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File metadata and controls

310 lines (247 loc) · 6.34 KB

Needle ORM for dart.

Databases supported

  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite
  • MariaDB (except that transaction is still not working )

Try to be a familar ORM framework to java programmers, so it will obey javax.persistence spec.

Annotations supported

  • @Entity
  • @Column
  • @Transient
  • @Table
  • @ID
  • @Lob
  • @OneToOne
  • @OneToMany
  • @ManyToOne
  • @ManyToMany
  • @Index
  • @OrderBy
  • @Version

some other useful annotations , just like Ebean ORM for Java/Kotlin, are supported as well :

  • @SoftDelete
  • @WhenCreated
  • @WhenModified
  • @WhoCreated
  • @WhoModified
  • @PreInsert
  • @PreUpdate
  • @PreRemove
  • @PreRemovePermanent
  • @PostInsert
  • @PostUpdate
  • @PostRemove
  • @PostRemovePermanent
  • @PostLoad

Define Model

abstract class _BaseModel {
  int? _id;

  int? _version;

  bool? _deleted;

  DateTime? _createdAt;

  DateTime? _updatedAt;

  String? _createdBy; // user login name

  String? _lastUpdatedBy; // user login name

  String? _remark;


@Table(name: 'tbl_user')
class _User extends _BaseModel {
  String? _name;

  String? _loginName;

  String? _address;

  int? _age;

  @OneToMany(mappedBy: "author")
  List<_Book>? books;


class _Book extends _BaseModel {
  String? _title;

  double? _price;

  _User? _author;

  // blob
  List<int>? _image;

  // clob
  String? _content;


Enhance business logic

extension Biz_User on User {
  bool isAdmin() {
    return name!.startsWith('admin');

  void beforeInsert() {
    print('before insert user ....');

  void afterInsert() {
    print('after insert user ....');


Future<Database> initPostgreSQL() async {
  return PostgreSqlPoolDatabase(PgPool(
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 5432,
      database: 'appdb',
      username: 'postgres',
      password: 'postgres',
    settings: PgPoolSettings()
      ..maxConnectionAge = Duration(hours: 1)
      ..concurrency = 5,

void main() async {
  Database.register("dbPostgres", await initPostgreSQL());

  // Create or update :
    var user = User();
    user = 'administrator'
      ..address = 'abc'
      ..age = 23; // or insert()

    print('user saved, id= ${}');

    user = 'another name'; // or update()

    // call business method
    print('is admin? ${user.isAdmin()}');

    // toMap, can also be used to generate json
    var valueMap = user.toMap();
    // or only output some fields
    valueMap = user.toMap(fields:'id,name');

    // load from a map
    user.loadMap({"name": 'admin123', "xxxx": 'xxxx'});

    var book = Book();
    book = user
      ..title = 'Dart'
      ..price = 14.99

    // toMap supports nested fields: 'author(id,name)'
    valueMap = book.toMap(fields:'id,title,price,author(id,name)');

  // Typed-Query:
      ..price.between(10.0, 20.0) {

          ..address.startsWith('China Shanghai');
      ..orders = [Book.query().price.desc()]
      ..offset = 10
      ..maxRows = 20  // limit

  // Soft Delete:
    var q = Book.query()
      ..price.between(18, 19)
    var total = await q.count();  // without deleted records
    var totalWithDeleted = await q.count(includeSoftDeleted: true);
    print('found books , total: $total, totalWithDeleted: $totalWithDeleted');

    int deletedCount = await q.delete();
    print('soft deleted books: $deletedCount');

    total = await q.count();
    totalWithDeleted = await q.count(includeSoftDeleted: true);
    print('found books after soft delete , total: $total, totalWithDeleted: $totalWithDeleted');

  // Permanent delete
    var q = Book.query()
    ..price.between(100, 1000);
    var total = await q.count();

    print('found expensive books, total count: $total');

    int deletedCount = await q.deletePermanent();
    print('permanent deleted books : $deletedCount');

  // batch insert
    var n = 10;
    var users = <User>[];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      var user = User() = 'name_$i'
        ..address = 'China Shanghai street_$i'
        ..age = (n * 0.1).toInt();
    print('users created');
    await User.query().insertBatch(users, batchSize: 5);
    print('users saved');
    var idList = =>;
    print('ids: $idList');

  // model cache in the same Query.
    var user = User() = 'cach_name';

    var book1 = Book() = user
      ..title = 'book title1';
    var book2 = Book() = user
      ..title = 'book title2';

    var q = Book.query()[!,!]);
    var books = await q.findList();
    // books[0].author should be as same as books[1].author
    print('used cache? ${books[0].author == books[1].author}');

  // Transaction : only works on PostgreSQL, there're still some problems on MariaDB
    var q = User.query();
    print('count before insert : ${await q.count()}');
    var db2 = await initPostgreSQL();
    await db2.transaction((db) async {
      // var query = User.query(db: db);
      var n = 50;
      for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        var user = User()
 = 'tx_name_$i'
          ..address = 'China Shanghai street_$i ' * i
          ..age = n;
        await db); // throw rollback exception at the 10th loop because address is too long
        print('\t used saved with id: ${}');

    // the next line will never be executed because of the rollback exception.
    // print('count after insert : ${await q.count()}');


Example project can be found here: needle_orm_example .