Configure the svn and git repositories in your home directory and upload the initial revision of the source files to them (according to the given option). Reproduce the sequence of commands for the svn and git version control systems that perform the operations on the source code shown in the flowchart. When composing a sequence of commands, the following conditions must be taken into account:
- The color of the elements of the scheme indicates the user who performed the action (red - the first, blue - the second).
- The numbers above the nodes are the revision number. Revisions are created sequentially.
- You must resolve conflicts between versions if they arise.
The lab report should contain:
- Task and flowchart in accordance with the option.
- List of commands used to create and configure repositories in the user's home directory.
- Revision numbers and corresponding command sequences with comments (for svn and git).
- Work conclusions.
Questions for the defense of laboratory work:
- Version control systems - purpose, examples of solutions.
- Revisions and branches.
- Basic operations on data in version control systems. Basic svn and git commands.
- Types of conflicts and ways to resolve them.