PStreamer[1] is a P2P real-time content distribution platform. It is built on top of the GRAPES library [2] which is a mandatory dependency. You can compile the vanilla executable or the use the libpstreamer library to easily code your own streaming platform.
In order to compile you need the GRAPES library [3]. You can specify the GRAPES folder path using an environment variable.
To obtain both the PStreamer library and the executable just launch
$> make
To turn on all the debugging feature, set the DEBUG environment variable:
$> DEBUG=1 make
To turn on only the chunk and signalling debugging function use the CFLAGS:
In the "test" folder are stored the test files. To run them and check code consistency run:
$> make tests
Here it is a simple example using the executable and the RTP chunkiser; you need an RTP streaming source we suppose it is streaming using the ports 4000,4001,4002,4003;
The following will start a PStreamer source peer, getting the RTP flow from the RTP source and serving it to the rest of the P2P net through port 3999
$> ./pstreamer -p 0 -c "iface=lo,port=3999,chunkiser=rtp,base=4000,addr=,max_delay_ms=50"
The following will start a PStreamer peer, which gets the source peer flow from port 4999 and will re-distribute an RTP flow using the ports 5000,5001,5002,5003
$> ./pstreamer -p 3999 -c "iface=lo,port=4999,dechunkiser=rtp,base=5000,addr="
[1] [2] Abeni, Luca, et al. "Design and implementation of a generic library for P2P streaming." Proceedings of the 2010 ACM workshop on Advanced video streaming techniques for peer-to-peer networks and social networking. ACM, 2010 [3]