- docs
- jest setup vercel example
- youtube playlist
yarn add --dev jest ts-jest @types/jest
# create jest.config.js
yarn ts-jest config:init
yarn add --dev @testing-library/react @testing-library/user-event @testing-library/dom @testing-library/jest-dom
# package.json
"test": "jest",
// jest.config.js
testEnvironment: 'jsdom',
globals: {
'ts-jest': {
tsconfig: './tsconfig.jest.json',
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./jest.setup.ts'],
// jest.setup.ts
import '@testing-library/jest-dom';
# test with fit()
yarn add --dev eslint eslint-plugin-jest
# test with screen.debug()
yarn add --dev eslint-plugin-testing-library
- rtlRender in unit tests, customRender with loggedin user and all providers in integration tests
- docs
- tkdodo blog
- tkdodo repo
- test mutation codesandbox - perform mutation and assert result on ui
TypeError: window.matchMedia is not a function
, solution -
Print element by class -
const postsList = document.querySelector('.home__list');
screen.debug(postsList, 20 * 1000);
- if it has state (async) update debug has to wait (
state wrapped with act() warning
) if not already bellow waitFor(), findby()...
await waitFor(() => {
const postsList = document.querySelector('.home__list');
screen.debug(postsList, 20000);
- better name element you are selecting
const title = screen.getByRole('heading', {
name: /home/i,
- select text input
// option 1
const searchInput = screen.getByRole('textbox', {
name: /search/i,
// option 2
const searchInput = screen.getByLabelText(/search/i);
- run only one test or describe
yarn jest -t "describe desc..." // single describe()
yarn jest -t "test desc..." // single test()
yarn test:client --onlyFailures // run only failed tests
- problem:
The above error occurred in the <Link> component, Error: Uncaught [TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'catch')]
, solution:jest.fn() must return promise
(important, spent half day on it)
prefetch: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve()),
reload: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve(true)),
- variable inside a regex
const title = await screen.findByRole('heading', {
name: RegExp(`${searchTerm}`, 'i'),
- integration tests - views folder, unit - components, hooks
- ask afterEach() clear router.push: jest.fn()?
- optimal query for spaces \s?
screen.getByLabelText(/confirm password/i);
, answer: use space
// space is space
\s matches any whitespace character (equivalent to [\r\n\t\f\v ])
- mock single property/fn from module import
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59312671/mock-only-one-function-from-module-but-leave-rest-with-original-functionality
// cast type
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/60007123/4383275
// jest.requireActual(...) - most important
// import
import { signIn, ClientSafeProvider } from 'next-auth/react';
// set
jest.mock('next-auth/react', () => ({
...(jest.requireActual('next-auth/react') as {}), // cast just for spread
signIn: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ ok: false }),
const mockedSignIn = jest.mocked(signIn, true); // just for type .mockClear();
// assert
await waitFor(() => expect(mockedSignIn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(providers.facebook.id));
// cleanup mock
alternative way - spyOn(), difference?
views folder - integration tests
mock image File gist
mock URL.createObjectURL in jest-dom stackoverflow
how to use jest.spyOn() to mock local function tutorial
// jest.spyOn(object, methodName);
import * as data from './data'; // local import
const mock = jest.spyOn(data, 'getCharacter').mockResolvedValue('Bob'); // za promise
mock.mockRestore(); // oslobodi fju na kraju testa
image mocked as {} somewhere ??? next docs, bad way, use msw
msw mock image binary response docs
in tests stackoverflow -
mock File and Blob in Node.js polyfill @web-std/file - doesn't work in jsdom, only node.js, don't use it
mock Blob with blob-polyfill
yarn add -D blob-polyfill
// jest.setup.ts
import { Blob } from 'blob-polyfill';
// mock Blob with polyfill
global.Blob = Blob;
// useUpdateUser.ts getImage()
// replace File with Blob - works
const file = new File([response.data], 'default-image');
const file = new Blob([response.data], { type: 'image/jpeg' });
file['lastModifiedDate'] = new Date();
file['name'] = 'default-image';
return file as File;
// debug
// const text = await file.text();
// console.log('text', text);
- mock
jsdom-worker, this works
// jest.config.js
setupFiles: ['jsdom-worker'];
- wait for more than one element to disapear
await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => [
- jest log upside down, first error at bottom...
