This document contains detailed explanation about alls available methods and classes. For a more gentle introduction and example, please see the Usage Guide.
A boolean indicating whether the current browser/environment has the features necessary to use tus-js-client. This can be used to test support and warn the user or fallback to other file transfers methods. For example:
if (!tus.isSupported) {
alert('This browser does not support uploads. Please use a modern browser instead.')
A boolean indicating whether the current environment allows storing URLs enabling the corresponding upload to be resumed (see the tus.Upload#resumeFromPreviousUpload
method). This value will only yield to true
if we are in a browser environment which provides access to the
object or when using Node.js, where the local disk could be used. Please be aware that in some cases, e.g. a sandboxed iframe, the Web Storage API is provided but cannot be used without causing security errors. In these special situations or if no Web Storage API is available, canStoreURLs
is set to false
An object containing the default options used when creating a new upload:
Default value: null
The upload creation URL which will be used to create new uploads. For example:
endpoint: ''
Default value: Environment-specific function
A function used to generate a unique string from a corresponding file. This used to store the URL for an upload to resume. This option is only used if the storeFingerprintForResuming
flag is set to true or when the tus.Upload#findPreviousUploads()
method is used. To overwrite the default fingerprint method you can supply your own:
fingerprint: function (file, options) {
const value = ...
return Promise.resolve(value)
Default value: null
An optional function that will be called each time progress information is available. The arguments will be bytesSent
and bytesTotal
. Please see the FAQ for the difference to the onChunkComplete
Default value: null
An optional function that will be called each time a PATCH
has been successfully completed. The arguments will be chunkSize
, bytesTotal
. Please see the FAQ for the difference to the onProgress
Default value: null
An optional function called when the upload finished successfully.
The argument will be an object with information about the completed upload. Its lastResponse
property contains lastly received HttpResponse
, which can be used to retrieve additional data from the server. Be aware that this is usually a response to a PATCH
request, but it might also be a response for a POST
request (if uploadDataDuringCreation
is enabled or an empty file is uploaded) or HEAD
request (if an already completed upload is resumed).
onSuccess: function (payload) {
const { lastResponse } = payload
// Server can include details in the Upload-Info header, for example.
console.log("Important information", lastResponse.getHeader('Upload-Info'))
Default value: null
An optional function called once an error appears. The argument will be an Error instance with additional information about the involved requests. For example:
onError: function (err) {
console.log("Error", err)
console.log("Request", err.originalRequest)
console.log("Response", err.originalResponse)
Default value: null
An optional function called once an error appears and before retrying.
When no callback is specified, the retry behavior will be the default one: any status codes of 409, 423 or any other than 4XX will be treated as a server error and the request will be retried automatically, as long as the browser does not indicate that we are offline.
When a callback is specified, its return value will influence the retry behavior: The function must return true
if the request should be retried, false
otherwise. The argument will be an Error
instance with additional information about the involved requests.
Please note that the callback will not be invoked when the maximum number of retry attempts was reached.
onShouldRetry: function (err, retryAttempt, options) {
console.log("Error", err)
console.log("Request", err.originalRequest)
console.log("Response", err.originalResponse)
var status = err.originalResponse ? err.originalResponse.getStatus() : 0
// Do not retry if the status is a 403.
if (status === 403) {
return false
// For any other status code, we retry.
return true
Default value: null
An optional function called once the upload URL is available. At this point, the tus.Upload#url
property is guaranteed to be accessible and valid. This occurs after inspecting the Location
header in the response to the initial POST request, or when an upload URL is confirmed using a HEAD request. Due to network errors and retries, this callback might be invoked multiple times for a single upload.
Default value: {}
An object with custom header values used in all requests. Useful for adding authentication details, for example:
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer ..."
Default value: Infinity
A number indicating the maximum size of a PATCH
request body in bytes. The default value (Infinity
) means that tus-js-client will try to upload the entire file in one request. This setting is also required if the input file is a reader/readable stream.
Warning: Do not set this value, unless you are being forced to. The only two valid reasons for setting chunkSize
- You are passing a reader or readable stream as input to tus-js-client and it will complain that it "cannot create source for stream without a finite value for the chunkSize option" if you leave
empty. - You are using a tus server or proxy with a limit on how big request bodies may be.
In all other cases, do not set this value as it will hurt your upload performance. If in doubt, leave this value to the default or contact us for help.
