 granulite #> 3963 migmatite #> 3964 soapstone #> 3965 argillite #> 3966 orthoquartzite #> 3967 anorthosite #> 3968 breccia, non-volcanic, acidic #> 3969 breccia, non-volcanic, basic #> 3970 carbonate concretions #> 3971 gibbsite concretions #> 3972 silica concretions #> 3973 plinthite nodules #> 3974 carbonate nodules #> 3975 gibbsite nodules #> 3976 iron-manganese concretions #> 3977 iron-manganese nodules #> 3978 durinodes #> 3979 ironstone nodules #> 3980 shell fragments #> 3981 duripan fragments #> 3982 petrocalcic fragments #> 3983 ortstein fragments #> 3984 petroferric fragments #> 3985 petrogypsic fragments #> 3986 metasedimentary, unspecified #> 3987 schist, mica #> 3988 quartz-diorite #> 3989 quartz-monzonite #> 3990 tachylite #> 3991 tonalite #> 3992 ultramafic, unspecified #> 3993 tuff, welded #> 3994 quartz #> 3995 carbonate rock, unspecified #> 3996 metamorphic, foliated #> 3997 block lava #> 3998 pillow lava #> 3999 volcanic, unspecified #> 4000 sandstone, glauconitic #> 4001 saprolite #> 4002 oxide protected rock #> 4003 ejecta #> 4004 tripoli #> 4005 gneiss, hornblende #> 4006 metasiltstone #> 4007 gneiss, migmatitic #> 4008 gneiss, muscovite-biotite #> 4009 schist, graphitic #> 4010 slate, sulfidic #> 4011 gneiss, biotite #> 4012 gneiss, granodioritic #> 4013 granitoid #> 4014 bauxite #> 4015 limestone, coral #> 4016 anhydrite, rock #> 4017 halite, rock #> 4018 lignite #> 4019 novaculite #> 4020 siltite #> 4021 schist, biotite #> 4022 schist, muscovite #> 4023 mica #> 4024 limonite #> 4025 schist, sericite #> 4026 gypsum crystals #> 4027 fanglomerate #> 4028 diatomite fragments #> 4029 sandstone, unspecified #> 4030 sandstone, noncalcareous #> 4031 arkose #> 4032 sandstone, calcareous #> 4033 interbedded sedimentary #> 4034 limestone-sandstone-shale #> 4035 limestone-sandstone #> 4036 limestone-shale #> 4037 limestone-siltstone #> 4038 sandstone-shale #> 4039 sandstone-siltstone #> 4040 shale-siltstone #> 4041 conglomerate, unspecified #> 4042 conglomerate, noncalcareous #> 4043 conglomerate, calcareous #> 4044 ejecta-ash #> 4045 acidic-ash #> 4046 basic-ash #> 4047 basaltic-ash #> 4048 andesitic-ash #> 4049 cinders #> 4050 pumice #> 4051 scoria #> 4052 volcanic bombs #> 4053 shale, unspecified #> 4054 shale, noncalcareous #> 4055 shale, calcareous #> 4056 shale, clayey #> 4057 igneous, unspecified #> 4058 igneous, coarse crystal #> 4059 igneous, basic #> 4060 igneous, intermediate #> 4061 granite #> 4062 igneous, fine crystal #> 4063 basalt #> 4064 andesite #> 4065 igneous, acid #> 4066 igneous, ultrabasic #> 4067 limestone, unspecified #> 4068 chalk #> 4069 marble #> 4070 dolomite (dolostone) #> 4071 limestone, phosphatic #> 4072 limestone, arenaceous #> 4073 limestone, argillaceous #> 4074 limestone, cherty #> 4075 metamorphic, unspecified #> 4076 gneiss #> 4077 gneiss-acidic #> 4078 gneiss-basic #> 4079 serpentinite #> 4080 schist, unspecified #> 4081 schist, acidic #> 4082 schist, basic #> 4083 slate #> 4084 quartzite #> 4085 pyroclastic, unspecified #> 4086 tuff, unspecified #> 4087 tuff, acidic #> 4088 tuff, basic #> 4089 volcanic breccia, unspecified #> 4090 volcanic breccia, acidic #> 4091 volcanic breccia, basic #> 4092 tuff breccia #> 4093 aa lava #> 4094 pahoehoe lava #> 4095 sedimentary, unspecified #> 4096 marl #> 4097 glauconite #> 4098 siltstone, unspecified #> 4099 siltstone, noncalcareous #> 4100 siltstone, calcareous #> 4101 mixed #> 4102 mixed noncalcareous #> 4103 mixed calcareous #> 4104 mixed igneous-metamorphic-sedimentary #> 4105 mixed igneous-metamorphic #> 4106 mixed igneous-sedimentary #> 4107 mixed metamorphic-sedimentary #> 4108 diorite #> 4109 gabbro #> 4110 obsidian #> 4111 rhyolite #> 4112 hornfels #> 4113 metaconglomerate #> 4114 phyllite #> 4115 wood #> 4116 charcoal #> 4117 chert #> 4118 coal #> 4119 graywacke #> 4120 gypsum, rock #> 4121 shale, acid #> 4122 lapilli #> 4123 calcrete (caliche) #> 4124 organic #> 4125 mossy material #> 4126 herbaceous material #> 4127 logs and stumps #> 4128 amphibolite #> 4129 arenite #> 4130 claystone #> 4131 dacite #> 4132 diabase #> 4133 granodiorite #> 4134 breccia, non-volcanic #> 4135 granofels #> 4136 greenstone #> 4137 ignimbrite #> 4138 latite #> 4139 metaquartzite #> 4140 metavolcanics #> 4141 monzonite #> 4142 mudstone #> 4143 mylonite #> 4144 peridotite #> 4145 porcellanite #> 4146 pyroxenite #> 4147 syenite #> 4148 syenodiorite #> 4149 trachyte #> 4150 travertine #> 4151 tufa #> 4152 pyroclastic (consolidated) #> 4153 granulite #> 4154 migmatite #> 4155 soapstone #> 4156 argillite #> 4157 orthoquartzite #> 4158 anorthosite #> 4159 breccia, non-volcanic, acidic #> 4160 breccia, non-volcanic, basic #> 4161 carbonate concretions #> 4162 gibbsite concretions #> 4163 silica concretions #> 4164 plinthite nodules #> 4165 carbonate nodules #> 4166 gibbsite nodules #> 4167 iron-manganese concretions #> 4168 iron-manganese nodules #> 4169 durinodes #> 4170 ironstone nodules #> 4171 shell fragments #> 4172 duripan fragments #> 4173 petrocalcic fragments #> 4174 ortstein fragments #> 4175 petroferric fragments #> 4176 petrogypsic fragments #> 4177 metasedimentary, unspecified #> 4178 schist, mica #> 4179 quartz-diorite #> 4180 quartz-monzonite #> 4181 tachylite #> 4182 tonalite #> 4183 ultramafic, unspecified #> 4184 tuff, welded #> 4185 quartz #> 4186 carbonate rock, unspecified #> 4187 metamorphic, foliated #> 4188 block lava #> 4189 pillow lava #> 4190 volcanic, unspecified #> 4191 sandstone, glauconitic #> 4192 saprolite #> 4193 oxide protected rock #> 4194 ejecta #> 4195 tripoli #> 4196 gneiss, hornblende #> 4197 metasiltstone #> 4198 gneiss, migmatitic #> 4199 gneiss, muscovite-biotite #> 4200 schist, graphitic #> 4201 slate, sulfidic #> 4202 gneiss, biotite #> 4203 gneiss, granodioritic #> 4204 granitoid #> 4205 bauxite #> 4206 limestone, coral #> 4207 anhydrite, rock #> 4208 halite, rock #> 4209 lignite #> 4210 novaculite #> 4211 siltite #> 4212 schist, biotite #> 4213 schist, muscovite #> 4214 mica #> 4215 limonite #> 4216 schist, sericite #> 4217 gypsum crystals #> 4218 fanglomerate #> 4219 diatomite fragments #> 4220 angular #> 4221 subangular #> 4222 subrounded #> 4223 rounded #> 4224 well rounded #> 4225 very angular #> 4226 angular #> 4227 subangular #> 4228 subrounded #> 4229 rounded #> 4230 well rounded #> 4231 very angular #> 4232 angular #> 4233 subangular #> 4234 subrounded #> 4235 rounded #> 4236 well rounded #> 4237 very angular #> 4238 angular #> 4239 subangular #> 4240 subrounded #> 4241 rounded #> 4242 well rounded #> 4243 very angular #> 4244 angular #> 4245 subangular #> 4246 subrounded #> 4247 rounded #> 4248 well rounded #> 4249 very angular #> 4250 angular #> 4251 subangular #> 4252 subrounded #> 4253 rounded #> 4254 well rounded #> 4255 very angular #> 4256 flat #> 4257 nonflat #> 4258 flat #> 4259 nonflat #> 4260 flat #> 4261 nonflat #> 4262 flat #> 4263 nonflat #> 4264 a #> 4265 b #> 4266 c #> 4267 d #> 4268 e #> 4269 f #> 4270 g #> 4271 h #> 4272 i #> 4273 k #> 4274 m #> 4275 n #> 4276 o #> 4277 p #> 4278 q #> 4279 r #> 4280 s #> 4281 ss #> 4282 t #> 4283 v #> 4284 w #> 4285 x #> 4286 y #> 4287 z #> 4288 j #> 4289 jj #> 4290 ff #> 4291 ca #> 4292 co #> 4293 ma #> 4294 di #> 4295 kk #> 4296 u #> 4297 yy #> 4298 se #> 4299 a #> 4300 b #> 4301 c #> 4302 d #> 4303 e #> 4304 f #> 4305 g #> 4306 h #> 4307 i #> 4308 k #> 4309 m #> 4310 n #> 4311 o #> 4312 p #> 4313 q #> 4314 r #> 4315 s #> 4316 ss #> 4317 t #> 4318 v #> 4319 w #> 4320 x #> 4321 y #> 4322 z #> 4323 j #> 4324 jj #> 4325 ff #> 4326 ca #> 4327 co #> 4328 ma #> 4329 di #> 4330 kk #> 4331 u #> 4332 yy #> 4333 se #> 4334 low #> 4335 moderately low #> 4336 medium #> 4337 moderately high #> 4338 high #> 4339 very brief #> 4340 brief #> 4341 long #> 4342 very long #> 4343 very brief #> 4344 brief #> 4345 long #> 4346 very long #> 4347 very brief #> 4348 brief #> 4349 long #> 4350 very long #> 4351 high #> 4352 low #> 4353 moderate #> 4354 high #> 4355 low #> 4356 moderate #> 4357 filled with coarse material #> 4358 void between rock fragments #> 4359 interstitial #> 4360 interstitial and tubular #> 4361 continuous tubular #> 4362 discontinuous tubular #> 4363 dendritic tubular #> 4364 constricted tubular #> 4365 tubular #> 4366 vesicular #> 4367 vesicular and tubular #> 4368 irregular #> 4369 total porosity #> 4370 filled with coarse material #> 4371 void between rock fragments #> 4372 interstitial #> 4373 interstitial and tubular #> 4374 continuous tubular #> 4375 discontinuous tubular #> 4376 dendritic tubular #> 4377 constricted tubular #> 4378 tubular #> 4379 vesicular #> 4380 vesicular and tubular #> 4381 irregular #> 4382 total porosity #> 4383 abrupt textural change #> 4384 petrocalcic #> 4385 densic material #> 4386 duripan #> 4387 petroferric #> 4388 fragipan #> 4389 petrogypsic #> 4390 permafrost #> 4391 plinthite #> 4392 bedrock, lithic #> 4393 natric #> 4394 ortstein #> 4395 bedrock, paralithic #> 4396 placic #> 4397 salic #> 4398 strongly contrasting textural stratification #> 4399 sulfuric #> 4400 undefined #> 4401 bedrock, densic #> 4402 cemented horizon #> 4403 manufactured layer #> 4404 abrupt textural change #> 4405 petrocalcic #> 4406 densic material #> 4407 duripan #> 4408 petroferric #> 4409 fragipan #> 4410 petrogypsic #> 4411 permafrost #> 4412 plinthite #> 4413 bedrock, lithic #> 4414 natric #> 4415 ortstein #> 4416 bedrock, paralithic #> 4417 placic #> 4418 salic #> 4419 strongly contrasting textural stratification #> 4420 sulfuric #> 4421 undefined #> 4422 bedrock, densic #> 4423 cemented horizon #> 4424 manufactured layer #> 4425 noncemented #> 4426 indurated #> 4427 moderately cemented #> 4428 strongly cemented #> 4429 weakly cemented #> 4430 extremely weakly #> 4431 very weakly #> 4432 very strongly #> 4433 weakly #> 4434 moderately #> 4435 strongly #> 4436 extremely strong #> 4437 H #> 4438 S #> 4439 noncoherent #> 4440 extremely weakly coherent #> 4441 very weakly coherent #> 4442 weakly coherent #> 4443 moderately coherent #> 4444 strongly coherent #> 4445 very strongly coherent #> 4446 noncemented #> 4447 indurated #> 4448 moderately cemented #> 4449 strongly cemented #> 4450 weakly cemented #> 4451 extremely weakly #> 4452 very weakly #> 4453 very strongly #> 4454 weakly #> 4455 moderately #> 4456 strongly #> 4457 extremely strong #> 4458 H #> 4459 S #> 4460 noncoherent #> 4461 extremely weakly coherent #> 4462 very weakly coherent #> 4463 weakly coherent #> 4464 moderately coherent #> 4465 strongly coherent #> 4466 very strongly coherent #> 4467 noncemented #> 4468 indurated #> 4469 moderately cemented #> 4470 strongly cemented #> 4471 weakly cemented #> 4472 extremely weakly #> 4473 very weakly #> 4474 very strongly #> 4475 weakly #> 4476 moderately #> 4477 strongly #> 4478 extremely strong #> 4479 H #> 4480 S #> 4481 noncoherent #> 4482 extremely weakly coherent #> 4483 very weakly coherent #> 4484 weakly coherent #> 4485 moderately coherent #> 4486 strongly coherent #> 4487 very strongly coherent #> 4488 noncemented #> 4489 indurated #> 4490 moderately cemented #> 4491 strongly cemented #> 4492 weakly cemented #> 4493 extremely weakly #> 4494 very weakly #> 4495 very strongly #> 4496 weakly #> 4497 moderately #> 4498 strongly #> 4499 extremely strong #> 4500 H #> 4501 S #> 4502 noncoherent #> 4503 extremely weakly coherent #> 4504 very weakly coherent #> 4505 weakly coherent #> 4506 moderately coherent #> 4507 strongly coherent #> 4508 very strongly coherent #> 4509 noncemented #> 4510 indurated #> 4511 moderately cemented #> 4512 strongly cemented #> 4513 weakly cemented #> 4514 extremely weakly #> 4515 very weakly #> 4516 very strongly #> 4517 weakly #> 4518 moderately #> 4519 strongly #> 4520 extremely strong #> 4521 H #> 4522 S #> 4523 noncoherent #> 4524 extremely weakly coherent #> 4525 very weakly coherent #> 4526 weakly coherent #> 4527 moderately coherent #> 4528 strongly coherent #> 4529 very strongly coherent #> 4530 noncemented #> 4531 indurated #> 4532 moderately cemented #> 4533 strongly cemented #> 4534 weakly cemented #> 4535 extremely weakly #> 4536 very weakly #> 4537 very strongly #> 4538 weakly #> 4539 moderately #> 4540 strongly #> 4541 extremely strong #> 4542 H #> 4543 S #> 4544 noncoherent #> 4545 extremely weakly coherent #> 4546 very weakly coherent #> 4547 weakly coherent #> 4548 moderately coherent #> 4549 strongly coherent #> 4550 very strongly coherent #> 4551 noncemented #> 4552 indurated #> 4553 moderately cemented #> 4554 strongly cemented #> 4555 weakly cemented #> 4556 extremely weakly #> 4557 very weakly #> 4558 very strongly #> 4559 weakly #> 4560 moderately #> 4561 strongly #> 4562 extremely strong #> 4563 H #> 4564 S #> 4565 noncoherent #> 4566 extremely weakly coherent #> 4567 very weakly coherent #> 4568 weakly coherent #> 4569 moderately coherent #> 4570 strongly coherent #> 4571 very strongly coherent #> 4572 noncemented #> 4573 indurated #> 4574 moderately cemented #> 4575 strongly cemented #> 4576 weakly cemented #> 4577 extremely weakly #> 4578 very weakly #> 4579 very strongly #> 4580 weakly #> 4581 moderately #> 4582 strongly #> 4583 extremely strong #> 4584 H #> 4585 S #> 4586 noncoherent #> 4587 extremely weakly coherent #> 4588 very weakly coherent #> 4589 weakly coherent #> 4590 moderately coherent #> 4591 strongly coherent #> 4592 very strongly coherent #> 4593 noncemented #> 4594 indurated #> 4595 moderately cemented #> 4596 strongly cemented #> 4597 weakly cemented #> 4598 extremely weakly #> 4599 very weakly #> 4600 very strongly #> 4601 weakly #> 4602 moderately #> 4603 strongly #> 4604 extremely strong #> 4605 H #> 4606 S #> 4607 noncoherent #> 4608 extremely weakly coherent #> 4609 very weakly coherent #> 4610 weakly coherent #> 4611 moderately coherent #> 4612 strongly coherent #> 4613 very strongly coherent #> 4614 noncemented #> 4615 indurated #> 4616 moderately cemented #> 4617 strongly cemented #> 4618 weakly cemented #> 4619 extremely weakly #> 4620 very weakly #> 4621 very strongly #> 4622 weakly #> 4623 moderately #> 4624 strongly #> 4625 extremely strong #> 4626 H #> 4627 S #> 4628 noncoherent #> 4629 extremely weakly coherent #> 4630 very weakly coherent #> 4631 weakly coherent #> 4632 moderately coherent #> 4633 strongly coherent #> 4634 very strongly coherent #> 4635 dry #> 4636 moist #> 4637 saturation #> 4638 wet #> 4639 frozen #> 4640 ak #> 4641 al #> 4642 as #> 4643 ar #> 4644 az #> 4645 ca #> 4646 co #> 4647 ct #> 4648 cz #> 4649 dc #> 4650 de #> 4651 fl #> 4652 fm #> 4653 fn #> 4654 ga #> 4655 gu #> 4656 hi #> 4657 ia #> 4658 id #> 4659 il #> 4660 in #> 4661 ks #> 4662 ky #> 4663 la #> 4664 ma #> 4665 md #> 4666 me #> 4667 mh #> 4668 mi #> 4669 mn #> 4670 mo #> 4671 mp #> 4672 ms #> 4673 mt #> 4674 nc #> 4675 nd #> 4676 ne #> 4677 nh #> 4678 nj #> 4679 nm #> 4680 nv #> 4681 ny #> 4682 oh #> 4683 ok #> 4684 or #> 4685 pa #> 4686 pr #> 4687 pw #> 4688 ri #> 4689 sc #> 4690 sd #> 4691 tn #> 4692 tx #> 4693 um #> 4694 ut #> 4695 va #> 4696 vi #> 4697 vt #> 4698 wa #> 4699 wi #> 4700 wv #> 4701 wy #> 4702 ak #> 4703 al #> 4704 as #> 4705 ar #> 4706 az #> 4707 ca #> 4708 co #> 4709 ct #> 4710 cz #> 4711 dc #> 4712 de #> 4713 fl #> 4714 fm #> 4715 fn #> 4716 ga #> 4717 gu #> 4718 hi #> 4719 ia #> 4720 id #> 4721 il #> 4722 in #> 4723 ks #> 4724 ky #> 4725 la #> 4726 ma #> 4727 md #> 4728 me #> 4729 mh #> 4730 mi #> 4731 mn #> 4732 mo #> 4733 mp #> 4734 ms #> 4735 mt #> 4736 nc #> 4737 nd #> 4738 ne #> 4739 nh #> 4740 nj #> 4741 nm #> 4742 nv #> 4743 ny #> 4744 oh #> 4745 ok #> 4746 or #> 4747 pa #> 4748 pr #> 4749 pw #> 4750 ri #> 4751 sc #> 4752 sd #> 4753 tn #> 4754 tx #> 4755 um #> 4756 ut #> 4757 va #> 4758 vi #> 4759 vt #> 4760 wa #> 4761 wi #> 4762 wv #> 4763 wy #> 4764 not used #> 4765 coated #> 4766 cracked #> 4767 micro #> 4768 ortstein #> 4769 shallow #> 4770 sloping #> 4771 uncoated #> 4772 unclassified #> 4773 level #> 4774 shallow and uncoated #> 4775 shallow and coated #> 4776 ortstein and shallow #> 4777 not used #> 4778 coated #> 4779 cracked #> 4780 micro #> 4781 ortstein #> 4782 shallow #> 4783 sloping #> 4784 uncoated #> 4785 unclassified #> 4786 level #> 4787 shallow and uncoated #> 4788 shallow and coated #> 4789 ortstein and shallow #> 4790 frigid #> 4791 hyperthermic #> 4792 isofrigid #> 4793 isohyperthermic #> 4794 isomesic #> 4795 isothermic #> 4796 mesic #> 4797 thermic #> 4798 not used #> 4799 unclassified #> 4800 hypergelic #> 4801 pergelic #> 4802 subgelic #> 4803 frigid #> 4804 hyperthermic #> 4805 isofrigid #> 4806 isohyperthermic #> 4807 isomesic #> 4808 isothermic #> 4809 mesic #> 4810 thermic #> 4811 not used #> 4812 unclassified #> 4813 hypergelic #> 4814 pergelic #> 4815 subgelic #> 4816 aquic #> 4817 aridic (torric) #> 4818 peraquic #> 4819 perudic #> 4820 udic #> 4821 ustic #> 4822 xeric #> 4823 aquic #> 4824 aridic (torric) #> 4825 peraquic #> 4826 perudic #> 4827 udic #> 4828 ustic #> 4829 xeric #> 4830 typic albaqualfs #> 4831 aeric albaqualfs #> 4832 aquandic albaqualfs #> 4833 arenic albaqualfs #> 4834 durorthidic albaqualfs #> 4835 mollic albaqualfs #> 4836 ruptic-vertic albaqualfs #> 4837 udollic albaqualfs #> 4838 vertic albaqualfs #> 4839 typic endoaqualfs #> 4840 aeric endoaqualfs #> 4841 aquandic endoaqualfs #> 4842 arenic endoaqualfs #> 4843 grossarenic endoaqualfs #> 4844 mollic endoaqualfs #> 4845 umbric endoaqualfs #> 4846 typic epiaqualfs #> 4847 aeric umbric epiaqualfs #> 4848 aeric epiaqualfs #> 4849 aquandic epiaqualfs #> 4850 arenic epiaqualfs #> 4851 grossarenic epiaqualfs #> 4852 mollic epiaqualfs #> 4853 umbric epiaqualfs #> 4854 vertic epiaqualfs #> 4855 typic fragiaqualfs #> 4856 aeric fragiaqualfs #> 4857 plinthic fragiaqualfs #> 4858 umbric fragiaqualfs #> 4859 typic glossaqualfs #> 4860 aeric glossaqualfs #> 4861 arenic glossaqualfs #> 4862 grossarenic glossaqualfs #> 4863 mollic glossaqualfs #> 4864 typic kandiaqualfs #> 4865 aeric umbric kandiaqualfs #> 4866 aeric kandiaqualfs #> 4867 arenic kandiaqualfs #> 4868 grossarenic kandiaqualfs #> 4869 plinthic kandiaqualfs #> 4870 umbric kandiaqualfs #> 4871 typic natraqualfs #> 4872 albic natraqualfs #> 4873 albic glossic natraqualfs #> 4874 glossic natraqualfs #> 4875 mollic natraqualfs #> 4876 vertic natraqualfs #> 4877 typic umbraqualfs #> 4878 aquandic umbraqualfs #> 4879 arenic umbraqualfs #> 4880 ferrudalfic umbraqualfs #> 4881 grossarenic umbraqualfs #> 4882 typic cryoboralfs #> 4883 andic cryoboralfs #> 4884 aquic cryoboralfs #> 4885 glossic cryoboralfs #> 4886 lithic cryoboralfs #> 4887 lithic mollic cryoboralfs #> 4888 mollic cryoboralfs #> 4889 oxyaquic cryoboralfs #> 4890 psammentic cryoboralfs #> 4891 vertic cryoboralfs #> 4892 vitrandic cryoboralfs #> 4893 typic eutroboralfs #> 4894 andic eutroboralfs #> 4895 aquic eutroboralfs #> 4896 aquic arenic eutroboralfs #> 4897 arenic eutroboralfs #> 4898 glossaquic eutroboralfs #> 4899 glossic eutroboralfs #> 4900 lithic eutroboralfs #> 4901 mollic eutroboralfs #> 4902 oxyaquic eutroboralfs #> 4903 psammentic eutroboralfs #> 4904 vertic eutroboralfs #> 4905 vitrandic eutroboralfs #> 4906 typic fragiboralfs #> 4907 andic fragiboralfs #> 4908 aquic fragiboralfs #> 4909 oxyaquic fragiboralfs #> 4910 vitrandic fragiboralfs #> 4911 typic glossoboralfs #> 4912 andic glossoboralfs #> 4913 aquic glossoboralfs #> 4914 eutric glossoboralfs #> 4915 lithic glossoboralfs #> 4916 oxyaquic glossoboralfs #> 4917 psammentic glossoboralfs #> 4918 vitrandic glossoboralfs #> 4919 typic paleboralfs #> 4920 abruptic paleboralfs #> 4921 andic paleboralfs #> 4922 aquic paleboralfs #> 4923 mollic paleboralfs #> 4924 oxyaquic paleboralfs #> 4925 vitrandic paleboralfs #> 4926 typic agrudalfs #> 4927 typic ferrudalfs #> 4928 aquic ferrudalfs #> 4929 typic fragiudalfs #> 4930 albaquic fragiudalfs #> 4931 aqueptic fragiudalfs #> 4932 aquic fragiudalfs #> 4933 glossaquic fragiudalfs #> 4934 glossic fragiudalfs #> 4935 mollic fragiudalfs #> 4936 ochreptic fragiudalfs #> 4937 oxyaquic fragiudalfs #> 4938 umbreptic fragiudalfs #> 4939 typic fraglossudalfs #> 4940 aquic fraglossudalfs #> 4941 oxyaquic fraglossudalfs #> 4942 typic glossudalfs #> 4943 andic glossudalfs #> 4944 aquandic glossudalfs #> 4945 aquic glossudalfs #> 4946 arenic glossudalfs #> 4947 fragic glossudalfs #> 4948 haplic glossudalfs #> 4949 oxyaquic glossudalfs #> 4950 vitrandic glossudalfs #> 4951 typic hapludalfs #> 4952 albaquultic hapludalfs #> 4953 albaquic hapludalfs #> 4954 anthraquic hapludalfs #> 4955 andic hapludalfs #> 4956 aquic hapludalfs #> 4957 aquic arenic hapludalfs #> 4958 aquic lithic hapludalfs #> 4959 aquollic hapludalfs #> 4960 aquultic hapludalfs #> 4961 aquertic hapludalfs #> 4962 arenic hapludalfs #> 4963 glossaquic hapludalfs #> 4964 glossic hapludalfs #> 4965 glossoboric hapludalfs #> 4966 lithic hapludalfs #> 4967 mollic hapludalfs #> 4968 oxyaquic hapludalfs #> 4969 psammentic hapludalfs #> 4970 psammaquentic hapludalfs #> 4971 ultic hapludalfs #> 4972 vertic hapludalfs #> 4973 vitrandic hapludalfs #> 4974 typic kandiudalfs #> 4975 aquic kandiudalfs #> 4976 arenic plinthic kandiudalfs #> 4977 arenic kandiudalfs #> 4978 grossarenic plinthic kandiudalfs #> 4979 grossarenic kandiudalfs #> 4980 mollic kandiudalfs #> 4981 oxyaquic kandiudalfs #> 4982 plinthic kandiudalfs #> 4983 plinthaquic kandiudalfs #> 4984 rhodic kandiudalfs #> 4985 typic kanhapludalfs #> 4986 aquic kanhapludalfs #> 4987 lithic kanhapludalfs #> 4988 oxyaquic kanhapludalfs #> 4989 rhodic kanhapludalfs #> 4990 typic natrudalfs #> 4991 glossic natrudalfs #> 4992 mollic natrudalfs #> 4993 vertic natrudalfs #> 4994 typic paleudalfs #> 4995 albaquic paleudalfs #> 4996 anthraquic paleudalfs #> 4997 aquic paleudalfs #> 4998 arenic plinthic paleudalfs #> 4999 arenic paleudalfs #> 5000 glossaquic paleudalfs #> 5001 glossic paleudalfs #> 5002 grossarenic plinthic paleudalfs #> 5003 grossarenic paleudalfs #> 5004 mollic paleudalfs #> 5005 oxyaquic paleudalfs #> 5006 plinthic paleudalfs #> 5007 plinthaquic paleudalfs #> 5008 psammentic paleudalfs #> 5009 rhodic paleudalfs #> 5010 vertic paleudalfs #> 5011 typic haplustalfs #> 5012 aquic haplustalfs #> 5013 aquic arenic haplustalfs #> 5014 aquultic haplustalfs #> 5015 arenic aridic haplustalfs #> 5016 aridic haplustalfs #> 5017 arenic haplustalfs #> 5018 kanhaplic haplustalfs #> 5019 lithic haplustalfs #> 5020 oxyaquic haplustalfs #> 5021 psammentic haplustalfs #> 5022 udic haplustalfs #> 5023 udertic haplustalfs #> 5024 ultic haplustalfs #> 5025 vertic haplustalfs #> 5026 typic kandiustalfs #> 5027 aquic kandiustalfs #> 5028 aquic arenic kandiustalfs #> 5029 arenic aridic kandiustalfs #> 5030 aridic kandiustalfs #> 5031 arenic kandiustalfs #> 5032 grossarenic kandiustalfs #> 5033 plinthic kandiustalfs #> 5034 rhodic kandiustalfs #> 5035 udic kandiustalfs #> 5036 typic kanhaplustalfs #> 5037 aquic kanhaplustalfs #> 5038 aridic kanhaplustalfs #> 5039 lithic kanhaplustalfs #> 5040 rhodic kanhaplustalfs #> 5041 udic kanhaplustalfs #> 5042 typic natrustalfs #> 5043 aquic natrustalfs #> 5044 aquic arenic natrustalfs #> 5045 arenic natrustalfs #> 5046 grossarenic natrustalfs #> 5047 mollic natrustalfs #> 5048 petrocalcic natrustalfs #> 5049 salorthidic natrustalfs #> 5050 vertic natrustalfs #> 5051 typic paleustalfs #> 5052 aquic paleustalfs #> 5053 aquic arenic paleustalfs #> 5054 arenic aridic paleustalfs #> 5055 aridic paleustalfs #> 5056 arenic paleustalfs #> 5057 calciorthidic paleustalfs #> 5058 grossarenic paleustalfs #> 5059 kandic paleustalfs #> 5060 oxyaquic paleustalfs #> 5061 petrocalcic paleustalfs #> 5062 plinthic paleustalfs #> 5063 psammentic paleustalfs #> 5064 rhodic paleustalfs #> 5065 udic paleustalfs #> 5066 udertic paleustalfs #> 5067 ultic paleustalfs #> 5068 vertic paleustalfs #> 5069 typic rhodustalfs #> 5070 kanhaplic rhodustalfs #> 5071 lithic rhodustalfs #> 5072 udic rhodustalfs #> 5073 typic durixeralfs #> 5074 abruptic haplic durixeralfs #> 5075 abruptic durixeralfs #> 5076 aquic durixeralfs #> 5077 haplic durixeralfs #> 5078 natric durixeralfs #> 5079 vertic durixeralfs #> 5080 typic fragixeralfs #> 5081 andic fragixeralfs #> 5082 aquic fragixeralfs #> 5083 mollic fragixeralfs #> 5084 ochreptic fragixeralfs #> 5085 vitrandic fragixeralfs #> 5086 typic haploxeralfs #> 5087 andic haploxeralfs #> 5088 aquandic haploxeralfs #> 5089 aquic haploxeralfs #> 5090 aquultic haploxeralfs #> 5091 calcic haploxeralfs #> 5092 lithic haploxeralfs #> 5093 lithic mollic haploxeralfs #> 5094 lithic ruptic-xerochreptic haploxeralfs #> 5095 mollic haploxeralfs #> 5096 natric haploxeralfs #> 5097 plinthic haploxeralfs #> 5098 psammentic haploxeralfs #> 5099 ultic haploxeralfs #> 5100 vertic haploxeralfs #> 5101 vitrandic haploxeralfs #> 5102 typic natrixeralfs #> 5103 aquic natrixeralfs #> 5104 vertic natrixeralfs #> 5105 typic palexeralfs #> 5106 andic palexeralfs #> 5107 aquandic palexeralfs #> 5108 aquic palexeralfs #> 5109 arenic palexeralfs #> 5110 calcic palexeralfs #> 5111 haplic palexeralfs #> 5112 mollic palexeralfs #> 5113 natric palexeralfs #> 5114 petrocalcic palexeralfs #> 5115 plinthic palexeralfs #> 5116 ultic palexeralfs #> 5117 vertic palexeralfs #> 5118 vitrandic palexeralfs #> 5119 typic rhodoxeralfs #> 5120 calcic rhodoxeralfs #> 5121 lithic rhodoxeralfs #> 5122 ochreptic rhodoxeralfs #> 5123 petrocalcic rhodoxeralfs #> 5124 typic cryaquands #> 5125 histic cryaquands #> 5126 lithic cryaquands #> 5127 pergelic cryaquands #> 5128 thaptic cryaquands #> 5129 typic duraquands #> 5130 acraquoxic duraquands #> 5131 histic duraquands #> 5132 thaptic duraquands #> 5133 typic endoaquands #> 5134 alic endoaquands #> 5135 duric endoaquands #> 5136 histic endoaquands #> 5137 hydric endoaquands #> 5138 lithic endoaquands #> 5139 petroferric endoaquands #> 5140 thaptic endoaquands #> 5141 typic epiaquands #> 5142 alic epiaquands #> 5143 duric epiaquands #> 5144 histic epiaquands #> 5145 hydric epiaquands #> 5146 petroferric epiaquands #> 5147 thaptic epiaquands #> 5148 typic melanaquands #> 5149 acraquoxic melanaquands #> 5150 hydric pachic melanaquands #> 5151 hydric melanaquands #> 5152 lithic melanaquands #> 5153 thaptic melanaquands #> 5154 typic placaquands #> 5155 duric placaquands #> 5156 duric histic placaquands #> 5157 histic placaquands #> 5158 lithic placaquands #> 5159 thaptic placaquands #> 5160 typic vitraquands #> 5161 duric vitraquands #> 5162 histic vitraquands #> 5163 lithic vitraquands #> 5164 thaptic vitraquands #> 5165 typic fulvicryands #> 5166 lithic fulvicryands #> 5167 vitric fulvicryands #> 5168 typic gelicryands #> 5169 typic haplocryands #> 5170 alic haplocryands #> 5171 aquic haplocryands #> 5172 acrudoxic haplocryands #> 5173 lithic haplocryands #> 5174 thaptic haplocryands #> 5175 vitric haplocryands #> 5176 xeric haplocryands #> 5177 typic hydrocryands #> 5178 aquic hydrocryands #> 5179 lithic hydrocryands #> 5180 placic hydrocryands #> 5181 thaptic hydrocryands #> 5182 typic melanocryands #> 5183 alic melanocryands #> 5184 lithic melanocryands #> 5185 vitric melanocryands #> 5186 typic vitricryands #> 5187 alfic vitricryands #> 5188 aquic vitricryands #> 5189 humic xeric vitricryands #> 5190 humic vitricryands #> 5191 lithic vitricryands #> 5192 thaptic vitricryands #> 5193 xeric vitricryands #> 5194 typic vitritorrands #> 5195 aquic vitritorrands #> 5196 calcic vitritorrands #> 5197 duric vitritorrands #> 5198 lithic vitritorrands #> 5199 petrocalcic vitritorrands #> 5200 typic durudands #> 5201 aquic durudands #> 5202 acrudoxic durudands #> 5203 hydric pachic durudands #> 5204 thaptic durudands #> 5205 typic fulvudands #> 5206 alic fulvudands #> 5207 aquic fulvudands #> 5208 acrudoxic hydric fulvudands #> 5209 acrudoxic ultic fulvudands #> 5210 acrudoxic fulvudands #> 5211 eutric pachic fulvudands #> 5212 eutric fulvudands #> 5213 hydric lithic fulvudands #> 5214 hydric pachic fulvudands #> 5215 hydric thaptic fulvudands #> 5216 hydric fulvudands #> 5217 lithic fulvudands #> 5218 pachic fulvudands #> 5219 thaptic fulvudands #> 5220 typic hapludands #> 5221 alfic hapludands #> 5222 alic hapludands #> 5223 anthraquic hapludands #> 5224 aquic hapludands #> 5225 aquic duric hapludands #> 5226 acrudoxic hydric hapludands #> 5227 acrudoxic thaptic hapludands #> 5228 acrudoxic ultic hapludands #> 5229 acrudoxic hapludands #> 5230 duric hapludands #> 5231 eutric thaptic hapludands #> 5232 eutric hapludands #> 5233 hydric thaptic hapludands #> 5234 hydric hapludands #> 5235 lithic hapludands #> 5236 oxic hapludands #> 5237 petroferric hapludands #> 5238 thaptic hapludands #> 5239 ultic hapludands #> 5240 vitric hapludands #> 5241 typic hydrudands #> 5242 aquic hydrudands #> 5243 acrudoxic thaptic hydrudands #> 5244 acrudoxic hydrudands #> 5245 eutric hydrudands #> 5246 lithic hydrudands #> 5247 thaptic hydrudands #> 5248 ultic hydrudands #> 5249 typic melanudands #> 5250 alic melanudands #> 5251 alic aquic melanudands #> 5252 alic pachic melanudands #> 5253 alic thaptic melanudands #> 5254 anthraquic melanudands #> 5255 aquic melanudands #> 5256 acrudoxic hydric melanudands #> 5257 acrudoxic vitric melanudands #> 5258 acrudoxic melanudands #> 5259 eutric hydric melanudands #> 5260 eutric vitric melanudands #> 5261 hydric pachic melanudands #> 5262 hydric melanudands #> 5263 lithic melanudands #> 5264 pachic vitric melanudands #> 5265 pachic melanudands #> 5266 thaptic melanudands #> 5267 ultic melanudands #> 5268 vitric melanudands #> 5269 typic placudands #> 5270 aquic placudands #> 5271 acrudoxic hydric placudands #> 5272 acrudoxic placudands #> 5273 eutric vitric placudands #> 5274 eutric placudands #> 5275 hydric pachic placudands #> 5276 hydric placudands #> 5277 lithic placudands #> 5278 pachic placudands #> 5279 thaptic placudands #> 5280 vitric placudands #> 5281 typic durustands #> 5282 aquic durustands #> 5283 humic durustands #> 5284 thaptic durustands #> 5285 typic haplustands #> 5286 alfic haplustands #> 5287 aquic haplustands #> 5288 calcic haplustands #> 5289 dystric haplustands #> 5290 dystric vitric haplustands #> 5291 humic haplustands #> 5292 lithic haplustands #> 5293 oxic haplustands #> 5294 thaptic haplustands #> 5295 umbric haplustands #> 5296 vitric haplustands #> 5297 typic udivitrands #> 5298 alfic udivitrands #> 5299 aquic udivitrands #> 5300 humic udivitrands #> 5301 lithic udivitrands #> 5302 thaptic udivitrands #> 5303 ultic udivitrands #> 5304 typic ustivitrands #> 5305 aquic ustivitrands #> 5306 calcic ustivitrands #> 5307 humic ustivitrands #> 5308 lithic ustivitrands #> 5309 thaptic ustivitrands #> 5310 typic haploxerands #> 5311 alfic haploxerands #> 5312 alfic humic haploxerands #> 5313 aquic haploxerands #> 5314 calcic haploxerands #> 5315 humic haploxerands #> 5316 lithic haploxerands #> 5317 thaptic haploxerands #> 5318 ultic haploxerands #> 5319 typic melanoxerands #> 5320 pachic melanoxerands #> 5321 typic vitrixerands #> 5322 alfic vitrixerands #> 5323 alfic humic vitrixerands #> 5324 aquic vitrixerands #> 5325 humic vitrixerands #> 5326 lithic vitrixerands #> 5327 thaptic vitrixerands #> 5328 umbric vitrixerands #> 5329 typic durargids #> 5330 abruptic xerollic durargids #> 5331 abruptic durargids #> 5332 aquic durargids #> 5333 haplic durargids #> 5334 haploxerollic durargids #> 5335 ustivitrandic durargids #> 5336 ustalfic durargids #> 5337 vertic durargids #> 5338 vitrixerandic durargids #> 5339 xerollic durargids #> 5340 typic haplargids #> 5341 aquic haplargids #> 5342 arenic ustalfic haplargids #> 5343 arenic ustollic haplargids #> 5344 arenic haplargids #> 5345 borollic haplargids #> 5346 borollic lithic haplargids #> 5347 borollic vertic haplargids #> 5348 duric haplargids #> 5349 durixerollic haplargids #> 5350 lithic haplargids #> 5351 lithic ruptic-entic xerollic haplargids #> 5352 lithic ustollic haplargids #> 5353 lithic xerollic haplargids #> 5354 ustertic haplargids #> 5355 ustollic haplargids #> 5356 ustalfic haplargids #> 5357 vertic haplargids #> 5358 xerertic haplargids #> 5359 xerollic haplargids #> 5360 xeralfic haplargids #> 5361 typic nadurargids #> 5362 aquic nadurargids #> 5363 aquic haplic nadurargids #> 5364 haplic nadurargids #> 5365 haploxerollic nadurargids #> 5366 vertic nadurargids #> 5367 xerollic nadurargids #> 5368 typic natrargids #> 5369 aquic natrargids #> 5370 borollic natrargids #> 5371 borollic glossic natrargids #> 5372 duric natrargids #> 5373 durixerollic natrargids #> 5374 glossic natrargids #> 5375 glossic ustollic natrargids #> 5376 haplic natrargids #> 5377 haploxerollic natrargids #> 5378 haplustollic natrargids #> 5379 lithic natrargids #> 5380 lithic xerollic natrargids #> 5381 ustollic natrargids #> 5382 vertic natrargids #> 5383 xerollic natrargids #> 5384 typic paleargids #> 5385 borollic vertic paleargids #> 5386 borollic paleargids #> 5387 duric paleargids #> 5388 petrocalcic paleargids #> 5389 petrocalcic ustalfic paleargids #> 5390 petrocalcic ustollic paleargids #> 5391 petrocalcic xerollic paleargids #> 5392 ustollic paleargids #> 5393 ustalfic paleargids #> 5394 vertic paleargids #> 5395 xerollic paleargids #> 5396 xeralfic paleargids #> 5397 typic calciorthids #> 5398 aquic calciorthids #> 5399 aquic duric calciorthids #> 5400 argic calciorthids #> 5401 borollic calciorthids #> 5402 borollic lithic calciorthids #> 5403 duric calciorthids #> 5404 durixerollic calciorthids #> 5405 lithic calciorthids #> 5406 lithic ustollic calciorthids #> 5407 lithic xerollic calciorthids #> 5408 ustochreptic calciorthids #> 5409 ustollic calciorthids #> 5410 xerollic calciorthids #> 5411 xerochreptic calciorthids #> 5412 typic camborthids #> 5413 anthropic camborthids #> 5414 aquic camborthids #> 5415 aquic duric camborthids #> 5416 borollic camborthids #> 5417 borollic lithic camborthids #> 5418 borollic vertic camborthids #> 5419 duric camborthids #> 5420 durixerollic camborthids #> 5421 durixerollic lithic camborthids #> 5422 fluventic camborthids #> 5423 lithic camborthids #> 5424 lithic xerollic camborthids #> 5425 natric camborthids #> 5426 ustertic camborthids #> 5427 ustivitrandic camborthids #> 5428 ustochreptic camborthids #> 5429 ustollic camborthids #> 5430 vertic camborthids #> 5431 vitrixerandic camborthids #> 5432 xerertic camborthids #> 5433 xerollic camborthids #> 5434 xerochreptic camborthids #> 5435 typic durorthids #> 5436 aquentic durorthids #> 5437 aquic durorthids #> 5438 entic durorthids #> 5439 haploxerollic durorthids #> 5440 haplustollic durorthids #> 5441 ustivitrandic durorthids #> 5442 ustochreptic durorthids #> 5443 ustollic durorthids #> 5444 vitrixerandic durorthids #> 5445 xerollic durorthids #> 5446 xerochreptic durorthids #> 5447 typic gypsiorthids #> 5448 cambic gypsiorthids #> 5449 calcic gypsiorthids #> 5450 petrogypsic gypsiorthids #> 5451 typic paleorthids #> 5452 aquic paleorthids #> 5453 borollic paleorthids #> 5454 ustochreptic paleorthids #> 5455 ustollic paleorthids #> 5456 xerollic paleorthids #> 5457 xerochreptic paleorthids #> 5458 typic salorthids #> 5459 aquollic salorthids #> 5460 typic cryaquents #> 5461 aquandic cryaquents #> 5462 typic endoaquents #> 5463 aeric endoaquents #> 5464 humaqueptic endoaquents #> 5465 lithic endoaquents #> 5466 mollic endoaquents #> 5467 sulfic endoaquents #> 5468 typic epiaquents #> 5469 aeric epiaquents #> 5470 humaqueptic epiaquents #> 5471 mollic epiaquents #> 5472 typic fluvaquents #> 5473 aeric tropic fluvaquents #> 5474 aeric fluvaquents #> 5475 aquandic fluvaquents #> 5476 humaqueptic fluvaquents #> 5477 mollic fluvaquents #> 5478 sulfic fluvaquents #> 5479 thapto-histic fluvaquents #> 5480 thapto-histic tropic fluvaquents #> 5481 tropic fluvaquents #> 5482 vertic fluvaquents #> 5483 typic hydraquents #> 5484 typic psammaquents #> 5485 humaqueptic psammaquents #> 5486 lithic psammaquents #> 5487 mollic psammaquents #> 5488 spodic psammaquents #> 5489 typic sulfaquents #> 5490 haplic sulfaquents #> 5491 histic sulfaquents #> 5492 alfic udarents #> 5493 mollic udarents #> 5494 ultic udarents #> 5495 alfic xerarents #> 5496 typic cryofluvents #> 5497 andic cryofluvents #> 5498 aquic cryofluvents #> 5499 mollic cryofluvents #> 5500 oxyaquic cryofluvents #> 5501 vitrandic cryofluvents #> 5502 typic torrifluvents #> 5503 anthropic torrifluvents #> 5504 aquic torrifluvents #> 5505 durorthidic torrifluvents #> 5506 durorthidic xeric torrifluvents #> 5507 oxyaquic torrifluvents #> 5508 ustertic torrifluvents #> 5509 ustic torrifluvents #> 5510 vertic torrifluvents #> 5511 vitrandic torrifluvents #> 5512 vitrixerandic torrifluvents #> 5513 xeric torrifluvents #> 5514 typic tropofluvents #> 5515 typic udifluvents #> 5516 andic udifluvents #> 5517 aquic udifluvents #> 5518 mollic udifluvents #> 5519 oxyaquic udifluvents #> 5520 vitrandic udifluvents #> 5521 oxyaquic ustifluvents #> 5522 typic ustifluvents #> 5523 anthraquic ustifluvents #> 5524 aquic ustifluvents #> 5525 aridic ustifluvents #> 5526 mollic ustifluvents #> 5527 udic ustifluvents #> 5528 vertic ustifluvents #> 5529 typic xerofluvents #> 5530 andic xerofluvents #> 5531 aquandic xerofluvents #> 5532 aquic xerofluvents #> 5533 durorthidic xerofluvents #> 5534 mollic xerofluvents #> 5535 oxyaquic xerofluvents #> 5536 vertic xerofluvents #> 5537 vitrandic xerofluvents #> 5538 typic cryorthents #> 5539 alfic cryorthents #> 5540 aquic cryorthents #> 5541 lithic cryorthents #> 5542 oxyaquic cryorthents #> 5543 pergelic cryorthents #> 5544 vitrandic cryorthents #> 5545 typic torriorthents #> 5546 aquic torriorthents #> 5547 aquic durorthidic torriorthents #> 5548 durorthidic torriorthents #> 5549 durorthidic xeric torriorthents #> 5550 lithic torriorthents #> 5551 lithic ustic torriorthents #> 5552 lithic xeric torriorthents #> 5553 oxyaquic torriorthents #> 5554 ustertic torriorthents #> 5555 ustic torriorthents #> 5556 vertic torriorthents #> 5557 vitrandic torriorthents #> 5558 xerertic torriorthents #> 5559 xeric torriorthents #> 5560 typic troporthents #> 5561 andic troporthents #> 5562 lithic troporthents #> 5563 vitrandic troporthents #> 5564 typic udorthents #> 5565 andic udorthents #> 5566 aquic udorthents #> 5567 lithic udorthents #> 5568 oxyaquic udorthents #> 5569 vermic udorthents #> 5570 vitrandic udorthents #> 5571 typic ustorthents #> 5572 anthraquic ustorthents #> 5573 aquic ustorthents #> 5574 aridic ustorthents #> 5575 durorthidic ustorthents #> 5576 lithic ustorthents #> 5577 oxyaquic ustorthents #> 5578 udic ustorthents #> 5579 vertic ustorthents #> 5580 vermic ustorthents #> 5581 typic xerorthents #> 5582 andic xerorthents #> 5583 aquandic xerorthents #> 5584 aquic xerorthents #> 5585 aquic durorthidic xerorthents #> 5586 durorthidic xerorthents #> 5587 dystric xerorthents #> 5588 lithic xerorthents #> 5589 oxyaquic xerorthents #> 5590 vitrandic xerorthents #> 5591 typic cryopsamments #> 5592 aquic cryopsamments #> 5593 argic cryopsamments #> 5594 lithic cryopsamments #> 5595 oxyaquic cryopsamments #> 5596 pergelic cryopsamments #> 5597 spodic cryopsamments #> 5598 typic quartzipsamments #> 5599 aquic quartzipsamments #> 5600 aquodic quartzipsamments #> 5601 argic quartzipsamments #> 5602 argic ustic quartzipsamments #> 5603 lithic quartzipsamments #> 5604 oxyaquic quartzipsamments #> 5605 plinthic quartzipsamments #> 5606 spodic quartzipsamments #> 5607 udoxic quartzipsamments #> 5608 ustic quartzipsamments #> 5609 ustoxic quartzipsamments #> 5610 xeric quartzipsamments #> 5611 typic torripsamments #> 5612 durorthidic torripsamments #> 5613 durorthidic xeric torripsamments #> 5614 lithic torripsamments #> 5615 ustic torripsamments #> 5616 xeric torripsamments #> 5617 typic tropopsamments #> 5618 aquic tropopsamments #> 5619 lithic tropopsamments #> 5620 oxyaquic tropopsamments #> 5621 typic udipsamments #> 5622 aquic udipsamments #> 5623 argic udipsamments #> 5624 lithic udipsamments #> 5625 oxyaquic udipsamments #> 5626 plaggeptic udipsamments #> 5627 spodic udipsamments #> 5628 typic ustipsamments #> 5629 aquic ustipsamments #> 5630 argic ustipsamments #> 5631 lithic ustipsamments #> 5632 oxyaquic ustipsamments #> 5633 typic xeropsamments #> 5634 aquic xeropsamments #> 5635 aquic durorthidic xeropsamments #> 5636 argic xeropsamments #> 5637 durorthidic xeropsamments #> 5638 dystric xeropsamments #> 5639 lithic xeropsamments #> 5640 oxyaquic xeropsamments #> 5641 typic borofibrists #> 5642 fluvaquentic borofibrists #> 5643 hemic terric borofibrists #> 5644 hemic borofibrists #> 5645 hydric borofibrists #> 5646 lithic borofibrists #> 5647 limnic borofibrists #> 5648 sapric borofibrists #> 5649 sapric terric borofibrists #> 5650 sphagnic terric borofibrists #> 5651 sphagnic borofibrists #> 5652 terric borofibrists #> 5653 typic cryofibrists #> 5654 fluvaquentic cryofibrists #> 5655 lithic cryofibrists #> 5656 pergelic cryofibrists #> 5657 sphagnic cryofibrists #> 5658 terric cryofibrists #> 5659 typic medifibrists #> 5660 fluvaquentic medifibrists #> 5661 hemic terric medifibrists #> 5662 hemic medifibrists #> 5663 hydric medifibrists #> 5664 lithic medifibrists #> 5665 limnic medifibrists #> 5666 sapric medifibrists #> 5667 sapric terric medifibrists #> 5668 sphagnic terric medifibrists #> 5669 sphagnic medifibrists #> 5670 terric medifibrists #> 5671 typic sphagnofibrists #> 5672 cryic sphagnofibrists #> 5673 fluvaquentic sphagnofibrists #> 5674 hemic sphagnofibrists #> 5675 hydric sphagnofibrists #> 5676 lithic sphagnofibrists #> 5677 limnic sphagnofibrists #> 5678 pergelic sphagnofibrists #> 5679 sapric sphagnofibrists #> 5680 terric sphagnofibrists #> 5681 typic tropofibrists #> 5682 fluvaquentic tropofibrists #> 5683 hemic terric tropofibrists #> 5684 hemic tropofibrists #> 5685 hydric tropofibrists #> 5686 lithic tropofibrists #> 5687 limnic tropofibrists #> 5688 sapric tropofibrists #> 5689 sapric terric tropofibrists #> 5690 terric tropofibrists #> 5691 typic borofolists #> 5692 lithic borofolists #> 5693 typic cryofolists #> 5694 lithic cryofolists #> 5695 typic medifolists #> 5696 lithic medifolists #> 5697 typic tropofolists #> 5698 lithic tropofolists #> 5699 typic borohemists #> 5700 fibric terric borohemists #> 5701 fibric borohemists #> 5702 fluvaquentic borohemists #> 5703 hydric borohemists #> 5704 lithic borohemists #> 5705 limnic borohemists #> 5706 sapric borohemists #> 5707 sapric terric borohemists #> 5708 terric borohemists #> 5709 typic cryohemists #> 5710 fluvaquentic cryohemists #> 5711 lithic cryohemists #> 5712 pergelic cryohemists #> 5713 terric cryohemists #> 5714 typic medihemists #> 5715 fibric terric medihemists #> 5716 fibric medihemists #> 5717 fluvaquentic medihemists #> 5718 hydric medihemists #> 5719 lithic medihemists #> 5720 limnic medihemists #> 5721 sapric medihemists #> 5722 sapric terric medihemists #> 5723 terric