diff --git a/documentation/html.md b/documentation/html.md
index 7ef941664..ab08ad258 100644
--- a/documentation/html.md
+++ b/documentation/html.md
@@ -75,6 +75,34 @@ Set `useRapier` to `false` in your vite.config: `needlePlugins(command, needleCo
+## Creating a PWA
+We support creating a Progressive Web App (PWA) from your vite based project.
+1) Install the [Vite PWA plugin](https://vite-pwa-org.netlify.app/) in your web project: `npm install vite-plugin-pwa --save-dev`
+2) Modify `.vite.config.js` and pass the options both to the `needlePlugins` as well as the `VitePWA` method (see code below)
+import { VitePWA } from 'vite-plugin-pwa';
+export default defineConfig(async ({ command }) => {
+ // create the PWAOptions object.
+ // You can edit or enter PWA settings here (e.g. change the PWA name or add icons).
+ /** @type {import("vite-plugin-pwa").VitePWAOptions} */
+ const PWAOptions = {};
+ const { needlePlugins } = await import("@needle-tools/engine/plugins/vite/index.js");
+ return {
+ plugins: [
+ // pass the PWAOptions object to the needlePlugins and the VitePWA function
+ needlePlugins(command, needleConfig, { pwaOptions: PWAOptions }),
+ VitePWA(PWAOptions),
+ ],
+ // the rest of your vite config...
## Accessing Needle Engine and Components from external javascript
Code that you expose can be accessed from JavaScript after bundling. This allows to build viewers and other applications where there's a split between data known at edit time and data only known at runtime (e.g. dynamically loaded files, user generated content).