If you are required to specify a value, consider this:
- A small chunk size (less than a few MBs) may reduce the upload performance dramatically. Each
request can only carry little data, which requires more HTTP requests to transmit the whole file. All of these HTTP requests add overhead to the upload process. In addition, if the server has hard limits (such as the minimum 5 MB chunk size imposed by S3), specifying a chunk size which below outside those hard limits will cause chunked uploads to fail. - A large chunk size (more than a GB) is problematic when a reader/readable stream is used as the input file. In these cases, tus-js-client will create an in-memory buffer with the size of
. This buffer is used to resume the upload if it gets interrupted. A large chunk size means a larger memory usage in this situation. Choosing a good value depends on the application and is a trade-off between available memory and upload performance.
Default value: {}
An object with string values used as additional meta data which will be passed along to the server when (and only when) creating a new upload. Can be used for filenames, file types etc, for example:
metadata: {
filename: "my_image.png",
filetype: "image/png",
userId: "1234567"
Default value: null
A URL which will be used to directly attempt a resume without creating an upload first. Only if the resume attempt fails it will fall back to creating a new upload using the URL specified in the endpoint
option. Using this option may be necessary if the server is automatically creating upload resources for you, which is the case with Vimeo's API, for example.
Default value: null
An optional integer representing the size of the file in bytes. This will only be used if the size cannot be automatically calculated which only happens if you supply a Readable
stream as the file to upload.
Default value: false
A boolean indicating whether the POST
method should be used instead of PATCH
for transferring the chunks. This may be necessary if a browser or the server does not support latter one. In this case, a POST
request will be made with the X-HTTP-Method-Override: PATCH
header. The server must be able to detect it, and then handle the request as if PATCH
would have been the method.
Default value: [0, 1000, 3000, 5000]
An array or null, indicating how many milliseconds should pass before the next attempt to uploading will be started after the transfer has been interrupted. The array's length indicates the maximum number of attempts. If the final attempt did not finish successfully, an error will be emitted using the onError
callback. For more details about the system of retries and delays, read the FAQ entry about automated Retries.
Following example will trigger up to three retries, each after 1s, 3s and 5s respectively:
retryDelays: [1000, 3000, 5000]
Default value: true
A boolean indicating if the upload URL should be stored in the URL storage using the file's fingerprint after an new upload resource on the server has been created or an upload URL has been provided using the uploadUrl
option. If enabled, the upload URL can later be retrieved from the URL storage using the tus.Upload#findPreviousUploads
method. Set this value to false
if you do not plan an resuming uploads across browser sessions.
Default value: false
A boolean indicating if the fingerprint in the URL storage will be removed once the upload is successfully completed. When this feature is enabled and the same file is uploaded again, it will create an entirely new upload instead of reusing the previous one. Furthermore, this option will only change behavior if urlStorage
is not null
Default value: false
A boolean indicating whether a stream of data is going to be uploaded as a Reader
. If so, the total size isn't available when we begin uploading, so we use the Tus Upload-Defer-Length
header. Once the reader is finished, the total file size is sent to the tus server in order to complete the upload. Furthermore, chunkSize
must be set to a finite number. See the /demos/browser/video.js
file for an example of how to use this property.
Default value: false
A boolean indicating whether the creation-with-upload
extension should be used. If true
, the file's content will already be transferred in the POST
request when a new upload is created. This can improve upload speed as no additional PATCH
request is needed. Please be aware that your tus server must support the creation-with-upload
extension or otherwise errors will occur.
Default value: false
A boolean indicating whether a random request ID should be added to every HTTP request that is sent. The request ID will be sent using the X-Request-ID
header, so your CORS setup must allow that header. The request ID is added to error messages and can be used to correlate client errors with server logs if the tus server also adds the ID to its logs. The IDs follow the UUID v4 format, for example:
X-Request-ID: fe51f777-f23e-4ed9-97d7-2785cc69f961
Default value: 1
A number indicating how many parts should be uploaded in parallel. If this number is not 1
, the input file will be split into multiple parts, where each part is uploaded individually in parallel. The value of parallelUploads
determines the number of parts. Using parallelUploadBoundaries
the size of each part can be changed. After all parts have been uploaded, the concatenation
extension will be used to concatenate all the parts together on the server-side, so the tus server must support this extension. This option should not be used if the input file is a streaming resource.
The idea behind this option is that you can use multiple HTTP requests in parallel to better utilize the full capacity of the network connection to the tus server. If you want to use it, please evaluate it under real world situations to see if it actually improves your upload performance. In common browser session, we were not able to find a performance improve for the average user.