medihemists #> 5724 typic sulfihemists #> 5725 terric sulfihemists #> 5726 typic sulfohemists #> 5727 typic tropohemists #> 5728 fibric terric tropohemists #> 5729 fibric tropohemists #> 5730 fluvaquentic tropohemists #> 5731 hydric tropohemists #> 5732 lithic tropohemists #> 5733 limnic tropohemists #> 5734 sapric tropohemists #> 5735 sapric terric tropohemists #> 5736 terric tropohemists #> 5737 typic borosaprists #> 5738 fibric terric borosaprists #> 5739 fibric borosaprists #> 5740 fluvaquentic borosaprists #> 5741 hemic terric borosaprists #> 5742 hemic borosaprists #> 5743 lithic borosaprists #> 5744 limnic borosaprists #> 5745 terric borosaprists #> 5746 typic cryosaprists #> 5747 fluvaquentic cryosaprists #> 5748 lithic cryosaprists #> 5749 pergelic cryosaprists #> 5750 terric cryosaprists #> 5751 typic medisaprists #> 5752 fibric terric medisaprists #> 5753 fibric medisaprists #> 5754 fluvaquentic medisaprists #> 5755 hemic terric medisaprists #> 5756 hemic medisaprists #> 5757 lithic medisaprists #> 5758 limnic medisaprists #> 5759 terric medisaprists #> 5760 typic sulfisaprists #> 5761 terric sulfisaprists #> 5762 typic sulfosaprists #> 5763 typic troposaprists #> 5764 fibric terric troposaprists #> 5765 fibric troposaprists #> 5766 fluvaquentic troposaprists #> 5767 hemic terric troposaprists #> 5768 hemic troposaprists #> 5769 lithic troposaprists #> 5770 limnic troposaprists #> 5771 terric troposaprists #> 5772 typic cryaquepts #> 5773 aeric humic cryaquepts #> 5774 aeric cryaquepts #> 5775 aquandic cryaquepts #> 5776 histic lithic cryaquepts #> 5777 histic pergelic cryaquepts #> 5778 histic cryaquepts #> 5779 humic pergelic cryaquepts #> 5780 humic cryaquepts #> 5781 lithic cryaquepts #> 5782 pergelic ruptic-histic cryaquepts #> 5783 pergelic cryaquepts #> 5784 sulfic cryaquepts #> 5785 vertic cryaquepts #> 5786 typic endoaquepts #> 5787 aeric endoaquepts #> 5788 aquandic endoaquepts #> 5789 humic endoaquepts #> 5790 lithic endoaquepts #> 5791 mollic endoaquepts #> 5792 sulfic endoaquepts #> 5793 vertic endoaquepts #> 5794 typic epiaquepts #> 5795 aeric epiaquepts #> 5796 vertic epiaquepts #> 5797 typic fragiaquepts #> 5798 aeric fragiaquepts #> 5799 humic fragiaquepts #> 5800 typic halaquepts #> 5801 aeric halaquepts #> 5802 aquandic halaquepts #> 5803 mollic halaquepts #> 5804 vertic halaquepts #> 5805 typic humaquepts #> 5806 aeric humaquepts #> 5807 aquandic humaquepts #> 5808 cumulic humaquepts #> 5809 fluvaquentic humaquepts #> 5810 histic humaquepts #> 5811 hydraquentic humaquepts #> 5812 typic placaquepts #> 5813 aquandic placaquepts #> 5814 haplic placaquepts #> 5815 histic placaquepts #> 5816 typic sulfaquepts #> 5817 hydraquentic sulfaquepts #> 5818 salorthidic sulfaquepts #> 5819 typic tropaquepts #> 5820 aeric tropaquepts #> 5821 aquandic tropaquepts #> 5822 histic tropaquepts #> 5823 lithic tropaquepts #> 5824 plinthic tropaquepts #> 5825 sulfic tropaquepts #> 5826 vertic tropaquepts #> 5827 typic cryochrepts #> 5828 alfic cryochrepts #> 5829 andic cryochrepts #> 5830 aquic cryochrepts #> 5831 dystric cryochrepts #> 5832 lithic cryochrepts #> 5833 oxyaquic cryochrepts #> 5834 pergelic cryochrepts #> 5835 vitrandic cryochrepts #> 5836 typic durochrepts #> 5837 andic durochrepts #> 5838 aquandic durochrepts #> 5839 aquic durochrepts #> 5840 dystric durochrepts #> 5841 dystric entic durochrepts #> 5842 entic durochrepts #> 5843 ustic durochrepts #> 5844 vitrandic durochrepts #> 5845 typic dystrochrepts #> 5846 andic dystrochrepts #> 5847 aquandic dystrochrepts #> 5848 aquic dystrochrepts #> 5849 fluvaquentic dystrochrepts #> 5850 fluventic dystrochrepts #> 5851 fluventic umbric dystrochrepts #> 5852 lithic dystrochrepts #> 5853 lithic ruptic-alfic dystrochrepts #> 5854 lithic ruptic-ultic dystrochrepts #> 5855 oxyaquic dystrochrepts #> 5856 ruptic-alfic dystrochrepts #> 5857 ruptic-ultic dystrochrepts #> 5858 umbric dystrochrepts #> 5859 vitrandic dystrochrepts #> 5860 typic eutrochrepts #> 5861 anthraquic eutrochrepts #> 5862 andic eutrochrepts #> 5863 aquic eutrochrepts #> 5864 aquic dystric eutrochrepts #> 5865 arenic eutrochrepts #> 5866 dystric eutrochrepts #> 5867 dystric fluventic eutrochrepts #> 5868 fluvaquentic eutrochrepts #> 5869 fluventic eutrochrepts #> 5870 lithic eutrochrepts #> 5871 lithic ruptic-alfic eutrochrepts #> 5872 oxyaquic eutrochrepts #> 5873 rendollic eutrochrepts #> 5874 ruptic-alfic eutrochrepts #> 5875 vertic eutrochrepts #> 5876 vitrandic eutrochrepts #> 5877 typic fragiochrepts #> 5878 andic fragiochrepts #> 5879 aquic fragiochrepts #> 5880 umbric fragiochrepts #> 5881 vitrandic fragiochrepts #> 5882 typic sulfochrepts #> 5883 typic ustochrepts #> 5884 anthraquic ustochrepts #> 5885 andic ustochrepts #> 5886 aquic ustochrepts #> 5887 aridic ustochrepts #> 5888 calcic udic ustochrepts #> 5889 calciorthidic ustochrepts #> 5890 calcic ustochrepts #> 5891 dystric ustochrepts #> 5892 fluventic ustochrepts #> 5893 lithic ustochrepts #> 5894 torrifluventic ustochrepts #> 5895 torrertic ustochrepts #> 5896 udic ustochrepts #> 5897 udifluventic ustochrepts #> 5898 udertic ustochrepts #> 5899 vertic ustochrepts #> 5900 vitrandic ustochrepts #> 5901 typic xerochrepts #> 5902 andic xerochrepts #> 5903 aquandic xerochrepts #> 5904 aquic xerochrepts #> 5905 aquic dystric xerochrepts #> 5906 calcixerollic xerochrepts #> 5907 dystric xerochrepts #> 5908 dystric fluventic xerochrepts #> 5909 dystric lithic xerochrepts #> 5910 fluventic xerochrepts #> 5911 gypsic xerochrepts #> 5912 lithic xerochrepts #> 5913 lithic ruptic-xerorthentic xerochrepts #> 5914 petrocalcic xerochrepts #> 5915 ruptic-lithic xerochrepts #> 5916 vertic xerochrepts #> 5917 vitrandic xerochrepts #> 5918 typic dystropepts #> 5919 andic dystropepts #> 5920 aquic dystropepts #> 5921 fluventic dystropepts #> 5922 lithic dystropepts #> 5923 oxyaquic dystropepts #> 5924 oxic dystropepts #> 5925 petroferric dystropepts #> 5926 ustic dystropepts #> 5927 ustoxic dystropepts #> 5928 vertic dystropepts #> 5929 vitrandic dystropepts #> 5930 typic eutropepts #> 5931 andic eutropepts #> 5932 aquic eutropepts #> 5933 aquertic eutropepts #> 5934 fluvaquentic eutropepts #> 5935 fluventic eutropepts #> 5936 lithic eutropepts #> 5937 oxyaquic eutropepts #> 5938 vertic eutropepts #> 5939 vitrandic eutropepts #> 5940 typic humitropepts #> 5941 andic humitropepts #> 5942 aquic humitropepts #> 5943 aquertic humitropepts #> 5944 fluventic humitropepts #> 5945 lithic humitropepts #> 5946 oxyaquic humitropepts #> 5947 oxic humitropepts #> 5948 ustandic humitropepts #> 5949 ustic humitropepts #> 5950 ustoxic humitropepts #> 5951 vertic humitropepts #> 5952 vitrandic humitropepts #> 5953 typic ustropepts #> 5954 aquic ustropepts #> 5955 fluventic ustropepts #> 5956 lithic ustropepts #> 5957 oxyaquic ustropepts #> 5958 oxic ustropepts #> 5959 vertic ustropepts #> 5960 typic cryumbrepts #> 5961 andic cryumbrepts #> 5962 aquic cryumbrepts #> 5963 entic cryumbrepts #> 5964 lithic cryumbrepts #> 5965 lithic ruptic-entic cryumbrepts #> 5966 oxyaquic cryumbrepts #> 5967 pergelic cryumbrepts #> 5968 ruptic-lithic cryumbrepts #> 5969 vitrandic cryumbrepts #> 5970 typic fragiumbrepts #> 5971 andic fragiumbrepts #> 5972 aquic fragiumbrepts #> 5973 vitrandic fragiumbrepts #> 5974 typic haplumbrepts #> 5975 andic haplumbrepts #> 5976 aquandic haplumbrepts #> 5977 aquic haplumbrepts #> 5978 cumulic haplumbrepts #> 5979 entic haplumbrepts #> 5980 fluventic haplumbrepts #> 5981 lithic haplumbrepts #> 5982 oxyaquic haplumbrepts #> 5983 pachic haplumbrepts #> 5984 psammentic haplumbrepts #> 5985 quartzipsammentic haplumbrepts #> 5986 vitrandic haplumbrepts #> 5987 typic xerumbrepts #> 5988 andic xerumbrepts #> 5989 aquic xerumbrepts #> 5990 entic xerumbrepts #> 5991 fluventic xerumbrepts #> 5992 lithic xerumbrepts #> 5993 pachic xerumbrepts #> 5994 vitrandic xerumbrepts #> 5995 typic argialbolls #> 5996 aquandic argialbolls #> 5997 argiaquic argialbolls #> 5998 argiaquic xeric argialbolls #> 5999 vertic argialbolls #> 6000 xerertic argialbolls #> 6001 xeric argialbolls #> 6002 typic natralbolls #> 6003 typic argiaquolls #> 6004 abruptic argiaquolls #> 6005 arenic argiaquolls #> 6006 grossarenic argiaquolls #> 6007 vertic argiaquolls #> 6008 typic calciaquolls #> 6009 aeric calciaquolls #> 6010 petrocalcic calciaquolls #> 6011 typic cryaquolls #> 6012 aquandic cryaquolls #> 6013 argic cryaquolls #> 6014 calcic cryaquolls #> 6015 cumulic cryaquolls #> 6016 histic cryaquolls #> 6017 pergelic cryaquolls #> 6018 thapto-histic cryaquolls #> 6019 vertic cryaquolls #> 6020 typic duraquolls #> 6021 argic duraquolls #> 6022 natric duraquolls #> 6023 vertic duraquolls #> 6024 typic endoaquolls #> 6025 aquandic endoaquolls #> 6026 cumulic endoaquolls #> 6027 duric endoaquolls #> 6028 fluvaquentic endoaquolls #> 6029 histic endoaquolls #> 6030 lithic endoaquolls #> 6031 thapto-histic endoaquolls #> 6032 vertic endoaquolls #> 6033 typic epiaquolls #> 6034 aquandic epiaquolls #> 6035 cumulic epiaquolls #> 6036 duric epiaquolls #> 6037 fluvaquentic epiaquolls #> 6038 histic epiaquolls #> 6039 thapto-histic epiaquolls #> 6040 vertic epiaquolls #> 6041 typic natraquolls #> 6042 vertic natraquolls #> 6043 typic argiborolls #> 6044 abruptic aridic argiborolls #> 6045 abruptic udic argiborolls #> 6046 abruptic argiborolls #> 6047 albic argiborolls #> 6048 albollic argiborolls #> 6049 andic argiborolls #> 6050 aquic argiborolls #> 6051 aridic argiborolls #> 6052 arenic argiborolls #> 6053 boralfic udic argiborolls #> 6054 boralfic argiborolls #> 6055 lithic argiborolls #> 6056 oxyaquic argiborolls #> 6057 pachic udic argiborolls #> 6058 pachic argiborolls #> 6059 torrertic argiborolls #> 6060 udic argiborolls #> 6061 ustertic argiborolls #> 6062 vertic argiborolls #> 6063 vitrandic argiborolls #> 6064 typic calciborolls #> 6065 aquic calciborolls #> 6066 aridic calciborolls #> 6067 lithic calciborolls #> 6068 oxyaquic calciborolls #> 6069 petrocalcic calciborolls #> 6070 udic calciborolls #> 6071 typic cryoborolls #> 6072 abruptic cryoborolls #> 6073 albic cryoborolls #> 6074 andic cryoborolls #> 6075 aquic cryoborolls #> 6076 argiaquic cryoborolls #> 6077 argic cryoborolls #> 6078 argic lithic cryoborolls #> 6079 argic pachic cryoborolls #> 6080 argic vertic cryoborolls #> 6081 boralfic lithic cryoborolls #> 6082 boralfic cryoborolls #> 6083 calcic pachic cryoborolls #> 6084 calcic cryoborolls #> 6085 cumulic cryoborolls #> 6086 duric cryoborolls #> 6087 fluvaquentic cryoborolls #> 6088 fluventic cryoborolls #> 6089 lithic cryoborolls #> 6090 lithic ruptic-argic cryoborolls #> 6091 lithic ruptic-entic cryoborolls #> 6092 natric cryoborolls #> 6093 oxyaquic cryoborolls #> 6094 pachic cryoborolls #> 6095 pergelic cryoborolls #> 6096 vertic cryoborolls #> 6097 vitrandic cryoborolls #> 6098 typic haploborolls #> 6099 andic haploborolls #> 6100 aquic haploborolls #> 6101 aridic haploborolls #> 6102 cumulic udic haploborolls #> 6103 cumulic haploborolls #> 6104 entic haploborolls #> 6105 fluvaquentic haploborolls #> 6106 fluventic haploborolls #> 6107 lithic haploborolls #> 6108 oxyaquic haploborolls #> 6109 pachic udic haploborolls #> 6110 pachic haploborolls #> 6111 ruptic-lithic haploborolls #> 6112 salorthidic haploborolls #> 6113 torrifluventic haploborolls #> 6114 torriorthentic haploborolls #> 6115 udic haploborolls #> 6116 udorthentic haploborolls #> 6117 udertic haploborolls #> 6118 vertic haploborolls #> 6119 vitrandic haploborolls #> 6120 typic natriborolls #> 6121 aridic natriborolls #> 6122 glossic natriborolls #> 6123 glossic udic natriborolls #> 6124 leptic natriborolls #> 6125 udic natriborolls #> 6126 vertic natriborolls #> 6127 typic paleborolls #> 6128 abruptic cryic paleborolls #> 6129 abruptic paleborolls #> 6130 aquic paleborolls #> 6131 cryic pachic paleborolls #> 6132 cryic paleborolls #> 6133 oxyaquic paleborolls #> 6134 pachic paleborolls #> 6135 vertic paleborolls #> 6136 typic vermiborolls #> 6137 aridic vermiborolls #> 6138 haplic vermiborolls #> 6139 hapludic vermiborolls #> 6140 lithic vermiborolls #> 6141 udic vermiborolls #> 6142 typic rendolls #> 6143 cryic lithic rendolls #> 6144 cryic rendolls #> 6145 entic rendolls #> 6146 eutrochreptic rendolls #> 6147 eutropeptic rendolls #> 6148 lithic rendolls #> 6149 vertic rendolls #> 6150 typic argiudolls #> 6151 andic argiudolls #> 6152 aquic argiudolls #> 6153 aquertic argiudolls #> 6154 calcic argiudolls #> 6155 lithic argiudolls #> 6156 oxyaquic argiudolls #> 6157 oxic argiudolls #> 6158 pachic argiudolls #> 6159 psammentic argiudolls #> 6160 vertic argiudolls #> 6161 vitrandic argiudolls #> 6162 typic calciudolls #> 6163 aquic calciudolls #> 6164 lithic calciudolls #> 6165 vertic calciudolls #> 6166 typic hapludolls #> 6167 andic hapludolls #> 6168 aquic hapludolls #> 6169 aquertic hapludolls #> 6170 calcic hapludolls #> 6171 cumulic hapludolls #> 6172 entic hapludolls #> 6173 fluvaquentic hapludolls #> 6174 fluventic hapludolls #> 6175 lithic hapludolls #> 6176 oxyaquic hapludolls #> 6177 vertic hapludolls #> 6178 vermic hapludolls #> 6179 vitrandic hapludolls #> 6180 typic paleudolls #> 6181 aquic paleudolls #> 6182 calcic paleudolls #> 6183 oxyaquic paleudolls #> 6184 petrocalcic paleudolls #> 6185 vertic paleudolls #> 6186 typic vermudolls #> 6187 entic vermudolls #> 6188 haplic vermudolls #> 6189 lithic vermudolls #> 6190 typic argiustolls #> 6191 alfic lithic argiustolls #> 6192 andic argiustolls #> 6193 aquic argiustolls #> 6194 aridic argiustolls #> 6195 boralfic argiustolls #> 6196 duric argiustolls #> 6197 lithic argiustolls #> 6198 oxyaquic argiustolls #> 6199 pachic argiustolls #> 6200 torrertic argiustolls #> 6201 udic argiustolls #> 6202 udertic argiustolls #> 6203 ustalfic argiustolls #> 6204 vertic argiustolls #> 6205 vitrandic argiustolls #> 6206 vitritorrandic argiustolls #> 6207 typic calciustolls #> 6208 aquic calciustolls #> 6209 aridic calciustolls #> 6210 lithic calciustolls #> 6211 lithic petrocalcic calciustolls #> 6212 oxyaquic calciustolls #> 6213 pachic calciustolls #> 6214 petrocalcic calciustolls #> 6215 salorthidic calciustolls #> 6216 torrertic calciustolls #> 6217 udic calciustolls #> 6218 udertic calciustolls #> 6219 vertic calciustolls #> 6220 typic durustolls #> 6221 aridic durustolls #> 6222 entic durustolls #> 6223 haplic durustolls #> 6224 natric durustolls #> 6225 orthidic durustolls #> 6226 typic haplustolls #> 6227 anthraquic haplustolls #> 6228 andic haplustolls #> 6229 aquic haplustolls #> 6230 aridic haplustolls #> 6231 cumulic haplustolls #> 6232 duric haplustolls #> 6233 entic haplustolls #> 6234 fluvaquentic haplustolls #> 6235 fluventic haplustolls #> 6236 lithic haplustolls #> 6237 oxyaquic haplustolls #> 6238 oxic haplustolls #> 6239 pachic haplustolls #> 6240 ruptic-lithic haplustolls #> 6241 salorthidic haplustolls #> 6242 torrifluventic haplustolls #> 6243 torriorthentic haplustolls #> 6244 torroxic haplustolls #> 6245 torrertic haplustolls #> 6246 udic haplustolls #> 6247 udorthentic haplustolls #> 6248 udertic haplustolls #> 6249 vertic haplustolls #> 6250 vitrandic haplustolls #> 6251 vitritorrandic haplustolls #> 6252 typic natrustolls #> 6253 aquic natrustolls #> 6254 aridic natrustolls #> 6255 duric natrustolls #> 6256 glossic natrustolls #> 6257 leptic natrustolls #> 6258 vertic natrustolls #> 6259 typic paleustolls #> 6260 aquic paleustolls #> 6261 aridic paleustolls #> 6262 calciorthidic paleustolls #> 6263 calcic paleustolls #> 6264 entic paleustolls #> 6265 pachic paleustolls #> 6266 petrocalcic paleustolls #> 6267 torrertic paleustolls #> 6268 udic paleustolls #> 6269 udertic paleustolls #> 6270 vertic paleustolls #> 6271 typic vermustolls #> 6272 aquic vermustolls #> 6273 entic vermustolls #> 6274 haplic vermustolls #> 6275 lithic vermustolls #> 6276 pachic vermustolls #> 6277 typic argixerolls #> 6278 albic argixerolls #> 6279 andic argixerolls #> 6280 aquic argixerolls #> 6281 aquultic argixerolls #> 6282 aridic argixerolls #> 6283 aridic calcic argixerolls #> 6284 boralfic argixerolls #> 6285 calcic pachic argixerolls #> 6286 calcic argixerolls #> 6287 duric argixerolls #> 6288 durargidic argixerolls #> 6289 lithic argixerolls #> 6290 lithic ultic argixerolls #> 6291 oxyaquic argixerolls #> 6292 pachic ultic argixerolls #> 6293 pachic argixerolls #> 6294 torrertic argixerolls #> 6295 ultic argixerolls #> 6296 vertic argixerolls #> 6297 vitrandic argixerolls #> 6298 vitritorrandic argixerolls #> 6299 typic calcixerolls #> 6300 aquic calcixerolls #> 6301 aridic calcixerolls #> 6302 lithic calcixerolls #> 6303 oxyaquic calcixerolls #> 6304 pachic calcixerolls #> 6305 vertic calcixerolls #> 6306 vermic calcixerolls #> 6307 typic durixerolls #> 6308 abruptic aridic durixerolls #> 6309 abruptic durixerolls #> 6310 aquic durixerolls #> 6311 argic durixerolls #> 6312 aridic durixerolls #> 6313 entic durixerolls #> 6314 haplic durixerolls #> 6315 orthidic durixerolls #> 6316 vertic durixerolls #> 6317 vitrandic durixerolls #> 6318 vitritorrandic durixerolls #> 6319 oxyaquic haploxerolls #> 6320 typic haploxerolls #> 6321 aquic haploxerolls #> 6322 aquic duric haploxerolls #> 6323 aquultic haploxerolls #> 6324 aridic haploxerolls #> 6325 aridic duric haploxerolls #> 6326 calcic pachic haploxerolls #> 6327 calciorthidic haploxerolls #> 6328 calcic haploxerolls #> 6329 cumulic ultic haploxerolls #> 6330 cumulic haploxerolls #> 6331 duric haploxerolls #> 6332 entic ultic haploxerolls #> 6333 entic haploxerolls #> 6334 fluvaquentic haploxerolls #> 6335 fluventic haploxerolls #> 6336 lithic haploxerolls #> 6337 lithic ultic haploxerolls #> 6338 pachic ultic haploxerolls #> 6339 pachic haploxerolls #> 6340 torrifluventic haploxerolls #> 6341 torriorthentic haploxerolls #> 6342 torripsammentic haploxerolls #> 6343 torrertic haploxerolls #> 6344 ultic haploxerolls #> 6345 vertic haploxerolls #> 6346 vermic haploxerolls #> 6347 vitrandic haploxerolls #> 6348 vitritorrandic haploxerolls #> 6349 typic natrixerolls #> 6350 aquic natrixerolls #> 6351 aquic duric natrixerolls #> 6352 aridic natrixerolls #> 6353 duric natrixerolls #> 6354 vertic natrixerolls #> 6355 typic palexerolls #> 6356 aquic palexerolls #> 6357 aridic palexerolls #> 6358 aridic petrocalcic palexerolls #> 6359 haplic palexerolls #> 6360 natric palexerolls #> 6361 pachic palexerolls #> 6362 petrocalcic palexerolls #> 6363 ultic palexerolls #> 6364 vertic palexerolls #> 6365 typic acraquox #> 6366 aeric acraquox #> 6367 plinthic acraquox #> 6368 typic eutraquox #> 6369 aeric eutraquox #> 6370 histic eutraquox #> 6371 humic eutraquox #> 6372 plinthic eutraquox #> 6373 typic haplaquox #> 6374 aeric haplaquox #> 6375 histic haplaquox #> 6376 humic haplaquox #> 6377 plinthic haplaquox #> 6378 typic plinthaquox #> 6379 aeric plinthaquox #> 6380 typic acroperox #> 6381 anionic acroperox #> 6382 aquic acroperox #> 6383 aquic lithic acroperox #> 6384 aquic petroferric acroperox #> 6385 humic rhodic acroperox #> 6386 humic xanthic acroperox #> 6387 humic acroperox #> 6388 lithic acroperox #> 6389 petroferric acroperox #> 6390 plinthic acroperox #> 6391 rhodic acroperox #> 6392 xanthic acroperox #> 6393 typic eutroperox #> 6394 aquic eutroperox #> 6395 aquic lithic eutroperox #> 6396 aquic petroferric eutroperox #> 6397 humic rhodic eutroperox #> 6398 humic xanthic eutroperox #> 6399 humic eutroperox #> 6400 inceptic eutroperox #> 6401 kandiudalfic eutroperox #> 6402 lithic eutroperox #> 6403 petroferric eutroperox #> 6404 plinthic eutroperox #> 6405 plinthaquic eutroperox #> 6406 rhodic eutroperox #> 6407 umbreptic eutroperox #> 6408 xanthic eutroperox #> 6409 typic haploperox #> 6410 andic haploperox #> 6411 aquic haploperox #> 6412 aquic lithic haploperox #> 6413 aquic petroferric haploperox #> 6414 humic rhodic haploperox #> 6415 humic xanthic haploperox #> 6416 humic haploperox #> 6417 lithic haploperox #> 6418 petroferric haploperox #> 6419 plinthic haploperox #> 6420 plinthaquic haploperox #> 6421 rhodic haploperox #> 6422 xanthic haploperox #> 6423 typic kandiperox #> 6424 aquic kandiperox #> 6425 aquic lithic kandiperox #> 6426 aquic petroferric kandiperox #> 6427 humic rhodic kandiperox #> 6428 humic xanthic kandiperox #> 6429 humic kandiperox #> 6430 lithic kandiperox #> 6431 petroferric kandiperox #> 6432 plinthic kandiperox #> 6433 plinthaquic kandiperox #> 6434 rhodic kandiperox #> 6435 xanthic kandiperox #> 6436 typic sombriperox #> 6437 humic sombriperox #> 6438 lithic sombriperox #> 6439 petroferric sombriperox #> 6440 typic acrotorrox #> 6441 lithic acrotorrox #> 6442 petroferric acrotorrox #> 6443 typic eutrotorrox #> 6444 lithic eutrotorrox #> 6445 petroferric eutrotorrox #> 6446 typic haplotorrox #> 6447 lithic haplotorrox #> 6448 petroferric haplotorrox #> 6449 typic acrudox #> 6450 anionic acrudox #> 6451 anionic aquic acrudox #> 6452 aquic acrudox #> 6453 aquic lithic acrudox #> 6454 aquic petroferric acrudox #> 6455 eutric acrudox #> 6456 humic rhodic acrudox #> 6457 humic xanthic acrudox #> 6458 humic acrudox #> 6459 lithic acrudox #> 6460 petroferric acrudox #> 6461 plinthic acrudox #> 6462 rhodic acrudox #> 6463 xanthic acrudox #> 6464 typic eutrudox #> 6465 aquic eutrudox #> 6466 aquic lithic eutrudox #> 6467 aquic petroferric eutrudox #> 6468 humic rhodic eutrudox #> 6469 humic xanthic eutrudox #> 6470 humic eutrudox #> 6471 inceptic eutrudox #> 6472 kandiudalfic eutrudox #> 6473 lithic eutrudox #> 6474 petroferric eutrudox #> 6475 plinthic eutrudox #> 6476 plinthaquic eutrudox #> 6477 rhodic eutrudox #> 6478 umbreptic eutrudox #> 6479 xanthic eutrudox #> 6480 typic hapludox #> 6481 andic hapludox #> 6482 aquic hapludox #> 6483 aquic lithic hapludox #> 6484 aquic petroferric hapludox #> 6485 humic rhodic hapludox #> 6486 humic xanthic hapludox #> 6487 humic hapludox #> 6488 inceptic hapludox #> 6489 lithic hapludox #> 6490 petroferric hapludox #> 6491 plinthic hapludox #> 6492 plinthaquic hapludox #> 6493 rhodic hapludox #> 6494 xanthic hapludox #> 6495 typic kandiudox #> 6496 andic kandiudox #> 6497 aquic kandiudox #> 6498 aquic lithic kandiudox #> 6499 aquic petroferric kandiudox #> 6500 humic rhodic kandiudox #> 6501 humic xanthic kandiudox #> 6502 humic kandiudox #> 6503 lithic kandiudox #> 6504 petroferric kandiudox #> 6505 plinthic kandiudox #> 6506 plinthaquic kandiudox #> 6507 rhodic kandiudox #> 6508 xanthic kandiudox #> 6509 typic sombriudox #> 6510 humic sombriudox #> 6511 lithic sombriudox #> 6512 petroferric sombriudox #> 6513 typic acrustox #> 6514 anionic acrustox #> 6515 anionic aquic acrustox #> 6516 aquic acrustox #> 6517 aquic lithic acrustox #> 6518 aquic petroferric acrustox #> 6519 eutric acrustox #> 6520 humic rhodic acrustox #> 6521 humic xanthic acrustox #> 6522 humic acrustox #> 6523 lithic acrustox #> 6524 petroferric acrustox #> 6525 plinthic acrustox #> 6526 rhodic acrustox #> 6527 xanthic acrustox #> 6528 typic eutrustox #> 6529 aquic eutrustox #> 6530 aquic lithic eutrustox #> 6531 aquic petroferric eutrustox #> 6532 humic rhodic eutrustox #> 6533 humic xanthic eutrustox #> 6534 humic eutrustox #> 6535 inceptic eutrustox #> 6536 kandiustalfic eutrustox #> 6537 lithic eutrustox #> 6538 petroferric eutrustox #> 6539 plinthic eutrustox #> 6540 plinthaquic eutrustox #> 6541 rhodic eutrustox #> 6542 umbreptic eutrustox #> 6543 xanthic eutrustox #> 6544 oxyaquic haplustox #> 6545 typic haplustox #> 6546 aqueptic haplustox #> 6547 aquic haplustox #> 6548 aquic lithic haplustox #> 6549 aquic petroferric haplustox #> 6550 humic rhodic haplustox #> 6551 humic xanthic haplustox #> 6552 humic haplustox #> 6553 inceptic haplustox #> 6554 lithic haplustox #> 6555 petroferric haplustox #> 6556 plinthic haplustox #> 6557 plinthaquic haplustox #> 6558 rhodic haplustox #> 6559 xanthic haplustox #> 6560 typic kandiustox #> 6561 aquic kandiustox #> 6562 aquic lithic kandiustox #> 6563 aquic petroferric kandiustox #> 6564 humic rhodic kandiustox #> 6565 humic xanthic kandiustox #> 6566 humic kandiustox #> 6567 lithic kandiustox #> 6568 petroferric kandiustox #> 6569 plinthic kandiustox #> 6570 plinthaquic kandiustox #> 6571 rhodic kandiustox #> 6572 xanthic kandiustox #> 6573 typic sombriustox #> 6574 humic sombriustox #> 6575 lithic sombriustox #> 6576 petroferric sombriustox #> 6577 typic alaquods #> 6578 aeric alaquods #> 6579 alfic alaquods #> 6580 alfic arenic alaquods #> 6581 arenic ultic alaquods #> 6582 arenic alaquods #> 6583 duric alaquods #> 6584 grossarenic alaquods #> 6585 histic alaquods #> 6586 lithic alaquods #> 6587 ultic alaquods #> 6588 typic cryaquods #> 6589 andic cryaquods #> 6590 duric cryaquods #> 6591 entic cryaquods #> 6592 lithic cryaquods #> 6593 pergelic cryaquods #> 6594 placic cryaquods #> 6595 typic duraquods #> 6596 andic duraquods #> 6597 histic duraquods #> 6598 typic endoaquods #> 6599 andic endoaquods #> 6600 argic endoaquods #> 6601 histic endoaquods #> 6602 umbric endoaquods #> 6603 typic epiaquods #> 6604 alfic epiaquods #> 6605 andic epiaquods #> 6606 histic epiaquods #> 6607 lithic epiaquods #> 6608 ultic epiaquods #> 6609 umbric epiaquods #> 6610 typic fragiaquods #> 6611 argic fragiaquods #> 6612 histic fragiaquods #> 6613 plaggeptic fragiaquods #> 6614 typic placaquods #> 6615 andic placaquods #> 6616 typic duricryods #> 6617 andic duricryods #> 6618 aquandic duricryods #> 6619 aquic duricryods #> 6620 humic duricryods #> 6621 oxyaquic duricryods #> 6622 typic haplocryods #> 6623 andic haplocryods #> 6624 aquandic haplocryods #> 6625 aquic haplocryods #> 6626 entic haplocryods #> 6627 lithic haplocryods #> 6628 oxyaquic haplocryods #> 6629 pergelic haplocryods #> 6630 typic humicryods #> 6631 andic humicryods #> 6632 aquandic humicryods #> 6633 aquic humicryods #> 6634 lithic humicryods #> 6635 oxyaquic humicryods #> 6636 pergelic humicryods #> 6637 typic placocryods #> 6638 andic placocryods #> 6639 humic placocryods #> 6640 typic fragihumods #> 6641 typic haplohumods #> 6642 andic haplohumods #> 6643 lithic haplohumods #> 6644 plaggeptic haplohumods #> 6645 typic durihumods #> 6646 andic durihumods #> 6647 typic placohumods #> 6648 andic placohumods #> 6649 cryic placohumods #> 6650 typic alorthods #> 6651 alfic alorthods #> 6652 arenic ultic alorthods #> 6653 arenic alorthods #> 6654 entic alorthods #> 6655 grossarenic entic alorthods #> 6656 grossarenic alorthods #> 6657 oxyaquic alorthods #> 6658 plaggeptic alorthods #> 6659 ultic alorthods #> 6660 typic durorthods #> 6661 andic durorthods #> 6662 typic fragiorthods #> 6663 alfic fragiorthods #> 6664 aquic fragiorthods #> 6665 entic fragiorthods #> 6666 oxyaquic fragiorthods #> 6667 plaggeptic fragiorthods #> 6668 ultic fragiorthods #> 6669 typic haplorthods #> 6670 alfic haplorthods #> 6671 andic haplorthods #> 6672 aquentic haplorthods #> 6673 aquic haplorthods #> 6674 aqualfic haplorthods #> 6675 entic lithic haplorthods #> 6676 entic haplorthods #> 6677 lithic haplorthods #> 6678 oxyaquic haplorthods #> 6679 ultic haplorthods #> 6680 typic placorthods #> 6681 typic albaquults #> 6682 aeric albaquults #> 6683 vertic albaquults #> 6684 typic endoaquults #> 6685 aeric endoaquults #> 6686 arenic endoaquults #> 6687 grossarenic endoaquults #> 6688 typic epiaquults #> 6689 aeric epiaquults #> 6690 arenic epiaquults #> 6691 grossarenic epiaquults #> 6692 vertic epiaquults #> 6693 typic fragiaquults #> 6694 aeric fragiaquults #> 6695 plinthudic fragiaquults #> 6696 plinthic fragiaquults #> 6697 umbric fragiaquults #> 6698 typic kandiaquults #> 6699 acric kandiaquults #> 6700 aeric kandiaquults #> 6701 arenic plinthic kandiaquults #> 6702 arenic umbric kandiaquults #> 6703 arenic kandiaquults #> 6704 grossarenic kandiaquults #> 6705 plinthic kandiaquults #> 6706 umbric kandiaquults #> 6707 typic kanhaplaquults #> 6708 aeric umbric kanhaplaquults #> 6709 aeric kanhaplaquults #> 6710 aquandic kanhaplaquults #> 6711 plinthic kanhaplaquults #> 6712 umbric kanhaplaquults #> 6713 typic paleaquults #> 6714 aeric paleaquults #> 6715 arenic plinthic paleaquults #> 6716 arenic umbric paleaquults #> 6717 arenic paleaquults #> 6718 grossarenic paleaquults #> 6719 plinthic paleaquults #> 6720 umbric paleaquults #> 6721 vertic paleaquults #> 6722 typic plinthaquults #> 6723 kandic plinthaquults #> 6724 typic umbraquults #> 6725 plinthic umbraquults #> 6726 typic haplohumults #> 6727 andic haplohumults #> 6728 aquic haplohumults #> 6729 lithic haplohumults #> 6730 plinthic haplohumults #> 6731 ustic haplohumults #> 6732 xeric haplohumults #> 6733 typic kandihumults #> 6734 andic ombroaquic kandihumults #> 6735 anthropic kandihumults #> 6736 andic kandihumults #> 6737 aquic kandihumults #> 6738 ombroaquic kandihumults #> 6739 plinthic kandihumults #> 6740 ustandic kandihumults #> 6741 ustic kandihumults #> 6742 xeric kandihumults #> 6743 typic kanhaplohumults #> 6744 anthropic kanhaplohumults #> 6745 andic kanhaplohumults #> 6746 aquic kanhaplohumults #> 6747 lithic kanhaplohumults #> 6748 ombroaquic kanhaplohumults #> 6749 ustandic kanhaplohumults #> 6750 ustic kanhaplohumults #> 6751 xeric kanhaplohumults #> 6752 typic palehumults #> 6753 andic palehumults #> 6754 aquic palehumults #> 6755 plinthic palehumults #> 6756 ustic palehumults #> 6757 xeric palehumults #> 6758 typic fragiudults #> 6759 aquic fragiudults #> 6760 arenic fragiudults #> 6761 glossaquic fragiudults #> 6762 glossic fragiudults #> 6763 humic fragiudults #> 6764 plinthic fragiudults #> 6765 plinthaquic fragiudults #> 6766 typic hapludults #> 6767 aquic hapludults #> 6768 arenic hapludults #> 6769 grossarenic hapludults #> 6770 humic hapludults #> 6771 lithic hapludults #> 6772 ochreptic hapludults #> 6773 oxyaquic hapludults #> 6774 psammentic hapludults #> 6775 ruptic-lithic-entic hapludults #> 6776 vertic hapludults #> 6777 typic kandiudults #> 6778 andic kandiudults #> 6779 aquandic kandiudults #> 6780 aquic kandiudults #> 6781 aquic arenic kandiudults #> 6782 arenic plinthaquic kandiudults #> 6783 arenic plinthic kandiudults #> 6784 arenic rhodic kandiudults #> 6785 arenic kandiudults #> 6786 acrudoxic plinthic kandiudults #> 6787 acrudoxic kandiudults #> 6788 grossarenic plinthic kandiudults #> 6789 grossarenic kandiudults #> 6790 ombroaquic kandiudults #> 6791 oxyaquic kandiudults #> 6792 plinthic kandiudults #> 6793 plinthaquic kandiudults #> 6794 rhodic kandiudults #> 6795 sombric kandiudults #> 6796 typic kanhapludults #> 6797 andic kanhapludults #> 6798 aquic kanhapludults #> 6799 arenic plinthic kanhapludults #> 6800 arenic kanhapludults #> 6801 acrudoxic kanhapludults #> 6802 lithic kanhapludults #> 6803 ombroaquic kanhapludults #> 6804 oxyaquic kanhapludults #> 6805 plinthic kanhapludults #> 6806 plinthaquic kanhapludults #> 6807 rhodic kanhapludults #> 6808 typic paleudults #> 6809 anthraquic paleudults #> 6810 aquic paleudults #> 6811 aquic arenic paleudults #> 6812 arenic plinthaquic paleudults #> 6813 arenic plinthic paleudults #> 6814 arenic rhodic paleudults #> 6815 arenic paleudults #> 6816 fragiaquic paleudults #> 6817 fragic paleudults #> 6818 grossarenic plinthic paleudults #> 6819 grossarenic paleudults #> 6820 plinthic paleudults #> 6821 plinthaquic paleudults #> 6822 psammentic paleudults #> 6823 psammaquentic paleudults #> 6824 rhodic paleudults #> 6825 spodic paleudults #> 6826 vertic paleudults #> 6827 typic rhodudults #> 6828 lithic rhodudults #> 6829 psammentic rhodudults #> 6830 typic haplustults #> 6831 aquic haplustults #> 6832 arenic haplustults #> 6833 kanhaplic haplustults #> 6834 lithic haplustults #> 6835 ombroaquic haplustults #> 6836 petroferric haplustults #> 6837 plinthic haplustults #> 6838 typic kandiustults #> 6839 andic kandiustults #> 6840 aquic kandiustults #> 6841 arenic plinthic kandiustults #> 6842 aridic kandiustults #> 6843 arenic kandiustults #> 6844 acrustoxic kandiustults #> 6845 plinthic kandiustults #> 6846 rhodic kandiustults #> 6847 udic kandiustults #> 6848 udandic kandiustults #> 6849 typic kanhaplustults #> 6850 andic kanhaplustults #> 6851 aquic kanhaplustults #> 6852 aridic kanhaplustults #> 6853 arenic kanhaplustults #> 6854 acrustoxic kanhaplustults #> 6855 lithic kanhaplustults #> 6856 ombroaquic kanhaplustults #> 6857 plinthic kanhaplustults #> 6858 rhodic kanhaplustults #> 6859 udic kanhaplustults #> 6860 udandic kanhaplustults #> 6861 typic rhodustults #> 6862 lithic rhodustults #> 6863 psammentic rhodustults #> 6864 typic haploxerults #> 6865 andic haploxerults #> 6866 aquic haploxerults #> 6867 arenic haploxerults #> 6868 grossarenic haploxerults #> 6869 lithic haploxerults #> 6870 psammentic haploxerults #> 6871 ruptic-lithic-xerochreptic haploxerults #> 6872 typic calciaquerts #> 6873 aeric calciaquerts #> 6874 typic duraquerts #> 6875 aeric duraquerts #> 6876 aridic duraquerts #> 6877 chromic duraquerts #> 6878 ustic duraquerts #> 6879 typic dystraquerts #> 6880 aeric dystraquerts #> 6881 alic dystraquerts #> 6882 aridic dystraquerts #> 6883 chromic dystraquerts #> 6884 entic dystraquerts #> 6885 leptic dystraquerts #> 6886 sulfaqueptic dystraquerts #> 6887 ustic dystraquerts #> 6888 typic endoaquerts #> 6889 aeric endoaquerts #> 6890 aridic endoaquerts #> 6891 chromic endoaquerts #> 6892 entic endoaquerts #> 6893 halic endoaquerts #> 6894 leptic endoaquerts #> 6895 sodic endoaquerts #> 6896 ustic endoaquerts #> 6897 xeric endoaquerts #> 6898 typic epiaquerts #> 6899 aeric epiaquerts #> 6900 aridic epiaquerts #> 6901 chromic epiaquerts #> 6902 entic epiaquerts #> 6903 halic epiaquerts #> 6904 leptic epiaquerts #> 6905 ustic epiaquerts #> 6906 xeric epiaquerts #> 6907 typic natraquerts #> 6908 typic salaquerts #> 6909 aridic salaquerts #> 6910 chromic salaquerts #> 6911 entic salaquerts #> 6912 leptic salaquerts #> 6913 ustic salaquerts #> 6914 typic haplocryerts #> 6915 chromic haplocryerts #> 6916 sodic haplocryerts #> 6917 typic humicryerts #> 6918 sodic humicryerts #> 6919 typic calcitorrerts #> 6920 chromic calcitorrerts #> 6921 entic calcitorrerts #> 6922 leptic calcitorrerts #> 6923 petrocalcic calcitorrerts #> 6924 typic gypsitorrerts #> 6925 chromic gypsitorrerts #> 6926 typic haplotorrerts #> 6927 chromic haplotorrerts #> 6928 entic haplotorrerts #> 6929 halic haplotorrerts #> 6930 leptic haplotorrerts #> 6931 sodic haplotorrerts #> 6932 typic salitorrerts #> 6933 aquic salitorrerts #> 6934 chromic salitorrerts #> 6935 entic salitorrerts #> 6936 leptic salitorrerts #> 6937 typic dystruderts #> 6938 alic dystruderts #> 6939 aquic dystruderts #> 6940 chromic dystruderts #> 6941 entic dystruderts #> 6942 leptic dystruderts #> 6943 oxyaquic dystruderts #> 6944 typic hapluderts #> 6945 aquic hapluderts #> 6946 chromic hapluderts #> 6947 entic hapluderts #> 6948 leptic hapluderts #> 6949 lithic hapluderts #> 6950 oxyaquic hapluderts #> 6951 typic calciusterts #> 6952 aridic calciusterts #> 6953 chromic calciusterts #> 6954 entic calciusterts #> 6955 halic calciusterts #> 6956 leptic calciusterts #> 6957 lithic calciusterts #> 6958 petrocalcic calciusterts #> 6959 sodic calciusterts #> 6960 udic calciusterts #> 6961 typic dystrusterts #> 6962 aquic dystrusterts #> 6963 aridic dystrusterts #> 6964 chromic dystrusterts #> 6965 entic dystrusterts #> 6966 leptic dystrusterts #> 6967 lithic dystrusterts #> 6968 udic dystrusterts #> 6969 typic gypsiusterts #> 6970 aridic gypsiusterts #> 6971 chromic gypsiusterts #> 6972 entic gypsiusterts #> 6973 halic gypsiusterts #> 6974 leptic gypsiusterts #> 6975 lithic gypsiusterts #> 6976 sodic gypsiusterts #> 6977 udic gypsiusterts #> 6978 typic haplusterts #> 6979 aridic haplusterts #> 6980 chromic udic haplusterts #> 6981 chromic haplusterts #> 6982 entic udic haplusterts #> 6983 entic haplusterts #> 6984 halic haplusterts #> 6985 leptic udic haplusterts #> 6986 leptic haplusterts #> 6987 lithic haplusterts #> 6988 petrocalcic haplusterts #> 6989 sodic haplusterts #> 6990 udic haplusterts #> 6991 typic salusterts #> 6992 aquic salusterts #> 6993 aridic salusterts #> 6994 chromic salusterts #> 6995 entic salusterts #> 6996 leptic salusterts #> 6997 lithic salusterts #> 6998 sodic salusterts #> 6999 typic calcixererts #> 7000 aridic calcixererts #> 7001 chromic calcixererts #> 7002 entic calcixererts #> 7003 leptic calcixererts #> 7004 lithic calcixererts #> 7005 petrocalcic calcixererts #> 7006 typic durixererts #> 7007 aquic durixererts #> 7008 aridic durixererts #> 7009 chromic durixererts #> 7010 halic durixererts #> 7011 haplic durixererts #> 7012 sodic durixererts #> 7013 udic durixererts #> 7014 typic haploxererts #> 7015 aquic haploxererts #> 7016 aridic haploxererts #> 7017 chromic haploxererts #> 7018 entic haploxererts #> 7019 halic haploxererts #> 7020 leptic haploxererts #> 7021 lithic haploxererts #> 7022 sodic haploxererts #> 7023 udic haploxererts #> 7024 sodic epiaquerts #> 7025 pachic haplustands #> 7026 andic kandiperox #> 7027 acric plinthic #> 7028 aeric arenic #> 7029 aeric grossarenic #> 7030 aeric mollic #> 7031 aeric xeric #> 7032 alfic andeptic #> 7033 ruptic-alfic lithic #> 7034 andeptic #> 7035 andaquic #> 7036 andic dystric #> 7037 andic epiaquic #> 7038 andeptic glossoboric #> 7039 andic udic #> 7040 andic ustic #> 7041 andaqueptic #> 7042 aquic anionic #> 7043 aquic psammentic #> 7044 arenic orthoxic #> 7045 argixerollic #> 7046 argidic #> 7047 aridic pachic #> 7048 chromudic #> 7049 durochreptic #> 7050 dystropeptic #> 7051 ruptic-entic lithic #> 7052 epiaquic #> 7053 epiaquic orthoxic #> 7054 glossoboralfic #> 7055 haplaquodic #> 7056 haplaquic #> 7057 hapludollic #> 7058 humic lithic #> 7059 humoxic #> 7060 lithic ruptic-entic #> 7061 lithic udic #> 7062 lithic umbric #> 7063 lithic vertic #> 7064 orthic #> 7065 orthoxic #> 7066 paleustollic #> 7067 palexerollic #> 7068 paralithic vertic #> 7069 pergelic sideric #> 7070 plaggic #> 7071 sideric #> 7072 sombrihumic #> 7073 tropaquodic #> 7074 tropeptic #> 7075 humic rhodic #> 7076 udalfic #> 7077 ultic vitric #> 7078 vitrustandic #> 7079 lithic calciargids #> 7080 xerertic calciargids #> 7081 ustertic calciargids #> 7082 vertic calciargids #> 7083 aquic calciargids #> 7084 arenic ustic calciargids #> 7085 arenic calciargids #> 7086 durinodic xeric calciargids #> 7087 durinodic calciargids #> 7088 petronodic calciargids #> 7089 vitrixerandic calciargids #> 7090 vitrandic calciargids #> 7091 xeric calciargids #> 7092 ustic calciargids #> 7093 typic calciargids #> 7094 aquic gypsiargids #> 7095 durinodic gypsiargids #> 7096 vitrixerandic gypsiargids #> 7097 vitrandic gypsiargids #> 7098 xeric gypsiargids #> 7099 ustic gypsiargids #> 7100 typic gypsiargids #> 7101 lithic ruptic-entic haplargids #> 7102 lithic xeric haplargids #> 7103 lithic ustic haplargids #> 7104 arenic ustic haplargids #> 7105 durinodic xeric haplargids #> 7106 durinodic haplargids #> 7107 petronodic haplargids #> 7108 vitrixerandic haplargids #> 7109 vitrandic haplargids #> 7110 xeric haplargids #> 7111 ustic haplargids #> 7112 lithic xeric natrargids #> 7113 lithic ustic natrargids #> 7114 durinodic xeric natrargids #> 7115 durinodic natrargids #> 7116 petronodic natrargids #> 7117 glossic ustic natrargids #> 7118 haplic ustic natrargids #> 7119 haploxeralfic natrargids #> 7120 vitrixerandic natrargids #> 7121 vitrandic natrargids #> 7122 xeric natrargids #> 7123 ustic natrargids #> 7124 aquic paleargids #> 7125 arenic ustic paleargids #> 7126 arenic paleargids #> 7127 calcic paleargids #> 7128 durinodic xeric paleargids #> 7129 durinodic paleargids #> 7130 petronodic paleargids #> 7131 vitrixerandic paleargids #> 7132 vitrandic paleargids #> 7133 xeric paleargids #> 7134 ustic paleargids #> 7135 petrogypsic ustic petroargids #> 7136 petrogypsic petroargids #> 7137 duric xeric petroargids #> 7138 duric petroargids #> 7139 xeric petroargids #> 7140 ustic petroargids #> 7141 typic petroargids #> 7142 lithic xeric haplocalcids #> 7143 lithic ustic haplocalcids #> 7144 lithic haplocalcids #> 7145 vertic haplocalcids #> 7146 aquic durinodic haplocalcids #> 7147 aquic haplocalcids #> 7148 duric xeric haplocalcids #> 7149 duric haplocalcids #> 7150 durinodic xeric haplocalcids #> 7151 durinodic haplocalcids #> 7152 petronodic haplocalcids #> 7153 sodic xeric haplocalcids #> 7154 sodic ustic haplocalcids #> 7155 sodic haplocalcids #> 7156 vitrixerandic haplocalcids #> 7157 vitrandic haplocalcids #> 7158 xeric haplocalcids #> 7159 ustic haplocalcids #> 7160 typic haplocalcids #> 7161 aquic petrocalcids #> 7162 natric petrocalcids #> 7163 xeralfic petrocalcids #> 7164 ustalfic petrocalcids #> 7165 argic petrocalcids #> 7166 calcic petrocalcids #> 7167 vitrixerandic petrocalcids #> 7168 vitrandic petrocalcids #> 7169 xeric petrocalcids #> 7170 ustic petrocalcids #> 7171 typic petrocalcids #> 7172 typic anthracambids #> 7173 sodic aquicambids #> 7174 durinodic xeric aquicambids #> 7175 durinodic aquicambids #> 7176 petronodic aquicambids #> 7177 vitrixerandic aquicambids #> 7178 vitrandic aquicambids #> 7179 fluventic aquicambids #> 7180 xeric aquicambids #> 7181 ustic aquicambids #> 7182 typic aquicambids #> 7183 lithic xeric haplocambids #> 7184 lithic ustic haplocambids #> 7185 lithic haplocambids #> 7186 xerertic haplocambids #> 7187 ustertic haplocambids #> 7188 vertic haplocambids #> 7189 durinodic xeric haplocambids #> 7190 durinodic haplocambids #> 7191 petronodic haplocambids #> 7192 sodic xeric haplocambids #> 7193 sodic ustic haplocambids #> 7194 sodic haplocambids #> 7195 vitrixerandic haplocambids #> 7196 vitrandic haplocambids #> 7197 xerofluventic haplocambids #> 7198 ustifluventic haplocambids #> 7199 fluventic haplocambids #> 7200 xeric haplocambids #> 7201 ustic haplocambids #> 7202 typic haplocambids #> 7203 sodic petrocambids #> 7204 vitrixerandic petrocambids #> 7205 vitrandic petrocambids #> 7206 xeric petrocambids #> 7207 ustic petrocambids #> 7208 typic petrocambids #> 7209 lithic argicryids #> 7210 vertic argicryids #> 7211 natric argicryids #> 7212 vitrixerandic argicryids #> 7213 vitrandic argicryids #> 7214 xeric argicryids #> 7215 ustic argicryids #> 7216 typic argicryids #> 7217 lithic calcicryids #> 7218 vitrixerandic calcicryids #> 7219 vitrandic calcicryids #> 7220 xeric calcicryids #> 7221 ustic calcicryids #> 7222 typic calcicryids #> 7223 calcic gypsicryids #> 7224 vitrixerandic gypsicryids #> 7225 vitrandic gypsicryids #> 7226 typic gypsicryids #> 7227 lithic haplocryids #> 7228 vertic haplocryids #> 7229 vitrixerandic haplocryids #> 7230 vitrandic haplocryids #> 7231 xeric haplocryids #> 7232 ustic haplocryids #> 7233 typic haplocryids #> 7234 duric xeric petrocryids #> 7235 duric petrocryids #> 7236 petrogypsic petrocryids #> 7237 xeric petrocryids #> 7238 ustic petrocryids #> 7239 typic petrocryids #> 7240 aquic salicryids #> 7241 typic