diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22f3cc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/smartmon.sh b/smartmon.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ca7f25e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smartmon.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# Script informed by the collectd monitoring script for smartmontools (using smartctl)
+# by Samuel B. <samuel_._behan_(at)_dob_._sk> (c) 2012
+# source at: http://devel.dob.sk/collectd-scripts/
+# TODO: This probably needs to be a little more complex.  The raw numbers can have more
+#       data in them than you'd think.
+#       http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?p=22062211
+# Formatting done via shfmt -i 2
+# https://github.com/mvdan/sh
+  cat <<'SMARTCTLAWK'
+$1 ~ /^ *[0-9]+$/ && $2 ~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/ {
+  gsub(/-/, "_");
+  printf "%s_value{%s,smart_id=\"%s\"} %d\n", $2, labels, $1, $4
+  printf "%s_worst{%s,smart_id=\"%s\"} %d\n", $2, labels, $1, $5
+  printf "%s_threshold{%s,smart_id=\"%s\"} %d\n", $2, labels, $1, $6
+  printf "%s_raw_value{%s,smart_id=\"%s\"} %e\n", $2, labels, $1, $10
+smartmon_attrs="$(echo ${smartmon_attrs} | xargs | tr ' ' '|')"
+parse_smartctl_attributes() {
+  local disk="$1"
+  local disk_type="$2"
+  local labels="disk=\"${disk}\",type=\"${disk_type}\""
+  local vars="$(echo "${smartmon_attrs}" | xargs | tr ' ' '|')"
+  sed 's/^ \+//g' |
+    awk -v labels="${labels}" "${parse_smartctl_attributes_awk}" 2>/dev/null |
+    tr A-Z a-z |
+    grep -E "(${smartmon_attrs})"
+parse_smartctl_scsi_attributes() {
+  local disk="$1"
+  local disk_type="$2"
+  local labels="disk=\"${disk}\",type=\"${disk_type}\""
+  while read line; do
+    attr_type="$(echo "${line}" | tr '=' ':' | cut -f1 -d: | sed 's/^ \+//g' | tr ' ' '_')"
+    attr_value="$(echo "${line}" | tr '=' ':' | cut -f2 -d: | sed 's/^ \+//g')"
+    case "${attr_type}" in
+    number_of_hours_powered_up_) power_on="$(echo "${attr_value}" | awk '{ printf "%e\n", $1 }')" ;;
+    Current_Drive_Temperature) temp_cel="$(echo ${attr_value} | cut -f1 -d' ' | awk '{ printf "%e\n", $1 }')" ;;
+    Blocks_read_from_cache_and_sent_to_initiator_) lbas_read="$(echo ${attr_value} | awk '{ printf "%e\n", $1 }')" ;;
+    Accumulated_start-stop_cycles) power_cycle="$(echo ${attr_value} | awk '{ printf "%e\n", $1 }')" ;;
+    Elements_in_grown_defect_list) grown_defects="$(echo ${attr_value} | awk '{ printf "%e\n", $1 }')" ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  [ ! -z "$power_on" ] && echo "power_on_hours_raw_value{${labels},smart_id=\"9\"} ${power_on}"
+  [ ! -z "$temp_cel" ] && echo "temperature_celsius_raw_value{${labels},smart_id=\"194\"} ${temp_cel}"
+  [ ! -z "$lbas_read" ] && echo "total_lbas_read_raw_value{${labels},smart_id=\"242\"} ${lbas_read}"
+  [ ! -z "$power_cycle" ] && echo "power_cycle_count_raw_value{${labels},smart_id=\"12\"} ${power_cycle}"
+  [ ! -z "$grown_defects" ] && echo "grown_defects_count_raw_value{${labels},smart_id=\"12\"} ${grown_defects}"
+parse_smartctl_info() {
+  local -i smart_available=0 smart_enabled=0 smart_healthy=0
+  local disk="$1" disk_type="$2"
+  local model_family='' device_model='' serial_number='' fw_version='' vendor='' product='' revision='' lun_id=''
+  while read line; do
+    info_type="$(echo "${line}" | cut -f1 -d: | tr ' ' '_')"
