copyright | lastupdated | ||
2017-03-15 |
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{: #etn_ssc}
The HSBN vNext Beta plan, and the HSBN plan, are deployed as an appliance into IBM Secure Service Container, which provides the base infrastructure for hosting blockchain services. The appliance combines operating systems, Docker containers, middleware, and software components that work autonomously, and provides core services and infrastructure with optimized security. {:shortdesc}
The following architecture diagram illustrates how IBM Secure Service Container and blockchain appliances are organized:
Figure 1. Overview of IBM Secure Service Container and blockchain appliances
IBM Secure Service Container brings the advanced cryptography, security, and reliability of the z Systems LinuxONE platform to blockchain services for handling sensitive and regulated data. Blockchain is protected through a series of features from the IBM Secure Service Container: encapsulated operating system, encrypted appliance disks, tamper protection, protected memory, and strong LPAR isolation that can be configured to match EAL5+ certification.
IBM Secure Service Container provides the following optimized security functions for blockchain services:
Appliance code cannot be accessed even by platform or system administrators. Data access is controlled by the appliance, therefore unauthorized access is disabled. This is supported through a combination of signing and encrypting all data in flight and in rest. All the access to memory is also removed. Firmware supports this with a secure boot architecture.
System administrators have the following limitations when blockchain is secured by IBM Secure Service Container:
- Cannot access nodes
- Cannot view the blockchain network
IBM Secure Service Container disables all external interfaces that provide LPAR memory access. An image boot loader is signed to ensure that it cannot be tampered or exchanged with a different one.
All code and data stored on disk is encrypted at all times by using the Linux encryption layer:
- Encapsulated operating system
- Protected IP
- Embedded monitoring and self-healing