salicryids #> 7242 vertic argidurids #> 7243 aquic argidurids #> 7244 abruptic xeric argidurids #> 7245 abruptic argidurids #> 7246 haploxeralfic argidurids #> 7247 argidic argidurids #> 7248 vitrixerandic argidurids #> 7249 vitrandic argidurids #> 7250 xeric argidurids #> 7251 ustic argidurids #> 7252 typic argidurids #> 7253 aquicambidic haplodurids #> 7254 aquic haplodurids #> 7255 xerochreptic haplodurids #> 7256 cambidic haplodurids #> 7257 vitrixerandic haplodurids #> 7258 vitrandic haplodurids #> 7259 xeric haplodurids #> 7260 ustic haplodurids #> 7261 typic haplodurids #> 7262 vertic natridurids #> 7263 aquic natrargidic natridurids #> 7264 aquic natridurids #> 7265 natrixeralfic natridurids #> 7266 natrargidic natridurids #> 7267 vitrixerandic natridurids #> 7268 vitrandic natridurids #> 7269 xeric natridurids #> 7270 typic natridurids #> 7271 lithic argigypsids #> 7272 vertic argigypsids #> 7273 calcic argigypsids #> 7274 petronodic argigypsids #> 7275 vitrixerandic argigypsids #> 7276 vitrandic argigypsids #> 7277 xeric argigypsids #> 7278 ustic argigypsids #> 7279 typic argigypsids #> 7280 lithic calcigypsids #> 7281 petronodic calcigypsids #> 7282 vitrixerandic calcigypsids #> 7283 vitrandic calcigypsids #> 7284 xeric calcigypsids #> 7285 ustic calcigypsids #> 7286 typic calcigypsids #> 7287 lithic haplogypsids #> 7288 leptic haplogypsids #> 7289 sodic haplogypsids #> 7290 petronodic haplogypsids #> 7291 vitrixerandic haplogypsids #> 7292 vitrandic haplogypsids #> 7293 xeric haplogypsids #> 7294 ustic haplogypsids #> 7295 typic haplogypsids #> 7296 lithic natrigypsids #> 7297 vertic natrigypsids #> 7298 petronodic natrigypsids #> 7299 vitrixerandic natrigypsids #> 7300 vitrandic natrigypsids #> 7301 xeric natrigypsids #> 7302 ustic natrigypsids #> 7303 typic natrigypsids #> 7304 petrocalcic petrogypsids #> 7305 calcic petrogypsids #> 7306 vitrixerandic petrogypsids #> 7307 vitrandic petrogypsids #> 7308 xeric petrogypsids #> 7309 ustic petrogypsids #> 7310 typic petrogypsids #> 7311 gypsic aquisalids #> 7312 calcic aquisalids #> 7313 typic aquisalids #> 7314 duric haplosalids #> 7315 petrogypsic haplosalids #> 7316 gypsic haplosalids #> 7317 calcic haplosalids #> 7318 typic haplosalids #> 7319 paleargidic durixerolls #> 7320 abruptic argiduridic durixerolls #> 7321 cambidic durixerolls #> 7322 haploduridic durixerolls #> 7323 argidic durixerolls #> 7324 argiduridic durixerolls #> 7325 haplic palexerollic durixerolls #> 7326 palexerollic durixerolls #> 7327 haplic haploxerollic durixerolls #> 7328 haploxerollic durixerolls #> 7329 vitrandic cryopsamments #> 7330 vitrandic torripsamments #> 7331 vitrandic xeropsamments #> 7332 vitrandic calcixerolls #> 7333 humic epiaquepts #> 7334 mollic epiaquepts #> 7335 aridic ustipsamments #> 7336 udollic endoaqualfs #> 7337 aeric vertic albaqualfs #> 7338 chromic vertic albaqualfs #> 7339 durinodic albaqualfs #> 7340 udollic epiaqualfs #> 7341 aeric chromic vertic epiaqualfs #> 7342 aeric vertic epiaqualfs #> 7343 chromic vertic epiaqualfs #> 7344 aquertic chromic hapludalfs #> 7345 oxyaquic vertic hapludalfs #> 7346 chromic vertic hapludalfs #> 7347 aquertic haplustalfs #> 7348 oxyaquic vertic haplustalfs #> 7349 aquertic paleustalfs #> 7350 oxyaquic vertic paleustalfs #> 7351 cumulic vertic endoaquolls #> 7352 fluvaquentic vertic endoaquolls #> 7353 cumulic vertic epiaquolls #> 7354 fluvaquentic vertic epiaquolls #> 7355 aquertic argiborolls #> 7356 oxyaquic vertic argiudolls #> 7357 ultic vitricryands #> 7358 ultic haplustands #> 7359 ultic vitrixerands #> 7360 aquic cumulic cryoborolls #> 7361 aquic cumulic haploborolls #> 7362 aquic cumulic hapludolls #> 7363 aquic cumulic haplustolls #> 7364 aquic cumulic haploxerolls #> 7365 xeric duraquerts #> 7366 lithic endoaquods #> 7367 typic duraqualfs #> 7368 typic plinthaqualfs #> 7369 typic natriboralfs #> 7370 salidic natrustalfs #> 7371 typic rhodudalfs #> 7372 typic durustalfs #> 7373 typic plinthustalfs #> 7374 typic plinthoxeralfs #> 7375 typic luvifibrists #> 7376 typic luvihemists #> 7377 typic plinthaquepts #> 7378 typic plaggepts #> 7379 typic sombritropepts #> 7380 typic plinthohumults #> 7381 typic sombrihumults #> 7382 typic plinthudults #> 7383 typic plinthustults #> 7384 typic palexerults #> 7385 calcidic paleustalfs #> 7386 duridic torrifluvents #> 7387 duridic xeric torrifluvents #> 7388 durinodic xerofluvents #> 7389 aquic haploduridic torriorthents #> 7390 haploduridic torriorthents #> 7391 haploduridic xeric torriorthents #> 7392 durinodic ustorthents #> 7393 durinodic xerorthents #> 7394 aquic durinodic xerorthents #> 7395 haploduridic torripsamments #> 7396 haploduridic xeric torripsamments #> 7397 durinodic xeropsamments #> 7398 aquic durinodic xeropsamments #> 7399 salidic sulfaquepts #> 7400 haplocalcidic ustochrepts #> 7401 paleargidic argiborolls #> 7402 salidic haploborolls #> 7403 salidic calciustolls #> 7404 argiduridic durustolls #> 7405 haploduridic durustolls #> 7406 salidic haplustolls #> 7407 calciargidic paleustolls #> 7408 argiduridic argixerolls #> 7409 calcidic haploxerolls #> 7410 petrocalcidic palexerolls #> 7411 typic paleustults #> 7412 udollic ochraqualfs #> 7413 typic haplaquolls #> 7414 aeric ochraqualfs #> 7415 fluvaquentic haplaquolls #> 7416 alfic udipsamments #> 7417 mollic haplaquepts #> 7418 alfic haplaquods #> 7419 typic chromusterts #> 7420 entic pellusterts #> 7421 alfic ustipsamments #> 7422 cumulic haplaquolls #> 7423 typic ochraqualfs #> 7424 aeric umbric ochraqualfs #> 7425 andaqueptic ochraqualfs #> 7426 arenic ochraqualfs #> 7427 grossarenic ochraqualfs #> 7428 mollic ochraqualfs #> 7429 umbric ochraqualfs #> 7430 vertic ochraqualfs #> 7431 andeptic cryoboralfs #> 7432 typic tropudalfs #> 7433 aquic tropudalfs #> 7434 lithic tropudalfs #> 7435 ultic tropudalfs #> 7436 oxic haplustalfs #> 7437 oxic paleustalfs #> 7438 oxic rhodustalfs #> 7439 ruptic-lithic-xerochreptic haploxeralfs #> 7440 typic haplaquands #> 7441 alic haplaquands #> 7442 spodic vitricryands #> 7443 ultic vitric haploxerands #> 7444 umbric haploxerands #> 7445 vitric haploxerands #> 7446 mollic vitrixerands #> 7447 spodic vitrixerands #> 7448 aridic natrargids #> 7449 andaqueptic fluvaquents #> 7450 histic fluvaquents #> 7451 typic haplaquents #> 7452 aeric haplaquents #> 7453 mollic haplaquents #> 7454 typic tropaquents #> 7455 andeptic cryofluvents #> 7456 andeptic udorthents #> 7457 alfic cryopsamments #> 7458 haplaquodic quartzipsamments #> 7459 alfic xeropsamments #> 7460 fluventic medihemists #> 7461 typic cryandepts #> 7462 dystric cryandepts #> 7463 dystric lithic cryandepts #> 7464 entic cryandepts #> 7465 xeric durandepts #> 7466 typic dystrandepts #> 7467 aquic dystrandepts #> 7468 entic dystrandepts #> 7469 hydric dystrandepts #> 7470 hydric lithic dystrandepts #> 7471 lithic dystrandepts #> 7472 oxic dystrandepts #> 7473 typic eutrandepts #> 7474 entic eutrandepts #> 7475 lithic eutrandepts #> 7476 udic eutrandepts #> 7477 ustollic eutrandepts #> 7478 typic hydrandepts #> 7479 lithic hydrandepts #> 7480 typic placandepts #> 7481 typic vitrandepts #> 7482 aquic vitrandepts #> 7483 lithic vitrandepts #> 7484 lithic mollic vitrandepts #> 7485 lithic umbric vitrandepts #> 7486 mollic vitrandepts #> 7487 umbric vitrandepts #> 7488 typic andaquepts #> 7489 aeric andaquepts #> 7490 haplic andaquepts #> 7491 histic andaquepts #> 7492 mollic andaquepts #> 7493 andic cryaquepts #> 7494 typic haplaquepts #> 7495 aeric haplaquepts #> 7496 fluvaquentic haplaquepts #> 7497 humic haplaquepts #> 7498 lithic haplaquepts #> 7499 sulfic haplaquepts #> 7500 vertic haplaquepts #> 7501 fluvaquentic xerochrepts #> 7502 lithic vertic ustropepts #> 7503 andaqueptic haplaquolls #> 7504 aquandic haplaquolls #> 7505 duric haplaquolls #> 7506 histic haplaquolls #> 7507 lithic haplaquolls #> 7508 thapto-histic haplaquolls #> 7509 vertic haplaquolls #> 7510 lithic vertic argiustolls #> 7511 lithic ruptic-entic haplustolls #> 7512 typic acrohumox #> 7513 typic gibbsihumox #> 7514 typic acrorthox #> 7515 haplic acrorthox #> 7516 plinthic acrorthox #> 7517 tropeptic eutrorthox #> 7518 typic gibbsiorthox #> 7519 tropeptic haplorthox #> 7520 tropeptic umbriorthox #> 7521 tropeptic haplustox #> 7522 sideric cryaquods #> 7523 typic haplaquods #> 7524 aeric haplaquods #> 7525 alfic arenic haplaquods #> 7526 arenic haplaquods #> 7527 arenic ultic haplaquods #> 7528 entic haplaquods #> 7529 grossarenic haplaquods #> 7530 histic haplaquods #> 7531 placic haplaquods #> 7532 ultic haplaquods #> 7533 typic sideraquods #> 7534 alfic sideraquods #> 7535 entic sideraquods #> 7536 aeric tropaquods #> 7537 histic tropaquods #> 7538 sideric tropaquods #> 7539 typic cryohumods #> 7540 haplic cryohumods #> 7541 arenic haplohumods #> 7542 arenic ultic haplohumods #> 7543 entic haplohumods #> 7544 grossarenic haplohumods #> 7545 grossarenic entic haplohumods #> 7546 ultic haplohumods #> 7547 typic tropohumods #> 7548 typic cryorthods #> 7549 andic cryorthods #> 7550 boralfic cryorthods #> 7551 entic cryorthods #> 7552 humic cryorthods #> 7553 humic lithic cryorthods #> 7554 lithic cryorthods #> 7555 duric haplorthods #> 7556 humic haplorthods #> 7557 typic ochraquults #> 7558 aeric ochraquults #> 7559 arenic ochraquults #> 7560 oxic plinthaquults #> 7561 andeptic haplohumults #> 7562 andeptic palehumults #> 7563 orthoxic palehumults #> 7564 typic tropohumults #> 7565 humoxic tropohumults #> 7566 orthoxic tropohumults #> 7567 ustic tropohumults #> 7568 ustoxic tropohumults #> 7569 oxic haplustults #> 7570 typic torrerts #> 7571 mollic torrerts #> 7572 typic chromuderts #> 7573 aquentic chromuderts #> 7574 aquic chromuderts #> 7575 entic chromuderts #> 7576 typic pelluderts #> 7577 entic pelluderts #> 7578 entic chromusterts #> 7579 paleustollic chromusterts #> 7580 udic chromusterts #> 7581 udorthentic chromusterts #> 7582 typic pellusterts #> 7583 udic pellusterts #> 7584 udorthentic pellusterts #> 7585 typic chromoxererts #> 7586 aquic chromoxererts #> 7587 entic chromoxererts #> 7588 typic pelloxererts #> 7589 chromic pelloxererts #> 7590 entic pelloxererts #> 7591 typic tropaqualfs #> 7592 andaqueptic cryaquents #> 7593 hapludollic arents #> 7594 udalfic arents #> 7595 andeptic cryorthents #> 7596 andic dystric eutrochrepts #> 7597 andic ustic humitropepts #> 7598 andeptic cryoborolls #> 7599 tropeptic eutrustox #> 7600 typic tropudults #> 7601 aquic tropudults #> 7602 arenic umbric haplaquods #> 7603 lithic cryandepts #> 7604 entic grossarenic alorthods #> 7605 lithic ruptic-entic hapludults #> 7606 lithic ruptic-xerochreptic haploxerults #> 7607 acraquoxic kandiaquults #> 7608 aeric fragic endoaqualfs #> 7609 fragic endoaqualfs #> 7610 aeric fragic epiaqualfs #> 7611 fragic epiaqualfs #> 7612 vermic fragiaqualfs #> 7613 aeric fragic glossaqualfs #> 7614 fragic glossaqualfs #> 7615 vermic natraqualfs #> 7616 natric vermaqualfs #> 7617 typic vermaqualfs #> 7618 lamellic cryoboralfs #> 7619 ochreptic cryoboralfs #> 7620 aquertic eutroboralfs #> 7621 arenic oxyaquic eutroboralfs #> 7622 fragiaquic eutroboralfs #> 7623 fragic eutroboralfs #> 7624 glossic oxyaquic eutroboralfs #> 7625 lamellic eutroboralfs #> 7626 lamellic oxyaquic eutroboralfs #> 7627 ochreptic eutroboralfs #> 7628 oxyaquic psammentic eutroboralfs #> 7629 fragiaquic glossoboralfs #> 7630 fragic glossoboralfs #> 7631 lamellic glossoboralfs #> 7632 ochreptic glossoboralfs #> 7633 fragiaquic hapludalfs #> 7634 fragic hapludalfs #> 7635 fragic oxyaquic hapludalfs #> 7636 lamellic hapludalfs #> 7637 ochreptic hapludalfs #> 7638 fragiaquic paleudalfs #> 7639 fragic paleudalfs #> 7640 lamellic paleudalfs #> 7641 calcic haplustalfs #> 7642 calcic udic haplustalfs #> 7643 calcidic haplustalfs #> 7644 lamellic haplustalfs #> 7645 ochreptic haplustalfs #> 7646 torrertic haplustalfs #> 7647 aquertic natrustalfs #> 7648 aridic natrustalfs #> 7649 aridic leptic natrustalfs #> 7650 haplargidic natrustalfs #> 7651 leptic natrustalfs #> 7652 leptic torrertic natrustalfs #> 7653 torrertic natrustalfs #> 7654 lamellic paleustalfs #> 7655 fragiaquic haploxeralfs #> 7656 fragic haploxeralfs #> 7657 lamellic haploxeralfs #> 7658 ochreptic haploxeralfs #> 7659 fragiaquic palexeralfs #> 7660 fragic palexeralfs #> 7661 lamellic palexeralfs #> 7662 psammentic palexeralfs #> 7663 oxyaquic vitricryands #> 7664 thapto-histic hydraquents #> 7665 aquertic udifluvents #> 7666 vertic udifluvents #> 7667 aquertic ustifluvents #> 7668 torrertic ustifluvents #> 7669 vitrandic ustorthents #> 7670 vitritorrandic ustorthents #> 7671 fragic endoaquepts #> 7672 fragic epiaquepts #> 7673 sodic vermaquepts #> 7674 typic vermaquepts #> 7675 lamellic cryochrepts #> 7676 fragiaquic dystrochrepts #> 7677 fragic dystrochrepts #> 7678 fragiaquic eutrochrepts #> 7679 fragic eutrochrepts #> 7680 lamellic eutrochrepts #> 7681 aridic lithic ustochrepts #> 7682 gypsic ustochrepts #> 7683 lamellic ustochrepts #> 7684 fragiaquic xerochrepts #> 7685 fragic xerochrepts #> 7686 lamellic xerochrepts #> 7687 boralfic udertic argiborolls #> 7688 pachic udertic argiborolls #> 7689 pachic vertic argiborolls #> 7690 aquertic haploborolls #> 7691 cumulic udertic haploborolls #> 7692 cumulic vertic haploborolls #> 7693 pachic udertic haploborolls #> 7694 pachic vertic haploborolls #> 7695 leptic vertic natriborolls #> 7696 torrertic natriborolls #> 7697 udertic natriborolls #> 7698 abruptic argiudolls #> 7699 albic argiudolls #> 7700 lamellic argiudolls #> 7701 calciargidic argixerolls #> 7702 alfic oxyaquic fragiorthods #> 7703 alfic oxyaquic haplorthods #> 7704 fragiaquic haplorthods #> 7705 fragic haplorthods #> 7706 lamellic haplorthods #> 7707 oxyaquic ultic haplorthods #> 7708 aeric fragic epiaquults #> 7709 fragic epiaquults #> 7710 aeric plinthic fragiaquults #> 7711 aquic arenic hapludults #> 7712 fragiaquic hapludults #> 7713 fragic hapludults #> 7714 lamellic hapludults #> 7715 fragiaquic kanhapludults #> 7716 fragic kanhapludults #> 7717 lamellic paleudults #> 7718 lamellic haploxerults #> 7719 fragiaquic glossudalfs #> 7720 duric torrifluvents #> 7721 duric xeric torrifluvents #> 7722 aquic duric torriorthents #> 7723 duric torriorthents #> 7724 duric xeric torriorthents #> 7725 duric torripsamments #> 7726 duric xeric torripsamments #> 7727 lamellic dystrochrepts #> 7728 udertic argiborolls #> 7729 duridic haploxerolls #> 7730 udarents #> 7731 xerarents #> 7732 typic cryaqualfs #> 7733 humic fragiaqualfs #> 7734 umbric albaqualfs #> 7735 histic glossaqualfs #> 7736 chromic vertic endoaqualfs #> 7737 vertic endoaqualfs #> 7738 aeric umbric endoaqualfs #> 7739 andic palecryalfs #> 7740 vitrandic palecryalfs #> 7741 aquic palecryalfs #> 7742 oxyaquic palecryalfs #> 7743 xeric palecryalfs #> 7744 ustic palecryalfs #> 7745 mollic palecryalfs #> 7746 umbric palecryalfs #> 7747 typic palecryalfs #> 7748 lithic glossocryalfs #> 7749 vertic glossocryalfs #> 7750 andic glossocryalfs #> 7751 vitrandic glossocryalfs #> 7752 aquic glossocryalfs #> 7753 oxyaquic glossocryalfs #> 7754 fragic glossocryalfs #> 7755 xerollic glossocryalfs #> 7756 umbric xeric glossocryalfs #> 7757 ustollic glossocryalfs #> 7758 xeric glossocryalfs #> 7759 ustic glossocryalfs #> 7760 mollic glossocryalfs #> 7761 umbric glossocryalfs #> 7762 eutric glossocryalfs #> 7763 typic glossocryalfs #> 7764 lithic haplocryalfs #> 7765 vertic haplocryalfs #> 7766 andic haplocryalfs #> 7767 vitrandic haplocryalfs #> 7768 aquic haplocryalfs #> 7769 oxyaquic haplocryalfs #> 7770 lamellic haplocryalfs #> 7771 psammentic haplocryalfs #> 7772 inceptic haplocryalfs #> 7773 xerollic haplocryalfs #> 7774 umbric xeric haplocryalfs #> 7775 ustollic haplocryalfs #> 7776 xeric haplocryalfs #> 7777 ustic haplocryalfs #> 7778 mollic haplocryalfs #> 7779 umbric haplocryalfs #> 7780 eutric haplocryalfs #> 7781 typic haplocryalfs #> 7782 vitrandic haplustalfs #> 7783 inceptic haplustalfs #> 7784 inceptic fragixeralfs #> 7785 vertic rhodoxeralfs #> 7786 inceptic rhodoxeralfs #> 7787 lithic ruptic-inceptic haploxeralfs #> 7788 inceptic haploxeralfs #> 7789 glossaquic natrudalfs #> 7790 aquic natrudalfs #> 7791 andic fraglossudalfs #> 7792 vitrandic fraglossudalfs #> 7793 andic fragiudalfs #> 7794 vitrandic fragiudalfs #> 7795 andic paleudalfs #> 7796 vitrandic paleudalfs #> 7797 aquertic glossudalfs #> 7798 oxyaquic vertic glossudalfs #> 7799 vertic glossudalfs #> 7800 inceptic hapludalfs #> 7801 pachic melanaquands #> 7802 pachic fulvicryands #> 7803 petrocalcic duritorrands #> 7804 vitric duritorrands #> 7805 typic duritorrands #> 7806 lithic haplotorrands #> 7807 duric haplotorrands #> 7808 calcic haplotorrands #> 7809 typic haplotorrands #> 7810 hydric durudands #> 7811 pachic durudands #> 7812 eutric melanudands #> 7813 eutric lithic fulvudands #> 7814 xereptic petrocryids #> 7815 xereptic haplodurids #> 7816 natric petroargids #> 7817 petronodic ustic paleargids #> 7818 petronodic xeric calciargids #> 7819 petronodic ustic calciargids #> 7820 calcic lithic petrocalcids #> 7821 petronodic xeric haplocalcids #> 7822 petronodic ustic haplocalcids #> 7823 petronodic xeric haplocambids #> 7824 petronodic ustic haplocambids #> 7825 thapto-histic sulfaquents #> 7826 sulfic hydraquents #> 7827 sodic hydraquents #> 7828 sodic psammaquents #> 7829 sodic endoaquents #> 7830 haplic ustarents #> 7831 sodic xerarents #> 7832 duric xerarents #> 7833 haplic xerarents #> 7834 haplic udarents #> 7835 lamellic cryopsamments #> 7836 rhodic torripsamments #> 7837 lamellic ustic quartzipsamments #> 7838 lamellic quartzipsamments #> 7839 lamellic ustipsamments #> 7840 rhodic ustipsamments #> 7841 lamellic xeropsamments #> 7842 lamellic udipsamments #> 7843 lamellic cryorthents #> 7844 aridic lithic ustorthents #> 7845 torrertic ustorthents #> 7846 lithic folistels #> 7847 glacic folistels #> 7848 typic folistels #> 7849 hemic glacistels #> 7850 sapric glacistels #> 7851 typic glacistels #> 7852 lithic fibristels #> 7853 terric fibristels #> 7854 fluvaquentic fibristels #> 7855 sphagnic fibristels #> 7856 typic fibristels #> 7857 lithic hemistels #> 7858 terric hemistels #> 7859 fluvaquentic hemistels #> 7860 typic hemistels #> 7861 lithic sapristels #> 7862 terric sapristels #> 7863 fluvaquentic sapristels #> 7864 typic sapristels #> 7865 lithic histoturbels #> 7866 glacic histoturbels #> 7867 ruptic histoturbels #> 7868 typic histoturbels #> 7869 lithic aquiturbels #> 7870 glacic aquiturbels #> 7871 sulfuric aquiturbels #> 7872 ruptic-histic aquiturbels #> 7873 psammentic aquiturbels #> 7874 typic aquiturbels #> 7875 lithic anhyturbels #> 7876 glacic anhyturbels #> 7877 petrogypsic anhyturbels #> 7878 gypsic anhyturbels #> 7879 nitric anhyturbels #> 7880 salic anhyturbels #> 7881 calcic anhyturbels #> 7882 typic anhyturbels #> 7883 lithic molliturbels #> 7884 glacic molliturbels #> 7885 vertic molliturbels #> 7886 andic molliturbels #> 7887 vitrandic molliturbels #> 7888 cumulic molliturbels #> 7889 aquic molliturbels #> 7890 typic molliturbels #> 7891 lithic umbriturbels #> 7892 glacic umbriturbels #> 7893 vertic umbriturbels #> 7894 andic umbriturbels #> 7895 vitrandic umbriturbels #> 7896 cumulic umbriturbels #> 7897 aquic umbriturbels #> 7898 typic umbriturbels #> 7899 lithic psammoturbels #> 7900 glacic psammoturbels #> 7901 spodic psammoturbels #> 7902 typic psammoturbels #> 7903 lithic haploturbels #> 7904 glacic haploturbels #> 7905 aquic haploturbels #> 7906 typic haploturbels #> 7907 lithic historthels #> 7908 glacic historthels #> 7909 ruptic historthels #> 7910 typic historthels #> 7911 lithic aquorthels #> 7912 glacic aquorthels #> 7913 sulfuric aquorthels #> 7914 ruptic-histic aquorthels #> 7915 andic aquorthels #> 7916 vitrandic aquorthels #> 7917 salic aquorthels #> 7918 psammentic aquorthels #> 7919 typic aquorthels #> 7920 lithic anhyorthels #> 7921 glacic anhyorthels #> 7922 petrogypsic anhyorthels #> 7923 gypsic anhyorthels #> 7924 nitric anhyorthels #> 7925 salic anhyorthels #> 7926 calcic anhyorthels #> 7927 typic anhyorthels #> 7928 lithic mollorthels #> 7929 glacic mollorthels #> 7930 vertic mollorthels #> 7931 andic mollorthels #> 7932 vitrandic mollorthels #> 7933 cumulic mollorthels #> 7934 aquic mollorthels #> 7935 typic mollorthels #> 7936 lithic umbrorthels #> 7937 glacic umbrorthels #> 7938 vertic umbrorthels #> 7939 andic umbrorthels #> 7940 vitrandic umbrorthels #> 7941 cumulic umbrorthels #> 7942 aquic umbrorthels #> 7943 typic umbrorthels #> 7944 lithic argiorthels #> 7945 glacic argiorthels #> 7946 natric argiorthels #> 7947 typic argiorthels #> 7948 lithic psammorthels #> 7949 glacic psammorthels #> 7950 spodic psammorthels #> 7951 typic psammorthels #> 7952 lithic haplorthels #> 7953 glacic haplorthels #> 7954 aquic haplorthels #> 7955 typic haplorthels #> 7956 lithic torrifolists #> 7957 typic torrifolists #> 7958 lithic ustifolists #> 7959 typic ustifolists #> 7960 lithic udifolists #> 7961 typic udifolists #> 7962 hydric cryofibrists #> 7963 halic terric haplosaprists #> 7964 halic haplosaprists #> 7965 hydric cryohemists #> 7966 histic placic petraquepts #> 7967 placic petraquepts #> 7968 plinthic petraquepts #> 7969 typic petraquepts #> 7970 duric halaquepts #> 7971 fluvaquentic cryaquepts #> 7972 aquandic epiaquepts #> 7973 fluvaquentic epiaquepts #> 7974 fluvaquentic endoaquepts #> 7975 typic plagganthrepts #> 7976 typic haplanthrepts #> 7977 humic lithic eutrocryepts #> 7978 lithic eutrocryepts #> 7979 andic eutrocryepts #> 7980 vitrandic eutrocryepts #> 7981 aquic eutrocryepts #> 7982 oxyaquic eutrocryepts #> 7983 lamellic eutrocryepts #> 7984 xeric eutrocryepts #> 7985 ustic eutrocryepts #> 7986 humic eutrocryepts #> 7987 typic eutrocryepts #> 7988 humic lithic dystrocryepts #> 7989 lithic dystrocryepts #> 7990 andic dystrocryepts #> 7991 vitrandic dystrocryepts #> 7992 aquic dystrocryepts #> 7993 oxyaquic dystrocryepts #> 7994 lamellic dystrocryepts #> 7995 spodic dystrocryepts #> 7996 xeric dystrocryepts #> 7997 ustic dystrocryepts #> 7998 humic dystrocryepts #> 7999 typic dystrocryepts #> 8000 typic durustepts #> 8001 lithic petrocalcic calciustepts #> 8002 lithic calciustepts #> 8003 torrertic calciustepts #> 8004 vertic calciustepts #> 8005 petrocalcic calciustepts #> 8006 gypsic calciustepts #> 8007 aquic calciustepts #> 8008 aridic calciustepts #> 8009 udic calciustepts #> 8010 typic calciustepts #> 8011 lithic dystrustepts #> 8012 andic dystrustepts #> 8013 vitrandic dystrustepts #> 8014 aquic dystrustepts #> 8015 fluventic dystrustepts #> 8016 oxic dystrustepts #> 8017 humic dystrustepts #> 8018 typic dystrustepts #> 8019 aridic lithic haplustepts #> 8020 lithic haplustepts #> 8021 udertic haplustepts #> 8022 torrertic haplustepts #> 8023 vertic haplustepts #> 8024 andic haplustepts #> 8025 vitrandic haplustepts #> 8026 anthraquic haplustepts #> 8027 aquic haplustepts #> 8028 oxyaquic haplustepts #> 8029 oxic haplustepts #> 8030 lamellic haplustepts #> 8031 torrifluventic haplustepts #> 8032 udifluventic haplustepts #> 8033 fluventic haplustepts #> 8034 gypsic haplustepts #> 8035 haplocalcidic haplustepts #> 8036 calcic udic haplustepts #> 8037 calcic haplustepts #> 8038 aridic haplustepts #> 8039 dystric haplustepts #> 8040 udic haplustepts #> 8041 typic haplustepts #> 8042 aquandic durixerepts #> 8043 andic durixerepts #> 8044 vitrandic durixerepts #> 8045 aquic durixerepts #> 8046 entic durixerepts #> 8047 typic durixerepts #> 8048 lithic calcixerepts #> 8049 vertic calcixerepts #> 8050 petrocalcic calcixerepts #> 8051 sodic calcixerepts #> 8052 vitrandic calcixerepts #> 8053 aquic calcixerepts #> 8054 typic calcixerepts #> 8055 andic fragixerepts #> 8056 vitrandic fragixerepts #> 8057 aquic fragixerepts #> 8058 humic fragixerepts #> 8059 typic fragixerepts #> 8060 humic lithic dystroxerepts #> 8061 lithic dystroxerepts #> 8062 aquandic dystroxerepts #> 8063 andic dystroxerepts #> 8064 vitrandic dystroxerepts #> 8065 fragiaquic dystroxerepts #> 8066 fluvaquentic dystroxerepts #> 8067 aquic dystroxerepts #> 8068 oxyaquic dystroxerepts #> 8069 fragic dystroxerepts #> 8070 fluventic humic dystroxerepts #> 8071 fluventic dystroxerepts #> 8072 humic dystroxerepts #> 8073 typic dystroxerepts #> 8074 humic lithic haploxerepts #> 8075 lithic haploxerepts #> 8076 vertic haploxerepts #> 8077 aquandic haploxerepts #> 8078 andic haploxerepts #> 8079 vitrandic haploxerepts #> 8080 gypsic haploxerepts #> 8081 aquic haploxerepts #> 8082 lamellic haploxerepts #> 8083 fragic haploxerepts #> 8084 fluventic haploxerepts #> 8085 calcic haploxerepts #> 8086 humic haploxerepts #> 8087 typic haploxerepts #> 8088 typic sulfudepts #> 8089 aquandic durudepts #> 8090 andic durudepts #> 8091 vitrandic durudepts #> 8092 aquic durudepts #> 8093 typic durudepts #> 8094 andic fragiudepts #> 8095 vitrandic fragiudepts #> 8096 aquic fragiudepts #> 8097 humic fragiudepts #> 8098 typic fragiudepts #> 8099 humic lithic eutrudepts #> 8100 lithic eutrudepts #> 8101 aquertic eutrudepts #> 8102 vertic eutrudepts #> 8103 andic eutrudepts #> 8104 vitrandic eutrudepts #> 8105 anthraquic eutrudepts #> 8106 fragiaquic eutrudepts #> 8107 fluvaquentic eutrudepts #> 8108 aquic dystric eutrudepts #> 8109 aquic eutrudepts #> 8110 oxyaquic eutrudepts #> 8111 fragic eutrudepts #> 8112 lamellic eutrudepts #> 8113 dystric fluventic eutrudepts #> 8114 fluventic eutrudepts #> 8115 arenic eutrudepts #> 8116 dystric eutrudepts #> 8117 rendollic eutrudepts #> 8118 humic eutrudepts #> 8119 ruptic-alfic eutrudepts #> 8120 typic eutrudepts #> 8121 humic lithic dystrudepts #> 8122 lithic dystrudepts #> 8123 vertic dystrudepts #> 8124 aquandic dystrudepts #> 8125 andic dystrudepts #> 8126 vitrandic dystrudepts #> 8127 fragiaquic dystrudepts #> 8128 fluvaquentic dystrudepts #> 8129 aquic humic dystrudepts #> 8130 aquic dystrudepts #> 8131 oxyaquic dystrudepts #> 8132 fragic dystrudepts #> 8133 lamellic dystrudepts #> 8134 humic psammentic dystrudepts #> 8135 fluventic humic dystrudepts #> 8136 fluventic dystrudepts #> 8137 spodic dystrudepts #> 8138 oxic dystrudepts #> 8139 humic pachic dystrudepts #> 8140 humic dystrudepts #> 8141 ruptic-alfic dystrudepts #> 8142 ruptic-ultic dystrudepts #> 8143 typic dystrudepts #> 8144 leptic natralbolls #> 8145 lithic cryrendolls #> 8146 typic cryrendolls #> 8147 lithic haprendolls #> 8148 vertic haprendolls #> 8149 inceptic haprendolls #> 8150 entic haprendolls #> 8151 typic haprendolls #> 8152 argic duricryolls #> 8153 typic duricryolls #> 8154 typic natricryolls #> 8155 aquic palecryolls #> 8156 oxyaquic palecryolls #> 8157 abruptic palecryolls #> 8158 pachic palecryolls #> 8159 ustic palecryolls #> 8160 xeric palecryolls #> 8161 typic palecryolls #> 8162 lithic argicryolls #> 8163 vertic argicryolls #> 8164 andic argicryolls #> 8165 vitrandic argicryolls #> 8166 abruptic argicryolls #> 8167 aquic argicryolls #> 8168 oxyaquic argicryolls #> 8169 pachic argicryolls #> 8170 alfic argicryolls #> 8171 ustic argicryolls #> 8172 xeric argicryolls #> 8173 typic argicryolls #> 8174 lithic calcicryolls #> 8175 petrocalcic calcicryolls #> 8176 pachic calcicryolls #> 8177 ustic calcicryolls #> 8178 xeric calcicryolls #> 8179 typic calcicryolls #> 8180 lithic haplocryolls #> 8181 vertic haplocryolls #> 8182 andic haplocryolls #> 8183 vitrandic haplocryolls #> 8184 aquic cumulic haplocryolls #> 8185 cumulic haplocryolls #> 8186 fluvaquentic haplocryolls #> 8187 aquic haplocryolls #> 8188 oxyaquic haplocryolls #> 8189 calcic pachic haplocryolls #> 8190 pachic haplocryolls #> 8191 fluventic haplocryolls #> 8192 calcic haplocryolls #> 8193 ustic haplocryolls #> 8194 xeric haplocryolls #> 8195 typic haplocryolls #> 8196 vitrandic palexerolls #> 8197 duric palexerolls #> 8198 alfic argixerolls #> 8199 psammentic haploxerolls #> 8200 leptic torrertic natrustolls #> 8201 torrertic natrustolls #> 8202 leptic vertic natrustolls #> 8203 glossic vertic natrustolls #> 8204 aridic leptic natrustolls #> 8205 gypsic calciustolls #> 8206 calcidic paleustolls #> 8207 aridic lithic argiustolls #> 8208 alfic argiustolls #> 8209 calcidic argiustolls #> 8210 petrocalcic natrudolls #> 8211 leptic vertic natrudolls #> 8212 leptic natrudolls #> 8213 glossic vertic natrudolls #> 8214 vertic natrudolls #> 8215 glossic natrudolls #> 8216 calcic natrudolls #> 8217 typic natrudolls #> 8218 fluventic calciudolls #> 8219 pachic paleudolls #> 8220 pachic vertic argiudolls #> 8221 alfic vertic argiudolls #> 8222 arenic argiudolls #> 8223 alfic argiudolls #> 8224 pachic hapludolls #> 8225 humic inceptic eutrustox #> 8226 humic inceptic eutroperox #> 8227 humic inceptic eutrudox #> 8228 arenic umbric alaquods #> 8229 kandic albaquults #> 8230 aquandic palehumults #> 8231 oxyaquic palehumults #> 8232 aquandic haplohumults #> 8233 oxyaquic haplohumults #> 8234 oxyaquic paleudults #> 8235 inceptic hapludults #> 8236 haplic plinthustults #> 8237 aquandic palexerults #> 8238 aquic palexerults #> 8239 andic palexerults #> 8240 gypsic haplusterts #> 8241 calcic haplusterts #> 8242 aridic leptic haplusterts #> 8243 plagganthreptic udipsamments #> 8244 hydric haplofibrists #> 8245 lithic haplofibrists #> 8246 limnic haplofibrists #> 8247 terric haplofibrists #> 8248 fluvaquentic haplofibrists #> 8249 hemic haplofibrists #> 8250 typic haplofibrists #> 8251 typic haplosaprists #> 8252 fluvaquentic haplosaprists #> 8253 limnic haplosaprists #> 8254 lithic haplosaprists #> 8255 terric haplosaprists #> 8256 hemic haplosaprists #> 8257 hydric haplohemists #> 8258 lithic haplohemists #> 8259 limnic haplohemists #> 8260 terric haplohemists #> 8261 fluvaquentic haplohemists #> 8262 fibric haplohemists #> 8263 sapric haplohemists #> 8264 typic haplohemists #> 8265 plagganthreptic fragiaquods #> 8266 plagganthreptic haplohumods #> 8267 plagganthreptic alorthods #> 8268 plagganthreptic fragiorthods #> 8269 lithic ruptic-inceptic haploxerults #> 8270 aridic eutroboralfs #> 8271 anthropic paleudalfs #> 8272 kandic plinthustalfs #> 8273 lithic ustic calciorthids #> 8274 ustic calciorthids #> 8275 xeralfic paleorthids #> 8276 aridic torriorthents #> 8277 borollic torriorthents #> 8278 entic haplaquepts #> 8279 haplaquodic humaquepts #> 8280 aridic durochrepts #> 8281 umbric dystropepts #> 8282 aridic ustropepts #> 8283 dystric cryumbrepts #> 8284 fluventic haplaquolls #> 8285 aridic duric haplustolls #> 8286 arenic aridic paleustolls #> 8287 petrocalcic ustollic paleustolls #> 8288 abruptic aridic argixerolls #> 8289 aqualfic argixerolls #> 8290 aeric cryaquods #> 8291 pergelic cryorthods #> 8292 aquandic hapludults #> 8293 epiaquic haplustults #> 8294 aquic duricryands #> 8295 typic duricryands #> 8296 ultic fulvudands #> 8297 petronodic ustic haplargids #> 8298 sodic torriarents #> 8299 duric torriarents #> 8300 haplic torriarents #> 8301 pachic udertic haplustolls #> 8302 lithic-ruptic-entic hapludults #> 8303 alfic andeptic cryorthents #> 8304 aquentic fragiorthods #> 8305 cryic fragiorthods #> 8306 aeric tropaqualfs #> 8307 lithic cryohumods #> 8308 humic fragiorthods #> 8309 oxic tropudalfs #> 8310 paralithic vertic haplustolls #> 8311 palexerollic chromoxererts #> 8312 plinthic haplorthox #> 8313 typic torrox #> 8314 typic haplorthox #> 8315 typic eutrorthox #> 8316 typic sombrihumox #> 8317 udalphic argiustolls #> 8318 ultic haplustox #> 8319 vertic tropudalfs #> 8320 aquic arenic glossudalfs #> 8321 arenic oxyaquic glossudalfs #> 8322 arenic oxyaquic hapludalfs #> 8323 mollic oxyaquic hapludalfs #> 8324 aridic glossic natrustalfs #> 8325 histic gelaquands #> 8326 thaptic gelaquands #> 8327 typic gelaquands #> 8328 humic vitrigelands #> 8329 typic vitrigelands #> 8330 eutric duricryands #> 8331 eutric fulvicryands #> 8332 eutric pachic fulvicryands #> 8333 spodic haplocryands #> ChoiceLabel #> 1 A-1 #> 2 A-1-a #> 3 A-1-b #> 4 A-2 #> 5 A-2-4 #> 6 A-2-5 #> 7 A-2-6 #> 8 A-2-7 #> 9 A-3 #> 10 A-4 #> 11 A-5 #> 12 A-6 #> 13 A-7 #> 14 A-7-5 #> 15 A-7-6 #> 16 A-8 #> 17 A-1 #> 18 A-1-a #> 19 A-1-b #> 20 A-2 #> 21 A-2-4 #> 22 A-2-5 #> 23 A-2-6 #> 24 A-2-7 #> 25 A-3 #> 26 A-4 #> 27 A-5 #> 28 A-6 #> 29 A-7 #> 30 A-7-5 #> 31 A-7-6 #> 32 A-8 #> 33 1 #> 34 2 #> 35 3 #> 36 4 #> 37 5 #> 38 6 #> 39 7 #> 40 8 #> 41 1 #> 42 2 #> 43 3 #> 44 4 #> 45 5 #> 46 6 #> 47 7 #> 48 8 #> 49 e #> 50 w #> 51 s #> 52 c #> 53 e #> 54 w #> 55 s #> 56 c #> 57 Family #> 58 Taxon above family #> 59 Miscellaneous area #> 60 Series #> 61 Taxadjunct #> 62 Variant #> 63 Family #> 64 Taxon above family #> 65 Miscellaneous area #> 66 Series #> 67 Taxadjunct #> 68 Variant #> 69 Family #> 70 Taxon above family #> 71 Miscellaneous area #> 72 Series #> 73 Taxadjunct #> 74 Variant #> 75 Low #> 76 Moderate #> 77 High #> 78 Not Rated #> 79 Low #> 80 Moderate #> 81 High #> 82 Not Rated #> 83 African stargrass #> 84 Alfalfa hay #> 85 Alfalfa seed #> 86 Almonds #> 87 Apples #> 88 Apricots #> 89 Artichokes #> 90 Asparagus #> 91 Avocados #> 92 Bahiagrass #> 93 Bananas #> 94 Barley #> 95 Barley-fallow #> 96 Dry lima beans #> 97 Dry pinto beans #> 98 Dry beans #> 99 Snap beans #> 100 Unshelled lima beans #> 101 Beets #> 102 Bentgrass seed #> 103 Bermudagrass-clover hay #> 104 Bermudagrass-fescue hay #> 105 Big bluestem #> 106 Blackberries #> 107 Blueberries #> 108 Bluegrass seed #> 109 Bluegrass-ladino #> 110 Bluegrass-ladino hay #> 111 Bluegrass-trefoil #> 112 Bluegrass-trefoil hay #> 113 Bluegrass-white clover #> 114 Bluegrass-white clover hay #> 115 Breadfruit #> 116 Broccoli #> 117 Bromegrass hay #> 118 Bromegrass-alfalfa #> 119 Bromegrass-alfalfa hay #> 120 Bromegrass-alsike #> 121 Bromegrass-alsike hay #> 122 Bromegrass-ladino #> 123 Broomcorn #> 124 Brussel sprouts #> 125 Buckwheat #> 126 Buffel grass #> 127 Cabbage #> 128 Chinese cabbage #> 129 Mustard cabbage #> 130 Canarygrass hay #> 131 Canarygrass-alsike #> 132 Canarygrass-alsike hay #> 133 Canarygrass-ladino #> 134 Canarygrass-ladino hay #> 135 Cantaloupe #> 136 Carrots #> 137 Cassava #> 138 Cauliflower #> 139 Causian bluegrass #> 140 Celery #> 141 Cherries #> 142 Clover seed #> 143 Coconuts #> 144 Coffee #> 145 Common bermudagrass #> 146 Common ryegrass seed #> 147 Cool-season grasses #> 148 Corn #> 149 Corn silage #> 150 Sweet corn #> 151 Cotton lint #> 152 Pima cotton lint #> 153 Cowpeas #> 154 Cranberries #> 155 Crested wheatgrass #> 156 Crested wheatgrass-alfalfa hay #> 157 Cucumbers #> 158 Fescue #> 159 Filberts #> 160 Fine fescue seed #> 161 Flax #> 162 Garlic #> 163 Garrisongrass #> 164 Grain sorghum #> 165 Grapefruit #> 166 Table grapes #> 167 Wine grapes #> 168 Grass hay #> 169 Grass seed #> 170 Grass-clover #> 171 Grass-legume hay #> 172 Green chop #> 173 Green needlegrass #> 174 Guinea grass #> 175 Annual hay crop #> 176 Hops #> 177 Improved bermudagrass #> 178 Indiangrass #> 179 Introduced bluestem #> 180 Johnsongrass #> 181 Kentucky bluegrass #> 182 Kleingrass #> 183 Legume hay #> 184 Lemons #> 185 Dry lentils #> 186 Lettuce #> 187 Limes #> 188 Loganberries #> 189 Macadamia nuts #> 190 Mangos #> 191 Merkergrass #> 192 Millet #> 193 Distillate mint #> 194 Molassesgrass #> 195 Mungbeans #> 196 Oats #> 197 Olives #> 198 Onions #> 199 Green onions #> 200 Oranges #> 201 Orchardgrass #> 202 Orchardgrass hay #> 203 Orchardgrass seed #> 204 Orchardgrass-alfalfa #> 205 Orchardgrass-alfalfa hay #> 206 Orchardgrass-alsike #> 207 Orchardgrass-alsike hay #> 208 Orchardgrass-ladino #> 209 Orchardgrass-ladino hay #> 210 Orchardgrass-lespedeza #> 211 Orchardgrass-lespedeza hay #> 212 Orchardgrass-red clover #> 213 Orchardgrass-red clover hay #> 214 Orchardgrass-trefoil #> 215 Orchardgrass-trefoil hay #> 216 Pangolagrass #> 217 Papaya #> 218 Paragrass #> 219 Pasture #> 220 Peaches #> 221 Peanuts #> 222 Pears #> 223 Winter pears #> 224 Canning peas #> 225 Dry peas #> 226 Green peas #> 227 Pecans #> 228 Black pepper #> 229 Peppers #> 230 Dry chili peppers #> 231 Fresh chili peppers #> 232 Green peppers #> 233 Perennial ryegrass seed #> 234 Pigeonpeas #> 235 Pineapple #> 236 Ratoon pineapple #> 237 Pistachios #> 238 Plantains #> 239 Plums #> 240 Irish potatoes #> 241 Prunes #> 242 Dry prunes #> 243 Pubescent wheatgrass #> 244 Pumpkins #> 245 Raisins #> 246 Raspberries #> 247 Red clover hay #> 248 Red clover seed #> 249 Reed canarygrass #> 250 Rice #> 251 Rye #> 252 Rye grazeout #> 253 Safflower #> 254 Small grains grazeout #> 255 Smooth bromegrass #> 256 Sorghum hay #> 257 Sorghum silage #> 258 Soybeans #> 259 Spinach #> 260 Strawberries #> 261 Sugar beets #> 262 Sugarcane #> 263 18-month sugarcane #> 264 Ratoon sugarcane #> 265 Spring sugarcane #> 266 Sunflowers #> 267 Sweet potatoes #> 268 Switchgrass #> 269 Tall fescue #> 270 Tall fescue hay #> 271 Tall fescue seed #> 272 Tall fescue-alfalfa #> 273 Tall fescue-alfalfa hay #> 274 Tall fescue-alsike #> 275 Tall fescue-alsike hay #> 276 Tall fescue-ladino #> 277 Tall fescue-ladino hay #> 278 Tall fescue-lespedeza #> 279 Tall fescue-lespedeza hay #> 280 Tall fescue-red clover #> 281 Tall fescue-red clover hay #> 282 Tall wheatgrass #> 283 Tangelos #> 284 Tangerines #> 285 Taniers #> 286 Taro #> 287 Timothy-alfalfa #> 288 Timothy-alfalfa hay #> 289 Timothy-alsike #> 290 Timothy-alsike hay #> 291 Timothy-red clover hay #> 292 Tobacco #> 293 Tomatoes #> 294 Trefoil hay #> 295 Trefoil-grass #> 296 Trefoil-grass hay #> 297 Walnuts #> 298 Warm season grasses #> 299 Watermelons #> 300 Weeping lovegrass #> 301 Wheat #> 302 Wheat grazeout #> 303 Wheat (October-March) #> 304 Spring wheat #> 305 Spring wheat-fallow #> 306 Winter wheat #> 307 Winter wheat-fallow #> 308 Yams #> 309 Common bermudagrass hay #> 310 Improved bermudagrass hay #> 311 Bahiagrass hay #> 312 Spring canola #> 313 Winter canola #> 314 Small grains hay #> 315 Small grains silage #> 316 Sorghum grazed #> 317 Hay oats #> 318 Strawberry plants #> 319 Improved permanent pasture #> 320 Unimproved permanent pasture #> 321 Caucasian bluestem #> 322 Grass-legume pasture #> 323 Timothy hay #> 324 Annual ryegrass #> 325 Caucasian bluestem hay #> 326 Crimson clover #> 327 Kincaid red clover #> 328 Kobe lespedeza #> 329 Ladino clover #> 330 Alfalfa pasture #> 331 Summer squash #> 332 Winter squash #> 333 Timothy-red clover #> 334 Bluegrass #> 335 Grass silage #> 336 Burley tobacco #> 337 Fire-cured tobacco #> 338 Flue-cured tobacco #> 339 Dark air-cured tobacco #> 340 Light air-cured tobacco #> 341 Winter barley #> 342 Spring barley #> 343 Winter barley-fallow #> 344 Spring barley-fallow #> 345 Alfafa #> 346 African stargrass #> 347 Alfalfa hay #> 348 Alfalfa seed #> 349 Almonds #> 350 Apples #> 351 Apricots #> 352 Artichokes #> 353 Asparagus #> 354 Avocados #> 355 Bahiagrass #> 356 Bananas #> 357 Barley #> 358 Barley-fallow #> 359 Dry lima beans #> 360 Dry pinto beans #> 361 Dry beans #> 362 Snap beans #> 363 Unshelled lima beans #> 364 Beets #> 365 Bentgrass seed #> 366 Bermudagrass-clover hay #> 367 Bermudagrass-fescue hay #> 368 Big bluestem #> 369 Blackberries #> 370 Blueberries #> 371 Bluegrass seed #> 372 Bluegrass-ladino #> 373 Bluegrass-ladino hay #> 374 Bluegrass-trefoil #> 375 Bluegrass-trefoil hay #> 376 Bluegrass-white clover #> 377 Bluegrass-white clover hay #> 378 Breadfruit #> 379 Broccoli #> 380 Bromegrass hay #> 381 Bromegrass-alfalfa #> 382 Bromegrass-alfalfa hay #> 383 Bromegrass-alsike #> 384 Bromegrass-alsike hay #> 385 Bromegrass-ladino #> 386 Broomcorn #> 387 Brussel sprouts #> 388 Buckwheat #> 389 Buffel grass #> 390 Cabbage #> 391 Chinese cabbage #> 392 Mustard cabbage #> 393 Canarygrass hay #> 394 Canarygrass-alsike #> 395 Canarygrass-alsike hay #> 396 Canarygrass-ladino #> 397 Canarygrass-ladino hay #> 398 Cantaloupe #> 399 Carrots #> 400 Cassava #> 401 Cauliflower #> 402 Causian bluegrass #> 403 Celery #> 404 Cherries #> 405 Clover seed #> 406 Coconuts #> 407 Coffee #> 408 Common bermudagrass #> 409 Common ryegrass seed #> 410 Cool-season grasses #> 411 Corn #> 412 Corn silage #> 413 Sweet corn #> 414 Cotton lint #> 415 Pima cotton lint #> 416 Cowpeas #> 417 Cranberries #> 418 Crested wheatgrass #> 419 Crested wheatgrass-alfalfa hay #> 420 Cucumbers #> 421 Fescue #> 422 Filberts #> 423 Fine fescue seed #> 424 Flax #> 425 Garlic #> 426 Garrisongrass #> 427 Grain sorghum #> 428 Grapefruit #> 429 Table grapes #> 430 Wine grapes #> 431 Grass hay #> 432 Grass seed #> 433 Grass-clover #> 434 Grass-legume hay #> 435 Green chop #> 436 Green needlegrass #> 437 Guinea grass #> 438 Annual hay crop #> 439 Hops #> 440 Improved bermudagrass #> 441 Indiangrass #> 442 Introduced bluestem #> 443 Johnsongrass #> 444 Kentucky bluegrass #> 445 Kleingrass #> 446 Legume hay #> 447 Lemons #> 448 Dry lentils #> 449 Lettuce #> 450 Limes #> 451 Loganberries #> 452 Macadamia nuts #> 453 Mangos #> 454 Merkergrass #> 455 Millet #> 456 Distillate mint #> 457 Molassesgrass #> 458 Mungbeans #> 459 Oats #> 460 Olives #> 461 Onions #> 462 Green onions #> 463 Oranges #> 464 Orchardgrass #> 465 Orchardgrass hay #> 466 Orchardgrass seed #> 467 Orchardgrass-alfalfa #> 468 Orchardgrass-alfalfa hay #> 469 Orchardgrass-alsike #> 470 Orchardgrass-alsike hay #> 471 Orchardgrass-ladino #> 472 Orchardgrass-ladino hay #> 473 Orchardgrass-lespedeza #> 474 Orchardgrass-lespedeza hay #> 475 Orchardgrass-red clover #> 476 Orchardgrass-red clover hay #> 477 Orchardgrass-trefoil #> 478 Orchardgrass-trefoil hay #> 479 Pangolagrass #> 480 Papaya #> 481 Paragrass #> 482 Pasture #> 483 Peaches #> 484 Peanuts #> 485 Pears #> 486 Winter pears #> 487 Canning peas #> 488 Dry peas #> 489 Green peas #> 490 Pecans #> 491 Black pepper #> 492 Peppers #> 493 Dry chili peppers #> 494 Fresh chili peppers #> 495 Green peppers #> 496 Perennial ryegrass seed #> 497 Pigeonpeas #> 498 Pineapple #> 499 Ratoon pineapple #> 500 Pistachios #> 501 Plantains #> 502 Plums #> 503 Irish potatoes #> 504 Prunes #> 505 Dry prunes #> 506 Pubescent wheatgrass #> 507 Pumpkins #> 508 Raisins #> 509 Raspberries #> 510 Red clover hay #> 511 Red clover seed #> 512 Reed canarygrass #> 513 Rice #> 514 Rye #> 515 Rye grazeout #> 516 Safflower #> 517 Small grains grazeout #> 518 Smooth bromegrass #> 519 Sorghum hay #> 520 Sorghum silage #> 521 Soybeans #> 522 Spinach #> 523 Strawberries #> 524 Sugar beets #> 525 Sugarcane #> 526 18-month sugarcane #> 527 Ratoon sugarcane #> 528 Spring sugarcane #> 529 Sunflowers #> 530 Sweet potatoes #> 531 Switchgrass #> 532 Tall fescue #> 533 Tall fescue hay #> 534 Tall fescue seed #> 535 Tall fescue-alfalfa #> 536 Tall fescue-alfalfa hay #> 537 Tall fescue-alsike #> 538 Tall fescue-alsike hay #> 539 Tall fescue-ladino #> 540 Tall fescue-ladino hay #> 541 Tall fescue-lespedeza #> 542 Tall fescue-lespedeza hay #> 543 Tall fescue-red clover #> 544 Tall fescue-red clover hay #> 545 Tall wheatgrass #> 546 Tangelos #> 547 Tangerines #> 548 Taniers #> 549 Taro #> 550 Timothy-alfalfa #> 551 