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soilDB 2.6.15

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@brownag brownag released this 14 Apr 16:02
· 883 commits to master since this release

soilDB 2.6.15 (2022-04-13)

  • fetchNASIS()
    • New mixColors argument used to toggle color mixing for pedon horizons with multiple colors per moisture state.
      • Default TRUE mixes colors based on reported color percentage via estimateColorMixture(). FALSE returns the dominant color in each moisture state, or first record for cases without colorpct populated.
    • Added taxreaction and taxfamhahatmatcl to extended taxonomic information
    • Added new option (soilDB.NASIS.skip_uncode) to bypass uncode() in NASIS functions (mostly used for debugging or special database instances that come pre-decoded)
    • An instance in fetchNASIS(from="components") where local database connection was left open was fixed
  • Added fetchLDM() function to access Kellogg Soil Survey Lab Data Mart via Soil Data Access or local SQLite snapshot (#243)
  • Added get_SDA_metrics() for accessing usage metrics for Soil Data Access, Web Soil Survey and the Lab Data Mart. Thanks to Jason Nemecek for submitting the base SQL query
  • get_SDA_interpretation(method = "dominant condition") now includes total_comppct_* columns reflecting the summed component percentage of the dominant condition
  • Updated metadata for SCAN sites that were missing pedlabsampnum (KSSL Pedon Sample ID)