Default value: null
An array indicating the boundaries of the different parts uploaded during a parallel upload. This option is only considered if parallelUploads
is greater than 1
. If so, the length of parallelUploadBoundaries
must match parallelUploads
. Each element in this array must have a start
and end
property indicating the start and end position of the partial upload:
parallelUploadBoundaries: [{ start: 0, end: 1 }, { start: 1, end: 11 }],
Is it the user's responsibility to ensure that the boundaries are consecutive and occupy the entire file size.
If parallelUploadBoundaries
is null
(default value), the upload will be split into roughly equally sized parts. This setting can be used to have parts of different size distributions or parts with specific boundaries to satisfy server requirements.
Default value: null
An optional function that will be called before a HTTP request is sent out. The argument will be an instance of the HttpRequest
interface as defined for the httpStack
option. This can be used to modify the outgoing request. For example, you can enable the withCredentials
setting for XMLHttpRequests in browsers:
onBeforeRequest: function (req) {
var xhr = req.getUnderlyingObject()
xhr.withCredentials = true
You can also return a Promise if you need to perform some calculations before the request is sent:
onBeforeRequest: function (req) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
var xhr = req.getUnderlyingObect()
xhr.withCredentials = true
Default value: null
An optional function that will be called after a HTTP response has been received. The arguments will be an instance of the HttpRequest
and HttpResponse
interface as defined for the httpStack
option. This can be used to retrieve additional data from the server, for example:
onAfterResponse: function (req, res) {
var url = req.getURL()
var value = res.getHeader("X-My-Header")
console.log(`Request for ${url} responded with ${value}`)
You can also return a Promise if you need to perform some calculations before tus-js-client processes the response:
onAfterResponse: function (req, res) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
var url = req.getURL()
var value = res.getHeader("X-My-Header")
console.log(`Request for ${url} responded with ${value}`)
Default value: Environment-specific implementation
An object used as the HTTP stack for making network requests. This is an abstraction layer above the different network APIs on the various platforms. If you want to implement your own HTTP stack, pass an object to the httpStack
option which conforms to the following HttpStack
interface HttpStack {
createRequest(method: string, url: string): HttpRequest;
getName(): string;
interface HttpRequest {
constructor(method: string, url: string);
getMethod(): string;
getURL(): string;
setHeader(header: string, value: string);
getHeader(header: string);
setProgressHandler((bytesSent: number): void): void;
// Send the HTTP request with the provided request body. The value of the request body depends
// on the platform and what `fileReader` implementation is used. With the default `fileReader`,
// `body` can be
// - in browsers: a TypedArray, a DataView a Blob, or null.
// - in Node.js: a Buffer, a ReadableStream, or null.
send(body: any): Promise<HttpResponse>;
abort(): Promise<void>;
// Return an environment specific object, e.g. the XMLHttpRequest object in browsers.
getUnderlyingObject(): any;
interface HttpResponse {
getStatus(): number;
getHeader(header: string): string;
getBody(): string;
// Return an environment specific object, e.g. the XMLHttpRequest object in browsers.
getUnderlyingObject(): any;
Default value: Environment-specific implementation
An object used as the URL storage for storing and retrieving upload URLs based on a file's fingerprint. The default implementation for browsers uses the Web Storage API. For Node.js, the default value is a dummy storage which discards all data to avoid memory leaks. If you want to save the upload URLs on disk, use the tus.FileUrlStorage
class. You can use this option to implement your own storage if you want to use a specific backend for saving that data. In that case, the following UrlStorage
interface must be used:
interface UrlStorage {
findAllUploads(): Promise<Array<ListEntry>>
findUploadsByFingerprint(fingerprint: string): Promise<Array<ListEntry>>
removeUpload(urlStorageKey: string): Promise<void>
// Returns the URL storage key, which can be used for removing the upload.
addUpload(fingerprint: string, upload: ListEntry): Promise<string>
interface ListEntry {
size: number | null
metadata: object
creationTime: string
urlStorageKey: string
Default value: Environment-specific implementation
An object used as the file reader to retrieve specific parts of the input file. If you want to implement your own, use the following FileReader
interface FileReader {
// `input` is the same object that was passed to the `tus.Upload` constructor and is platform-specific.
// `chunkSize` is the user-defined or default value for the `chunkSize` option.
openFile(input: any, chunkSize: number): Promise<FileSource>
interface FileSource {
// `size` is file length in bytes or `null` if no length can be determined because it is a streaming resource.
size: number | null
// `slice` returns a specific part of the file as requested by the range:
// - `start` is treated inclusively and `end` is treated exclusively, just like `Blob#slice` in browsers.