Timothy-alfalfa hay #> 552 Timothy-alsike #> 553 Timothy-alsike hay #> 554 Timothy-red clover hay #> 555 Tobacco #> 556 Tomatoes #> 557 Trefoil hay #> 558 Trefoil-grass #> 559 Trefoil-grass hay #> 560 Walnuts #> 561 Warm season grasses #> 562 Watermelons #> 563 Weeping lovegrass #> 564 Wheat #> 565 Wheat grazeout #> 566 Wheat (October-March) #> 567 Spring wheat #> 568 Spring wheat-fallow #> 569 Winter wheat #> 570 Winter wheat-fallow #> 571 Yams #> 572 Common bermudagrass hay #> 573 Improved bermudagrass hay #> 574 Bahiagrass hay #> 575 Spring canola #> 576 Winter canola #> 577 Small grains hay #> 578 Small grains silage #> 579 Sorghum grazed #> 580 Hay oats #> 581 Strawberry plants #> 582 Improved permanent pasture #> 583 Unimproved permanent pasture #> 584 Caucasian bluestem #> 585 Grass-legume pasture #> 586 Timothy hay #> 587 Annual ryegrass #> 588 Caucasian bluestem hay #> 589 Crimson clover #> 590 Kincaid red clover #> 591 Kobe lespedeza #> 592 Ladino clover #> 593 Alfalfa pasture #> 594 Summer squash #> 595 Winter squash #> 596 Timothy-red clover #> 597 Bluegrass #> 598 Grass silage #> 599 Burley tobacco #> 600 Fire-cured tobacco #> 601 Flue-cured tobacco #> 602 Dark air-cured tobacco #> 603 Light air-cured tobacco #> 604 Winter barley #> 605 Spring barley #> 606 Winter barley-fallow #> 607 Spring barley-fallow #> 608 Alfafa #> 609 African stargrass #> 610 Alfalfa hay #> 611 Alfalfa seed #> 612 Almonds #> 613 Apples #> 614 Apricots #> 615 Artichokes #> 616 Asparagus #> 617 Avocados #> 618 Bahiagrass #> 619 Bananas #> 620 Barley #> 621 Barley-fallow #> 622 Dry lima beans #> 623 Dry pinto beans #> 624 Dry beans #> 625 Snap beans #> 626 Unshelled lima beans #> 627 Beets #> 628 Bentgrass seed #> 629 Bermudagrass-clover hay #> 630 Bermudagrass-fescue hay #> 631 Big bluestem #> 632 Blackberries #> 633 Blueberries #> 634 Bluegrass seed #> 635 Bluegrass-ladino #> 636 Bluegrass-ladino hay #> 637 Bluegrass-trefoil #> 638 Bluegrass-trefoil hay #> 639 Bluegrass-white clover #> 640 Bluegrass-white clover hay #> 641 Breadfruit #> 642 Broccoli #> 643 Bromegrass hay #> 644 Bromegrass-alfalfa #> 645 Bromegrass-alfalfa hay #> 646 Bromegrass-alsike #> 647 Bromegrass-alsike hay #> 648 Bromegrass-ladino #> 649 Broomcorn #> 650 Brussel sprouts #> 651 Buckwheat #> 652 Buffel grass #> 653 Cabbage #> 654 Chinese cabbage #> 655 Mustard cabbage #> 656 Canarygrass hay #> 657 Canarygrass-alsike #> 658 Canarygrass-alsike hay #> 659 Canarygrass-ladino #> 660 Canarygrass-ladino hay #> 661 Cantaloupe #> 662 Carrots #> 663 Cassava #> 664 Cauliflower #> 665 Causian bluegrass #> 666 Celery #> 667 Cherries #> 668 Clover seed #> 669 Coconuts #> 670 Coffee #> 671 Common bermudagrass #> 672 Common ryegrass seed #> 673 Cool-season grasses #> 674 Corn #> 675 Corn silage #> 676 Sweet corn #> 677 Cotton lint #> 678 Pima cotton lint #> 679 Cowpeas #> 680 Cranberries #> 681 Crested wheatgrass #> 682 Crested wheatgrass-alfalfa hay #> 683 Cucumbers #> 684 Fescue #> 685 Filberts #> 686 Fine fescue seed #> 687 Flax #> 688 Garlic #> 689 Garrisongrass #> 690 Grain sorghum #> 691 Grapefruit #> 692 Table grapes #> 693 Wine grapes #> 694 Grass hay #> 695 Grass seed #> 696 Grass-clover #> 697 Grass-legume hay #> 698 Green chop #> 699 Green needlegrass #> 700 Guinea grass #> 701 Annual hay crop #> 702 Hops #> 703 Improved bermudagrass #> 704 Indiangrass #> 705 Introduced bluestem #> 706 Johnsongrass #> 707 Kentucky bluegrass #> 708 Kleingrass #> 709 Legume hay #> 710 Lemons #> 711 Dry lentils #> 712 Lettuce #> 713 Limes #> 714 Loganberries #> 715 Macadamia nuts #> 716 Mangos #> 717 Merkergrass #> 718 Millet #> 719 Distillate mint #> 720 Molassesgrass #> 721 Mungbeans #> 722 Oats #> 723 Olives #> 724 Onions #> 725 Green onions #> 726 Oranges #> 727 Orchardgrass #> 728 Orchardgrass hay #> 729 Orchardgrass seed #> 730 Orchardgrass-alfalfa #> 731 Orchardgrass-alfalfa hay #> 732 Orchardgrass-alsike #> 733 Orchardgrass-alsike hay #> 734 Orchardgrass-ladino #> 735 Orchardgrass-ladino hay #> 736 Orchardgrass-lespedeza #> 737 Orchardgrass-lespedeza hay #> 738 Orchardgrass-red clover #> 739 Orchardgrass-red clover hay #> 740 Orchardgrass-trefoil #> 741 Orchardgrass-trefoil hay #> 742 Pangolagrass #> 743 Papaya #> 744 Paragrass #> 745 Pasture #> 746 Peaches #> 747 Peanuts #> 748 Pears #> 749 Winter pears #> 750 Canning peas #> 751 Dry peas #> 752 Green peas #> 753 Pecans #> 754 Black pepper #> 755 Peppers #> 756 Dry chili peppers #> 757 Fresh chili peppers #> 758 Green peppers #> 759 Perennial ryegrass seed #> 760 Pigeonpeas #> 761 Pineapple #> 762 Ratoon pineapple #> 763 Pistachios #> 764 Plantains #> 765 Plums #> 766 Irish potatoes #> 767 Prunes #> 768 Dry prunes #> 769 Pubescent wheatgrass #> 770 Pumpkins #> 771 Raisins #> 772 Raspberries #> 773 Red clover hay #> 774 Red clover seed #> 775 Reed canarygrass #> 776 Rice #> 777 Rye #> 778 Rye grazeout #> 779 Safflower #> 780 Small grains grazeout #> 781 Smooth bromegrass #> 782 Sorghum hay #> 783 Sorghum silage #> 784 Soybeans #> 785 Spinach #> 786 Strawberries #> 787 Sugar beets #> 788 Sugarcane #> 789 18-month sugarcane #> 790 Ratoon sugarcane #> 791 Spring sugarcane #> 792 Sunflowers #> 793 Sweet potatoes #> 794 Switchgrass #> 795 Tall fescue #> 796 Tall fescue hay #> 797 Tall fescue seed #> 798 Tall fescue-alfalfa #> 799 Tall fescue-alfalfa hay #> 800 Tall fescue-alsike #> 801 Tall fescue-alsike hay #> 802 Tall fescue-ladino #> 803 Tall fescue-ladino hay #> 804 Tall fescue-lespedeza #> 805 Tall fescue-lespedeza hay #> 806 Tall fescue-red clover #> 807 Tall fescue-red clover hay #> 808 Tall wheatgrass #> 809 Tangelos #> 810 Tangerines #> 811 Taniers #> 812 Taro #> 813 Timothy-alfalfa #> 814 Timothy-alfalfa hay #> 815 Timothy-alsike #> 816 Timothy-alsike hay #> 817 Timothy-red clover hay #> 818 Tobacco #> 819 Tomatoes #> 820 Trefoil hay #> 821 Trefoil-grass #> 822 Trefoil-grass hay #> 823 Walnuts #> 824 Warm season grasses #> 825 Watermelons #> 826 Weeping lovegrass #> 827 Wheat #> 828 Wheat grazeout #> 829 Wheat (October-March) #> 830 Spring wheat #> 831 Spring wheat-fallow #> 832 Winter wheat #> 833 Winter wheat-fallow #> 834 Yams #> 835 Common bermudagrass hay #> 836 Improved bermudagrass hay #> 837 Bahiagrass hay #> 838 Spring canola #> 839 Winter canola #> 840 Small grains hay #> 841 Small grains silage #> 842 Sorghum grazed #> 843 Hay oats #> 844 Strawberry plants #> 845 Improved permanent pasture #> 846 Unimproved permanent pasture #> 847 Caucasian bluestem #> 848 Grass-legume pasture #> 849 Timothy hay #> 850 Annual ryegrass #> 851 Caucasian bluestem hay #> 852 Crimson clover #> 853 Kincaid red clover #> 854 Kobe lespedeza #> 855 Ladino clover #> 856 Alfalfa pasture #> 857 Summer squash #> 858 Winter squash #> 859 Timothy-red clover #> 860 Bluegrass #> 861 Grass silage #> 862 Burley tobacco #> 863 Fire-cured tobacco #> 864 Flue-cured tobacco #> 865 Dark air-cured tobacco #> 866 Light air-cured tobacco #> 867 Winter barley #> 868 Spring barley #> 869 Winter barley-fallow #> 870 Spring barley-fallow #> 871 Alfafa #> 872 African stargrass #> 873 Alfalfa hay #> 874 Alfalfa seed #> 875 Almonds #> 876 Apples #> 877 Apricots #> 878 Artichokes #> 879 Asparagus #> 880 Avocados #> 881 Bahiagrass #> 882 Bananas #> 883 Barley #> 884 Barley-fallow #> 885 Dry lima beans #> 886 Dry pinto beans #> 887 Dry beans #> 888 Snap beans #> 889 Unshelled lima beans #> 890 Beets #> 891 Bentgrass seed #> 892 Bermudagrass-clover hay #> 893 Bermudagrass-fescue hay #> 894 Big bluestem #> 895 Blackberries #> 896 Blueberries #> 897 Bluegrass seed #> 898 Bluegrass-ladino #> 899 Bluegrass-ladino hay #> 900 Bluegrass-trefoil #> 901 Bluegrass-trefoil hay #> 902 Bluegrass-white clover #> 903 Bluegrass-white clover hay #> 904 Breadfruit #> 905 Broccoli #> 906 Bromegrass hay #> 907 Bromegrass-alfalfa #> 908 Bromegrass-alfalfa hay #> 909 Bromegrass-alsike #> 910 Bromegrass-alsike hay #> 911 Bromegrass-ladino #> 912 Broomcorn #> 913 Brussel sprouts #> 914 Buckwheat #> 915 Buffel grass #> 916 Cabbage #> 917 Chinese cabbage #> 918 Mustard cabbage #> 919 Canarygrass hay #> 920 Canarygrass-alsike #> 921 Canarygrass-alsike hay #> 922 Canarygrass-ladino #> 923 Canarygrass-ladino hay #> 924 Cantaloupe #> 925 Carrots #> 926 Cassava #> 927 Cauliflower #> 928 Causian bluegrass #> 929 Celery #> 930 Cherries #> 931 Clover seed #> 932 Coconuts #> 933 Coffee #> 934 Common bermudagrass #> 935 Common ryegrass seed #> 936 Cool-season grasses #> 937 Corn #> 938 Corn silage #> 939 Sweet corn #> 940 Cotton lint #> 941 Pima cotton lint #> 942 Cowpeas #> 943 Cranberries #> 944 Crested wheatgrass #> 945 Crested wheatgrass-alfalfa hay #> 946 Cucumbers #> 947 Fescue #> 948 Filberts #> 949 Fine fescue seed #> 950 Flax #> 951 Garlic #> 952 Garrisongrass #> 953 Grain sorghum #> 954 Grapefruit #> 955 Table grapes #> 956 Wine grapes #> 957 Grass hay #> 958 Grass seed #> 959 Grass-clover #> 960 Grass-legume hay #> 961 Green chop #> 962 Green needlegrass #> 963 Guinea grass #> 964 Annual hay crop #> 965 Hops #> 966 Improved bermudagrass #> 967 Indiangrass #> 968 Introduced bluestem #> 969 Johnsongrass #> 970 Kentucky bluegrass #> 971 Kleingrass #> 972 Legume hay #> 973 Lemons #> 974 Dry lentils #> 975 Lettuce #> 976 Limes #> 977 Loganberries #> 978 Macadamia nuts #> 979 Mangos #> 980 Merkergrass #> 981 Millet #> 982 Distillate mint #> 983 Molassesgrass #> 984 Mungbeans #> 985 Oats #> 986 Olives #> 987 Onions #> 988 Green onions #> 989 Oranges #> 990 Orchardgrass #> 991 Orchardgrass hay #> 992 Orchardgrass seed #> 993 Orchardgrass-alfalfa #> 994 Orchardgrass-alfalfa hay #> 995 Orchardgrass-alsike #> 996 Orchardgrass-alsike hay #> 997 Orchardgrass-ladino #> 998 Orchardgrass-ladino hay #> 999 Orchardgrass-lespedeza #> 1000 Orchardgrass-lespedeza hay #> 1001 Orchardgrass-red clover #> 1002 Orchardgrass-red clover hay #> 1003 Orchardgrass-trefoil #> 1004 Orchardgrass-trefoil hay #> 1005 Pangolagrass #> 1006 Papaya #> 1007 Paragrass #> 1008 Pasture #> 1009 Peaches #> 1010 Peanuts #> 1011 Pears #> 1012 Winter pears #> 1013 Canning peas #> 1014 Dry peas #> 1015 Green peas #> 1016 Pecans #> 1017 Black pepper #> 1018 Peppers #> 1019 Dry chili peppers #> 1020 Fresh chili peppers #> 1021 Green peppers #> 1022 Perennial ryegrass seed #> 1023 Pigeonpeas #> 1024 Pineapple #> 1025 Ratoon pineapple #> 1026 Pistachios #> 1027 Plantains #> 1028 Plums #> 1029 Irish potatoes #> 1030 Prunes #> 1031 Dry prunes #> 1032 Pubescent wheatgrass #> 1033 Pumpkins #> 1034 Raisins #> 1035 Raspberries #> 1036 Red clover hay #> 1037 Red clover seed #> 1038 Reed canarygrass #> 1039 Rice #> 1040 Rye #> 1041 Rye grazeout #> 1042 Safflower #> 1043 Small grains grazeout #> 1044 Smooth bromegrass #> 1045 Sorghum hay #> 1046 Sorghum silage #> 1047 Soybeans #> 1048 Spinach #> 1049 Strawberries #> 1050 Sugar beets #> 1051 Sugarcane #> 1052 18-month sugarcane #> 1053 Ratoon sugarcane #> 1054 Spring sugarcane #> 1055 Sunflowers #> 1056 Sweet potatoes #> 1057 Switchgrass #> 1058 Tall fescue #> 1059 Tall fescue hay #> 1060 Tall fescue seed #> 1061 Tall fescue-alfalfa #> 1062 Tall fescue-alfalfa hay #> 1063 Tall fescue-alsike #> 1064 Tall fescue-alsike hay #> 1065 Tall fescue-ladino #> 1066 Tall fescue-ladino hay #> 1067 Tall fescue-lespedeza #> 1068 Tall fescue-lespedeza hay #> 1069 Tall fescue-red clover #> 1070 Tall fescue-red clover hay #> 1071 Tall wheatgrass #> 1072 Tangelos #> 1073 Tangerines #> 1074 Taniers #> 1075 Taro #> 1076 Timothy-alfalfa #> 1077 Timothy-alfalfa hay #> 1078 Timothy-alsike #> 1079 Timothy-alsike hay #> 1080 Timothy-red clover hay #> 1081 Tobacco #> 1082 Tomatoes #> 1083 Trefoil hay #> 1084 Trefoil-grass #> 1085 Trefoil-grass hay #> 1086 Walnuts #> 1087 Warm season grasses #> 1088 Watermelons #> 1089 Weeping lovegrass #> 1090 Wheat #> 1091 Wheat grazeout #> 1092 Wheat (October-March) #> 1093 Spring wheat #> 1094 Spring wheat-fallow #> 1095 Winter wheat #> 1096 Winter wheat-fallow #> 1097 Yams #> 1098 Common bermudagrass hay #> 1099 Improved bermudagrass hay #> 1100 Bahiagrass hay #> 1101 Spring canola #> 1102 Winter canola #> 1103 Small grains hay #> 1104 Small grains silage #> 1105 Sorghum grazed #> 1106 Hay oats #> 1107 Strawberry plants #> 1108 Improved permanent pasture #> 1109 Unimproved permanent pasture #> 1110 Caucasian bluestem #> 1111 Grass-legume pasture #> 1112 Timothy hay #> 1113 Annual ryegrass #> 1114 Caucasian bluestem hay #> 1115 Crimson clover #> 1116 Kincaid red clover #> 1117 Kobe lespedeza #> 1118 Ladino clover #> 1119 Alfalfa pasture #> 1120 Summer squash #> 1121 Winter squash #> 1122 Timothy-red clover #> 1123 Bluegrass #> 1124 Grass silage #> 1125 Burley tobacco #> 1126 Fire-cured tobacco #> 1127 Flue-cured tobacco #> 1128 Dark air-cured tobacco #> 1129 Light air-cured tobacco #> 1130 Winter barley #> 1131 Spring barley #> 1132 Winter barley-fallow #> 1133 Spring barley-fallow #> 1134 Alfafa #> 1135 African stargrass #> 1136 Alfalfa hay #> 1137 Alfalfa seed #> 1138 Almonds #> 1139 Apples #> 1140 Apricots #> 1141 Artichokes #> 1142 Asparagus #> 1143 Avocados #> 1144 Bahiagrass #> 1145 Bananas #> 1146 Barley #> 1147 Barley-fallow #> 1148 Dry lima beans #> 1149 Dry pinto beans #> 1150 Dry beans #> 1151 Snap beans #> 1152 Unshelled lima beans #> 1153 Beets #> 1154 Bentgrass seed #> 1155 Bermudagrass-clover hay #> 1156 Bermudagrass-fescue hay #> 1157 Big bluestem #> 1158 Blackberries #> 1159 Blueberries #> 1160 Bluegrass seed #> 1161 Bluegrass-ladino #> 1162 Bluegrass-ladino hay #> 1163 Bluegrass-trefoil #> 1164 Bluegrass-trefoil hay #> 1165 Bluegrass-white clover #> 1166 Bluegrass-white clover hay #> 1167 Breadfruit #> 1168 Broccoli #> 1169 Bromegrass hay #> 1170 Bromegrass-alfalfa #> 1171 Bromegrass-alfalfa hay #> 1172 Bromegrass-alsike #> 1173 Bromegrass-alsike hay #> 1174 Bromegrass-ladino #> 1175 Broomcorn #> 1176 Brussel sprouts #> 1177 Buckwheat #> 1178 Buffel grass #> 1179 Cabbage #> 1180 Chinese cabbage #> 1181 Mustard cabbage #> 1182 Canarygrass hay #> 1183 Canarygrass-alsike #> 1184 Canarygrass-alsike hay #> 1185 Canarygrass-ladino #> 1186 Canarygrass-ladino hay #> 1187 Cantaloupe #> 1188 Carrots #> 1189 Cassava #> 1190 Cauliflower #> 1191 Causian bluegrass #> 1192 Celery #> 1193 Cherries #> 1194 Clover seed #> 1195 Coconuts #> 1196 Coffee #> 1197 Common bermudagrass #> 1198 Common ryegrass seed #> 1199 Cool-season grasses #> 1200 Corn #> 1201 Corn silage #> 1202 Sweet corn #> 1203 Cotton lint #> 1204 Pima cotton lint #> 1205 Cowpeas #> 1206 Cranberries #> 1207 Crested wheatgrass #> 1208 Crested wheatgrass-alfalfa hay #> 1209 Cucumbers #> 1210 Fescue #> 1211 Filberts #> 1212 Fine fescue seed #> 1213 Flax #> 1214 Garlic #> 1215 Garrisongrass #> 1216 Grain sorghum #> 1217 Grapefruit #> 1218 Table grapes #> 1219 Wine grapes #> 1220 Grass hay #> 1221 Grass seed #> 1222 Grass-clover #> 1223 Grass-legume hay #> 1224 Green chop #> 1225 Green needlegrass #> 1226 Guinea grass #> 1227 Annual hay crop #> 1228 Hops #> 1229 Improved bermudagrass #> 1230 Indiangrass #> 1231 Introduced bluestem #> 1232 Johnsongrass #> 1233 Kentucky bluegrass #> 1234 Kleingrass #> 1235 Legume hay #> 1236 Lemons #> 1237 Dry lentils #> 1238 Lettuce #> 1239 Limes #> 1240 Loganberries #> 1241 Macadamia nuts #> 1242 Mangos #> 1243 Merkergrass #> 1244 Millet #> 1245 Distillate mint #> 1246 Molassesgrass #> 1247 Mungbeans #> 1248 Oats #> 1249 Olives #> 1250 Onions #> 1251 Green onions #> 1252 Oranges #> 1253 Orchardgrass #> 1254 Orchardgrass hay #> 1255 Orchardgrass seed #> 1256 Orchardgrass-alfalfa #> 1257 Orchardgrass-alfalfa hay #> 1258 Orchardgrass-alsike #> 1259 Orchardgrass-alsike hay #> 1260 Orchardgrass-ladino #> 1261 Orchardgrass-ladino hay #> 1262 Orchardgrass-lespedeza #> 1263 Orchardgrass-lespedeza hay #> 1264 Orchardgrass-red clover #> 1265 Orchardgrass-red clover hay #> 1266 Orchardgrass-trefoil #> 1267 Orchardgrass-trefoil hay #> 1268 Pangolagrass #> 1269 Papaya #> 1270 Paragrass #> 1271 Pasture #> 1272 Peaches #> 1273 Peanuts #> 1274 Pears #> 1275 Winter pears #> 1276 Canning peas #> 1277 Dry peas #> 1278 Green peas #> 1279 Pecans #> 1280 Black pepper #> 1281 Peppers #> 1282 Dry chili peppers #> 1283 Fresh chili peppers #> 1284 Green peppers #> 1285 Perennial ryegrass seed #> 1286 Pigeonpeas #> 1287 Pineapple #> 1288 Ratoon pineapple #> 1289 Pistachios #> 1290 Plantains #> 1291 Plums #> 1292 Irish potatoes #> 1293 Prunes #> 1294 Dry prunes #> 1295 Pubescent wheatgrass #> 1296 Pumpkins #> 1297 Raisins #> 1298 Raspberries #> 1299 Red clover hay #> 1300 Red clover seed #> 1301 Reed canarygrass #> 1302 Rice #> 1303 Rye #> 1304 Rye grazeout #> 1305 Safflower #> 1306 Small grains grazeout #> 1307 Smooth bromegrass #> 1308 Sorghum hay #> 1309 Sorghum silage #> 1310 Soybeans #> 1311 Spinach #> 1312 Strawberries #> 1313 Sugar beets #> 1314 Sugarcane #> 1315 18-month sugarcane #> 1316 Ratoon sugarcane #> 1317 Spring sugarcane #> 1318 Sunflowers #> 1319 Sweet potatoes #> 1320 Switchgrass #> 1321 Tall fescue #> 1322 Tall fescue hay #> 1323 Tall fescue seed #> 1324 Tall fescue-alfalfa #> 1325 Tall fescue-alfalfa hay #> 1326 Tall fescue-alsike #> 1327 Tall fescue-alsike hay #> 1328 Tall fescue-ladino #> 1329 Tall fescue-ladino hay #> 1330 Tall fescue-lespedeza #> 1331 Tall fescue-lespedeza hay #> 1332 Tall fescue-red clover #> 1333 Tall fescue-red clover hay #> 1334 Tall wheatgrass #> 1335 Tangelos #> 1336 Tangerines #> 1337 Taniers #> 1338 Taro #> 1339 Timothy-alfalfa #> 1340 Timothy-alfalfa hay #> 1341 Timothy-alsike #> 1342 Timothy-alsike hay #> 1343 Timothy-red clover hay #> 1344 Tobacco #> 1345 Tomatoes #> 1346 Trefoil hay #> 1347 Trefoil-grass #> 1348 Trefoil-grass hay #> 1349 Walnuts #> 1350 Warm season grasses #> 1351 Watermelons #> 1352 Weeping lovegrass #> 1353 Wheat #> 1354 Wheat grazeout #> 1355 Wheat (October-March) #> 1356 Spring wheat #> 1357 Spring wheat-fallow #> 1358 Winter wheat #> 1359 Winter wheat-fallow #> 1360 Yams #> 1361 Common bermudagrass hay #> 1362 Improved bermudagrass hay #> 1363 Bahiagrass hay #> 1364 Spring canola #> 1365 Winter canola #> 1366 Small grains hay #> 1367 Small grains silage #> 1368 Sorghum grazed #> 1369 Hay oats #> 1370 Strawberry plants #> 1371 Improved permanent pasture #> 1372 Unimproved permanent pasture #> 1373 Caucasian bluestem #> 1374 Grass-legume pasture #> 1375 Timothy hay #> 1376 Annual ryegrass #> 1377 Caucasian bluestem hay #> 1378 Crimson clover #> 1379 Kincaid red clover #> 1380 Kobe lespedeza #> 1381 Ladino clover #> 1382 Alfalfa pasture #> 1383 Summer squash #> 1384 Winter squash #> 1385 Timothy-red clover #> 1386 Bluegrass #> 1387 Grass silage #> 1388 Burley tobacco #> 1389 Fire-cured tobacco #> 1390 Flue-cured tobacco #> 1391 Dark air-cured tobacco #> 1392 Light air-cured tobacco #> 1393 Winter barley #> 1394 Spring barley #> 1395 Winter barley-fallow #> 1396 Spring barley-fallow #> 1397 Alfafa #> 1398 AUM #> 1399 Boxes #> 1400 Bu #> 1401 Crates #> 1402 Cwt #> 1403 Lbs #> 1404 Sacks #> 1405 Thousands #> 1406 Tons #> 1407 Extremely brief (0.1 to 4 hours) #> 1408 Very brief (4 to 48 hours) #> 1409 Brief (2 to 7 days) #> 1410 Long (7 to 30 days) #> 1411 Very long (more than 30 days) #> 1412 Extremely brief (0.1 to 4 hours) #> 1413 Very brief (4 to 48 hours) #> 1414 Brief (2 to 7 days) #> 1415 Long (7 to 30 days) #> 1416 Very long (more than 30 days) #> 1417 Extremely brief (0.1 to 4 hours) #> 1418 Very brief (4 to 48 hours) #> 1419 Brief (2 to 7 days) #> 1420 Long (7 to 30 days) #> 1421 Very long (more than 30 days) #> 1422 January #> 1423 February #> 1424 March #> 1425 April #> 1426 May #> 1427 June #> 1428 July #> 1429 August #> 1430 September #> 1431 October #> 1432 November #> 1433 December #> 1434 January #> 1435 February #> 1436 March #> 1437 April #> 1438 May #> 1439 June #> 1440 July #> 1441 August #> 1442 September #> 1443 October #> 1444 November #> 1445 December #> 1446 January #> 1447 February #> 1448 March #> 1449 April #> 1450 May #> 1451 June #> 1452 July #> 1453 August #> 1454 September #> 1455 October #> 1456 November #> 1457 December #> 1458 January #> 1459 February #> 1460 March #> 1461 April #> 1462 May #> 1463 June #> 1464 July #> 1465 August #> 1466 September #> 1467 October #> 1468 November #> 1469 December #> 1470 January #> 1471 February #> 1472 March #> 1473 April #> 1474 May #> 1475 June #> 1476 July #> 1477 August #> 1478 September #> 1479 October #> 1480 November #> 1481 December #> 1482 O #> 1483 A #> 1484 E #> 1485 B #> 1486 C #> 1487 R #> 1488 AB #> 1489 AE #> 1490 AC #> 1491 EA #> 1492 EB #> 1493 BA #> 1494 BE #> 1495 BC #> 1496 CA #> 1497 CB #> 1498 A/E #> 1499 A/B #> 1500 A/C #> 1501 E/A #> 1502 E/B #> 1503 B/A #> 1504 B/E #> 1505 B/C #> 1506 C/A #> 1507 C/B #> 1508 E and B #> 1509 O' #> 1510 A' #> 1511 E' #> 1512 B' #> 1513 C' #> 1514 O'' #> 1515 A'' #> 1516 E'' #> 1517 B'' #> 1518 C'' #> 1519 H #> 1520 W #> 1521 L #> 1522 EC #> 1523 B and E #> 1524 M #> 1525 ^O #> 1526 ^A #> 1527 ^E #> 1528 ^B #> 1529 ^C #> 1530 ^AB #> 1531 ^BA #> 1532 ^AE #> 1533 ^EA #> 1534 ^EB #> 1535 ^BE #> 1536 ^AC #> 1537 ^CA #> 1538 ^BC #> 1539 ^CB #> 1540 ^A/B #> 1541 ^B/A #> 1542 ^A/E #> 1543 ^E/A #> 1544 ^A/C #> 1545 ^C/A #> 1546 ^B/C #> 1547 ^C/B #> 1548 V #> 1549 O #> 1550 A #> 1551 E #> 1552 B #> 1553 C #> 1554 R #> 1555 AB #> 1556 AE #> 1557 AC #> 1558 EA #> 1559 EB #> 1560 BA #> 1561 BE #> 1562 BC #> 1563 CA #> 1564 CB #> 1565 A/E #> 1566 A/B #> 1567 A/C #> 1568 E/A #> 1569 E/B #> 1570 B/A #> 1571 B/E #> 1572 B/C #> 1573 C/A #> 1574 C/B #> 1575 E and B #> 1576 O' #> 1577 A' #> 1578 E' #> 1579 B' #> 1580 C' #> 1581 O'' #> 1582 A'' #> 1583 E'' #> 1584 B'' #> 1585 C'' #> 1586 H #> 1587 W #> 1588 L #> 1589 EC #> 1590 B and E #> 1591 M #> 1592 ^O #> 1593 ^A #> 1594 ^E #> 1595 ^B #> 1596 ^C #> 1597 ^AB #> 1598 ^BA #> 1599 ^AE #> 1600 ^EA #> 1601 ^EB #> 1602 ^BE #> 1603 ^AC #> 1604 ^CA #> 1605 ^BC #> 1606 ^CB #> 1607 ^A/B #> 1608 ^B/A #> 1609 ^A/E #> 1610 ^E/A #> 1611 ^A/C #> 1612 ^C/A #> 1613 ^B/C #> 1614 ^C/B #> 1615 V #> 1616 Farmable under natural conditions #> 1617 Wooded under natural conditions #> 1618 Neither wooded nor farmable under natural conditions #> 1619 A #> 1620 B #> 1621 C #> 1622 D #> 1623 A/D #> 1624 B/D #> 1625 C/D #> 1626 Association #> 1627 Consociation #> 1628 Undifferentiated group #> 1629 Complex #> 1630 None #> 1631 Low #> 1632 Moderate #> 1633 High #> 1634 .02 #> 1635 .05 #> 1636 .10 #> 1637 .15 #> 1638 .17 #> 1639 .20 #> 1640 .24 #> 1641 .28 #> 1642 .32 #> 1643 .37 #> 1644 .43 #> 1645 .49 #> 1646 .55 #> 1647 .64 #> 1648 .02 #> 1649 .05 #> 1650 .10 #> 1651 .15 #> 1652 .17 #> 1653 .20 #> 1654 .24 #> 1655 .28 #> 1656 .32 #> 1657 .37 #> 1658 .43 #> 1659 .49 #> 1660 .55 #> 1661 .64 #> 1662 Out-of-date #> 1663 Published #> 1664 Nonproject #> 1665 Initial #> 1666 Extensive revision #> 1667 Update #> 1668 Update needed #> 1669 allitic #> 1670 calcareous #> 1671 carbonatic #> 1672 coprogenous #> 1673 chloritic #> 1674 diatomaceous earth #> 1675 ferrihumic #> 1676 ferritic #> 1677 ferruginous #> 1678 gibbsitic #> 1679 glauconitic #> 1680 gypsic #> 1681 halloysitic #> 1682 illitic #> 1683 illitic (calcareous) #> 1684 kaolinitic #> 1685 marly #> 1686 micaceous #> 1687 micaceous (calcareous) #> 1688 mixed #> 1689 mixed (calcareous) #> 1690 montmorillonitic #> 1691 montmorillonitic (calcareous) #> 1692 oxidic #> 1693 serpentinitic #> 1694 siliceous #> 1695 siliceous (calcareous) #> 1696 sesquic #> 1697 vermiculitic #> 1698 vermiculitic (calcareous) #> 1699 unclassified #> 1700 clastic #> 1701 sepiolitic #> 1702 not used #> 1703 amorphic #> 1704 ferrihydritic #> 1705 glassy #> 1706 isotic #> 1707 magnesic #> 1708 paramicaceous #> 1709 parasesquic #> 1710 smectitic #> 1711 hypergypsic #> 1712 anhydritic #> 1713 opaline #> 1714 allitic #> 1715 calcareous #> 1716 carbonatic #> 1717 coprogenous #> 1718 chloritic #> 1719 diatomaceous earth #> 1720 ferrihumic #> 1721 ferritic #> 1722 ferruginous #> 1723 gibbsitic #> 1724 glauconitic #> 1725 gypsic #> 1726 halloysitic #> 1727 illitic #> 1728 illitic (calcareous) #> 1729 kaolinitic #> 1730 marly #> 1731 micaceous #> 1732 micaceous (calcareous) #> 1733 mixed #> 1734 mixed (calcareous) #> 1735 montmorillonitic #> 1736 montmorillonitic (calcareous) #> 1737 oxidic #> 1738 serpentinitic #> 1739 siliceous #> 1740 siliceous (calcareous) #> 1741 sesquic #> 1742 vermiculitic #> 1743 vermiculitic (calcareous) #> 1744 unclassified #> 1745 clastic #> 1746 sepiolitic #> 1747 not used #> 1748 amorphic #> 1749 ferrihydritic #> 1750 glassy #> 1751 isotic #> 1752 magnesic #> 1753 paramicaceous #> 1754 parasesquic #> 1755 smectitic #> 1756 hypergypsic #> 1757 anhydritic #> 1758 opaline #> 1759 unclassified #> 1760 not used #> 1761 cindery #> 1762 cindery over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1763 ashy #> 1764 cindery over loamy #> 1765 ashy over pumiceous or cindery #> 1766 ashy over loamy #> 1767 ashy-skeletal #> 1768 medial #> 1769 medial-skeletal #> 1770 medial over pumiceous or cindery #> 1771 ashy over loamy-skeletal #> 1772 medial over clayey #> 1773 cindery over medial-skeletal #> 1774 medial over fragmental #> 1775 cindery over medial #> 1776 medial over loamy #> 1777 ashy over medial #> 1778 medial over loamy-skeletal #> 1779 ashy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1780 medial over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1781 medial over thixotropic #> 1782 thixotropic #> 1783 thixotropic-skeletal #> 1784 thixotropic over fragmental #> 1785 thixotropic over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1786 thixotropic over loamy-skeletal #> 1787 thixotropic over loamy #> 1788 sandy-skeletal #> 1789 sandy-skeletal over loamy #> 1790 sandy-skeletal over clayey #> 1791 loamy-skeletal #> 1792 loamy-skeletal over fragmental #> 1793 loamy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1794 loamy-skeletal over clayey #> 1795 loamy-skeletal or clayey-skeletal #> 1796 clayey-skeletal #> 1797 clayey-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1798 sandy #> 1799 sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1800 sandy over loamy #> 1801 sandy over clayey #> 1802 loamy #> 1803 loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1804 coarse-loamy #> 1805 coarse-loamy over fragmental #> 1806 coarse-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1807 coarse-loamy over clayey #> 1808 coarse-silty #> 1809 coarse-silty over fragmental #> 1810 coarse-silty over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1811 coarse-silty over clayey #> 1812 fine-loamy #> 1813 loamy over pumiceous or cindery #> 1814 fine-loamy over fragmental #> 1815 fine-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1816 fine-loamy over clayey #> 1817 fine-silty #> 1818 fine-silty over fragmental #> 1819 fine-silty over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1820 fine-silty over clayey #> 1821 clayey #> 1822 clayey over fragmental #> 1823 clayey over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1824 clayey over loamy-skeletal #> 1825 clayey over fine-silty #> 1826 clayey over loamy #> 1827 fine #> 1828 very-fine #> 1829 hydrous #> 1830 hydrous-pumiceous #> 1831 hydrous-skeletal #> 1832 hydrous over clayey #> 1833 hydrous over clayey-skeletal #> 1834 hydrous over fragmental #> 1835 hydrous over loamy #> 1836 hydrous over loamy-skeletal #> 1837 hydrous over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1838 ashy-pumiceous #> 1839 ashy over medial-skeletal #> 1840 medial-pumiceous #> 1841 medial over ashy #> 1842 medial over clayey-skeletal #> 1843 medial over hydrous #> 1844 pumiceous #> 1845 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1846 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over loamy #> 1847 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over medial-skeletal #> 1848 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over medial #> 1849 fragmental #> 1850 ashy over clayey #> 1851 ashy-skeletal over fragmental or cindery #> 1852 medial-skeletal over fragmental or cindery #> 1853 ashy over clayey-skeletal #> 1854 loamy-skeletal over cindery #> 1855 medial over ashy-pumiceous or ashy-skeletal #> 1856 ashy-skeletal over loamy-skeletal #> 1857 loamy over ashy or ashy-pumiceous #> 1858 medial-skeletal over loamy-skeletal #> 1859 ashy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1860 medial-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1861 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over loamy-skeletal #> 1862 gypseous-skeletal #> 1863 coarse-gypseous #> 1864 fine-gypseous #> 1865 ashy-skeletal over clayey #> 1866 clayey over coarse-gypseous #> 1867 clayey over fine-gypseous #> 1868 clayey over gypseous-skeletal #> 1869 loamy over coarse-gypseous #> 1870 loamy over fine-gypseous #> 1871 loamy-skeletal over gypseous-skeletal #> 1872 unclassified #> 1873 not used #> 1874 cindery #> 1875 cindery over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1876 ashy #> 1877 cindery over loamy #> 1878 ashy over pumiceous or cindery #> 1879 ashy over loamy #> 1880 ashy-skeletal #> 1881 medial #> 1882 medial-skeletal #> 1883 medial over pumiceous or cindery #> 1884 ashy over loamy-skeletal #> 1885 medial over clayey #> 1886 cindery over medial-skeletal #> 1887 medial over fragmental #> 1888 cindery over medial #> 1889 medial over loamy #> 1890 ashy over medial #> 1891 medial over loamy-skeletal #> 1892 ashy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1893 medial over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1894 medial over thixotropic #> 1895 thixotropic #> 1896 thixotropic-skeletal #> 1897 thixotropic over fragmental #> 1898 thixotropic over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1899 thixotropic over loamy-skeletal #> 1900 thixotropic over loamy #> 1901 sandy-skeletal #> 1902 sandy-skeletal over loamy #> 1903 sandy-skeletal over clayey #> 1904 loamy-skeletal #> 1905 loamy-skeletal over fragmental #> 1906 loamy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1907 loamy-skeletal over clayey #> 1908 loamy-skeletal or clayey-skeletal #> 1909 clayey-skeletal #> 1910 clayey-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1911 sandy #> 1912 sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1913 sandy over loamy #> 1914 sandy over clayey #> 1915 loamy #> 1916 loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1917 coarse-loamy #> 1918 coarse-loamy over fragmental #> 1919 coarse-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1920 coarse-loamy over clayey #> 1921 coarse-silty #> 1922 coarse-silty over fragmental #> 1923 coarse-silty over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1924 coarse-silty over clayey #> 1925 fine-loamy #> 1926 loamy over pumiceous or cindery #> 1927 fine-loamy over fragmental #> 1928 fine-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1929 fine-loamy over clayey #> 1930 fine-silty #> 1931 fine-silty over fragmental #> 1932 fine-silty over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1933 fine-silty over clayey #> 1934 clayey #> 1935 clayey over fragmental #> 1936 clayey over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1937 clayey over loamy-skeletal #> 1938 clayey over fine-silty #> 1939 clayey over loamy #> 1940 fine #> 1941 very-fine #> 1942 hydrous #> 1943 hydrous-pumiceous #> 1944 hydrous-skeletal #> 1945 hydrous over clayey #> 1946 hydrous over clayey-skeletal #> 1947 hydrous over fragmental #> 1948 hydrous over loamy #> 1949 hydrous over loamy-skeletal #> 1950 hydrous over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1951 ashy-pumiceous #> 1952 ashy over medial-skeletal #> 1953 medial-pumiceous #> 1954 medial over ashy #> 1955 medial over clayey-skeletal #> 1956 medial over hydrous #> 1957 pumiceous #> 1958 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1959 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over loamy #> 1960 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over medial-skeletal #> 1961 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over medial #> 1962 fragmental #> 1963 ashy over clayey #> 1964 ashy-skeletal over fragmental or cindery #> 1965 medial-skeletal over fragmental or cindery #> 1966 ashy over clayey-skeletal #> 1967 loamy-skeletal over cindery #> 1968 medial over ashy-pumiceous or ashy-skeletal #> 1969 ashy-skeletal over loamy-skeletal #> 1970 loamy over ashy or ashy-pumiceous #> 1971 medial-skeletal over loamy-skeletal #> 1972 ashy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1973 medial-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal #> 1974 pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over loamy-skeletal #> 1975 gypseous-skeletal #> 1976 coarse-gypseous #> 1977 fine-gypseous #> 1978 ashy-skeletal over clayey #> 1979 clayey over coarse-gypseous #> 1980 clayey over fine-gypseous #> 1981 clayey over gypseous-skeletal #> 1982 loamy over coarse-gypseous #> 1983 loamy over fine-gypseous #> 1984 loamy-skeletal over gypseous-skeletal #> 1985 unclassified #> 1986 not used #> 1987 acid #> 1988 allic #> 1989 dysic #> 1990 euic #> 1991 nonacid #> 1992 noncalcareous #> 1993 calcareous #> 1994 kalkic #> 1995 unclassified #> 1996 not used #> 1997 acid #> 1998 allic #> 1999 dysic #> 2000 euic #> 2001 nonacid #> 2002 noncalcareous #> 2003 calcareous #> 2004 kalkic #> 2005 Albaqualfs #> 2006 Duraqualfs #> 2007 Fragiaqualfs #> 2008 Glossaqualfs #> 2009 Kandiaqualfs #> 2010 Natraqualfs #> 2011 Ochraqualfs #> 2012 Plinthaqualfs #> 2013 Tropaqualfs #> 2014 Umbraqualfs #> 2015 Cryoboralfs #> 2016 Eutroboralfs #> 2017 Fragiboralfs #> 2018 Glossoboralfs #> 2019 Natriboralfs #> 2020 Paleboralfs #> 2021 Agrudalfs #> 2022 Ferrudalfs #> 2023 Fragiudalfs #> 2024 Fraglossudalfs #> 2025 Glossudalfs #> 2026 Hapludalfs #> 2027 Kandiudalfs #> 2028 Kanhapludalfs #> 2029 Natrudalfs #> 2030 Paleudalfs #> 2031 Rhodudalfs #> 2032 Durustalfs #> 2033 Haplustalfs #> 2034 Kandiustalfs #> 2035 Kanhaplustalfs #> 2036 Natrustalfs #> 2037 Paleustalfs #> 2038 Plinthustalfs #> 2039 Rhodustalfs #> 2040 Durixeralfs #> 2041 Fragixeralfs #> 2042 Haploxeralfs #> 2043 Natrixeralfs #> 2044 Palexeralfs #> 2045 Plinthoxeralfs #> 2046 Rhodoxeralfs #> 2047 Cryaquands #> 2048 Duraquands #> 2049 Haplaquands #> 2050 Melanaquands #> 2051 Placaquands #> 2052 Vitraquands #> 2053 Fulvicryands #> 2054 Gelicryands #> 2055 Haplocryands #> 2056 Hydrocryands #> 2057 Melanocryands #> 2058 Vitricryands #> 2059 Vitritorrands #> 2060 Durudands #> 2061 Fulvudands #> 2062 Hapludands #> 2063 Hydrudands #> 2064 Melanudands #> 2065 Placudands #> 2066 Durustands #> 2067 Haplustands #> 2068 Udivitrands #> 2069 Ustivitrands #> 2070 Haploxerands #> 2071 Melanoxerands #> 2072 Vitrixerands #> 2073 Durargids #> 2074 Haplargids #> 2075 Nadurargids #> 2076 Natrargids #> 2077 Paleargids #> 2078 Calciorthids #> 2079 Camborthids #> 2080 Durorthids #> 2081 Gypsiorthids #> 2082 Paleorthids #> 2083 Salorthids #> 2084 Cryaquents #> 2085 Fluvaquents #> 2086 Haplaquents #> 2087 Hydraquents #> 2088 Psammaquents #> 2089 Sulfaquents #> 2090 Tropaquents #> 2091 Torriarents #> 2092 Udarents #> 2093 Ustarents #> 2094 Xerarents #> 2095 Cryofluvents #> 2096 Torrifluvents #> 2097 Tropofluvents #> 2098 Udifluvents #> 2099 Ustifluvents #> 2100 Xerofluvents #> 2101 Cryorthents #> 2102 Torriorthents #> 2103 Troporthents #> 2104 Udorthents #> 2105 Ustorthents #> 2106 Xerorthents #> 2107 Cryopsamments #> 2108 Quartzipsamments #> 2109 Torripsamments #> 2110 Tropopsamments #> 2111 Udipsamments #> 2112 Ustipsamments #> 2113 Xeropsamments #> 2114 Borofibrists #> 2115 Cryofibrists #> 2116 Luvifibrists #> 2117 Medifibrists #> 2118 Sphagnofibrists #> 2119 Tropofibrists #> 2120 Borofolists #> 2121 Cryofolists #> 2122 Tropofolists #> 2123 Borohemists #> 2124 Cryohemists #> 2125 Luvihemists #> 2126 Medihemists #> 2127 Sulfihemists #> 2128 Sulfohemists #> 2129 Tropohemists #> 2130 Borosaprists #> 2131 Cryosaprists #> 2132 Medisaprists #> 2133 Troposaprists #> 2134 Cryandepts #> 2135 Durandepts #> 2136 Dystrandepts #> 2137 Eutrandepts #> 2138 Hydrandepts #> 2139 Placandepts #> 2140 Vitrandepts #> 2141 Andaquepts #> 2142 Cryaquepts #> 2143 Fragiaquepts #> 2144 Halaquepts #> 2145 Haplaquepts #> 2146 Humaquepts #> 2147 Placaquepts #> 2148 Plinthaquepts #> 2149 Sulfaquepts #> 2150 Tropaquepts #> 2151 Cryochrepts #> 2152 Durochrepts #> 2153 Dystrochrepts #> 2154 Eutrochrepts #> 2155 Fragiochrepts #> 2156 Ustochrepts #> 2157 Xerochrepts #> 2158 Plaggepts #> 2159 Dystropepts #> 2160 Eutropepts #> 2161 Humitropepts #> 2162 Sombritropepts #> 2163 Ustropepts #> 2164 Cryumbrepts #> 2165 Fragiumbrepts #> 2166 Haplumbrepts #> 2167 Xerumbrepts #> 2168 Argialbolls #> 2169 Natralbolls #> 2170 Argiaquolls #> 2171 Calciaquolls #> 2172 Cryaquolls #> 2173 Duraquolls #> 2174 Haplaquolls #> 2175 Natraquolls #> 2176 Argiborolls #> 2177 Calciborolls #> 2178 Cryoborolls #> 2179 Haploborolls #> 2180 Natriborolls #> 2181 Paleborolls #> 2182 Vermiborolls #> 2183 Rendolls #> 2184 Argiudolls #> 2185 Hapludolls #> 2186 Paleudolls #> 2187 Vermudolls #> 2188 Argiustolls #> 2189 Calciustolls #> 2190 Durustolls #> 2191 Haplustolls #> 2192 Natrustolls #> 2193 Paleustolls #> 2194 Vermustolls #> 2195 Argixerolls #> 2196 Calcixerolls #> 2197 Durixerolls #> 2198 Haploxerolls #> 2199 Natrixerolls #> 2200 Palexerolls #> 2201 Gibbsiaquox #> 2202 Ochraquox #> 2203 Plinthaquox #> 2204 Umbraquox #> 2205 Acrohumox #> 2206 Gibbsihumox #> 2207 Haplohumox #> 2208 Sombrihumox #> 2209 Acrorthox #> 2210 Eutrorthox #> 2211 Gibbsiorthox #> 2212 Haplorthox #> 2213 Sombriorthox #> 2214 Umbriorthox #> 2215 Haploperox #> 2216 Kandiperox #> 2217 Acrotorrox #> 2218 Torrox #> 2219 Hapludox #> 2220 Kandiudox #> 2221 Acrustox #> 2222 Eutrustox #> 2223 Haplustox #> 2224 Sombriustox #> 2225 Cryaquods #> 2226 Duraquods #> 2227 Fragiaquods #> 2228 Haplaquods #> 2229 Placaquods #> 2230 Sideraquods #> 2231 Tropaquods #> 2232 Ferrods #> 2233 Cryohumods #> 2234 Fragihumods #> 2235 Haplohumods #> 2236 Placohumods #> 2237 Tropohumods #> 2238 Cryorthods #> 2239 Fragiorthods #> 2240 Haplorthods #> 2241 Placorthods #> 2242 Troporthods #> 2243 Albaquults #> 2244 Fragiaquults #> 2245 Kandiaquults #> 2246 Kanhaplaquults #> 2247 Ochraquults #> 2248 Paleaquults #> 2249 Plinthaquults #> 2250 Tropaquults #> 2251 Umbraquults #> 2252 Haplohumults #> 2253 Kandihumults #> 2254 Kanhaplohumults #> 2255 Palehumults #> 2256 Plinthohumults #> 2257 Sombrihumults #> 2258 Tropohumults #> 2259 Fragiudults #> 2260 Hapludults #> 2261 Kandiudults #> 2262 Kanhapludults #> 2263 Paleudults #> 2264 Plinthudults #> 2265 Rhodudults #> 2266 Tropudults #> 2267 Haplustults #> 2268 Kandiustults #> 2269 Kanhaplustults #> 2270 Paleustults #> 2271 Plinthustults #> 2272 Rhodustults #> 2273 Haploxerults #> 2274 Palexerults #> 2275 Torrerts #> 2276 Chromuderts #> 2277 Pelluderts #> 2278 Chromusterts #> 2279 Pellusterts #> 2280 Chromoxererts #> 2281 Pelloxererts #> 2282 Acraquox #> 2283 Acroperox #> 2284 Acrudox #> 2285 Alaquods #> 2286 Alorthods #> 2287 Calciaquerts #> 2288 Calcitorrerts #> 2289 Calciudolls #> 2290 Calciusterts #> 2291 Calcixererts #> 2292 Duraquerts #> 2293 Duricryods #> 2294 Durihumods #> 2295 Durixererts #> 2296 Durorthods #> 2297 Dystraquerts #> 2298 Dystruderts #> 2299 Dystrusterts #> 2300 Endoaqualfs #> 2301 Endoaquands #> 2302 Endoaquents #> 2303 Endoaquepts #> 2304 Endoaquerts #> 2305 Endoaquods #> 2306 Endoaquolls #> 2307 Endoaquults #> 2308 Epiaqualfs #> 2309 Epiaquands #> 2310 Epiaquents #> 2311 Epiaquepts #> 2312 Epiaquerts #> 2313 Epiaquods #> 2314 Epiaquolls #> 2315 Epiaquults #> 2316 Eutraquox #> 2317 Eutroperox #> 2318 Eutrotorrox #> 2319 Eutrudox #> 2320 Gypsitorrerts #> 2321 Gypsiusterts #> 2322 Haplaquox #> 2323 Haplocryerts #> 2324 Haplocryods #> 2325 Haplotorrerts #> 2326 Haplotorrox #> 2327 Haploxererts #> 2328 Hapluderts #> 2329 Haplusterts #> 2330 Humicryerts #> 2331 Humicryods #> 2332 Kandiustox #> 2333 Medifolists #> 2334 Natraquerts #> 2335 Placocryods #> 2336 Salaquerts #> 2337 Salitorrerts #> 2338 Salusterts #> 2339 Sombriperox #> 2340 Sombriudox #> 2341 Sulfisaprists #> 2342 Sulfochrepts #> 2343 Sulfosaprists #> 2344 Tropudalfs #> 2345 Petroargids #> 2346 Gypsiargids #> 2347 Calciargids #> 2348 Haplocalcids #> 2349 Petrocalcids #> 2350 Aquicambids #> 2351 Petrocambids #> 2352 Anthracambids #> 2353 Haplocambids #> 2354 Salicryids #> 2355 Petrocryids #> 2356 Gypsicryids #> 2357 Argicryids #> 2358 Calcicryids #> 2359 Haplocryids #> 2360 Natridurids #> 2361 Argidurids #> 2362 Haplodurids #> 2363 Petrogypsids #> 2364 Natrigypsids #> 2365 Argigypsids #> 2366 Calcigypsids #> 2367 Haplogypsids #> 2368 Aquisalids #> 2369 Haplosalids #> 2370 Arents #> 2371 Vermaqualfs #> 2372 Vermaquepts #> 2373 Glossocryalfs #> 2374 Haplocryalfs #> 2375 Palecryalfs #> 2376 Duricryands #> 2377 Duritorrands #> 2378 Haplotorrands #> 2379 Fibristels #> 2380 Folistels #> 2381 Glacistels #> 2382 Hemistels #> 2383 Sapristels #> 2384 Anhyorthels #> 2385 Aquorthels #> 2386 Argiorthels #> 2387 Haplorthels #> 2388 Historthels #> 2389 Mollorthels #> 2390 Psammorthels #> 2391 Umbrorthels #> 2392 Anhyturbels #> 2393 Aquiturbels #> 2394 Haploturbels #> 2395 Histoturbels #> 2396 Molliturbels #> 2397 Psammoturbels #> 2398 Umbriturbels #> 2399 Haplofibrists #> 2400 Haplohemists #> 2401 Haplosaprists #> 2402 Petraquepts #> 2403 Plagganthrepts #> 2404 Haplanthrepts #> 2405 Dystrocryepts #> 2406 Eutrocryepts #> 2407 Durudepts #> 2408 Dystrudepts #> 2409 Eutrudepts #> 2410 Fragiudepts #> 2411 Hapludepts #> 2412 Sulfudepts #> 2413 Calciustepts #> 2414 Durustepts #> 2415 Dystrustepts #> 2416 Haplustepts #> 2417 Calcixerepts #> 2418 Durixerepts #> 2419 Dystroxerepts #> 2420 Haploxerepts #> 2421 Argicryolls #> 2422 Calcicryolls #> 2423 Duricryolls #> 2424 Haplocryolls #> 2425 Natricryolls #> 2426 Cryrendolls #> 2427 Haprendolls #> 2428 Natrudolls #> 2429 Torrifolists #> 2430 Udifolists #> 2431 Ustifolists #> 2432 Cryaqualfs #> 2433 Fragixerepts #> 2434 Palecryolls #> 2435 Dystrogelepts #> 2436 Eutrogelepts #> 2437 Gelaquands #> 2438 Gelaquents #> 2439 Gelifluvents #> 2440 Gelaquepts #> 2441 Gelorthents #> 2442 Haplogelods #> 2443 Haplogelolls #> 2444 Humigelods #> 2445 Sulfaquerts #> 2446 Vitrigelands #> 2447 Humicryepts #> 2448 Calcicryepts #> 2449 Haplocryepts #> 2450 Fluviwassents #> 2451 Frasiwassents #> 2452 Haplowassents #> 2453 Hydrowassents #> 2454 Psammowassents #> 2455 Sulfiwassents #> 2456 Frasiwassists #> 2457 Haplowassists #> 2458 Sulfiwassists #> 2459 Humigelepts #> 2460 Haplogelepts #> 2461 Humustepts #> 2462 Humudepts #> 2463 Humixerepts #> 2464 Albaqualfs #> 2465 Duraqualfs #> 2466 Fragiaqualfs #> 2467 Glossaqualfs #> 2468 Kandiaqualfs #> 2469 Natraqualfs #> 2470 Ochraqualfs #> 2471 Plinthaqualfs #> 2472 Tropaqualfs #> 2473 Umbraqualfs #> 2474 Cryoboralfs #> 2475 Eutroboralfs #> 2476 Fragiboralfs #> 2477 Glossoboralfs #> 2478 Natriboralfs #> 