diff --git a/documentation/.vuepress/public/imgs/threejs-logo.webp b/documentation/.vuepress/public/imgs/threejs-logo.webp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec0969905
Binary files /dev/null and b/documentation/.vuepress/public/imgs/threejs-logo.webp differ
diff --git a/documentation/getting-started/index.md b/documentation/getting-started/index.md
index 9f12e623d..b808ebbd4 100644
--- a/documentation/getting-started/index.md
+++ b/documentation/getting-started/index.md
@@ -156,12 +156,15 @@ They can easily deployed to the web are get optimized automatically by the Needl
-## Needle Engine with Code
+## Needle Engine without Editor
-If you just want to work with the Needle Engine runtime and don't want to use any Editor integration just yet then go ahead and install it from npm by running:
+Needle Engine is built ontop of three.js. If you just want to work with the Needle Engine runtime and don't want to use any Editor integration just yet then go ahead and install it from npm by running:
`npm i @needle-tools/engine`