This package provides a simple UI to set package registry credentials from within the Unity Editor.
It's based on Halodi Unity Package Registry Manager
, with mostly functionality removed to only keep the essentials (setting passwords for scoped registries that require authentication).
In Unity, go to Window > Package Manager
Add package from git url (press the + in the top left of the Window).
Use the repository URL for this package:
After installation, use Preferences > Package Manager > Credentials
to enter authentication information.
Credentials are per-user-per-machine, that is, if you have set them up in any project they're available for all other projects.
Under "Manage credential" you can add, edit and remove credentials in ~/.upmconfig.toml.
Each registry logs in using a token. If your NPM provider provides a token directly, enter it here. If your provider requires a login, select the method and press "Get Token". Enter required information and press "Login". A token will be requested from the registry. The login information will not get saved.
To always authenticate, set "Always auth" to true; After setting the registry credentials, it is advised to restart Unity to reload the package manager.
Github: Create a Personal access token, make sure to select "read:packages" for adding packages to a project and "write:packages" if you want to publish packages. Copy the personal access token directly in the "Token" field (ignore Generate Token).
Bintray: In Generate Token, select "bintray" as method and press "Get token". Enter your credentials. Note: Your credentials are not checked here, the token is calculated from your credentials.
Verdaccio: In Generate Token, select "npm login" as method and press "Get token". Enter your credentials.
UI adjustments and minimal version: hybridherbst
Original implementation: Jesper