2479 Paleboralfs #> 2480 Agrudalfs #> 2481 Ferrudalfs #> 2482 Fragiudalfs #> 2483 Fraglossudalfs #> 2484 Glossudalfs #> 2485 Hapludalfs #> 2486 Kandiudalfs #> 2487 Kanhapludalfs #> 2488 Natrudalfs #> 2489 Paleudalfs #> 2490 Rhodudalfs #> 2491 Durustalfs #> 2492 Haplustalfs #> 2493 Kandiustalfs #> 2494 Kanhaplustalfs #> 2495 Natrustalfs #> 2496 Paleustalfs #> 2497 Plinthustalfs #> 2498 Rhodustalfs #> 2499 Durixeralfs #> 2500 Fragixeralfs #> 2501 Haploxeralfs #> 2502 Natrixeralfs #> 2503 Palexeralfs #> 2504 Plinthoxeralfs #> 2505 Rhodoxeralfs #> 2506 Cryaquands #> 2507 Duraquands #> 2508 Haplaquands #> 2509 Melanaquands #> 2510 Placaquands #> 2511 Vitraquands #> 2512 Fulvicryands #> 2513 Gelicryands #> 2514 Haplocryands #> 2515 Hydrocryands #> 2516 Melanocryands #> 2517 Vitricryands #> 2518 Vitritorrands #> 2519 Durudands #> 2520 Fulvudands #> 2521 Hapludands #> 2522 Hydrudands #> 2523 Melanudands #> 2524 Placudands #> 2525 Durustands #> 2526 Haplustands #> 2527 Udivitrands #> 2528 Ustivitrands #> 2529 Haploxerands #> 2530 Melanoxerands #> 2531 Vitrixerands #> 2532 Durargids #> 2533 Haplargids #> 2534 Nadurargids #> 2535 Natrargids #> 2536 Paleargids #> 2537 Calciorthids #> 2538 Camborthids #> 2539 Durorthids #> 2540 Gypsiorthids #> 2541 Paleorthids #> 2542 Salorthids #> 2543 Cryaquents #> 2544 Fluvaquents #> 2545 Haplaquents #> 2546 Hydraquents #> 2547 Psammaquents #> 2548 Sulfaquents #> 2549 Tropaquents #> 2550 Torriarents #> 2551 Udarents #> 2552 Ustarents #> 2553 Xerarents #> 2554 Cryofluvents #> 2555 Torrifluvents #> 2556 Tropofluvents #> 2557 Udifluvents #> 2558 Ustifluvents #> 2559 Xerofluvents #> 2560 Cryorthents #> 2561 Torriorthents #> 2562 Troporthents #> 2563 Udorthents #> 2564 Ustorthents #> 2565 Xerorthents #> 2566 Cryopsamments #> 2567 Quartzipsamments #> 2568 Torripsamments #> 2569 Tropopsamments #> 2570 Udipsamments #> 2571 Ustipsamments #> 2572 Xeropsamments #> 2573 Borofibrists #> 2574 Cryofibrists #> 2575 Luvifibrists #> 2576 Medifibrists #> 2577 Sphagnofibrists #> 2578 Tropofibrists #> 2579 Borofolists #> 2580 Cryofolists #> 2581 Tropofolists #> 2582 Borohemists #> 2583 Cryohemists #> 2584 Luvihemists #> 2585 Medihemists #> 2586 Sulfihemists #> 2587 Sulfohemists #> 2588 Tropohemists #> 2589 Borosaprists #> 2590 Cryosaprists #> 2591 Medisaprists #> 2592 Troposaprists #> 2593 Cryandepts #> 2594 Durandepts #> 2595 Dystrandepts #> 2596 Eutrandepts #> 2597 Hydrandepts #> 2598 Placandepts #> 2599 Vitrandepts #> 2600 Andaquepts #> 2601 Cryaquepts #> 2602 Fragiaquepts #> 2603 Halaquepts #> 2604 Haplaquepts #> 2605 Humaquepts #> 2606 Placaquepts #> 2607 Plinthaquepts #> 2608 Sulfaquepts #> 2609 Tropaquepts #> 2610 Cryochrepts #> 2611 Durochrepts #> 2612 Dystrochrepts #> 2613 Eutrochrepts #> 2614 Fragiochrepts #> 2615 Ustochrepts #> 2616 Xerochrepts #> 2617 Plaggepts #> 2618 Dystropepts #> 2619 Eutropepts #> 2620 Humitropepts #> 2621 Sombritropepts #> 2622 Ustropepts #> 2623 Cryumbrepts #> 2624 Fragiumbrepts #> 2625 Haplumbrepts #> 2626 Xerumbrepts #> 2627 Argialbolls #> 2628 Natralbolls #> 2629 Argiaquolls #> 2630 Calciaquolls #> 2631 Cryaquolls #> 2632 Duraquolls #> 2633 Haplaquolls #> 2634 Natraquolls #> 2635 Argiborolls #> 2636 Calciborolls #> 2637 Cryoborolls #> 2638 Haploborolls #> 2639 Natriborolls #> 2640 Paleborolls #> 2641 Vermiborolls #> 2642 Rendolls #> 2643 Argiudolls #> 2644 Hapludolls #> 2645 Paleudolls #> 2646 Vermudolls #> 2647 Argiustolls #> 2648 Calciustolls #> 2649 Durustolls #> 2650 Haplustolls #> 2651 Natrustolls #> 2652 Paleustolls #> 2653 Vermustolls #> 2654 Argixerolls #> 2655 Calcixerolls #> 2656 Durixerolls #> 2657 Haploxerolls #> 2658 Natrixerolls #> 2659 Palexerolls #> 2660 Gibbsiaquox #> 2661 Ochraquox #> 2662 Plinthaquox #> 2663 Umbraquox #> 2664 Acrohumox #> 2665 Gibbsihumox #> 2666 Haplohumox #> 2667 Sombrihumox #> 2668 Acrorthox #> 2669 Eutrorthox #> 2670 Gibbsiorthox #> 2671 Haplorthox #> 2672 Sombriorthox #> 2673 Umbriorthox #> 2674 Haploperox #> 2675 Kandiperox #> 2676 Acrotorrox #> 2677 Torrox #> 2678 Hapludox #> 2679 Kandiudox #> 2680 Acrustox #> 2681 Eutrustox #> 2682 Haplustox #> 2683 Sombriustox #> 2684 Cryaquods #> 2685 Duraquods #> 2686 Fragiaquods #> 2687 Haplaquods #> 2688 Placaquods #> 2689 Sideraquods #> 2690 Tropaquods #> 2691 Ferrods #> 2692 Cryohumods #> 2693 Fragihumods #> 2694 Haplohumods #> 2695 Placohumods #> 2696 Tropohumods #> 2697 Cryorthods #> 2698 Fragiorthods #> 2699 Haplorthods #> 2700 Placorthods #> 2701 Troporthods #> 2702 Albaquults #> 2703 Fragiaquults #> 2704 Kandiaquults #> 2705 Kanhaplaquults #> 2706 Ochraquults #> 2707 Paleaquults #> 2708 Plinthaquults #> 2709 Tropaquults #> 2710 Umbraquults #> 2711 Haplohumults #> 2712 Kandihumults #> 2713 Kanhaplohumults #> 2714 Palehumults #> 2715 Plinthohumults #> 2716 Sombrihumults #> 2717 Tropohumults #> 2718 Fragiudults #> 2719 Hapludults #> 2720 Kandiudults #> 2721 Kanhapludults #> 2722 Paleudults #> 2723 Plinthudults #> 2724 Rhodudults #> 2725 Tropudults #> 2726 Haplustults #> 2727 Kandiustults #> 2728 Kanhaplustults #> 2729 Paleustults #> 2730 Plinthustults #> 2731 Rhodustults #> 2732 Haploxerults #> 2733 Palexerults #> 2734 Torrerts #> 2735 Chromuderts #> 2736 Pelluderts #> 2737 Chromusterts #> 2738 Pellusterts #> 2739 Chromoxererts #> 2740 Pelloxererts #> 2741 Acraquox #> 2742 Acroperox #> 2743 Acrudox #> 2744 Alaquods #> 2745 Alorthods #> 2746 Calciaquerts #> 2747 Calcitorrerts #> 2748 Calciudolls #> 2749 Calciusterts #> 2750 Calcixererts #> 2751 Duraquerts #> 2752 Duricryods #> 2753 Durihumods #> 2754 Durixererts #> 2755 Durorthods #> 2756 Dystraquerts #> 2757 Dystruderts #> 2758 Dystrusterts #> 2759 Endoaqualfs #> 2760 Endoaquands #> 2761 Endoaquents #> 2762 Endoaquepts #> 2763 Endoaquerts #> 2764 Endoaquods #> 2765 Endoaquolls #> 2766 Endoaquults #> 2767 Epiaqualfs #> 2768 Epiaquands #> 2769 Epiaquents #> 2770 Epiaquepts #> 2771 Epiaquerts #> 2772 Epiaquods #> 2773 Epiaquolls #> 2774 Epiaquults #> 2775 Eutraquox #> 2776 Eutroperox #> 2777 Eutrotorrox #> 2778 Eutrudox #> 2779 Gypsitorrerts #> 2780 Gypsiusterts #> 2781 Haplaquox #> 2782 Haplocryerts #> 2783 Haplocryods #> 2784 Haplotorrerts #> 2785 Haplotorrox #> 2786 Haploxererts #> 2787 Hapluderts #> 2788 Haplusterts #> 2789 Humicryerts #> 2790 Humicryods #> 2791 Kandiustox #> 2792 Medifolists #> 2793 Natraquerts #> 2794 Placocryods #> 2795 Salaquerts #> 2796 Salitorrerts #> 2797 Salusterts #> 2798 Sombriperox #> 2799 Sombriudox #> 2800 Sulfisaprists #> 2801 Sulfochrepts #> 2802 Sulfosaprists #> 2803 Tropudalfs #> 2804 Petroargids #> 2805 Gypsiargids #> 2806 Calciargids #> 2807 Haplocalcids #> 2808 Petrocalcids #> 2809 Aquicambids #> 2810 Petrocambids #> 2811 Anthracambids #> 2812 Haplocambids #> 2813 Salicryids #> 2814 Petrocryids #> 2815 Gypsicryids #> 2816 Argicryids #> 2817 Calcicryids #> 2818 Haplocryids #> 2819 Natridurids #> 2820 Argidurids #> 2821 Haplodurids #> 2822 Petrogypsids #> 2823 Natrigypsids #> 2824 Argigypsids #> 2825 Calcigypsids #> 2826 Haplogypsids #> 2827 Aquisalids #> 2828 Haplosalids #> 2829 Arents #> 2830 Vermaqualfs #> 2831 Vermaquepts #> 2832 Glossocryalfs #> 2833 Haplocryalfs #> 2834 Palecryalfs #> 2835 Duricryands #> 2836 Duritorrands #> 2837 Haplotorrands #> 2838 Fibristels #> 2839 Folistels #> 2840 Glacistels #> 2841 Hemistels #> 2842 Sapristels #> 2843 Anhyorthels #> 2844 Aquorthels #> 2845 Argiorthels #> 2846 Haplorthels #> 2847 Historthels #> 2848 Mollorthels #> 2849 Psammorthels #> 2850 Umbrorthels #> 2851 Anhyturbels #> 2852 Aquiturbels #> 2853 Haploturbels #> 2854 Histoturbels #> 2855 Molliturbels #> 2856 Psammoturbels #> 2857 Umbriturbels #> 2858 Haplofibrists #> 2859 Haplohemists #> 2860 Haplosaprists #> 2861 Petraquepts #> 2862 Plagganthrepts #> 2863 Haplanthrepts #> 2864 Dystrocryepts #> 2865 Eutrocryepts #> 2866 Durudepts #> 2867 Dystrudepts #> 2868 Eutrudepts #> 2869 Fragiudepts #> 2870 Hapludepts #> 2871 Sulfudepts #> 2872 Calciustepts #> 2873 Durustepts #> 2874 Dystrustepts #> 2875 Haplustepts #> 2876 Calcixerepts #> 2877 Durixerepts #> 2878 Dystroxerepts #> 2879 Haploxerepts #> 2880 Argicryolls #> 2881 Calcicryolls #> 2882 Duricryolls #> 2883 Haplocryolls #> 2884 Natricryolls #> 2885 Cryrendolls #> 2886 Haprendolls #> 2887 Natrudolls #> 2888 Torrifolists #> 2889 Udifolists #> 2890 Ustifolists #> 2891 Cryaqualfs #> 2892 Fragixerepts #> 2893 Palecryolls #> 2894 Dystrogelepts #> 2895 Eutrogelepts #> 2896 Gelaquands #> 2897 Gelaquents #> 2898 Gelifluvents #> 2899 Gelaquepts #> 2900 Gelorthents #> 2901 Haplogelods #> 2902 Haplogelolls #> 2903 Humigelods #> 2904 Sulfaquerts #> 2905 Vitrigelands #> 2906 Humicryepts #> 2907 Calcicryepts #> 2908 Haplocryepts #> 2909 Fluviwassents #> 2910 Frasiwassents #> 2911 Haplowassents #> 2912 Hydrowassents #> 2913 Psammowassents #> 2914 Sulfiwassents #> 2915 Frasiwassists #> 2916 Haplowassists #> 2917 Sulfiwassists #> 2918 Humigelepts #> 2919 Haplogelepts #> 2920 Humustepts #> 2921 Humudepts #> 2922 Humixerepts #> 2923 Aeric #> 2924 Aquic #> 2925 Aridic (torric) #> 2926 Typic #> 2927 Udic #> 2928 Ustic #> 2929 Xeric #> 2930 Anthraquic #> 2931 Oxyaquic #> 2932 Aeric #> 2933 Aquic #> 2934 Aridic (torric) #> 2935 Typic #> 2936 Udic #> 2937 Ustic #> 2938 Xeric #> 2939 Anthraquic #> 2940 Oxyaquic #> 2941 Alfisols #> 2942 Andisols #> 2943 Aridisols #> 2944 Entisols #> 2945 Histosols #> 2946 Inceptisols #> 2947 Mollisols #> 2948 Oxisols #> 2949 Spodosols #> 2950 Ultisols #> 2951 Vertisols #> 2952 Gelisols #> 2953 Alfisols #> 2954 Andisols #> 2955 Aridisols #> 2956 Entisols #> 2957 Histosols #> 2958 Inceptisols #> 2959 Mollisols #> 2960 Oxisols #> 2961 Spodosols #> 2962 Ultisols #> 2963 Vertisols #> 2964 Gelisols #> 2965 Aqualfs #> 2966 Boralfs #> 2967 Udalfs #> 2968 Ustalfs #> 2969 Xeralfs #> 2970 Aquands #> 2971 Cryands #> 2972 Torrands #> 2973 Udands #> 2974 Ustands #> 2975 Vitrands #> 2976 Xerands #> 2977 Argids #> 2978 Orthids #> 2979 Aquents #> 2980 Arents #> 2981 Fluvents #> 2982 Orthents #> 2983 Psamments #> 2984 Hemists #> 2985 Fibrists #> 2986 Folists #> 2987 Saprists #> 2988 Andepts #> 2989 Aquepts #> 2990 Ochrepts #> 2991 Tropepts #> 2992 Umbrepts #> 2993 Ustults #> 2994 Albolls #> 2995 Aquolls #> 2996 Borolls #> 2997 Rendolls #> 2998 Udolls #> 2999 Ustolls #> 3000 Xerolls #> 3001 Aquox #> 3002 Humox #> 3003 Orthox #> 3004 Perox #> 3005 Torrox #> 3006 Udox #> 3007 Ustox #> 3008 Aquods #> 3009 Ferrods #> 3010 Humods #> 3011 Orthods #> 3012 Aquults #> 3013 Humults #> 3014 Udults #> 3015 Xerults #> 3016 Torrerts #> 3017 Uderts #> 3018 Usterts #> 3019 Xererts #> 3020 Aquerts #> 3021 Cryerts #> 3022 Cryods #> 3023 Plaggepts #> 3024 Cryids #> 3025 Salids #> 3026 Durids #> 3027 Gypsids #> 3028 Calcids #> 3029 Cambids #> 3030 Histels #> 3031 Orthels #> 3032 Turbels #> 3033 Anthrepts #> 3034 Cryepts #> 3035 Udepts #> 3036 Ustepts #> 3037 Xerepts #> 3038 Cryolls #> 3039 Cryalfs #> 3040 Gelands #> 3041 Gelepts #> 3042 Gelods #> 3043 Gelolls #> 3044 Wassents #> 3045 Wassists #> 3046 Aqualfs #> 3047 Boralfs #> 3048 Udalfs #> 3049 Ustalfs #> 3050 Xeralfs #> 3051 Aquands #> 3052 Cryands #> 3053 Torrands #> 3054 Udands #> 3055 Ustands #> 3056 Vitrands #> 3057 Xerands #> 3058 Argids #> 3059 Orthids #> 3060 Aquents #> 3061 Arents #> 3062 Fluvents #> 3063 Orthents #> 3064 Psamments #> 3065 Hemists #> 3066 Fibrists #> 3067 Folists #> 3068 Saprists #> 3069 Andepts #> 3070 Aquepts #> 3071 Ochrepts #> 3072 Tropepts #> 3073 Umbrepts #> 3074 Ustults #> 3075 Albolls #> 3076 Aquolls #> 3077 Borolls #> 3078 Rendolls #> 3079 Udolls #> 3080 Ustolls #> 3081 Xerolls #> 3082 Aquox #> 3083 Humox #> 3084 Orthox #> 3085 Perox #> 3086 Torrox #> 3087 Udox #> 3088 Ustox #> 3089 Aquods #> 3090 Ferrods #> 3091 Humods #> 3092 Orthods #> 3093 Aquults #> 3094 Humults #> 3095 Udults #> 3096 Xerults #> 3097 Torrerts #> 3098 Uderts #> 3099 Usterts #> 3100 Xererts #> 3101 Aquerts #> 3102 Cryerts #> 3103 Cryods #> 3104 Plaggepts #> 3105 Cryids #> 3106 Salids #> 3107 Durids #> 3108 Gypsids #> 3109 Calcids #> 3110 Cambids #> 3111 Histels #> 3112 Orthels #> 3113 Turbels #> 3114 Anthrepts #> 3115 Cryepts #> 3116 Udepts #> 3117 Ustepts #> 3118 Xerepts #> 3119 Cryolls #> 3120 Cryalfs #> 3121 Gelands #> 3122 Gelepts #> 3123 Gelods #> 3124 Gelolls #> 3125 Wassents #> 3126 Wassists #> 3127 1 #> 3128 2 #> 3129 3 #> 3130 4 #> 3131 4L #> 3132 5 #> 3133 6 #> 3134 7 #> 3135 8 #> 3136 0 #> 3137 38 #> 3138 48 #> 3139 56 #> 3140 86 #> 3141 134 #> 3142 160 #> 3143 180 #> 3144 220 #> 3145 250 #> 3146 310 #> 3147 1 #> 3148 1K #> 3149 2 #> 3150 2K #> 3151 2H #> 3152 3 #> 3153 4 #> 3154 4C #> 3155 5 #> 3156 6 #> 3157 6D #> 3158 6G #> 3159 7 #> 3160 8 #> 3161 9 #> 3162 9C #> 3163 9W #> 3164 9L #> 3165 10 #> 3166 1H #> 3167 1KW #> 3168 1KK #> 3169 2KW #> 3170 2KK #> 3171 4K #> 3172 4CK #> 3173 5K #> 3174 5KK #> 3175 6K #> 3176 6KK #> 3177 6DK #> 3178 6GK #> 3179 6GKK #> 3180 8K #> 3181 1A #> 3182 2A #> 3183 1S #> 3184 1SK #> 3185 1SKK #> 3186 3A #> 3187 4A #> 3188 4CA #> 3189 4CC #> 3190 5A #> 3191 6A #> 3192 6DA #> 3193 6GA #> 3194 7A #> 3195 9N #> 3196 9NW #> 3197 Provisional #> 3198 Approved #> 3199 Correlated #> 3200 Additional #> 3201 Provisional #> 3202 Approved #> 3203 Correlated #> 3204 Additional #> 3205 National Headquarters #> 3206 National Soil Survey Center #> 3207 National Technical Center #> 3208 State Office #> 3209 Area Office #> 3210 Project Soil Survey Office #> 3211 Field Office #> 3212 MLRA Region Office #> 3213 Other Type of Office #> 3214 Anthropic epipedon #> 3215 Abrupt textural change #> 3216 Andic soil properties #> 3217 Cambic horizon #> 3218 Calcic horizon #> 3219 Durinodes #> 3220 Petrocalcic horizon #> 3221 Fragipan #> 3222 Gypsic horizon #> 3223 Gilgai #> 3224 Glossic horizon #> 3225 Aquic conditions #> 3226 Histic epipedon #> 3227 Sombric horizon #> 3228 Petrogypsic horizon #> 3229 Placic horizon #> 3230 Kandic horizon #> 3231 Lithic contact #> 3232 Secondary carbonates #> 3233 Mollic epipedon #> 3234 Melanic epipedon #> 3235 Natric horizon #> 3236 Ochric epipedon #> 3237 Plaggen epipedon #> 3238 Petroferric contact #> 3239 Permafrost #> 3240 Plinthite #> 3241 Albic horizon #> 3242 Agric horizon #> 3243 Spodic horizon #> 3244 Slickensides #> 3245 Argillic horizon #> 3246 Umbric epipedon #> 3247 Sulfuric horizon #> 3248 Paralithic contact #> 3249 Oxic horizon #> 3250 Salic horizon #> 3251 Duripan #> 3252 Sulfidic materials #> 3253 Interfingering of albic materials #> 3254 Fibric soil materials #> 3255 Hemic soil materials #> 3256 Sapric soil materials #> 3257 Humilluvic material #> 3258 Limnic materials #> 3259 Coprogenous earth #> 3260 Diatomaceous earth #> 3261 Marl #> 3262 Albic materials #> 3263 Mottles with chroma 2 or less #> 3264 Lamellae #> 3265 Ortstein #> 3266 Fragic soil properties #> 3267 Densic contact #> 3268 Densic materials #> 3269 Paralithic materials #> 3270 Anhydrous conditions #> 3271 Cryoturbation #> 3272 Gelic materials #> 3273 Glacic layer #> 3274 Folistic epipedon #> 3275 Redox concentrations #> 3276 Redox depletions with chroma 2 or less #> 3277 Reduced matrix #> 3278 Endosaturation #> 3279 Episaturation #> 3280 Anthric saturation #> 3281 Lithologic discontinuity #> 3282 Strongly contrasting particle size class #> 3283 Gypsum accumulations #> 3284 Salt accumulations #> 3285 Volcanic glass #> 3286 n value > 0.7 #> 3287 Spodic materials #> 3288 Artifacts #> 3289 Fibers #> 3290 Free carbonates #> 3291 Resistant minerals #> 3292 Weatherable minerals #> 3293 Anhydritic horizon #> 3294 Human-altered material #> 3295 Human-transported material #> 3296 Manufactured layer #> 3297 Manufactured layer contact #> 3298 Anthropic epipedon #> 3299 Abrupt textural change #> 3300 Andic soil properties #> 3301 Cambic horizon #> 3302 Calcic horizon #> 3303 Durinodes #> 3304 Petrocalcic horizon #> 3305 Fragipan #> 3306 Gypsic horizon #> 3307 Gilgai #> 3308 Glossic horizon #> 3309 Aquic conditions #> 3310 Histic epipedon #> 3311 Sombric horizon #> 3312 Petrogypsic horizon #> 3313 Placic horizon #> 3314 Kandic horizon #> 3315 Lithic contact #> 3316 Secondary carbonates #> 3317 Mollic epipedon #> 3318 Melanic epipedon #> 3319 Natric horizon #> 3320 Ochric epipedon #> 3321 Plaggen epipedon #> 3322 Petroferric contact #> 3323 Permafrost #> 3324 Plinthite #> 3325 Albic horizon #> 3326 Agric horizon #> 3327 Spodic horizon #> 3328 Slickensides #> 3329 Argillic horizon #> 3330 Umbric epipedon #> 3331 Sulfuric horizon #> 3332 Paralithic contact #> 3333 Oxic horizon #> 3334 Salic horizon #> 3335 Duripan #> 3336 Sulfidic materials #> 3337 Interfingering of albic materials #> 3338 Fibric soil materials #> 3339 Hemic soil materials #> 3340 Sapric soil materials #> 3341 Humilluvic material #> 3342 Limnic materials #> 3343 Coprogenous earth #> 3344 Diatomaceous earth #> 3345 Marl #> 3346 Albic materials #> 3347 Mottles with chroma 2 or less #> 3348 Lamellae #> 3349 Ortstein #> 3350 Fragic soil properties #> 3351 Densic contact #> 3352 Densic materials #> 3353 Paralithic materials #> 3354 Anhydrous conditions #> 3355 Cryoturbation #> 3356 Gelic materials #> 3357 Glacic layer #> 3358 Folistic epipedon #> 3359 Redox concentrations #> 3360 Redox depletions with chroma 2 or less #> 3361 Reduced matrix #> 3362 Endosaturation #> 3363 Episaturation #> 3364 Anthric saturation #> 3365 Lithologic discontinuity #> 3366 Strongly contrasting particle size class #> 3367 Gypsum accumulations #> 3368 Salt accumulations #> 3369 Volcanic glass #> 3370 n value > 0.7 #> 3371 Spodic materials #> 3372 Artifacts #> 3373 Fibers #> 3374 Free carbonates #> 3375 Resistant minerals #> 3376 Weatherable minerals #> 3377 Anhydritic horizon #> 3378 Human-altered material #> 3379 Human-transported material #> 3380 Manufactured layer #> 3381 Manufactured layer contact #> 3382 Excessively drained #> 3383 Somewhat excessively drained #> 3384 Well drained #> 3385 Moderately well drained #> 3386 Somewhat poorly drained #> 3387 Poorly drained #> 3388 Very poorly drained #> 3389 Subaqueous #> 3390 Excessively drained #> 3391 Somewhat excessively drained #> 3392 Well drained #> 3393 Moderately well drained #> 3394 Somewhat poorly drained #> 3395 Poorly drained #> 3396 Very poorly drained #> 3397 Subaqueous #> 3398 Artificial cover #> 3399 Barren land #> 3400 Crop cover #> 3401 Grass/herbaceous cover #> 3402 Shrub cover #> 3403 Tree cover #> 3404 Water cover #> 3405 Other #> 3406 Wetlands, drained #> 3407 Wetlands #> 3408 Artificial cover #> 3409 Barren land #> 3410 Crop cover #> 3411 Grass/herbaceous cover #> 3412 Shrub cover #> 3413 Tree cover #> 3414 Water cover #> 3415 Other #> 3416 Wetlands, drained #> 3417 Wetlands #> 3418 Low #> 3419 Moderate #> 3420 High #> 3421 Very high #> 3422 Extremely high #> 3423 Low #> 3424 Moderate #> 3425 High #> 3426 Very high #> 3427 Extremely high #> 3428 Not prime farmland #> 3429 All areas are prime farmland #> 3430 Prime farmland if drained #> 3431 Prime farmland if protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season #> 3432 Prime farmland if irrigated #> 3433 Prime farmland if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season #> 3434 Prime farmland if irrigated and drained #> 3435 Prime farmland if irrigated and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season #> 3436 Prime farmland if subsoiled, completely removing the root inhibiting soil layer #> 3437 Prime farmland if irrigated and the product of I (soil erodibility) x C (climate factor) does not exceed 60 #> 3438 Farmland of statewide importance #> 3439 Farmland of local importance #> 3440 Farmland of unique importance #> 3441 Prime farmland if irrigated and reclaimed of excess salts and sodium #> 3442 Farmland of statewide importance, if drained #> 3443 Farmland of statewide importance, if protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season #> 3444 Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated #> 3445 Farmland of statewide importance, if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season #> 3446 Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and drained #> 3447 Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season #> 3448 Farmland of statewide importance, if drained or either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season #> 3449 Farmland of statewide importance, if warm enough, and either drained or either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season #> 3450 Farmland of statewide importance, if warm enough #> 3451 Farmland of statewide importance, if thawed #> 3452 Farmland of local importance, if irrigated #> 3453 Farmland of statewide importance, if subsoiled, completely removing the root inhibiting soil layer #> 3454 Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and the product of I (soil erodibility) x C (climate factor) does not exceed 60 #> 3455 Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and reclaimed of excess salts and sodium #> 3456 Sandstone fragments #> 3457 Noncalcareous sandstone fragments #> 3458 Arkose fragments #> 3459 Calcareous sandstone fragments #> 3460 Interbedded sedimentary rock fragments #> 3461 Limestone-sandstone-shale fragments #> 3462 Limestone-sandstone fragments #> 3463 Limestone-shale fragments #> 3464 Limestone-siltstone fragments #> 3465 Sandstone and shale fragments #> 3466 Sandstone and siltstone fragments #> 3467 Shale-siltstone fragments #> 3468 Conglomerate fragments #> 3469 Noncalcareous conglomerate fragments #> 3470 Calcareous conglomerate fragments #> 3471 Ejecta-ash #> 3472 Acidic-ash #> 3473 Basic-ash #> 3474 Basaltic-ash #> 3475 Andesitic-ash #> 3476 Cinders #> 3477 Pumice fragments #> 3478 Scoria fragments #> 3479 Volcanic bombs #> 3480 Shale fragments #> 3481 Noncalcareous shale fragments #> 3482 Calcareous shale fragments #> 3483 Clayey shale fragments #> 3484 Igneous rock fragments #> 3485 Coarse crystal igneous rock fragments #> 3486 Basic igneous rock fragments #> 3487 Intermediate igneous rock fragments #> 3488 Granite fragments #> 3489 Fine crystal igneous rock fragments #> 3490 Basalt fragments #> 3491 Andesite fragments #> 3492 Acid igneous rock fragments #> 3493 Ultrabasic igneous rock fragments #> 3494 Limestone fragments #> 3495 Chalk fragments #> 3496 Marble fragments #> 3497 Dolomite fragments #> 3498 Phosphatic limestone fragments #> 3499 Arenaceous limestone fragments #> 3500 Argillaceous limestone fragments #> 3501 Cherty limestone fragments #> 3502 Metamorphic rock fragments #> 3503 Gneiss fragments #> 3504 Acidic gneiss fragments #> 3505 Basic gneiss fragments #> 3506 Serpentinite fragments #> 3507 Schist fragments #> 3508 Acidic schist fragments #> 3509 Basic schist fragments #> 3510 Slate fragments #> 3511 Quartzite fragments #> 3512 Pyroclastic fragments #> 3513 Tuff fragments #> 3514 Acidic tuff fragments #> 3515 Basic tuff fragments #> 3516 Volcanic breccia fragments #> 3517 Acidic volcanic breccia fragments #> 3518 Basic volcanic breccia fragments #> 3519 Tuff breccia fragments #> 3520 Aa lava fragments #> 3521 Pahoehoe lava fragments #> 3522 Sedimentary rock fragments #> 3523 Marl fragments #> 3524 Glauconite fragments #> 3525 Siltstone fragments #> 3526 Noncalcareous siltstone fragments #> 3527 Calcareous siltstone fragments #> 3528 Mixed rock fragments #> 3529 Mixed noncalcareous rock fragments #> 3530 Mixed calcareous rock fragments #> 3531 Mixed igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock fragments #> 3532 Mixed igneous and metamorphic rock fragments #> 3533 Mixed igneous and sedimentary rock fragments #> 3534 Mixed metamorphic and sedimentary rock fragments #> 3535 Diorite fragments #> 3536 Gabbro fragments #> 3537 Obsidian fragments #> 3538 Rhyolite fragments #> 3539 Hornfels fragments #> 3540 Metaconglomerate fragments #> 3541 Phyllite fragments #> 3542 Wood fragments #> 3543 Charcoal fragments #> 3544 Chert fragments #> 3545 Coal fragments #> 3546 Graywacke fragments #> 3547 Rock gypsum fragments #> 3548 Acid shale fragments #> 3549 Lapilli #> 3550 Calcrete fragments #> 3551 Organic material #> 3552 Mossy material #> 3553 Herbaceous material #> 3554 Logs and stumps #> 3555 Amphibolite fragments #> 3556 Arenite fragments #> 3557 Claystone fragments #> 3558 Dacite fragments #> 3559 Diabase fragments #> 3560 Granodiorite fragments #> 3561 Non-volcanic breccia fragments #> 3562 Granofels fragments #> 3563 Greenstone fragments #> 3564 Ignimbrite fragments #> 3565 Latite fragments #> 3566 Metaquartzite fragments #> 3567 Metavolcanic rock fragments #> 3568 Monzonite fragments #> 3569 Mudstone fragments #> 3570 Mylonite fragments #> 3571 Peridotite fragments #> 3572 Porcellanite fragments #> 3573 Pyroxenite fragments #> 3574 Syenite fragments #> 3575 Syenodiorite fragments #> 3576 Trachyte fragments #> 3577 Travertine fragments #> 3578 Tufa fragments #> 3579 Pyroclastic rock fragments #> 3580 Granulite fragments #> 3581 Migmatite fragments #> 3582 Soapstone fragments #> 3583 Argillite fragments #> 3584 Orthoquartzite fragments #> 3585 Anorthosite fragments #> 3586 Acidic Non-volcanic breccia fragments #> 3587 Basic Non-volcanic breccia fragments #> 3588 Carbonate concretions #> 3589 Gibbsite concretions #> 3590 Silica concretions #> 3591 Plinthite nodules #> 3592 Carbonate nodules #> 3593 Gibbsite nodules #> 3594 Iron-manganese concretions #> 3595 Iron-manganese nodules #> 3596 Durinodes #> 3597 Ironstone nodules #> 3598 Shell fragments #> 3599 Duripan fragments #> 3600 Petrocalcic fragments #> 3601 Ortstein fragments #> 3602 Petroferric fragments #> 3603 Petrogypsic fragments #> 3604 Metasedimentary rock fragments #> 3605 Mica schist fragments #> 3606 Quartz-diorite fragments #> 3607 Quartz-monzonite fragments #> 3608 Tachylite fragments #> 3609 Tonalite fragments #> 3610 Ultramafic rock fragments #> 3611 Welded tuff fragments #> 3612 Quartz fragments #> 3613 Carbonate rock fragments #> 3614 Foliated metamorphic rock fragments #> 3615 Block lava fragments #> 3616 Pillow lava fragments #> 3617 Volcanic rock fragments #> 3618 Glauconitic sandstone fragments #> 3619 Saprolite #> 3620 Oxide protected rock #> 3621 Ejecta fragments #> 3622 Tripoli fragments #> 3623 Hornblende gneiss fragments #> 3624 Metasiltstone fragments #> 3625 Migmatitic gneiss fragments #> 3626 Muscovite-biotite gneiss fragments #> 3627 Graphitic schist fragments #> 3628 Sulfidic slate fragments #> 3629 Biotite gneiss fragments #> 3630 Granodioritic gneiss fragments #> 3631 Granitoid fragments #> 3632 Bauxite fragments #> 3633 Coral limestone fragments #> 3634 Rock anhydrite fragments #> 3635 Rock halite fragments #> 3636 Lignite fragments #> 3637 Novaculite #> 3638 Siltite fragments #> 3639 Biotite schist fragments #> 3640 Muscovite schist fragments #> 3641 Mica fragments #> 3642 Limonite #> 3643 Sericite schist #> 3644 Gypsum crystal fragments #> 3645 Fanglomerate fragments #> 3646 Diatomite fragments #> 3647 Sandstone fragments #> 3648 Noncalcareous sandstone fragments #> 3649 Arkose fragments #> 3650 Calcareous sandstone fragments #> 3651 Interbedded sedimentary rock fragments #> 3652 Limestone-sandstone-shale fragments #> 3653 Limestone-sandstone fragments #> 3654 Limestone-shale fragments #> 3655 Limestone-siltstone fragments #> 3656 Sandstone and shale fragments #> 3657 Sandstone and siltstone fragments #> 3658 Shale-siltstone fragments #> 3659 Conglomerate fragments #> 3660 Noncalcareous conglomerate fragments #> 3661 Calcareous conglomerate fragments #> 3662 Ejecta-ash #> 3663 Acidic-ash #> 3664 Basic-ash #> 3665 Basaltic-ash #> 3666 Andesitic-ash #> 3667 Cinders #> 3668 Pumice fragments #> 3669 Scoria fragments #> 3670 Volcanic bombs #> 3671 Shale fragments #> 3672 Noncalcareous shale fragments #> 3673 Calcareous shale fragments #> 3674 Clayey shale fragments #> 3675 Igneous rock fragments #> 3676 Coarse crystal igneous rock fragments #> 3677 Basic igneous rock fragments #> 3678 Intermediate igneous rock fragments #> 3679 Granite fragments #> 3680 Fine crystal igneous rock fragments #> 3681 Basalt fragments #> 3682 Andesite fragments #> 3683 Acid igneous rock fragments #> 3684 Ultrabasic igneous rock fragments #> 3685 Limestone fragments #> 3686 Chalk fragments #> 3687 Marble fragments #> 3688 Dolomite fragments #> 3689 Phosphatic limestone fragments #> 3690 Arenaceous limestone fragments #> 3691 Argillaceous limestone fragments #> 3692 Cherty limestone fragments #> 3693 Metamorphic rock fragments #> 3694 Gneiss fragments #> 3695 Acidic gneiss fragments #> 3696 Basic gneiss fragments #> 3697 Serpentinite fragments #> 3698 Schist fragments #> 3699 Acidic schist fragments #> 3700 Basic schist fragments #> 3701 Slate fragments #> 3702 Quartzite fragments #> 3703 Pyroclastic fragments #> 3704 Tuff fragments #> 3705 Acidic tuff fragments #> 3706 Basic tuff fragments #> 3707 Volcanic breccia fragments #> 3708 Acidic volcanic breccia fragments #> 3709 Basic volcanic breccia fragments #> 3710 Tuff breccia fragments #> 3711 Aa lava fragments #> 3712 Pahoehoe lava fragments #> 3713 Sedimentary rock fragments #> 3714 Marl fragments #> 3715 Glauconite fragments #> 3716 Siltstone fragments #> 3717 Noncalcareous siltstone fragments #> 3718 Calcareous siltstone fragments #> 3719 Mixed rock fragments #> 3720 Mixed noncalcareous rock fragments #> 3721 Mixed calcareous rock fragments #> 3722 Mixed igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock fragments #> 3723 Mixed igneous and metamorphic rock fragments #> 3724 Mixed igneous and sedimentary rock fragments #> 3725 Mixed metamorphic and sedimentary rock fragments #> 3726 Diorite fragments #> 3727 Gabbro fragments #> 3728 Obsidian fragments #> 3729 Rhyolite fragments #> 3730 Hornfels fragments #> 3731 Metaconglomerate fragments #> 3732 Phyllite fragments #> 3733 Wood fragments #> 3734 Charcoal fragments #> 3735 Chert fragments #> 3736 Coal fragments #> 3737 Graywacke fragments #> 3738 Rock gypsum fragments #> 3739 Acid shale fragments #> 3740 Lapilli #> 3741 Calcrete fragments #> 3742 Organic material #> 3743 Mossy material #> 3744 Herbaceous material #> 3745 Logs and stumps #> 3746 Amphibolite fragments #> 3747 Arenite fragments #> 3748 Claystone fragments #> 3749 Dacite fragments #> 3750 Diabase fragments #> 3751 Granodiorite fragments #> 3752 Non-volcanic breccia fragments #> 3753 Granofels fragments #> 3754 Greenstone fragments #> 3755 Ignimbrite fragments #> 3756 Latite fragments #> 3757 Metaquartzite fragments #> 3758 Metavolcanic rock fragments #> 3759 Monzonite fragments #> 3760 Mudstone fragments #> 3761 Mylonite fragments #> 3762 Peridotite fragments #> 3763 Porcellanite fragments #> 3764 Pyroxenite fragments #> 3765 Syenite fragments #> 3766 Syenodiorite fragments #> 3767 Trachyte fragments #> 3768 Travertine fragments #> 3769 Tufa fragments #> 3770 Pyroclastic rock fragments #> 3771 Granulite fragments #> 3772 Migmatite fragments #> 3773 Soapstone fragments #> 3774 Argillite fragments #> 3775 Orthoquartzite fragments #> 3776 Anorthosite fragments #> 3777 Acidic Non-volcanic breccia fragments #> 3778 Basic Non-volcanic breccia fragments #> 3779 Carbonate concretions #> 3780 Gibbsite concretions #> 3781 Silica concretions #> 3782 Plinthite nodules #> 3783 Carbonate nodules #> 3784 Gibbsite nodules #> 3785 Iron-manganese concretions #> 3786 Iron-manganese nodules #> 3787 Durinodes #> 3788 Ironstone nodules #> 3789 Shell fragments #> 3790 Duripan fragments #> 3791 Petrocalcic fragments #> 3792 Ortstein fragments #> 3793 Petroferric fragments #> 3794 Petrogypsic fragments #> 3795 Metasedimentary rock fragments #> 3796 Mica schist fragments #> 3797 Quartz-diorite fragments #> 3798 Quartz-monzonite fragments #> 3799 Tachylite fragments #> 3800 Tonalite fragments #> 3801 Ultramafic rock fragments #> 3802 Welded tuff fragments #> 3803 Quartz fragments #> 3804 Carbonate rock fragments #> 3805 Foliated metamorphic rock fragments #> 3806 Block lava fragments #> 3807 Pillow lava fragments #> 3808 Volcanic rock fragments #> 3809 Glauconitic sandstone fragments #> 3810 Saprolite #> 3811 Oxide protected rock #> 3812 Ejecta fragments #> 3813 Tripoli fragments #> 3814 Hornblende gneiss fragments #> 3815 Metasiltstone fragments #> 3816 Migmatitic gneiss fragments #> 3817 Muscovite-biotite gneiss fragments #> 3818 Graphitic schist fragments #> 3819 Sulfidic slate fragments #> 3820 Biotite gneiss fragments #> 3821 Granodioritic gneiss fragments #> 3822 Granitoid fragments #> 3823 Bauxite fragments #> 3824 Coral limestone fragments #> 3825 Rock anhydrite fragments #> 3826 Rock halite fragments #> 3827 Lignite fragments #> 3828 Novaculite #> 3829 Siltite fragments #> 3830 Biotite schist fragments #> 3831 Muscovite schist fragments #> 3832 Mica fragments #> 3833 Limonite #> 3834 Sericite schist #> 3835 Gypsum crystal fragments #> 3836 Fanglomerate fragments #> 3837 Diatomite fragments #> 3838 Sandstone fragments #> 3839 Noncalcareous sandstone fragments #> 3840 Arkose fragments #> 3841 Calcareous sandstone fragments #> 3842 Interbedded sedimentary rock fragments #> 3843 Limestone-sandstone-shale fragments #> 3844 Limestone-sandstone fragments #> 3845 Limestone-shale fragments #> 3846 Limestone-siltstone fragments #> 3847 Sandstone and shale fragments #> 3848 Sandstone and siltstone fragments #> 3849 Shale-siltstone fragments #> 3850 Conglomerate fragments #> 3851 Noncalcareous conglomerate fragments #> 3852 Calcareous conglomerate fragments #> 3853 Ejecta-ash #> 3854 Acidic-ash #> 3855 Basic-ash #> 3856 Basaltic-ash #> 3857 Andesitic-ash #> 3858 Cinders #> 3859 Pumice fragments #> 3860 Scoria fragments #> 3861 Volcanic bombs #> 3862 Shale fragments #> 3863 Noncalcareous shale fragments #> 3864 Calcareous shale fragments #> 3865 Clayey shale fragments #> 3866 Igneous rock fragments #> 3867 Coarse crystal igneous rock fragments #> 3868 Basic igneous rock fragments #> 3869 Intermediate igneous rock fragments #> 3870 Granite fragments #> 3871 Fine crystal igneous rock fragments #> 3872 Basalt fragments #> 3873 Andesite fragments #> 3874 Acid igneous rock fragments #> 3875 Ultrabasic igneous rock fragments #> 3876 Limestone fragments #> 3877 Chalk fragments #> 3878 Marble fragments #> 3879 Dolomite fragments #> 3880 Phosphatic limestone fragments #> 3881 Arenaceous limestone fragments #> 3882 Argillaceous limestone fragments #> 3883 Cherty limestone fragments #> 3884 Metamorphic rock fragments #> 3885 Gneiss fragments #> 3886 Acidic gneiss fragments #> 3887 Basic gneiss fragments #> 3888 Serpentinite fragments #> 3889 Schist fragments #> 3890 Acidic schist fragments #> 3891 Basic schist fragments #> 3892 Slate fragments #> 3893 Quartzite fragments #> 3894 Pyroclastic fragments #> 3895 Tuff fragments #> 3896 Acidic tuff fragments #> 3897 Basic tuff fragments #> 3898 Volcanic breccia fragments #> 3899 Acidic volcanic breccia fragments #> 3900 Basic volcanic breccia fragments #> 3901 Tuff breccia fragments #> 3902 Aa lava fragments #> 3903 Pahoehoe lava fragments #> 3904 Sedimentary rock fragments #> 3905 Marl fragments #> 3906 Glauconite fragments #> 3907 Siltstone fragments #> 3908 Noncalcareous siltstone fragments #> 3909 Calcareous siltstone fragments #> 3910 Mixed rock fragments #> 3911 Mixed noncalcareous rock fragments #> 3912 Mixed calcareous rock fragments #> 3913 Mixed igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock fragments #> 3914 Mixed igneous and metamorphic rock fragments #> 3915 Mixed igneous and sedimentary rock fragments #> 3916 Mixed metamorphic and sedimentary rock fragments #> 3917 Diorite fragments #> 3918 Gabbro fragments #> 3919 Obsidian fragments #> 3920 Rhyolite fragments #> 3921 Hornfels fragments #> 3922 Metaconglomerate fragments #> 3923 Phyllite fragments #> 3924 Wood fragments #> 3925 Charcoal fragments #> 3926 Chert fragments #> 3927 Coal fragments #> 3928 Graywacke fragments #> 3929 Rock gypsum fragments #> 3930 Acid shale fragments #> 3931 Lapilli #> 3932 Calcrete fragments #> 3933 Organic material #> 3934 Mossy material #> 3935 Herbaceous material #> 3936 Logs and stumps #> 3937 Amphibolite fragments #> 3938 Arenite fragments #> 3939 Claystone fragments #> 3940 Dacite fragments #> 3941 Diabase fragments #> 3942 Granodiorite fragments #> 3943 Non-volcanic breccia fragments #> 3944 Granofels fragments #> 3945 Greenstone fragments #> 3946 Ignimbrite fragments #> 3947 Latite fragments #> 3948 Metaquartzite fragments #> 3949 Metavolcanic rock fragments #> 3950 Monzonite fragments #> 3951 Mudstone fragments #> 3952 Mylonite fragments #> 3953 Peridotite fragments #> 3954 Porcellanite fragments #> 3955 Pyroxenite fragments #> 3956 Syenite fragments #> 3957 Syenodiorite fragments #> 3958 Trachyte fragments #> 3959 Travertine fragments #> 3960 Tufa fragments #> 3961 Pyroclastic rock fragments #> 3962 Granulite fragments #> 3963 Migmatite fragments #> 3964 Soapstone fragments #> 3965 Argillite fragments #> 3966 Orthoquartzite fragments #> 3967 Anorthosite fragments #> 3968 Acidic Non-volcanic breccia fragments #> 3969 Basic Non-volcanic breccia fragments #> 3970 Carbonate concretions #> 3971 Gibbsite concretions #> 3972 Silica concretions #> 3973 Plinthite nodules #> 3974 Carbonate nodules #> 3975 Gibbsite nodules #> 3976 Iron-manganese concretions #> 3977 Iron-manganese nodules #> 3978 Durinodes #> 3979 Ironstone nodules #> 3980 Shell fragments #> 3981 Duripan fragments #> 3982 Petrocalcic fragments #> 3983 Ortstein fragments #> 3984 Petroferric fragments #> 3985 Petrogypsic fragments #> 3986 Metasedimentary rock fragments #> 3987 Mica schist fragments #> 3988 Quartz-diorite fragments #> 3989 Quartz-monzonite fragments #> 3990 Tachylite fragments #> 3991 Tonalite fragments #> 3992 Ultramafic rock fragments #> 3993 Welded tuff fragments #> 3994 Quartz fragments #> 3995 Carbonate rock fragments #> 3996 Foliated metamorphic rock fragments #> 3997 Block lava fragments #> 3998 Pillow lava fragments #> 3999 Volcanic rock fragments #> 4000 Glauconitic sandstone fragments #> 4001 Saprolite #> 4002 Oxide protected rock #> 4003 Ejecta fragments #> 4004 Tripoli fragments #> 4005 Hornblende gneiss fragments #> 4006 Metasiltstone fragments #> 4007 Migmatitic gneiss fragments #> 4008 Muscovite-biotite gneiss fragments #> 4009 Graphitic schist fragments #> 4010 Sulfidic slate fragments #> 4011 Biotite gneiss fragments #> 4012 Granodioritic gneiss fragments #> 4013 Granitoid fragments #> 4014 Bauxite fragments #> 4015 Coral limestone fragments #> 4016 Rock anhydrite fragments #> 4017 Rock halite fragments #> 4018 Lignite fragments #> 4019 Novaculite #> 4020 Siltite fragments #> 4021 Biotite schist fragments #> 4022 Muscovite schist fragments #> 4023 Mica fragments #> 4024 Limonite #> 4025 Sericite schist #> 4026 Gypsum crystal fragments #> 4027 Fanglomerate fragments #> 4028 Diatomite fragments #> 4029 Sandstone fragments #> 4030 Noncalcareous sandstone fragments #> 4031 Arkose fragments #> 4032 Calcareous sandstone fragments #> 4033 Interbedded sedimentary rock fragments #> 4034 Limestone-sandstone-shale fragments #> 4035 Limestone-sandstone fragments #> 4036 Limestone-shale fragments #> 4037 Limestone-siltstone fragments #> 4038 Sandstone and shale fragments #> 4039 Sandstone and siltstone fragments #> 4040 Shale-siltstone fragments #> 4041 Conglomerate fragments #> 4042 Noncalcareous conglomerate fragments #> 4043 Calcareous conglomerate fragments #> 4044 Ejecta-ash #> 4045 Acidic-ash #> 4046 Basic-ash #> 4047 Basaltic-ash #> 4048 Andesitic-ash #> 4049 Cinders #> 4050 Pumice fragments #> 4051 Scoria fragments #> 4052 Volcanic bombs #> 4053 Shale fragments #> 4054 Noncalcareous shale fragments #> 4055 Calcareous shale fragments #> 4056 Clayey shale fragments #> 4057 Igneous rock fragments #> 4058 Coarse crystal igneous rock fragments #> 4059 Basic igneous rock fragments #> 4060 Intermediate igneous rock fragments #> 4061 Granite fragments #> 4062 Fine crystal igneous rock fragments #> 4063 Basalt fragments #> 4064 Andesite fragments #> 4065 Acid igneous rock fragments #> 4066 Ultrabasic igneous rock fragments #> 4067 Limestone fragments #> 4068 Chalk fragments #> 4069 Marble fragments #> 4070 Dolomite fragments #> 4071 Phosphatic limestone fragments #> 4072 Arenaceous limestone fragments #> 4073 Argillaceous limestone fragments #> 4074 Cherty limestone fragments #> 4075 Metamorphic rock fragments #> 4076 Gneiss fragments #> 4077 Acidic gneiss fragments #> 4078 Basic gneiss fragments #> 4079 Serpentinite fragments #> 4080 Schist fragments #> 4081 Acidic schist fragments #> 4082 Basic schist fragments #> 4083 Slate fragments #> 4084 Quartzite fragments #> 4085 Pyroclastic fragments #> 4086 Tuff fragments #> 4087 Acidic tuff fragments #> 4088 Basic tuff fragments #> 4089 Volcanic breccia fragments #> 4090 Acidic volcanic breccia fragments #> 4091 Basic volcanic breccia fragments #> 4092 Tuff breccia fragments #> 4093 Aa lava fragments #> 4094 Pahoehoe lava fragments #> 4095 Sedimentary rock fragments #> 4096 Marl fragments #> 4097 Glauconite fragments #> 4098 Siltstone fragments #> 4099 Noncalcareous siltstone fragments #> 4100 Calcareous siltstone fragments #> 4101 Mixed rock fragments #> 4102 Mixed noncalcareous rock fragments #> 4103 Mixed calcareous rock fragments #> 4104 Mixed igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock fragments #> 4105 Mixed igneous and metamorphic rock fragments #> 4106 Mixed igneous and sedimentary rock fragments #> 4107 Mixed metamorphic and sedimentary rock fragments #> 4108 Diorite fragments #> 4109 Gabbro fragments #> 4110 Obsidian fragments #> 4111 Rhyolite fragments #> 4112 Hornfels fragments #> 4113 Metaconglomerate fragments #> 4114 Phyllite fragments #> 4115 Wood fragments #> 4116 Charcoal fragments #> 4117 Chert fragments #> 4118 Coal fragments #> 4119 Graywacke fragments #> 4120 Rock gypsum fragments #> 4121 Acid shale fragments #> 4122 Lapilli #> 4123 Calcrete fragments #> 4124 Organic material #> 4125 Mossy material #> 4126 Herbaceous material #> 4127 Logs and stumps #> 4128 Amphibolite fragments #> 4129 Arenite fragments #> 4130 Claystone fragments #> 4131 Dacite fragments #> 4132 Diabase fragments #> 4133 Granodiorite fragments #> 4134 Non-volcanic breccia fragments #> 4135 Granofels fragments #> 4136 Greenstone fragments #> 4137 Ignimbrite fragments #> 4138 Latite fragments #> 4139 Metaquartzite fragments #> 4140 Metavolcanic rock fragments #> 4141 Monzonite fragments #> 4142 Mudstone fragments #> 4143 Mylonite fragments #> 4144 Peridotite fragments #> 4145 Porcellanite fragments #> 4146 Pyroxenite fragments #> 4147 Syenite fragments #> 4148 Syenodiorite fragments #> 4149 Trachyte fragments #> 4150 Travertine fragments #> 4151 Tufa fragments #> 4152 Pyroclastic rock fragments #> 4153 Granulite fragments #> 4154 Migmatite fragments #> 4155 Soapstone fragments #> 4156 Argillite fragments #> 4157 Orthoquartzite fragments #> 4158 Anorthosite fragments #> 4159 Acidic Non-volcanic breccia fragments #> 4160 Basic