// - `start` is always a finite number, but `end` might be `Infinity`.
// The returned result includes the requested data and indicates if the file was read completely:
// - If data was read and the end was not reached: `{ value: [data], done: false }`
// - If data was read and the end has been reached: `{ value: [data], done: true }`
// - If no data was read because the end was reached: `{ value: null, done: true }`
slice(start: number, end: number): Promise<SliceResult>
// `close` frees all resources that have been allocated by this `FileReader` instance.
interface SliceResult {
// Platform-specific data type which must be usable by the HTTP stack as a body.
value: any | null
// `done` is true if the file has been read fully and future calls to `slice` will not return new data.
done: boolean
Default value: 'tus-v1'
tus-js-client uses the tus v1.0.0 upload protocol by default. It also includes experimental support for the draft of Resumable Uploads For HTTP developed in the HTTP working group of the IETF. By setting the protocol
option to 'ietf-draft-03'
, tus-js-client will use the protocol as defined in the draft version 03. Please be aware that this feature is experimental and that this option might change in breaking ways in non-major releases.
The constructor for the tus.Upload
class. The upload will not be started automatically, use start
to do so.
Depending on the platform, the file
argument must be an instance of the following types:
- inside browser:
, orReader
- inside Node.js:
stream - inside Cordova:
object from aFileEntry
(see demo)
The options
argument will be merged deeply with tus.defaultOptions
. See its documentation for more details.
If you pass a Reader
or Readable
stream, tus-js-client will take care of closing/cancelling the stream once the upload is complete (i.e. the onSuccess
callback is invoked). It will not close the stream if you stop the upload prematurely using abort()
or if an error occurs (onError
callback) because you might want to resume the upload. If you do not want to continue the upload, you must close/cancel the stream on your own.
The options
argument used in the constructor merged deeply with tus.defaultOptions
The file
argument used in the constructor.
The URL used to upload the file. This property will be set once an upload has been created, which happens at last when the onSuccess
callback is invoked. To resume an upload from a specific URL use the uploadUrl
option instead.
Start or resume the upload using the specified file. If no file
property is available the error handler will be called. If you supplied your own URL using the uploadUrl
option the client will try to resume using this URL. Alternatively, you can use tus.Upload#findPreviousUploads
and tus.Upload#resumeFromPreviousUpload
to query the URL storage for previous uploads for this specific file. If no upload can be resume it will create a new upload using the supplied endpoint
Abort the currently running upload request and don't continue. You can resume the upload by calling the start
method again.
Calling this method will not release the provided file because you might want to resume the upload later. If you do not want to resume and have passed a readable stream to tus-js-client, you must close/cancel the stream on your own.
The shouldTerminate
argument is a boolean
value that determines whether or not the upload should be terminated according to the termination extension.
The function returns a Promise
object, which is resolved once the operation is complete, for example:
var upload = new tus.Upload(...)
upload.abort(true).then(function () {
// Upload has been aborted and terminated
}).catch(function (err) {
// An error occurred during the termination
Terminate an upload based on the termination extension.
The url
argument is the URL for the upload which you want to terminate. The options
argument is an object with the tus.defaultOptions
schema, which can be passed to specify certain request related options (e.g headers
, retryDelays
). If an error occurs during the process, the terminate
function may retry to send the request depending on the nature of the error, and depending on whether or not the retryDelays
options is set.
The function returns a Promise
object, which is resolved once the operation is complete, for example:
const url = ''
.then(function () {
// Upload has been terminated
.catch(function (err) {
// An error occurred during the termination
Query the URL storage using the input file's fingerprint to retrieve a list of uploads for the input file, which have previously been started by the user. If you want to resume one of this uploads, pass the corresponding object to tus.Upload#resumeFromPreviousUpload
before calling tus.Upload#start
The function returns a Promise
, which resolves to a list with following structure:
findPreviousUploads(): Promise<Array<PreviousUpload>>;
interface PreviousUpload {
size: number | null;
metadata: object
creationTime: string;
urlStorageKey: string;
An example and more details on how to use this function can be found in the Usage Guide.
Configure the upload instance to resume using the upload URL as specified in previousUpload
. The value in previousUpload
must be an object as returned from the tus.Upload#findPreviousUploads
An example and more details on how to use this function can be found in the Usage Guide.