- userEvent v14 breaking changes
(select text and delete input) andtype()
// utils
userEvent.type(); // utility api
userEvent.click(); // convinience api
// keyboard, pointer...
const user = userEvent.setup();
await user.keyboard('[ShiftLeft>]'); // > hold key, /release
await user.click(element);
// v13 working
// edit name
userEvent.type(nameInput, `{selectall}${updatedName}`);
// click submit
const submitButton = screen.getByRole('button', {
name: /submit/i,
// ------------
// v14 working
// edit name
await userEvent.clear(nameInput);
await userEvent.type(nameInput, updatedName);
// click submit
const submitButton = screen.getByRole('button', {
name: /submit/i,
await userEvent.click(submitButton);
wrapped in act warning - something async is out of order and not awaited, race and state update, forms e.g., events, (react state update is always async)
submit form without button click
import { fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react';
fireEvent.submit(searchInput); // or form element
// enter key
fireEvent.keyPress(input, { key: 'Enter', charCode: 13 });
problem: msw handler not fired and console logging, solution: order of handlers is wrong, route is overridden by other handler, move it to top, actually: routes overlap, must be in same handler with switch statement, Next.js handles priority by default
useSession in useMe needs SessionProvider to call msw
const { result, waitFor } = renderHook(() => useMe(), {
wrapper: createWrapper(), // here
who sets
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test'
hooks test examples github
useViewport hook test github
assert element content
expect(screen.getByTestId('my-test-id')).toHaveTextContent('some text');
problem: cant find element by role, solution:
is in describe block instead od test block -
:root element
, assert classexpect(element).toHaveClass('some-class')
search input validation error message test toHaveErrorMessage docs github
// aria tags for toHaveErrorMessage()
<p id="search-err-msg-id">err msg</p>
// no error message regex `.+` - at least 1 char
- test happy path form onSubmit
// mock
const onSubmit = jest.fn();
// clear just that mock
afterEach(() => {
// pass
customRender(<SearchInput onSearchSubmit={onSubmit} />);
// assert
- clear one and all mocks
// must be declared in describe scope to be cleaned in afterEach()
const onSubmit = jest.fn();
// ones with jest.clearAllMocks(); can be defined in local test scope
afterEach(() => {
// one
// all
- when wrapped with Suspense and
suspense: true
in React Query initially always loader is dispalyed await screen.findByText()
IS solution because you need to wait a bit more, or you will get empty<body><div/></body>
- point - wait for final wanted elements with
, not all intermediate loaders one by one withwaitForToBeRemoved
customRender(<Footer />);
// either wait for loader to disappear
await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.getByTestId(/loading/i));
// or retry first element - preferred solution
const contentText = await screen.findByText(/footer 2022/i);
- cant listen with 2 handlers on same route
- mock console.log(), error(), warn()
- run sequentionally with
jest --runInBand
is broken?