Non-volcanic breccia fragments #> 4161 Carbonate concretions #> 4162 Gibbsite concretions #> 4163 Silica concretions #> 4164 Plinthite nodules #> 4165 Carbonate nodules #> 4166 Gibbsite nodules #> 4167 Iron-manganese concretions #> 4168 Iron-manganese nodules #> 4169 Durinodes #> 4170 Ironstone nodules #> 4171 Shell fragments #> 4172 Duripan fragments #> 4173 Petrocalcic fragments #> 4174 Ortstein fragments #> 4175 Petroferric fragments #> 4176 Petrogypsic fragments #> 4177 Metasedimentary rock fragments #> 4178 Mica schist fragments #> 4179 Quartz-diorite fragments #> 4180 Quartz-monzonite fragments #> 4181 Tachylite fragments #> 4182 Tonalite fragments #> 4183 Ultramafic rock fragments #> 4184 Welded tuff fragments #> 4185 Quartz fragments #> 4186 Carbonate rock fragments #> 4187 Foliated metamorphic rock fragments #> 4188 Block lava fragments #> 4189 Pillow lava fragments #> 4190 Volcanic rock fragments #> 4191 Glauconitic sandstone fragments #> 4192 Saprolite #> 4193 Oxide protected rock #> 4194 Ejecta fragments #> 4195 Tripoli fragments #> 4196 Hornblende gneiss fragments #> 4197 Metasiltstone fragments #> 4198 Migmatitic gneiss fragments #> 4199 Muscovite-biotite gneiss fragments #> 4200 Graphitic schist fragments #> 4201 Sulfidic slate fragments #> 4202 Biotite gneiss fragments #> 4203 Granodioritic gneiss fragments #> 4204 Granitoid fragments #> 4205 Bauxite fragments #> 4206 Coral limestone fragments #> 4207 Rock anhydrite fragments #> 4208 Rock halite fragments #> 4209 Lignite fragments #> 4210 Novaculite #> 4211 Siltite fragments #> 4212 Biotite schist fragments #> 4213 Muscovite schist fragments #> 4214 Mica fragments #> 4215 Limonite #> 4216 Sericite schist #> 4217 Gypsum crystal fragments #> 4218 Fanglomerate fragments #> 4219 Diatomite fragments #> 4220 Angular #> 4221 Subangular #> 4222 Subrounded #> 4223 Rounded #> 4224 Well rounded #> 4225 Very angular #> 4226 Angular #> 4227 Subangular #> 4228 Subrounded #> 4229 Rounded #> 4230 Well rounded #> 4231 Very angular #> 4232 Angular #> 4233 Subangular #> 4234 Subrounded #> 4235 Rounded #> 4236 Well rounded #> 4237 Very angular #> 4238 Angular #> 4239 Subangular #> 4240 Subrounded #> 4241 Rounded #> 4242 Well rounded #> 4243 Very angular #> 4244 Angular #> 4245 Subangular #> 4246 Subrounded #> 4247 Rounded #> 4248 Well rounded #> 4249 Very angular #> 4250 Angular #> 4251 Subangular #> 4252 Subrounded #> 4253 Rounded #> 4254 Well rounded #> 4255 Very angular #> 4256 Flat #> 4257 Nonflat #> 4258 Flat #> 4259 Nonflat #> 4260 Flat #> 4261 Nonflat #> 4262 Flat #> 4263 Nonflat #> 4264 a #> 4265 b #> 4266 c #> 4267 d #> 4268 e #> 4269 f #> 4270 g #> 4271 h #> 4272 i #> 4273 k #> 4274 m #> 4275 n #> 4276 o #> 4277 p #> 4278 q #> 4279 r #> 4280 s #> 4281 ss #> 4282 t #> 4283 v #> 4284 w #> 4285 x #> 4286 y #> 4287 z #> 4288 j #> 4289 jj #> 4290 ff #> 4291 ca #> 4292 co #> 4293 ma #> 4294 di #> 4295 kk #> 4296 u #> 4297 yy #> 4298 se #> 4299 a #> 4300 b #> 4301 c #> 4302 d #> 4303 e #> 4304 f #> 4305 g #> 4306 h #> 4307 i #> 4308 k #> 4309 m #> 4310 n #> 4311 o #> 4312 p #> 4313 q #> 4314 r #> 4315 s #> 4316 ss #> 4317 t #> 4318 v #> 4319 w #> 4320 x #> 4321 y #> 4322 z #> 4323 j #> 4324 jj #> 4325 ff #> 4326 ca #> 4327 co #> 4328 ma #> 4329 di #> 4330 kk #> 4331 u #> 4332 yy #> 4333 se #> 4334 Low #> 4335 Moderately low #> 4336 Medium #> 4337 Moderately high #> 4338 High #> 4339 Very brief (4 to 48 hours) #> 4340 Brief (2 to 7 days) #> 4341 Long (7 to 30 days) #> 4342 Very long (more than 30 days) #> 4343 Very brief (4 to 48 hours) #> 4344 Brief (2 to 7 days) #> 4345 Long (7 to 30 days) #> 4346 Very long (more than 30 days) #> 4347 Very brief (4 to 48 hours) #> 4348 Brief (2 to 7 days) #> 4349 Long (7 to 30 days) #> 4350 Very long (more than 30 days) #> 4351 High #> 4352 Low #> 4353 Moderate #> 4354 High #> 4355 Low #> 4356 Moderate #> 4357 Filled with coarse material #> 4358 Void between rock fragments #> 4359 Interstitial #> 4360 Interstitial and tubular #> 4361 Continuous tubular #> 4362 Discontinuous tubular #> 4363 Dendritic tubular #> 4364 Constricted tubular #> 4365 Tubular #> 4366 Vesicular #> 4367 Vesicular and tubular #> 4368 Irregular #> 4369 Total porosity #> 4370 Filled with coarse material #> 4371 Void between rock fragments #> 4372 Interstitial #> 4373 Interstitial and tubular #> 4374 Continuous tubular #> 4375 Discontinuous tubular #> 4376 Dendritic tubular #> 4377 Constricted tubular #> 4378 Tubular #> 4379 Vesicular #> 4380 Vesicular and tubular #> 4381 Irregular #> 4382 Total porosity #> 4383 Abrupt textural change #> 4384 Petrocalcic #> 4385 Densic material #> 4386 Duripan #> 4387 Petroferric #> 4388 Fragipan #> 4389 Petrogypsic #> 4390 Permafrost #> 4391 Plinthite #> 4392 Lithic bedrock #> 4393 Natric #> 4394 Ortstein #> 4395 Paralithic bedrock #> 4396 Placic #> 4397 Salic #> 4398 Strongly contrasting textural stratification #> 4399 Sulfuric #> 4400 Undefined #> 4401 Densic bedrock #> 4402 Cemented horizon #> 4403 Manufactured layer #> 4404 Abrupt textural change #> 4405 Petrocalcic #> 4406 Densic material #> 4407 Duripan #> 4408 Petroferric #> 4409 Fragipan #> 4410 Petrogypsic #> 4411 Permafrost #> 4412 Plinthite #> 4413 Lithic bedrock #> 4414 Natric #> 4415 Ortstein #> 4416 Paralithic bedrock #> 4417 Placic #> 4418 Salic #> 4419 Strongly contrasting textural stratification #> 4420 Sulfuric #> 4421 Undefined #> 4422 Densic bedrock #> 4423 Cemented horizon #> 4424 Manufactured layer #> 4425 Noncemented #> 4426 Indurated #> 4427 Moderately cemented* #> 4428 Strongly cemented* #> 4429 Weakly cemented* #> 4430 Extremely weakly cemented #> 4431 Very weakly cemented #> 4432 Very strongly cemented #> 4433 Weakly cemented #> 4434 Moderately cemented #> 4435 Strongly cemented #> 4436 Extremely strong #> 4437 hard #> 4438 soft #> 4439 noncoherent #> 4440 Extremely weakly coherent #> 4441 Very weakly coherent #> 4442 Weakly coherent #> 4443 Moderately coherent #> 4444 Strongly coherent #> 4445 Very strongly coherent #> 4446 Noncemented #> 4447 Indurated #> 4448 Moderately cemented* #> 4449 Strongly cemented* #> 4450 Weakly cemented* #> 4451 Extremely weakly cemented #> 4452 Very weakly cemented #> 4453 Very strongly cemented #> 4454 Weakly cemented #> 4455 Moderately cemented #> 4456 Strongly cemented #> 4457 Extremely strong #> 4458 hard #> 4459 soft #> 4460 noncoherent #> 4461 Extremely weakly coherent #> 4462 Very weakly coherent #> 4463 Weakly coherent #> 4464 Moderately coherent #> 4465 Strongly coherent #> 4466 Very strongly coherent #> 4467 Noncemented #> 4468 Indurated #> 4469 Moderately cemented* #> 4470 Strongly cemented* #> 4471 Weakly cemented* #> 4472 Extremely weakly cemented #> 4473 Very weakly cemented #> 4474 Very strongly cemented #> 4475 Weakly cemented #> 4476 Moderately cemented #> 4477 Strongly cemented #> 4478 Extremely strong #> 4479 hard #> 4480 soft #> 4481 noncoherent #> 4482 Extremely weakly coherent #> 4483 Very weakly coherent #> 4484 Weakly coherent #> 4485 Moderately coherent #> 4486 Strongly coherent #> 4487 Very strongly coherent #> 4488 Noncemented #> 4489 Indurated #> 4490 Moderately cemented* #> 4491 Strongly cemented* #> 4492 Weakly cemented* #> 4493 Extremely weakly cemented #> 4494 Very weakly cemented #> 4495 Very strongly cemented #> 4496 Weakly cemented #> 4497 Moderately cemented #> 4498 Strongly cemented #> 4499 Extremely strong #> 4500 hard #> 4501 soft #> 4502 noncoherent #> 4503 Extremely weakly coherent #> 4504 Very weakly coherent #> 4505 Weakly coherent #> 4506 Moderately coherent #> 4507 Strongly coherent #> 4508 Very strongly coherent #> 4509 Noncemented #> 4510 Indurated #> 4511 Moderately cemented* #> 4512 Strongly cemented* #> 4513 Weakly cemented* #> 4514 Extremely weakly cemented #> 4515 Very weakly cemented #> 4516 Very strongly cemented #> 4517 Weakly cemented #> 4518 Moderately cemented #> 4519 Strongly cemented #> 4520 Extremely strong #> 4521 hard #> 4522 soft #> 4523 noncoherent #> 4524 Extremely weakly coherent #> 4525 Very weakly coherent #> 4526 Weakly coherent #> 4527 Moderately coherent #> 4528 Strongly coherent #> 4529 Very strongly coherent #> 4530 Noncemented #> 4531 Indurated #> 4532 Moderately cemented* #> 4533 Strongly cemented* #> 4534 Weakly cemented* #> 4535 Extremely weakly cemented #> 4536 Very weakly cemented #> 4537 Very strongly cemented #> 4538 Weakly cemented #> 4539 Moderately cemented #> 4540 Strongly cemented #> 4541 Extremely strong #> 4542 hard #> 4543 soft #> 4544 noncoherent #> 4545 Extremely weakly coherent #> 4546 Very weakly coherent #> 4547 Weakly coherent #> 4548 Moderately coherent #> 4549 Strongly coherent #> 4550 Very strongly coherent #> 4551 Noncemented #> 4552 Indurated #> 4553 Moderately cemented* #> 4554 Strongly cemented* #> 4555 Weakly cemented* #> 4556 Extremely weakly cemented #> 4557 Very weakly cemented #> 4558 Very strongly cemented #> 4559 Weakly cemented #> 4560 Moderately cemented #> 4561 Strongly cemented #> 4562 Extremely strong #> 4563 hard #> 4564 soft #> 4565 noncoherent #> 4566 Extremely weakly coherent #> 4567 Very weakly coherent #> 4568 Weakly coherent #> 4569 Moderately coherent #> 4570 Strongly coherent #> 4571 Very strongly coherent #> 4572 Noncemented #> 4573 Indurated #> 4574 Moderately cemented* #> 4575 Strongly cemented* #> 4576 Weakly cemented* #> 4577 Extremely weakly cemented #> 4578 Very weakly cemented #> 4579 Very strongly cemented #> 4580 Weakly cemented #> 4581 Moderately cemented #> 4582 Strongly cemented #> 4583 Extremely strong #> 4584 hard #> 4585 soft #> 4586 noncoherent #> 4587 Extremely weakly coherent #> 4588 Very weakly coherent #> 4589 Weakly coherent #> 4590 Moderately coherent #> 4591 Strongly coherent #> 4592 Very strongly coherent #> 4593 Noncemented #> 4594 Indurated #> 4595 Moderately cemented* #> 4596 Strongly cemented* #> 4597 Weakly cemented* #> 4598 Extremely weakly cemented #> 4599 Very weakly cemented #> 4600 Very strongly cemented #> 4601 Weakly cemented #> 4602 Moderately cemented #> 4603 Strongly cemented #> 4604 Extremely strong #> 4605 hard #> 4606 soft #> 4607 noncoherent #> 4608 Extremely weakly coherent #> 4609 Very weakly coherent #> 4610 Weakly coherent #> 4611 Moderately coherent #> 4612 Strongly coherent #> 4613 Very strongly coherent #> 4614 Noncemented #> 4615 Indurated #> 4616 Moderately cemented* #> 4617 Strongly cemented* #> 4618 Weakly cemented* #> 4619 Extremely weakly cemented #> 4620 Very weakly cemented #> 4621 Very strongly cemented #> 4622 Weakly cemented #> 4623 Moderately cemented #> 4624 Strongly cemented #> 4625 Extremely strong #> 4626 hard #> 4627 soft #> 4628 noncoherent #> 4629 Extremely weakly coherent #> 4630 Very weakly coherent #> 4631 Weakly coherent #> 4632 Moderately coherent #> 4633 Strongly coherent #> 4634 Very strongly coherent #> 4635 Dry #> 4636 Moist #> 4637 Saturation from capillary fringe #> 4638 Wet #> 4639 Frozen #> 4640 Alaska #> 4641 Alabama #> 4642 American Samoa #> 4643 Arkansas #> 4644 Arizona #> 4645 California #> 4646 Colorado #> 4647 Connecticut #> 4648 Canal Zone #> 4649 District of Columbia #> 4650 Delaware #> 4651 Florida #> 4652 Federated States of Micronesia #> 4653 Foreign #> 4654 Georgia #> 4655 Guam #> 4656 Hawaii #> 4657 Iowa #> 4658 Idaho #> 4659 Illinois #> 4660 Indiana #> 4661 Kansas #> 4662 Kentucky #> 4663 Louisiana #> 4664 Massachusetts #> 4665 Maryland #> 4666 Maine #> 4667 Marshall Islands #> 4668 Michigan #> 4669 Minnesota #> 4670 Missouri #> 4671 Northern Mariana Islands #> 4672 Mississippi #> 4673 Montana #> 4674 North Carolina #> 4675 North Dakota #> 4676 Nebraska #> 4677 New Hampshire #> 4678 New Jersey #> 4679 New Mexico #> 4680 Nevada #> 4681 New York #> 4682 Ohio #> 4683 Oklahoma #> 4684 Oregon #> 4685 Pennsylvania #> 4686 Puerto Rico #> 4687 Palau #> 4688 Rhode Island #> 4689 South Carolina #> 4690 South Dakota #> 4691 Tennessee #> 4692 Texas #> 4693 U.S. Minor Outlying Islands #> 4694 Utah #> 4695 Virginia #> 4696 Virgin Islands #> 4697 Vermont #> 4698 Washington #> 4699 Wisconsin #> 4700 West Virginia #> 4701 Wyoming #> 4702 Alaska #> 4703 Alabama #> 4704 American Samoa #> 4705 Arkansas #> 4706 Arizona #> 4707 California #> 4708 Colorado #> 4709 Connecticut #> 4710 Canal Zone #> 4711 District of Columbia #> 4712 Delaware #> 4713 Florida #> 4714 Federated States of Micronesia #> 4715 Foreign #> 4716 Georgia #> 4717 Guam #> 4718 Hawaii #> 4719 Iowa #> 4720 Idaho #> 4721 Illinois #> 4722 Indiana #> 4723 Kansas #> 4724 Kentucky #> 4725 Louisiana #> 4726 Massachusetts #> 4727 Maryland #> 4728 Maine #> 4729 Marshall Islands #> 4730 Michigan #> 4731 Minnesota #> 4732 Missouri #> 4733 Northern Mariana Islands #> 4734 Mississippi #> 4735 Montana #> 4736 North Carolina #> 4737 North Dakota #> 4738 Nebraska #> 4739 New Hampshire #> 4740 New Jersey #> 4741 New Mexico #> 4742 Nevada #> 4743 New York #> 4744 Ohio #> 4745 Oklahoma #> 4746 Oregon #> 4747 Pennsylvania #> 4748 Puerto Rico #> 4749 Palau #> 4750 Rhode Island #> 4751 South Carolina #> 4752 South Dakota #> 4753 Tennessee #> 4754 Texas #> 4755 U.S. Minor Outlying Islands #> 4756 Utah #> 4757 Virginia #> 4758 Virgin Islands #> 4759 Vermont #> 4760 Washington #> 4761 Wisconsin #> 4762 West Virginia #> 4763 Wyoming #> 4764 not used #> 4765 coated #> 4766 cracked #> 4767 micro #> 4768 ortstein #> 4769 shallow #> 4770 sloping #> 4771 uncoated #> 4772 unclassified #> 4773 level #> 4774 shallow and uncoated #> 4775 shallow and coated #> 4776 ortstein and shallow #> 4777 not used #> 4778 coated #> 4779 cracked #> 4780 micro #> 4781 ortstein #> 4782 shallow #> 4783 sloping #> 4784 uncoated #> 4785 unclassified #> 4786 level #> 4787 shallow and uncoated #> 4788 shallow and coated #> 4789 ortstein and shallow #> 4790 frigid #> 4791 hyperthermic #> 4792 isofrigid #> 4793 isohyperthermic #> 4794 isomesic #> 4795 isothermic #> 4796 mesic #> 4797 thermic #> 4798 not used #> 4799 unclassified #> 4800 hypergelic #> 4801 pergelic #> 4802 subgelic #> 4803 frigid #> 4804 hyperthermic #> 4805 isofrigid #> 4806 isohyperthermic #> 4807 isomesic #> 4808 isothermic #> 4809 mesic #> 4810 thermic #> 4811 not used #> 4812 unclassified #> 4813 hypergelic #> 4814 pergelic #> 4815 subgelic #> 4816 Aquic #> 4817 Aridic (torric) #> 4818 Peraquic #> 4819 Perudic #> 4820 Udic #> 4821 Ustic #> 4822 Xeric #> 4823 Aquic #> 4824 Aridic (torric) #> 4825 Peraquic #> 4826 Perudic #> 4827 Udic #> 4828 Ustic #> 4829 Xeric #> 4830 Typic Albaqualfs #> 4831 Aeric Albaqualfs #> 4832 Aquandic Albaqualfs #> 4833 Arenic Albaqualfs #> 4834 Durorthidic Albaqualfs #> 4835 Mollic Albaqualfs #> 4836 Ruptic-Vertic Albaqualfs #> 4837 Udollic Albaqualfs #> 4838 Vertic Albaqualfs #> 4839 Typic Endoaqualfs #> 4840 Aeric Endoaqualfs #> 4841 Aquandic Endoaqualfs #> 4842 Arenic Endoaqualfs #> 4843 Grossarenic Endoaqualfs #> 4844 Mollic Endoaqualfs #> 4845 Umbric Endoaqualfs #> 4846 Typic Epiaqualfs #> 4847 Aeric Umbric Epiaqualfs #> 4848 Aeric Epiaqualfs #> 4849 Aquandic Epiaqualfs #> 4850 Arenic Epiaqualfs #> 4851 Grossarenic Epiaqualfs #> 4852 Mollic Epiaqualfs #> 4853 Umbric Epiaqualfs #> 4854 Vertic Epiaqualfs #> 4855 Typic Fragiaqualfs #> 4856 Aeric Fragiaqualfs #> 4857 Plinthic Fragiaqualfs #> 4858 Umbric Fragiaqualfs #> 4859 Typic Glossaqualfs #> 4860 Aeric Glossaqualfs #> 4861 Arenic Glossaqualfs #> 4862 Grossarenic Glossaqualfs #> 4863 Mollic Glossaqualfs #> 4864 Typic Kandiaqualfs #> 4865 Aeric Umbric Kandiaqualfs #> 4866 Aeric Kandiaqualfs #> 4867 Arenic Kandiaqualfs #> 4868 Grossarenic Kandiaqualfs #> 4869 Plinthic Kandiaqualfs #> 4870 Umbric Kandiaqualfs #> 4871 Typic Natraqualfs #> 4872 Albic Natraqualfs #> 4873 Albic Glossic Natraqualfs #> 4874 Glossic Natraqualfs #> 4875 Mollic Natraqualfs #> 4876 Vertic Natraqualfs #> 4877 Typic Umbraqualfs #> 4878 Aquandic Umbraqualfs #> 4879 Arenic Umbraqualfs #> 4880 Ferrudalfic Umbraqualfs #> 4881 Grossarenic Umbraqualfs #> 4882 Typic Cryoboralfs #> 4883 Andic Cryoboralfs #> 4884 Aquic Cryoboralfs #> 4885 Glossic Cryoboralfs #> 4886 Lithic Cryoboralfs #> 4887 Lithic Mollic Cryoboralfs #> 4888 Mollic Cryoboralfs #> 4889 Oxyaquic Cryoboralfs #> 4890 Psammentic Cryoboralfs #> 4891 Vertic Cryoboralfs #> 4892 Vitrandic Cryoboralfs #> 4893 Typic Eutroboralfs #> 4894 Andic Eutroboralfs #> 4895 Aquic Eutroboralfs #> 4896 Aquic Arenic Eutroboralfs #> 4897 Arenic Eutroboralfs #> 4898 Glossaquic Eutroboralfs #> 4899 Glossic Eutroboralfs #> 4900 Lithic Eutroboralfs #> 4901 Mollic Eutroboralfs #> 4902 Oxyaquic Eutroboralfs #> 4903 Psammentic Eutroboralfs #> 4904 Vertic Eutroboralfs #> 4905 Vitrandic Eutroboralfs #> 4906 Typic Fragiboralfs #> 4907 Andic Fragiboralfs #> 4908 Aquic Fragiboralfs #> 4909 Oxyaquic Fragiboralfs #> 4910 Vitrandic Fragiboralfs #> 4911 Typic Glossoboralfs #> 4912 Andic Glossoboralfs #> 4913 Aquic Glossoboralfs #> 4914 Eutric Glossoboralfs #> 4915 Lithic Glossoboralfs #> 4916 Oxyaquic Glossoboralfs #> 4917 Psammentic Glossoboralfs #> 4918 Vitrandic Glossoboralfs #> 4919 Typic Paleboralfs #> 4920 Abruptic Paleboralfs #> 4921 Andic Paleboralfs #> 4922 Aquic Paleboralfs #> 4923 Mollic Paleboralfs #> 4924 Oxyaquic Paleboralfs #> 4925 Vitrandic Paleboralfs #> 4926 Typic Agrudalfs #> 4927 Typic Ferrudalfs #> 4928 Aquic Ferrudalfs #> 4929 Typic Fragiudalfs #> 4930 Albaquic Fragiudalfs #> 4931 Aqueptic Fragiudalfs #> 4932 Aquic Fragiudalfs #> 4933 Glossaquic Fragiudalfs #> 4934 Glossic Fragiudalfs #> 4935 Mollic Fragiudalfs #> 4936 Ochreptic Fragiudalfs #> 4937 Oxyaquic Fragiudalfs #> 4938 Umbreptic Fragiudalfs #> 4939 Typic Fraglossudalfs #> 4940 Aquic Fraglossudalfs #> 4941 Oxyaquic Fraglossudalfs #> 4942 Typic Glossudalfs #> 4943 Andic Glossudalfs #> 4944 Aquandic Glossudalfs #> 4945 Aquic Glossudalfs #> 4946 Arenic Glossudalfs #> 4947 Fragic Glossudalfs #> 4948 Haplic Glossudalfs #> 4949 Oxyaquic Glossudalfs #> 4950 Vitrandic Glossudalfs #> 4951 Typic Hapludalfs #> 4952 Albaquultic Hapludalfs #> 4953 Albaquic Hapludalfs #> 4954 Anthraquic Hapludalfs #> 4955 Andic Hapludalfs #> 4956 Aquic Hapludalfs #> 4957 Aquic Arenic Hapludalfs #> 4958 Aquic Lithic Hapludalfs #> 4959 Aquollic Hapludalfs #> 4960 Aquultic Hapludalfs #> 4961 Aquertic Hapludalfs #> 4962 Arenic Hapludalfs #> 4963 Glossaquic Hapludalfs #> 4964 Glossic Hapludalfs #> 4965 Glossoboric Hapludalfs #> 4966 Lithic Hapludalfs #> 4967 Mollic Hapludalfs #> 4968 Oxyaquic Hapludalfs #> 4969 Psammentic Hapludalfs #> 4970 Psammaquentic Hapludalfs #> 4971 Ultic Hapludalfs #> 4972 Vertic Hapludalfs #> 4973 Vitrandic Hapludalfs #> 4974 Typic Kandiudalfs #> 4975 Aquic Kandiudalfs #> 4976 Arenic Plinthic Kandiudalfs #> 4977 Arenic Kandiudalfs #> 4978 Grossarenic Plinthic Kandiudalfs #> 4979 Grossarenic Kandiudalfs #> 4980 Mollic Kandiudalfs #> 4981 Oxyaquic Kandiudalfs #> 4982 Plinthic Kandiudalfs #> 4983 Plinthaquic Kandiudalfs #> 4984 Rhodic Kandiudalfs #> 4985 Typic Kanhapludalfs #> 4986 Aquic Kanhapludalfs #> 4987 Lithic Kanhapludalfs #> 4988 Oxyaquic Kanhapludalfs #> 4989 Rhodic Kanhapludalfs #> 4990 Typic Natrudalfs #> 4991 Glossic Natrudalfs #> 4992 Mollic Natrudalfs #> 4993 Vertic Natrudalfs #> 4994 Typic Paleudalfs #> 4995 Albaquic Paleudalfs #> 4996 Anthraquic Paleudalfs #> 4997 Aquic Paleudalfs #> 4998 Arenic Plinthic Paleudalfs #> 4999 Arenic Paleudalfs #> 5000 Glossaquic Paleudalfs #> 5001 Glossic Paleudalfs #> 5002 Grossarenic Plinthic Paleudalfs #> 5003 Grossarenic Paleudalfs #> 5004 Mollic Paleudalfs #> 5005 Oxyaquic Paleudalfs #> 5006 Plinthic Paleudalfs #> 5007 Plinthaquic Paleudalfs #> 5008 Psammentic Paleudalfs #> 5009 Rhodic Paleudalfs #> 5010 Vertic Paleudalfs #> 5011 Typic Haplustalfs #> 5012 Aquic Haplustalfs #> 5013 Aquic Arenic Haplustalfs #> 5014 Aquultic Haplustalfs #> 5015 Arenic Aridic Haplustalfs #> 5016 Aridic Haplustalfs #> 5017 Arenic Haplustalfs #> 5018 Kanhaplic Haplustalfs #> 5019 Lithic Haplustalfs #> 5020 Oxyaquic Haplustalfs #> 5021 Psammentic Haplustalfs #> 5022 Udic Haplustalfs #> 5023 Udertic Haplustalfs #> 5024 Ultic Haplustalfs #> 5025 Vertic Haplustalfs #> 5026 Typic Kandiustalfs #> 5027 Aquic Kandiustalfs #> 5028 Aquic Arenic Kandiustalfs #> 5029 Arenic Aridic Kandiustalfs #> 5030 Aridic Kandiustalfs #> 5031 Arenic Kandiustalfs #> 5032 Grossarenic Kandiustalfs #> 5033 Plinthic Kandiustalfs #> 5034 Rhodic Kandiustalfs #> 5035 Udic Kandiustalfs #> 5036 Typic Kanhaplustalfs #> 5037 Aquic Kanhaplustalfs #> 5038 Aridic Kanhaplustalfs #> 5039 Lithic Kanhaplustalfs #> 5040 Rhodic Kanhaplustalfs #> 5041 Udic Kanhaplustalfs #> 5042 Typic Natrustalfs #> 5043 Aquic Natrustalfs #> 5044 Aquic Arenic Natrustalfs #> 5045 Arenic Natrustalfs #> 5046 Grossarenic Natrustalfs #> 5047 Mollic Natrustalfs #> 5048 Petrocalcic Natrustalfs #> 5049 Salorthidic Natrustalfs #> 5050 Vertic Natrustalfs #> 5051 Typic Paleustalfs #> 5052 Aquic Paleustalfs #> 5053 Aquic Arenic Paleustalfs #> 5054 Arenic Aridic Paleustalfs #> 5055 Aridic Paleustalfs #> 5056 Arenic Paleustalfs #> 5057 Calciorthidic Paleustalfs #> 5058 Grossarenic Paleustalfs #> 5059 Kandic Paleustalfs #> 5060 Oxyaquic Paleustalfs #> 5061 Petrocalcic Paleustalfs #> 5062 Plinthic Paleustalfs #> 5063 Psammentic Paleustalfs #> 5064 Rhodic Paleustalfs #> 5065 Udic Paleustalfs #> 5066 Udertic Paleustalfs #> 5067 Ultic Paleustalfs #> 5068 Vertic Paleustalfs #> 5069 Typic Rhodustalfs #> 5070 Kanhaplic Rhodustalfs #> 5071 Lithic Rhodustalfs #> 5072 Udic Rhodustalfs #> 5073 Typic Durixeralfs #> 5074 Abruptic Haplic Durixeralfs #> 5075 Abruptic Durixeralfs #> 5076 Aquic Durixeralfs #> 5077 Haplic Durixeralfs #> 5078 Natric Durixeralfs #> 5079 Vertic Durixeralfs #> 5080 Typic Fragixeralfs #> 5081 Andic Fragixeralfs #> 5082 Aquic Fragixeralfs #> 5083 Mollic Fragixeralfs #> 5084 Ochreptic Fragixeralfs #> 5085 Vitrandic Fragixeralfs #> 5086 Typic Haploxeralfs #> 5087 Andic Haploxeralfs #> 5088 Aquandic Haploxeralfs #> 5089 Aquic Haploxeralfs #> 5090 Aquultic Haploxeralfs #> 5091 Calcic Haploxeralfs #> 5092 Lithic Haploxeralfs #> 5093 Lithic Mollic Haploxeralfs #> 5094 Lithic Ruptic-Xerochreptic Haploxeralfs #> 5095 Mollic Haploxeralfs #> 5096 Natric Haploxeralfs #> 5097 Plinthic Haploxeralfs #> 5098 Psammentic Haploxeralfs #> 5099 Ultic Haploxeralfs #> 5100 Vertic Haploxeralfs #> 5101 Vitrandic Haploxeralfs #> 5102 Typic Natrixeralfs #> 5103 Aquic Natrixeralfs #> 5104 Vertic Natrixeralfs #> 5105 Typic Palexeralfs #> 5106 Andic Palexeralfs #> 5107 Aquandic Palexeralfs #> 5108 Aquic Palexeralfs #> 5109 Arenic Palexeralfs #> 5110 Calcic Palexeralfs #> 5111 Haplic Palexeralfs #> 5112 Mollic Palexeralfs #> 5113 Natric Palexeralfs #> 5114 Petrocalcic Palexeralfs #> 5115 Plinthic Palexeralfs #> 5116 Ultic Palexeralfs #> 5117 Vertic Palexeralfs #> 5118 Vitrandic Palexeralfs #> 5119 Typic Rhodoxeralfs #> 5120 Calcic Rhodoxeralfs #> 5121 Lithic Rhodoxeralfs #> 5122 Ochreptic Rhodoxeralfs #> 5123 Petrocalcic Rhodoxeralfs #> 5124 Typic Cryaquands #> 5125 Histic Cryaquands #> 5126 Lithic Cryaquands #> 5127 Pergelic Cryaquands #> 5128 Thaptic Cryaquands #> 5129 Typic Duraquands #> 5130 Acraquoxic Duraquands #> 5131 Histic Duraquands #> 5132 Thaptic Duraquands #> 5133 Typic Endoaquands #> 5134 Alic Endoaquands #> 5135 Duric Endoaquands #> 5136 Histic Endoaquands #> 5137 Hydric Endoaquands #> 5138 Lithic Endoaquands #> 5139 Petroferric Endoaquands #> 5140 Thaptic Endoaquands #> 5141 Typic Epiaquands #> 5142 Alic Epiaquands #> 5143 Duric Epiaquands #> 5144 Histic Epiaquands #> 5145 Hydric Epiaquands #> 5146 Petroferric Epiaquands #> 5147 Thaptic Epiaquands #> 5148 Typic Melanaquands #> 5149 Acraquoxic Melanaquands #> 5150 Hydric Pachic Melanaquands #> 5151 Hydric Melanaquands #> 5152 Lithic Melanaquands #> 5153 Thaptic Melanaquands #> 5154 Typic Placaquands #> 5155 Duric Placaquands #> 5156 Duric Histic Placaquands #> 5157 Histic Placaquands #> 5158 Lithic Placaquands #> 5159 Thaptic Placaquands #> 5160 Typic Vitraquands #> 5161 Duric Vitraquands #> 5162 Histic Vitraquands #> 5163 Lithic Vitraquands #> 5164 Thaptic Vitraquands #> 5165 Typic Fulvicryands #> 5166 Lithic Fulvicryands #> 5167 Vitric Fulvicryands #> 5168 Typic Gelicryands #> 5169 Typic Haplocryands #> 5170 Alic Haplocryands #> 5171 Aquic Haplocryands #> 5172 Acrudoxic Haplocryands #> 5173 Lithic Haplocryands #> 5174 Thaptic Haplocryands #> 5175 Vitric Haplocryands #> 5176 Xeric Haplocryands #> 5177 Typic Hydrocryands #> 5178 Aquic Hydrocryands #> 5179 Lithic Hydrocryands #> 5180 Placic Hydrocryands #> 5181 Thaptic Hydrocryands #> 5182 Typic Melanocryands #> 5183 Alic Melanocryands #> 5184 Lithic Melanocryands #> 5185 Vitric Melanocryands #> 5186 Typic Vitricryands #> 5187 Alfic Vitricryands #> 5188 Aquic Vitricryands #> 5189 Humic Xeric Vitricryands #> 5190 Humic Vitricryands #> 5191 Lithic Vitricryands #> 5192 Thaptic Vitricryands #> 5193 Xeric Vitricryands #> 5194 Typic Vitritorrands #> 5195 Aquic Vitritorrands #> 5196 Calcic Vitritorrands #> 5197 Duric Vitritorrands #> 5198 Lithic Vitritorrands #> 5199 Petrocalcic Vitritorrands #> 5200 Typic Durudands #> 5201 Aquic Durudands #> 5202 Acrudoxic Durudands #> 5203 Hydric Pachic Durudands #> 5204 Thaptic Durudands #> 5205 Typic Fulvudands #> 5206 Alic Fulvudands #> 5207 Aquic Fulvudands #> 5208 Acrudoxic Hydric Fulvudands #> 5209 Acrudoxic Ultic Fulvudands #> 5210 Acrudoxic Fulvudands #> 5211 Eutric Pachic Fulvudands #> 5212 Eutric Fulvudands #> 5213 Hydric Lithic Fulvudands #> 5214 Hydric Pachic Fulvudands #> 5215 Hydric Thaptic Fulvudands #> 5216 Hydric Fulvudands #> 5217 Lithic Fulvudands #> 5218 Pachic Fulvudands #> 5219 Thaptic Fulvudands #> 5220 Typic Hapludands #> 5221 Alfic Hapludands #> 5222 Alic Hapludands #> 5223 Anthraquic Hapludands #> 5224 Aquic Hapludands #> 5225 Aquic Duric Hapludands #> 5226 Acrudoxic Hydric Hapludands #> 5227 Acrudoxic Thaptic Hapludands #> 5228 Acrudoxic Ultic Hapludands #> 5229 Acrudoxic Hapludands #> 5230 Duric Hapludands #> 5231 Eutric Thaptic Hapludands #> 5232 Eutric Hapludands #> 5233 Hydric Thaptic Hapludands #> 5234 Hydric Hapludands #> 5235 Lithic Hapludands #> 5236 Oxic Hapludands #> 5237 Petroferric Hapludands #> 5238 Thaptic Hapludands #> 5239 Ultic Hapludands #> 5240 Vitric Hapludands #> 5241 Typic Hydrudands #> 5242 Aquic Hydrudands #> 5243 Acrudoxic Thaptic Hydrudands #> 5244 Acrudoxic Hydrudands #> 5245 Eutric Hydrudands #> 5246 Lithic Hydrudands #> 5247 Thaptic Hydrudands #> 5248 Ultic Hydrudands #> 5249 Typic Melanudands #> 5250 Alic Melanudands #> 5251 Alic Aquic Melanudands #> 5252 Alic Pachic Melanudands #> 5253 Alic Thaptic Melanudands #> 5254 Anthraquic Melanudands #> 5255 Aquic Melanudands #> 5256 Acrudoxic Hydric Melanudands #> 5257 Acrudoxic Vitric Melanudands #> 5258 Acrudoxic Melanudands #> 5259 Eutric Hydric Melanudands #> 5260 Eutric Vitric Melanudands #> 5261 Hydric Pachic Melanudands #> 5262 Hydric Melanudands #> 5263 Lithic Melanudands #> 5264 Pachic Vitric Melanudands #> 5265 Pachic Melanudands #> 5266 Thaptic Melanudands #> 5267 Ultic Melanudands #> 5268 Vitric Melanudands #> 5269 Typic Placudands #> 5270 Aquic Placudands #> 5271 Acrudoxic Hydric Placudands #> 5272 Acrudoxic Placudands #> 5273 Eutric Vitric Placudands #> 5274 Eutric Placudands #> 5275 Hydric Pachic Placudands #> 5276 Hydric Placudands #> 5277 Lithic Placudands #> 5278 Pachic Placudands #> 5279 Thaptic Placudands #> 5280 Vitric Placudands #> 5281 Typic Durustands #> 5282 Aquic Durustands #> 5283 Humic Durustands #> 5284 Thaptic Durustands #> 5285 Typic Haplustands #> 5286 Alfic Haplustands #> 5287 Aquic Haplustands #> 5288 Calcic Haplustands #> 5289 Dystric Haplustands #> 5290 Dystric Vitric Haplustands #> 5291 Humic Haplustands #> 5292 Lithic Haplustands #> 5293 Oxic Haplustands #> 5294 Thaptic Haplustands #> 5295 Umbric Haplustands #> 5296 Vitric Haplustands #> 5297 Typic Udivitrands #> 5298 Alfic Udivitrands #> 5299 Aquic Udivitrands #> 5300 Humic Udivitrands #> 5301 Lithic Udivitrands #> 5302 Thaptic Udivitrands #> 5303 Ultic Udivitrands #> 5304 Typic Ustivitrands #> 5305 Aquic Ustivitrands #> 5306 Calcic Ustivitrands #> 5307 Humic Ustivitrands #> 5308 Lithic Ustivitrands #> 5309 Thaptic Ustivitrands #> 5310 Typic Haploxerands #> 5311 Alfic Haploxerands #> 5312 Alfic Humic Haploxerands #> 5313 Aquic Haploxerands #> 5314 Calcic Haploxerands #> 5315 Humic Haploxerands #> 5316 Lithic Haploxerands #> 5317 Thaptic Haploxerands #> 5318 Ultic Haploxerands #> 5319 Typic Melanoxerands #> 5320 Pachic Melanoxerands #> 5321 Typic Vitrixerands #> 5322 Alfic Vitrixerands #> 5323 Alfic Humic Vitrixerands #> 5324 Aquic Vitrixerands #> 5325 Humic Vitrixerands #> 5326 Lithic Vitrixerands #> 5327 Thaptic Vitrixerands #> 5328 Umbric Vitrixerands #> 5329 Typic Durargids #> 5330 Abruptic Xerollic Durargids #> 5331 Abruptic Durargids #> 5332 Aquic Durargids #> 5333 Haplic Durargids #> 5334 Haploxerollic Durargids #> 5335 Ustivitrandic Durargids #> 5336 Ustalfic Durargids #> 5337 Vertic Durargids #> 5338 Vitrixerandic Durargids #> 5339 Xerollic Durargids #> 5340 Typic Haplargids #> 5341 Aquic Haplargids #> 5342 Arenic Ustalfic Haplargids #> 5343 Arenic Ustollic Haplargids #> 5344 Arenic Haplargids #> 5345 Borollic Haplargids #> 5346 Borollic Lithic Haplargids #> 5347 Borollic Vertic Haplargids #> 5348 Duric Haplargids #> 5349 Durixerollic Haplargids #> 5350 Lithic Haplargids #> 5351 Lithic Ruptic-Entic Xerollic Haplargids #> 5352 Lithic Ustollic Haplargids #> 5353 Lithic Xerollic Haplargids #> 5354 Ustertic Haplargids #> 5355 Ustollic Haplargids #> 5356 Ustalfic Haplargids #> 5357 Vertic Haplargids #> 5358 Xerertic Haplargids #> 5359 Xerollic Haplargids #> 5360 Xeralfic Haplargids #> 5361 Typic Nadurargids #> 5362 Aquic Nadurargids #> 5363 Aquic Haplic Nadurargids #> 5364 Haplic Nadurargids #> 5365 Haploxerollic Nadurargids #> 5366 Vertic Nadurargids #> 5367 Xerollic Nadurargids #> 5368 Typic Natrargids #> 5369 Aquic Natrargids #> 5370 Borollic Natrargids #> 5371 Borollic Glossic Natrargids #> 5372 Duric Natrargids #> 5373 Durixerollic Natrargids #> 5374 Glossic Natrargids #> 5375 Glossic Ustollic Natrargids #> 5376 Haplic Natrargids #> 5377 Haploxerollic Natrargids #> 5378 Haplustollic Natrargids #> 5379 Lithic Natrargids #> 5380 Lithic Xerollic Natrargids #> 5381 Ustollic Natrargids #> 5382 Vertic Natrargids #> 5383 Xerollic Natrargids #> 5384 Typic Paleargids #> 5385 Borollic Vertic Paleargids #> 5386 Borollic Paleargids #> 5387 Duric Paleargids #> 5388 Petrocalcic Paleargids #> 5389 Petrocalcic Ustalfic Paleargids #> 5390 Petrocalcic Ustollic Paleargids #> 5391 Petrocalcic Xerollic Paleargids #> 5392 Ustollic Paleargids #> 5393 Ustalfic Paleargids #> 5394 Vertic Paleargids #> 5395 Xerollic Paleargids #> 5396 Xeralfic Paleargids #> 5397 Typic Calciorthids #> 5398 Aquic Calciorthids #> 5399 Aquic Duric Calciorthids #> 5400 Argic Calciorthids #> 5401 Borollic Calciorthids #> 5402 Borollic Lithic Calciorthids #> 5403 Duric Calciorthids #> 5404 Durixerollic Calciorthids #> 5405 Lithic Calciorthids #> 5406 Lithic Ustollic Calciorthids #> 5407 Lithic Xerollic Calciorthids #> 5408 Ustochreptic Calciorthids #> 5409 Ustollic Calciorthids #> 5410 Xerollic Calciorthids #> 5411 Xerochreptic Calciorthids #> 5412 Typic Camborthids #> 5413 Anthropic Camborthids #> 5414 Aquic Camborthids #> 5415 Aquic Duric Camborthids #> 5416 Borollic Camborthids #> 5417 Borollic Lithic Camborthids #> 5418 Borollic Vertic Camborthids #> 5419 Duric Camborthids #> 5420 Durixerollic Camborthids #> 5421 Durixerollic Lithic Camborthids #> 5422 Fluventic Camborthids #> 5423 Lithic Camborthids #> 5424 Lithic Xerollic Camborthids #> 5425 Natric Camborthids #> 5426 Ustertic Camborthids #> 5427 Ustivitrandic Camborthids #> 5428 Ustochreptic Camborthids #> 5429 Ustollic Camborthids #> 5430 Vertic Camborthids #> 5431 Vitrixerandic Camborthids #> 5432 Xerertic Camborthids #> 5433 Xerollic Camborthids #> 5434 Xerochreptic Camborthids #> 5435 Typic Durorthids #> 5436 Aquentic Durorthids #> 5437 Aquic Durorthids #> 5438 Entic Durorthids #> 5439 Haploxerollic Durorthids #> 5440 Haplustollic Durorthids #> 5441 Ustivitrandic Durorthids #> 5442 Ustochreptic Durorthids #> 5443 Ustollic Durorthids #> 5444 Vitrixerandic Durorthids #> 5445 Xerollic Durorthids #> 5446 Xerochreptic Durorthids #> 5447 Typic Gypsiorthids #> 5448 Cambic Gypsiorthids #> 5449 Calcic Gypsiorthids #> 5450 Petrogypsic Gypsiorthids #> 5451 Typic Paleorthids #> 5452 Aquic Paleorthids #> 5453 Borollic Paleorthids #> 5454 Ustochreptic Paleorthids #> 5455 Ustollic Paleorthids #> 5456 Xerollic Paleorthids #> 5457 Xerochreptic Paleorthids #> 5458 Typic Salorthids #> 5459 Aquollic Salorthids #> 5460 Typic Cryaquents #> 5461 Aquandic Cryaquents #> 5462 Typic Endoaquents #> 5463 Aeric Endoaquents #> 5464 Humaqueptic Endoaquents #> 5465 Lithic Endoaquents #> 5466 Mollic Endoaquents #> 5467 Sulfic Endoaquents #> 5468 Typic Epiaquents #> 5469 Aeric Epiaquents #> 5470 Humaqueptic Epiaquents #> 5471 Mollic Epiaquents #> 5472 Typic Fluvaquents #> 5473 Aeric Tropic Fluvaquents #> 5474 Aeric Fluvaquents #> 5475 Aquandic Fluvaquents #> 5476 Humaqueptic Fluvaquents #> 5477 Mollic Fluvaquents #> 5478 Sulfic Fluvaquents #> 5479 Thapto-Histic Fluvaquents #> 5480 Thapto-Histic Tropic Fluvaquents #> 5481 Tropic Fluvaquents #> 5482 Vertic Fluvaquents #> 5483 Typic Hydraquents #> 5484 Typic Psammaquents #> 5485 Humaqueptic Psammaquents #> 5486 Lithic Psammaquents #> 5487 Mollic Psammaquents #> 5488 Spodic Psammaquents #> 5489 Typic Sulfaquents #> 5490 Haplic Sulfaquents #> 5491 Histic Sulfaquents #> 5492 Alfic Udarents #> 5493 Mollic Udarents #> 5494 Ultic Udarents #> 5495 Alfic Xerarents #> 5496 Typic Cryofluvents #> 5497 Andic Cryofluvents #> 5498 Aquic Cryofluvents #> 5499 Mollic Cryofluvents #> 5500 Oxyaquic Cryofluvents #> 5501 Vitrandic Cryofluvents #> 5502 Typic Torrifluvents #> 5503 Anthropic Torrifluvents #> 5504 Aquic Torrifluvents #> 5505 Durorthidic Torrifluvents #> 5506 Durorthidic Xeric Torrifluvents #> 5507 Oxyaquic Torrifluvents #> 5508 Ustertic Torrifluvents #> 5509 Ustic Torrifluvents #> 5510 Vertic Torrifluvents #> 5511 Vitrandic Torrifluvents #> 5512 Vitrixerandic Torrifluvents #> 5513 Xeric Torrifluvents #> 5514 Typic Tropofluvents #> 5515 Typic Udifluvents #> 5516 Andic Udifluvents #> 5517 Aquic Udifluvents #> 5518 Mollic Udifluvents #> 5519 Oxyaquic Udifluvents #> 5520 Vitrandic Udifluvents #> 5521 Oxyaquic Ustifluvents #> 5522 Typic Ustifluvents #> 5523 Anthraquic Ustifluvents #> 5524 Aquic Ustifluvents #> 5525 Aridic Ustifluvents #> 5526 Mollic Ustifluvents #> 5527 Udic Ustifluvents #> 5528 Vertic Ustifluvents #> 5529 Typic Xerofluvents #> 5530 Andic Xerofluvents #> 5531 Aquandic Xerofluvents #> 5532 Aquic Xerofluvents #> 5533 Durorthidic Xerofluvents #> 5534 Mollic Xerofluvents #> 5535 Oxyaquic Xerofluvents #> 5536 Vertic Xerofluvents #> 5537 Vitrandic Xerofluvents #> 5538 Typic Cryorthents #> 5539 Alfic Cryorthents #> 5540 Aquic Cryorthents #> 5541 Lithic Cryorthents #> 5542 Oxyaquic Cryorthents #> 5543 Pergelic Cryorthents #> 5544 Vitrandic Cryorthents #> 5545 Typic Torriorthents #> 5546 Aquic Torriorthents #> 5547 Aquic Durorthidic Torriorthents #> 5548 Durorthidic Torriorthents #> 5549 Durorthidic Xeric Torriorthents #> 5550 Lithic Torriorthents #> 5551 Lithic Ustic Torriorthents #> 5552 Lithic Xeric Torriorthents #> 5553 Oxyaquic Torriorthents #> 5554 Ustertic Torriorthents #> 5555 Ustic Torriorthents #> 5556 Vertic Torriorthents #> 5557 Vitrandic Torriorthents #> 5558 Xerertic Torriorthents #> 5559 Xeric Torriorthents #> 5560 Typic Troporthents #> 5561 Andic Troporthents #> 5562 Lithic Troporthents #> 5563 Vitrandic Troporthents #> 5564 Typic Udorthents #> 5565 Andic Udorthents #> 5566 Aquic Udorthents #> 5567 Lithic Udorthents #> 5568 Oxyaquic Udorthents #> 5569 Vermic Udorthents #> 5570 Vitrandic Udorthents #> 5571 Typic Ustorthents #> 5572 Anthraquic Ustorthents #> 5573 Aquic Ustorthents #> 5574 Aridic Ustorthents #> 5575 Durorthidic Ustorthents #> 5576 Lithic Ustorthents #> 5577 Oxyaquic Ustorthents #> 5578 Udic Ustorthents #> 5579 Vertic Ustorthents #> 5580 Vermic Ustorthents #> 5581 Typic Xerorthents #> 5582 Andic Xerorthents #> 5583 Aquandic Xerorthents #> 5584 Aquic Xerorthents #> 5585 Aquic Durorthidic Xerorthents #> 5586 Durorthidic Xerorthents #> 5587 Dystric Xerorthents #> 5588 Lithic Xerorthents #> 5589 Oxyaquic Xerorthents #> 5590 Vitrandic Xerorthents #> 5591 Typic Cryopsamments #> 5592 Aquic Cryopsamments #> 5593 Argic Cryopsamments #> 5594 Lithic Cryopsamments #> 5595 Oxyaquic Cryopsamments #> 5596 Pergelic Cryopsamments #> 5597 Spodic Cryopsamments #> 5598 Typic Quartzipsamments #> 5599 Aquic Quartzipsamments #> 5600 Aquodic Quartzipsamments #> 5601 Argic Quartzipsamments #> 5602 Argic Ustic Quartzipsamments #> 5603 Lithic Quartzipsamments #> 5604 Oxyaquic Quartzipsamments #> 5605 Plinthic Quartzipsamments #> 5606 Spodic Quartzipsamments #> 5607 Udoxic Quartzipsamments #> 5608 Ustic Quartzipsamments #> 5609 Ustoxic Quartzipsamments #> 5610 Xeric Quartzipsamments #> 5611 Typic Torripsamments #> 5612 Durorthidic Torripsamments #> 5613 Durorthidic Xeric Torripsamments #> 5614 Lithic Torripsamments #> 5615 Ustic Torripsamments #> 5616 Xeric Torripsamments #> 5617 Typic Tropopsamments #> 5618 Aquic Tropopsamments #> 5619 Lithic Tropopsamments #> 5620 Oxyaquic Tropopsamments #> 5621 Typic Udipsamments #> 5622 Aquic Udipsamments #> 5623 Argic Udipsamments #> 5624 Lithic Udipsamments #> 5625 Oxyaquic Udipsamments #> 5626 Plaggeptic Udipsamments #> 5627 Spodic Udipsamments #> 5628 Typic Ustipsamments #> 5629 Aquic Ustipsamments #> 5630 Argic Ustipsamments #> 5631 Lithic Ustipsamments #> 5632 Oxyaquic Ustipsamments #> 5633 Typic Xeropsamments #> 5634 Aquic Xeropsamments #> 5635 Aquic Durorthidic Xeropsamments #> 5636 Argic Xeropsamments #> 5637 Durorthidic Xeropsamments #> 5638 Dystric Xeropsamments #> 5639 Lithic Xeropsamments #> 5640 Oxyaquic Xeropsamments #> 5641 Typic Borofibrists #> 5642 Fluvaquentic Borofibrists #> 5643 Hemic Terric Borofibrists #> 5644 Hemic Borofibrists #> 5645 Hydric Borofibrists #> 5646 Lithic Borofibrists #> 5647 Limnic Borofibrists #> 5648 Sapric Borofibrists #> 5649 Sapric Terric Borofibrists #> 5650 Sphagnic Terric Borofibrists #> 5651 Sphagnic Borofibrists #> 5652 Terric Borofibrists #> 5653 Typic Cryofibrists #> 5654 Fluvaquentic Cryofibrists #> 5655 Lithic Cryofibrists #> 5656 Pergelic Cryofibrists #> 5657 Sphagnic Cryofibrists #> 5658 Terric Cryofibrists #> 5659 Typic Medifibrists #> 5660 Fluvaquentic Medifibrists #> 5661 Hemic Terric Medifibrists #> 5662 Hemic Medifibrists #> 5663 Hydric Medifibrists #> 5664 Lithic Medifibrists #> 5665 Limnic Medifibrists #> 5666 Sapric Medifibrists #> 5667 Sapric Terric Medifibrists #> 5668 Sphagnic Terric Medifibrists #> 5669 Sphagnic Medifibrists #> 5670 Terric Medifibrists #> 5671 Typic Sphagnofibrists #> 5672 Cryic Sphagnofibrists #> 5673 Fluvaquentic Sphagnofibrists #> 5674 Hemic Sphagnofibrists #> 5675 Hydric Sphagnofibrists #> 5676 Lithic Sphagnofibrists #> 5677 Limnic Sphagnofibrists #> 5678 Pergelic Sphagnofibrists #> 5679 Sapric Sphagnofibrists #> 5680 Terric Sphagnofibrists #> 5681 Typic Tropofibrists #> 5682 Fluvaquentic Tropofibrists #> 5683 Hemic Terric Tropofibrists #> 5684 Hemic Tropofibrists #> 5685 Hydric Tropofibrists #> 5686 Lithic Tropofibrists #> 5687 Limnic Tropofibrists #> 5688 Sapric Tropofibrists #> 5689 Sapric Terric Tropofibrists #> 5690 Terric Tropofibrists #> 5691 Typic Borofolists #> 5692 Lithic Borofolists #> 5693 Typic Cryofolists #> 5694 Lithic Cryofolists #> 5695 Typic Medifolists #> 5696 Lithic Medifolists #> 5697 Typic Tropofolists #> 5698 Lithic Tropofolists #> 5699 Typic Borohemists #> 5700 Fibric Terric Borohemists #> 5701 Fibric Borohemists #> 5702 Fluvaquentic Borohemists #> 5703 Hydric Borohemists #> 5704 Lithic Borohemists #> 5705 Limnic Borohemists #> 5706 Sapric Borohemists #> 5707 Sapric Terric Borohemists #> 5708 Terric Borohemists #> 5709 Typic Cryohemists #> 5710 Fluvaquentic Cryohemists #> 5711 Lithic Cryohemists #> 5712 Pergelic Cryohemists #> 5713 Terric Cryohemists #> 5714 Typic Medihemists #> 5715 Fibric Terric Medihemists #> 5716 Fibric Medihemists #> 5717 Fluvaquentic Medihemists #> 5718 Hydric Medihemists #> 5719 Lithic Medihemists #> 5720 Limnic Medihemists #> 5721 Sapric Medihemists #> 5722 Sapric Terric Medihemists #> 5723 Terric Medihemists #> 5724 Typic Sulfihemists #> 5725 Terric Sulfihemists #> 5726 Typic Sulfohemists #> 5727 Typic Tropohemists #> 5728 Fibric Terric Tropohemists #> 5729 Fibric Tropohemists #> 5730 Fluvaquentic Tropohemists #> 5731 Hydric Tropohemists #> 5732 Lithic Tropohemists #> 5733 Limnic Tropohemists #> 5734 Sapric Tropohemists #> 5735 Sapric Terric Tropohemists #> 5736 Terric Tropohemists #> 5737 Typic Borosaprists #> 5738 Fibric Terric Borosaprists #> 5739 Fibric Borosaprists #> 5740 Fluvaquentic Borosaprists #> 5741 Hemic Terric Borosaprists #> 5742 Hemic Borosaprists #> 5743 Lithic Borosaprists #> 5744 Limnic Borosaprists #> 5745 Terric Borosaprists #> 5746 Typic Cryosaprists #> 5747 Fluvaquentic Cryosaprists #> 5748 Lithic Cryosaprists #> 5749 Pergelic Cryosaprists #> 5750 Terric Cryosaprists #> 5751 Typic Medisaprists #> 5752 Fibric Terric Medisaprists #> 5753 Fibric Medisaprists #> 5754 Fluvaquentic Medisaprists #> 5755 Hemic Terric Medisaprists #> 5756 Hemic Medisaprists #> 5757 Lithic Medisaprists #> 5758 Limnic Medisaprists #> 5759 Terric Medisaprists #> 5760 Typic Sulfisaprists #> 5761 Terric Sulfisaprists #> 5762 Typic Sulfosaprists #> 5763 Typic Troposaprists #> 5764 Fibric Terric Troposaprists #> 5765 Fibric Troposaprists #> 5766 Fluvaquentic Troposaprists #> 5767 Hemic Terric Troposaprists #> 5768 Hemic Troposaprists #> 5769 Lithic Troposaprists #> 5770 Limnic Troposaprists #> 5771 Terric Troposaprists #> 5772 Typic Cryaquepts #> 5773 Aeric Humic Cryaquepts #> 5774 Aeric Cryaquepts #> 5775 Aquandic Cryaquepts #> 5776 Histic Lithic Cryaquepts #> 5777 Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts #> 5778 Histic Cryaquepts #> 5779 Humic Pergelic Cryaquepts #> 5780 Humic Cryaquepts #> 5781 Lithic Cryaquepts #> 5782 Pergelic Ruptic-Histic Cryaquepts #> 5783 Pergelic Cryaquepts #> 5784 Sulfic Cryaquepts #> 5785 Vertic Cryaquepts #> 5786 Typic Endoaquepts #> 5787 Aeric Endoaquepts #> 5788 Aquandic Endoaquepts #> 5789 Humic Endoaquepts #> 5790 Lithic Endoaquepts #> 5791 Mollic Endoaquepts #> 5792 Sulfic Endoaquepts #> 5793 Vertic Endoaquepts #> 5794 Typic Epiaquepts #> 5795 Aeric Epiaquepts #> 5796 Vertic Epiaquepts #> 5797 Typic Fragiaquepts #> 5798 Aeric Fragiaquepts #> 5799 Humic Fragiaquepts #> 5800 Typic Halaquepts #> 5801 Aeric Halaquepts #> 5802 Aquandic Halaquepts #> 5803 Mollic Halaquepts #> 5804 Vertic Halaquepts #> 5805 Typic Humaquepts #> 5806 Aeric Humaquepts #> 5807 Aquandic Humaquepts #> 5808 Cumulic Humaquepts #> 5809 Fluvaquentic Humaquepts #> 5810 