+    info_value="$(echo "${line}" | cut -f2- -d: | sed 's/^ \+//g' | sed 's/"/\\"/')"
+    case "${info_type}" in
+    Model_Family) model_family="${info_value}" ;;
+    Device_Model) device_model="${info_value}" ;;
+    Serial_Number) serial_number="${info_value}" ;;
+    Firmware_Version) fw_version="${info_value}" ;;
+    Vendor) vendor="${info_value}" ;;
+    Product) product="${info_value}" ;;
+    Revision) revision="${info_value}" ;;
+    Logical_Unit_id) lun_id="${info_value}" ;;
+    esac
+    if [[ "${info_type}" == 'SMART_support_is' ]]; then
+      case "${info_value:0:7}" in
+      Enabled) smart_enabled=1 ;;
+      Availab) smart_available=1 ;;
+      Unavail) smart_available=0 ;;
+      esac
+    fi
+    if [[ "${info_type}" == 'SMART_overall-health_self-assessment_test_result' ]]; then
+      case "${info_value:0:6}" in
+      PASSED) smart_healthy=1 ;;
+      esac
+    elif [[ "${info_type}" == 'SMART_Health_Status' ]]; then
+      case "${info_value:0:2}" in
+      OK) smart_healthy=1 ;;
+      esac
+    fi
+  done
+  echo "device_info{disk=\"${disk}\",type=\"${disk_type}\",vendor=\"${vendor}\",product=\"${product}\",revision=\"${revision}\",lun_id=\"${lun_id}\",model_family=\"${model_family}\",device_model=\"${device_model}\",serial_number=\"${serial_number}\",firmware_version=\"${fw_version}\"} 1"
+  echo "device_smart_available{disk=\"${disk}\",type=\"${disk_type}\"} ${smart_available}"
+  echo "device_smart_enabled{disk=\"${disk}\",type=\"${disk_type}\"} ${smart_enabled}"
+  echo "device_smart_healthy{disk=\"${disk}\",type=\"${disk_type}\"} ${smart_healthy}"
+  cat <<'OUTPUTAWK'
+BEGIN { v = "" }
+v != $1 {
+  print "# HELP smartmon_" $1 " SMART metric " $1;
+  print "# TYPE smartmon_" $1 " gauge";
+  v = $1
+{print "smartmon_" $0}
+format_output() {
+  sort |
+    awk -F'{' "${output_format_awk}"
+smartctl_version="$(/usr/sbin/smartctl -V | head -n1 | awk '$1 == "smartctl" {print $2}')"
+echo "smartctl_version{version=\"${smartctl_version}\"} 1" | format_output
+if [[ "$(expr "${smartctl_version}" : '\([0-9]*\)\..*')" -lt 6 ]]; then
+  exit
+device_list="$(/usr/sbin/smartctl --scan-open | awk '/^\/dev/{print $1 "|" $3}')"
+for device in ${device_list}; do
+  disk="$(echo ${device} | cut -f1 -d'|')"
+  type="$(echo ${device} | cut -f2 -d'|')"
+  active=1
+  echo "smartctl_run{disk=\"${disk}\",type=\"${type}\"}" "$(TZ=UTC date '+%s')"
+  # Check if the device is in a low-power mode
+  /usr/sbin/smartctl -n standby -d "${type}" "${disk}" > /dev/null || active=0
+  echo "device_active{disk=\"${disk}\",type=\"${type}\"}" "${active}"
+  # Skip further metrics to prevent the disk from spinning up
+  test ${active} -eq 0 && continue
+  # Get the SMART information and health
+  /usr/sbin/smartctl -i -H -d "${type}" "${disk}" | parse_smartctl_info "${disk}" "${type}"
+  # Get the SMART attributes
+  case ${type} in
+  sat) /usr/sbin/smartctl -A -d "${type}" "${disk}" | parse_smartctl_attributes "${disk}" "${type}" ;;
+  sat+megaraid*) /usr/sbin/smartctl -A -d "${type}" "${disk}" | parse_smartctl_attributes "${disk}" "${type}" ;;
+  scsi) /usr/sbin/smartctl -A -d "${type}" "${disk}" | parse_smartctl_scsi_attributes "${disk}" "${type}" ;;
+  megaraid*) /usr/sbin/smartctl -A -d "${type}" "${disk}" | parse_smartctl_scsi_attributes "${disk}" "${type}" ;;
+  *)
+    echo "disk type is not sat, scsi or megaraid but ${type}"
+    exit
+    ;;
+  esac
+done | format_output