const mockedConsoleError = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation();
mockedConsoleError.mockRestore(); // clean
test error 500 useQuery, must be wrapped with
<SuspenseWrapper />
, andsuspense: true, useErrorBoundary: true
is inqueryClientConfig
is undefined, you must assert message text on ErrorBoundary component, hook is rendered inside a component, useimport { screen } from '@testing-library/react'
screen from rtl import -
only for mutations ErrorBoundary is disabled
useErrorBoundary: false
// result.current=null
test('fail 500 query user hook', async () => {
const mockedConsoleError = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation();
const params: UserGetQueryParams = { username: fakeUser.username };
// return 500 from msw
renderHook(() => useUser(params), {
wrapper: createWrapper(),
// uses ErrorBoundary, isError is undefined
// queries: { suspense: true, useErrorBoundary: true }
// assert ErrorBoundary and message and not result.current.isError
const errorBoundaryMessage = await screen.findByTestId(/error\-boundary\-test/i);
- error handling with Axios interceptor for transforming error, for side-effects React Query global handler is enough
const queryClientConfig: QueryClientConfig = {
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
suspense: true,
useErrorBoundary: true,
mutations: {
useErrorBoundary: false,
queryCache: new QueryCache({
onError: (error) => console.error('global Query error handler:', error),
mutationCache: new MutationCache({
onError: (error) => console.error('global Mutation error handler:', error),
- msw concurrent run limitation issue
- unit services: input - argument object, mock prisma, assert service output
- unit controllers: input - http supertest, mock service, assert http response and status, assert service mock calledWithArgs
- always mock one layer bellow
- any class can be unit tested
Prisma client is mocked, singleton or dependency injection
Prisma docs - unit testing db services
assert rejected promise stackoverflow
assert ApiError
and set correct constructor name stackoverflow
controller needs to be isolated from db to be unit tested
TomDoesTech Youtube tutorial Github repo, mock service value
and assert service input argsexpect(createUserServiceMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(userInput);
, unit for controllers, service mocked, controller forwards same input to service, supertest, ok -
supertest testClient with Next.js dev.to tutorial, stackoverflow example
// match part of the object, ignore Date()
id: fakePostWithAuthor.id,
title: fakePostWithAuthor.title,
content: fakePostWithAuthor.content,
// partial match nested object
payload: expect.objectContaining({
specific: 'specific value',
test database in Docker
Prisma docs
connect to test db with
, so it can be remote db -
entire test env should be decoupled from dev, db + node.js
seed/trunc db for each tests suite in beforeAll, afterAll, describe or test file
for each tests run create/destroy Docker container
docker-compose up -d
,docker-compose down
asserts with database queries
cannot start app without seed data
replaces PrismaClient with mock
(real file) -
run Postgres directly in Github Actions
? -
docs example testing-express, integration tests, supertest, sqlite,
class -
service unit with test db, asserts by reading db, integration with createServer(), fetch and test db, 2 containers Node.js and Postgres, Github Actions example code, Dev.to tutorial, Github repo
productioncoder youtube, Github, test.sh pg_ready, migrations postgres volume
Github Actions postgres docker-compose up Github
must create user in db before post, so it can connect, and for logged in user mock
must mock logged in user for protected endpoints, maybe possible to manipulate req object
// mock logged in user
// todo: maybe this is possible without mock, manipulate req object
const mockedGetMeService = jest.spyOn(usersService, 'getMe').mockResolvedValue(author);
- use describe blocks and afterAll() to delete all tables for new context
for Api unit tests services layer is required
userEvent v14
click(), clear(), type()
must be wrapped in act, bug, Github issue -
all tests fail in parallel because of this
MUST run in sequence for msw 500
both database and node.js containers
same env for integration api test and cypress e2e
derived from prod, no edit, no install packages, frontend prod build
both Dockerfile.test (from dev, simple enough) and docker-compose.test.yml (from prod) in pair
Docker only for local test run, in GA it runs directly in os
dont drop database, create and destroy container
in .env file will create db in container -
- Start the container and create the database
- Migrate the schema
- Run the tests
- Destroy the container
app works without seed, just migrated schema without data
app built in Dockerfile, no volumes and live reload, simple
no, build app in container runtime - cant rebuild while app is running, but it will rebuild just app without container
seed in beforeAll in tests only
change postgres port to 5435 so test-db container can run concurrently with dev-db
# docker-compose.test.yml
# change internal port
command: postgres -p 5435
# expose it to host
- '5435:5435'
# .env.test.local
- app is not running so
probably? api integrationtest
, Cypressproduction
- basically you just need test database
- cant run dev and test concurrently node_modules are shared, so use same port
- volumes so you just rebuild app and not container, Dockerfile CMD too
- PrismaClient singleton for seed stackoverflow
- separate yarn script for integration tests because unit tests dont need database
- seed not needed in beforeAll()
// singleton class example
class PrismaSingleton {
constructor(prisma) {
this.prisma = prisma;
PrismaSingleton.instance = this;
static getInstance() {
if (!PrismaSingleton.instance) {
PrismaSingleton.instance = new PrismaSingleton(new PrismaClient());
return PrismaSingleton.instance;
wait-for-it.sh ip:port
needed only when tests run on host, otherwisedepends_on
- Github repo
- Github Next.js example Readme
- ignore missing Tailwind inport for now...