Histic Humaquepts #> 5811 Hydraquentic Humaquepts #> 5812 Typic Placaquepts #> 5813 Aquandic Placaquepts #> 5814 Haplic Placaquepts #> 5815 Histic Placaquepts #> 5816 Typic Sulfaquepts #> 5817 Hydraquentic Sulfaquepts #> 5818 Salorthidic Sulfaquepts #> 5819 Typic Tropaquepts #> 5820 Aeric Tropaquepts #> 5821 Aquandic Tropaquepts #> 5822 Histic Tropaquepts #> 5823 Lithic Tropaquepts #> 5824 Plinthic Tropaquepts #> 5825 Sulfic Tropaquepts #> 5826 Vertic Tropaquepts #> 5827 Typic Cryochrepts #> 5828 Alfic Cryochrepts #> 5829 Andic Cryochrepts #> 5830 Aquic Cryochrepts #> 5831 Dystric Cryochrepts #> 5832 Lithic Cryochrepts #> 5833 Oxyaquic Cryochrepts #> 5834 Pergelic Cryochrepts #> 5835 Vitrandic Cryochrepts #> 5836 Typic Durochrepts #> 5837 Andic Durochrepts #> 5838 Aquandic Durochrepts #> 5839 Aquic Durochrepts #> 5840 Dystric Durochrepts #> 5841 Dystric Entic Durochrepts #> 5842 Entic Durochrepts #> 5843 Ustic Durochrepts #> 5844 Vitrandic Durochrepts #> 5845 Typic Dystrochrepts #> 5846 Andic Dystrochrepts #> 5847 Aquandic Dystrochrepts #> 5848 Aquic Dystrochrepts #> 5849 Fluvaquentic Dystrochrepts #> 5850 Fluventic Dystrochrepts #> 5851 Fluventic Umbric Dystrochrepts #> 5852 Lithic Dystrochrepts #> 5853 Lithic Ruptic-Alfic Dystrochrepts #> 5854 Lithic Ruptic-Ultic Dystrochrepts #> 5855 Oxyaquic Dystrochrepts #> 5856 Ruptic-Alfic Dystrochrepts #> 5857 Ruptic-Ultic Dystrochrepts #> 5858 Umbric Dystrochrepts #> 5859 Vitrandic Dystrochrepts #> 5860 Typic Eutrochrepts #> 5861 Anthraquic Eutrochrepts #> 5862 Andic Eutrochrepts #> 5863 Aquic Eutrochrepts #> 5864 Aquic Dystric Eutrochrepts #> 5865 Arenic Eutrochrepts #> 5866 Dystric Eutrochrepts #> 5867 Dystric Fluventic Eutrochrepts #> 5868 Fluvaquentic Eutrochrepts #> 5869 Fluventic Eutrochrepts #> 5870 Lithic Eutrochrepts #> 5871 Lithic Ruptic-Alfic Eutrochrepts #> 5872 Oxyaquic Eutrochrepts #> 5873 Rendollic Eutrochrepts #> 5874 Ruptic-Alfic Eutrochrepts #> 5875 Vertic Eutrochrepts #> 5876 Vitrandic Eutrochrepts #> 5877 Typic Fragiochrepts #> 5878 Andic Fragiochrepts #> 5879 Aquic Fragiochrepts #> 5880 Umbric Fragiochrepts #> 5881 Vitrandic Fragiochrepts #> 5882 Typic Sulfochrepts #> 5883 Typic Ustochrepts #> 5884 Anthraquic Ustochrepts #> 5885 Andic Ustochrepts #> 5886 Aquic Ustochrepts #> 5887 Aridic Ustochrepts #> 5888 Calcic Udic Ustochrepts #> 5889 Calciorthidic Ustochrepts #> 5890 Calcic Ustochrepts #> 5891 Dystric Ustochrepts #> 5892 Fluventic Ustochrepts #> 5893 Lithic Ustochrepts #> 5894 Torrifluventic Ustochrepts #> 5895 Torrertic Ustochrepts #> 5896 Udic Ustochrepts #> 5897 Udifluventic Ustochrepts #> 5898 Udertic Ustochrepts #> 5899 Vertic Ustochrepts #> 5900 Vitrandic Ustochrepts #> 5901 Typic Xerochrepts #> 5902 Andic Xerochrepts #> 5903 Aquandic Xerochrepts #> 5904 Aquic Xerochrepts #> 5905 Aquic Dystric Xerochrepts #> 5906 Calcixerollic Xerochrepts #> 5907 Dystric Xerochrepts #> 5908 Dystric Fluventic Xerochrepts #> 5909 Dystric Lithic Xerochrepts #> 5910 Fluventic Xerochrepts #> 5911 Gypsic Xerochrepts #> 5912 Lithic Xerochrepts #> 5913 Lithic Ruptic-Xerorthentic Xerochrepts #> 5914 Petrocalcic Xerochrepts #> 5915 Ruptic-Lithic Xerochrepts #> 5916 Vertic Xerochrepts #> 5917 Vitrandic Xerochrepts #> 5918 Typic Dystropepts #> 5919 Andic Dystropepts #> 5920 Aquic Dystropepts #> 5921 Fluventic Dystropepts #> 5922 Lithic Dystropepts #> 5923 Oxyaquic Dystropepts #> 5924 Oxic Dystropepts #> 5925 Petroferric Dystropepts #> 5926 Ustic Dystropepts #> 5927 Ustoxic Dystropepts #> 5928 Vertic Dystropepts #> 5929 Vitrandic Dystropepts #> 5930 Typic Eutropepts #> 5931 Andic Eutropepts #> 5932 Aquic Eutropepts #> 5933 Aquertic Eutropepts #> 5934 Fluvaquentic Eutropepts #> 5935 Fluventic Eutropepts #> 5936 Lithic Eutropepts #> 5937 Oxyaquic Eutropepts #> 5938 Vertic Eutropepts #> 5939 Vitrandic Eutropepts #> 5940 Typic Humitropepts #> 5941 Andic Humitropepts #> 5942 Aquic Humitropepts #> 5943 Aquertic Humitropepts #> 5944 Fluventic Humitropepts #> 5945 Lithic Humitropepts #> 5946 Oxyaquic Humitropepts #> 5947 Oxic Humitropepts #> 5948 Ustandic Humitropepts #> 5949 Ustic Humitropepts #> 5950 Ustoxic Humitropepts #> 5951 Vertic Humitropepts #> 5952 Vitrandic Humitropepts #> 5953 Typic Ustropepts #> 5954 Aquic Ustropepts #> 5955 Fluventic Ustropepts #> 5956 Lithic Ustropepts #> 5957 Oxyaquic Ustropepts #> 5958 Oxic Ustropepts #> 5959 Vertic Ustropepts #> 5960 Typic Cryumbrepts #> 5961 Andic Cryumbrepts #> 5962 Aquic Cryumbrepts #> 5963 Entic Cryumbrepts #> 5964 Lithic Cryumbrepts #> 5965 Lithic Ruptic-Entic Cryumbrepts #> 5966 Oxyaquic Cryumbrepts #> 5967 Pergelic Cryumbrepts #> 5968 Ruptic-Lithic Cryumbrepts #> 5969 Vitrandic Cryumbrepts #> 5970 Typic Fragiumbrepts #> 5971 Andic Fragiumbrepts #> 5972 Aquic Fragiumbrepts #> 5973 Vitrandic Fragiumbrepts #> 5974 Typic Haplumbrepts #> 5975 Andic Haplumbrepts #> 5976 Aquandic Haplumbrepts #> 5977 Aquic Haplumbrepts #> 5978 Cumulic Haplumbrepts #> 5979 Entic Haplumbrepts #> 5980 Fluventic Haplumbrepts #> 5981 Lithic Haplumbrepts #> 5982 Oxyaquic Haplumbrepts #> 5983 Pachic Haplumbrepts #> 5984 Psammentic Haplumbrepts #> 5985 Quartzipsammentic Haplumbrepts #> 5986 Vitrandic Haplumbrepts #> 5987 Typic Xerumbrepts #> 5988 Andic Xerumbrepts #> 5989 Aquic Xerumbrepts #> 5990 Entic Xerumbrepts #> 5991 Fluventic Xerumbrepts #> 5992 Lithic Xerumbrepts #> 5993 Pachic Xerumbrepts #> 5994 Vitrandic Xerumbrepts #> 5995 Typic Argialbolls #> 5996 Aquandic Argialbolls #> 5997 Argiaquic Argialbolls #> 5998 Argiaquic Xeric Argialbolls #> 5999 Vertic Argialbolls #> 6000 Xerertic Argialbolls #> 6001 Xeric Argialbolls #> 6002 Typic Natralbolls #> 6003 Typic Argiaquolls #> 6004 Abruptic Argiaquolls #> 6005 Arenic Argiaquolls #> 6006 Grossarenic Argiaquolls #> 6007 Vertic Argiaquolls #> 6008 Typic Calciaquolls #> 6009 Aeric Calciaquolls #> 6010 Petrocalcic Calciaquolls #> 6011 Typic Cryaquolls #> 6012 Aquandic Cryaquolls #> 6013 Argic Cryaquolls #> 6014 Calcic Cryaquolls #> 6015 Cumulic Cryaquolls #> 6016 Histic Cryaquolls #> 6017 Pergelic Cryaquolls #> 6018 Thapto-Histic Cryaquolls #> 6019 Vertic Cryaquolls #> 6020 Typic Duraquolls #> 6021 Argic Duraquolls #> 6022 Natric Duraquolls #> 6023 Vertic Duraquolls #> 6024 Typic Endoaquolls #> 6025 Aquandic Endoaquolls #> 6026 Cumulic Endoaquolls #> 6027 Duric Endoaquolls #> 6028 Fluvaquentic Endoaquolls #> 6029 Histic Endoaquolls #> 6030 Lithic Endoaquolls #> 6031 Thapto-Histic Endoaquolls #> 6032 Vertic Endoaquolls #> 6033 Typic Epiaquolls #> 6034 Aquandic Epiaquolls #> 6035 Cumulic Epiaquolls #> 6036 Duric Epiaquolls #> 6037 Fluvaquentic Epiaquolls #> 6038 Histic Epiaquolls #> 6039 Thapto-Histic Epiaquolls #> 6040 Vertic Epiaquolls #> 6041 Typic Natraquolls #> 6042 Vertic Natraquolls #> 6043 Typic Argiborolls #> 6044 Abruptic Aridic Argiborolls #> 6045 Abruptic Udic Argiborolls #> 6046 Abruptic Argiborolls #> 6047 Albic Argiborolls #> 6048 Albollic Argiborolls #> 6049 Andic Argiborolls #> 6050 Aquic Argiborolls #> 6051 Aridic Argiborolls #> 6052 Arenic Argiborolls #> 6053 Boralfic Udic Argiborolls #> 6054 Boralfic Argiborolls #> 6055 Lithic Argiborolls #> 6056 Oxyaquic Argiborolls #> 6057 Pachic Udic Argiborolls #> 6058 Pachic Argiborolls #> 6059 Torrertic Argiborolls #> 6060 Udic Argiborolls #> 6061 Ustertic Argiborolls #> 6062 Vertic Argiborolls #> 6063 Vitrandic Argiborolls #> 6064 Typic Calciborolls #> 6065 Aquic Calciborolls #> 6066 Aridic Calciborolls #> 6067 Lithic Calciborolls #> 6068 Oxyaquic Calciborolls #> 6069 Petrocalcic Calciborolls #> 6070 Udic Calciborolls #> 6071 Typic Cryoborolls #> 6072 Abruptic Cryoborolls #> 6073 Albic Cryoborolls #> 6074 Andic Cryoborolls #> 6075 Aquic Cryoborolls #> 6076 Argiaquic Cryoborolls #> 6077 Argic Cryoborolls #> 6078 Argic Lithic Cryoborolls #> 6079 Argic Pachic Cryoborolls #> 6080 Argic Vertic Cryoborolls #> 6081 Boralfic Lithic Cryoborolls #> 6082 Boralfic Cryoborolls #> 6083 Calcic Pachic Cryoborolls #> 6084 Calcic Cryoborolls #> 6085 Cumulic Cryoborolls #> 6086 Duric Cryoborolls #> 6087 Fluvaquentic Cryoborolls #> 6088 Fluventic Cryoborolls #> 6089 Lithic Cryoborolls #> 6090 Lithic Ruptic-Argic Cryoborolls #> 6091 Lithic Ruptic-Entic Cryoborolls #> 6092 Natric Cryoborolls #> 6093 Oxyaquic Cryoborolls #> 6094 Pachic Cryoborolls #> 6095 Pergelic Cryoborolls #> 6096 Vertic Cryoborolls #> 6097 Vitrandic Cryoborolls #> 6098 Typic Haploborolls #> 6099 Andic Haploborolls #> 6100 Aquic Haploborolls #> 6101 Aridic Haploborolls #> 6102 Cumulic Udic Haploborolls #> 6103 Cumulic Haploborolls #> 6104 Entic Haploborolls #> 6105 Fluvaquentic Haploborolls #> 6106 Fluventic Haploborolls #> 6107 Lithic Haploborolls #> 6108 Oxyaquic Haploborolls #> 6109 Pachic Udic Haploborolls #> 6110 Pachic Haploborolls #> 6111 Ruptic-Lithic Haploborolls #> 6112 Salorthidic Haploborolls #> 6113 Torrifluventic Haploborolls #> 6114 Torriorthentic Haploborolls #> 6115 Udic Haploborolls #> 6116 Udorthentic Haploborolls #> 6117 Udertic Haploborolls #> 6118 Vertic Haploborolls #> 6119 Vitrandic Haploborolls #> 6120 Typic Natriborolls #> 6121 Aridic Natriborolls #> 6122 Glossic Natriborolls #> 6123 Glossic Udic Natriborolls #> 6124 Leptic Natriborolls #> 6125 Udic Natriborolls #> 6126 Vertic Natriborolls #> 6127 Typic Paleborolls #> 6128 Abruptic Cryic Paleborolls #> 6129 Abruptic Paleborolls #> 6130 Aquic Paleborolls #> 6131 Cryic Pachic Paleborolls #> 6132 Cryic Paleborolls #> 6133 Oxyaquic Paleborolls #> 6134 Pachic Paleborolls #> 6135 Vertic Paleborolls #> 6136 Typic Vermiborolls #> 6137 Aridic Vermiborolls #> 6138 Haplic Vermiborolls #> 6139 Hapludic Vermiborolls #> 6140 Lithic Vermiborolls #> 6141 Udic Vermiborolls #> 6142 Typic Rendolls #> 6143 Cryic Lithic Rendolls #> 6144 Cryic Rendolls #> 6145 Entic Rendolls #> 6146 Eutrochreptic Rendolls #> 6147 Eutropeptic Rendolls #> 6148 Lithic Rendolls #> 6149 Vertic Rendolls #> 6150 Typic Argiudolls #> 6151 Andic Argiudolls #> 6152 Aquic Argiudolls #> 6153 Aquertic Argiudolls #> 6154 Calcic Argiudolls #> 6155 Lithic Argiudolls #> 6156 Oxyaquic Argiudolls #> 6157 Oxic Argiudolls #> 6158 Pachic Argiudolls #> 6159 Psammentic Argiudolls #> 6160 Vertic Argiudolls #> 6161 Vitrandic Argiudolls #> 6162 Typic Calciudolls #> 6163 Aquic Calciudolls #> 6164 Lithic Calciudolls #> 6165 Vertic Calciudolls #> 6166 Typic Hapludolls #> 6167 Andic Hapludolls #> 6168 Aquic Hapludolls #> 6169 Aquertic Hapludolls #> 6170 Calcic Hapludolls #> 6171 Cumulic Hapludolls #> 6172 Entic Hapludolls #> 6173 Fluvaquentic Hapludolls #> 6174 Fluventic Hapludolls #> 6175 Lithic Hapludolls #> 6176 Oxyaquic Hapludolls #> 6177 Vertic Hapludolls #> 6178 Vermic Hapludolls #> 6179 Vitrandic Hapludolls #> 6180 Typic Paleudolls #> 6181 Aquic Paleudolls #> 6182 Calcic Paleudolls #> 6183 Oxyaquic Paleudolls #> 6184 Petrocalcic Paleudolls #> 6185 Vertic Paleudolls #> 6186 Typic Vermudolls #> 6187 Entic Vermudolls #> 6188 Haplic Vermudolls #> 6189 Lithic Vermudolls #> 6190 Typic Argiustolls #> 6191 Alfic Lithic Argiustolls #> 6192 Andic Argiustolls #> 6193 Aquic Argiustolls #> 6194 Aridic Argiustolls #> 6195 Boralfic Argiustolls #> 6196 Duric Argiustolls #> 6197 Lithic Argiustolls #> 6198 Oxyaquic Argiustolls #> 6199 Pachic Argiustolls #> 6200 Torrertic Argiustolls #> 6201 Udic Argiustolls #> 6202 Udertic Argiustolls #> 6203 Ustalfic Argiustolls #> 6204 Vertic Argiustolls #> 6205 Vitrandic Argiustolls #> 6206 Vitritorrandic Argiustolls #> 6207 Typic Calciustolls #> 6208 Aquic Calciustolls #> 6209 Aridic Calciustolls #> 6210 Lithic Calciustolls #> 6211 Lithic Petrocalcic Calciustolls #> 6212 Oxyaquic Calciustolls #> 6213 Pachic Calciustolls #> 6214 Petrocalcic Calciustolls #> 6215 Salorthidic Calciustolls #> 6216 Torrertic Calciustolls #> 6217 Udic Calciustolls #> 6218 Udertic Calciustolls #> 6219 Vertic Calciustolls #> 6220 Typic Durustolls #> 6221 Aridic Durustolls #> 6222 Entic Durustolls #> 6223 Haplic Durustolls #> 6224 Natric Durustolls #> 6225 Orthidic Durustolls #> 6226 Typic Haplustolls #> 6227 Anthraquic Haplustolls #> 6228 Andic Haplustolls #> 6229 Aquic Haplustolls #> 6230 Aridic Haplustolls #> 6231 Cumulic Haplustolls #> 6232 Duric Haplustolls #> 6233 Entic Haplustolls #> 6234 Fluvaquentic Haplustolls #> 6235 Fluventic Haplustolls #> 6236 Lithic Haplustolls #> 6237 Oxyaquic Haplustolls #> 6238 Oxic Haplustolls #> 6239 Pachic Haplustolls #> 6240 Ruptic-Lithic Haplustolls #> 6241 Salorthidic Haplustolls #> 6242 Torrifluventic Haplustolls #> 6243 Torriorthentic Haplustolls #> 6244 Torroxic Haplustolls #> 6245 Torrertic Haplustolls #> 6246 Udic Haplustolls #> 6247 Udorthentic Haplustolls #> 6248 Udertic Haplustolls #> 6249 Vertic Haplustolls #> 6250 Vitrandic Haplustolls #> 6251 Vitritorrandic Haplustolls #> 6252 Typic Natrustolls #> 6253 Aquic Natrustolls #> 6254 Aridic Natrustolls #> 6255 Duric Natrustolls #> 6256 Glossic Natrustolls #> 6257 Leptic Natrustolls #> 6258 Vertic Natrustolls #> 6259 Typic Paleustolls #> 6260 Aquic Paleustolls #> 6261 Aridic Paleustolls #> 6262 Calciorthidic Paleustolls #> 6263 Calcic Paleustolls #> 6264 Entic Paleustolls #> 6265 Pachic Paleustolls #> 6266 Petrocalcic Paleustolls #> 6267 Torrertic Paleustolls #> 6268 Udic Paleustolls #> 6269 Udertic Paleustolls #> 6270 Vertic Paleustolls #> 6271 Typic Vermustolls #> 6272 Aquic Vermustolls #> 6273 Entic Vermustolls #> 6274 Haplic Vermustolls #> 6275 Lithic Vermustolls #> 6276 Pachic Vermustolls #> 6277 Typic Argixerolls #> 6278 Albic Argixerolls #> 6279 Andic Argixerolls #> 6280 Aquic Argixerolls #> 6281 Aquultic Argixerolls #> 6282 Aridic Argixerolls #> 6283 Aridic Calcic Argixerolls #> 6284 Boralfic Argixerolls #> 6285 Calcic Pachic Argixerolls #> 6286 Calcic Argixerolls #> 6287 Duric Argixerolls #> 6288 Durargidic Argixerolls #> 6289 Lithic Argixerolls #> 6290 Lithic Ultic Argixerolls #> 6291 Oxyaquic Argixerolls #> 6292 Pachic Ultic Argixerolls #> 6293 Pachic Argixerolls #> 6294 Torrertic Argixerolls #> 6295 Ultic Argixerolls #> 6296 Vertic Argixerolls #> 6297 Vitrandic Argixerolls #> 6298 Vitritorrandic Argixerolls #> 6299 Typic Calcixerolls #> 6300 Aquic Calcixerolls #> 6301 Aridic Calcixerolls #> 6302 Lithic Calcixerolls #> 6303 Oxyaquic Calcixerolls #> 6304 Pachic Calcixerolls #> 6305 Vertic Calcixerolls #> 6306 Vermic Calcixerolls #> 6307 Typic Durixerolls #> 6308 Abruptic Aridic Durixerolls #> 6309 Abruptic Durixerolls #> 6310 Aquic Durixerolls #> 6311 Argic Durixerolls #> 6312 Aridic Durixerolls #> 6313 Entic Durixerolls #> 6314 Haplic Durixerolls #> 6315 Orthidic Durixerolls #> 6316 Vertic Durixerolls #> 6317 Vitrandic Durixerolls #> 6318 Vitritorrandic Durixerolls #> 6319 Oxyaquic Haploxerolls #> 6320 Typic Haploxerolls #> 6321 Aquic Haploxerolls #> 6322 Aquic Duric Haploxerolls #> 6323 Aquultic Haploxerolls #> 6324 Aridic Haploxerolls #> 6325 Aridic Duric Haploxerolls #> 6326 Calcic Pachic Haploxerolls #> 6327 Calciorthidic Haploxerolls #> 6328 Calcic Haploxerolls #> 6329 Cumulic Ultic Haploxerolls #> 6330 Cumulic Haploxerolls #> 6331 Duric Haploxerolls #> 6332 Entic Ultic Haploxerolls #> 6333 Entic Haploxerolls #> 6334 Fluvaquentic Haploxerolls #> 6335 Fluventic Haploxerolls #> 6336 Lithic Haploxerolls #> 6337 Lithic Ultic Haploxerolls #> 6338 Pachic Ultic Haploxerolls #> 6339 Pachic Haploxerolls #> 6340 Torrifluventic Haploxerolls #> 6341 Torriorthentic Haploxerolls #> 6342 Torripsammentic Haploxerolls #> 6343 Torrertic Haploxerolls #> 6344 Ultic Haploxerolls #> 6345 Vertic Haploxerolls #> 6346 Vermic Haploxerolls #> 6347 Vitrandic Haploxerolls #> 6348 Vitritorrandic Haploxerolls #> 6349 Typic Natrixerolls #> 6350 Aquic Natrixerolls #> 6351 Aquic Duric Natrixerolls #> 6352 Aridic Natrixerolls #> 6353 Duric Natrixerolls #> 6354 Vertic Natrixerolls #> 6355 Typic Palexerolls #> 6356 Aquic Palexerolls #> 6357 Aridic Palexerolls #> 6358 Aridic Petrocalcic Palexerolls #> 6359 Haplic Palexerolls #> 6360 Natric Palexerolls #> 6361 Pachic Palexerolls #> 6362 Petrocalcic Palexerolls #> 6363 Ultic Palexerolls #> 6364 Vertic Palexerolls #> 6365 Typic Acraquox #> 6366 Aeric Acraquox #> 6367 Plinthic Acraquox #> 6368 Typic Eutraquox #> 6369 Aeric Eutraquox #> 6370 Histic Eutraquox #> 6371 Humic Eutraquox #> 6372 Plinthic Eutraquox #> 6373 Typic Haplaquox #> 6374 Aeric Haplaquox #> 6375 Histic Haplaquox #> 6376 Humic Haplaquox #> 6377 Plinthic Haplaquox #> 6378 Typic Plinthaquox #> 6379 Aeric Plinthaquox #> 6380 Typic Acroperox #> 6381 Anionic Acroperox #> 6382 Aquic Acroperox #> 6383 Aquic Lithic Acroperox #> 6384 Aquic Petroferric Acroperox #> 6385 Humic Rhodic Acroperox #> 6386 Humic Xanthic Acroperox #> 6387 Humic Acroperox #> 6388 Lithic Acroperox #> 6389 Petroferric Acroperox #> 6390 Plinthic Acroperox #> 6391 Rhodic Acroperox #> 6392 Xanthic Acroperox #> 6393 Typic Eutroperox #> 6394 Aquic Eutroperox #> 6395 Aquic Lithic Eutroperox #> 6396 Aquic Petroferric Eutroperox #> 6397 Humic Rhodic Eutroperox #> 6398 Humic Xanthic Eutroperox #> 6399 Humic Eutroperox #> 6400 Inceptic Eutroperox #> 6401 Kandiudalfic Eutroperox #> 6402 Lithic Eutroperox #> 6403 Petroferric Eutroperox #> 6404 Plinthic Eutroperox #> 6405 Plinthaquic Eutroperox #> 6406 Rhodic Eutroperox #> 6407 Umbreptic Eutroperox #> 6408 Xanthic Eutroperox #> 6409 Typic Haploperox #> 6410 Andic Haploperox #> 6411 Aquic Haploperox #> 6412 Aquic Lithic Haploperox #> 6413 Aquic Petroferric Haploperox #> 6414 Humic Rhodic Haploperox #> 6415 Humic Xanthic Haploperox #> 6416 Humic Haploperox #> 6417 Lithic Haploperox #> 6418 Petroferric Haploperox #> 6419 Plinthic Haploperox #> 6420 Plinthaquic Haploperox #> 6421 Rhodic Haploperox #> 6422 Xanthic Haploperox #> 6423 Typic Kandiperox #> 6424 Aquic Kandiperox #> 6425 Aquic Lithic Kandiperox #> 6426 Aquic Petroferric Kandiperox #> 6427 Humic Rhodic Kandiperox #> 6428 Humic Xanthic Kandiperox #> 6429 Humic Kandiperox #> 6430 Lithic Kandiperox #> 6431 Petroferric Kandiperox #> 6432 Plinthic Kandiperox #> 6433 Plinthaquic Kandiperox #> 6434 Rhodic Kandiperox #> 6435 Xanthic Kandiperox #> 6436 Typic Sombriperox #> 6437 Humic Sombriperox #> 6438 Lithic Sombriperox #> 6439 Petroferric Sombriperox #> 6440 Typic Acrotorrox #> 6441 Lithic Acrotorrox #> 6442 Petroferric Acrotorrox #> 6443 Typic Eutrotorrox #> 6444 Lithic Eutrotorrox #> 6445 Petroferric Eutrotorrox #> 6446 Typic Haplotorrox #> 6447 Lithic Haplotorrox #> 6448 Petroferric Haplotorrox #> 6449 Typic Acrudox #> 6450 Anionic Acrudox #> 6451 Anionic Aquic Acrudox #> 6452 Aquic Acrudox #> 6453 Aquic Lithic Acrudox #> 6454 Aquic Petroferric Acrudox #> 6455 Eutric Acrudox #> 6456 Humic Rhodic Acrudox #> 6457 Humic Xanthic Acrudox #> 6458 Humic Acrudox #> 6459 Lithic Acrudox #> 6460 Petroferric Acrudox #> 6461 Plinthic Acrudox #> 6462 Rhodic Acrudox #> 6463 Xanthic Acrudox #> 6464 Typic Eutrudox #> 6465 Aquic Eutrudox #> 6466 Aquic Lithic Eutrudox #> 6467 Aquic Petroferric Eutrudox #> 6468 Humic Rhodic Eutrudox #> 6469 Humic Xanthic Eutrudox #> 6470 Humic Eutrudox #> 6471 Inceptic Eutrudox #> 6472 Kandiudalfic Eutrudox #> 6473 Lithic Eutrudox #> 6474 Petroferric Eutrudox #> 6475 Plinthic Eutrudox #> 6476 Plinthaquic Eutrudox #> 6477 Rhodic Eutrudox #> 6478 Umbreptic Eutrudox #> 6479 Xanthic Eutrudox #> 6480 Typic Hapludox #> 6481 Andic Hapludox #> 6482 Aquic Hapludox #> 6483 Aquic Lithic Hapludox #> 6484 Aquic Petroferric Hapludox #> 6485 Humic Rhodic Hapludox #> 6486 Humic Xanthic Hapludox #> 6487 Humic Hapludox #> 6488 Inceptic Hapludox #> 6489 Lithic Hapludox #> 6490 Petroferric Hapludox #> 6491 Plinthic Hapludox #> 6492 Plinthaquic Hapludox #> 6493 Rhodic Hapludox #> 6494 Xanthic Hapludox #> 6495 Typic Kandiudox #> 6496 Andic Kandiudox #> 6497 Aquic Kandiudox #> 6498 Aquic Lithic Kandiudox #> 6499 Aquic Petroferric Kandiudox #> 6500 Humic Rhodic Kandiudox #> 6501 Humic Xanthic Kandiudox #> 6502 Humic Kandiudox #> 6503 Lithic Kandiudox #> 6504 Petroferric Kandiudox #> 6505 Plinthic Kandiudox #> 6506 Plinthaquic Kandiudox #> 6507 Rhodic Kandiudox #> 6508 Xanthic Kandiudox #> 6509 Typic Sombriudox #> 6510 Humic Sombriudox #> 6511 Lithic Sombriudox #> 6512 Petroferric Sombriudox #> 6513 Typic Acrustox #> 6514 Anionic Acrustox #> 6515 Anionic Aquic Acrustox #> 6516 Aquic Acrustox #> 6517 Aquic Lithic Acrustox #> 6518 Aquic Petroferric Acrustox #> 6519 Eutric Acrustox #> 6520 Humic Rhodic Acrustox #> 6521 Humic Xanthic Acrustox #> 6522 Humic Acrustox #> 6523 Lithic Acrustox #> 6524 Petroferric Acrustox #> 6525 Plinthic Acrustox #> 6526 Rhodic Acrustox #> 6527 Xanthic Acrustox #> 6528 Typic Eutrustox #> 6529 Aquic Eutrustox #> 6530 Aquic Lithic Eutrustox #> 6531 Aquic Petroferric Eutrustox #> 6532 Humic Rhodic Eutrustox #> 6533 Humic Xanthic Eutrustox #> 6534 Humic Eutrustox #> 6535 Inceptic Eutrustox #> 6536 Kandiustalfic Eutrustox #> 6537 Lithic Eutrustox #> 6538 Petroferric Eutrustox #> 6539 Plinthic Eutrustox #> 6540 Plinthaquic Eutrustox #> 6541 Rhodic Eutrustox #> 6542 Umbreptic Eutrustox #> 6543 Xanthic Eutrustox #> 6544 Oxyaquic Haplustox #> 6545 Typic Haplustox #> 6546 Aqueptic Haplustox #> 6547 Aquic Haplustox #> 6548 Aquic Lithic Haplustox #> 6549 Aquic Petroferric Haplustox #> 6550 Humic Rhodic Haplustox #> 6551 Humic Xanthic Haplustox #> 6552 Humic Haplustox #> 6553 Inceptic Haplustox #> 6554 Lithic Haplustox #> 6555 Petroferric Haplustox #> 6556 Plinthic Haplustox #> 6557 Plinthaquic Haplustox #> 6558 Rhodic Haplustox #> 6559 Xanthic Haplustox #> 6560 Typic Kandiustox #> 6561 Aquic Kandiustox #> 6562 Aquic Lithic Kandiustox #> 6563 Aquic Petroferric Kandiustox #> 6564 Humic Rhodic Kandiustox #> 6565 Humic Xanthic Kandiustox #> 6566 Humic Kandiustox #> 6567 Lithic Kandiustox #> 6568 Petroferric Kandiustox #> 6569 Plinthic Kandiustox #> 6570 Plinthaquic Kandiustox #> 6571 Rhodic Kandiustox #> 6572 Xanthic Kandiustox #> 6573 Typic Sombriustox #> 6574 Humic Sombriustox #> 6575 Lithic Sombriustox #> 6576 Petroferric Sombriustox #> 6577 Typic Alaquods #> 6578 Aeric Alaquods #> 6579 Alfic Alaquods #> 6580 Alfic Arenic Alaquods #> 6581 Arenic Ultic Alaquods #> 6582 Arenic Alaquods #> 6583 Duric Alaquods #> 6584 Grossarenic Alaquods #> 6585 Histic Alaquods #> 6586 Lithic Alaquods #> 6587 Ultic Alaquods #> 6588 Typic Cryaquods #> 6589 Andic Cryaquods #> 6590 Duric Cryaquods #> 6591 Entic Cryaquods #> 6592 Lithic Cryaquods #> 6593 Pergelic Cryaquods #> 6594 Placic Cryaquods #> 6595 Typic Duraquods #> 6596 Andic Duraquods #> 6597 Histic Duraquods #> 6598 Typic Endoaquods #> 6599 Andic Endoaquods #> 6600 Argic Endoaquods #> 6601 Histic Endoaquods #> 6602 Umbric Endoaquods #> 6603 Typic Epiaquods #> 6604 Alfic Epiaquods #> 6605 Andic Epiaquods #> 6606 Histic Epiaquods #> 6607 Lithic Epiaquods #> 6608 Ultic Epiaquods #> 6609 Umbric Epiaquods #> 6610 Typic Fragiaquods #> 6611 Argic Fragiaquods #> 6612 Histic Fragiaquods #> 6613 Plaggeptic Fragiaquods #> 6614 Typic Placaquods #> 6615 Andic Placaquods #> 6616 Typic Duricryods #> 6617 Andic Duricryods #> 6618 Aquandic Duricryods #> 6619 Aquic Duricryods #> 6620 Humic Duricryods #> 6621 Oxyaquic Duricryods #> 6622 Typic Haplocryods #> 6623 Andic Haplocryods #> 6624 Aquandic Haplocryods #> 6625 Aquic Haplocryods #> 6626 Entic Haplocryods #> 6627 Lithic Haplocryods #> 6628 Oxyaquic Haplocryods #> 6629 Pergelic Haplocryods #> 6630 Typic Humicryods #> 6631 Andic Humicryods #> 6632 Aquandic Humicryods #> 6633 Aquic Humicryods #> 6634 Lithic Humicryods #> 6635 Oxyaquic Humicryods #> 6636 Pergelic Humicryods #> 6637 Typic Placocryods #> 6638 Andic Placocryods #> 6639 Humic Placocryods #> 6640 Typic Fragihumods #> 6641 Typic Haplohumods #> 6642 Andic Haplohumods #> 6643 Lithic Haplohumods #> 6644 Plaggeptic Haplohumods #> 6645 Typic Durihumods #> 6646 Andic Durihumods #> 6647 Typic Placohumods #> 6648 Andic Placohumods #> 6649 Cryic Placohumods #> 6650 Typic Alorthods #> 6651 Alfic Alorthods #> 6652 Arenic Ultic Alorthods #> 6653 Arenic Alorthods #> 6654 Entic Alorthods #> 6655 Grossarenic Entic Alorthods #> 6656 Grossarenic Alorthods #> 6657 Oxyaquic Alorthods #> 6658 Plaggeptic Alorthods #> 6659 Ultic Alorthods #> 6660 Typic Durorthods #> 6661 Andic Durorthods #> 6662 Typic Fragiorthods #> 6663 Alfic Fragiorthods #> 6664 Aquic Fragiorthods #> 6665 Entic Fragiorthods #> 6666 Oxyaquic Fragiorthods #> 6667 Plaggeptic Fragiorthods #> 6668 Ultic Fragiorthods #> 6669 Typic Haplorthods #> 6670 Alfic Haplorthods #> 6671 Andic Haplorthods #> 6672 Aquentic Haplorthods #> 6673 Aquic Haplorthods #> 6674 Aqualfic Haplorthods #> 6675 Entic Lithic Haplorthods #> 6676 Entic Haplorthods #> 6677 Lithic Haplorthods #> 6678 Oxyaquic Haplorthods #> 6679 Ultic Haplorthods #> 6680 Typic Placorthods #> 6681 Typic Albaquults #> 6682 Aeric Albaquults #> 6683 Vertic Albaquults #> 6684 Typic Endoaquults #> 6685 Aeric Endoaquults #> 6686 Arenic Endoaquults #> 6687 Grossarenic Endoaquults #> 6688 Typic Epiaquults #> 6689 Aeric Epiaquults #> 6690 Arenic Epiaquults #> 6691 Grossarenic Epiaquults #> 6692 Vertic Epiaquults #> 6693 Typic Fragiaquults #> 6694 Aeric Fragiaquults #> 6695 Plinthudic Fragiaquults #> 6696 Plinthic Fragiaquults #> 6697 Umbric Fragiaquults #> 6698 Typic Kandiaquults #> 6699 Acric Kandiaquults #> 6700 Aeric Kandiaquults #> 6701 Arenic Plinthic Kandiaquults #> 6702 Arenic Umbric Kandiaquults #> 6703 Arenic Kandiaquults #> 6704 Grossarenic Kandiaquults #> 6705 Plinthic Kandiaquults #> 6706 Umbric Kandiaquults #> 6707 Typic Kanhaplaquults #> 6708 Aeric Umbric Kanhaplaquults #> 6709 Aeric Kanhaplaquults #> 6710 Aquandic Kanhaplaquults #> 6711 Plinthic Kanhaplaquults #> 6712 Umbric Kanhaplaquults #> 6713 Typic Paleaquults #> 6714 Aeric Paleaquults #> 6715 Arenic Plinthic Paleaquults #> 6716 Arenic Umbric Paleaquults #> 6717 Arenic Paleaquults #> 6718 Grossarenic Paleaquults #> 6719 Plinthic Paleaquults #> 6720 Umbric Paleaquults #> 6721 Vertic Paleaquults #> 6722 Typic Plinthaquults #> 6723 Kandic Plinthaquults #> 6724 Typic Umbraquults #> 6725 Plinthic Umbraquults #> 6726 Typic Haplohumults #> 6727 Andic Haplohumults #> 6728 Aquic Haplohumults #> 6729 Lithic Haplohumults #> 6730 Plinthic Haplohumults #> 6731 Ustic Haplohumults #> 6732 Xeric Haplohumults #> 6733 Typic Kandihumults #> 6734 Andic Ombroaquic Kandihumults #> 6735 Anthropic Kandihumults #> 6736 Andic Kandihumults #> 6737 Aquic Kandihumults #> 6738 Ombroaquic Kandihumults #> 6739 Plinthic Kandihumults #> 6740 Ustandic Kandihumults #> 6741 Ustic Kandihumults #> 6742 Xeric Kandihumults #> 6743 Typic Kanhaplohumults #> 6744 Anthropic Kanhaplohumults #> 6745 Andic Kanhaplohumults #> 6746 Aquic Kanhaplohumults #> 6747 Lithic Kanhaplohumults #> 6748 Ombroaquic Kanhaplohumults #> 6749 Ustandic Kanhaplohumults #> 6750 Ustic Kanhaplohumults #> 6751 Xeric Kanhaplohumults #> 6752 Typic Palehumults #> 6753 Andic Palehumults #> 6754 Aquic Palehumults #> 6755 Plinthic Palehumults #> 6756 Ustic Palehumults #> 6757 Xeric Palehumults #> 6758 Typic Fragiudults #> 6759 Aquic Fragiudults #> 6760 Arenic Fragiudults #> 6761 Glossaquic Fragiudults #> 6762 Glossic Fragiudults #> 6763 Humic Fragiudults #> 6764 Plinthic Fragiudults #> 6765 Plinthaquic Fragiudults #> 6766 Typic Hapludults #> 6767 Aquic Hapludults #> 6768 Arenic Hapludults #> 6769 Grossarenic Hapludults #> 6770 Humic Hapludults #> 6771 Lithic Hapludults #> 6772 Ochreptic Hapludults #> 6773 Oxyaquic Hapludults #> 6774 Psammentic Hapludults #> 6775 Ruptic-Lithic-Entic Hapludults #> 6776 Vertic Hapludults #> 6777 Typic Kandiudults #> 6778 Andic Kandiudults #> 6779 Aquandic Kandiudults #> 6780 Aquic Kandiudults #> 6781 Aquic Arenic Kandiudults #> 6782 Arenic Plinthaquic Kandiudults #> 6783 Arenic Plinthic Kandiudults #> 6784 Arenic Rhodic Kandiudults #> 6785 Arenic Kandiudults #> 6786 Acrudoxic Plinthic Kandiudults #> 6787 Acrudoxic Kandiudults #> 6788 Grossarenic Plinthic Kandiudults #> 6789 Grossarenic Kandiudults #> 6790 Ombroaquic Kandiudults #> 6791 Oxyaquic Kandiudults #> 6792 Plinthic Kandiudults #> 6793 Plinthaquic Kandiudults #> 6794 Rhodic Kandiudults #> 6795 Sombric Kandiudults #> 6796 Typic Kanhapludults #> 6797 Andic Kanhapludults #> 6798 Aquic Kanhapludults #> 6799 Arenic Plinthic Kanhapludults #> 6800 Arenic Kanhapludults #> 6801 Acrudoxic Kanhapludults #> 6802 Lithic Kanhapludults #> 6803 Ombroaquic Kanhapludults #> 6804 Oxyaquic Kanhapludults #> 6805 Plinthic Kanhapludults #> 6806 Plinthaquic Kanhapludults #> 6807 Rhodic Kanhapludults #> 6808 Typic Paleudults #> 6809 Anthraquic Paleudults #> 6810 Aquic Paleudults #> 6811 Aquic Arenic Paleudults #> 6812 Arenic Plinthaquic Paleudults #> 6813 Arenic Plinthic Paleudults #> 6814 Arenic Rhodic Paleudults #> 6815 Arenic Paleudults #> 6816 Fragiaquic Paleudults #> 6817 Fragic Paleudults #> 6818 Grossarenic Plinthic Paleudults #> 6819 Grossarenic Paleudults #> 6820 Plinthic Paleudults #> 6821 Plinthaquic Paleudults #> 6822 Psammentic Paleudults #> 6823 Psammaquentic Paleudults #> 6824 Rhodic Paleudults #> 6825 Spodic Paleudults #> 6826 Vertic Paleudults #> 6827 Typic Rhodudults #> 6828 Lithic Rhodudults #> 6829 Psammentic Rhodudults #> 6830 Typic Haplustults #> 6831 Aquic Haplustults #> 6832 Arenic Haplustults #> 6833 Kanhaplic Haplustults #> 6834 Lithic Haplustults #> 6835 Ombroaquic Haplustults #> 6836 Petroferric Haplustults #> 6837 Plinthic Haplustults #> 6838 Typic Kandiustults #> 6839 Andic Kandiustults #> 6840 Aquic Kandiustults #> 6841 Arenic Plinthic Kandiustults #> 6842 Aridic Kandiustults #> 6843 Arenic Kandiustults #> 6844 Acrustoxic Kandiustults #> 6845 Plinthic Kandiustults #> 6846 Rhodic Kandiustults #> 6847 Udic Kandiustults #> 6848 Udandic Kandiustults #> 6849 Typic Kanhaplustults #> 6850 Andic Kanhaplustults #> 6851 Aquic Kanhaplustults #> 6852 Aridic Kanhaplustults #> 6853 Arenic Kanhaplustults #> 6854 Acrustoxic Kanhaplustults #> 6855 Lithic Kanhaplustults #> 6856 Ombroaquic Kanhaplustults #> 6857 Plinthic Kanhaplustults #> 6858 Rhodic Kanhaplustults #> 6859 Udic Kanhaplustults #> 6860 Udandic Kanhaplustults #> 6861 Typic Rhodustults #> 6862 Lithic Rhodustults #> 6863 Psammentic Rhodustults #> 6864 Typic Haploxerults #> 6865 Andic Haploxerults #> 6866 Aquic Haploxerults #> 6867 Arenic Haploxerults #> 6868 Grossarenic Haploxerults #> 6869 Lithic Haploxerults #> 6870 Psammentic Haploxerults #> 6871 Ruptic-Lithic-Xerochreptic Haploxerults #> 6872 Typic Calciaquerts #> 6873 Aeric Calciaquerts #> 6874 Typic Duraquerts #> 6875 Aeric Duraquerts #> 6876 Aridic Duraquerts #> 6877 Chromic Duraquerts #> 6878 Ustic Duraquerts #> 6879 Typic Dystraquerts #> 6880 Aeric Dystraquerts #> 6881 Alic Dystraquerts #> 6882 Aridic Dystraquerts #> 6883 Chromic Dystraquerts #> 6884 Entic Dystraquerts #> 6885 Leptic Dystraquerts #> 6886 Sulfaqueptic Dystraquerts #> 6887 Ustic Dystraquerts #> 6888 Typic Endoaquerts #> 6889 Aeric Endoaquerts #> 6890 Aridic Endoaquerts #> 6891 Chromic Endoaquerts #> 6892 Entic Endoaquerts #> 6893 Halic Endoaquerts #> 6894 Leptic Endoaquerts #> 6895 Sodic Endoaquerts #> 6896 Ustic Endoaquerts #> 6897 Xeric Endoaquerts #> 6898 Typic Epiaquerts #> 6899 Aeric Epiaquerts #> 6900 Aridic Epiaquerts #> 6901 Chromic Epiaquerts #> 6902 Entic Epiaquerts #> 6903 Halic Epiaquerts #> 6904 Leptic Epiaquerts #> 6905 Ustic Epiaquerts #> 6906 Xeric Epiaquerts #> 6907 Typic Natraquerts #> 6908 Typic Salaquerts #> 6909 Aridic Salaquerts #> 6910 Chromic Salaquerts #> 6911 Entic Salaquerts #> 6912 Leptic Salaquerts #> 6913 Ustic Salaquerts #> 6914 Typic Haplocryerts #> 6915 Chromic Haplocryerts #> 6916 Sodic Haplocryerts #> 6917 Typic Humicryerts #> 6918 Sodic Humicryerts #> 6919 Typic Calcitorrerts #> 6920 Chromic Calcitorrerts #> 6921 Entic Calcitorrerts #> 6922 Leptic Calcitorrerts #> 6923 Petrocalcic Calcitorrerts #> 6924 Typic Gypsitorrerts #> 6925 Chromic Gypsitorrerts #> 6926 Typic Haplotorrerts #> 6927 Chromic Haplotorrerts #> 6928 Entic Haplotorrerts #> 6929 Halic Haplotorrerts #> 6930 Leptic Haplotorrerts #> 6931 Sodic Haplotorrerts #> 6932 Typic Salitorrerts #> 6933 Aquic Salitorrerts #> 6934 Chromic Salitorrerts #> 6935 Entic Salitorrerts #> 6936 Leptic Salitorrerts #> 6937 Typic Dystruderts #> 6938 Alic Dystruderts #> 6939 Aquic Dystruderts #> 6940 Chromic Dystruderts #> 6941 Entic Dystruderts #> 6942 Leptic Dystruderts #> 6943 Oxyaquic Dystruderts #> 6944 Typic Hapluderts #> 6945 Aquic Hapluderts #> 6946 Chromic Hapluderts #> 6947 Entic Hapluderts #> 6948 Leptic Hapluderts #> 6949 Lithic Hapluderts #> 6950 Oxyaquic Hapluderts #> 6951 Typic Calciusterts #> 6952 Aridic Calciusterts #> 6953 Chromic Calciusterts #> 6954 Entic Calciusterts #> 6955 Halic Calciusterts #> 6956 Leptic Calciusterts #> 6957 Lithic Calciusterts #> 6958 Petrocalcic Calciusterts #> 6959 Sodic Calciusterts #> 6960 Udic Calciusterts #> 6961 Typic Dystrusterts #> 6962 Aquic Dystrusterts #> 6963 Aridic Dystrusterts #> 6964 Chromic Dystrusterts #> 6965 Entic Dystrusterts #> 6966 Leptic Dystrusterts #> 6967 Lithic Dystrusterts #> 6968 Udic Dystrusterts #> 6969 Typic Gypsiusterts #> 6970 Aridic Gypsiusterts #> 6971 Chromic Gypsiusterts #> 6972 Entic Gypsiusterts #> 6973 Halic Gypsiusterts #> 6974 Leptic Gypsiusterts #> 6975 Lithic Gypsiusterts #> 6976 Sodic Gypsiusterts #> 6977 Udic Gypsiusterts #> 6978 Typic Haplusterts #> 6979 Aridic Haplusterts #> 6980 Chromic Udic Haplusterts #> 6981 Chromic Haplusterts #> 6982 Entic Udic Haplusterts #> 6983 Entic Haplusterts #> 6984 Halic Haplusterts #> 6985 Leptic Udic Haplusterts #> 6986 Leptic Haplusterts #> 6987 Lithic Haplusterts #> 6988 Petrocalcic Haplusterts #> 6989 Sodic Haplusterts #> 6990 Udic Haplusterts #> 6991 Typic Salusterts #> 6992 Aquic Salusterts #> 6993 Aridic Salusterts #> 6994 Chromic Salusterts #> 6995 Entic Salusterts #> 6996 Leptic Salusterts #> 6997 Lithic Salusterts #> 6998 Sodic Salusterts #> 6999 Typic Calcixererts #> 7000 Aridic Calcixererts #> 7001 Chromic Calcixererts #> 7002 Entic Calcixererts #> 7003 Leptic Calcixererts #> 7004 Lithic Calcixererts #> 7005 Petrocalcic Calcixererts #> 7006 Typic Durixererts #> 7007 Aquic Durixererts #> 7008 Aridic Durixererts #> 7009 Chromic Durixererts #> 7010 Halic Durixererts #> 7011 Haplic Durixererts #> 7012 Sodic Durixererts #> 7013 Udic Durixererts #> 7014 Typic Haploxererts #> 7015 Aquic Haploxererts #> 7016 Aridic Haploxererts #> 7017 Chromic Haploxererts #> 7018 Entic Haploxererts #> 7019 Halic Haploxererts #> 7020 Leptic Haploxererts #> 7021 Lithic Haploxererts #> 7022 Sodic Haploxererts #> 7023 Udic Haploxererts #> 7024 Sodic Epiaquerts #> 7025 Pachic Haplustands #> 7026 Andic Kandiperox #> 7027 Acric Plinthic #> 7028 Aeric Arenic #> 7029 Aeric Grossarenic #> 7030 Aeric Mollic #> 7031 Aeric Xeric #> 7032 Alfic Andeptic #> 7033 Ruptic-Alfic Lithic #> 7034 Andeptic #> 7035 Andaquic #> 7036 Andic Dystric #> 7037 Andic Epiaquic #> 7038 Andeptic Glossoboric #> 7039 Andic Udic #> 7040 Andic Ustic #> 7041 Andaqueptic #> 7042 Aquic Anionic #> 7043 Aquic Psammentic #> 7044 Arenic Orthoxic #> 7045 Argixerollic #> 7046 Argidic #> 7047 Aridic Pachic #> 7048 Chromudic #> 7049 Durochreptic #> 7050 Dystropeptic #> 7051 Ruptic-Entic Lithic #> 7052 Epiaquic #> 7053 Epiaquic Orthoxic #> 7054 Glossoboralfic #> 7055 Haplaquodic #> 7056 Haplaquic #> 7057 Hapludollic #> 7058 Humic Lithic #> 7059 Humoxic #> 7060 Lithic Ruptic-Entic #> 7061 Lithic Udic #> 7062 Lithic Umbric #> 7063 Lithic Vertic #> 7064 Orthic #> 7065 Orthoxic #> 7066 Paleustollic #> 7067 Palexerollic #> 7068 Paralithic Vertic #> 7069 Pergelic Sideric #> 7070 Plaggic #> 7071 Sideric #> 7072 Sombrihumic #> 7073 Tropaquodic #> 7074 Tropeptic #> 7075 Humic Rhodic #> 7076 Udalfic #> 7077 Ultic Vitric #> 7078 Vitrustandic #> 7079 Lithic Calciargids #> 7080 Xerertic Calciargids #> 7081 Ustertic Calciargids #> 7082 Vertic Calciargids #> 7083 Aquic Calciargids #> 7084 Arenic Ustic Calciargids #> 7085 Arenic Calciargids #> 7086 Durinodic Xeric Calciargids #> 7087 Durinodic Calciargids #> 7088 Petronodic Calciargids #> 7089 Vitrixerandic Calciargids #> 7090 Vitrandic Calciargids #> 7091 Xeric Calciargids #> 7092 Ustic Calciargids #> 7093 Typic Calciargids #> 7094 Aquic Gypsiargids #> 7095 Durinodic Gypsiargids #> 7096 Vitrixerandic Gypsiargids #> 7097 Vitrandic Gypsiargids #> 7098 Xeric Gypsiargids #> 7099 Ustic Gypsiargids #> 7100 Typic Gypsiargids #> 7101 Lithic Ruptic-Entic Haplargids #> 7102 Lithic Xeric Haplargids #> 7103 Lithic Ustic Haplargids #> 7104 Arenic Ustic Haplargids #> 7105 Durinodic Xeric Haplargids #> 7106 Durinodic Haplargids #> 7107 Petronodic Haplargids #> 7108 Vitrixerandic Haplargids #> 7109 Vitrandic Haplargids #> 7110 Xeric Haplargids #> 7111 Ustic Haplargids #> 7112 Lithic Xeric Natrargids #> 7113 Lithic Ustic Natrargids #> 7114 Durinodic Xeric Natrargids #> 7115 Durinodic Natrargids #> 7116 Petronodic Natrargids #> 7117 Glossic Ustic Natrargids #> 7118 Haplic Ustic Natrargids #> 7119 Haploxeralfic Natrargids #> 7120 Vitrixerandic Natrargids #> 7121 Vitrandic Natrargids #> 7122 Xeric Natrargids #> 7123 Ustic Natrargids #> 7124 Aquic Paleargids #> 7125 Arenic Ustic Paleargids #> 7126 Arenic Paleargids #> 7127 Calcic Paleargids #> 7128 Durinodic Xeric Paleargids #> 7129 Durinodic Paleargids #> 7130 Petronodic Paleargids #> 7131 Vitrixerandic Paleargids #> 7132 Vitrandic Paleargids #> 7133 Xeric Paleargids #> 7134 Ustic Paleargids #> 7135 Petrogypsic Ustic Petroargids #> 7136 Petrogypsic Petroargids #> 7137 Duric Xeric Petroargids #> 7138 Duric Petroargids #> 7139 Xeric Petroargids #> 7140 Ustic Petroargids #> 7141 Typic Petroargids #> 7142 Lithic Xeric Haplocalcids #> 7143 Lithic Ustic Haplocalcids #> 7144 Lithic Haplocalcids #> 7145 Vertic Haplocalcids #> 7146 Aquic Durinodic Haplocalcids #> 7147 Aquic Haplocalcids #> 7148 Duric Xeric Haplocalcids #> 7149 Duric Haplocalcids #> 7150 Durinodic Xeric Haplocalcids #> 7151 Durinodic Haplocalcids #> 7152 Petronodic Haplocalcids #> 7153 Sodic Xeric Haplocalcids #> 7154 Sodic Ustic Haplocalcids #> 7155 Sodic Haplocalcids #> 7156 Vitrixerandic Haplocalcids #> 7157 Vitrandic Haplocalcids #> 7158 Xeric Haplocalcids #> 7159 Ustic Haplocalcids #> 7160 Typic Haplocalcids #> 7161 Aquic Petrocalcids #> 7162 Natric Petrocalcids #> 7163 Xeralfic Petrocalcids #> 7164 Ustalfic Petrocalcids #> 7165 Argic Petrocalcids #> 7166 Calcic Petrocalcids #> 7167 Vitrixerandic Petrocalcids #> 7168 Vitrandic Petrocalcids #> 7169 Xeric Petrocalcids #> 7170 Ustic Petrocalcids #> 7171 Typic Petrocalcids #> 7172 Typic Anthracambids #> 7173 Sodic Aquicambids #> 7174 Durinodic Xeric Aquicambids #> 7175 Durinodic Aquicambids #> 7176 Petronodic Aquicambids #> 7177 Vitrixerandic Aquicambids #> 7178 Vitrandic Aquicambids #> 7179 Fluventic Aquicambids #> 7180 Xeric Aquicambids #> 7181 Ustic Aquicambids #> 7182 Typic Aquicambids #> 7183 Lithic Xeric Haplocambids #> 7184 Lithic Ustic Haplocambids #> 7185 Lithic Haplocambids #> 7186 Xerertic Haplocambids #> 7187 Ustertic Haplocambids #> 7188 Vertic Haplocambids #> 7189 Durinodic Xeric Haplocambids #> 7190 Durinodic Haplocambids #> 7191 Petronodic Haplocambids #> 7192 Sodic Xeric Haplocambids #> 7193 Sodic Ustic Haplocambids #> 7194 Sodic Haplocambids #> 7195 Vitrixerandic Haplocambids #> 7196 Vitrandic Haplocambids #> 7197 Xerofluventic Haplocambids #> 7198 Ustifluventic Haplocambids #> 7199 Fluventic Haplocambids #> 7200 Xeric Haplocambids #> 7201 Ustic Haplocambids #> 7202 Typic Haplocambids #> 7203 Sodic Petrocambids #> 7204 Vitrixerandic Petrocambids #> 7205 Vitrandic Petrocambids #> 7206 Xeric Petrocambids #> 7207 Ustic Petrocambids #> 7208 Typic Petrocambids #> 7209 Lithic Argicryids #> 7210 Vertic Argicryids #> 7211 Natric Argicryids #> 7212 Vitrixerandic Argicryids #> 7213 Vitrandic Argicryids #> 7214 Xeric Argicryids #> 7215 Ustic Argicryids #> 7216 Typic Argicryids #> 7217 Lithic Calcicryids #> 7218 Vitrixerandic Calcicryids #> 7219 Vitrandic Calcicryids #> 7220 Xeric Calcicryids #> 7221 Ustic Calcicryids #> 7222 Typic Calcicryids #> 7223 Calcic Gypsicryids #> 7224 Vitrixerandic Gypsicryids #> 7225 Vitrandic Gypsicryids #> 7226 Typic Gypsicryids #> 7227 Lithic Haplocryids #> 7228 Vertic Haplocryids #> 7229 Vitrixerandic Haplocryids #> 7230 Vitrandic Haplocryids #> 7231 Xeric Haplocryids #> 7232 Ustic Haplocryids #> 7233 Typic Haplocryids #> 7234 Duric Xeric Petrocryids #> 7235 Duric Petrocryids #> 7236 Petrogypsic Petrocryids #> 7237 Xeric Petrocryids #> 7238 Ustic Petrocryids #> 7239 Typic Petrocryids #> 7240 Aquic Salicryids #> 7241 Typic Salicryids #> 7242 Vertic Argidurids #> 7243 Aquic Argidurids #> 7244 Abruptic Xeric Argidurids #> 7245 Abruptic Argidurids #> 7246 Haploxeralfic Argidurids #> 7247 Argidic Argidurids #> 7248 Vitrixerandic Argidurids #> 7249 Vitrandic Argidurids #> 7250 Xeric Argidurids #> 7251 Ustic Argidurids #> 7252 Typic Argidurids #> 7253 Aquicambidic Haplodurids #> 7254 Aquic Haplodurids #> 7255 Xerochreptic Haplodurids #> 7256 Cambidic Haplodurids #> 7257 Vitrixerandic Haplodurids #> 7258 Vitrandic Haplodurids #> 7259 Xeric Haplodurids #> 7260 Ustic Haplodurids #> 7261 Typic Haplodurids #> 7262 Vertic Natridurids #> 7263 Aquic Natrargidic Natridurids #> 7264 Aquic Natridurids #> 7265 Natrixeralfic Natridurids #> 7266 Natrargidic Natridurids #> 7267 Vitrixerandic Natridurids #> 7268 Vitrandic Natridurids #> 7269 Xeric Natridurids #> 7270 Typic Natridurids #> 7271 Lithic Argigypsids #> 7272 Vertic Argigypsids #> 7273 Calcic Argigypsids #> 7274 Petronodic Argigypsids #> 7275 Vitrixerandic Argigypsids #> 7276 Vitrandic Argigypsids #> 7277 Xeric Argigypsids #> 7278 Ustic Argigypsids #> 7279 Typic Argigypsids #> 7280 Lithic Calcigypsids #> 7281 Petronodic Calcigypsids #> 7282 Vitrixerandic Calcigypsids #> 7283 Vitrandic Calcigypsids #> 7284 Xeric Calcigypsids #> 7285 Ustic Calcigypsids #> 7286 Typic Calcigypsids #> 7287 Lithic Haplogypsids #> 7288 Leptic Haplogypsids #> 7289 Sodic Haplogypsids #> 7290 Petronodic Haplogypsids #> 7291 Vitrixerandic Haplogypsids #> 7292 Vitrandic Haplogypsids #> 7293 Xeric Haplogypsids #> 7294 Ustic Haplogypsids #> 7295 Typic Haplogypsids #> 7296 Lithic Natrigypsids #> 7297 Vertic Natrigypsids #> 7298 Petronodic Natrigypsids #> 7299 Vitrixerandic Natrigypsids #> 7300 Vitrandic Natrigypsids #> 7301 Xeric Natrigypsids #> 7302 Ustic Natrigypsids #> 7303 Typic Natrigypsids #> 7304 Petrocalcic Petrogypsids #> 7305 Calcic Petrogypsids #> 7306 Vitrixerandic Petrogypsids #> 7307 Vitrandic Petrogypsids #> 7308 Xeric Petrogypsids #> 7309 Ustic Petrogypsids #> 7310 Typic Petrogypsids #> 7311 Gypsic Aquisalids #> 7312 Calcic Aquisalids #> 7313 Typic Aquisalids #> 7314 Duric Haplosalids #> 7315 Petrogypsic Haplosalids #> 7316 Gypsic Haplosalids #> 7317 Calcic Haplosalids #> 7318 Typic Haplosalids #> 7319 Paleargidic Durixerolls #> 7320 Abruptic Argiduridic Durixerolls #> 7321 Cambidic Durixerolls #> 7322 Haploduridic Durixerolls #> 7323 Argidic Durixerolls #> 7324 Argiduridic Durixerolls #> 7325 Haplic Palexerollic Durixerolls #> 7326 Palexerollic