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Digital Ocean Vagrant Provider

vagrant-digitalocean is a provider plugin for Vagrant that supports the management of Digital Ocean droplets (instances).

NOTE: The Chef provisioner is no longer supported by default (as of 0.2.0). Please use the vagrant-omnibus plugin to install Chef on Vagrant-managed machines. This plugin provides control over the specific version of Chef to install. The custom rebuild command will not work until a pull request is accepted within the vagrant-omnibus project. I will update the README when this is completed.

Current features include:

  • create and destroy droplets
  • power on and off droplets
  • rebuild a droplet
  • provision a droplet with the shell or Chef provisioners
  • setup a SSH public key for authentication
  • create a new user account during droplet creation

The provider has been tested with Vagrant 1.1.5 using Ubuntu 12.04 and CentOS 6.3 guest operating systems.


Installation of the provider requires two steps:

  1. Install the provider plugin using the Vagrant command-line interface:

     $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-digitalocean

NOTE: If you are using a Mac, you may need to install a CA bundle to enable SSL communication with the Digital Ocean API. It is recommended to first install Homebrew. With Homebrew installed, run the following command to install the bundle:

$ brew install curl-ca-bundle

Once the bundle is installed, add the following environment variable to your .bash_profile script and source it:

export SSL_CERT_FILE=/usr/local/opt/curl-ca-bundle/share/ca-bundle.crt


Once the provider has been installed, you will need to configure your project to use it. The most basic Vagrantfile to create a droplet on Digital Ocean is shown below:

Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|

  config.vm.provider :digital_ocean do |provider, override|
    override.ssh.private_key_path = '~/.ssh/id_rsa' = 'digital_ocean'
    override.vm.box_url = ""
    provider.client_id = 'YOUR CLIENT ID'
    provider.api_key = 'YOUR API KEY'

Please note the following:

  • You must specify the config.ssh.private_key_path to enable authentication with the droplet. The provider will create a new Digital Ocean SSH key using your public key which is assumed to be the private_key_path with a .pub extension.
  • You must specify your Digital Ocean Client and API keys. These may be found on the control panel within the My Settings > API Access section.
  • The Chef provisioner is installed via the vagrant-omnibus plugin. Please see its documentation for details.

Supported Configuration Attributes

The following attributes are available to further configure the provider:

  • provider.image - A string representing the image to use when creating a new droplet (e.g. Debian 6.0 x64). The available options may be found on Digital Ocean's new droplet form. It defaults to Ubuntu 12.04 x64 Server.
  • provider.region - A string representing the region to create the new droplet in. The available options are New York 1 and Amsterdam 1. It defaults to New York 1.
  • provider.size - A string representing the size to use when creating a new droplet (e.g. 1GB). It defaults to 512MB.
  • provider.ssh_key_name - A String representing the name to use when creating a Digital Ocean SSH key for droplet authentication. It defaults to Vagrant.

By default, the provider will create a new user account, vagrant, and setup the specified SSH key for authentication. To change the user, set config.ssh.username to the name of the account to create. When Vagrant 1.2 is released, a new user account will only be created if config.ssh.username is set.

NOTE: For those using a 0.0.x version of the provider, provider.ssh_username and provider.ssh_private_key_path have been removed in favor of the configuration options above.


After creating your project's Vagrantfile with the required configuration attributes described above, you may create a new droplet with the following command:

$ vagrant up --provider=digital_ocean

This command will create a new droplet, setup your SSH key for authentication, create a new user account, and run the provisioners you have configured.

Supported Commands

The provider supports the following Vagrant sub-commands:

  • vagrant destroy - Destroys the droplet instance.
  • vagrant ssh - Logs into the droplet instance using the configured user account.
  • vagrant halt - Powers off the droplet instance.
  • vagrant provision - Runs the configured provisioners and rsyncs any specified config.vm.synced_folder.
  • vagrant reload - Reboots the droplet instance.
  • vagrant rebuild - Destroys the droplet instance and recreates it with the same IP address is was assigned to previously.
  • vagrant status - Outputs the status (active, off, not created) for the droplet instance.


To contribute, clone the repository, and use Bundler to install dependencies:

$ bundle

To run the provider's tests:

$ bundle exec rake test

You can now make modifications. Running vagrant within the Bundler environment will ensure that plugins installed in your Vagrant environment are not loaded.