yarn jest-preview
import { debug } from 'jest-preview';
- if expect() isn't for element selected with
await findBy()
you need to retry withawait waitFor()
to assert state update on UI
await userEvent.click(createButton);
await waitFor(() =>
expect(titleInput).toHaveErrorMessage(/must contain at least 6 character/i)
await waitFor(() =>
expect(contentTextArea).toHaveErrorMessage(/must contain at least 6 character/i)
// views/Settings/Settings.test.tsx
// views/Create/Create.test.tsx
// NOTE: this fixes a bug in userEvent.clear() or React Hook Form
// field is frozen for first 2 characters
// user0 name + 123 -> user0 name3
await userEvent.type(nameInput, '123');
// edit name
await userEvent.clear(nameInput);
expect(nameInput).toHaveValue(''); // now it works
- me context that fetches me asynchronously, me resolves after test finishes
- otherwise await findBy suspense in Wrapper
// pass me sync in test-client/Wrapper.tsx
<MeContext.Provider value={{ me: fakeUser }}>{children}</MeContext.Provider>
solution was to remove unnecessary submit fireEvent to trigger validation messages, they are onChange already, only first time -
wrong way: (causes act error)
await userEvent.type(searchInput, searchTerm);
// submit form
act(() => {
- right way:
// type and submit
await userEvent.type(searchInput, `${searchTerm}{enter}`);
- Github issue
in some branch...? Kent Dodds repo
setup coverage folders (both test files and coverage report with html) for both
jest --coverage
flag in existing commands, and that's it
// jest.config.js
// select tests
collectCoverageFrom[/**/*.ts] // by default ignores *.test.ts files
coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [
// coverage folder, default beside jest.server.js probably
// jest.server.js
coverageDirectory: path.join(__dirname, '../coverage/server'), // for server
// scripts - separate jest run for each project, don't use this
"test:coverage": "yarn test:coverage:client && test:coverage:server",
"test:coverage:client": "jest --config test/jest.client.js --coverage",
"test:coverage:server": "jest --config test/jest.server.js --coverage",
coverage must be defined once in root
(where areprojects
), and not injest.client.js
(jest coverage projects monorepo) -
as stated here: github issue, and here stackoverflow
scripts final:
// deafult jest.config.js in root and /coverage dir
"test:coverage": "jest -i --coverage",
- jest.config.js with --projects option, final:
module.exports = {
projects: [
// coverage must be set up in this file
// and run all tests at once
collectCoverageFrom: [
// include -----------------------
// client code
// client hooks
// server code
// client + server
// ignore, must come after -------
// this is default, can be undefined
coverageDirectory: 'coverage',
coverageThreshold: {
global: {
branches: 25,
functions: 25,
lines: 25,
statements: 25,
- none of the jest tests needs prod built app, only app source; only e2e Cypress needs built prod app
"test:client": "",
"test:server:unit": "",
// does NOT need built app
// needs only migrated test-db
"test:server:integration": "",
// just uses mounted app source and overrides CMD from Dockerfile.test with run sh-c '...'
// maybe can use sh -c 'prisma:migrate:prod && yarn test:server:integration'",
"docker:test:server:integration": "docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml -p npb-test run --rm npb-app-test sh -c 'yarn test:server:integration'",
- increase timeout in findBy()
const title = await screen.findByRole(
name: RegExp(`${fakeUser.name}`, 'i'),
{ timeout: 2000 } // default 1000, failed in GA