Durixerolls #> 7327 Haplic Haploxerollic Durixerolls #> 7328 Haploxerollic Durixerolls #> 7329 Vitrandic Cryopsamments #> 7330 Vitrandic Torripsamments #> 7331 Vitrandic Xeropsamments #> 7332 Vitrandic Calcixerolls #> 7333 Humic Epiaquepts #> 7334 Mollic Epiaquepts #> 7335 Aridic Ustipsamments #> 7336 Udollic Endoaqualfs #> 7337 Aeric Vertic Albaqualfs #> 7338 Chromic Vertic Albaqualfs #> 7339 Durinodic Albaqualfs #> 7340 Udollic Epiaqualfs #> 7341 Aeric Chromic Vertic Epiaqualfs #> 7342 Aeric Vertic Epiaqualfs #> 7343 Chromic Vertic Epiaqualfs #> 7344 Aquertic Chromic Hapludalfs #> 7345 Oxyaquic Vertic Hapludalfs #> 7346 Chromic Vertic Hapludalfs #> 7347 Aquertic Haplustalfs #> 7348 Oxyaquic Vertic Haplustalfs #> 7349 Aquertic Paleustalfs #> 7350 Oxyaquic Vertic Paleustalfs #> 7351 Cumulic Vertic Endoaquolls #> 7352 Fluvaquentic Vertic Endoaquolls #> 7353 Cumulic Vertic Epiaquolls #> 7354 Fluvaquentic Vertic Epiaquolls #> 7355 Aquertic Argiborolls #> 7356 Oxyaquic Vertic Argiudolls #> 7357 Ultic Vitricryands #> 7358 Ultic Haplustands #> 7359 Ultic Vitrixerands #> 7360 Aquic Cumulic Cryoborolls #> 7361 Aquic Cumulic Haploborolls #> 7362 Aquic Cumulic Hapludolls #> 7363 Aquic Cumulic Haplustolls #> 7364 Aquic Cumulic Haploxerolls #> 7365 Xeric Duraquerts #> 7366 Lithic Endoaquods #> 7367 Typic Duraqualfs #> 7368 Typic Plinthaqualfs #> 7369 Typic Natriboralfs #> 7370 Salidic Natrustalfs #> 7371 Typic Rhodudalfs #> 7372 Typic Durustalfs #> 7373 Typic Plinthustalfs #> 7374 Typic Plinthoxeralfs #> 7375 Typic Luvifibrists #> 7376 Typic Luvihemists #> 7377 Typic Plinthaquepts #> 7378 Typic Plaggepts #> 7379 Typic Sombritropepts #> 7380 Typic Plinthohumults #> 7381 Typic Sombrihumults #> 7382 Typic Plinthudults #> 7383 Typic Plinthustults #> 7384 Typic Palexerults #> 7385 Calcidic Paleustalfs #> 7386 Duridic Torrifluvents #> 7387 Duridic Xeric Torrifluvents #> 7388 Durinodic Xerofluvents #> 7389 Aquic Haploduridic Torriorthents #> 7390 Haploduridic Torriorthents #> 7391 Haploduridic Xeric Torriorthents #> 7392 Durinodic Ustorthents #> 7393 Durinodic Xerorthents #> 7394 Aquic Durinodic Xerorthents #> 7395 Haploduridic Torripsamments #> 7396 Haploduridic Xeric Torripsamments #> 7397 Durinodic Xeropsamments #> 7398 Aquic Durinodic Xeropsamments #> 7399 Salidic Sulfaquepts #> 7400 Haplocalcidic Ustochrepts #> 7401 Paleargidic Argiborolls #> 7402 Salidic Haploborolls #> 7403 Salidic Calciustolls #> 7404 Argiduridic Durustolls #> 7405 Haploduridic Durustolls #> 7406 Salidic Haplustolls #> 7407 Calciargidic Paleustolls #> 7408 Argiduridic Argixerolls #> 7409 Calcidic Haploxerolls #> 7410 Petrocalcidic Palexerolls #> 7411 Typic Paleustults #> 7412 Udollic Ochraqualfs #> 7413 Typic Haplaquolls #> 7414 Aeric Ochraqualfs #> 7415 Fluvaquentic Haplaquolls #> 7416 Alfic Udipsamments #> 7417 Mollic Haplaquepts #> 7418 Alfic Haplaquods #> 7419 Typic Chromusterts #> 7420 Entic Pellusterts #> 7421 Alfic Ustipsamments #> 7422 Cumulic Haplaquolls #> 7423 Typic Ochraqualfs #> 7424 Aeric Umbric Ochraqualfs #> 7425 Andaqueptic Ochraqualfs #> 7426 Arenic Ochraqualfs #> 7427 Grossarenic Ochraqualfs #> 7428 Mollic Ochraqualfs #> 7429 Umbric Ochraqualfs #> 7430 Vertic Ochraqualfs #> 7431 Andeptic Cryoboralfs #> 7432 Typic Tropudalfs #> 7433 Aquic Tropudalfs #> 7434 Lithic Tropudalfs #> 7435 Ultic Tropudalfs #> 7436 Oxic Haplustalfs #> 7437 Oxic Paleustalfs #> 7438 Oxic Rhodustalfs #> 7439 Ruptic-Lithic-Xerochreptic Haploxeralfs #> 7440 Typic Haplaquands #> 7441 Alic Haplaquands #> 7442 Spodic Vitricryands #> 7443 Ultic Vitric Haploxerands #> 7444 Umbric Haploxerands #> 7445 Vitric Haploxerands #> 7446 Mollic Vitrixerands #> 7447 Spodic Vitrixerands #> 7448 Aridic Natrargids #> 7449 Andaqueptic Fluvaquents #> 7450 Histic Fluvaquents #> 7451 Typic Haplaquents #> 7452 Aeric Haplaquents #> 7453 Mollic Haplaquents #> 7454 Typic Tropaquents #> 7455 Andeptic Cryofluvents #> 7456 Andeptic Udorthents #> 7457 Alfic Cryopsamments #> 7458 Haplaquodic Quartzipsamments #> 7459 Alfic Xeropsamments #> 7460 Fluventic Medihemists #> 7461 Typic Cryandepts #> 7462 Dystric Cryandepts #> 7463 Dystric Lithic Cryandepts #> 7464 Entic Cryandepts #> 7465 Xeric Durandepts #> 7466 Typic Dystrandepts #> 7467 Aquic Dystrandepts #> 7468 Entic Dystrandepts #> 7469 Hydric Dystrandepts #> 7470 Hydric Lithic Dystrandepts #> 7471 Lithic Dystrandepts #> 7472 Oxic Dystrandepts #> 7473 Typic Eutrandepts #> 7474 Entic Eutrandepts #> 7475 Lithic Eutrandepts #> 7476 Udic Eutrandepts #> 7477 Ustollic Eutrandepts #> 7478 Typic Hydrandepts #> 7479 Lithic Hydrandepts #> 7480 Typic Placandepts #> 7481 Typic Vitrandepts #> 7482 Aquic Vitrandepts #> 7483 Lithic Vitrandepts #> 7484 Lithic Mollic Vitrandepts #> 7485 Lithic Umbric Vitrandepts #> 7486 Mollic Vitrandepts #> 7487 Umbric Vitrandepts #> 7488 Typic Andaquepts #> 7489 Aeric Andaquepts #> 7490 Haplic Andaquepts #> 7491 Histic Andaquepts #> 7492 Mollic Andaquepts #> 7493 Andic Cryaquepts #> 7494 Typic Haplaquepts #> 7495 Aeric Haplaquepts #> 7496 Fluvaquentic Haplaquepts #> 7497 Humic Haplaquepts #> 7498 Lithic Haplaquepts #> 7499 Sulfic Haplaquepts #> 7500 Vertic Haplaquepts #> 7501 Fluvaquentic Xerochrepts #> 7502 Lithic Vertic Ustropepts #> 7503 Andaqueptic Haplaquolls #> 7504 Aquandic Haplaquolls #> 7505 Duric Haplaquolls #> 7506 Histic Haplaquolls #> 7507 Lithic Haplaquolls #> 7508 Thapto-Histic Haplaquolls #> 7509 Vertic Haplaquolls #> 7510 Lithic Vertic Argiustolls #> 7511 Lithic Ruptic-Entic Haplustolls #> 7512 Typic Acrohumox #> 7513 Typic Gibbsihumox #> 7514 Typic Acrorthox #> 7515 Haplic Acrorthox #> 7516 Plinthic Acrorthox #> 7517 Tropeptic Eutrorthox #> 7518 Typic Gibbsiorthox #> 7519 Tropeptic Haplorthox #> 7520 Tropeptic Umbriorthox #> 7521 Tropeptic Haplustox #> 7522 Sideric Cryaquods #> 7523 Typic Haplaquods #> 7524 Aeric Haplaquods #> 7525 Alfic Arenic Haplaquods #> 7526 Arenic Haplaquods #> 7527 Arenic Ultic Haplaquods #> 7528 Entic Haplaquods #> 7529 Grossarenic Haplaquods #> 7530 Histic Haplaquods #> 7531 Placic Haplaquods #> 7532 Ultic Haplaquods #> 7533 Typic Sideraquods #> 7534 Alfic Sideraquods #> 7535 Entic Sideraquods #> 7536 Aeric Tropaquods #> 7537 Histic Tropaquods #> 7538 Sideric Tropaquods #> 7539 Typic Cryohumods #> 7540 Haplic Cryohumods #> 7541 Arenic Haplohumods #> 7542 Arenic Ultic Haplohumods #> 7543 Entic Haplohumods #> 7544 Grossarenic Haplohumods #> 7545 Grossarenic Entic Haplohumods #> 7546 Ultic Haplohumods #> 7547 Typic Tropohumods #> 7548 Typic Cryorthods #> 7549 Andic Cryorthods #> 7550 Boralfic Cryorthods #> 7551 Entic Cryorthods #> 7552 Humic Cryorthods #> 7553 Humic Lithic Cryorthods #> 7554 Lithic Cryorthods #> 7555 Duric Haplorthods #> 7556 Humic Haplorthods #> 7557 Typic Ochraquults #> 7558 Aeric Ochraquults #> 7559 Arenic Ochraquults #> 7560 Oxic Plinthaquults #> 7561 Andeptic Haplohumults #> 7562 Andeptic Palehumults #> 7563 Orthoxic Palehumults #> 7564 Typic Tropohumults #> 7565 Humoxic Tropohumults #> 7566 Orthoxic Tropohumults #> 7567 Ustic Tropohumults #> 7568 Ustoxic Tropohumults #> 7569 Oxic Haplustults #> 7570 Typic Torrerts #> 7571 Mollic Torrerts #> 7572 Typic Chromuderts #> 7573 Aquentic Chromuderts #> 7574 Aquic Chromuderts #> 7575 Entic Chromuderts #> 7576 Typic Pelluderts #> 7577 Entic Pelluderts #> 7578 Entic Chromusterts #> 7579 Paleustollic Chromusterts #> 7580 Udic Chromusterts #> 7581 Udorthentic Chromusterts #> 7582 Typic Pellusterts #> 7583 Udic Pellusterts #> 7584 Udorthentic Pellusterts #> 7585 Typic Chromoxererts #> 7586 Aquic Chromoxererts #> 7587 Entic Chromoxererts #> 7588 Typic Pelloxererts #> 7589 Chromic Pelloxererts #> 7590 Entic Pelloxererts #> 7591 Typic Tropaqualfs #> 7592 Andaqueptic Cryaquents #> 7593 Hapludollic Arents #> 7594 Udalfic Arents #> 7595 Andeptic Cryorthents #> 7596 Andic Dystric Eutrochrepts #> 7597 Andic Ustic Humitropepts #> 7598 Andeptic Cryoborolls #> 7599 Tropeptic Eutrustox #> 7600 Typic Tropudults #> 7601 Aquic Tropudults #> 7602 Arenic Umbric Haplaquods #> 7603 Lithic Cryandepts #> 7604 Entic Grossarenic Alorthods #> 7605 Lithic Ruptic-Entic Hapludults #> 7606 Lithic Ruptic-Xerochreptic Haploxerults #> 7607 Acraquoxic Kandiaquults #> 7608 Aeric Fragic Endoaqualfs #> 7609 Fragic Endoaqualfs #> 7610 Aeric Fragic Epiaqualfs #> 7611 Fragic Epiaqualfs #> 7612 Vermic Fragiaqualfs #> 7613 Aeric Fragic Glossaqualfs #> 7614 Fragic Glossaqualfs #> 7615 Vermic Natraqualfs #> 7616 Natric Vermaqualfs #> 7617 Typic Vermaqualfs #> 7618 Lamellic Cryoboralfs #> 7619 Ochreptic Cryoboralfs #> 7620 Aquertic Eutroboralfs #> 7621 Arenic Oxyaquic Eutroboralfs #> 7622 Fragiaquic Eutroboralfs #> 7623 Fragic Eutroboralfs #> 7624 Glossic Oxyaquic Eutroboralfs #> 7625 Lamellic Eutroboralfs #> 7626 Lamellic Oxyaquic Eutroboralfs #> 7627 Ochreptic Eutroboralfs #> 7628 Oxyaquic Psammentic Eutroboralfs #> 7629 Fragiaquic Glossoboralfs #> 7630 Fragic Glossoboralfs #> 7631 Lamellic Glossoboralfs #> 7632 Ochreptic Glossoboralfs #> 7633 Fragiaquic Hapludalfs #> 7634 Fragic Hapludalfs #> 7635 Fragic Oxyaquic Hapludalfs #> 7636 Lamellic Hapludalfs #> 7637 Ochreptic Hapludalfs #> 7638 Fragiaquic Paleudalfs #> 7639 Fragic Paleudalfs #> 7640 Lamellic Paleudalfs #> 7641 Calcic Haplustalfs #> 7642 Calcic Udic Haplustalfs #> 7643 Calcidic Haplustalfs #> 7644 Lamellic Haplustalfs #> 7645 Ochreptic Haplustalfs #> 7646 Torrertic Haplustalfs #> 7647 Aquertic Natrustalfs #> 7648 Aridic Natrustalfs #> 7649 Aridic Leptic Natrustalfs #> 7650 Haplargidic Natrustalfs #> 7651 Leptic Natrustalfs #> 7652 Leptic Torrertic Natrustalfs #> 7653 Torrertic Natrustalfs #> 7654 Lamellic Paleustalfs #> 7655 Fragiaquic Haploxeralfs #> 7656 Fragic Haploxeralfs #> 7657 Lamellic Haploxeralfs #> 7658 Ochreptic Haploxeralfs #> 7659 Fragiaquic Palexeralfs #> 7660 Fragic Palexeralfs #> 7661 Lamellic Palexeralfs #> 7662 Psammentic Palexeralfs #> 7663 Oxyaquic Vitricryands #> 7664 Thapto-Histic Hydraquents #> 7665 Aquertic Udifluvents #> 7666 Vertic Udifluvents #> 7667 Aquertic Ustifluvents #> 7668 Torrertic Ustifluvents #> 7669 Vitrandic Ustorthents #> 7670 Vitritorrandic Ustorthents #> 7671 Fragic Endoaquepts #> 7672 Fragic Epiaquepts #> 7673 Sodic Vermaquepts #> 7674 Typic Vermaquepts #> 7675 Lamellic Cryochrepts #> 7676 Fragiaquic Dystrochrepts #> 7677 Fragic Dystrochrepts #> 7678 Fragiaquic Eutrochrepts #> 7679 Fragic Eutrochrepts #> 7680 Lamellic Eutrochrepts #> 7681 Aridic Lithic Ustochrepts #> 7682 Gypsic Ustochrepts #> 7683 Lamellic Ustochrepts #> 7684 Fragiaquic Xerochrepts #> 7685 Fragic Xerochrepts #> 7686 Lamellic Xerochrepts #> 7687 Boralfic Udertic Argiborolls #> 7688 Pachic Udertic Argiborolls #> 7689 Pachic Vertic Argiborolls #> 7690 Aquertic Haploborolls #> 7691 Cumulic Udertic Haploborolls #> 7692 Cumulic Vertic Haploborolls #> 7693 Pachic Udertic Haploborolls #> 7694 Pachic Vertic Haploborolls #> 7695 Leptic Vertic Natriborolls #> 7696 Torrertic Natriborolls #> 7697 Udertic Natriborolls #> 7698 Abruptic Argiudolls #> 7699 Albic Argiudolls #> 7700 Lamellic Argiudolls #> 7701 Calciargidic Argixerolls #> 7702 Alfic Oxyaquic Fragiorthods #> 7703 Alfic Oxyaquic Haplorthods #> 7704 Fragiaquic Haplorthods #> 7705 Fragic Haplorthods #> 7706 Lamellic Haplorthods #> 7707 Oxyaquic Ultic Haplorthods #> 7708 Aeric Fragic Epiaquults #> 7709 Fragic Epiaquults #> 7710 Aeric Plinthic Fragiaquults #> 7711 Aquic Arenic Hapludults #> 7712 Fragiaquic Hapludults #> 7713 Fragic Hapludults #> 7714 Lamellic Hapludults #> 7715 Fragiaquic Kanhapludults #> 7716 Fragic Kanhapludults #> 7717 Lamellic Paleudults #> 7718 Lamellic Haploxerults #> 7719 Fragiaquic Glossudalfs #> 7720 Duric Torrifluvents #> 7721 Duric Xeric Torrifluvents #> 7722 Aquic Duric Torriorthents #> 7723 Duric Torriorthents #> 7724 Duric Xeric Torriorthents #> 7725 Duric Torripsamments #> 7726 Duric Xeric Torripsamments #> 7727 Lamellic Dystrochrepts #> 7728 Udertic Argiborolls #> 7729 Duridic Haploxerolls #> 7730 Udarents #> 7731 Xerarents #> 7732 Typic Cryaqualfs #> 7733 Humic Fragiaqualfs #> 7734 Umbric Albaqualfs #> 7735 Histic Glossaqualfs #> 7736 Chromic Vertic Endoaqualfs #> 7737 Vertic Endoaqualfs #> 7738 Aeric Umbric Endoaqualfs #> 7739 Andic Palecryalfs #> 7740 Vitrandic Palecryalfs #> 7741 Aquic Palecryalfs #> 7742 Oxyaquic Palecryalfs #> 7743 Xeric Palecryalfs #> 7744 Ustic Palecryalfs #> 7745 Mollic Palecryalfs #> 7746 Umbric Palecryalfs #> 7747 Typic Palecryalfs #> 7748 Lithic Glossocryalfs #> 7749 Vertic Glossocryalfs #> 7750 Andic Glossocryalfs #> 7751 Vitrandic Glossocryalfs #> 7752 Aquic Glossocryalfs #> 7753 Oxyaquic Glossocryalfs #> 7754 Fragic Glossocryalfs #> 7755 Xerollic Glossocryalfs #> 7756 Umbric Xeric Glossocryalfs #> 7757 Ustollic Glossocryalfs #> 7758 Xeric Glossocryalfs #> 7759 Ustic Glossocryalfs #> 7760 Mollic Glossocryalfs #> 7761 Umbric Glossocryalfs #> 7762 Eutric Glossocryalfs #> 7763 Typic Glossocryalfs #> 7764 Lithic Haplocryalfs #> 7765 Vertic Haplocryalfs #> 7766 Andic Haplocryalfs #> 7767 Vitrandic Haplocryalfs #> 7768 Aquic Haplocryalfs #> 7769 Oxyaquic Haplocryalfs #> 7770 Lamellic Haplocryalfs #> 7771 Psammentic Haplocryalfs #> 7772 Inceptic Haplocryalfs #> 7773 Xerollic Haplocryalfs #> 7774 Umbric Xeric Haplocryalfs #> 7775 Ustollic Haplocryalfs #> 7776 Xeric Haplocryalfs #> 7777 Ustic Haplocryalfs #> 7778 Mollic Haplocryalfs #> 7779 Umbric Haplocryalfs #> 7780 Eutric Haplocryalfs #> 7781 Typic Haplocryalfs #> 7782 Vitrandic Haplustalfs #> 7783 Inceptic Haplustalfs #> 7784 Inceptic Fragixeralfs #> 7785 Vertic Rhodoxeralfs #> 7786 Inceptic Rhodoxeralfs #> 7787 Lithic Ruptic-Inceptic Haploxeralfs #> 7788 Inceptic Haploxeralfs #> 7789 Glossaquic Natrudalfs #> 7790 Aquic Natrudalfs #> 7791 Andic Fraglossudalfs #> 7792 Vitrandic Fraglossudalfs #> 7793 Andic Fragiudalfs #> 7794 Vitrandic Fragiudalfs #> 7795 Andic Paleudalfs #> 7796 Vitrandic Paleudalfs #> 7797 Aquertic Glossudalfs #> 7798 Oxyaquic Vertic Glossudalfs #> 7799 Vertic Glossudalfs #> 7800 Inceptic Hapludalfs #> 7801 Pachic Melanaquands #> 7802 Pachic Fulvicryands #> 7803 Petrocalcic Duritorrands #> 7804 Vitric Duritorrands #> 7805 Typic Duritorrands #> 7806 Lithic Haplotorrands #> 7807 Duric Haplotorrands #> 7808 Calcic Haplotorrands #> 7809 Typic Haplotorrands #> 7810 Hydric Durudands #> 7811 Pachic Durudands #> 7812 Eutric Melanudands #> 7813 Eutric Lithic Fulvudands #> 7814 Xereptic Petrocryids #> 7815 Xereptic Haplodurids #> 7816 Natric Petroargids #> 7817 Petronodic Ustic Paleargids #> 7818 Petronodic Xeric Calciargids #> 7819 Petronodic Ustic Calciargids #> 7820 Calcic Lithic Petrocalcids #> 7821 Petronodic Xeric Haplocalcids #> 7822 Petronodic Ustic Haplocalcids #> 7823 Petronodic Xeric Haplocambids #> 7824 Petronodic Ustic Haplocambids #> 7825 Thapto-Histic Sulfaquents #> 7826 Sulfic Hydraquents #> 7827 Sodic Hydraquents #> 7828 Sodic Psammaquents #> 7829 Sodic Endoaquents #> 7830 Haplic Ustarents #> 7831 Sodic Xerarents #> 7832 Duric Xerarents #> 7833 Haplic Xerarents #> 7834 Haplic Udarents #> 7835 Lamellic Cryopsamments #> 7836 Rhodic Torripsamments #> 7837 Lamellic Ustic Quartzipsamments #> 7838 Lamellic Quartzipsamments #> 7839 Lamellic Ustipsamments #> 7840 Rhodic Ustipsamments #> 7841 Lamellic Xeropsamments #> 7842 Lamellic Udipsamments #> 7843 Lamellic Cryorthents #> 7844 Aridic Lithic Ustorthents #> 7845 Torrertic Ustorthents #> 7846 Lithic Folistels #> 7847 Glacic Folistels #> 7848 Typic Folistels #> 7849 Hemic Glacistels #> 7850 Sapric Glacistels #> 7851 Typic Glacistels #> 7852 Lithic Fibristels #> 7853 Terric Fibristels #> 7854 Fluvaquentic Fibristels #> 7855 Sphagnic Fibristels #> 7856 Typic Fibristels #> 7857 Lithic Hemistels #> 7858 Terric Hemistels #> 7859 Fluvaquentic Hemistels #> 7860 Typic Hemistels #> 7861 Lithic Sapristels #> 7862 Terric Sapristels #> 7863 Fluvaquentic Sapristels #> 7864 Typic Sapristels #> 7865 Lithic Histoturbels #> 7866 Glacic Histoturbels #> 7867 Ruptic Histoturbels #> 7868 Typic Histoturbels #> 7869 Lithic Aquiturbels #> 7870 Glacic Aquiturbels #> 7871 Sulfuric Aquiturbels #> 7872 Ruptic-Histic Aquiturbels #> 7873 Psammentic Aquiturbels #> 7874 Typic Aquiturbels #> 7875 Lithic Anhyturbels #> 7876 Glacic Anhyturbels #> 7877 Petrogypsic Anhyturbels #> 7878 Gypsic Anhyturbels #> 7879 Nitric Anhyturbels #> 7880 Salic Anhyturbels #> 7881 Calcic Anhyturbels #> 7882 Typic Anhyturbels #> 7883 Lithic Molliturbels #> 7884 Glacic Molliturbels #> 7885 Vertic Molliturbels #> 7886 Andic Molliturbels #> 7887 Vitrandic Molliturbels #> 7888 Cumulic Molliturbels #> 7889 Aquic Molliturbels #> 7890 Typic Molliturbels #> 7891 Lithic Umbriturbels #> 7892 Glacic Umbriturbels #> 7893 Vertic Umbriturbels #> 7894 Andic Umbriturbels #> 7895 Vitrandic Umbriturbels #> 7896 Cumulic Umbriturbels #> 7897 Aquic Umbriturbels #> 7898 Typic Umbriturbels #> 7899 Lithic Psammoturbels #> 7900 Glacic Psammoturbels #> 7901 Spodic Psammoturbels #> 7902 Typic Psammoturbels #> 7903 Lithic Haploturbels #> 7904 Glacic Haploturbels #> 7905 Aquic Haploturbels #> 7906 Typic Haploturbels #> 7907 Lithic Historthels #> 7908 Glacic Historthels #> 7909 Ruptic Historthels #> 7910 Typic Historthels #> 7911 Lithic Aquorthels #> 7912 Glacic Aquorthels #> 7913 Sulfuric Aquorthels #> 7914 Ruptic-Histic Aquorthels #> 7915 Andic Aquorthels #> 7916 Vitrandic Aquorthels #> 7917 Salic Aquorthels #> 7918 Psammentic Aquorthels #> 7919 Typic Aquorthels #> 7920 Lithic Anhyorthels #> 7921 Glacic Anhyorthels #> 7922 Petrogypsic Anhyorthels #> 7923 Gypsic Anhyorthels #> 7924 Nitric Anhyorthels #> 7925 Salic Anhyorthels #> 7926 Calcic Anhyorthels #> 7927 Typic Anhyorthels #> 7928 Lithic Mollorthels #> 7929 Glacic Mollorthels #> 7930 Vertic Mollorthels #> 7931 Andic Mollorthels #> 7932 Vitrandic Mollorthels #> 7933 Cumulic Mollorthels #> 7934 Aquic Mollorthels #> 7935 Typic Mollorthels #> 7936 Lithic Umbrorthels #> 7937 Glacic Umbrorthels #> 7938 Vertic Umbrorthels #> 7939 Andic Umbrorthels #> 7940 Vitrandic Umbrorthels #> 7941 Cumulic Umbrorthels #> 7942 Aquic Umbrorthels #> 7943 Typic Umbrorthels #> 7944 Lithic Argiorthels #> 7945 Glacic Argiorthels #> 7946 Natric Argiorthels #> 7947 Typic Argiorthels #> 7948 Lithic Psammorthels #> 7949 Glacic Psammorthels #> 7950 Spodic Psammorthels #> 7951 Typic Psammorthels #> 7952 Lithic Haplorthels #> 7953 Glacic Haplorthels #> 7954 Aquic Haplorthels #> 7955 Typic Haplorthels #> 7956 Lithic Torrifolists #> 7957 Typic Torrifolists #> 7958 Lithic Ustifolists #> 7959 Typic Ustifolists #> 7960 Lithic Udifolists #> 7961 Typic Udifolists #> 7962 Hydric Cryofibrists #> 7963 Halic Terric Haplosaprists #> 7964 Halic Haplosaprists #> 7965 Hydric Cryohemists #> 7966 Histic Placic Petraquepts #> 7967 Placic Petraquepts #> 7968 Plinthic Petraquepts #> 7969 Typic Petraquepts #> 7970 Duric Halaquepts #> 7971 Fluvaquentic Cryaquepts #> 7972 Aquandic Epiaquepts #> 7973 Fluvaquentic Epiaquepts #> 7974 Fluvaquentic Endoaquepts #> 7975 Typic Plagganthrepts #> 7976 Typic Haplanthrepts #> 7977 Humic Lithic Eutrocryepts #> 7978 Lithic Eutrocryepts #> 7979 Andic Eutrocryepts #> 7980 Vitrandic Eutrocryepts #> 7981 Aquic Eutrocryepts #> 7982 Oxyaquic Eutrocryepts #> 7983 Lamellic Eutrocryepts #> 7984 Xeric Eutrocryepts #> 7985 Ustic Eutrocryepts #> 7986 Humic Eutrocryepts #> 7987 Typic Eutrocryepts #> 7988 Humic Lithic Dystrocryepts #> 7989 Lithic Dystrocryepts #> 7990 Andic Dystrocryepts #> 7991 Vitrandic Dystrocryepts #> 7992 Aquic Dystrocryepts #> 7993 Oxyaquic Dystrocryepts #> 7994 Lamellic Dystrocryepts #> 7995 Spodic Dystrocryepts #> 7996 Xeric Dystrocryepts #> 7997 Ustic Dystrocryepts #> 7998 Humic Dystrocryepts #> 7999 Typic Dystrocryepts #> 8000 Typic Durustepts #> 8001 Lithic Petrocalcic Calciustepts #> 8002 Lithic Calciustepts #> 8003 Torrertic Calciustepts #> 8004 Vertic Calciustepts #> 8005 Petrocalcic Calciustepts #> 8006 Gypsic Calciustepts #> 8007 Aquic Calciustepts #> 8008 Aridic Calciustepts #> 8009 Udic Calciustepts #> 8010 Typic Calciustepts #> 8011 Lithic Dystrustepts #> 8012 Andic Dystrustepts #> 8013 Vitrandic Dystrustepts #> 8014 Aquic Dystrustepts #> 8015 Fluventic Dystrustepts #> 8016 Oxic Dystrustepts #> 8017 Humic Dystrustepts #> 8018 Typic Dystrustepts #> 8019 Aridic Lithic Haplustepts #> 8020 Lithic Haplustepts #> 8021 Udertic Haplustepts #> 8022 Torrertic Haplustepts #> 8023 Vertic Haplustepts #> 8024 Andic Haplustepts #> 8025 Vitrandic Haplustepts #> 8026 Anthraquic Haplustepts #> 8027 Aquic Haplustepts #> 8028 Oxyaquic Haplustepts #> 8029 Oxic Haplustepts #> 8030 Lamellic Haplustepts #> 8031 Torrifluventic Haplustepts #> 8032 Udifluventic Haplustepts #> 8033 Fluventic Haplustepts #> 8034 Gypsic Haplustepts #> 8035 Haplocalcidic Haplustepts #> 8036 Calcic Udic Haplustepts #> 8037 Calcic Haplustepts #> 8038 Aridic Haplustepts #> 8039 Dystric Haplustepts #> 8040 Udic Haplustepts #> 8041 Typic Haplustepts #> 8042 Aquandic Durixerepts #> 8043 Andic Durixerepts #> 8044 Vitrandic Durixerepts #> 8045 Aquic Durixerepts #> 8046 Entic Durixerepts #> 8047 Typic Durixerepts #> 8048 Lithic Calcixerepts #> 8049 Vertic Calcixerepts #> 8050 Petrocalcic Calcixerepts #> 8051 Sodic Calcixerepts #> 8052 Vitrandic Calcixerepts #> 8053 Aquic Calcixerepts #> 8054 Typic Calcixerepts #> 8055 Andic Fragixerepts #> 8056 Vitrandic Fragixerepts #> 8057 Aquic Fragixerepts #> 8058 Humic Fragixerepts #> 8059 Typic Fragixerepts #> 8060 Humic Lithic Dystroxerepts #> 8061 Lithic Dystroxerepts #> 8062 Aquandic Dystroxerepts #> 8063 Andic Dystroxerepts #> 8064 Vitrandic Dystroxerepts #> 8065 Fragiaquic Dystroxerepts #> 8066 Fluvaquentic Dystroxerepts #> 8067 Aquic Dystroxerepts #> 8068 Oxyaquic Dystroxerepts #> 8069 Fragic Dystroxerepts #> 8070 Fluventic Humic Dystroxerepts #> 8071 Fluventic Dystroxerepts #> 8072 Humic Dystroxerepts #> 8073 Typic Dystroxerepts #> 8074 Humic Lithic Haploxerepts #> 8075 Lithic Haploxerepts #> 8076 Vertic Haploxerepts #> 8077 Aquandic Haploxerepts #> 8078 Andic Haploxerepts #> 8079 Vitrandic Haploxerepts #> 8080 Gypsic Haploxerepts #> 8081 Aquic Haploxerepts #> 8082 Lamellic Haploxerepts #> 8083 Fragic Haploxerepts #> 8084 Fluventic Haploxerepts #> 8085 Calcic Haploxerepts #> 8086 Humic Haploxerepts #> 8087 Typic Haploxerepts #> 8088 Typic Sulfudepts #> 8089 Aquandic Durudepts #> 8090 Andic Durudepts #> 8091 Vitrandic Durudepts #> 8092 Aquic Durudepts #> 8093 Typic Durudepts #> 8094 Andic Fragiudepts #> 8095 Vitrandic Fragiudepts #> 8096 Aquic Fragiudepts #> 8097 Humic Fragiudepts #> 8098 Typic Fragiudepts #> 8099 Humic Lithic Eutrudepts #> 8100 Lithic Eutrudepts #> 8101 Aquertic Eutrudepts #> 8102 Vertic Eutrudepts #> 8103 Andic Eutrudepts #> 8104 Vitrandic Eutrudepts #> 8105 Anthraquic Eutrudepts #> 8106 Fragiaquic Eutrudepts #> 8107 Fluvaquentic Eutrudepts #> 8108 Aquic Dystric Eutrudepts #> 8109 Aquic Eutrudepts #> 8110 Oxyaquic Eutrudepts #> 8111 Fragic Eutrudepts #> 8112 Lamellic Eutrudepts #> 8113 Dystric Fluventic Eutrudepts #> 8114 Fluventic Eutrudepts #> 8115 Arenic Eutrudepts #> 8116 Dystric Eutrudepts #> 8117 Rendollic Eutrudepts #> 8118 Humic Eutrudepts #> 8119 Ruptic-Alfic Eutrudepts #> 8120 Typic Eutrudepts #> 8121 Humic Lithic Dystrudepts #> 8122 Lithic Dystrudepts #> 8123 Vertic Dystrudepts #> 8124 Aquandic Dystrudepts #> 8125 Andic Dystrudepts #> 8126 Vitrandic Dystrudepts #> 8127 Fragiaquic Dystrudepts #> 8128 Fluvaquentic Dystrudepts #> 8129 Aquic Humic Dystrudepts #> 8130 Aquic Dystrudepts #> 8131 Oxyaquic Dystrudepts #> 8132 Fragic Dystrudepts #> 8133 Lamellic Dystrudepts #> 8134 Humic Psammentic Dystrudepts #> 8135 Fluventic Humic Dystrudepts #> 8136 Fluventic Dystrudepts #> 8137 Spodic Dystrudepts #> 8138 Oxic Dystrudepts #> 8139 Humic Pachic Dystrudepts #> 8140 Humic Dystrudepts #> 8141 Ruptic-Alfic Dystrudepts #> 8142 Ruptic-Ultic Dystrudepts #> 8143 Typic Dystrudepts #> 8144 Leptic Natralbolls #> 8145 Lithic Cryrendolls #> 8146 Typic Cryrendolls #> 8147 Lithic Haprendolls #> 8148 Vertic Haprendolls #> 8149 Inceptic Haprendolls #> 8150 Entic Haprendolls #> 8151 Typic Haprendolls #> 8152 Argic Duricryolls #> 8153 Typic Duricryolls #> 8154 Typic Natricryolls #> 8155 Aquic Palecryolls #> 8156 Oxyaquic Palecryolls #> 8157 Abruptic Palecryolls #> 8158 Pachic Palecryolls #> 8159 Ustic Palecryolls #> 8160 Xeric Palecryolls #> 8161 Typic Palecryolls #> 8162 Lithic Argicryolls #> 8163 Vertic Argicryolls #> 8164 Andic Argicryolls #> 8165 Vitrandic Argicryolls #> 8166 Abruptic Argicryolls #> 8167 Aquic Argicryolls #> 8168 Oxyaquic Argicryolls #> 8169 Pachic Argicryolls #> 8170 Alfic Argicryolls #> 8171 Ustic Argicryolls #> 8172 Xeric Argicryolls #> 8173 Typic Argicryolls #> 8174 Lithic Calcicryolls #> 8175 Petrocalcic Calcicryolls #> 8176 Pachic Calcicryolls #> 8177 Ustic Calcicryolls #> 8178 Xeric Calcicryolls #> 8179 Typic Calcicryolls #> 8180 Lithic Haplocryolls #> 8181 Vertic Haplocryolls #> 8182 Andic Haplocryolls #> 8183 Vitrandic Haplocryolls #> 8184 Aquic Cumulic Haplocryolls #> 8185 Cumulic Haplocryolls #> 8186 Fluvaquentic Haplocryolls #> 8187 Aquic Haplocryolls #> 8188 Oxyaquic Haplocryolls #> 8189 Calcic Pachic Haplocryolls #> 8190 Pachic Haplocryolls #> 8191 Fluventic Haplocryolls #> 8192 Calcic Haplocryolls #> 8193 Ustic Haplocryolls #> 8194 Xeric Haplocryolls #> 8195 Typic Haplocryolls #> 8196 Vitrandic Palexerolls #> 8197 Duric Palexerolls #> 8198 Alfic Argixerolls #> 8199 Psammentic Haploxerolls #> 8200 Leptic Torrertic Natrustolls #> 8201 Torrertic Natrustolls #> 8202 Leptic Vertic Natrustolls #> 8203 Glossic Vertic Natrustolls #> 8204 Aridic Leptic Natrustolls #> 8205 Gypsic Calciustolls #> 8206 Calcidic Paleustolls #> 8207 Aridic Lithic Argiustolls #> 8208 Alfic Argiustolls #> 8209 Calcidic Argiustolls #> 8210 Petrocalcic Natrudolls #> 8211 Leptic Vertic Natrudolls #> 8212 Leptic Natrudolls #> 8213 Glossic Vertic Natrudolls #> 8214 Vertic Natrudolls #> 8215 Glossic Natrudolls #> 8216 Calcic Natrudolls #> 8217 Typic Natrudolls #> 8218 Fluventic Calciudolls #> 8219 Pachic Paleudolls #> 8220 Pachic Vertic Argiudolls #> 8221 Alfic Vertic Argiudolls #> 8222 Arenic Argiudolls #> 8223 Alfic Argiudolls #> 8224 Pachic Hapludolls #> 8225 Humic Inceptic Eutrustox #> 8226 Humic Inceptic Eutroperox #> 8227 Humic Inceptic Eutrudox #> 8228 Arenic Umbric Alaquods #> 8229 Kandic Albaquults #> 8230 Aquandic Palehumults #> 8231 Oxyaquic Palehumults #> 8232 Aquandic Haplohumults #> 8233 Oxyaquic Haplohumults #> 8234 Oxyaquic Paleudults #> 8235 Inceptic Hapludults #> 8236 Haplic Plinthustults #> 8237 Aquandic Palexerults #> 8238 Aquic Palexerults #> 8239 Andic Palexerults #> 8240 Gypsic Haplusterts #> 8241 Calcic Haplusterts #> 8242 Aridic Leptic Haplusterts #> 8243 Plagganthreptic Udipsamments #> 8244 Hydric Haplofibrists #> 8245 Lithic Haplofibrists #> 8246 Limnic Haplofibrists #> 8247 Terric Haplofibrists #> 8248 Fluvaquentic Haplofibrists #> 8249 Hemic Haplofibrists #> 8250 Typic Haplofibrists #> 8251 Typic Haplosaprists #> 8252 Fluvaquentic Haplosaprists #> 8253 Limnic Haplosaprists #> 8254 Lithic Haplosaprists #> 8255 Terric Haplosaprists #> 8256 Hemic Haplosaprists #> 8257 Hydric Haplohemists #> 8258 Lithic Haplohemists #> 8259 Limnic Haplohemists #> 8260 Terric Haplohemists #> 8261 Fluvaquentic Haplohemists #> 8262 Fibric Haplohemists #> 8263 Sapric Haplohemists #> 8264 Typic Haplohemists #> 8265 Plagganthreptic Fragiaquods #> 8266 Plagganthreptic Haplohumods #> 8267 Plagganthreptic Alorthods #> 8268 Plagganthreptic Fragiorthods #> 8269 Lithic Ruptic-Inceptic Haploxerults #> 8270 Aridic Eutroboralfs #> 8271 Anthropic Paleudalfs #> 8272 Kandic Plinthustalfs #> 8273 Lithic Ustic Calciorthids #> 8274 Ustic Calciorthids #> 8275 Xeralfic Paleorthids #> 8276 Aridic Torriorthents #> 8277 Borollic Torriorthents #> 8278 Entic Haplaquepts #> 8279 Haplaquodic Humaquepts #> 8280 Aridic Durochrepts #> 8281 Umbric Dystropepts #> 8282 Aridic Ustropepts #> 8283 Dystric Cryumbrepts #> 8284 Fluventic Haplaquolls #> 8285 Aridic Duric Haplustolls #> 8286 Arenic Aridic Paleustolls #> 8287 Petrocalcic Ustollic Paleustolls #> 8288 Abruptic Aridic Argixerolls #> 8289 Aqualfic Argixerolls #> 8290 Aeric Cryaquods #> 8291 Pergelic Cryorthods #> 8292 Aquandic Hapludults #> 8293 Epiaquic Haplustults #> 8294 Aquic Duricryands #> 8295 Typic Duricryands #> 8296 Ultic Fulvudands #> 8297 Petronodic Ustic Haplargids #> 8298 Sodic Torriarents #> 8299 Duric Torriarents #> 8300 Haplic Torriarents #> 8301 Pachic Udertic Haplustolls #> 8302 Lithic-Ruptic-Entic Hapludults #> 8303 Alfic Andeptic Cryorthents #> 8304 Aquentic Fragiorthods #> 8305 Cryic Fragiorthods #> 8306 Aeric Tropaqualfs #> 8307 Lithic Cryohumods #> 8308 Humic Fragiorthods #> 8309 Oxic Tropudalfs #> 8310 Paralithic Vertic Haplustolls #> 8311 Palexerollic Chromoxererts #> 8312 Plinthic Haplorthox #> 8313 Typic Torrox #> 8314 Typic Haplorthox #> 8315 Typic Eutrorthox #> 8316 Typic Sombrihumox #> 8317 Udalphic Argiustolls #> 8318 Ultic Haplustox #> 8319 Vertic Tropudalfs #> 8320 Aquic Arenic Glossudalfs #> 8321 Arenic Oxyaquic Glossudalfs #> 8322 Arenic Oxyaquic Hapludalfs #> 8323 Mollic Oxyaquic Hapludalfs #> 8324 Aridic Glossic Natrustalfs #> 8325 Histic Gelaquands #> 8326 Thaptic Gelaquands #> 8327 Typic Gelaquands #> 8328 Humic Vitrigelands #> 8329 Typic Vitrigelands #> 8330 Eutric Duricryands #> 8331 Eutric Fulvicryands #> 8332 Eutric Pachic Fulvicryands #> 8333 Spodic Haplocryands #> ChoiceObsolete #> 1 0 #> 2 0 #> 3 0 #> 4 0 #> 5 0 #> 6 0 #> 7 0 #> 8 0 #> 9 0 #> 10 0 #> 11 0 #> 12 0 #> 13 0 #> 14 0 #> 15 0 #> 16 0 #> 17 0 #> 18 0 #> 19 0 #> 20 0 #> 21 0 #> 22 0 #> 23 0 #> 24 0 #> 25 0 #> 26 0 #> 27 0 #> 28 0 #> 29 0 #> 30 0 #> 31 0 #> 32 0 #> 33 0 #> 34 0 #> 35 0 #> 36 0 #> 37 0 #> 38 0 #> 39 0 #> 40 0 #> 41 0 #> 42 0 #> 43 0 #> 44 0 #> 45 0 #> 46 0 #> 47 0 #> 48 0 #> 49 0 #> 50 0 #> 51 0 #> 52 0 #> 53 0 #> 54 0 #> 55 0 #> 56 0 #> 57 0 #> 58 0 #> 59 0 #> 60 0 #> 61 0 #> 62 1 #> 63 0 #> 64 0 #> 65 0 #> 66 0 #> 67 0 #> 68 1 #> 69 0 #> 70 0 #> 71 0 #> 72 0 #> 73 0 #> 74 1 #> 75 0 #> 76 0 #> 77 0 #> 78 0 #> 79 0 #> 80 0 #> 81 0 #> 82 0 #> 83 0 #> 84 0 #> 85 0 #> 86 0 #> 87 0 #> 88 0 #> 89 0 #> 90 0 #> 91 0 #> 92 0 #> 93 0 #> 94 0 #> 95 0 #> 96 0 #> 97 0 #> 98 0 #> 99 0 #> 100 0 #> 101 0 #> 102 0 #> 103 0 #> 104 0 #> 105 0 #> 106 0 #> 107 0 #> 108 0 #> 109 0 #> 110 0 #> 111 0 #> 112 0 #> 113 0 #> 114 0 #> 115 0 #> 116 0 #> 117 0 #> 118 0 #> 119 0 #> 120 0 #> 121 0 #> 122 0 #> 123 0 #> 124 0 #> 125 0 #> 126 0 #> 127 0 #> 128 0 #> 129 0 #> 130 0 #> 131 0 #> 132 0 #> 133 0 #> 134 0 #> 135 0 #> 136 0 #> 137 0 #> 138 0 #> 139 1 #> 140 0 #> 141 0 #> 142 0 #> 143 0 #> 144 0 #> 145 0 #> 146 0 #> 147 0 #> 148 0 #> 149 0 #> 150 0 #> 151 0 #> 152 0 #> 153 0 #> 154 0 #> 155 0 #> 156 0 #> 157 0 #> 158 0 #> 159 0 #> 160 0 #> 161 0 #> 162 0 #> 163 0 #> 164 0 #> 165 0 #> 166 0 #> 167 0 #> 168 0 #> 169 0 #> 170 0 #> 171 0 #> 172 0 #> 173 0 #> 174 0 #> 175 0 #> 176 0 #> 177 0 #> 178 0 #> 179 0 #> 180 0 #> 181 0 #> 182 0 #> 183 0 #> 184 0 #> 185 0 #> 186 0 #> 187 0 #> 188 0 #> 189 0 #> 190 0 #> 191 0 #> 192 0 #> 193 0 #> 194 0 #> 195 0 #> 196 0 #> 197 0 #> 198 0 #> 199 0 #> 200 0 #> 201 0 #> 202 0 #> 203 0 #> 204 0 #> 205 0 #> 206 0 #> 207 0 #> 208 0 #> 209 0 #> 210 0 #> 211 0 #> 212 0 #> 213 0 #> 214 0 #> 215 0 #> 216 0 #> 217 0 #> 218 0 #> 219 0 #> 220 0 #> 221 0 #> 222 0 #> 223 0 #> 224 0 #> 225 0 #> 226 0 #> 227 0 #> 228 0 #> 229 0 #> 230 0 #> 231 0 #> 232 0 #> 233 0 #> 234 0 #> 235 0 #> 236 0 #> 237 0 #> 238 0 #> 239 0 #> 240 0 #> 241 0 #> 242 0 #> 243 0 #> 244 0 #> 245 0 #> 246 0 #> 247 0 #> 248 0 #> 249 0 #> 250 0 #> 251 0 #> 252 0 #> 253 0 #> 254 0 #> 255 0 #> 256 0 #> 257 0 #> 258 0 #> 259 0 #> 260 0 #> 261 0 #> 262 0 #> 263 0 #> 264 0 #> 265 0 #> 266 0 #> 267 0 #> 268 0 #> 269 0 #> 270 0 #> 271 0 #> 272 0 #> 273 0 #> 274 0 #> 275 0 #> 276 0 #> 277 0 #> 278 0 #> 279 0 #> 280 0 #> 281 0 #> 282 0 #> 283 0 #> 284 0 #> 285 0 #> 286 0 #> 287 0 #> 288 0 #> 289 0 #> 290 0 #> 291 0 #> 292 0 #> 293 0 #> 294 0 #> 295 0 #> 296 0 #> 297 0 #> 298 0 #> 299 0 #> 300 0 #> 301 0 #> 302 0 #> 303 0 #> 304 0 #> 305 0 #> 306 0 #> 307 0 #> 308 0 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8277 1 #> 8278 1 #> 8279 1 #> 8280 1 #> 8281 1 #> 8282 1 #> 8283 1 #> 8284 1 #> 8285 1 #> 8286 1 #> 8287 1 #> 8288 1 #> 8289 1 #> 8290 1 #> 8291 1 #> 8292 1 #> 8293 1 #> 8294 0 #> 8295 0 #> 8296 0 #> 8297 0 #> 8298 1 #> 8299 1 #> 8300 1 #> 8301 0 #> 8302 0 #> 8303 1 #> 8304 1 #> 8305 1 #> 8306 1 #> 8307 1 #> 8308 1 #> 8309 1 #> 8310 1 #> 8311 1 #> 8312 1 #> 8313 1 #> 8314 1 #> 8315 1 #> 8316 1 #> 8317 1 #> 8318 1 #> 8319 1 #> 8320 0 #> 8321 0 #> 8322 0 #> 8323 0 #> 8324 0 #> 8325 0 #> 8326 0 #> 8327 0 #> 8328 0 #> 8329 0 #> 8330 0 #> 8331 0 #> 8332 0 #> 8333 0 #> ChoiceDescription #> 1 Granular materials (35% or less passing No. 200 sieve), silty or clayey gravel and sand. Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 2 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 3 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 4 Granular materials (35% or less passing No. 200), silty or clayey gravel and sand. Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 5 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 6 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 7 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 8 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 9 Granular materials (35% or less passing No. 200), fine sand. Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 10 Silt-Clay materials (more than 35% passing NO. 200), silty soils. Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 11 Silt-Clay Materials (more than 35% passing No. 200), clayey soils. Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 12 Silt-Clay materials (more than 35% passing No. 200) clayey soils. Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 13 Silt-Clay materials (more than 35% passing No. 200), clayey soils. Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 14 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 15 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 16 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 17 Granular materials (35% or less passing No. 200 sieve), silty or clayey gravel and sand. Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 18 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 19 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 20 Granular materials (35% or less passing No. 200), silty or clayey gravel and sand. Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 21 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 22 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 23 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 24 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 25 Granular materials (35% or less passing No. 200), fine sand. Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 26 Silt-Clay materials (more than 35% passing NO. 200), silty soils. Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 27 Silt-Clay Materials (more than 35% passing No. 200), clayey soils. Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 28 Silt-Clay materials (more than 35% passing No. 200) clayey soils. Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 29 Silt-Clay materials (more than 35% passing No. 200), clayey soils. Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 30 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 31 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 32 Reference: This is a classification of soil material for highway and airfield construction (Procedure M 145-73 in Am. Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1984. #> 33 Soils in Class 1 have few limitations that restrict their use. #> 34 Soils in Class 2 have some limitations that reduce the choice of plants or require moderate conservation practices #> 35 Soils in Class 3 have severe limitations that reduce the choice of plants or require special conservation practices, or both. #> 36 Soils in Class 4 have very severe limitations that restrict the choice of plants, require very careful management, or both #> 37 Soils in Class 5 have little or no erosion hazard, but have other limitations impractical to remove that limit their use. #> 38 Soils in Class 6 have very severe limitations that make them generally unsuited to cultivation and limit their use largely to pasture, etc. #> 39 Soils in Class 7 have very severe limitations that make them unsuited to cultivation and that restrict their use to grazing, etc. #> 40 Soils (and landforms) in Class 8 have limitations that preclude their use for commercial plant production and restrict their use. #> 41 Soils in Class 1 have few limitations that restrict their use. #> 42 Soils in Class 2 have some limitations that reduce the choice of plants or require moderate conservation practices #> 43 Soils in Class 3 have severe limitations that reduce the choice of plants or require special conservation practices, or both. #> 44 Soils in Class 4 have very severe limitations that restrict the choice of plants, require very careful management, or both #> 45 Soils in Class 5 have little or no erosion hazard, but have other limitations impractical to remove that limit their use. #> 46 Soils in Class 6 have very severe limitations that make them generally unsuited to cultivation and limit their use largely to pasture, etc. #> 47 Soils in Class 7 have very severe limitations that make them unsuited to cultivation and that restrict their use to grazing, etc. #> 48 Soils (and landforms) in Class 8 have limitations that preclude their use for commercial plant production and restrict their use. #> 49 erosion #> 50 excess water #> 51 soil limitations within the rooting zone #> 52 climate condition #> 53 erosion #> 54 excess water #> 55 soil limitations within the rooting zone #> 56 climate condition #> 57 The component is classified and described at the family level of Soil Taxonomy. #> 58 The component is described and classified at some level of Soil Taxonomy above the family level. #> 59 The component is classified and described as a non-soil area. #> 60 The component is classified and described at the soil series level, the lowest level of Soil Taxonomy. #> 61 The component is described slightly outside the Soil Taxomonic limits of the name assigned. However, these differences are not significant enough to affect use and management of the soil. #> 62 The component is described as being outside the range of the series for which it is named. The differences are great enough to warrant a new series, they do affect the use and management of the soil, but the geographical extent is considered too small to justify creating a new series. #> 63 The component is classified and described at the family level of Soil Taxonomy. #> 64 The component is described and classified at some level of Soil Taxonomy above the family level. #> 65 The component is classified and described as a non-soil area. #> 66 The component is classified and described at the soil series level, the lowest level of Soil Taxonomy. #> 67 The component is described slightly outside the Soil Taxomonic limits of the name assigned. However, these differences are not significant enough to affect use and management of the soil. #> 68 The component is described as being outside the range of the series for which it is named. The differences are great enough to warrant a new series, they do affect the use and management of the soil, but the geographical extent is considered too small to justify creating a new series. #> 69 The component is classified and described at the family level of Soil Taxonomy. #> 70 The component is described and classified at some level of Soil Taxonomy above the family level. #> 71 The component is classified and described as a non-soil area. #> 72 The component is classified and described at the soil series level, the lowest level of Soil Taxonomy. #> 73 The component is described slightly outside the Soil Taxomonic limits of the name assigned. However, these differences are not significant enough to affect use and management of the soil. #> 74 The component is described as being outside the range of the series for which it is named. The differences are great enough to warrant a new series, they do affect the use and management of the soil, but the geographical extent is considered too small to justify creating a new series. #> 75 References: Part 618 National Soil Survey Handbook. Chapter 6 Soil Survey Manual. #> 76 References: Part 618 National Soil Survey Handbook. Chapter 6 Soil Survey Manual. #> 77 References: Part 618 National Soil Survey Handbook. Chapter 6 Soil Survey Manual. #> 78 Current recourse on a calculation is to set the field to NULL which is not appropriate for this attribute since it was calculated, but not rated. #> 79 References: Part 618 National Soil Survey Handbook. Chapter 6 Soil Survey Manual. #> 80 References: Part 618 National Soil Survey Handbook. Chapter 6 Soil Survey Manual. #> 81 References: Part 618 National Soil Survey Handbook. Chapter 6 Soil Survey Manual. #> 82 Current recourse on a calculation is to set the field to NULL which is not appropriate for this attribute since it was calculated, but not rated. #> 83 #> 84 #> 85 #> 86 #> 87 #> 88 #> 89 #> 90 #> 91 #> 92 #> 93 #> 94 #> 95 #> 96 #> 97 #> 98 #> 99 #> 100 #> 101 #> 102 #> 103 #> 104 #> 105 #> 106 #> 107 #> 108 #> 109 #> 110 #> 111 #> 112 #> 113 #> 114 #> 115 #> 116 #> 117 #> 118 #> 119 #> 120 #> 121 #> 122 #> 123 #> 124 #> 125 #> 126 #> 127 #> 128 #> 129 #> 130 #> 131 #> 132 #> 133 #> 134 #> 135 #> 136 #> 137 #> 138 #> 139 #> 140 #> 141 #> 142 #> 143 #> 144 #> 145 #> 146 #> 147 #> 148 #> 149 #> 150 #> 151 #> 152 #> 153 #> 154 #> 155 #> 156 #> 157 #> 158 #> 159 #> 160 #> 161 #> 162 #> 163 #> 164 #> 165 #> 166 #> 167 #> 168 #> 169 #> 170 #> 171 #> 172 #> 173 #> 174 #> 175 #> 176 #> 177 #> 178 #> 179 #> 180 #> 181 #> 182 #> 183 #> 184 #> 185 #> 186 #> 187 #> 188 #> 189 #> 190 #> 191 #> 192 #> 193 #> 194 #> 195 #> 196 #> 197 #> 198 #> 199 #> 200 #> 201 #> 202 #> 203 #> 204 #> 205 #> 206 #> 207 #> 208 #> 209 #> 210 #> 211 #> 212 #> 213 #> 214 #> 215 #> 216 #> 217 #> 218 #> 219 #> 220 #> 221 #> 222 #> 223 #> 224 #> 225 #> 226 #> 227 #> 228 #> 229 #> 230 #> 231 #> 232 #> 233 #> 234 #> 235 #> 236 #> 237 #> 238 #> 239 #> 240 #> 241 #> 242 #> 243 #> 244 #> 245 #> 246 #> 247 #> 248 #> 249 #> 250 #> 251 #> 252 #> 253 #> 254 #> 255 #> 256 #> 257 #> 258 #> 259 #> 260 #> 261 #> 262 #> 263 #> 264 #> 265 #> 266 #> 267 #> 268 #> 269 #> 270 #> 271 #> 272 #> 273 #> 274 #> 275 #> 276 #> 277 #> 278 #> 279 #> 280 #> 281 #> 282 #> 283 #> 284 #> 285 #> 286 #> 287 #> 288 #> 289 #> 290 #> 291 #> 292 #> 293 #> 294 #> 295 #> 296 #> 297 #> 298 #> 299 #> 300 #> 301 #> 302 #> 303 #> 304 #> 305 #> 306 #> 307 #> 308 #> 309 #> 310 #> 311 #> 312 #> 313 #> 314 #> 315 #> 316 #> 317 #> 318 #> 319 #> 320