Description: Stack Overflow questions, answers, tags, and comments and the relationships between them.
To Do: {todo}
Nodes 6193 Relationships 11540
:param tagName => "neo4j"
MATCH (t:Tag {name:$tagName})<-[:TAGGED]-(q:Question)<-[:ANSWERED]-(a:Answer {is_accepted:true})<-[:PROVIDED]-(u:User)
RETURN u.display_name as answerer LIMIT 5
This is for Neo4j version: 4.0,4.3
Required plugins: apoc
Rendered guide available via: :play
Unrendered guide: documentation/stackoverflow.neo4j-browser-guide
Load graph data via the following:
Drop the file into the
section of a project in Neo4j Desktop. Then choose the option toCreate new DBMS from dump
option from the file options. -
Use the neo4j-admin tool to load data from the command line with the command below.
bin/neo4j-admin load --from data/stackoverflow-4-3-1.dump [--database "database"]
Upload the dump file to Neo4j Aura via