Helm chart for bootstrapping a Kubernetes cluster on AWS with all the dependencies required for installing Nebuly Platform.
Homepage: https://nebuly.com
Repository | Name | Version |
https://charts.jetstack.io | cert-manager(cert-manager) | ~v1.15.2 |
https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/metrics-server/ | metrics-server | ~3.12 |
https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/secrets-store-csi-driver/charts | secrets-store-csi-driver | ~1.4 |
https://kubernetes.github.io/autoscaler | cluster-autoscaler | ~9 |
https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx | ingress-nginx | ~4.10 |
https://nvidia.github.io/k8s-device-plugin | nvidia-device-plugin | ~0.15.0 |
You can install this chart as a standalone, or you can install it as dependency
of nebuly-platform
by setting the bootstrap-aws.enabled
value to true
enabled: true
You can refer to the Nebuly Platform chart installation instructions for more details.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
annotations | object | {} |
Extra annotations that will be added to all resources. |
cert-manager.crds.enabled | bool | true |
cert-manager.enabled | bool | true |
cluster-autoscaler.enabled | bool | true |
cluster-autoscaler.rbac.serviceAccount.annotations."eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn" | string | "" |
The ARN of the IAM role used by the autoscaler. |
cluster-autoscaler.rbac.serviceAccount.name | string | "cluster-autoscaler" |
ingress-nginx.controller.allowSnippetAnnotations | bool | true |
ingress-nginx.controller.config | object | {} |
ingress-nginx.controller.service.annotations | object | {} |
ingress-nginx.controller.service.targetPorts.http | string | "http" |
ingress-nginx.controller.service.targetPorts.https | string | "https" |
ingress-nginx.enabled | bool | true |
metrics-server.enabled | bool | true |
nameOverride | string | "" |
Override the name of the chart. |
namespaceOverride | string | "" |
Override the namespace. |
nvidia-device-plugin.enabled | bool | true |
secrets-store-csi-driver.enabled | bool | true |
secrets-store-csi-driver.syncSecret.enabled | bool | true |