The Neo4j ETL, especially the neo4j-etl
command-line tool, can be used to import well modeled (i.e. normalized) relational data into Neo4j.
It applies some simple rules for transforming the relational model.
The process as outlined below:
Read database metadata and generate mapping.json
Optionally edit mapping.json with the
in Neo4j Desktop -
Export relational data to CSV
Generate Mapping Headers
Import into Neo4j using
tool for initial offline bulk load -
tool for incremental offline bulk load -
tool for incremental online single-transaction load -
java bolt driver
for incremental online batch load
Command-Line tools
Java API/library
Infer Schema and save in mapping file
Filter and merge strategies
Read mapping file to export data from other databases then
Import into Neo via different tools (
,java bolt driver
) -
Work in offline and online mode
Import in both an empty (initial load) and not-empty graph (incremental)
Build indexes and constraints
Support on Unix-like and Microsoft Operating Systems
Support for most popular relational databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and Microsoft SQL
Support user specified JDBC drivers
UI tool to visually modify mappings
Custom Mapping Rules + Transformations for names, data, links
Exemplary integration into a 3rd party ETL pipeline
More data types (binary, datetime, geo)
Developer learning to work with Neo4j for initial data import
Partners providing data integration with Neo4j
Enterprise developers building applications based on well modeled relational data
Date and binary datatypes
Security (secure connections, handling of passwords, encrypting data)
Generic relational database mapping based on the following rules
A table with a foreign key is treated as a Join and imported as a node with a relationship
Person -> Address
is imported as(Person)-[:ADDRESS_ID]->(Address)
A table that has two foreign keys is imported as a JoinTable and imported as a relationship
Student <- Student_Course -> Course
is imported as
(Student) -[:STUDENT_COURSE]-> (Course)
A table that has more than two foreign keys is treated as an intermediate node and imported as node with multiple relationships
Order_Detail -> Shipping_Address, Order_Detail -> Payment_Information, Order_Detail -> Shipment_Instructions
is imported as
(Shipping_Address) -[:SHIPPING]-> (Order_Detail) (Payment_Information) -[:PAYMENT]-> (Order_Detail) (Shipment_Instructions) -[:SHIPMENT]-> (Order_Detail)
Resolve relationships through composite keys.
Support most of the data types.
TinyInt can be imported as either Byte or as a Boolean (This is to support boolean values being saved in mysql as TinyInt)
Dates are imported as String
Blobs are skipped while importing until the import-tool supports binary array data.
Decimal to be confirmed.
Relationship names can either take column name or the table that is being referred to
then aPerson->Address
will become(Person)-[:ADDRESS]->(Address)
will become(Person)-[:ADDRESS_ID]->(Address)
Filter tables that you want to include or exclude using
TODO: Filter columns that you want to include or exclude using
TODO: Retaining natural keys(marked as PrimaryKeys and ForeignKeys) as needed using <TBA> flag
A Foreign Key is usually used to create a relationship between 2 nodes without being saved as a property.
With this flag, the node would keep that value as a property.
Ex: A loan has the SSN of the loan applicant which would normally be used to connect the
nodes. -
With this flag the
node will also keep theSSN
as a property.
A Neo4j-ETL graph application can be added Neo4j Desktop which allows visual editing of the mapping and interactive import.
The UI allows you to change and set you preferred label names, property names and types, relationship types, with a preview of the resulting graph.
Generate CSV files from relational source as outlined by
TODO: Use a streaming api that is more performant
Import CSV providing the correct labels and rel-types and headers headers
TODO: Missing ability to pass options to
tool as a file instead of command line arguments -
TODO: Create indexes and constraints related to not-primary key columns