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An Angular directive which wraps Flotcharts.


This library is provided as a Bower component and NPM module:

  • Bower: bower install angular-flot
  • NPM: npm install angular-flot

How to Use

First, make sure to add Flotchart to your project, as explained in Flotchart's ReadMe since we don't bundle Flotcharts for you.

Add angular-flot to the list of dependencies in your Angular.JS application:

angular.module('myapp', [
    // ...

In your controller, create two variables to hold the dataset and Flot chart options:

angular.module('myapp').controller('MyController', function ($scope) {
    $scope.myData = [];
    $scope.myChartOptions = {};

In your view or template, add the flot directive, making sure to specify both the dataset and options attributes, pointing to the scope variables defined above:

<flot dataset="myData" options="myChartOptions"></flot>

The Flot chart is created in a div element as a child of the flot directive. To select the DOM element using jQuery, just do as follows (you might have to adjust the example based on the contents of your page):

$('flot > div');


Directive attributes: